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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propriétes barrière et mécaniques d'agromatériaux thermoplastiques à base de farine de blé et de polyesters biosources et biodégradables / Barrier properties of wheat flour and biobased/biodegradable polyesters based thermoplastic agro-matérials.

Abdillahi, Houssein 18 April 2014 (has links)
Des produits de consommation de première nécessité aux produits les plus fortuits, l'emballage, en particulier plastique, constitue aujourd'hui un élément indispensable de notre vie quotidienne. Son utilisation intensive dans le domaine agroalimentaire pour un usage unique à courte durée de vie incite aujourd'hui à s'orienter vers de nouveaux matériaux d'origine renouvelable et biodégradables, aux caractéristiques similaires que leurs homologues issus des ressources fossiles. Les mélanges à base de biopolymères et de biopolyesters peuvent être une bonne alternative. Dans ce présent travail de thèse, des mélanges de farine de blé, thermoplastifiée par du glycérol et de l'eau, et des polyesters biosourcés et biodégradables tels que le PLA et/ou le PHB ont été obtenus par extrusion bivis et moulés par injection thermoplastique. Les caractéristiques thermiques, thermomécaniques dynamiques, morphologiques, mécaniques et barrières de ces nouveaux matériaux ont été étudiés. De l'acide citrique a été utilisé comme agent de compatibilisant pour améliorer l'interface amidon/PLA. Les différentes investigations nous ont permis de mettre au point différents types de formulations aux caractéristiques mécaniques et barrières à la vapeur d'eau intéressantes pour la fabrication de corps de barquettes d'emballage alimentaire de denrées périssables comme la viande ou les fromages. L'aptitude au contact alimentaire des matériaux farine thermoplastifiée/polyester et l'impact de l'incorporation des polyesters sur la biodégradabilité de ces matériaux ont également été étudiés. / From basic and essential to unnecessary and optional consumer products, packaging, particularly plastic, is today an indispensable part of our daily life. Its extensive use in the food industry for a single use and for a short shelf-life encourages us today to move towards new renewable and biodegradable materials with similar characteristics than their counterparts from fossil resources. Biopolymers and biopolyesters blends can be a good alternative. Within the framework of this present work, wheat flour, thermoplasticised by glycerol and water, and biobased and biodegradable polyesters such as PLA and/or PHB, were blended using an industrial twin screw extruder and were injection-molded into thermoplastic materials. Thermal, dynamic thermomechanical, morphological, mechanical and barriers properties of these new materials were studied. Citric acid was used as a compatibilizer to improve the interface starch/PLA. The different investigations have allowed us to develop various types of formulations, with mechanical characteristics and barrier properties to water vapor, very attractive for manufacturing plastic food packaging which can be used for meats or cheeses. Food contact suitability and biodegradability of thermoplasticised wheat flour/polyester materials have also studied.

Entwicklung chromatographischer und spektroskopischer Screeningmethoden zur Bestimmung der Migration aus Lebensmittelverpackungen

