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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Influence of Culture and Body Conceptualization Orientations: A Cross-Cultural Study of Body Ideals in Mass Media Presentation

Zhou, Yutong 01 January 2018 (has links)
The proposed study aims to investigate the effects of culture and mass media images of female bodies in an active or static pose on mood, body idealization, and body dissatisfaction. Participants included female students with Chinese heritage culture (age M =21.26, SD =2.5) and 130 female students who identified with American heritage culture (age M =20.82, SD =1.2). Participants filled out an online survey distributed through Qualtrics, which includes a pre-and-post negative affect and body satisfaction measure. They were randomly assigned to one of three conditions, viewing posing models, models in active poses, or scenery images. Consistent with previous findings, the current study results showed a main effect of body conceptualization on participants’ body dissatisfaction and choice of ideal body image. Viewing pictures of models either in static or active poses led to significant increase in body dissatisfaction and increased the likelihood of choosing skinnier ideal body image as compared to the control condition. However, there was no main effect of culture and interaction between culture and body conceptualization. Future research is needed to explore other variables that might moderate the association between body conceptualization and participants’ psychological outcomes after exposing to body ideals in mass media presentations.

Análise experimental do escoamento transversal turbulento sobre dois cilindros paralelos fixos, com liberdade oscilatória e rotacional

Varela, Dolir Jose Climaco January 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho apresentada um estudo experimental do fenômeno de biestabilidade que ocorre na geometria simplificada de dois tubos dispostos lado a lado submetidos a um escoamento cruzado turbulento. Na análise consideram-se a condição de tubos fixos e com um grau de liberdade (rotacional), submetidos a diferentes números de Reynolds. A técnica experimental consiste na medição de flutuações de velocidade do escoamento através da anemometria de fio quente em canal aerodinâmico, na avaliação dos esforços do escoamento sobre os tubos com o uso de uma célula de carga e na visualização dos efeitos do fenômeno biestável sobre os tubos livres para rotacionar. Os dados obtidos da medição no canal são tratados com o uso de ferramentas estatísticas, espectrais e de ondaletas. Os resultados das visualizações do escoamento são apresentados através de imagens obtidas das filmagens realizadas com uma câmera digital. A investigação experimental consiste de ensaios de cilindros rígidos elasticamente montados e pivotados na base e posteriormente liberados para oscilar e/ou rotacionar em um eixo central aos dois tubos, submetidos ao escoamento perpendicular permanente de ar no canal Nos resultados experimentais observam-se a presença da biestabilidade e nota-se o comportamento não simultâneo deste fenômeno ao longo dos cilindros. A formação assimétrica das esteiras também é estudada e atribuída à interação entre os vórtices das esteiras, já que, inicialmente, o desprendimento dos vórtices atrás dos cilindros é simétrico. Na avaliação dos esforços por extensiometria, as etapas de condicionamento e aquisição do sinal foram elaboradas e os resultados de deformação mecânica apresentaram similaridade com o fenômeno observado na anemometria experimental. Para um número de Reynolds de 27635 encontrou-se uma força de 26,1 mN com um torque desenvolvido na célula de carga de 84,95Nmm. A técnica de visualização do fenômeno empregada corrobora a interpretação dos resultados obtidos através da técnica de anemometria de fio quente e extensiometria em canal aerodinâmico. / This paper presents an experimental study of the bistability phenomenon that occurs in the simplified geometry of two tubes arranged side by side submitted to a turbulent cross flow. In the analysis we consider the condition of fixed tubes and with a degree of freedom (rotational), submitted to different Reynolds numbers. The experimental technique consists in the measurement of velocity fluctuations through the aerodynamic channel with the hot wire anemometry technique, the evaluation of the stresses of the flow on the tubes with the use of a load cell and the visualization of the effects of the bistable phenomenon on the tubes free to rotate. The data obtained from the measurement in the channel are treated with the use of statistical, spectral and wavelet tools. The results of the flow visualizations are presented through images obtained with a high speed digital camera. The experimental investigation consists of tests of rigid cylinders mounted elastically and pivoted at the base and later released to oscillate and / or to rotate in a central axis to the two tubes, submitted to the flow of air in the channel In the experimental results we observe the presence of bistability and note the non-simultaneous behavior of the phenomenon along the cylinders. The asymmetric formation of the wakes is also studied and attributed to the interaction between the vortices from wakes behind the cylinders, since, initially, the wake detachments is symmetrical. In the evaluation of the forces by means of the extensiometry technique, the steps of conditioning and acquisition of the signal were elaborated and the results of mechanical deformation presented similarity with the phenomenon observed in the experimental anemometry. For a Reynolds number of 27635 a force of 26.1 mN was found with a torque developed in the load cell of 84.95 Nmm. The technique used for the visualization of the phenomenon corroborates the interpretation of the results obtained through hot wire anemometry and extensiometry in aerodynamic channel.

