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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A influência da paisagem na provisão do serviço de polinização por insetos no girassol / The influence of landscape on the provision of insect pollination service in sunflower

Silva, Carina Aparecida de Souza 15 July 2019 (has links)
As populações de insetos e os serviços ecossistêmicos realizados por esses organismos estão ameaçados por ações antrópicas, devido à conversão de habitats naturais em paisagens agriculturáveis extensa e/ou urbanizadas. Essas modificações geradas nas paisagens naturais criaram novos cenários e aumentou os desafios de investigar como o arranjo espacial do uso do solo pode afetar os processos ecológicos. Apesar do aumento do número de estudos com esse foco, ainda são escassas as avaliações na região tropical que analisam os efeitos das mudanças da paisagem sobre os polinizadores e a seus serviços. Assim, a fim de prover mais dados que possam contribuir para o entendimento das questões acima, este estudo foi estruturado em três capítulos com os seguintes objetivos: (1) investigar o papel das abelhas na produção de sementes e qualidade do óleo do girassol; (2) avaliar os efeitos de diferentes proporções da heterogeneidade espacial e de cobertura florestal na comunidade de insetos que visitam o girassol, e; (3) avaliar a provisão do serviço de polinização nessa cultura. Para isso, o primeiro capítulo foi realizado na Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\" - ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, e os experimentos dos capítulos subsequentes foram conduzidos em 12 paisagens com gradiente de heterogeneidade espacial e cobertura florestal de Mata Atlântica, no Corredor Cantareira-Mantiqueira, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Este estudo mostrou a visitação de abelhas em girassóis híbridos aumentou o peso dos aquênios em 91%, os níveis de vitamina E em 45% e os ácidos graxos insaturados em 0,3%, quando comparados a flores isoladas desses polinizadores. Além disso, estimou-se que, devido aos serviços de polinização fornecidos pelas abelhas, o produtor praticamente duplica o valor de venda dos aquênios por hectare de área cultivada. Em relação aos experimentos conduzidos nas 12 paisagens da Mata Atlântica, foram amostrados 2.181 indivíduos de 130 espécies de insetos, pertencentes a 40 famílias de seis ordens. As abelhas foram os visitantes florais mais abundantes (77,2%) e com maior riqueza (36,9%) dentre os visitantes florais. Apis mellifera dominou a comunidade de insetos visitantes, seguida por Trigona spinipes. Essas espécies são consideradas \"super-generalistas\" quanto às suas preferências florais e importantes polinizadores em áreas degradadas, já que suas populações se mantêm em paisagens mais simplificadas e desfavoráveis a outros polinizadores. Isso pode explicar a relação negativa entre a proporção de floresta e a riqueza de insetos que visitaram os girassóis. A heterogeneidade espacial não teve efeito significativo nos índices de diversidade. No entanto, é necessário cuidado ao interpretar esses dados e levar em consideração a qualidade dos habitats naturais da paisagem circundantes aos girassóis e os traços comportamentais e ecológicos de cada espécie amostrada. Neste estudo, ficou evidente que, apesar de A. mellifera contribuir para o incremento da produtividade do girassol, o serviço de polinização realizado por outros insetos foi mais eficiente e efetivo, uma vez que influenciou positivamente no aumento do número e peso dos aquênios por capítulo, na quantidade de óleo extraído das sementes e no nível de gama- tocoferol contido no óleo. Além disso, houve também a diminuição no teor de ácidos graxos saturados. Como seu consumo aumenta a concentração de colesterol no sangue humano, a melhora da composição nutricional do óleo de girassol foi auxiliada pela ação de polinizadores. Assim, este estudo destacou o importante papel dos polinizadores para a segurança alimentar humana e a relação entre características da paisagem e o serviço de polinização, fornecendo dados básicos úteis para estratégias políticas que podem auxiliar na proteção dos polinizadores. / Insect populations and ecosystem services performed by these organisms are threatened by anthropogenic actions, such as the conversion of natural habitats into extensive agricultural and/or urbanized areas. These changes in natural landscapes have created new scenarios and increased the challenges of investigating the effect of spatial arrangement of land use in ecological processes. Despite the increasing number of studies focusing on this topic, evaluations in tropical region that analyze the effects of landscape changes on pollinators and their provision of pollination services are still scarce. Thus, in order to provide more data that address the aforementioned issues, this study was structured into three chapters, with the following aims: (1) to investigate the role of bees in seed production and sunflower oil quality; (2) to evaluate the effects of spatial heterogeneity and forest cover on sunflower-visiting insect community, and; (3) to evaluate the provision of pollination service in sunflowers. To achieve these goals, the experiments were carried out at the \"Luiz de Queiroz\" College of Agriculture - ESALQ/USP, Piracicaba, and in 12 landscapes across gradients of spatial heterogeneity and Atlantic Rainforest cover, in the Cantareira-Mantiqueira Corridor region, São Paulo State, Brazil. This study showed that bee visitation in hybrid sunflowers increased the achenes weight by 91%, the levels of vitamin E by 45% and unsaturated fatty acids by 0.3%. Furthermore, it was estimated that due to the pollination services provided by the bees, the grower of the sunflower hybrid used in this study doubles the sales value of achenes per hectare of cultivated area. In relation to the experiments conducted in the 12 Atlantic Rainforest landscapes, 2,181 individuals belonging to 130 insect species of 40 families (six orders) were sampled. Bees were the most abundant (77.2%) and the richest (36.9%) sunflower visitors. Apis mellifera dominated sunflower-visitor communities, followed by Trigona spinipes. These species are traditionally considered \"super generalists\" in relation to their floral preferences and important pollinators in degraded areas, since their populations remain in simplified landscapes that are unsuitable to other pollinators. It could explain the negative relationship between the forest proportion and the richness of sunflower-visiting insect community. Spatial heterogeneity had no significant effect on the diversity indexes. However, it is necessary to interpret these data with caution and to take in account the quality of the natural habitats surrounding the sunflowers and the behavioral and ecological traits of each insect species. Although A. mellifera contributed to increase sunflower productivity, the pollination services performed by other insect taxa were more efficient and effective, as they contributed to increase the number and weight of achenes per sunflower head, the quantity of oil extracted from seeds and the gamma-tocopherol oil concentration. In addition, there was a decrease in levels of saturated fatty acids. Since their consumption increases the concentration of cholesterol in human blood, the pollinators had an important role in the improvement of the nutritional composition of sunflower oil. Thus, this study highlighted the important role of pollinators for human food security and the relationship between surrounding landscapes and pollination service, providing useful baseline figures to policy strategies that can help to safeguard pollinators.

