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Analýza a vyhodnocení provozních nákladů autobusové linky č. 49 Dopravního podniku města Brna / Analysis and Evaluation of the Operating Costs of the Bus Line No. 49 Provided by the Brno Transport CompanyZemanová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of operating costs analysis and their evaluation on the bus line No. 49 provided by Brno transport company. The first part is focused on history and current status of the Brno transport company. In the second part the route of the bus line No. 49 and technical parameters of Crossway Low Entry bus are further specified. Finally the thesis describes all costs to ensure the operation of this line.
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Analýza a vyhodnocení provozních nákladů autobusové linky č. 67 Dopravního podniku města Brna / Analysis and Evaluation of the Operating Costs of the Bus Line No. 67 Provided by the Brno Transport CompanyHoráková, Eva January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis analysis and evaluates operating costs of the bus line no. 67 provided by the Brno transport company. The first part deals with history and current status of the Brno Transport Company and bus transport. The second part describes bus line no. 67. The last part deals with operating costs and indicators that affect fuel consumption.
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Analýza a vyhodnocení nákladů autobusové linky regionální dopravy / Cost analysis and evaluation of a bus line in regional transportationRypák, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deal with analysis and evaluation of the operating costs of bus line no. 107 with emphasis of fuel costs. The first part is devoted to the history, formation of bus transport, foundation of selected bus company and current status. The second part deals with the selected bus line no. 107. The third part is devoted to analysis of operating costs. The last part proposes measures for eliminating the costs of fuel consumption.
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Electro-hydraulic SWOT-analysis on electro-hydraulic drives in construction machineryInderelst, Martin, Prust, David, Siegmund, Michael 26 June 2020 (has links)
This paper discusses the potential of centralized or decentralized electro-hydraulic (EH)-drives in comparison to conventional hydraulic systems. The systems are presented in diagrams covering the major electric and hydraulic components for an exemplary application, but also include specific technical data like the sizing of the components according to power, pressure, rotational speeds etc. In a second step, all systems are compared and evaluated based on criteria like design effort, energy saving potential, controllability, and servicing and maintenance of the machine. The resulting effects on fuel consumption are summarized as well. Finally, an evaluation of the potential of EH-drives in construction machinery and a derivation of the demands for future customization of electro-hydraulic linear drives is given on the basis of a SWOT-analysis from the point of view of a construction machinery OEM.
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Complex Vehicle Modeling: A Data Driven ApproachSchoen, Alexander C. 12 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This thesis proposes an artificial neural network (NN) model to predict fuel consumption in heavy vehicles. The model uses predictors derived from vehicle speed, mass, and road grade. These variables are readily available from telematics devices that are becoming an integral part of connected vehicles. The model predictors are aggregated over a fixed distance traveled (i.e., window) instead of fixed time interval. It was found that 1km windows is most appropriate for the vocations studied in this thesis. Two vocations were studied, refuse and delivery trucks.
The proposed NN model was compared to two traditional models. The first is a parametric model similar to one found in the literature. The second is a linear regression model that uses the same features developed for the NN model.
The confidence level of the models using these three methods were calculated in order to evaluate the models variances. It was found that the NN models produce lower point-wise error. However, the stability of the models are not as high as regression models. In order to improve the variance of the NN models, an ensemble based on the average of 5-fold models was created.
Finally, the confidence level of each model is analyzed in order to understand how much error is expected from each model. The mean training error was used to correct the ensemble predictions for five K-Fold models. The ensemble K-fold model predictions are more reliable than the single NN and has lower confidence interval than both the parametric and regression models.
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Разработка методики определения норм расхода топлива автомобилей в реальных условиях эксплуатации : магистерская диссертация / Development of methods for determining the rate of fuel consumption of cars in real conditions of exploitationРогачев, В. А., Rogachev, V. A. January 2019 (has links)
В данной работе проведено исследование по совершенствованию системы нормирования расхода топлива на основе конкретизации и установления закономерностей изменения его расхода под влиянием природно-климатических условий округов Свердловской области. / In this paper, a study was conducted to improve the system of fuel consumption rationing based on concretization and establishing patterns of changes in its consumption under the influence of the natural and climatic conditions of the districts of the Sverdlovsk region.