Análise numérica e experimental da biestabilidade turbulenta no escoamento transversal sobre cilindros paralelos com razão de espaçamento 1,26

Neumeister, Roberta Fátima January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda um estudo sobre o fenômeno de biestabilidade em escoamentos transversais turbulentos sobre dois cilindros lisos paralelos, com razão de espaçamento, p/d, de 1,26, utilizando abordagem numérica e experimental. Nas comparações consideram-se o domínio computacional e a seção de testes experimental equivalentes. As análises comparam escoamentos turbulentos com números de Reynolds subcríticos, variando entre Re = 17000 e Re = 26000, além disto, uma análise laminar comparativa com Re = 167 é executada. Nas avaliações experimentais utilizam-se velocidades médias e flutuações de velocidade, adquiridas com a técnica de anemometria de fio quente, exploram-se também dados de flutuações de pressão obtidos com microfones condensadores posicionados na parede do canal aerodinâmico. Para comparação experimental e numérica executam-se leituras de pressões estáticas ao longo do canal aerodinâmico. Os sinais temporais das aquisições são analisados estatisticamente com médias e momentos, transformada de Fourier e transformada de ondaletas para caracterização e identificação do fenômeno biestável. Na avaliação numérica é executada a solução das equações de Navier-Stokes, utilizando a simulação LES (Large Eddy Simulation) com modelo Smagorinsky-Lilly dinâmico para sub-malha e a simulação URANS (Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) com o modelo de turbulência k ω – SAS (Scale Adaptive Simulation). Os resultados das duas abordagens são comparados utilizando as médias de valores, comportamento temporal e valores do número de Strouhal. O estudo de qualidade de malha, com o método GCI (Grid Convergence Index), é aplicado nas malhas utilizadas em URANS. Para a validação da simulação LES, aplica-se análise de quantidade de energia cinética resolvida comparando com resultados experimentais e uma metodologia para verificação da solução descrita na literatura, com a qual um comparativo entre duas simulações LES com diferentes malhas é executado. Nos resultados numérico e experimental observam-se a presença da biestabilidade e nota-se o comportamento não simultâneo da mesma ao longo dos cilindros. Este comportamento é observado nas análises numérica e experimental. A formação assimétrica das esteiras também é estudada e atribuída à interação entre os vórtices das esteiras, já que, inicialmente, os desprendimentos dos mesmos são simétricos. Na investigação do escoamento entre os cilindros a presença da perturbação da velocidade média é observada, mas a mesma não apresenta relação direta com a troca biestável. A alteração do patamar da velocidade média, neste caso, é resultado da influência da troca de modos que acontece nas esteiras. A biestabilidade também é observada na flutuação de pressão, de forma similar ao comportamento obtido com flutuações de velocidade nos estudos da literatura. No comparativo entre os dois métodos numéricos observa-se boa concordância nos resultados obtidos utilizando URANS com modelo k ω – SAS em relação aos observados com LES, sendo possível prever os principais comportamentos, mesmo com a aplicação da lei de parede na região entre cilindros na simulação URANS. / This paper reports a study on the bistable phenomenon in turbulent crossflow over two parallel smooth cylinders with spacing rate, p/d, 1.26 using numerical and experimental approaches. In the comparisons, the computational domain and experimental tests section are considered equivalents. Turbulent flows with subcritical Reynolds numbers ranging between Re = 17000 and Re = 26000 are compared and, in addition, a comparative laminar analysis with Re = 167. In the experimental evaluations the mean velocity and fluctuations velocities are used and acquired with the hot-wire anemometry technique, exploiting also pressure fluctuations data, obtained with condenser microphones positioned in the wall of the aerodynamic channel. For experimental and numerical comparisons, the static pressure over the aerodynamic channel using pressure taps is executed. The temporal signals from the acquisitions are analyzed statistically with mean and moments, Fourier transform and wavelet transform for characterization and identification of the bistable phenomenon. In the numerical evaluation performed, the Navier-Stokes equations are solved using LES simulation (Large Eddy Simulation) with Smagorinsky-Lilly dynamic model for sub-grid and URANS simulation (Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) with the turbulence model k ω – SAS (Scale Adaptive Simulation). The results of the two numerical approaches are compared using the mean values, temporal behavior and values of the Strouhal number. The mesh quality study is executed using the GCI (Grid Convergence Index) for the mesh used in URANS. To validate the LES simulation, the amount of solved kinetic energy is compared with experimental amounts. For verification of the LES solution a method described on literature is used, in which a comparison between two LES simulations with different meshes is performed. In the numerical and experimental results, the presence of bistability were observed and in addition the non-simultaneous behavior of the phenomenon over the cylinder was identified in both analyzes. The wakes asymmetric formation was also studied and attributed to the interaction between the vortices of the wakes, since initially the detachments are symmetrical. In the investigation of the flow between the cylinders, the presence of the average velocity disturbance is observed, but it does not have direct relation with the bistable switch. The change in the average velocity level, in this case, is the result of the switching modes influence from the change in the wakes. The bistability is observed also in pressure fluctuation, similar to the behavior obtained with velocity fluctuations in the literature. Comparing the two numerical methods were observed good agreement in the results obtained using URANS with model k ω - SAS in relation to those observed with LES, being possible to predict the main behaviors, even with the application of wall law in the region between cylinders for the URANS simulation.

