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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Méthodes de volumes finis pour des équations aux dérivées partielles déterministes et stochastiques / Finite volume methods for deterministic and stochastic partial differential equations

Gao, Yueyuan 10 December 2015 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est de faire l'étude de méthodes de volumes finis pour des équations aux dérivées partielles déterministes et stochastiques; nous effectuons des simulations numériques et démontrons des résultats de convergence d'algorithmes.Au Chapitre 1, nous appliquons un schéma semi-implicite en temps combiné avec la méthode de volumes finis généralisés SUSHI pour la simulation d'écoulements à densité variable en milieu poreux; il vient à résoudre une équation de convection-diffusion parabolique pour la concentration couplée à une équation elliptique en pression. Nous présentons ensuite une méthode de simulation numérique pour un problème d'écoulements à densité variable couplé à un transfert de chaleur.Au Chapitre 2, nous effectuons une étude numérique de l'équation de Burgers non visqueuse en dimension un d'espace, avec des conditions aux limites périodiques, un terme source stochastique de moyenne spatiale nulle et une condition initiale déterministe. Nous utilisons un schéma de volumes finis combinant une intégration en temps de type Euler-Maruyama avec le flux numérique de Godunov. Nous effectuons des simulations par la méthode de Monte-Carlo et analysons les résultats pour différentes régularités du terme source. Il apparaît que la moyenne empirique des réalisations converge vers la moyenne en espace de la condition initiale déterministe quand t → ∞. Par ailleurs, la variance empirique converge elle aussi en temps long, vers une valeur qui dépend de la régularité et de l'amplitude du terme stochastique.Au Chapitre 3, nous démontrons la convergence d'une méthode de volumes finis pour une loi de conservation du premier ordre avec une fonction de flux monotone et un terme source multiplicatif faisant intervenir un processus Q-Wiener. Le terme de convection est discrétisé à l'aide d'un schéma amont. Nous présentons des estimations a priori pour la solution discrète dont en particulier une estimation de type BV faible. A l'aide d'une interpolation en temps, nous démontrons deux inégalité entropiques vérifiées par la solution discrète, ce qui nous permet de prouver que la solution discrète converge selon une sous-suite vers une solution stochastique faible entropique à valeurs mesures de la loi de conservation.Au Chapitre 4, nous obtenons des résultats similaires à ceux du Chapitre 3 dans le cas où la fonction flux n'est pas monotone; le terme de convection est discrétisé à l'aide d'un schéma monotone. / This thesis bears on numerical methods for deterministic and stochastic partial differential equations; we perform numerical simulations by means of finite volume methods and prove convergence results.In Chapter 1, we apply a semi-implicit time scheme together with the generalized finite volume method SUSHI for the numerical simulation of density driven flows in porous media; it amounts to solve a nonlinear convection-diffusion parabolic equation for the concentration coupled with an elliptic equation for the pressure. We then propose a numerical scheme to simulate density driven flows in porous media coupled to heat transfer. We use adaptive meshes, based upon square or cubic volume elements.In Chapter 2, We perform Monte-Carlo simulations in the one-dimensional torus for the first order Burgers equation forced by a stochastic source term with zero spatial integral. We suppose that this source term is a white noise in time, and consider various regularities in space. We apply a finite volume scheme combining the Godunov numerical flux with the Euler-Maruyama integrator in time. It turns out that the empirical mean converges to the space-average of the deterministic initial condition as t → ∞. The empirical variance also stabilizes for large time, towards a limit which depends on the space regularity and on the intensity of the noise.In Chapter 3, we study a time explicit finite volume method with an upwind scheme for a first order conservation law with a monotone flux function and a multiplicative source term involving a Q-Wiener process. We present some a priori estimates including a weak BV estimate. After performing a time interpolation, we prove two entropy inequalities for the discrete solution and show that it converges up to a subsequence to a stochastic measure-valued entropy solution of the conservation law in the sense of Young measures.In Chapter 4, we obtain similar results as in Chapter 3, in the case that the flux function is non-monotone, and that the convection term is discretized by means of a monotone scheme.

