Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iis"" "subject:"iris""
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Identified primary hadron spectra with the TOF detector of the ALICE experiment at LHCGuerzoni, Barbara <1982> 16 March 2012 (has links)
In this thesis the analysis to reconstruct the transverse momentum p_{t} spectra for pions, kaons and protons identified with the TOF detector of the ALICE experiment in pp Minimum Bias collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV was reported.
After a detailed description of all the parameters which influence the TOF PID performance (time resolution, calibration, alignment, matching efficiency, time-zero of the event) the method used to identify the particles, the unfolding procedure, was discussed. With this method, thanks also to the excellent TOF performance, the pion and kaon spectra can be reconstructed in the 0.5<p_{t}<2.5 GeV/c range, while the protons can be measured in the interval 0.8<p_{t}<4.0 GeV/c. To prove the robustness of these results, a comparison with the spectra obtained with a $3\sigma$ cut PID procedure, was reported, showing an agreement within 5%. The estimation of the systematic uncertainties was described.
The reported spectra provide very useful information to tune the Monte Carlo generators that, as was shown, are not able to describe $\pi$, $K$ and $p$ production over the full momentum range.
The same limitation for the theoretical models in describing the data was observed when comparing with the Monte Carlo predictions the $K/\pi$ and $p/\pi$ ratios, as obtained with the TOF analysis.
Finally, the comparison between the TOF results and the spectra obtained with analyses that use other ALICE PID detectors and techniques to extend the identified spectra to a wider $p_{t}$ range was reported, showing an agreement within 6\%.
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The AMS-02 Experiment and the Dark Matter SearchMasi, Nicolò <1985> 20 March 2013 (has links)
AMS-02 is running after great scientific goals since one year and a half: a final setting up for dark matter searches has been achieved, allowing to study the so important antiparticle to particle ratios, which will probably be the first dark matter signals ever corroborated.
Even if primary cosmic rays fluxes are subjected to a lot of uncertainties sources, some statements can be done and have been written down about dark matter properties: DM should be a heavy Majorana fermion or Spin 0 or 1 boson, with a mass from about 1 TeV to 10 TeV - unveiling a new TeV-ish search age - which could be able to originate antiparticle fluxes enhancements at high energies, both for positrons and antiprotons. All the observations, direct and indirect, point to these new paradigms or can be traced back to them quite easily.
These enhancements perfectly fall into the research window of AMS-02, allowing the experiment to attack each today credible theory. Also an investigation of the Sommerfeld effect-associated dark boson will be possible, in terms of antiparticle to particle ratios substructures.
The first great AMS-02 measurement is the positron fraction: an official paper is going to be submitted in few months, where the correct behavior of the apparatus will be reviewed and the full positron fraction rate will be analyzed up to 200 GeV.
In this concern, one of the objectives of this work is to test the AMS-02 capability and versatility in doing these dark matter researches, thanks to an orbital temporal (and geomagnetic) stability. The goal has been accomplished: the experiment is very stable in time, so that the temporal error associated to the positron fraction measurement is compatible with zero, offering a beyond belief opportunity to measure CR antiparticle to particle ratios.
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Study of the forward photons productions in pp collisions at sqrt{s} = 7 TeV with the ZDC detector of the ATLAS experimentMonzani, Simone <1981> 20 March 2013 (has links)
The Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC) of the ATLAS experiment at CERN is placed in the TAN of the LHC collider, covering the pseudorapidity region higher than 8.3. It is composed by 2 calorimeters, each one longitudinally segmented in 4 modules, located at 140 m from the IP exactly on the beam axis. The ZDC can detect neutral particles during pp collisions and it is a tool for diffractive physics. Here we present results on the forward photon energy distribution obtained using p-p collision data at sqrt{s} = 7 TeV. First the pi0 reconstruction will be used for the detector calibration with photons, then we will show results on the forward photon energy distribution in p-p collisions and the same distribution, but obtained using MC generators. Finally a comparison between data and MC will be shown.
