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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis of facial ageing transforms using three-dimensional morphable models

Hunter, David W. January 2009 (has links)
The ability to synthesise the effects of ageing in human faces has numerous uses from aiding the search for missing people to improving recognition algorithms and aiding surgical planning. The principal contribution of this thesis is a novel method for synthesising the visual effects of facial ageing using a training set of three-dimensional scans to train a statistical ageing model. This data-base is constructed by fitting a statistical Face Model known as a Morphable Model to a set of two dimensional photographs of a set of subjects at different age points in their lives. We verify the effectiveness of this algorithm with both quantitative and psychological evaluation. Most ageing research has concentrated on building models using two-dimensional images. This has two major shortcomings, firstly some of the information related to shape change may be lost by the projection to two-dimensions; secondly the algorithms are very sensitive to even slight variations in pose and lighting. By using standard face-fitting methods to fit a statistical face model to the image we overcome these problems by reconstructing the lost shape information, and can use a model of physical rotations and light transfer to overcome the issues of pose and rotation. We show that the three-dimensional models captured by face-fitting offer an effective method of synthesising facial ageing. The second contribution is a new algorithm for ageing a face model based on Projection to Latent Structures also known as Partial Least Squares. This method attempts to separate the training set into a set of basis vectors that best explains the shape and colour changes related to ageing from those factors within the training set that are unrelated to ageing. We show that this method is more accurate than other linear techniques at producing a face model that resembles the individual at the target age and of producing a face image of the correct perceived age. The third contribution is a careful evaluation of three well known ageing methods. We use both quantitative evaluation to determine the accuracy of the ageing method, and perceptual evaluation to determine how well the model performs in terms of perceived age increase and also identity retention. We show that linear methods more accurately capture ageing and identity information if they are trained using an individualised model, and that ageing is more accurately captured if PLS is used to train the model.

A Multi-Modal Approach for Face Modeling and Recognition

Mahoor, Mohammad Hossein 14 January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation describes a new methodology for multi-modal (2-D + 3-D) face modeling and recognition. There are advantages in using each modality for face recognition. For example, the problems of pose variation and illumination condition, which cannot be resolved easily by using the 2-D data, can be handled by using the 3-D data. However, texture, which is provided by 2-D data, is an important cue that cannot be ignored. Therefore, we use both the 2-D and 3-D modalities for face recognition and fuse the results of face recognition by each modality to boost the overall performance of the system. In this dissertation, we consider two different cases for multi-modal face modeling and recognition. In the first case, the 2-D and 3-D data are registered. In this case we develop a unified graph model called Attributed Relational Graph (ARG) for face modeling and recognition. Based on the ARG model, the 2-D and 3-D data are included in a single model. The developed ARG model consists of nodes, edges, and mutual relations. The nodes of the graph correspond to the landmark points that are extracted by an improved Active Shape Model (ASM) technique. In order to extract the facial landmarks robustly, we improve the Active Shape Model technique by using the color information. Then, at each node of the graph, we calculate the response of a set of log-Gabor filters applied to the facial image texture and shape information (depth values); these features are used to model the local structure of the face at each node of the graph. The edges of the graph are defined based on Delaunay triangulation and a set of mutual relations between the sides of the triangles are defined. The mutual relations boost the final performance of the system. The results of face matching using the 2-D and 3-D attributes and the mutual relations are fused at the score level. In the second case, the 2-D and 3-D data are not registered. This lack of registration could be due to different reasons such as time lapse between the data acquisitions. Therefore, the 2-D and 3-D modalities are modeled independently. For the 3-D modality, we developed a fully automated system for 3-D face modeling and recognition based on ridge images. The problem with shape matching approaches such as Iterative Closest Points (ICP) or Hausdorff distance is the computational complexity. We model the face by 3-D binary ridge images and use them for matching. In order to match the ridge points (either using the ICP or the Hausdorff distance), we extract three facial landmark points: namely, the two inner corners of the eyes and the tip of the nose, on the face surface using the Gaussian curvature. These three points are used for initial alignment of the constructed ridge images. As a result of using ridge points, which are just a fraction of the total points on the surface of the face, the computational complexity of the matching is reduced by two orders of magnitude. For the 2-D modality, we model the face using an Attributed Relational Graph. The results of the 2-D and 3-D matching are fused at the score level. There are various techniques to fuse the 2-D and 3-D modalities. In this dissertation, we fuse the matching results at the score level to enhance the overall performance of our face recognition system. We compare the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence and the weighted sum rule for fusion. We evaluate the performance of the above techniques for multi-modal face recognition on various databases such as Gavab range database, FRGC (Face Recognition Grand Challenge) V2.0, and the University of Miami face database.