Paul, Nadine 27 July 2010 (has links)
Neben der Sicherheit für Lebensmittel stehen auch immer mehr die Lebensmittelverpackungen im Fokus der Öffentlichkeit. Der Übergang von Stoffen aus der Verpackung in das Lebensmittel ist unerwünscht und gesetzlich reglementiert. Um den Verbraucherschutz zu gewährleisten, müssen Grenzwerte und gesetzliche Anforderungen eingehalten werden. Der Übergang von rechtlich geregelten und nicht geregelten Substanzen muss überprüft werden, was eine analytische Herausforderung darstellt. Die Untersuchung der migrierenden stickstoffhaltigen Substanzen aus Doseninnenbeschichtungen mittels eines Screenings aller migrierenden nicht-flüchtigen stickstoffhaltigen Substanzen mit einer molaren Masse kleiner 1000 Da wurde durchgeführt. Die Anwendbarkeit eines Stickstoff-selektiven Detektors für das Screening von Coating-Extrakten, welche stickstoffhaltige Verbindungen enthalten konnte gezeigt werden. Gegenstand der Untersuchung waren Vernetzersubstanzen, Flüssiglacke sowie Migrate der fertigen Beschichtung. Stickstoffhaltige potenziell migrierende Substanzen wurden zunächst in den Ausgangsmaterialien der Beschichtung identifiziert, um diese dann im Migrat der Beschichtung zu quantifizieren. Es sollte gezeigt werden, ob Substanzen, welche als Ausgangsstoffe im Lack eingesetzt werden, oder entstehende Reaktionsprodukte in ein Lebensmittelsimulanz migrieren. Um die Relevanz der migrierenden stickstoffhaltigen Verbindungen im Hinblick auf weitere nicht stickstoffhaltige migrierende Verbindungen zu zeigen, wurde das Gesamtmigrat der zur Verfügung stehenden Coatings bestimmt. Es zeigte sich, dass der Anteil von NCS an den insgesamt migrierenden Verbindungen zwischen 0,2 und 6,3 % liegt. Der Fokus des zweiten Teils der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt auf Lebensmittelverpackungen aus Kunststoff. Zunächst wurde eine HPLC-Methode mit Hilfe des Verdampfungslichtstreudetektors zur Bestimmung der Gesamtmigration mit dem Simulanz Sonnenblumenöl etabliert werden. Das Ziel dieser Untersuchungen ist, den Einfluss von Temperatur, Zeit und Schichtdicke auf das Migrationsverhalten von Siegelschichten für den Hochtemperaturbereich (> 70 °C) mit fetthaltigen Lebensmitteln mit Hilfe von statistischer Versuchsplanung vorherzusagen. Mit Hilfe einer statistischen Software konnte eine Regressionsgleichung zur Berechnung der Gesamtmigration auf der Grundlage eines Box-Behnken-Versuchsplans erstellt werden. Dabei hatte die Temperatur den größten Einfluss auf die Gesamtmigration. Die Einflüsse von Zeit und Schichtdicke waren im untersuchten Bereich des hier gezeigten Modells linear und stiegen mit Erhöhung der Temperatur. Weiterhin konnte je 10 °C Temperaturerhöhung eine Verdopplung des ermittelten Gesamtmigrationswertes beobachtet werden. Die Bestimmung der Additive aus den Ersatzsimulanzien 95 % Ethanol und Iso-Octan von Verpackungen sollte ebenfalls gezeigt werden. Ein Screening-Gradient zur Bestimmung von 25 Additiven in den Ersatzsimulanzien wurde etabliert. Die Identifizierung der migrierenden Additive erfolgte mittels der Detektoren UVD (DAD), FLD, ELSD und CLND. Mit Hilfe der verschiedenen Detektionsarten ist es möglich, die strukturelle Vielfalt der eingesetzten Additive abzudecken. Eine Absicherung der Ergebnisse konnte zudem über MS-Detektion erfolgen. Mit Hilfe der Untersuchungen wurden die gesamtmigrierenden Substanzen aus Verbundfolien zu 50 % (95 % Ethanol-Migrat) bzw. 10 % (Isooctan-Migrat) aufgeklärt. Die Konzentration der quantifizierten Additive zeigte im Verhältnis gesehen annähernd gleiche Werte. Der Unterschied in den ermittelten Gesamtmigraten (95 % Ethanol: 1,2 mg/dm2, Iso-Octan: 5,6 mg/dm2) konnte demnach nicht über die migrierenden Additive erklärt werden. Als weitere migrierende Substanzen wurden Ethylen-Oligomere identifiziert. Die Quantifizierung dieser erfolgte erstmals mit Hilfe der 1H-NMR-Spektroskopie. Die nahezu vollständige Aufklärung der Gesamtmigration einer Verbundfolie in den Ersatzsimulanzien konnte gezeigt werden. Die migrierenden Ethylen-Oligomere des Iso-Octan-Migrats wurden eingehender untersucht. Mit Hilfe von verschiedenen chromatographischen und spektroskopischen Methoden gelang eine Charakterisierung dieser im Migrat identifizierten Substanzen. / Besides the safety of food the focus on food packaging material increases in public. The migration of substances from the packaging into food is undesired and regulated by law. To ensure consumer protection legal limits and requirements have to be kept. The migration of regulated und not regulated substances has to be verified which means an analytical challenge. The determination of nitrogen containing substances (NCS) from food can coatings by screening of migrating, non-volatile substances with a molecular mass below 1000 Da from the coatings was carried out. The applicability of a nitrogen selective detector for the screening of coating extracts which contain nitrogen containing susbtances was shown. For the investigations crosslinking substances, liquid lacquers as well as migrates of the finished coatings have been available for determination. Nitrogen containing and potential migrating substances have been identified first in the raw marterial of the coating in order to quantify them in the migrates of the coating. It should be shown if substances from the raw materials or reaction products migrate into the food simulant. In order to show the relevance of the migrating nitrogen containing substances in respect to other non nitrogen containing compounds the overall migration of the available coatings was determined. It could be shown that the amount of NCS in the overall migrating substances was between 0.2 and 6.3 %. Focus of the second part of the work was on food packing made of plastic. First an HPLC-method with ELS detection for the determination of the overall migration in sunflower oil was developed. Purpose of this determination was to predict the influence of temperature, time and thickness of the layer on the migration behavior with fatty food of sealing layers in high temperature range (> 70 °C) by means of design of experiments. A statistical software computed a regression equation for the calculation the overall migration based on a Box-Behnken-Design. The highest influence could be shown for the temperature. The modell showed a duplication of the determined overall migration with 10 °C increase of temperature. The determination of plastic additives out of the 95 % ethanol and isooctane migrates of packaging material should also be conducted. An HPLC-screening method for the determination of 25 additives in the fat substitutes was established. The identification of the migrating additives was carried out with UV detection (DAD), FLD, ELSD and CLND. By means of the different detection systems it was possible to cover the structural diversity of the mainly used additives. To insure the results MS detection was used. By means of this investigations a clarification of the total migrating substances of a multilayer film was 50 % (95 % ethanol) and 10 % (isooctane), respectively. The concentration of the migrating substances on the scale of things is nearly identical. The difference in the overall migration (95 % ethanol: 1.2 mg/dm2, isooctane: 5.6 mg/dm2) can not be clarified by migration of additives. As other migrating substances ethylen oligomers can be identified. The quantification was carried out for the first time with 1H﷓NMR spectroscopy. An almost complete identification of migration substances of the overall migrate in food simulants can be shown. The migrating ethylen oligomers have been further investitgated. With the help of different chromatographic and spectroscopic methods a further characterisation of the migrating ethylen oligomers was successul.

