Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iis"" "subject:"iris""
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The Time-Of-Flight detector of ALICE at LHC: construction, test and commissioning with cosmic raysPreghenella, Roberto <1980> 14 May 2009 (has links)
The Time-Of-Flight (TOF) detector of ALICE is designed to identify charged particles produced in Pb--Pb collisions at the LHC to address the physics of strongly-interacting matter and the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). The detector is based on the Multigap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) technology which guarantees the excellent performance required for a large time-of-flight array. The construction and installation of the apparatus in the experimental site have been completed and the detector is presently fully operative. All the steps which led to the construction of the TOF detector were strictly followed by a set of quality assurance procedures to enable high and uniform performance and eventually the detector has been commissioned with cosmic rays. This work aims at giving a detailed overview of the ALICE TOF detector, also focusing on the tests performed during the construction phase. The first data-taking experience and the first results obtained with cosmic rays during the commissioning phase are presented as well and allow to confirm the readiness state of the TOF detector for LHC collisions. / Il rivelatore Time-Of-Flight (TOF) di ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) è progettato per l'identificazione delle particelle cariche prodotte nelle collisioni nucleari di LHC (Large Hadron Collider) allo scopo di studiare la fisica della materia fortemente interagente ed il Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). Il rivelatore sfrutta la tecnologia innovativa MRPC (Multigap Resistive Plate Chamber) che garantisce le eccellenti prestazioni richieste ad un vasto sistema per la misura del tempo di volo. La costruzione e l'installazione dell'apparato nel sito sperimentale sono state completate ed il rivelatore è attualmente operativo in tutte le sue parti. Tutti i passi necessari per la costruzione del rivelatore finale sono stati accompagnati da una serie di procedure per il controllo della qualità della produzione allo scopo di garantire prestazioni elevate ed uniformi; infine il corretto funzionamento del rivelatore è stato verificato con raggi cosmici.
Questo resoconto ha lo scopo di fornire una visione d'insieme dettagliata del rivelatore TOF di ALICE, focalizzando l'attenzione anche sui test effettuati durante le fasi di costruzione. Oltre ad una breve descrizione dell'esperienza acquisita nelle prime fasi di presa dati sono presentati i primi risultati ottenuti con raggi cosmici che confermano promettenti prestazioni del rivelatore TOF per lo studio delle collisioni di LHC.
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Isospin dependence of the Ar+Ni fusion-evaporation cross sectionMarini, Paola <1981> 14 May 2009 (has links)
The fundamental goal of this thesis is the determination of the isospin dependence of the Ar+Ni fusion-evaporation cross section. Three Ar isotope beams, with energies of about 13AMeV, have been accelerated and impinged onto
isotopically enriched Ni targets, in order to produce Pd nuclei, with mass number varying from 92 to 104. The measurements have been performed by the high performance 4pi detector INDRA, coupled with the magnetic spectrometer VAMOS. Even if the results are very preliminary, the obtained fusion-evaporation cross sections behaviour gives a hint at the possible isospin dependence of the fusion-evaporation cross sections.
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Study of production of high-PT leptons and limits on single top production at HERAAntonelli, Stefano <1969> 14 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Improved cross-section on n+197Au from high resolution time-of-flight measurements at n_TOF and GELINA: the road to a new standardMassimi, Cristian <1980> 14 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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The topological trigger system of the TOF detector for the ALICE experiment at the LHCSilenzi, Alessandro <1982> 04 May 2010 (has links)
The ALICE experiment at the LHC has been designed
to cope with the experimental conditions and
observables of a Quark Gluon Plasma reaction. One of the main assets of the ALICE experiment with respect to
the other LHC experiments is the particle identification.
The large Time-Of-Flight (TOF) detector is the
main particle identification detector of the ALICE experiment. The overall time resolution, better that 80 ps, allows the particle identification
over a large momentum range (up to 2.5 GeV/c for pi/K and 4 GeV/c for K/p).
The TOF makes use of the Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC), a detector
with high efficiency, fast response and intrinsic time resoltion better than 40 ps.
The TOF detector embeds a highly-segmented trigger system that
exploits the fast rise time and the relatively low noise of the MRPC strips, in order to identify several event topologies.
This work aims to provide detailed description of the TOF trigger system. The results achieved in the 2009 cosmic-ray run at CERN are presented to show the performances and readiness of TOF trigger system.
The proposed trigger configuration for the proton-proton and Pb-Pb beams are detailed as well with estimates of the
efficiencies and purity samples.
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Luminosity measurements with the LUCID detector in the ATLAS experimentValentinetti, Sara <1981> 20 May 2011 (has links)
La misura della luminosità è un obiettivo importante per tutta la fisica del modello standard e per la scoperta di nuova fisica, poiché è legata alla sezione d'urto (σ) e al rate di produzione (R) di un determinato processo dalla relazione L = R*σ.
Nell'eserimento ATLAS a LHC è installato un monitor di luminosità dedicato chiamato LUCID (Luminosity measurements Using Cherenkov Integrating Detector).
