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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Seismic Strengthening Of A Mid-rise Reinforced Concrete Frame Using Cfrps: An Application From Real Life

Tan, Mustafa Tumer 01 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
SEISMIC STRENGTHENING OF A MID-RISE REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAME USING CFRPs: AN APPLICATION FROM REAL LIFE Tan, Mustafa T&uuml / mer M.S., Department Of Civil Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. G&uuml / ney &Ouml / zcebe Co-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. BariS Binici May 2009, 162 pages FRP retrofitting allows the utilization of brick infill walls as lateral load resisting elements. This practical retrofit scheme is a strong alternative to strengthen low to mid-rise deficient reinforced concrete (RC) structures in Turkey. The advantages of the FRP applications, to name a few, are the speed of construction and elimination of the need for building evacuation during construction. In this retrofit scheme, infill walls are adopted to the existing frame system by using FRP tension ties anchored the boundary frame using FRP dowels. Results of experiments have previously shown that FRP strengthened infill walls can enhance lateral load carrying capacity and reduce damage by limiting interstory drift deformations. In previous, analytical studies, a detailed mathematical model and a simplified version of the model for compression struts and tension ties was proposed and verified by comparing model estimations with test results. In this study, an existing 9-storey deficient RC building located in Antakya was chosen to design and apply a hybrid strengthening scheme with FRPs and reduced number of shear walls. Linear elastic analysis procedure was utilized (force based assessment technique) along with the rules of Mode Superposition Method for the reftrofit design. FRP retrofit scheme was employed using the simplified model and design was conducted such that life safety performance criterion is satisfied employing elastic spectrum with 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years according to the Turkish Earthquake Code 2007. Further analytical studies are performed by using Modal Pushover and Nonlinear Time-History Analyses. At the end of these nonlinear analyses, performance check is performed according to Turkish Earthquake Code 2007, using the strains resulting from the sum of yield and plastic rotations at demand in the critical sections. CFRP retrofitting works started at October 2008 and finished at December 2008 for the building mentioned in this study. Eccentric reinforced concrete shearwall installation is still being undertaken. All construction business is carried out without evacuation of the building occupants. This project is one of the first examples of its kind in Turkey. Keywords: CFRP, Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers, Masonry Infill Walls, Reinforced Concrete Infill Walls, Mid-Rise Deficient Structures, Turkish Earthquake Code 2007, Modal Pushover Analysis, Nonlinear Time History Analysis, Linear Elastic Building Assessment

Μη καταστροφικός έλεγχος για τη μελέτη της συσσώρευσης βλάβης σε σύνθετα υλικά ενισχυμένα με ίνες γυαλιού, με και χωρίς την παρουσία νανοσωληνίσκων άνθρακα