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Contribution to the Assessment of the Potential of Low Viscosity Engine Oils to Reduce ICE Fuel Consumption and CO2 EmissionsRamírez Roa, Leonardo Andrés 02 November 2016 (has links)
[EN] The automotive industry is currently experiencing one of its most rapidly
changing periods in recent decades, driven by a growing interest in reducing the
negative environmental impacts caused by fossil fuels consumption and the resulting
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions generated during the operation of the
internal combustion engine (ICE) which have proven to contribute significantly
to Global Warming.
Given the fact that a total replacement of the current fleet, dependent of fossil
fuels, is unlikely to happen in the immediate future and the urgency to reducing
CO2 emissions from transportation in order to tackle Global Warming, it is possible
to say that optimizing current ICE technologies and conventional vehicles
and engines is a first order priority. Among the technical solutions developed to
improve the efficiency of ICE, low viscosity engine oils (LVEO) have emerged as
an effective and low-cost method that provides reductions in fuel consumption
between 0.5% and 5%.
During the development of this thesis, a test plan focused on determining
fuel consumption reduction when low viscosity oils are used in light duty vehicles
(LDV) and heavy duty vehicles (HDV) were carried out. The test plan has been
divided in three parts; the first part was focused on the study of light-duty vehicles
(LDV) using one diesel engine representative of the European market. During this
part three testing modes were used: comparative motored, fired stationary points
and transient homologation cycle tests. All test were performed in the engine
test bed. The second part of the study consisted of another comparative test,
this time using a different engine oils in a HDV fleet. The study was conducted
using the urban buses fleet of the city of Valencia, including 3 buses models ,
with 2 different powertrain technologies. The third part of the study was focused
on the friction coefficient behavior within the engine tribological pairs making
comparative tests in two specialized tribometers; one of reciprocating action to
simulate the lubrication conditions in the piston ring-cylinder liner contact and
a "ball-on-disk" tribometer to simulate the lubrication in the distribution system.
The various comparative studies have served to analyze how the friction and fuel
consumption responded when LVEO were used both in the ICE and the complete
vehicle contexts. The fuel consumption benefit found during the test was used to
calculate the carbon footprint reduction when LVEO were used. / [ES] Actualmente la industria de la automoción vive uno de los periodos de cambio
más vertiginosos de las últimas décadas, marcado por un creciente interés en
reducir los impactos medioambientales negativos generados por el consumo de
combustibles fósiles y sus consecuentes emisiones nocivas de dioxido de carbono
(CO2) generados durante el funcionamiento del motor de combustión interna
alternativo (MCIA).
Teniendo en cuenta que el proceso de sustitución de la flota actual por una totalmente
independiente de los combustibles fósiles puede tomar varias décadas,
y ante la urgencia inmediata de reducir las emisiones de CO2, se puede decir que
actualmente es más urgente hacer una optimización de los vehículos con motorizaciones
convencionales. Entre las soluciones técnicas que se han desarrollado
para mejorar la eficiencia del MCIA destaca la utilización de aceites de baja viscosidad
como un método efectivo y de bajo coste de implementación que brinda
reducciones del consumo entre el 0.5% y el 5%.
Durante el desarrollo de esta tesis se ha llevado a cabo un plan de ensayos
enfocado en determinar valores concretos de ahorro de combustible esperados
cuando se utilizan aceites de baja viscosidad en vehículos de trabajo ligero y pesado.
El plan de estudios se dividió en tres partes; la primera se centró en el estudio
de MCIA de vehículos de trabajo ligero, utilizando un motor Diesel representativo
del mercado Europeo y llevando a cabo pruebas comparativas en arrastre,
puntos de funcionamiento estacionarios y ciclos transitorios de homologación. La
segunda parte del estudio consta de otro ensayo comparativo, esta vez utilizando
una flota de vehículos de trabajo pesado. El estudio se realizó con la flota de autobuses
urbanos de la ciudad de Valencia, incluyéndose 3 modelos de autobuses,
con 2 tipos de motorización diferente. La tercera parte del estudio se centró en el
comportamiento del coeficiente de friction en los pares tribológicos del motor haciendo
ensayos comparativos con tribómetros especializados; uno de movimiento
alternativo para simular las condiciones de la interfaz piston-camisa y un "bola y
disco" para simular la lubricación en el sistema de distribución, específicamente
en la interfaz leva-taqué.
