Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forcing"" "subject:"sorcing""
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Determining the Meteorological Forcing that Affects the Dynamics of Methane Emissions from WetlandsNaor Azrieli, Liel January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Is Radiative Forcing Cointegrated with Temperature? A Further Examination Using a Structural Time Series ApproachBalcombe, K., Fraser, I.M., Sharma, Abhijit 2019 April 1921 (has links)
Yes / This paper re-examines the long-run relationship between radiative forcing (including emissions of carbon dioxide, sulphur oxides, methane, and solar radiation) and temperatures from a structural time series modeling perspective. We assess whether forcing measures are cointegrated with global temperatures using the structural time series approach.
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Construções consistentes de espaços de Banach C (K) com poucos operadores / Consistent constructions of Banach spaces C(K) with few operatorsFajardo, Rogerio Augusto dos Santos 24 October 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho aplicamos técnicas de combinatória infinitária e forcing na teoria dos espaços de Banach, investigando propriedades dos espaços de Banach da forma C(K), formado pelas funções reais contínuas sobre K com a norma do supremo, com poucos operadores, no sentido de que todo operador em C(K) é da forma gI+S, onde I é o operador identidade, g pertence a C(K) e S é fracamente compacto. Enfatizamos as construções onde K é conexo, o que implica que C(K) é indecomponível. Assumindo Axioma Diamante, um axioma combinatório mais forte que a Hipótese do Contínuo, construímos um espaço de Banach C(K) tal que C(L) tem poucos operadores, para todo L subespaço fechado de K. Sob a Hipótese do Contínuo construímos um espaço C(K) indecomponível com poucos operadores tal que K contém $\\beta N$ homeomorficamente. Em ZFC construímos um espaço C(K) com poucos operadores em um sentido estritamente mais fraco. Também mostramos a existência de pelo menos contínuo espaços de Banach C(K) indecomponíveis dois a dois essencialmente incomparáveis. Usando forcing provamos que existe consistentemente um espaço de Banach C(K) de densidade menor que contínuo com poucos operadores e um C(K) indecomponível de densidade menor que contínuo. / In this work we apply techniques of infinitary combinatorics and forcing in Banach spaces theory, investigating the compact topological spaces K such that the Banach space C(K), consisting of the continuous real-valued functions on K with the supremum norm, has few operators, in the sense that all operators on C(K) have the form gI+S, where I is the identity operator, g\\ belongs to C(K) and S is weakly compact. We emphasize the constructions where K is connected, which implies that C(K) is indecomposable. Assuming Diamond Axiom, a combinatoric axiom stronger than the continuum hypothesis, we construct a Banach space C(K) where C(L) has few operators, for every L closed subspace of K. Under continuum hypothesis we construct an indecomposable C(K) with few operators such that K contains $\\beta \\mathbb$ homeomorphically. In ZFC we construct a space C(K) with few operators in a strictly weaker sense. We also show the existence of at least continuum pairwise essentially incomparable indecomposable Banach spaces C(K). Using forcing, we prove that there exists consistently a Banach space C(K) of density smaller than continuum having few operators and an indecomposable C(K) of density smaller than continuum.
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Physical controls on extremes of oceanic carbon and oxygen in coastal watersEngida, Zelalem M. 02 October 2019 (has links)
The west coast of Vancouver Island is located at the northern end of the California Current System, one of the world’s Eastern Boundary Current Systems. The region is characterized by wind driven coastal upwelling and high productivity, which supports fisheries and related industries. Climate change poses a challenge to these industries by increasing seawater acidity and decreasing dissolved oxygen levels, which are two of the multi-stressors of marine organisms. This thesis explores the relative importance of different physical and biological mechanisms that affect oxygen and carbon extremes in the region.
The relatively weak local wind in the region is not well-correlated with local currents and temperature. Results of coherence analyses between multi-depth current and temperature measured at a single mooring site (48.5 ◦ N, 126 ◦ W) in the west coast of southern Vancouver Island and coincident time series of North America Regional Reanalysis (NARR) 10 m wind stress in the geographic domain 36 – 54 ◦ N, 120 – 132 ◦ W are presented. The two-decade long (1989 – 2008) current records from the three shallowest depths (35, 100 and 175 m) show a remote response to winds from as far south as 36 ◦ N. In contrast, temperature only at the deepest depth (400 m) show strong coherences with remote winds. The frequency window of maximum coherence and the estimated average time-lags are consistent with the frequencies and pole-ward propagating phase speeds of coastal trapped waves. Lack of coherence between remote winds and the 400 m currents suggests that the temperature variations at that depth are driven by vertical motion resulting from poleward travelling coastal trapped waves (CTWs).
