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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Single fathers' experience of fatherhood

Van Zyl, Izelle 08 April 2010 (has links)
In recent years various factors have contributed to the dissolution of the traditional family and the subsequent emergence of alternative family systems like the single parent family. Single parent families have become a reality in our society, a fact reflected by statistics which indicate an increase in the occurrence of single parent families over the last couple of years. However, the single parent family is still mostly perceived as consisting of the mother and her children, rather than the father and his children. Research narratives seem to support the single-parenthood-equals-single-motherhood plot in that there is an abundance of single parent accounts in the literature that mostly tell the stories of single mothers. Thus, fathers who find themselves in the position of single father seem to be marginalised in society and stories regarding their experiences are few and far between. The aim of this project was to explore and describe how single fathers in South Africa experience fatherhood by focussing on their personal narratives. Therefore the research inquiry for this project took the form of a narrative inquiry which provides a way to understand people’s experiences by privileging their stories. The researcher conducted unstructured interviews with participants to produce languaged data which were analysed using a narrative analysis strategy. A narrative analysis aims to investigate not merely the content of the story, but rather the story itself and the way in which it is told within a specific cultural and historical context. Hopefully, in the telling, listening and retelling of their stories these fathers’ voices will become more pronounced in the research narratives and thus contribute to the body of knowledge pertaining to single fatherhood. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Psychology / Unrestricted

The Paternal Profile in the Context of ASD: Characteristics, Developmental Trajectories, and Predictors of Change

Perzolli, Silvia 05 April 2023 (has links)
Core symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) impact the child's abilities to interact with others, especially with the primary caregivers. Most research has focused on investigating the mother-child dyad, but the paternal role in interaction with children with ASD is mainly unexplored (e.g., Rankin, Paisley, Tomeny & Eldred, 2019; Flippin & Crais, 2011). For this, the project's first aim is to examine paternal interactive characteristics and behaviors and compare father-child and mother-child interactions with children with ASD, delineating the strengths and weaknesses of both caregivers in a complementary system. Based on this investigation, we implemented a personalized and parent-specific early intensive intervention that may guarantee better developmental trajectories for children with ASD. Consequently, the project's second aim is to assess the impact of intervention with parental involvement through cognitive, socio-communicative, and dyadic behavioral measures using a longitudinal study with pre- and post-assessments. At this point, it is fundamental to evaluate how several traits of children and caregivers might impact the treatment response. To reach this aim, while assessing developmental trajectories, we wanted to identify a-priori individual differences at both child and caregiver’s level and dyad dynamics that may influence intervention outcomes. We identified markers of better developmental trajectories and discussed implications for clinical practice in providing practitioners with more information about areas to be targeted during the intervention.

Du père psychanalytique au père développemental : vision systémique de la fonction de triangulation: aplication à l'évaluation de la parentalité psychique

Noël, Raphaële January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Du père psychanalytique au père développemental : vision systémique de la fonction de triangulation: aplication à l'évaluation de la parentalité psychique

Noël, Raphaële January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Le sommeil des enfants : questions méthodologiques, développementales et familiales