Region-based face detection, segmentation and tracking. framework definition and application to other objects

Vilaplana Besler, Verónica 17 December 2010 (has links)
One of the central problems in computer vision is the automatic recognition of object classes. In particular, the detection of the class of human faces is a problem that generates special interest due to the large number of applications that require face detection as a first step. In this thesis we approach the problem of face detection as a joint detection and segmentation problem, in order to precisely localize faces with pixel accurate masks. Even though this is our primary goal, in finding a solution we have tried to create a general framework as independent as possible of the type of object being searched. For that purpose, the technique relies on a hierarchical region-based image model, the Binary Partition Tree, where objects are obtained by the union of regions in an image partition. In this work, this model is optimized for the face detection and segmentation tasks. Different merging and stopping criteria are proposed and compared through a large set of experiments. In the proposed system the intra-class variability of faces is managed within a learning framework. The face class is characterized using a set of descriptors measured on the tree nodes, and a set of one-class classifiers. The system is formed by two strong classifiers. First, a cascade of binary classifiers simplifies the search space, and afterwards, an ensemble of more complex classifiers performs the final classification of the tree nodes. The system is extensively tested on different face data sets, producing accurate segmentations and proving to be quite robust to variations in scale, position, orientation, lighting conditions and background complexity. We show that the technique proposed for faces can be easily adapted to detect other object classes. Since the construction of the image model does not depend on any object class, different objects can be detected and segmented using the appropriate object model on the same image model. New object models can be easily built by selecting and training a suitable set of descriptors and classifiers. Finally, a tracking mechanism is proposed. It combines the efficiency of the mean-shift algorithm with the use of regions to track and segment faces through a video sequence, where both the face and the camera may move. The method is extended to deal with other deformable objects, using a region-based graph-cut method for the final object segmentation at each frame. Experiments show that both mean-shift based trackers produce accurate segmentations even in difficult scenarios such as those with similar object and background colors and fast camera and object movements. Lloc i / Un dels problemes més importants en l'àrea de visió artificial és el reconeixement automàtic de classes d'objectes. En particular, la detecció de la classe de cares humanes és un problema que genera especial interès degut al gran nombre d'aplicacions que requereixen com a primer pas detectar les cares a l'escena. A aquesta tesis s'analitza el problema de detecció de cares com un problema conjunt de detecció i segmentació, per tal de localitzar de manera precisa les cares a l'escena amb màscares que arribin a precisions d'un píxel. Malgrat l'objectiu principal de la tesi és aquest, en el procés de trobar una solució s'ha intentat crear un marc de treball general i tan independent com fos possible del tipus d'objecte que s'està buscant. Amb aquest propòsit, la tècnica proposada fa ús d'un model jeràrquic d'imatge basat en regions, l'arbre binari de particions (BPT: Binary Partition Tree), en el qual els objectes s'obtenen com a unió de regions que provenen d'una partició de la imatge. En aquest treball, s'ha optimitzat el model per a les tasques de detecció i segmentació de cares. Per això, es proposen diferents criteris de fusió i de parada, els quals es comparen en un conjunt ampli d'experiments. En el sistema proposat, la variabilitat dins de la classe cara s'estudia dins d'un marc de treball d'aprenentatge automàtic. La classe cara es caracteritza fent servir un conjunt de descriptors, que es mesuren en els nodes de l'arbre, així com un conjunt de classificadors d'una única classe. El sistema està format per dos classificadors forts. Primer s'utilitza una cascada de classificadors binaris que realitzen una simplificació de l'espai de cerca i, posteriorment, s'aplica un conjunt de classificadors més complexes que produeixen la classificació final dels nodes de l'arbre. El sistema es testeja de manera exhaustiva sobre diferents bases de dades de cares, sobre les quals s'obtenen segmentacions precises provant així la robustesa del sistema en front a variacions d'escala, posició, orientació, condicions d'il·luminació i complexitat del fons de l'escena. A aquesta tesi es mostra també que la tècnica proposada per cares pot ser fàcilment adaptable a la detecció i segmentació d'altres classes d'objectes. Donat que la construcció del model d'imatge no depèn de la classe d'objecte que es pretén buscar, es pot detectar i segmentar diferents classes d'objectes fent servir, sobre el mateix model d'imatge, el model d'objecte apropiat. Nous models d'objecte poden ser fàcilment construïts mitjançant la selecció i l'entrenament d'un conjunt adient de descriptors i classificadors. Finalment, es proposa un mecanisme de seguiment. Aquest mecanisme combina l'eficiència de l'algorisme mean-shift amb l'ús de regions per fer el seguiment i segmentar les cares al llarg d'una seqüència de vídeo a la qual tant la càmera com la cara es poden moure. Aquest mètode s'estén al cas de seguiment d'altres objectes deformables, utilitzant una versió basada en regions de la tècnica de graph-cut per obtenir la segmentació final de l'objecte a cada imatge. Els experiments realitzats mostren que les dues versions del sistema de seguiment basat en l'algorisme mean-shift produeixen segmentacions acurades, fins i tot en entorns complicats com ara quan l'objecte i el fons de l'escena presenten colors similars o quan es produeix un moviment ràpid, ja sigui de la càmera o de l'objecte.