Rychlé metody analýzy migrantů z materiálů ve styku s potravinami / Fast methods for analysis of migrants from food-contact materials

Vavrouš, Adam January 2020 (has links)
(AJ) Food contact materials pose a risk to human health due to a variety of contaminants which they can release into food. These compounds, migrants, include aromatic hydrocarbons, dialkyl phthalates, bisphenols, printing ink photoinitiators, and perfluoroalkyl compounds. The determination of all these substances can be expensive and time-consuming since universally applicable analytical approaches are not available nowadays. This work attempted to develop methods for the simultaneous determination of migrants from all of the mentioned groups in paper-based food contact materials and fatty food. A total of 68 contaminants were studied in paper products using liquid chromatography and gas chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry detection. All analytes were isolated simultaneously using the modified "QuEChERS" method. This method demonstrated acceptable recovery and repeatability for most analytes in the validation study; LOQs ranged from 1.3 to 220 µg/kg. Analysis of 132 real paper products confirmed the occurrence of almost all studied analytes, which were often present in complex mixtures and at concentrations up to 628 mg/kg. A total of 41 potential contaminants were monitored in fatty foods by liquid chromatography with tandem mass detection. Contamination of the mobile phase by...

Rychlé metody analýzy migrantů z materiálů ve styku s potravinami / Fast methods for analysis of migrants from food-contact materials

Vavrouš, Adam January 2020 (has links)
(AJ) Food contact materials pose a risk to human health due to a variety of contaminants which they can release into food. These compounds, migrants, include aromatic hydrocarbons, dialkyl phthalates, bisphenols, printing ink photoinitiators, and perfluoroalkyl compounds. The determination of all these substances can be expensive and time-consuming since universally applicable analytical approaches are not available nowadays. This work attempted to develop methods for the simultaneous determination of migrants from all of the mentioned groups in paper-based food contact materials and fatty food. A total of 68 contaminants were studied in paper products using liquid chromatography and gas chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry detection. All analytes were isolated simultaneously using the modified "QuEChERS" method. This method demonstrated acceptable recovery and repeatability for most analytes in the validation study; LOQs ranged from 1.3 to 220 µg/kg. Analysis of 132 real paper products confirmed the occurrence of almost all studied analytes, which were often present in complex mixtures and at concentrations up to 628 mg/kg. A total of 41 potential contaminants were monitored in fatty foods by liquid chromatography with tandem mass detection. Contamination of the mobile phase by...

Food safety and quality assurance measures of the National School Nutrition Programme in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa

Sibanyoni, July Johannes 05 1900 (has links)
Foodborne diseases are a major challenge to school feeding programmes because inadequate food safety knowledge and skills of staff can result in unsafe food handling practices and cross-contamination, thus causing foodborne disease outbreaks. The aim of this study was to investigate the food safety and quality assurance measures of the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. The research design was cross-sectional quantitative in nature. A total of 300 NSNP food service managers/coordinators and 440 food handlers were selected to participate in the study. Data collection was by means of a selfadministered structured questionnaire and 192 food contact surface swap samples from 32 primary and secondary public schools.The majority of schools offering NSNP meals were located in informal settlements and most were found to lack basic resources such as electricity and potable tap water in their kitchens. 93% of food handlers did not know about Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). The NSNP food service managers in some schools, especially in schools located in rural settlements, were found to have little knowledge or awareness of HACCP. No school was found to have implemented the HACCP, and only a few staff had received food safety training. Inadequate food safety knowledge was worst in schools located in informal settlements due to a lack of training. Up to 60% of food handlers did not know the correct procedure for washing a cutting board after it had been used. In addition, just over 95% of the food handlers did not know how to sanitise utensils and cutting surfaces after cutting up raw meat. The lack of hygiene was confirmed by the presence of Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli 015:H7, Salmonella and Shigella species on food contact surfaces. A total of 22 different bacteria genera were identified. It is essential to monitor NSNP kitchen hygiene practice to ensure the minimal contamination of food products and newly recruited food handlers should be trained on food handling practice and principles to ensure the safety of prepared food for school children. / Health Studies / D. Phil. (Consumer Science)

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