Σωτηριάδης, Γεώργιος 22 December 2009 (has links)
Τα σύνθετα υλικά οργανικής μήτρας ενισχυμένα με ίνες γυαλιού είναι μια κατηγορία υλικών που έχει υψηλό τεχνολογικό ενδιαφέρον τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες με πληθώρα εφαρμογών στην αεροπορική και διαστημική βιομηχανία, στην αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία, στη formula 1, στα σπορ και γενικότερα όπου οι απαιτήσεις για υψηλή επίδοση των υλικών συνδυάζονται με την απαίτηση για χαμηλό βάρος. Στην κατεύθυνση αυτή έχει συντελέσει και το διαρκώς μειούμενο κόστος παραγωγής των υλικών αυτών μέσω της χρήσης καινοτόμων τεχνικών. Η συνεχής εξέλιξη των υλικών αυτών οδηγεί σε βελτιωμένα υλικά ενισχυτικής και μητρικής φάσης αλλά και εντελώς καινούρια υλικά και προσεγγίσεις όπως είναι ενισχυτικές φάσεις στη νανοκλίμακα (nanofibers, nanotubes). Η εισαγωγή τέτοιων υλικών στη μήτρα συνθέτων υλικών αλλάζει τις μηχανικές και φυσικές τους ιδιότητες με τρόπο πολλές φορές ολοκληρωτικό. Είναι προφανές ότι η τεκμηριωμένη γνώση και ανάπτυξη μεθόδων μη καταστροφικού ελέγχου της δομικής ακεραιότητας αλλά και η γνώση της μηχανικής συμπεριφοράς μέσω της διαδικασίας εξέλιξης της βλάβης σε μια κατηγορία υλικών με τόσο σημαντικές εφαρμογές είναι ζητούμενο από την ερευνητική κοινότητα παγκοσμίως. Προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση είναι και η συμβολή της παρούσας διατριβής. Μη καταστροφικές μέθοδοι και δοκιμές εφαρμόζονται εδώ και πολλά χρόνια σε σύνθετα υλικά οργανικής μήτρας με επιτυχία παρά την εγγενή ανομοιογένεια και ανισοτροπία που παρουσιάζουν. Ωστόσο πάντα παραμένει ισχυρή η ζήτηση για μεθόδους που θα βοηθήσουν προς την κατεύθυνση της αύξησης της αξιόπιστης χρήσης των υλικών αυτών μέσω της διαρκούς αποτίμησης και γνώσης της φέρουσας ικανότητάς τους. Η συσσώρευση της βλάβης σε σύνθετα υλικά οργανικής μήτρας που υπόκεινται σε μηχανική φόρτιση είναι ένα ζήτημα που έχει διερευνηθεί εκτενώς μέχρι σήμερα. Ωστόσο, η εισαγωγή ενίσχυσης (carbon nanotubes, CNT) στη μήτρα αλλάζει τους μηχανισμούς δημιουργίας και εξέλιξής της. Επίσης προστίθεται η δυνατότητα της μέτρησης μιας ιδιότητας που εμφανίζεται ως αποτέλεσμα της εισαγωγής αυτής και η οποία είναι η ηλεκτρική αγωγιμότητα. Ο βασικός λοιπόν σκοπός της εργασίας αυτής είναι η μελέτη της χρήσης μη καταστροφικών ελέγχων κατά τη διάρκεια μηχανικών δοκιμών συσσώρευσης βλάβης στα υλικά αυτά, καθώς επίσης και η εισαγωγή της μέτρησης της ηλεκτρικής αντίστασης τους ως ικανής μεθόδου παρακολούθησης και ποσοτικοποίησης της βλάβης αυτής. Η διερεύνηση της επιβελτίωσης των μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων λόγω της εισαγωγής των CNT στα υλικά αυτά μέσω της σύγκρισης με τις ιδιότητες που έχουν χωρίς την προσθήκη αυτή. Αναλυτικότερα οι στόχοι που επιδιώξαμε να πετύχουμε στα πλαίσια της διατριβής είναι οι ακόλουθοι: • Μελέτη της διεθνούς βιβλιογραφίας στα συγκεκριμένα θέματα. • Εκτέλεση ειδικά επιλεγμένων μηχανικών δοκιμών σε σύνθετα υλικά Glass/vinylester και Glass/vinylester με CNT (κυκλικά πειράματα φόρτισης – αποφόρτισης – επαναφόρτισης). • Χρήση εξελιγμένων μη καταστροφικών μεθόδων όπως η χρήση δεδομένων ταχύτητας διάδοσης υπερηχητικών ελαστικών κυμάτων (UT) και η ακουστική εκπομπή (AE) για την παρακολούθηση της βλάβης κατά τη διάρκεια των μηχανικών δοκιμών. • Διερεύνηση καταγραφών ηλεκτρικής αντίστασης ως δείκτη βλάβης του υλικού. • Δοκιμές θραυστομηχανικής συμπεριφοράς για την εκτίμηση της βελτίωσης των επιδόσεων του υλικού παρουσία των CNT. / Multi wall carbon nanotubes were used as an additive in the matrix of glass / vinylester composites, in order to improve their damage tolerance and provide a means for their damage assessment at any stage of their loading history. The improvement of the damage tolerance is expected to stem from the incorporation of an additional interfacial area that activates energy dissipation mechanisms such as interfacial sliding, fibre pull out and bridging as well as crack bifurcation and arrest; all these mechanisms are active at the nanoscale. The life monitoring is performed via the electrical resistance changes in the conductive carbon nanotube network within the composite matrix; this network follows any deformation of the composite providing real time strain monitoring and, at the same time, pinpoints all loci of failure through the local breach of the conductive path that lead to a monotonic increase in the overall resistance. The experimental findings verify both the increased damage tolerance of the doped composites and the reliable damage assessment of the composite at all stages of its loading history. Other Non - Destructive Techniques were utilized in order to detect and quantify the accumulating damage. Inverse scattering theory and phase velocity data were used in order to determine the elastic constants of the stifness matrix of the anisotropic material. Fracture toughness and fatigue life behaviour were investigated for both the material systems.