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Measurement of the ZZ production cross section and limits on anomalous neutral triple gauge couplings with ATLASMengarelli, Alberto <1981> 20 March 2013 (has links)
The main work of this thesis concerns the measurement of the production cross section
using LHC 2011 data collected at a center-of-mass energy equal to 7 TeV by the ATLAS detector
and resulting in a total integrated luminosity of 4.6 inverse fb.
The ZZ total cross section is finally compared with the NLO prediction calculated with modern Monte Carlo generators.
In addition, the three differential distributions (∆φ(l,l), ZpT and M4l)
are shown unfolded back to the underlying distributions using a Bayesian iterative
algorithm. Finally, the transverse momentum of the leading Z is used to provide limits on
anoumalus triple gauge couplings forbidden in the Standard Model.
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Measurement of the differential cross section of tt pairs in pp collision at sqrt(s) = 7TeV with the ATLAS detector at the LHCRomano, Marino <1985> 20 March 2013 (has links)
In this thesis three measurements of top-antitop differential cross section at an energy in the center of mass of 7 TeV will be shown, as a function of the transverse momentum, the mass and the rapidity of the top-antitop system.
The analysis has been carried over a data sample of about 5/fb recorded with the ATLAS detector. The events have been selected with a cut based approach in the "one lepton plus jets" channel, where the lepton can be either an electron or a muon.
The most relevant backgrounds (multi-jet QCD and W+jets) have been extracted using data driven methods; the others (Z+ jets, diboson and single top) have been simulated with Monte Carlo techniques.
The final, background-subtracted, distributions have been corrected, using unfolding methods, for the detector and selection effects. At the end, the results have been compared with the theoretical predictions. The measurements are dominated by the systematic uncertainties and show no relevant deviation from the Standard Model predictions. / In questo lavoro verranno presentate tre misure di sezione d'urto differenziale di eventi top-antitop ad un'energia nel centro di massa pari a 7 TeV in funzione dell'impulso trasverso, della massa invariante e della rapidità del sistema. L'analisi è stata effettuata su un campione di dati pari a circa 5/fb raccolti dal rivelatore ATLAS durante il run del 2011 dell'LHC. Gli eventi sono stati selezionati con un approccio basato sui tagli nel canale "leptone più jet", dove il leptone può essere un elettrone o un muone.
I principali fondi (QCD multi-jet e W+ jet) sono stati estratti con metodi "data driven", mentre i rimanenti (Z+ jet, WW/ZZ/WZ e top
singolo) sono stati simulati con tecniche Monte Carlo.
Le distribuzioni finali, dopo la sottrazione del background, sono state corrette, attraverso procedure di unfolding, dagli effetti del rivelatore e della selezione. In questo modo è possibile confrontare i risultati ottenuti con quelli di altri esperimenti.
Le misure risultano dominate dalle incertezze sistematiche e non mostrano alcuna deviazione significativa dalle predizioni del Modello Standard.
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Measurement of K(892)*0 resonance production in Pb-Pb collisions with the ALICE experiment at the LHCBellini, Francesca <1984> 20 March 2013 (has links)
The analysis of the K(892)*0 resonance production in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC is presented.
The analysis is motivated by the interest in the measurement of short-lived resonances production that can provide insights on the properties of the medium produced in heavy-ion collisions both during its partonic (Quark-Gluon Plasma) and hadronic phase. This particular analysis exploits particle identification of the ALICE Time-Of-Flight detector.
The ALICE experiment is presented, with focus on the performance of the Time-Of-Flight system. The aspects of calibration and data quality controls are discussed in detail, while illustrating the excellent and very stable performance of the system in different collision environments at the LHC.
A full analysis of the K*0 resonance production is presented: from the resonance reconstruction to the determination of the efficiency and the systematic uncertainty. The results show that the analysis strategy discussed is a valid tool to measure the K∗0 up to intermediate momenta. Preliminary results on K*0 resonance production at the LHC are presented and confirmed to be a powerful tool to study the physics of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
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Effetti della viscoelasticità sulla misura dell’energia di adesione tra film di polietilene / Effects of viscoelasticity on the measurement of the adhesive energy between polyethylene filmsCastiglioni, Andrea <1984> 20 March 2015 (has links)
Lo stretch film è una diffusa applicazione per imballaggio dei film in polietilene (PE), utilizzato per proteggere diversi prodotti di vari dimensioni e pesi. Una caratteristica fondamentale del film è la sua proprietà adesiva in virtù della quale il film può essere facilmente chiuso su se stesso.
