Spelling suggestions: "subject:"1amily 16"" "subject:"bamily 16""
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Engineering carbohydrate-active enzymes: specificity and activity remodeledAddington, Trevor 26 January 2009 (has links)
To understand and modify the secondary cell walls of plants the project group Enzyme Discovery in Hybrid Aspen for Fiber Engineering (EDEN) was founded composed of nine laboratories with funding from the European Commission. The main target of EDEN´s research is to genetically engineer fiber structure in order to produce transgenic trees with modified properties for the pulp and paper industries. In this target framework, the Populus tremula x tremuloides xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (PttXET16A) was selected for in-depth study of its transglycosylase activity catalyzing cleavage and reconnection of xyloglucan molecules, which is proposed to be involved in secondary cell wall morphogenesis. The creation of a family 16 carbohydrate active enzyme -glucanase/XET hybrids were attempted in order to design a chimeric enzyme with one or more of the following altered properties: specificity, activity, and or stability. The two enzymes, Bacillus licheniformis 1,3-1,4--glucanase and Populus tremula x tremuloides xyloglucan endotransglycosylase, are members of the same enzymatic family and have highly homologous 3-dimensional structures. However, the enzymes exhibit different activities, one a hydrolase the other a transferase; different specificities, one accepts only linear glcosydic substrates while the other branched substrates; and different stabilities. Hybrid enzyme construction represented an investigational challenge in order to understand what physical characteristics of both enzymes attribute to the specific pattern of activity and specificity observed.Removal of the 1,3-1,4--glucanase major loop resulted in a folded protein which still maintained some β-glucan hydrolase activity. However, no xyloglucan endotransglycosylase-like activity or specificity was observed. Next, point mutations of the β-sheets forming the enzymatic binding site cleft were mutated to resemble PttXET16A residues. The final chimeric protein neither exhibited XET nor β-glucanase activities. Structural analysis by X-ray crystallography revealed a major unexpected structural rearrangement providing a clear insight for further enzyme engineering. / Amb la finalitat d'entendre i modificar la paret cel·lular secundària de les plantes, es va fundar el grup Enzyme Discovery in Hibrid Aspen for Fibern Engineering (EDEN) composat per nou laboratoris amb la finançament de la Comissió Europea. El principal objectiu de la recerca del grup EDEN és enginyar genèticament l'estructura de fibres per tal de produir arbres transgènics amb propietats modificades per les indústries de la polpa i el paper.En el marc d'aquest projecte, es va seleccionar el Populus tremula x tremuloides xiloglucà endotransglicosilasa (PttXET16A) per estudiar en profunditat la seva activitat transglicosilasa catalitzant el trencament i la reconnexió de molècules de xiloglucà, el qual sembla estar involucrat en la morfogènesi de la paret cel·lular secundària. D'aquesta manera, s'intentà crear una família 16 d'híbrids de l'enzim actiu amb carbohidrats -glucanasa/XET per tal de dissenyar un enzim quimèric amb una o més de les propietats següents alterades: especificitat, activitat i/o estabilitat.Els dos enzims, Bacillus licheniformis 1,3-1,4--glucanasa i Populus tremula x tremuloides xiloglucà endotransglicosilasa, són membres de la mateixa família enzimàtica i tenen una gran homologia en les seves estructures en 3-dimensions. Tot i així, aquests enzims presenten diferents activitats, un presenta activitat hidrolasa i l'altre, transferasa; diferents especificitats, un accepta només substrats glicosílics lineals mentre l'altre, substrats ramificats; i diferents estabilitats. La construcció d'un enzim híbrid representa un repte en la investigació amb la finalitat d'entendre quines característiques físiques dels dos enzims s'atribueixen al model específic de l'activitat i especificitat observada.L'extracció del llaç més gran de l'1,3-1,4--glucanasa va resultar en l'obtenció d'una proteïna plegada que encara manté certa activitat hidrolasa del -glucà. Tot i això, no s'observà activitat o especificitat similar a la xiloglucà endotransglicosilasa. A partir d'aquí, es realitzaren mutacions puntuals a diferents punts de les fulles  que formen l'escletxa del lloc d'unió de l'enzim per assemblar-se als residus del PttXET16A. La proteïna quimèrica final tampoc presentava activitat XET ni -glucanasa. L'anàlisi de l'estructura per cristal·lografia de raigs X revelà una major reorganització estructural de l'esperada proveint el nou enzim d'un clar espai intern que obra moltes més portes a l'enginyeria de l'enzim. / Con la finalidad de entender y modificar la pared celular secundaria de las plantas, se fundó el grupo Enzyme Discovery in Hibrid Aspen for Fibern Engineering (EDEN) compuesto por nueve laboratorios con la financiación de la Comisión Europea. El principal objetivo de la búsqueda del grupo EDEN es ingeniar genéticamente la estructura de fibras para producir árboles transgénicos con propiedades modificadas para las industrias de la pulpa y el papel. En el marco de este proyecto, se seleccionó el Populus tremula x tremuloides xiloglucán endotransglicosilasa (PttXET16A) para estudiar en profundidad su actividad transglicosilasa catalizando la rotura y la reconnexión de moléculas de xiloglucán, el cual parece estar involucrado en la morfogénesis de la pared celular secundaria. De esta forma, se intentó crear una familia 16 de híbridos de la enzima activa con carbohidratos -glucanasa/XET con la finalidad de diseñar una enzima quimérica con una o más de las propiedades siguientes alteradas: especificidad, actividad y/o estabilidad. Las dos enzimas, Bacillus licheniformis 1,3-1,4--glucanasa y Populus tremula x tremuloides xiloglucà endotransglicosilasa, son miembros de la misma familia enzimática y tienen una gran homología en sus estructuras en 3-dimensiones. Aún así, estas enzimas presentan diferentes actividades, una tiene actividad hidrolasa y la otra, transferasa; diferentes especificidades, una acepta sólo sustratos glicosílicos lineales mientras la otra, sustratos ramificados; y diferentes estabilidades. La construcción de una enzima híbrida representa un reto dentro de la investigación con la finalidad de entender qué características físicas de las dos enzimas se atribuyen al modelo específico de la actividad y especificidad observada. La extracción del lazo más grande de la 1,3-1,4--glucanasa resultó en la obtención de una proteína plegada que todavía mantiene cierta actividad hidrolasa del -glucán. Aún así, no se observó actividad o especificidad similar a la xiloglucán endotransglicosilasa. A partir de este punto, se realizaron mutaciones puntuales a diferentes puntos de las hojas  que forman la brecha del lugar de unión de la enzima por asemejarse a los residuos del PttXET16A. La proteína quimérica final tampoco presentaba actividad XET ni -glucanasa. El análisis de la estructura por cristalografía de rayos X reveló una mayor reorganización estructural de la esperada proveyendo la nueva enzima de un claro espacio interno que obre muchas más puertas a la ingeniería de la enzima.
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In vitro and in vivo approaches in the characterization of XTH gene productsKaewthai, Nomchit January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT The xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase/hydrolase (XTH) genes are found in all vascular and some nonvascular plants. The XTH genes encode proteins which comprise a subfamily of glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 16 in the Carbohydrate-Active enZYmes (CAZY) classification. The XTH gene products are believed to play intrinsic role in cell wall modification during growth and development throughout the lifetime of the plant. In the present investigation, biochemical and reverse genetic approaches were used to better understand the functions of individual members of the XTH gene family of two important plants: the model organism Arabidopsis thaliana and the grain crop barley (Hordeum vulgare). A phylogenetic tree of the xyloglucan-active enzymes of GH16 has previously been constructed, where enzymes with similar activities have been shown to cluster together. Several members of phylogenetic Group I/II and III-B, predicted to exhibit xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase activity (EC and members of Group III-A, predicted to exhibit xyloglucan endo-hydrolase activity (EC, were included to analyze the functional diversity of XTH gene products. A heterologous expression system using the yeast Pichia pastoris was found to be effective for recombinant protein production with a success rate of ca. 50%. XTH gene products were obtained in soluble and active forms for subsequent biochemical characterization. In order to be able to screen larger numbers of protein producing clones, a fast and easy method is required to identify clones expressing active protein in high enough amounts. Thus, a miniaturized XET/XEH assay for high-throughput analysis was developed, which was able to identify activities with good precision and with a reduced time and materials consumption and a reduced work load. Enzyme kinetic analysis indicated that the XET or XEH activity of all XTH gene products characterized in the present study corresponded to predictions based on the previously revised phylogenetic clustering. To gain insight into the biological function of the predominant XEHs AtXTH31 and AtXTH32, which are highly expressed in rapidly developing tissues, a reverse genetic approach was employed using T-DNA insertion lines of the A. thaliana Columbia ecotype. Genotypic and phenotypic characterization, together with in situ assays of XET and XEH activities, in single- and double-knock-out mutants indicated that these Group III-A enzymes are active in expanding tissues of the A. thaliana roots and hypocotyl. Although suppression of in muro XEH activity was clearly observed in the double-knock-out, no significant growth phenotype was observed, with the exception that radicle emergence appeared to be faster than in the wild type plants. Keywords: Arabidopis thaliana, Hordeum vulgare, plant cell wall, xyloglucan, glycoside hydrolase family 16, xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase/hydrolase gene family, xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase, xyloglucan endo-hydrolase, heterologous protein expression, Pichia pastoris, T-DNA insertion, in situ XET/XEH assay, high-throughput screening / QC 20110114
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