Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fellowship bmovement"" "subject:"fellowship comovement""
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XIX amžiaus pirmosios pusės surinkimininkų giesmynų istorija (genezė ir kalba) / The History of the Hymn Books from the 19th Century Fellowship Movement (Language and Genesis)Strungytė Liugienė, Inga 09 December 2014 (has links)
Disertacijos objektas yra XIX amžiaus pirmosios pusės Mažosios Lietuvos surinkimininkų giesmynų ir jų giesmių istorija tekstologiniu, lingvistiniu požiūriu.
Tyrimo šaltiniai – giesmynai: „Visokios naujos giesmės arba evangeliški Psalmai“ (1817, Tilžė), „Mažos giesmių knygelės“ (1819, Tilžė), manoma parengti Kristijono Endrikio Mertikaičio. Šioje disertacijoje pirmą kartą išsamiai analizuojama giesmynų ir jų dalių sandara, kalba ir šaltiniai, apžvelgiami XVIII amžiaus Karaliaučiaus vokiški giesmynai, atskleidžiamas Halės pietizmo vaidmuo, sudarant vokiškų ir lietuviškų giesmynų repertuarą. Ištyrus lietuviškus giesmynus buvo prieita prie tokių išvadų: Mertikaitis, sudarydamas surinkimininkų reikmėms skirtą giesmyną „Visokios naujos giesmės arba evangeliški Psalmai“ (1817, Tilžė), iš principo laikėsi oficialiųjų bažnytinių giesmynų formavimo principų. Dalis verstų ir originalių giesmių (iš viso 52) tiesiog perimta iš lietuviškų šaltinių. Giesmyno „Visokios naujos giesmės arba evangeliški Psalmai“ (1817, Tilžė) giesmės kalbos požiūriu skirtinos į dvi grupes – pasauliečių ir dvasininkų giesmes. Kalbos tyrimai patvirtino istoriografų spėjimą, kad Mažos giesmių knygelės parengtos to paties asmens Mertikaičio. Nustatyta, kad vokiškieji giemynų šaltiniai yra Karaliaučiaus teologijos profesoriaus, pietisto Frantzo Alberto Schultzo 1752 metų giesmynas Kern Alter und Neuer geiſtreicher Lieder, Als der Ʒweyte Theil, jaunosios kartos Halės pietisto Ernsto Gottliebo Woltersdorfo sudarytas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject of the dissertation is the history of the hymn books and hymns of the first half of 19th century Fellowship Movement in Lithuania Minor in textual and linguistic approach.
The sources of the research are the hymn books „Visokios naujos giesmės arba evangeliški Psalmai“ (1817) and „Mažos giesmių knygelės“ (1819), supposedly composed by Kristijonas Endrikis Mertikaitis. For the first time, the detailed analysis of the structure, language and sources of the hymn books and their parts, the overview of the 19th century German hymn books from Königsberg, and the explanation of the role of Halle Pietism in composing the repertoire of the German and Lithuanian hymn books are provided in this dissertation. The examination of Lithuanian hymn books has led to the following conclusions: when composing the hymn book „Visokios naujos giesmės arba evangeliški Psalmai“ for the needs of Fellowship Movement, Mertikaitis essentially followed the official line for the formation of church hymn books. The portion of translated and original songs (52 in total) is simply taken from Lithuanian sources. The hymnal „Visokios naujos giesmės arba evangeliški Psalmai“ have to be divided linguistically into two groups - the hymns for laity and the hymns for clergy. Linguistic research confirmed the presumption of historians that hymn book „Mažos giesmių knygelės“ is composed by the same person, i. e. Mertikaitis. It was established that German sources of the hymn books are the hymn book „Kern... [to full text]
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Johannes Lepsius' missiologie (the missiology of Johannes Lepsius) / Missiology of Johannes LepsiusBaumann, Andreas, 1969- 31 October 2005 (has links)
Text in German / Forschungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit ist Johannes Lepsius' Missiologie. Aufgabe der Untersuchung ist es, die wichtigsten missiologischen Auffassungen und Überzeugungen von Johannes Lepsius aus der Vielzahl seiner veröffentlichten Schriften zu erheben und sie dann erstmals systematisiert in einem Ge¬samtüberblick darzustellen. Die Besonderheit besteht dabei darin, dass sich die Missiologie von Johan¬nes Lepsius nur aus der Zusammenschau von zahlreichen Einzeläußerungen erschließen lässt, die sich zumeist in kleineren Aufsätzen und Zeitschriftenartikeln finden lassen. Somit ist es notwendig, seine einzelnen Schriften in ihrem jeweiligen - auch biographischen - Kontext wahrzunehmen und zu inter¬pretieren. Aus der Aufarbeitung der theologischen Grundlagen von Johannes Lepsius' Missiologie, sei¬ner Ansichten bezüglich der Missionsarbeit unter Muslimen und