Výpočet chlazení asynchronního stroje pomocí programu Ansys CFX / Calculation of the cooling of the asynchronous machine ANSYS CFX

Horálek, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
The issue this master’s thesis discusses the cooling synchronous machines. Specifically, the calculation of cooling induction motor using the finite volume method. Using Autodesk Inventor will create a 3D model of a real electric machine, ie asynchronous motor and then ANSYS WORKBENCH perform system analysis CFX, based on the finite volume method. Furthermore, we realize the air speed measurements on a particular machine and the individual results obtained by measuring and calculating the actual compared with each other. The master’s thesis also deals marginally with closely related to it. For the same machine model, we apply the calculation of the temperature fields using the finite volume method and them perform a thermal analysis. Next, we can carry out the measurement of the temperature on the motor itself and calculate the measured values and the measured compare each other.

Zatížení větrem lehké mostní konstrukce / Wind loading of lightweight bridge-like structure

Hrubý, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
The present thesis is concerned with air flow over lightweight footbridge. Special attention is paid to flow-induced instabilities. The thesis opens with a theoretical elaboration on the phenomena related to the research matter. The next part investigates air flow over footbridge in a specific situation using numerical simulation in the Ansys CFX software. Finally, results are discussed in the light of chosen theoretical framework and relevant conclusions are presented.

Simulace vlivu teploty a proudění vzduchu v poli rozvaděče s frekvenčním měničem / Simulation of temperature and airflow in a field distributor with frequency converter

Melechovský, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
Presented work deals with heat transfer and its methods. At the beginning thesis describes the theory and the ways of heat transfer with connected quantities and equations. Then it explains the stack effect and impact of temperature on electro technical device. In work is also described ABB driver ACS line and calculation of heat transfer according to IEC 60890 standard. In the practical part there is the calculation of heat transfer in Flow Simulation simulating CFD program solved and finite element method is mentioned. Important part of work is devoted to setting and optimization of simulation. In conclusion are made some changes of construction of driver, dependence on heat transfer is inspected.

Metoda řešení úloh vedení tepla v materiálu s fázovou změnou s obsahem nanočástic / Method for the solution of conduction heat transfer in Phase change material with nanoparticles

Kopečková, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis deals with problematic of the heat convection in phase change materials (PCM) and PCM with nanoparticles. The derivation of stationary and non-stationary equations for 1D, 2D and 3D heat convection are described in detail. The finite element volume method is used for solution to these equations, of which principle is described carefully. The aim of this thesis is model development for 2D solution to temperature distribution at heat convection in PCM and influence assessment of nanoparticle implementation into material on given temperature distribution. Software MATLAB was used for model development, solution and plotting graphs.

Application of Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling in Riverine Systems Using HEC-RAS

Alzahrani, Abdulaziz S. 24 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Modelling and experimental analysis of a geothermal ventilated foundation / Modélisation et étude expérimentale d'une fondation géothermique ventilée

Taurines, Kevin 26 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’analyse thermique et énergétique d’une fondation géothermique ventilée. A l’instar des échangeurs air-sol classiques (EAHE), celle-ci permet de rafraichir ou préchauffer selon la saison l’air destiné au renouvellement sanitaire des bâtiments. Face aux contraintes de rationalisation des consommations et aux exigences de confort thermique croissantes, ces systèmes passifs apparaissent comme étant prometteurs. Le principe de cette fondation est simple et similaire à celui des EAHE : faire circuler de l’air dans une conduite enterrée dans le sol (un à trois mètres) pour qu’il bénéficie - via convection - de l’inertie thermique du sol. La différence réside dans le fait que le canal dans lequel circule l’air n’est pas un tube en PVC ou aluminium mais fait partie intégrante de la structure du bâtiment, à savoir la fondation en béton armé. Ceci présente comme avantage majeur le gain de place lié à l’espace requis pour l’enfouissement des tuyaux. D’un point de vue thermique, la fondation échange non seulement de la chaleur avec le sol exposé aux sollicitations météorologiques mais aussi, et simultanément, aux sollicitations venant du bâtiment. De plus, la profondeur de la fondation – imposée par des raisons structurelles et économiques – est moindre que pour un EAHE traditionnel. Additionné au fait que le béton est poreux, la présence d’humidité peut fortement influencer la performance thermique de la fondation. Le présent travail propose donc d’étudier le comportement thermique complexe de cette fondation par deux approches. La première est expérimentale : un EHPAD équipé de deux fondations a été lourdement instrumenté et des données ont été accumulées sur plus d’un an. L’autre est numérique : deux modèles validés par comparaison avec les données expérimentales ont été développés. Le premier a vocation d’outil de dimensionnement, l’autre de compréhension fine des phénomènes physiques et prends en compte les transferts couplés de chaleur et de masse. / This thesis deals with the thermal and energy analysis of a geothermal ventilated fonudation. Similarly to earth-to-air heat exchangers (EAHE) this foundation enables, according to the season, to preheat or to cool down the air for the hygienic air change. Considering the energy consumption constraints and the buildings users thermal comfort desire, these systems appears to be relevant. The principle of this foundation is simple: to force the air to circulate in a hollowed beam buried into the ground (1 to 3m depth) so that it takes advantage - via convection - to the thermal inertia of the ground. The difference lays on the fact that the channel is not a plastic or aluminium pipe but it a part of the building structure, namely the reinforced concrete foundation. This induces a significant space gain, usually devoted to the pipe burying. From a thermal point of view, the foundation exchanges heat with both the soil beneath the building, and with the soil exposed to the weather thermal loads. Furthermore, the depth - imposed by structural and economical purposees - is lower than that of traditional EAHE. In addition to the fact that concrete is a porous material, the humidity content may strongly influence the thermal performance of the foundation. The current work thus proposes to study the complex thermal behaviour of this foundation in two ways. The first is experimental: an retirement home equipped with two foundation has been intensively instrumented and data recorded over more than one year. The other is numerical: two models validated against the experimental data have been developed. The first is intended to be a designing tool, the second a tool to allow a fine comprehension of the physical phenomenon and take into account coupled heat and moisture transfers.