Tipicamente vengono scelti gradi lineari a bassa densità (LLDPE) con valori relativamente bassi di densità a causa delle loro buone prestazioni. Il mercato basa la scelta del materiale adesivo per tentativi piuttosto che in base alla conoscenza delle caratteristiche strutturali ottimali per l’applicazione.
Come per i pressure sensitive adhesives, le proprietà adesive di film stretch in PE possono essere misurati mediante "peel testing". Esistono molti metodi standard internazionali ma i risultati di tali prove sono fortemente dipendenti dalla geometria di prova, sulla possibile deformazione plastica che si verificano nel peel arm(s), e la velocità e temperatura.
Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quello di misurare l'energia di adesione Gc di film stretch di PE, su se stessi e su substrati diversi, sfruttando l'interpretazione della meccanica della frattura per tener conto dell'elevata flessibilità e deformabilità di tali film.
Quindi, la dipendenza velocità/temperatura di Gc sarà studiata con riferimento diretto al comportamento viscoelastico lineare dei materiali utilizzati negli strati adesivi, per esplorare le relazioni struttura-proprietà che possono mettere in luce i meccanismi molecolari coinvolti nei processi di adesione e distacco. Nella presente caso, l’adesivo non è direttamente disponibile come materiale separato che può essere messo tra due superfici di prova e misurato per la determinazione delle sue proprietà. Il presupposto principale è che una parte, o fase, della complessa struttura semi-cristallina del PE possa funzionare come adesivo, e un importante risultato di questo studio può essere una migliore identificazione e caratterizzazione di questo "fase adesiva". / Stretch wrap is a widespread packaging application of Polyethylene (PE) films, used to held together and protect many possible products of varying number, sizes and weights. A key feature of stretch wrap films is their adhesive property, by virtue of which the wrap can be easily closed onto itself.
Typically, Linear Low Density grades (LLDPEs) with comparatively low density values are chosen, because of their known good adhesive (“cling”) properties. The market relies on trial and error for the choice of the adhesive material rather than choose upon known optimal structure’s properties tailored for the application.
As for pressure sensitive adhesives, the adhesive properties of PE stretch films can be measured by “peel testing”. Many international standard methods exist, and the results of such tests are strongly dependent on test geometry, on the possible plastic deformation occurring in the peel arm(s), and on peeling rate and temperature.
The aim of the present work is to measure the adhesive energy Gc of PE stretch films onto themselves and on different substrates, by taking advantage of the fracture mechanics approach to account for the high flexibility and deformability of these films. The measured rate/temperature dependence of Gc will be studied with reference to the linear viscoelastic behaviour of the materials used in the adhesive layers, in order to explore the structure-property relationships which could enlighten the molecular mechanisms involved in the adhesion and detachment processes. In the present case, the “adhesive” is not available as a separate material which could be tested and sampled for determination of its properties. The main assumption is that some part, or phase, of the complex semi-crystalline polyethylene material works as an adhesive, and an important outcome of this study can be a better identification and characterization of this “adhesive phase”.
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The new Beam Halo Monitor for the CMS experiment at the LHCTosi, Nicolo <1987> 26 February 2015 (has links)
In the context of increasing beam energy and luminosity of the LHC accelerator at CERN, it will be important to accurately measure the Machine Induced Background.
A new monitoring system will be installed in the CMS cavern for measuring the beam background at high radius. This detector, called the Beam Halo Monitor, will provide an online, bunch-by-bunch measurement of background induced by beam halo interactions, separately for each beam.
The detector is composed of synthetic quartz Cherenkov radiators, coupled to fast UV sensitive photomultiplier tubes. The directional and fast response of the system allows the discrimination of the background particles from the dominant flux in the cavern induced by pp collision debris, produced within the 25 ns bunch spacing.