Análise da ocorrência do atraso de vaporização no escoamento do R-410A em tubos capilares adiabáticos. / Analysis on the delay of vaporization occurence for R-410A flow in adiabatic capillary tubes.

Carlos Augusto Simões Silva 18 December 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um estudo experimental sobre a ocorrência do atraso de vaporização no escoamento de misturas de fluidos refrigerantes em tubos capilares adiabáticos, com o intuito de aprimorar modelos de simulação do desempenho desse componente do ciclo de refrigeração previamente desenvolvidos. Foi realizada uma série de levantamentos experimentais para o R410A, uma mistura quase azeotrópica composta de 50% de HFC 32 e 50% de HFC 125 em base mássica, utilizando a unidade laboratorial para estudo de tubos capilares do Laboratório de Máquinas Térmicas do PMEEPUSP. Os sensores de temperatura foram posicionados adequadamente ao longo do tubo capilar, com maior concentração na região onde o atraso de vaporização tende a ocorrer, de forma a permitir uma determinação acurada do ponto onde se inicia a mudança de fase para diversas condições operacionais e geométricas. Primeiramente foram realizados estudos para caracterização de alguns parâmetros geométricos, como a medição dos diâmetros dos tubos capilares e a determinação das curvas de fator de atrito em função do n° de Reynolds para cada tubo capilar. A seguir foram realizados 27 ensaios, nos quais se obteve um total de 44 pontos experimentais, caracterizando o efeito de vários parâmetros geométricos e operacionais na diferença de pressão de saturação e no comprimento do trecho metaestável. Os dados obtidos foram correlacionados com os parâmetros experimentais no intuito de obter uma correlação para previsão da diferença de pressão de saturação no escoamento do R 410A em tubos capilares adiabáticos. A correlação obtida prevê 67% dos valores experimentais dentro da faixa de ± 26,4%, com um erro médio de 3,2%, resultado semelhante a outros trabalhos existentes na literatura. / This work presents the results of an experimental study on the occurrence of the delay of vaporization in the flow of refrigerant blends in adiabatic capillary tubes in order to improve previously developed models that simulate this component of refrigeration cycle. Experiments were carried out for R410A, a near azeotropic mixture composed of 50% of HFC 32 and 50% of HFC 125 on mass basis, using the capillary tubes laboratorial unit of the Mechanical Engineering Department of University of São Paulo. The temperature sensors was properly positioned along the capillary tubes, concentrated in the region where the delay of vaporization is expected to happen, to allow an accurate determination of the flashing point inception for a several operational conditions and geometries. Preliminary studies for characterization of some geometric parameters like capillary tubes diameters and determination of friction factor curves as function of the Reynolds number were performed. A total of 44 experimental points, collected from 27 runs, allowed the characterization of the effect of geometric and operational parameters on the underpressure of vaporization and metastable length. A correlation was developed for predicting the underpressure of vaporization as function of operational parameters and capillary tube geometry. The obtained correlation predicts 67% of experimental data within a ± 26,4% range, with an average error of 3,2%. This result is similar to other works in the literature.