Assessment of Forest Cover Change on Carbon Capture in the Youngstown Metropolitan Area

Nkopio, Jeniffer Simpano 05 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Distribution, Habitat Analysis, and Conservation of the Timber Rattlesnake in Virginia

Garst, David Walter 17 July 2007 (has links)
The timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) is a forest dwelling terrestrial pit viper that utilizes several types of habitat within the forest environment. One type of habitat crucial to the species' survival in mountainous regions and at more northern latitudes is basking habitat, which typically is an exposed rocky area used by gravid females for gestation, and by other timber rattlesnakes for shedding, mating, and digesting. Understanding the range of the timber rattlesnake in Virginia will enable biologists and land managers to better manage the landscape in a way conducive to the survival and persistence of timber rattlesnakes. To improve our ability to identify and locate areas potentially containing timber rattlesnake basking habitat, I used 5 landscape-level habitat variables with logistic regression and geographic information systems (GIS) to model and map areas of western Virginia potentially containing timber rattlesnake basking habitat. Models were ranked using Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) and were crossvalidated using the methods of Fielding and Bell (1997). Aspect, slope, elevation, landform index, and percentage of forest cover values were derived using GIS for 217 known basking sites in western Virginia. I then used data derived for the 217 known basking sites to create 22 a priori models. The best model used the variables of aspect, slope, landform index and percentage of forest cover. When I crossvalidated the top model, the kappa value, a measure of the proportion of specific agreement, and was 0.804. During field tests the predictive model was used to find timber rattlesnakes at 3 of 15 (20%) of the test sites in the Goshen Wildlife Management Area in southwestern Virginia. My predictive model has proven to be an effective tool that could be used by biologists and land managers to locate and protect timber rattlesnake basking habitat. The historic and current ranges for the timber rattlesnake in Virginia were determined using literature records, database records, place names, personal interviews, and site surveys. Historically, the timber rattlesnake ranged over the entire state. Currently, the timber rattlesnake is restricted to the mountainous regions of Virginia (not including the coastal plain population of the timber rattlesnake). The biology of Crotalus horridus and regulations and management practices used by other states within the range of the species were used to create a set of management recommendations to the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries. These recommendations include implementing (1) a no-take regulation, (2) enhanced public education, and (3) protection of critical habitat and location of new populations. / Master of Science