In order to study the relative roles of physical and biological processes on controlling oxygen and carbon tendencies, oxygen cycle has been successfully added to an existing biogeochemical model of the west coast of Vancouver Island. This idealized model then was forced with a long synthetic record of present-day conditions, specifically 1017 years of stochastically generated daily resolved forcing including local and remote winds. The seasonal cycles of the modelled DIC and O2 compare well with depth averaged observational data. They are also found to be strongly coupled in the lower layers, where biological processes are more important. In the upper layer, physical processes such as the differing gas exchange rates partially decouple DIC and O2 .
Robust statistics on DIC and oxygen extreme events were calculated by using
the long realizations of the model baseline experiment. In the upper mixed layer, O2 extreme events occur 2–3 times more frequently than DIC extreme events. Both extreme events show a much larger interannual variability in the lower layer. In this layer, oxygen extreme events events occur late in the summer, following intense upwelling events early in the upwelling season. Counter-intuitively, within the summer upwelling season, when sporadic upwelling events are expected to cause extreme conditions, the fraction of days with joint DIC–O2 extreme events is negligible.
Sensitivity analysis shows that increased primary production, via increased phytoplankton growth rate, decreases the small fraction of days with joint DIC-O2 extreme events in the upper layers during the summer upwelling season but increases it in the winter downwelling season. Lowering upwelling intensities lowers the fraction of days with joint DIC–O2 extreme events. Increasing the upwelling intensities had the opposite effect on this fraction. Changes in up/downwelling intensity did not change this fraction within the summer upwelling season. A non-monotonic response by oxygen extreme events in the lower layer is observed when phytoplankton growth rate was increased. Generally, a moderate decrease in growth rate increases the chances of model lower layer O2 extreme events, while near-zero growth rate does not. In some cases, the same parameter perturbation results in different responses by the mean and the extreme events of DIC and O2 , suggesting that results of studies focusing on physical and biological forcing of the mean state may not directly translate result to extremes.
This thesis has identified relative locations within the study domain of priority
for effective monitoring of dissolved oxygen and carbon extremes in the study region. Finally, joint DIC- O2 extreme events are found to be common at the end of the summer. This information can be used to inform adaptation and mitigation plans aimed at protecting the economic and bequest value of the coast from potential hazards associated with oxygen and carbon extremes. / Graduate
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Aerosol radiative forcing over central Greenland: estimates based on field measurementsStrellis, Brandon Mitchell 20 September 2013 (has links)
Measurements of the key aerosol properties including light scattering and backscattering coefficients (σsp and σbsp), light absorption coefficient (σap), and particle concentration were made at Summit, Greenland, in the summer of 2011. From these quantities, the single scattering albedo (ω) and angstrom scattering and absorption exponents (åsp, åap) were calculated. In conjunction with these measurements, aerosol optical depth (AOD or τ) and the spectral surface albedo, Rs, were measured. Additionally, the aerosol chemical composition was characterized through snow and air filter analyses. A radiative transfer model was used to estimate the direct aerosol radiative forcing and radiative forcing efficiency using the measurements as inputs. Taken as a whole, this project allowed for the first ever measurement-based characterization of aerosol radiative forcing over central Greenland.