Tétreault, Émilie 12 1900 (has links)
L’objectif général de la thèse était d’accroitre les connaissances empiriques sur le sommeil des enfants mesuré par actigraphie au sein de la population générale. Le premier article visait à étudier la possibilité d’utiliser dans les études des données d’actigraphie pour lesquelles un agenda de sommeil ne serait pas disponible pour guider la cotation des données. L’échantillon était formé de 60 enfants âgés entre 6 et 10 ans qui ont porté un actigraphe pendant 3 à 7 jours et dont leurs mères ont complété un agenda de sommeil pour la même période. Les données d’actigraphie ont été analysées en utilisant deux conditions de cotation (avec et sans agenda). Les résultats suggèrent que les deux conditions mènent à des résultats similaires, pratiquement identiques au niveau de groupe, quoi que pas interchangeables au niveau intra-individuel. L’article permet de recommander une utilisation parcimonieuse des données d’actigraphie analysées sans agenda de sommeil auprès d’enfants d’âge scolaire. Le deuxième article avait pour objectif d’étudier les patrons développementaux de sommeil au cours de la période préscolaire. L’échantillon était composé de 128 enfants qui ont porté un actigraphe à 2, 3 et 4 ans et pour qui les courbes de croissance de cinq indices de sommeil ont été modélisées à l’aide d’analyses multi-niveaux. Les résultats ont démontré une diminution linéaire de la durée de sommeil de nuit, de jour et de la durée totale sur 24 heures, ainsi qu’une augmentation linéaire du pourcentage de sommeil ayant lieu durant la nuit et de l’efficacité du sommeil. Cette étude permet de confirmer que des changements développementaux se produisent au niveau de plusieurs indices de sommeil au cours de la période préscolaire et de fournir des repères quantitatifs quant à ce qui est attendu au niveau de ces changements. Le troisième article visait à étudier la relation père-enfant en tant que potentiel prédicteur des différences interindividuelles dans les courbes de croissance de sommeil au cours de la période préscolaire. Pour 67 enfants, les courbes de croissance de sommeil entre 2 et 4 ans ont été estimées et la qualité des interactions père-enfant ainsi que l’orientation mentale paternelle (tendance du père à commenter les états mentaux présumés de l'enfant) ont été mesurées par observation à 18 mois. Le père a aussi complété un questionnaire évaluant son niveau d’implication auprès de son enfant lorsque celui-ci avait 2 ans. Les résultats n’ont démontré aucune association significative entre les paramètres des courbes de croissance de sommeil et le degré d’implication paternelle ou la qualité des interactions père-enfant. Cependant, les enfants dont le père émettait plus de commentaires appropriés sur leurs états mentaux à 18 mois avaient une plus grande proportion de sommeil durant la nuit ainsi qu’une plus courte durée de sommeil de jour et totale sur 24 heures à 2 ans. Par ailleurs, ces enfants présentaient par la suite des changements moins rapides sur ces variables de sommeil entre 2 et 4 ans. Ainsi, l’article 3 permet de conclure que les enfants exposés à un plus haut niveau d’orientation mentale paternelle semblent atteindre des patrons de sommeil plus matures plus tôt dans leur développement. / The overall objective of this thesis was to contribute new empirical knowledge on children's sleep assessed using actigraphy among typically-developing children. The first article aimed to investigate the possibility for studies to use actigraphic data for which a sleep diary would not be available to guide the scoring of the data. The sample was composed of 60 children aged 6 to 10 years who wore an actigraph for 3 to 7 days and whose mothers completed a sleep diary for the same period. Actigraphic data were analyzed using two scoring conditions (with and without diary). The results suggest that the two conditions lead to similar results, virtually identical at the group level, but not interchangeable at the intra-individual level. This paper leads to the recommendation of parsimonious use of actigraphic data analyzed without a sleep diary. The second article aimed to study the developmental patterns of sleep in the preschool period. The sample included 128 children who wore an actigraph at 2, 3, and 4 years of age and for which the growth curves of five sleep indices were modeled using multi-level analyses. The results demonstrated a linear decrease in nighttime, daytime and 24-hour total sleep duration as well as a linear increase in the proportion of sleep taking place during the night and in sleep efficiency. This study confirms that developmental changes occur in several sleep variables during the preschool period and helps to provide quantitative points of reference regarding these changes. The third article aimed to examine different aspects of the father-child relationship as potential predictors of inter-individual differences in sleep growth curves during the preschool period. For 67 children, sleep growth curves between 2 and 4 years were estimated and the quality of father-child interactions as well as paternal mind-mindedness (fathers’ tendency to comment on child’s presumed mental states) were assessed by observation at 18 months. Fathers also completed a questionnaire assessing their involvement with their child at the age of 2 years. The results showed no significant association between sleep growth curves parameters and the degree of father involvement or the quality of father-child interactions. However, children whose fathers made more appropriate comments about their mental states at 18 months had a higher proportion of nighttime sleep as well as shorter daytime sleep duration and shorter 24-hour total duration at 2 years. In addition, these children subsequently exhibited less rapid changes in these sleep variables between 2 and 4 years. This paper suggests that children exposed to higher levels of paternal mind-mindedness appear to achieve more mature sleep patterns earlier in their development.

A Model of the Relationship of Perceived Mental and Emotional Problems in the Family-of-Origin on Marital Satisfaction of Adult Offspring

Weinheimer, Benjamin Oviatt 04 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The effects of perceived mental/emotional problems (psychopathology) in the family-of-origin on adult offspring marital satisfaction was tested in a model considering the mediating variables of parental marital satisfaction, mother-child relationship quality, father-child relationship quality, and resolution of issues from the family-of-origin. The nationally representative sample (n = 802) drawn from the RELATionship Evaluation (RELATE) database included mostly college educated, lower-middle-class individuals in their first marriage. This sample was used to test a structural equation model that results showed fit the data well. Results showed that historical (distal) factors (such as psychopathology in the family-of-origin) explain only a small portion of the variance in adult offspring marital satisfaction and suggest that more contemporary (proximal) factors (such as individual characteristics) have a stronger relationship to adult offspring marital satisfaction. Results showed that 56% of the variance in achieving resolution of issues from the family-of-origin was explained by the other variables in the model with the best predictor being parental marital satisfaction. Direct, indirect, and total effects of each of the independent variables were examined. Results showed no direct effect of perceived mental/emotional problems (psychopathology) in the family-of-origin on adult offspring marital satisfaction. Only the mother-child relationship quality had a direct effect on adult offspring marital satisfaction. Clinical implications for practitioners are discussed. This study helps practitioners know how to help a client find resolution to issues stemming from perceived family-of-origin mental/emotional problems. This study also shows that focusing on current interpersonal processes and skills that may be part of achieving resolution is more likely to help a couple with marital problems than focusing on negative effects from the family-of-origin. Future research should focus on exploring the applicability of this model to different variables such as gender, race, income levels, etc. Future research models should also incorporate both historical and contemporary factors to help determine the direct effects of these variables on adult offspring relationship satisfaction.