Transição Florestal no estado de São Paulo, Brasil: fatores associados ao desmatamento e recuperação das matas nativas / The forest transition in São Paulo, Brazil: drivers related to forest loss and recovery

Calaboni, Adriane 09 June 2017 (has links)
Segundo a Teoria da Transição Florestal, países menos desenvolvidos teriam altas taxas de desmatamento, pois a economia destes países é baseada no desenvolvimento e expansão agrícola. Com o avanço do desenvolvimento econômico a industrialização, urbanização e a modernização do uso da terra levariam ao abandono de terras menos adequadas à agricultura que seriam ativamente reflorestadas ou regenerariam. Visto que São Paulo vem apresentando ganhos de cobertura florestal nativa, este estudo teve como objetivo principal identificar os fatores relacionados ao processo de transição florestal no estado de São Paulo entre 1960 e 2006. Para isso, o Capítulo 1 avaliou as discrepâncias entre três estimativas de cobertura florestal nativa disponíveis para o estado de São Paulo (censo agropecuário e dois mapeamentos com resolução de 10m e 30m), em escala municipal, e as possíveis fontes de viés associadas aos métodos de coleta. O Capítulo 2 identificou os fatores socioeconômicos e biofísicos associados ao desmatamento e à recuperação das florestas nativas nos municípios do estado de São Paulo em quatro períodos consecutivos (1960-1970, 1970-1980, 1980-1996, 1996-2006). Os resultados do Capítulo 1mostraram que o censo agropecuário subestima a cobertura florestal quando há áreas protegidas nos municípios. Mapas com resolução de 30m também subestimam a cobertura florestal nativa em relação aos mapas com 10m de resolução, visto que não detectam pequenos fragmentos. As três fontes de dados são congruentes, porém os vieses relacionados aos métodos podem refletir nos resultados. Logo, a escolha dos dados deve ser feita de acordo com os objetivos do estudo a ser desenvolvido e considerando os métodos de coleta e possíveis fontes de viés de cada conjunto de dados. O Capítulo 2 mostrou que as perdas de florestas ocorreram principalmente em municípios com solos mais úmidos e/ou naqueles em que houve expansão de cultivos. Enquanto ganhos de florestas ocorreram principalmente em municípios com maior cobertura florestal, maior declividade média, que empregaram maior número de trabalhadores permanentes e usaram mais fertilizantes. Estes resultados mostram que, entre 1960 e 2006, a expansão do uso da terra levou a perdas de florestas em áreas mais adequadas à agricultura de São Paulo. Com o tempo, porém, fatores que aumentam a produtividade ou reduzem a conversão de áreas naturais levaram ao aumento de florestas, principalmente em terras menos adequadas à agricultura. Tais fatores, no entanto, foram influenciados por políticas governamentais para modernização da agricultura e proteção dos ecossistemas naturais, e pela pressão do mercado externo por certificação ambiental. Estes resultados enfatizam a necessidade de se considerar, em conjunto, desenvolvimento da agricultura e conservação do meio ambiente para o desenvolvimento de políticas de uso da terra mais eficientes / According to Forest Transition Theory, less developed countries or regions present high rates of deforestation because their economy is based on agricultural development and agriculture expansion. As the economy develops industrialization, urbanization and agriculture modernization lead to the abandonment of lands less suitable for agriculture which are reforested or regenerate spontaneously. Since forest cover of São Paulo has increased, this study aimed to identify the socioeconomic and biophysical factors related to forest transition in the state of São Paulo between 1960 and 2006. For this purpose, Chapter 1 evaluate the discrepancies among three free datasets of São Paulo\'s forest cover (agricultural census, maps at 10m and 30m resolution), in municipality-scale, and the possible sources of bias. Chapter 2 identified the factors related to deforestation and forest gains in São Paulo\'s municipalities during four consecutive intervals (1960-1970, 1970-1980, 1980-1996, 1996-2006). Chapter 1 showed that census underestimate forest cover when legally protected areas are present, reflecting the limitation of survey methods in rural properties. Maps at 30m resolution also underestimate forest cover in comparison to maps at 10m resolution, since 30m resolution cannot detect small and narrow patches. The three datasets are congruent, but the results indicate that bias related to methods can affect analysis results. Therefore, users should choose a dataset according to aims of the study and considering the sources of bias in the data. Chapter 2 showed that forest losses were greater in municipalities with moist soils and large tracts of agricultural lands, while forest gains were higher in municipalities with high forest cover and steep slopes, and that employed a large number of permanent workers and relied on high fertilizer input. Between 1960 and 2006, land use expansion led to forest losses in more suitable areas for agriculture in São Paulo. Over time, factors that increase productivity or reduce pressure on land development led to forest gains mainly in less suitable lands. These proximate factors, however, were driven by underlying factors as governmental policies to modernize agriculture and protect natural ecosystems, and by external market demands for environmental certification. These results highlight the need to jointly consider agricultural development and environmental conservation policies for the development of effective land use policies