Estudo de colunas curtas de concreto confinadas / Study of confined concrete short columns

Rivetti, Marianna Luna Sousa 27 June 2013 (has links)
The confinement of concrete structures has been used for reinforcement and rehabilitation of compressed structural elements, with the objective of increasing their strength capacity and ductility. Various types of reinforcement are used: metal pipes, fiber reinforced polymers, transverse reinforcement, among others. Understanding the stress-strain behavior of confined concrete columns is an important aspect to be considered in the design of these structural elements. This work presents a study of short columns of concrete confined by transverse reinforcement and fiber reinforced polymers subjected to the centered load, employing a nonlinear theoretical model that allows obtaining the stress-strain curves. Concrete columns with various strength levels and different cross-sectional shapes are considered. The employed model is modified according with the type of analyzed problem and a comparative analysis is carried out to verify the performance of the models, considering the experimental results from several examples of short columns confined available in the literature. / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O confinamento de estruturas de concreto vem sendo utilizado no reforço e reabilitação de peças comprimidas, com o objetivo de aumentar sua capacidade resistente e dutilidade. Vários tipos de reforços são usados: tubos metálicos, polímeros reforçados com fibras, armaduras transversais, entre outros. A compreensão do comportamento tensão-deformação de colunas de concreto confinadas é um aspecto importante a considerar para um projeto confiável desses elementos estruturais. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de colunas curtas de concreto confinadas por armadura transversal e polímeros reforçados com fibras submetidas à carga centrada, empregando um modelo teórico não linear que permite a obtenção das curvas tensão-deformação. São considerados concretos de variadas resistências e diferentes formas de seção transversal. O modelo empregado é modificado se adequando aos diversos casos analisados, e para verificação do desempenho deste é realizada uma análise comparativa considerando os resultados experimentais provenientes de vários exemplos de colunas curtas confinadas disponíveis na literatura.

Aerodynamic Load Characteristics Evaluation and Tri-Axial Performance Testing on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Connections and Metal Fasteners to Promote Hurricane Damage Mitigation

Canino-Vazquez, Iván R. 13 November 2009 (has links)
Damages during extreme wind events highlight the weaknesses of mechanical fasteners at the roof-to-wall connections in residential timber frame buildings. The allowable capacity of the metal fasteners is based on results of unidirectional component testing that do not simulate realistic tri-axial aerodynamic loading effects. The first objective of this research was to simulate hurricane effects and study hurricane-structure interaction at full-scale, facilitating better understanding of the combined impacts of wind, rain, and debris on inter-component connections at spatial and temporal scales. The second objective was to evaluate the performance of a non-intrusive roof-to-wall connection system using fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) materials and compare its load capacity to the capacity of an existing metal fastener under simulated aerodynamic loads. The Wall of Wind (WoW) testing performed using FRP connections on a one-story gable-roof timber structure instrumented with a variety of sensors, was used to create a database on aerodynamic and aero-hydrodynamic loading on roof-to-wall connections tested under several parameters: angles of attack, wind-turbulence content, internal pressure conditions, with and without effects of rain. Based on the aerodynamic loading results obtained from WoW tests, sets of three force components (tri-axial mean loads) were combined into a series of resultant mean forces, which were used to test the FRP and metal connections in the structures laboratory up to failure. A new component testing system and test protocol were developed for testing fasteners under simulated tri-axial loading as opposed to uni-axial loading. The tri-axial and uni-axial test results were compared for hurricane clips. Also, comparison was made between tri-axial load capacity of FRP and metal connections. The research findings demonstrate that the FRP connection is a viable option for use in timber roof-to-wall connection system. Findings also confirm that current testing methods of mechanical fasteners tend to overestimate the actual load capacities of a connector. Additionally, the research also contributes to the development a new testing protocol for fasteners using tri-axial simultaneous loads based on the aerodynamic database obtained from the WoW testing.