Avaliação dos serviços de atendimento ao traumatizado de face no estado de Sergipe

Bomfim, Ana Marlusia Alves 28 July 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Today the Brazilian cities have been the site of violent acts as consequence of the raise in the criminality, car accidents, violent sport activities, fall and interpersonal aggressions. Under the dentistry perspective, one should give attention to the face because it has been the target of constant traumas and lesions once it is the first contact in the interaction between the people. This work had the objective of diagnosing and analyzing the current state of the assistance to the face trauma victims in the state of Sergipe in what concerns the structure and the operation of the reference services (hospitals and ambulatories) of medium and high complexity. It was identified some relevant points about the assistance of victims of those traumas. The methodology used in this work was the descriptive explanatory study on seven pole-municipal districts in the health regions of the state of Sergipe. It was applied a questionary with 17 opened, closed and mixed questions. They were answered by the managers (coordinators and directors of the personnel of the hospitals and ambulatories staff) from each service of reference service. The data were submitted to the descriptive statistic analysis by means of distribution in percentage of the results. They pointed out that 65.1% of the units are precariously physically structured to assist somebody victim of trauma in the face. While 34.9% were satisfactorily prepared in structural terms to this activity. In what concerns the operation of those units, 61.6% presented failures on that category while 38.4% showed that they work satisfactorily. Those results had shown fragilities in the system of assistance system to the face trauma victim, once considering that they are units of reference. It allowed doing some suggestions to minimize the problem. / Atualmente, as cidades brasileiras têm sido palco de atos violentos decorrentes do aumento da criminalidade, dos acidentes automobilísticos, das atividades esportivas violentas, das quedas e agressões interpessoais. Sob o ponto de vista da Odontologia, deve-se dar atenção para a face, que tem sido alvo de constantes traumas e lesões, pelo fato de ser o primeiro contato de interação entre as pessoas. Este trabalho tem como finalidade diagnosticar e analisar a atual situação do atendimento ao traumatizado de face no Estado de Sergipe no tocante à estrutura e ao funcionamento dos serviços de referência (hospitais e ambulatórios) de média e alta complexidade. Foram verificados alguns pontos relevantes quanto ao atendimento das vítimas desses traumas. A metodologia empregada foi um estudo exploratório descritivo em sete Municípios-Pólo das regiões de saúde do Estado de Sergipe. Foi aplicado formulário contendo 17 perguntas abertas, fechadas e mistas, as quais foram respondidas pelos gestores (coordenadores e diretores de equipe dos hospitais e ambulatórios) de cada serviço de referência. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva, por meio da distribuição em percentagem dos resultados encontrados e evidenciaram que 65,1% das unidades estudadas estão precariamente estruturadas fisicamente para atender à pessoa vítima de trauma de face, enquanto que 34,9% estão satisfatoriamente preparadas em termos estruturais para esta atividade. No tocante ao funcionamento destas unidades, 61,6% apresentaram falhas nesta categoria, enquanto que 38,4% revelaram que funcionam satisfatoriamente. Esses resultados apontam fragilidades no sistema de atendimento ao traumatizado de face, considerando que são unidades de referência, permitindo que se façam sugestões no sentido de minimizar o problema.