The effects of migrant labour on the family system

Mazibuko, Ronald Patrick 11 1900 (has links)
The migrant labour practice in South Africa played an important role in the country's development and economy. Although it has benefited many native migrant workers by creating job opportunities, it has had adverse effects on the families of migrant workers. The focus of this study is the phenomenon of migrant labouring and its effects on the family. A literature study has shown that migrant labourers, living in overcrowded city hostels, were subjected to exploitation, malnutrition and crime. The empirical study brought to light the many problems experienced by the families back home: Wives were overburdened by dual roles and responsibilities, lack of support and money, children's development was impeded and academic motivations and performance were low. The ultimate aim of this study was to design practical guidelines to help families cope with the effects of an absent father due to the migrant labour practice. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed.(Guidance and Counselling)

The effects of migrant labour on the family system

Mazibuko, Ronald Patrick 11 1900 (has links)
The migrant labour practice in South Africa played an important role in the country's development and economy. Although it has benefited many native migrant workers by creating job opportunities, it has had adverse effects on the families of migrant workers. The focus of this study is the phenomenon of migrant labouring and its effects on the family. A literature study has shown that migrant labourers, living in overcrowded city hostels, were subjected to exploitation, malnutrition and crime. The empirical study brought to light the many problems experienced by the families back home: Wives were overburdened by dual roles and responsibilities, lack of support and money, children's development was impeded and academic motivations and performance were low. The ultimate aim of this study was to design practical guidelines to help families cope with the effects of an absent father due to the migrant labour practice. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed.(Guidance and Counselling)

L’influence de la qualité de la relation parent-enfant et du sexe sur l’apprentissage de la peur par observation chez les enfants

Bilodeau Houle, Alexe 08 1900 (has links)
L’apprentissage de la peur par observation est un phénomène très important lors de l’enfance, une période au cours de laquelle plusieurs peurs se développent et où l’environnement familial est fondamental. La qualité de la relation parent-enfant module les réactions de peur chez les enfants, mais son impact sur l’apprentissage de la peur par observation n’a pas été investigué. Ce mémoire s’est donc intéressé à l’influence de la relation mère-enfant et père-enfant ainsi qu’à son interaction avec le sexe de l’enfant sur l’apprentissage de la peur par observation. Soixante dyades parent-enfant ont été recrutées. La relation avec chaque parent était évaluée par un questionnaire auto-rapporté complété par les enfants (8 à 12 ans). Les enfants regardaient d’abord une vidéo de leur parent être exposé à un conditionnement de la peur, où un stimulus (SC+Parent) était associé à un léger choc et un autre stimulus (SC-) était présenté seul. Ensuite, les enfants regardaient une vidéo d’un étranger être exposé à un protocole similaire à l’exception qu’un stimulus différent était associé au choc (SC+Étranger). Par la suite, les trois stimuli étaient directement présentés aux enfants. Les niveaux de peur étaient mesurés par les réponses électrodermales. L’effet de la qualité de la relation père-enfant sur les niveaux de peur face au SC+Parent était modéré par le sexe des enfants, où les filles ayant une relation sécurisante avec leur père montraient des niveaux de peur plus faibles. La qualité de la relation mère-enfant n’influençait pas les niveaux de peur des enfants. Ces résultats suggèrent que la relation avec le père influence la façon dont les filles répondent aux stimuli liés à la peur au sein de l’environnement familial. Ces données soulignent certains facteurs de protection face à la vulnérabilité de développer des psychopathologies liées à la peur. / Observational fear learning is especially relevant during childhood, a period during which many fears develop and where the familial environment is salient. Parent-child relationship modulates fear reactions in children, but its impact on observational fear learning in the context of the familial environment has not been investigated. This master’s thesis therefore examined whether the mother-child and father-child relationship quality as well as its interaction with children’s sex influence observational fear learning. Sixty parent-child dyads were recruited. The relationship with each parent was assessed by a self-report questionnaire completed by the children (8 to 12 years old). Children first watched a video of their parent undergoing a fear conditioning procedure, where one stimulus (CS+Parent) was paired with a shock and one was presented alone (CS-). Then, children watched a video of a stranger undergoing a similar protocol except that a different stimulus was paired with the shock (CS+Stranger). Subsequently, the three stimuli were directly presented to children. Fear levels were measured by skin conductance responses. The effect of the father-child relationship quality on fear levels for the CS+Parent was moderated by children’s sex, where girls having a more secure relationship with their father exhibited lower fear levels. The mother-child relationship quality had no impact on the children’s fear levels. These results suggest that the relationship with the father influences how girls respond to fear-related stimuli within the family environment. These data highlight the existence of some protective factors that might influence the vulnerability of developing fear-related psychopathologies.

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