Análise teórica e experimental de treliças espaciais / Theoretical and experimental analysis of space trusses

Alex Sander Clemente de Souza 27 March 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento de treliças espaciais formadas por elementos tubulares de seção circular, com ênfase no desempenho das tipologias de ligação utilizadas no Brasil. Foram ensaiadas experimentalmente 9 treliças espaciais com vãos de 7,5 x 15,0m e uma de 7,5m x 7,5m com altura de 1,5m, variando-se o tipo de ligação entre barras, com o objetivo de caracterizar e comparar o comportamento dos sistemas de ligações mais comuns (nó típico – extremidade estampada, nó de aço e nó com chapa de ponteira).A análise teórica, via elementos finitos, tem como objetivo aferir a validade dos modelos numéricos normalmente utilizados e refiná-los incluindo as características do comportamento estrutural observadas em ensaio. A análise numérica segue duas abordagens: análise global da estrutura incluindo os efeitos não-lineares, excentricidade na ligação e variação de seção nas extremidades das barras; com isso o comportamento das treliças ensaiadas foi representado de forma satisfatória. A análise do comportamento do nó típico, modelado tridimensionalmente com elementos de casca, possibilitou analisar a interação entre as barras na região nodal por meio de elementos de contato. Com esta modelagem, apesar das simplificações, foi possível reproduzir o modo de colapso observado experimentalmente. / This paper presents a study of the behavior of tubular circular section space trusses with the main emphasis placed on the performance of the various truss typologies used in Brazil. Nine space trusses with plan dimensions of 7.5m x 15.0m and one with plan dimensions of 7.5mx7.5m and height of 1.5m were tested. The joint type was varied with the objective to characterize and compare the behavior of the more common types of connection systems (typical node – stamped end, steel node, and end plate node). The theoretical analysis employing finite elements was adopted mainly to ascertain the validity of various numerical models commonly employed and hence refining them by including the some basic characteristics of the observed structural behavior.The numerical analysis employed was based on two methodologies: a global structural analysis that takes into account the effects of non-linearity, eccentricities at connection, and the variation of the end bars cross section. In this manner the actual behavior of the tested trusses was well represented. The analysis of the behavior of a typical node, modeled using tri-dimensional finite shell elements made it possible to analyze the interaction between bars that converge at the nodal region by applying contact elements. Despite it simplicity, predicted results of the collapse mode obtained by using the proposed model, very well reproduce the experimental observation.