Restauração de florestas tropicais em paisagens rurais: a influência do solo e cobertura florestal adjacente / Tropical forest restoration in rural landscapes: the influence of soil and adjacent forest coverage

Toledo, Renato Miazaki de 03 April 2017 (has links)
A restauração ecológica tem sido requisitada a para proteção de biodiversidade e serviços ecossistêmicos. Este desafio é enfrentado com suporte de grandes avanços de ordem teórica e prática, bem como incentivos financeiros e políticas específicas. No entanto, ainda restam incertezas quanto aos fatores que influenciam a trajetória da restauração de florestas tropicais, comprometendo a eficiência no uso de recursos limitados. Visando contribuir para o desenvolvimento metodológico da restauração florestal, e favorecer a identificação de metas de restauração adequadas, estudamos o efeito de características do solo e do contexto de paisagem na restauração de Mata Atlântica, buscando respostas para três questões: Como as áreas disponíveis para restauração se estão distribuídas com relação ao gradiente de degradação, em uma região amplamente antropizada? Qual a importância de características do solo e da cobertura florestal no processo de recuperação? E qual é o efeito da idade de fragmentos adjacentes na regeneração que se estabele em restaurações florestais? Utilizando bases de dados geográficos e estatísticas de terras agrícolas, observamos que os projetos de restauração tendem a se estabelecer sobre paisagens altamente degradadas. Combinando informações de sensoriamento remoto, com a caracterização de solo e da vegetação, em áreas abrangidas pelo mesmo programa de restauração florestal, verificamos que a recuperação de biomassa é afetada pela granulometria, pela cobertura do florestal, e pela interação entre granulometria e composição química dos solos. Também verificamos que a idade da cobertura florestal adjacente afeta a frequência de diferentes atributos. Nossos resultados corroboram a necessidade de avaliação em escala detalhada para a previsão dos resultados da restauração, e sugerem aprimoramentos metodológicos. Considerando que, em paisagens rurais, a adjacência à florestas maduras e a disponibilidade de solos conservados tendem a ser recursos mais raros, políticas de restauração de Mata Atlântica devem prever metas alternativas para as condições mais adversas, e técnicas para melhoria de condições do solo e conservação de remanescentes para possibilitar a recuperação de florestas tropicais em áreas adequadas / Ecological restoration is addressing concerns surrounding threats to ecosystem services and biodiversity. Support for this endeavor comes from substantial conceptual and practical advances, and policy initiatives and monetary incentives. Still, it remains unclear what are the main factors influencing tropical forest restoration. This lack of knowledge can compromise the willingness to restore and waste limited resources. To improve the knowledge base and aid identification of appropriate restoration targets, we studied the effect of soil and landscape context on tropical forest restoration, focusing in three main questions. We first asked: How the potential land supply for restoration is spatially distributed in the range of disturbance contexts of a highly degraded tropical region? Secondly, we asked: How important are soil properties and forest adjacency for biomass uptake and community assembly during early tropical forest restoration? And at last: What is the effect of the age of adjacent forests patches on the forest regeneration established in restoration sites? Using georeferenced databases and rural lands statistics, we observed that forest restoration is likely to be located within highly degraded landscapes. Combining remote sensing, with soil and vegetation survey undertaken in forest restoration sites that were implemented by the same program, we found that biomass recovery is affected by soil texture, surrounding forest coverage and the interaction between soil texture and soil chemical composition. We also found that the age of surrounding forest coverage affected the regenerating plant community, influencing species groups relative density, as related to seed dispersal syndrome, seed size and habitat specialization. Our results corroborate the need for fine scale evaluations to predict restoration outcomes, and anticipate methodological refinement. Given projections for decreasing presence of old-growth forests and increasing soil degradation in tropical rural landscapes, restoration policies likely need to consider alternative restoration targets for adverse conditions, coupled with improving soil conditions and protecting forest remnants to allow moist tropical forest recovery in appropriate areas