einiger weiterer spezieller missiologi¬scher Fragestellungen wird deutlich, dass Johannes Lepsius trotz durchaus vorhandener Parallelen zu anderen missiologischen Entwürfen in theologischer und missiologischer Hinsicht als eigenständiger Denker zu betrachten ist. Die Kenntnis der missiologischen Überzeugungen, die hinter Lepsius' so viel¬fältigen missionarischem, theologischem, sozialdiakonischem und politischem Wirken stehen, macht es möglich, seine äußerlich so wechselhafte Biographie besser zu verstehen. Darüber hinaus bietet seine Missiologie - besonders sein Reich Gottes-Verständnis - interessante Impulse für die heutige missiolo¬gische Diskussion, insbesondere was die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Missionsauftrag und gesell¬schaftlichem Engagement betrifft.
The object of this research work is the missiology of Johannes Lepsius. The task of the investigation is to collate the most important missiological opinions and beliefs of Johannes Lepsius from the large number of his published writing and then to present them in a systematic overview for the first time. They are characterised specifically by the fact that the missiology of Johannes Lepsius can only be de¬veloped from an overview summary of numerous individual statements which are generally to be found in smaller papers and journal articles. Therefore it is necessary to appreciate and interpret his individual writings in their specific - and also biographical - contexts. From the reworking of the theological prin¬ciples of Johannes Lepsius' missiology, his views on mission work amongst Muslims and some other special missiological questions, it becomes clear that Johannes Lepsius - despite existing parallels with other missiological models from a theological and missiological point of view - is to be viewed as an independent thinker. The knowledge of the missiological beliefs which underpin Lepsius' very varied missionary, theological, socio-diaconical and political activities makes it possible to have a better un¬derstanding of his biography that from the outside seems so incoherent. His missiology - especially his un¬derstanding of the Kingdom of God - also offers interesting inputs for today's missiological discus¬sions, especially as far as the question of the relationship between missionary work and social commit¬ment is concerned. / The object of this research is the missiology of Johannes Lepsius. The task of the investigation is to collate the most important missiological opinions and beliefs of Johannes Lepsius from the large number of his published writing and then to present them in a systematic overview for the first time. They are characterised specifically by the fact that the missiology of Johannes Lepsius can only be developed from an overview summary of numerous individual statements which are generally to be found in smaller papers and journal articles. Therefore it is neccessary to appreciate and interpret his individual writings in their specific - and also biographical - contexts. From the reworking of the theological principles of Johannes Lepsius' missiology, his views on mission work amongst Muslims and some other special missiological questions, it becomes clear that Johannes Lepsius - despite existing parallels with other missiological models from a theological and missiological point of view - is to be viewed as an independent thinker. The knowledge of the missiological beliefs which underpin Lepsius' very varied missionary, theological, socio-diaconical and political activities makes it possible to have a better understanding of his biography that from the outside seems so incoherent. His missiology - especially his understanding of the Kingdom of God - also offers interesting inputs for today's missiological discussions, especially as far as the question of the relationship between msiionary work and social commitment is concerned. / Christian Spirituality, Church History, Missiology / D.Th.(Missiology)
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Johannes Lepsius' missiologie (the missiology of Johannes Lepsius) / Missiology of Johannes LepsiusBaumann, Andreas, 1969- 31 October 2005 (has links)