Avaliação dos serviços de atendimento ao traumatizado de face no estado de Sergipe

Bomfim, Ana Marlusia Alves 28 July 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Today the Brazilian cities have been the site of violent acts as consequence of the raise in the criminality, car accidents, violent sport activities, fall and interpersonal aggressions. Under the dentistry perspective, one should give attention to the face because it has been the target of constant traumas and lesions once it is the first contact in the interaction between the people. This work had the objective of diagnosing and analyzing the current state of the assistance to the face trauma victims in the state of Sergipe in what concerns the structure and the operation of the reference services (hospitals and ambulatories) of medium and high complexity. It was identified some relevant points about the assistance of victims of those traumas. The methodology used in this work was the descriptive explanatory study on seven pole-municipal districts in the health regions of the state of Sergipe. It was applied a questionary with 17 opened, closed and mixed questions. They were answered by the managers (coordinators and directors of the personnel of the hospitals and ambulatories staff) from each service of reference service. The data were submitted to the descriptive statistic analysis by means of distribution in percentage of the results. They pointed out that 65.1% of the units are precariously physically structured to assist somebody victim of trauma in the face. While 34.9% were satisfactorily prepared in structural terms to this activity. In what concerns the operation of those units, 61.6% presented failures on that category while 38.4% showed that they work satisfactorily. Those results had shown fragilities in the system of assistance system to the face trauma victim, once considering that they are units of reference. It allowed doing some suggestions to minimize the problem. / Atualmente, as cidades brasileiras têm sido palco de atos violentos decorrentes do aumento da criminalidade, dos acidentes automobilísticos, das atividades esportivas violentas, das quedas e agressões interpessoais. Sob o ponto de vista da Odontologia, deve-se dar atenção para a face, que tem sido alvo de constantes traumas e lesões, pelo fato de ser o primeiro contato de interação entre as pessoas. Este trabalho tem como finalidade diagnosticar e analisar a atual situação do atendimento ao traumatizado de face no Estado de Sergipe no tocante à estrutura e ao funcionamento dos serviços de referência (hospitais e ambulatórios) de média e alta complexidade. Foram verificados alguns pontos relevantes quanto ao atendimento das vítimas desses traumas. A metodologia empregada foi um estudo exploratório descritivo em sete Municípios-Pólo das regiões de saúde do Estado de Sergipe. Foi aplicado formulário contendo 17 perguntas abertas, fechadas e mistas, as quais foram respondidas pelos gestores (coordenadores e diretores de equipe dos hospitais e ambulatórios) de cada serviço de referência. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva, por meio da distribuição em percentagem dos resultados encontrados e evidenciaram que 65,1% das unidades estudadas estão precariamente estruturadas fisicamente para atender à pessoa vítima de trauma de face, enquanto que 34,9% estão satisfatoriamente preparadas em termos estruturais para esta atividade. No tocante ao funcionamento destas unidades, 61,6% apresentaram falhas nesta categoria, enquanto que 38,4% revelaram que funcionam satisfatoriamente. Esses resultados apontam fragilidades no sistema de atendimento ao traumatizado de face, considerando que são unidades de referência, permitindo que se façam sugestões no sentido de minimizar o problema.