Los diversos estudios comparativos han servido para analizar como es la respuesta
general de la fricción y el consumo de combustible cuando se usan aceites
de baja viscosidad, tanto a nivel de motor como para la totalidad del vehículo, encontrando
diferencias de par en los ensayos de arrastre, de consumo específico de
combustible en los ensayos de motor en estado estacionario y diferencias totales
de consumo de combustible en los ensayos en régimen transitorio y en flota, que
a su vez han permitido estimar la reducción esperada en la huella de carbono. / [CA] Actualment la indústria de l'automoció viu un dels períodes de canvi més vertiginoses
de les últimes dècades, marcat per un creixent interès en reduir els impactes
mediambientals negatius generats pel consum de combustibles fòssils i els
seus conseqüents emissions nocives de diòxid de carboni (CO2) generats durant
el funcionament del motor de combustió interna alternatiu (MCIA).
Tenint en compte que el procés de substitució de la flota actual per una totalment
independent dels combustibles fòssils pot prendre diverses dècades, i davant
la urgència immediata de reduir les emissions de CO2, es pot dir que actualment és
més urgent fer una optimització dels vehicles amb motoritzacions convencionals.
Entre les solucions tècniques que s'han desenvolupat per millorar l'eficiència del
MCIA destaca la utilització d'olis de baixa viscositat com un mètode efectiu i de
baix cost d'implementació que brinda reduccions del consum entre el 0.5% i el
Durant el desenvolupament d'aquesta tesi s'ha dut a terme un pla d'assajos
enfocat a determinar valors concrets d'estalvi de combustible esperats quan
s'utilitzen olis de baixa viscositat en vehicles de treball lleuger i pesat. El pla
d'estudis es va dividir en tres parts; la primera es va centrar en l'estudi de MCIA
de vehicles de treball lleuger, utilitzant un motor dièsel representatiu del mercat
Europeu i portant a terme proves comparatives en arrossegament, punts de
funcionament estacionaris i cicles transitoris d'homologació. la segona part de
l'estudi consta d'un altre assaig comparatiu, aquest cop utilitzant una flota de vehicles
de treball pesat. L'estudi es va realitzar amb la flota d'autobusos urbans
de la ciutat de València, incloent-se 3 models d'autobusos, amb 2 tipus de motorització
diferent. La tercera part de l'estudi es va centrar en el comportament
del coeficient de friction en els parells tribològics del motor fent assajos comparatius
amb tribómetros especialitzats; Un acció reciprocante per simular les condicions
del piston camisa i un bola i disc per simular la lubricació en el sistema de
Els diversos estudis comparatius han servit per analitzar com és la resposta
general de la fricció i el consum de combustible quan es fan servir olis de baixa
viscositat, tant a nivell de motor com la totalitat del vehicle, trobant diferències
de bat a els assajos d'arrossegament, de consum específic de combustible en els
assajos de motor en estat estacionari i diferències totals de consum de combustible
en els assajos en règim transitori i en flota, que al seu torn han permès calcular la
reducció en la petjada de carbono. / Ramírez Roa, LA. (2016). Contribution to the Assessment of the Potential of Low Viscosity Engine Oils to Reduce ICE Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/73068
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A dynamic program for minimum cost ship routing under uncertaintyChen, H. (Henry) January 1978 (has links)
Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Ocean Engineering, 1978 / Includes bibliographical references. / by H.T. Chen. / Ph. D. / Ph. D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Ocean Engineering
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Modellierung, Simulation und Bewertung parallel-hybrider Antriebskonfigurationen für dieselhydraulische Triebwagen im Nah- und RegionalverkehrKache, Martin 03 June 2014 (has links)
Ausgangspunkt der Untersuchung ist die Frage, ob Hybridkonzepte auf hydrostatischer Grundlage eine realistische Alternative zu elektrohybriden Antriebskonfigurationen für Dieseltriebwagen sein können. Die Untersuchung dieser Fragestellung erfolgt mit Hilfe von Simulationsmodellen, die auf der 1-d-Simulationsumgebung Imagine.Lab AMESim beruhen.