Análise teórica e experimental do comportamento ao cisalhamento de vigas em alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto / Numerical and experimental analysis of the shear behaviour of concrete block masonry beams

Rafael Santos de Moraes 19 December 2017 (has links)
O comportamento mecânico de vigas em alvenaria estrutural submetidas ao cisalhamento é abordado de forma aprofundada neste trabalho. São apresentados neste estudo um extensivo levantamento bibliográfico, o qual estabelece um panorama sobre o tema, um programa experimental com ensaios de caracterização do material alvenaria e de vigas em escala natural e um estudo numérico das vigas ensaiadas em laboratório. Na etapa de caracterização dos materiais o comportamento compósito da alvenaria é analisado por meio de prismas submetidos à compressão em duas direções ortogonais, normal e paralela à junta. Para o estudo das vigas são realizados trinta e sete ensaios, nos quais são avaliadas as influências da geometria, das taxas de armaduras e da relação a/d (em que a é a distância da carga aplicada até o apoio e d é a altura útil) na capacidade resistente ao cisalhamento. Posteriormente, é realizada a modelagem numérica através do software DIANA® com o propósito de complementar as análises dos ensaios. A partir dos resultados experimentais e numéricos pôde-se concluir que, com exceção das vigas com armaduras longitudinais de 10 mm de diâmetro, os demais modelos atingiram a ruína por cisalhamento, devido à ausência de estribos ou pela sua insuficiência. O aumento da taxa de armadura longitudinal de 0,45 para 1,18% resultou em um incremento de 18,4% na resistência ao cisalhamento convencional. Para as duas geometrias (vigas com duas e três fiadas) e as duas relações a/d (0,77 e 1,72), constatou-se que não há uma melhora significativa na capacidade resistente quando a taxa de armadura transversal é aumentada de 0,05 para 0,07%. Os mecanismos resistentes, como o efeito de pino, foram efetivos na resistência dos modelos. Por fim, as análises numéricas reproduziram de forma satisfatória os experimentos, tanto no que diz respeito ao comportamento pré e pós-pico quanto na previsão da força última. / This work is an in depth study about the mechanical behaviour of masonry beams subjected to shear forces. An extensive literature review, which establishes a panorama on the subject, an experimental program considering material characterization and full scale beams tests and a numerical study for the tested beams are presented. For the beams, thirty seven tests are carried out in which the influence of geometry, reinforcements ratio and a/d ratio (where a is the distance from the load to adjacent support and d is the effective depth) on the shear strength are evaluated. Computational modelling is performed using the DIANA® software in order to complement the experimental results. From the experimental and numerical results it was possible to conclude that, except for beams with 10 mm diameter steel bar, the other models failed in shear, due to the absence of stirrups or their insufficiency. An increase in longitudinal reinforcement ratio from 0,45 to 1,18% improved the theoretical shear strength in 18,4%. For the beams with two and three courses and for a/d ratios 0,77 and 1,72 it was found that there is no significant improvement on the load capacity when the transverse reinforcement ratio is increased from 0,05 to 0,07%. Shear strength mechanisms, such as the dowel action, were effective in the models load capacity. Finally, the numerical analyzes satisfactorily reproduced the experiments, regarding to the pre and post-peak behaviour and in the prediction of the ultimate load.