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Dynamical circulation regimes in planetary (and exo-planetary) atmospheresTabataba-Vakili, Fachreddin January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, we study the effect of diurnally- and seasonally-varying forcing on the global circulation of planetary atmospheres explored within a large parameter space. This work focusses on studying the spacial and spectral energy budgets across a large range of planetary parameters as well as the momentum transfer as a response to diurnal and seasonal effects. We simulate planetary atmospheres using PUMA-GT, a simple GCM co-developed for this work, that is forced by a semi-grey two-band radiative-convective scheme, dissipated by Rayleigh friction and allows for temporally varying insolation. Our parameter regime includes the variation of the planetary rotation rate, frictional timescale in the boundary layer, the thermal inertia of the surface and the atmosphere, as well as the short-wave optical thickness. We calculate the energy transfer in Martian atmosphere to have a reference case of an atmosphere that is subject to very strong seasonal and diurnal variation. For this we present the first Lorenz energy budget calculated from reanalysis data of a non-Earth planet. A comparison between Martian and Earth atmosphere reveals a fundamentally different behaviour of the barotropic conversion term in the global mean. A significant impact of the thermal tide can be discerned in the generation of eddy kinetic energy, especially during global dust storms. Our study of seasonal variation reaffirms previous work that the equatorial super-rotating jet in the slow-rotating regime is arrested for strong seasonal variation. We find a novel explanation as to why the Titan atmosphere is able to maintain super-rotation despite strong surface seasonality; for non-zero short-wave absorption in the atmosphere the mechanism that hinders equatorial super-rotation is weakened. Diurnally-varying forcing can significantly enhance the equatorial super-rotation in cases with non-zero short-wave absorption. In our simulations this enhancement is maintained by a convergence of vertical momentum flux at the equator. Efforts to identify the atmospheric waves involved in this enhancement point towards thermally-excited gravity waves.
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Construções consistentes de espaços de Banach C (K) com poucos operadores / Consistent constructions of Banach spaces C(K) with few operatorsRogerio Augusto dos Santos Fajardo 24 October 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho aplicamos técnicas de combinatória infinitária e forcing na teoria dos espaços de Banach, investigando propriedades dos espaços de Banach da forma C(K), formado pelas funções reais contínuas sobre K com a norma do supremo, com poucos operadores, no sentido de que todo operador em C(K) é da forma gI+S, onde I é o operador identidade, g pertence a C(K) e S é fracamente compacto. Enfatizamos as construções onde K é conexo, o que implica que C(K) é indecomponível. Assumindo Axioma Diamante, um axioma combinatório mais forte que a Hipótese do Contínuo, construímos um espaço de Banach C(K) tal que C(L) tem poucos operadores, para todo L subespaço fechado de K. Sob a Hipótese do Contínuo construímos um espaço C(K) indecomponível com poucos operadores tal que K contém $\\beta N$ homeomorficamente. Em ZFC construímos um espaço C(K) com poucos operadores em um sentido estritamente mais fraco. Também mostramos a existência de pelo menos contínuo espaços de Banach C(K) indecomponíveis dois a dois essencialmente incomparáveis. Usando forcing provamos que existe consistentemente um espaço de Banach C(K) de densidade menor que contínuo com poucos operadores e um C(K) indecomponível de densidade menor que contínuo. / In this work we apply techniques of infinitary combinatorics and forcing in Banach spaces theory, investigating the compact topological spaces K such that the Banach space C(K), consisting of the continuous real-valued functions on K with the supremum norm, has few operators, in the sense that all operators on C(K) have the form gI+S, where I is the identity operator, g\\ belongs to C(K) and S is weakly compact. We emphasize the constructions where K is connected, which implies that C(K) is indecomposable. Assuming Diamond Axiom, a combinatoric axiom stronger than the continuum hypothesis, we construct a Banach space C(K) where C(L) has few operators, for every L closed subspace of K. Under continuum hypothesis we construct an indecomposable C(K) with few operators such that K contains $\\beta \\mathbb$ homeomorphically. In ZFC we construct a space C(K) with few operators in a strictly weaker sense. We also show the existence of at least continuum pairwise essentially incomparable indecomposable Banach spaces C(K). Using forcing, we prove that there exists consistently a Banach space C(K) of density smaller than continuum having few operators and an indecomposable C(K) of density smaller than continuum.