An Alternative Strengthening Technique using a Combination of FRP Sheets and Rods to Improve Flexural Performance of Continuous RC Slabs

Syed Shah, Taqiuddin Q. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Projeto de estruturas de concreto armado reforçadas com compósitos FRP: dimensionamento à  flexão e à força cortante. / Reforced concrete structures strengthened with FRP: bending and shear design criteria.

Orlando, Igor Del Gaudio 04 April 2019 (has links)
Esta dissertação contempla o estudo sobre os principais aspectos que norteiam as propostas normativas com critérios de dimensionamento de estruturas de concreto armado reforçadas com Polímeros Reforçados com Fibras (FRP). Este trabalho procura avaliar e discutir as metodologias de cálculo sugeridas pelas publicações American Concrete Institute (ACI) \"Committee 440\" e Fédération Internationale du béton (FIB) e propor um procedimento para a análise e dimensionamento do reforço aos esforços de flexão e discutir a importância do esforço cortante com relação à flexão. Primeiramente, efetuou-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o estado da arte no que concerne ao dimensionamento de reforços com materiais compósitos de FRP. Em seguida, apresentou-se a análise da verificação de segurança de elementos reforçados à flexão segundo a perspectiva das publicações acima mencionadas: ACI440.2R (2017) e FIB Model Code (2010). Posteriormente, estabeleceu-se um estudo de análise comparativa entre os resultados experimentais encontrados na bibliografia, os previstos pelos referidos manuais para os modelos aqui estudados. Os valores máximos da capacidade resistente dos modelos serão confrontados e a importância do conhecimento das características dos materiais discutidos. Com tais informações sistematizaram-se os procedimentos de cálculo a se adotar em um projeto de reforço estrutural com sistemas compósitos de FRP, respeitando as propostas normativas que mais se adequam ao Brasil. / The present dissertation results from a study concerning the main design criteria for reinforced concrete structures through externally bonding Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) systems. This paper tries to evaluate and discuss the design methodologies proposed by the guidelines publications American Concrete Institute (ACI) \"Committee 440\" and Fédération Internationale du béton (FIB) and seek to propose a procedure for the analysis and design of FRP strengthened RC elements in bending and discuss the importance of shear stress regarding the bending efforts. Initially, a state-of-art concerning design criterias on the use of FRP composites is presented. Then, the analysis and procedures of the safety concept is exposed from the perspective of the publications: ACI440.2R (2017) and FIB Model Code 2010. After, it established a study of comparative analysis between the experimental results found in the bibliography and the ones predicted by international guidelines for beams and slabs. The maximum ultimate capacity of the strengthened element will be compared and confronted and the importance of the knowledge of the characteristics of the materials discussed. Finally, conclusions are drawn out and recommendations concerning the design and safety concepts are presented, respecting the guidelines proposals that are most appropriate to Brazil.

Untersuchung zur Schweißbarkeit bei der Herstellung von Hybridbauteilen aus naturfaser-, holzfaser- und polymerfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen in Abhängigkeit von Rezeptur und äußeren Einflussfaktoren / Investigation of weldability in production of hybrid components consisting of natural and synthetic reinforced polymers as a function of formulation and outer influencing factors

Nendel, Klaus, Heim, Hans-Peter, Schubert, Christine, Rüppel, Annette, Clauß, Brit 18 September 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Das Forschungsvorhaben liefert einen Beitrag zum Schweißen von Gleich- und Mischmaterialverbindungen aus Naturfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen (NFK) sowie deren Verarbeitung im Compoundieren und Spritzguss. Es wurde holzfasergefülltes (WPC) und flachsfasergefülltes (FFC) Polypropylen (PP) mit unterschiedlichen Füllgraden verwendet. Der Einsatz synthetisch-organsicher Fasern (PET-Fasern) im Compound zielte darauf ab, besonders die Schlagzähigkeit zu verbessern. Im Bereich des Urformens wurden Aussagen zur Verarbeitbarkeit, zu rezepturabhängigen Kurz- und Langzeiteigenschaften sowie Aussagen zur Dauergebrauchsfähigkeit erarbeitet. Die Anwendbarkeit der Fügeverfahren Heizelement- (HE-Schweißen) und Vibrationsschweißen (VIB-Schweißen) konnte für Gleich- und Mischmaterialverbindungen sowohl ohne als auch mit angepasster Energieeinbringung nachgewiesen werden. In diesem Zusammenhang können Aussagen zur Rezepturabhängigkeit, Verfahrensführung, Parameterauswahl, Prüfkriterien sowie den technischen Grenzen der Schweißverbindung unter kurzzeitmechanischer Beanspruchung getroffen werden. Weiterhin wird ein Beitrag zur Dauergebrauchsfähigkeit unter UV-Globalbewitterung und thermischer Alterung sowie zu langzeitmechanischen Eigenschaften von NFK-Schweißverbindungen geliefert.