TADEU HIROAKI TAKEY 11 March 2002 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de um novo sistema de laje mista com o uso de perfis metálicos de chapa dobrada e isopor seqüencialmente dispostos lado a lado e preenchidos com concreto de armado. A principal motivação para este estudo foi o desenvolvimento de um eficiente sistema de laje fácil e rápida de ser construído, e que fosse econômica. O sistema de laje desenvolvido maximiza o espaço livre útil da construção, eliminando a necessidade de formas e escoras tendo assim como conseqüência direta a minimização das perdas construtivas. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que os custos do novo sistema de laje são equivalentes aos outros métodos de construção de lajes, mas que outras características como o tempo e as perdas economizadas na fase construtiva viabilizam a utilização do novo sistema.O trabalho foi consta de três fases principais: primeiramente uma otimização do estudo dos perfis de chapa dobrada foi conduzida analisando as suas características estáticas e dinâmicas para o sistema de laje. Variáveis como peso, altura, espessura,tensão de escoamento, vão máximo, carga suportada por vão e por espessura da chapa metálica, momento máximo, capacidade de carga, minimização dos custos de fabricação e possibilidades de uso de vãos múltiplos foram validados. Quando a seção do perfil metálico estava definida e otimizada, foi estabelecido um estudo com uma série de 5 (cinco) testes em escala real. O propósito principal dos testes foi obter os estados limites último da seção do perfil adotado associado ao sistema de laje para validação do sistema estrutural. Os testes avaliaram a real aderência entre concreto e perfil metálico e sua influência no estado limite último de flexão, cisalhamento e deslizamento. Outra solução além da aderência química natural do concreto com o perfil metálico envolveram o uso de parafusos auto atarrachantes como conectores de cisalhamento. A fase final compreendeu a comparação dos resultados experimentais com as normas de aço para averiguar a validade dos resultados do sistema de laje mista. / [en] This work presents an investigation of an innovative composite slab system made of a steel deck and a styrofoam plate, side by side, filled with reinforced concrete. The objective of the present study was the development of an efficient composite slab system that is easy to manufacture, erect and also economic.The investigation started with a parametric design study of the steel deck profile.When an optimum steel deck profile was established the investigation proceeded with a series of full-scale- experiments. The tests enable the establishment of the ultimate and serviceability limit states associated with the investigated system.Another aim of the experiments was to investigate the concrete versus steel deck connection. Solutions using only the natural concrete versus steel adherence and others utilising shear connectors made of self-drilling bolts in the steel deck were considered. Finally current steel design codes were used to compare the experimental results and access the accuracy of the composite slab system In this paper a composite slab system developed for low-cost building construction is presented. Results and conclusions from a theoretical and experimental study were summarized below the work. Finally these composite slab systems can be implemented in large scale construction, just by the development of portable rolling equipment that can produce very long and continuous profiles, as required by the construction teamwork.


Pike, Erika 01 January 2017 (has links)
Cocaine users display impaired inhibitory control. The influence of cocaine-related stimuli on inhibitory control has not been assessed. The Attentional Bias-Behavioral Activation (ABBA) task uses cocaine and neutral images as cues to determine if drug-related images impair inhibitory control in cocaine users. This dissertation was designed to assess the influence of cocaine images on inhibitory control in cocaine users through the conduct of studies designed to address four aims. The first aim was to demonstrate that cocaine users display impaired inhibitory control following cocaine images compared to neutral images on the ABBA task. This was accomplished through the conduct of two experiments. The first experiment piloted the ABBA task and cocaine users completed the cocaine go (n = 15) or neutral go condition (n = 15) of the task. The second experiment consisted of two studies designed to develop a within-subjects methodology for using the ABBA task. In the first study, cocaine users completed either the cocaine go (n = 20) or neutral go (n = 20) condition of the ABBA task and all participants also completed the Cued Go/No-Go task, with geometric shapes as cues. In the second study, cocaine users (n = 18) completed the cocaine go condition of the ABBA task and a modified version of the ABBA task with all neutral images as cues to further refine a possible within-subjects methodology. The second aim was to demonstrate that inhibitory failures occur most often when cues are presented for short compared to longer durations of time. Data collected during other protocols (n = 91) were combined to investigate the influence of stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA; i.e., the amount of time a cue is presented before a target indicated a response should be executed or withheld) on inhibitory control following cocaine-related and neutral cues on the ABBA task. The third aim was to demonstrate impaired inhibitory control following cocaine images on the ABBA task is specific to cocaine users. Cocaine users (data collected in the second experiment of the first aim) and non-using control participants (n = 16) completed the cocaine go and all neutral conditions of the ABBA task and the Cued Go/No-Go task. The fourth aim was to demonstrate the feasibility and acceptability of inhibitory control training to cocaine-related stimuli with cocaine users. A small pilot clinical trial was conducted and cocaine users were randomly assigned to complete inhibitory control training to cocaine images or geometric shapes. Cocaine images impaired inhibitory control on the ABBA task, as demonstrated by an increased proportion of inhibitory failures in the cocaine go condition compared to the neutral go condition in Experiments 1, 2, and 4. The proportion of inhibitory failures following cocaine images in Experiment 4 was increased at short (i.e., 100, 200) compared to long SOAs. Cocaine images also impaired inhibitory control compared to the Cued Go/No-Go Task in Experiment 2, however there were no differences in the proportion of inhibitory failures between the cocaine go and all neutral conditions of the ABBA task. There were no differences between cocaine users and controls in Experiment 3 for the proportion of inhibitory failures on the ABBA or Cued Go/No-Go tasks, but controls responded faster indicating a speed/accuracy trade off occurred in the control group. Inhibitory control training as an approach to improve treatment outcomes is feasible, as indicated by attendance and accuracy on the training task, and participants rated the overall procedure as satisfactory in Experiment 5. A better understanding of inhibitory control in the presence of cocaine related cues could be crucial to better understand how drug cues contribute to the risk for relapse and the continued use of drugs because both occur in the presence of drug cues.

Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Optical Properties of Defects in GaN:

Diallo, Ibrahima Castillo 01 January 2017 (has links)
Using the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzherof (HSE06) hybrid functional method along with photoluminescence experimental measurements, we analyze the properties of intrinsic defects such as vacancies, interstitials, antisites, and common complexes. By using configurational coordinate diagrams, we estimate the likelihood of defects to be radiative or non-radiative. Our calculations show that gallium vacancies exhibit a large magnetic moment in the neutral charge state and are most likely non-radiative. We also investigate the correlation between the observed infrared PL bands created in 2.5 MeV electron-irradiated GaN samples and the formation of native defects. It is found that gallium-nitrogen divacancies are possible sources of the broad PL band peaking at 0.95 eV while interstitial gallium is likely to be responsible for the narrow infrared PL band centered around 0.85 eV, with a phonon fine structure at 0.88 eV. In addition to native defects, we also investigate the blue luminescence band (BL2) peaking at 3.0 eV that is observed in high-resistivity GaN samples. Under extended ultraviolet (UV) light exposure, the BL2 band transforms into the yellow luminescence (YL) band with a maximum at 2.2 eV. Our calculations suggest that the BL2 band is related to a hydrogen-carbon defect complex, either CNON-Hi or CN-Hi. The complex creates defect transition level close to the valence band, which is responsible for the BL2 band. Under UV illumination, the complex dissociates, leaving as byproduct the source of the YL band (CNON or CN) and interstitial hydrogen. In conclusion, theoretical predictions of thermodynamic and optical transitions of defects in GaN via the HSE06 method, are found to be within less than 0.2 eV when compared to experiment. Hence the HSE formalism is a powerful tool for the identification and characterization of defects responsible for observed PL bands in GaN.

Attentional Competition: Weapon Focus, Encoding Time, and Memory Accuracy Correlations between Crime Scene Items

Kekessie, Seyram 27 April 2015 (has links)
The present study examines the relationships between recognition and recall accuracy of faces, and recognition and recall accuracy of objects. Secondly, this study examines the influence of weapon presence on description and identification accuracy, and whether encoding time moderates the effect. 713 participants watched an image that was either displayed for five seconds or twenty seconds, and either included a weapon or no weapon. Subsequently, they were asked to give descriptions of what they saw before viewing a lineup that either included the perpetrator or was made up of innocent suspects. Results indicated that witnesses’ description accuracy of the crime scene had little or no predictive abilities with regards to their facial identification accuracy. Secondly, there was a weapon focus effect found for faces but not for objects. Furthermore, this effect was eliminated at long encoding times. Finally, increasing encoding time improved recognition of objects, but not faces. Results suggest that prior inaccuracy on one aspect of testimony is not necessarily indicative of subsequent inaccuracy on another aspect of testimony. This finding has implications for how jurors and judges should evaluate witness testimony when assessing credibility in the courtroom.

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