Zunächst wird die fahrdynamische und antriebstechnische Modellierung eines dieselhydraulischen Regionaltriebwagens unter Berücksichtigung einer energiesparenden Fahrweise dargestellt.
Ausgehend von Massenbilanzen werden untereinander vergleichbare Hybridkonfigurationen auf hydrostatischer (Gasdruckspeicher), elektrostatischer (Doppelschichtkondensatoren) und elektrochemischer (Li-Ionen-Speicher) Basis entwickelt. Die Modellierung der hydraulischen und elektrischen Antriebsstränge wird eingehend diskutiert. Die abgeleiteten Hybridkonfigurationen werden anschließend bezüglich spezieller Fahrspiele und Betriebskonzepte detailliert untersucht, um auf dieser Grundlage günstige Parametrierungen der Systeme ableiten und die günstigste Betriebsstrategie identifizieren zu können.
Anschließend wird eine umfangreiche Analyse des Verhaltens der verschiedenen Hybridkonfigurationen auf ausgewählten realen Nahverkehrsstrecken vorgenommen. Im Rahmen der durchgeführten Simulationen wird schließlich das Kraftstoffeinsparpotential in Abhängigkeit von Streckenprofil, Hybridkonfiguration und Zugart ermittelt und verglichen.
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Improving Knowledge of Truck Fuel Consumption Using Data AnalysisJohnsen, Sofia, Felldin, Sarah January 2016 (has links)
The large potential of big data and how it has brought value into various industries have been established in research. Since big data has such large potential if handled and analyzed in the right way, revealing information to support decision making in an organization, this thesis is conducted as a case study at an automotive manufacturer with access to large amounts of customer usage data of their vehicles. The reason for performing an analysis of this kind of data is based on the cornerstones of Total Quality Management with the end objective of increasing customer satisfaction of the concerned products or services. The case study includes a data analysis exploring how and if patterns about what affects fuel consumption can be revealed from aggregated customer usage data of trucks linked to truck applications. Based on the case study, conclusions are drawn about how a company can use this type of analysis as well as how to handle the data in order to turn it into business value. The data analysis reveals properties describing truck usage using Factor Analysis and Principal Component Analysis. Especially one property is concluded to be important as it appears in the result of both techniques. Based on these properties the trucks are clustered using k-means and Hierarchical Clustering which shows groups of trucks where the importance of the properties varies. Due to the homogeneity and complexity of the chosen data, the clusters of trucks cannot be linked to truck applications. This would require data that is more easily interpretable. Finally, the importance for fuel consumption in the clusters is explored using model estimation. A comparison of Principal Component Regression (PCR) and the two regularization techniques Lasso and Elastic Net is made. PCR results in poor models difficult to evaluate. The two regularization techniques however outperform PCR, both giving a higher and very similar explained variance. The three techniques do not show obvious similarities in the models and no conclusions can therefore be drawn concerning what is important for fuel consumption. During the data analysis many problems with the data are discovered, which are linked to managerial and technical issues of big data. This leads to for example that some of the parameters interesting for the analysis cannot be used and this is likely to have an impact on the inability to get unanimous results in the model estimations. It is also concluded that the data was not originally intended for this type of analysis of large populations, but rather for testing and engineering purposes. Nevertheless, this type of data still contains valuable information and can be used if managed in the right way. From the case study it can be concluded that in order to use the data for more advanced analysis a big-data plan is needed at a strategic level in the organization. The plan summarizes the suggested solution for the managerial issues of the big data for the organization. This plan describes how to handle the data, how the analytic models revealing the information should be designed and the tools and organizational capabilities needed to support the people using the information.
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