Generovaní databáze pro specifické případy identifikace osob / Dataset generation for specific cases of face recognition

Kolmačka, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with current problems of person identification and deep learning. Furthermore, the work deals mainly with obtaining quality and diverse data that are used to train deep learning with convolutional neural networks for face recognition. There is very little public access to such data, so the practical part focuses on creating the MakeHuman plugin that will generate a database of random face images. It is possible to generate faces according to five different scenarios in which purely random faces or faces where the same can be seen with modifications such as different hair, beard, hat, glasses and more are created. The scenarios also allow you to generate faces with some expressions or faces as they age. You can set some parameters that give the appearance of the resulting database in the plugin. This can include face images from different angles of rotation, zooming and lighting.

Identifikace obličeje na platformě Android / Face Identification on Android Platform

Karhánek, Martin January 2011 (has links)
This work describes ways to use a person identification based on faces on mobile devices with Android platform. A reader is introduced into a structure of this system and a way to create applications for it. Besides, there are also methods usable to the face identification. Some of these methods (used in an implementation) are described in more detail. This work also contains a description of model AAM (Active Appearance Model) for implementing in mobile devices and evaluation of used algorithms results.

Určení směru pohledu / Gaze Detection

Caha, Miloš January 2010 (has links)
Main object of this work is to design and implement the algorithm for look direction determination, respectively the head movement. More specifically, it is a system that searches face in the video and then detects points, suitable for view direction estimation of tracked person. Estimation is realized using searching transformation, which has been performed on key points during head movement. For accuracy enhancement the calibration frames are used. Calibration frames determines the key points transformation in defined view directions. Main result is an application able to determine deflection of head from straight position in horizontal and vertical direction for tracked person. Output doesn't contain only information about deflection direction, but it also contains the size of deflection.

Levinas on the 'Origin' of Justice: Kant, Heidegger, and a Communal Structure of Difference

Tomasello, Olga 01 May 2014 (has links)
The way we understand community fundamentally structures the way we approach justice. In opposition to totalizing structures of justice founded upon an ontological conception of community, Emmanuel Levinas conceives the possibility of a political or social structure of difference. I argue that the conceptions of community presented by Kant and Heidegger, either as a harmonious, unified being in common, or as a common-identity disclosed beneath the ontological horizon of being-with, necessarily leads to violence. This violence is reflected in the forms of justice instantiated by these philosophies, which privilege the ‘light’ of the universal over the particularity of individuals in the face-to-face encounter, ultimately corrupting and nullifying one’s anarchic moral responsibility for the Other. The intent of this thesis is to argue that justice can only remain just if it is seen, not on the basis of a communal ‘light’ that absorbs, integrates, and incorporates the Other as an element of a system, but as founded on the anarchic responsibility of the one-for-the-Other. Justice, I will show, cannot be seen as an aim of a community—complete and self-sufficient—in achieving an end, but as a rupture, a disturbance, as a call made among a multitude of particular, unique Others by which ethics (the face-to-face) is fundamental.

Effects of substituted benzylphenols and some insect growth regulators on the reproduction of face fly, Musca autumnalis De Geer

Gonzaga, Vicente G. January 1984 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1984 G66 / Master of Science

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