Zesílení ŽB oblouku pomocí kompozitní výztuže / Reinforced concrete load-bearing construction

Tmej, Patrik January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the strengthening and resistance of concrete construction. At the beginning is described composite reinforcement and their specific properties. The thesis specifically follows behavior concrete vault and the effects of load. Resistance vault is calculated by S&T model – strut and tie. Finally, the thesis contain strengthening construction by composite reinforcement. Strengthening is considered by two ways - strengthening by cohesive reinforcement and strengthening by incoherent reinforcement (wrapping).

Untersuchung zur Schweißbarkeit bei der Herstellung von Hybridbauteilen aus naturfaser-, holzfaser- und polymerfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen in Abhängigkeit von Rezeptur und äußeren Einflussfaktoren

Nendel, Klaus, Heim, Hans-Peter, Schubert, Christine, Rüppel, Annette, Clauß, Brit 18 September 2014 (has links)
Das Forschungsvorhaben liefert einen Beitrag zum Schweißen von Gleich- und Mischmaterialverbindungen aus Naturfaserverstärkten Kunststoffen (NFK) sowie deren Verarbeitung im Compoundieren und Spritzguss. Es wurde holzfasergefülltes (WPC) und flachsfasergefülltes (FFC) Polypropylen (PP) mit unterschiedlichen Füllgraden verwendet. Der Einsatz synthetisch-organsicher Fasern (PET-Fasern) im Compound zielte darauf ab, besonders die Schlagzähigkeit zu verbessern. Im Bereich des Urformens wurden Aussagen zur Verarbeitbarkeit, zu rezepturabhängigen Kurz- und Langzeiteigenschaften sowie Aussagen zur Dauergebrauchsfähigkeit erarbeitet. Die Anwendbarkeit der Fügeverfahren Heizelement- (HE-Schweißen) und Vibrationsschweißen (VIB-Schweißen) konnte für Gleich- und Mischmaterialverbindungen sowohl ohne als auch mit angepasster Energieeinbringung nachgewiesen werden. In diesem Zusammenhang können Aussagen zur Rezepturabhängigkeit, Verfahrensführung, Parameterauswahl, Prüfkriterien sowie den technischen Grenzen der Schweißverbindung unter kurzzeitmechanischer Beanspruchung getroffen werden. Weiterhin wird ein Beitrag zur Dauergebrauchsfähigkeit unter UV-Globalbewitterung und thermischer Alterung sowie zu langzeitmechanischen Eigenschaften von NFK-Schweißverbindungen geliefert.

Navrhování konstrukcí s FRP výztuží / Design of structures with FRP reinforcement

Matušíková, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents available FRP software for calculating load bearing capacity of the structures reinforced with FRP and compares them between each other. Furthermore theory and algorithm of my own software is presented here. Load bearing capacity of structures which are reinforced with non-metallic reinforcement and loaded by combination of normal force and bending moment can be solved by my programme. Effects of high temperatures on the concrete structures can be included in the calculation. In the second part of the thesis is calculated load-bearing capacity and deflection of the real beam reinforced with FRP reinforcement and load-bearing capacity of member with FRP reinforcement with effect of elevated temperature. This has been done using my software. Comparison of results from hand calculation and laboratory load-bearing testing is done at the end. This laboratory testing was accomplished by Institute of Concrete and Mansory Structures at our faculty.

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