Text in German / Forschungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit ist Johannes Lepsius' Missiologie. Aufgabe der Untersuchung ist es, die wichtigsten missiologischen Auffassungen und Überzeugungen von Johannes Lepsius aus der Vielzahl seiner veröffentlichten Schriften zu erheben und sie dann erstmals systematisiert in einem Ge¬samtüberblick darzustellen. Die Besonderheit besteht dabei darin, dass sich die Missiologie von Johan¬nes Lepsius nur aus der Zusammenschau von zahlreichen Einzeläußerungen erschließen lässt, die sich zumeist in kleineren Aufsätzen und Zeitschriftenartikeln finden lassen. Somit ist es notwendig, seine einzelnen Schriften in ihrem jeweiligen - auch biographischen - Kontext wahrzunehmen und zu inter¬pretieren. Aus der Aufarbeitung der theologischen Grundlagen von Johannes Lepsius' Missiologie, sei¬ner Ansichten bezüglich der Missionsarbeit unter Muslimen und einiger weiterer spezieller missiologi¬scher Fragestellungen wird deutlich, dass Johannes Lepsius trotz durchaus vorhandener Parallelen zu anderen missiologischen Entwürfen in theologischer und missiologischer Hinsicht als eigenständiger Denker zu betrachten ist. Die Kenntnis der missiologischen Überzeugungen, die hinter Lepsius' so viel¬fältigen missionarischem, theologischem, sozialdiakonischem und politischem Wirken stehen, macht es möglich, seine äußerlich so wechselhafte Biographie besser zu verstehen. Darüber hinaus bietet seine Missiologie - besonders sein Reich Gottes-Verständnis - interessante Impulse für die heutige missiolo¬gische Diskussion, insbesondere was die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Missionsauftrag und gesell¬schaftlichem Engagement betrifft.
The object of this research work is the missiology of Johannes Lepsius. The task of the investigation is to collate the most important missiological opinions and beliefs of Johannes Lepsius from the large number of his published writing and then to present them in a systematic overview for the first time. They are characterised specifically by the fact that the missiology of Johannes Lepsius can only be de¬veloped from an overview summary of numerous individual statements which are generally to be found in smaller papers and journal articles. Therefore it is necessary to appreciate and interpret his individual writings in their specific - and also biographical - contexts. From the reworking of the theological prin¬ciples of Johannes Lepsius' missiology, his views on mission work amongst Muslims and some other special missiological questions, it becomes clear that Johannes Lepsius - despite existing parallels with other missiological models from a theological and missiological point of view - is to be viewed as an independent thinker. The knowledge of the missiological beliefs which underpin Lepsius' very varied missionary, theological, socio-diaconical and political activities makes it possible to have a better un¬derstanding of his biography that from the outside seems so incoherent. His missiology - especially his un¬derstanding of the Kingdom of God - also offers interesting inputs for today's missiological discus¬sions, especially as far as the question of the relationship between missionary work and social commit¬ment is concerned. / The object of this research is the missiology of Johannes Lepsius. The task of the investigation is to collate the most important missiological opinions and beliefs of Johannes Lepsius from the large number of his published writing and then to present them in a systematic overview for the first time. They are characterised specifically by the fact that the missiology of Johannes Lepsius can only be developed from an overview summary of numerous individual statements which are generally to be found in smaller papers and journal articles. Therefore it is neccessary to appreciate and interpret his individual writings in their specific - and also biographical - contexts. From the reworking of the theological principles of Johannes Lepsius' missiology, his views on mission work amongst Muslims and some other special missiological questions, it becomes clear that Johannes Lepsius - despite existing parallels with other missiological models from a theological and missiological point of view - is to be viewed as an independent thinker. The knowledge of the missiological beliefs which underpin Lepsius' very varied missionary, theological, socio-diaconical and political activities makes it possible to have a better understanding of his biography that from the outside seems so incoherent. His missiology - especially his understanding of the Kingdom of God - also offers interesting inputs for today's missiological discussions, especially as far as the question of the relationship between msiionary work and social commitment is concerned. / Christian Spirituality, Church History, Missiology / D.Th.(Missiology)
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