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Active control of the flow over an airfoil is an area of heightened interest in the aerospace community. Previous research on flow control design processes heavily depended on trial and error and the designers knowledge and intuition. Such an approach cannot always meet the growing demands of higher design quality in less time. Successful application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to this kind of control problem critically depends on an efficient searching algorithm for design optimization. CFD in conjunction with Genetic Algorithms (GA) potentially offers an efficient and robust optimization method and is a promising solution for current flow control designs. But the traditional binary GA and its operators need to be transformed or re-defined to meet the requirements of real world engineering problems. Current research has combined different existing GA techniques and proposed a realcoded Explicit Adaptive Range Normal Distribution (EARND) genetic algorithm with diversity control to solve the convergence problems. First, a traditional binary-coded GA is replaced by a real-coded algorithm in which the corresponding design variables are encoded into a vector of real numbers that is conceptually closest to the real design space. Second, to address the convergence speed problem, an additional normal distribution scheme is added into the basic GA in order to monitor the global optimization process; meanwhile, design parameters boundaries are explicitly updated to eliminate unnecessary evaluations (computation) in un-promising areas to balance the workload between the global and local searching process. Third, during the initial 20% evolution (search process), the diversity of the individuals within each generation are controlled by a formula in order to conquer the problem of preliminary convergence to the local optimum. In order to better understand the two-jet control optimization results and process, at first, a single jet with a width of 2.5% the chord length is placed on a NACA 0012 airfoils upper surface simulating the blowing and suction control under Re=500,000 and angle of attack 18 degree. Nearly 300 numerical simulations are conducted over a range of parameters (jet location, amplitude and angle). The physical mechanisms that govern suction and blowing flow control are determined and analyzed, and the critical values of suction and blowing locations, amplitudes, and angles are discussed. Moreover, based on the results of single suction/blowing jet control on a NACA 0012 airfoil, the design parameters of a two-jet system are proposed. Our proposed algorithm is built on top of the CFD code, guiding the movement of two jets along the airfoils upper surface. The reasonable optimum control values are determined within the control parameter range. The current study of Genetic Algorithms on airfoil flow control has been demonstrated to be a successful optimization application.
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Uplink Performance Analysis of Multicell MU-SIMO Systems with ZF ReceiversNgo, Hien Quoc, Matthaiou, Michail, Duong, Trung Q., Larsson, Erik G. January 2013 (has links)
We consider the uplink of a multicell multiuser single-input multiple-output system where the channel experiences both small and large-scale fading. The data detection is done by using the linear zero-forcing technique, assuming the base station (BS) has perfect channel state information of all users in its cell. We derive new, exact analytical expressions for the uplink rate, symbol error rate, and outage probability per user, as well as alower bound on the achievable rate. This bound is very tight and becomes exact in the large-number-of-antennas limit. We further study the asymptotic system performance in the regimes of high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), large number of antennas, and large number of users per cell. We show that at high SNRs, the system is interference-limited and hence, we cannot improve the system performance by increasing the transmit power of each user. Instead, by increasing the number of BS antennas, the effects of interference and noise can be reduced, thereby improving the system performance. We demonstrate that, with very large antenna arrays at the BS, the transmit power of each user can be made inversely proportional to the number of BS antennas while maintaining a desired quality-of-service. Numerical results are presented to verify our analysis.
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Internal Wave Generation and Near-Resonant Interactions: Theory and ApplicationsRees, Timothy January 2011 (has links)
Near-resonant triad interactions and wave generation theory are investigated for continuously stratified fluids. Interaction equations are derived for spatially-varying wave trains under the inviscid Boussinesq approximation. Rotational effects are included, and properties of the underlying eigenvalue problem are explored. To facilitate a numerical study of the near-resonant interactions, numerical methods are developed and an analysis of wave generation on a periodic domain is performed.
Numerical experiments using laboratory and ocean-scale parameters are conducted, and the simulations confirm the validity of the wave forcing theory. Interaction experiments demonstrate a strong tendency for waves to exhibit nonlinear behaviour. While resonant interactions are observed in the laboratory scale simulations, nonlinear steepening effects and the formation of solitary-like waves dominate the ocean-scale experiments. The results suggest that the weakly-nonlinear interaction theory is only appropriate in a limited parameter regime.
The problem of analyzing forced wave equations on an infinite domain is also considered. Motivated by the results obtained on a periodic domain, asymptotic analysis is applied to three important wave equations. The method of steepest descents is used to determine the large-time behaviour for the linearized Korteweg-de Vries, Benjamin-Bona-Mahony, and internal gravity wave equations. The asymptotic results are compared with numerical experiments and found to agree to high precision.
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