Grazie ai dati acquisiti durante il 2010 la valutazione off-line delle performances del LUCID e l'implementazione di controlli on-line sulla qualità dei dati raccolti è stata possibile. I dati reali sono stati confrontati con i dati Monte Carlo e le simulazioni sono state opportunamente aggiustate per ottimizzare l'accordo tra i due. La calibrazione della luminosità relativa che permette di ottenere una valutazione della luminosità assoluta è stata possibile grazie ai cosiddetti Van der Meer scan, grazie ai quale è stata ottenuta una precisione dell'11%. L'analisi della fisica del decadimento della Z è in tuttora in corso per ottenere tramite il rate a cui avviene il processo una normalizzazione della luminosità con una precisione migliore del 5%.
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Competition between evaporation and fragmentation in nuclear reactions at 15-20 AMeV beam energyMorelli, Luca <1982> 20 May 2011 (has links)
The reactions 32S+58,64Ni are studied at 14.5 AMeV. From this energy on, fragmentation begins to be a dominant process, although evaporation and fission are still present.
After a selection of the collision mechanism, we show that important even-odd effects are present in the isotopic fragment distributions when the excitation energy is small.
The staggering effect appears to be a universal feature of fragment production, slightly enhanced when the emission source is neutron poor. A closer look at the behavior of isotopic chains reveals that odd-even effects cannot
be explained by pairing effects in the nuclear mass alone, but depend in a more complex way on the de-excitation chain.
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Measurement of low pT D0 meson production cross section at CDF IIMussini, Manuel <1978> 20 May 2011 (has links)
In this thesis we present a study of the D0 meson (through one of its two-body decay channel, D0 → Kπ) collected by the CDF II experiment at the Tevatron pp ̄ collider at Fermilab. In particular we measured the differential production cross section as a function of the transverse momentum down to pT = 1.5 GeV/c.
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Neutrino velocity measurement with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beamBrunetti, Giulia <1981> 20 May 2011 (has links)
In the thesis is presented the measurement of the neutrino velocity with the OPERA experiment in the CNGS beam, a muon neutrino beam produced at CERN. The OPERA detector observes muon neutrinos 730 km away from the source.
Previous measurements of the neutrino velocity have been performed by other experiments.
Since the OPERA experiment aims the direct observation of muon neutrinos oscillations into tau neutrinos, a higher energy beam is employed. This characteristic together with the higher number of interactions in the detector allows for a measurement with a much smaller statistical uncertainty.
Moreover, a much more sophisticated timing system (composed by cesium clocks and GPS receivers operating in “common view mode”), and a Fast Waveform Digitizer (installed at CERN and able to measure the internal time structure of the proton pulses used for the CNGS beam), allows for a new measurement with a smaller systematic error.
Theoretical models on Lorentz violating effects can be investigated by neutrino velocity measurements with terrestrial beams.
The analysis has been carried out with blind method in order to guarantee the internal consistency and the goodness of each calibration measurement.
The performed measurement is the most precise one done with a terrestrial neutrino beam, the statistical accuracy achieved by the OPERA measurement is about 10 ns and the systematic error is about 20 ns.
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Measurement of branching fractions and CP violation for charmless charged two-body B decays at LHCbPerazzini, Stefano <1984> 16 March 2012 (has links)
Charmless charged two-body B decays are sensitive probes of the CKM matrix, that parameterize CP violation in the Standard Model (SM), and have the potential to reveal the presence of New Physics. The framework of CP violation within the SM, the role of the CKM matrix, with its basic formalism, and the current experimental status are presented. The theoretical tools commonly used to deal with hadronic B decays and an overview of the phenomenology of charmless two-body B decays are outlined. LHCb is one of the four main experiments operating at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), devoted to the measurement of CP violation and rare decays of charm and beauty hadrons. The LHCb detector is described, focusing on the technologies adopted for each sub-detector and summarizing their performances. The status-of-the-art of the LHCb measurements with charmless two-body B decays is then presented. Using the 37/pb of integrated luminosity collected at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV by LHCb during 2010, the direct CP asymmetries ACP(B0 -> Kpi) = −0.074 +/- 0.033 +/- 0.008 and ACP(Bs -> piK) = 0.15 +/- 0.19 +/- 0.02 are measured.
Using 320/pb of integrated luminosity collected during 2011 these measurements are updated to ACP(B0 -> Kpi) = −0.088 +/- 0.011 +/- 0.008 and ACP(Bs -> piK) = 0.27 +/- 0.08 +/- 0.02. In addition, the branching ratios BR(B0 -> K+K-) = (0.13+0.06-0.05 +/- 0.07) x 10^-6 and BR(Bs -> pi+pi-) = (0.98+0.23-0.19 +/- 0.11) x 10^-6 are measured.
Finally, using a sample of 370/pb of integrated luminosity collected during 2011, the relative branching ratios BR(B0 -> pi+pi-)/BR(B0 -> Kpi) = 0.262 +/- 0.009 +/- 0.017, (fs/fd)BR(Bs -> K+K-)/BR(B0 -> Kpi)=0.316 +/- 0.009 +/- 0.019, (fs/fd)BR(Bs -> piK)/BR(B0 -> Kpi) = 0.074 +/- 0.006 +/- 0.006 and BR(Lambda_b -> ppi)/BR(Lambda_b -> pK)=0.86 +/- 0.08 +/- 0.05 are determined.
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