Modélisation multi-échelle et simulation numérique de l’érosion des sols de la parcelle au bassin versant / Multiscale modelling and numerical simulation of soil erosion by water from the plot scale to the catchment scale

Le, Minh Hoang 26 November 2012 (has links)
L’objectif global de ce travail est d’étudier une modélisation multi échelle et de développer une méthode adaptée pour la simulation numérique du processus d’érosion à l’échelle du bassin versant. Après avoir passé en revue les différents modèles existants, nous dérivons une solution analytique non triviale pour le système couplé modélisant le transport de sédiments par charriage. Ensuite, nous étudions l’hyperbolicité de ce système avec diverses lois de sédimentation proposées dans la littérature. Concernant le schéma numérique, nous présentons le domaine de validité de la méthode de splitting, pour les équations modélisant l’écoulement et celle décrivant l’évolution du fond. Pour la modélisation du transport en suspension à l’échelle de la parcelle, nous présentons un système d’équations couplant les mécanismes d’infiltration, de ruissellement et le transport de plusieurs classes de sédiments. L’implémentation et des tests de validation d’un schéma d’ordre élevé et de volumes finis bien équilibré sont également présentés. Ensuite, nous discutons sur l’application et la calibration du modèle avec des données expérimentales sur dix parcelles au Niger. Dans le but d’aboutir la simulation à l’échelle du bassin versant, nous développons une modélisation multi échelle dans laquelle nous intégrons le taux d’inondation dans les équations d’évolution afin de prendre en compte l’effet à petite échelle de la microtopographie. Au niveau numérique, nous étudions deux schémas bien équilibrés : le schéma de Roe basé sur un chemin conservatif, et le schéma avec reconstruction hydrostatique généralisée. Enfin, nous présentons une première application du modèle avec les données expérimentales du bassin versant de Ganspoel qui nécessite la parallélisation du code. / The overall objective of this thesis is to study a multiscale modelling and to develop a suitable method for the numerical simulation of soil erosion on catchment scale. After reviewing the various existing models, we derive an analytical solution for the non-trivial coupled system modelling the bedload transport. Next, we study the hyperbolicity of the system with different sedimentation laws found in the literature. Relating to the numerical method, we present the validity domain of the time splitting method, consisting in solving separately the Shallow-Water system (modelling the flow routing) during a first time step for a fixed bed and updating afterward the topography on a second step using the Exner equation. On the modelling of transport in suspension at the plot scale, we present a system coupling the mechanisms of infiltration, runoff and transport of several classes of sediment. Numerical implementation and validation tests of a high order wellbalanced finite volume scheme are also presented. Then, we discuss on the model application and calibration using experimental data on ten 1 m2 plots of crusted soil in Niger. In order to achieve the simulation at the catchment scale, we develop a multiscale modelling in which we integrate the inundation ratio in the evolution equations to take into account the small-scale effect of the microtopography. On the numerical method, we study two well-balanced schemes : the first one is the Roe scheme based on a path conservative, and the second one is the scheme using a generalized hydrostatic reconstruction. Finally, we present a first model application with experimental data of the Ganspoel catchment where the parallel computing is also motived.