The readout electronics of this detector will make use of many components developed for the upgrade of the CMS Hadron Calorimeter electronics, with a dedicated firmware and readout adapted to the beam monitoring requirements. The PMT signal will be digitized by a charge integrating ASIC, providing both the signal rise time and the charge integrated over one bunch crossing. The backend electronics will record bunch-by-bunch histograms, which will be published to CMS and the LHC using the newly designed CMS beam instrumentation specific DAQ.
A calibration and monitoring system has been designed to generate triggered pulses of UV light to monitor the efficiency of the system.
The experimental results validating the design of the detector, the calibration system and the electronics will be presented.
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Measurement of the $B^0$ - $\bar{B}^0$ and $B^0_s$ - $\bar{B}^0_s$ production asymmetries in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV and $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV with the LHCb experimentZangoli, Maria <1986> 26 February 2015 (has links)
The production rate of $b$ and $\bar{b}$ hadrons in $pp$ collisions are not expected to be strictly identical, due to imbalance between quarks and anti-quarks in the initial state. This phenomenon can be naively related to the fact that the $\bar{b}$ quark produced in the hard scattering might combine with a $u$ or $d$ valence quark from the colliding protons, whereas the same cannot happen for a $b$ quark.
This thesis presents the analysis performed to determine the production asymmetries of $B^0$ and $B^0_s$. The analysis relies on data samples collected by the LHCb detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) during the 2011 and 2012 data takings at two different values of the centre of mass energy $\sqrt{s}=7$ TeV and at $\sqrt{s}=8$ TeV, corresponding respectively to an integrated luminosity of 1 fb$^{-1}$ and of 2 fb$^{-1}$.
The production asymmetry is one of the key ingredients to perform measurements of $CP$ violation in b-hadron decays at the LHC, since $CP$ asymmetries must be disentangled from other sources.
The measurements of the production asymmetries are performed in bins of $p_\mathrm{T}$ and $\eta$ of the $B$-meson.
The values of the production asymmetries, integrated in the ranges $4 < p_\mathrm{T} < 30$ GeV/c and $2.5<\eta<4.5$, are determined to be:
A_\mathrm{P}(\B^0)= (-1.00\pm0.48\pm0.29)\%,\nonumber
A_\mathrm{P}(\B^0_s)= (\phantom{-}1.09\pm2.61\pm0.61)\%,\nonumber
where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. The measurement of $A_\mathrm{P}(B^0)$ is performed using the full statistics collected by LHCb so far, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 fb$^{-1}$, while the measurement of $A_\mathrm{P}(B^0_s)$ is realized with the first 1 fb$^{-1}$, leaving room for improvement. No clear evidence of dependences on the values of $p_\mathrm{T}$ and $\eta$ is observed. The results presented in this thesis are the most precise measurements available up to date.
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Towards a Reconstruction of Thermal Properties of Light Nuclei from Fusion - Evaporation reactionsBaiocco, Giorgio <1984> 02 March 2012 (has links)
This thesis work has been developed in the framework of a new experimental campaign, proposed by the NUCL-EX Collaboration (INFN III Group), in order to progress in the understanding of the statistical properties of light nuclei, at excitation energies above particle emission threshold, by measuring exclusive data from fusion-evaporation reactions.
The determination of the nuclear level density in the A~20 region,
the understanding of the statistical behavior of light nuclei with excitation energies ~3 A.MeV,
and the measurement of observables linked to the presence of cluster structures of nuclear excited
levels are the main physics goals of this work.
On the theory side, the contribution to this project given by this work lies in the development of a dedicated Monte-Carlo Hauser-Feshbach code for the evaporation of the compound nucleus.
The experimental part of this thesis has consisted in the participation to the measurement 12C+12C at 95 MeV beam energy, at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro - INFN, using the GARFIELD+Ring Counter(RCo) set-up, from the beam-time request to the data taking, data reduction, detector calibrations and data analysis.
Different results of the data analysis are presented in this thesis, together with a theoretical study of the system, performed with the new statistical decay code.
As a result of this work, constraints on the nuclear level density at high excitation energy
for light systems ranging from C up to Mg are given. Moreover, pre-equilibrium effects, tentatively interpreted as alpha-clustering effects, are put in evidence, both in the entrance channel of the reaction and in the dissipative dynamics on the path towards thermalisation.
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