Simulação numérica do escoamento bifásico em meios porosos heterogêneos empregando uma formulação semi-implícita, imitadores de fluxo e o método dos volumes finitos / Numerical simulation of two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media applying a semi-implicit formulation, flux limiter and finite volume method

Julhane Alice Thomas Schulz 31 March 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresentamos um esquema numérico para a simulação computacional de escoamentos bifásicos, água-óleo, em reservatórios de petróleo. O modelo matemático consiste em um sistema de equações diferenciais parciais não-linear nas incógnitas velocidade, pressão e saturação. Uma quebra de operadores a dois níveis possibilita uma maior eficiência ao método permitindo que a velocidade, fornecida pelo problema de velocidade-pressão, seja atualizada somente para determinados intervalos de tempo associados ao problema de transporte advectivo-difusivo em termos da saturação. O método dos volumes finitos é empregado na resolução numérica do problema de velocidade-pressão e do transporte de massa por advecção e difusão. Na solução do problema de transporte de massa utilizamos limitadores de fluxo na aproximação dos termos advectivos e diferenças centradas para os termos difusivos. O nosso simulador foi validado a partir de confrontações dos seus resultados com as soluções teóricas conhecidas para os problemas unidimensionais, equações de Burgers e de Buckley-Leverett, e com outros resultados numéricos em se tratando do escoamento bifásico água-óleo bidimensional em meios porosos heterogêneos. / A new numerical method is proposed for the solution of two-phase flow problem in petroleum reservoirs. The two-phase (water and oil) flow problem is governed by a pressure-velocity equation coupled to a saturation equation. For computational eficiency an operator spliting technique is used; distinct time steps can be used for the computation of transport and pressure-velocity problems. The finite volume method is used in the numerical solution of the velocity-pressure and mass transport problems. A flux limiter is used for the numerical discretization of the advective terms while centered schemes are employed for the diffusion terms in the mass transport problem. In the validation of our numerical method we compared numerical and theoretical solutions for one dimensional problems, Burgers and Buckley-Leverett equations, and compared our numerical results to others, in the case of oil-water flows in two dimensions for an heterogeneous porous media.

Simulação numérica do escoamento bifásico em meios porosos heterogêneos empregando uma formulação semi-implícita, imitadores de fluxo e o método dos volumes finitos / Numerical simulation of two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media applying a semi-implicit formulation, flux limiter and finite volume method

Julhane Alice Thomas Schulz 31 March 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho apresentamos um esquema numérico para a simulação computacional de escoamentos bifásicos, água-óleo, em reservatórios de petróleo. O modelo matemático consiste em um sistema de equações diferenciais parciais não-linear nas incógnitas velocidade, pressão e saturação. Uma quebra de operadores a dois níveis possibilita uma maior eficiência ao método permitindo que a velocidade, fornecida pelo problema de velocidade-pressão, seja atualizada somente para determinados intervalos de tempo associados ao problema de transporte advectivo-difusivo em termos da saturação. O método dos volumes finitos é empregado na resolução numérica do problema de velocidade-pressão e do transporte de massa por advecção e difusão. Na solução do problema de transporte de massa utilizamos limitadores de fluxo na aproximação dos termos advectivos e diferenças centradas para os termos difusivos. O nosso simulador foi validado a partir de confrontações dos seus resultados com as soluções teóricas conhecidas para os problemas unidimensionais, equações de Burgers e de Buckley-Leverett, e com outros resultados numéricos em se tratando do escoamento bifásico água-óleo bidimensional em meios porosos heterogêneos. / A new numerical method is proposed for the solution of two-phase flow problem in petroleum reservoirs. The two-phase (water and oil) flow problem is governed by a pressure-velocity equation coupled to a saturation equation. For computational eficiency an operator spliting technique is used; distinct time steps can be used for the computation of transport and pressure-velocity problems. The finite volume method is used in the numerical solution of the velocity-pressure and mass transport problems. A flux limiter is used for the numerical discretization of the advective terms while centered schemes are employed for the diffusion terms in the mass transport problem. In the validation of our numerical method we compared numerical and theoretical solutions for one dimensional problems, Burgers and Buckley-Leverett equations, and compared our numerical results to others, in the case of oil-water flows in two dimensions for an heterogeneous porous media.

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