Computação paralela para reduzir o tempo de resposta da mineração de dados agrícolas

Abreu, Cristian Cosmoski Rangel de 30 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:19:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristian Abreu.pdf: 2219271 bytes, checksum: 3d770700a8027fff9a36f6287c8c4e54 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this study was investigate the use of parallel computing to reduce the response time of data mining in agriculture. For this purpose, a tool, called Fast Weka been defined and implemented. This tool allows running data mining algorithms and explore parallelism in multi-core computers with the use of threads and distributed systems employing peer-to-peer networks. The exploration of parallelism occurs through the data parallelism inherent to the process of cross-validation (folds). The tool was evaluated through experiments using artificial neural networks data mining algorithms applied to a data set of forest cover types. The multi-thread computing and computing on peer-to-peer networks allowed to reduce the response time of data mining activities. The best results were achieved when employed a multiple number of threads or pairs in the number of folds of cross validation. It was observed and efficiency of 87% when used 4 threads to 24 folds and 86% efficiency also in peer-to-peer networks using 24 folds with 11 pairs. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a utilização da computação paralela para reduzir o tempo de resposta da mineração de dados na agricultura. Para esse fim, uma ferramenta, chamada Fast Weka foi definida e implementada. Essa ferramenta permite executar algoritmos de mineração de dados e explorar o paralelismo em computadores multi-núcleos com uso de threads em sistemas distribuídos empregando redes peer-to-peer. A exploração do paralelismo ocorre por meio do paralelismo de dados inerente ao processo de validação cruzada (folds). A ferramenta foi avaliada por meio de experimentos de mineração de dados utilizando algoritmos de redes neurais artificiais aplicados em um conjunto de dados de tipos de coberturas florestais. A computação multi-thread e a computação em redes peer-to-peer permitiram reduzir o tempo de resposta das atividades de mineração de dados. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos quando empregados um número múltiplo de threads ou pares em relação ao número de folds da validação cruzada. Observou-se uma eficiência de 87% quando utilizadas 4 threads para 24 folds e 86% de eficiência, também, com 2 folds utilizando redes peer-to-peer co 11 pares.

Oceňování lesa - porovnání oceňovacích metod v ČR - cena zjištěná, cena obvyklá. / Forest Valuation – Comparison of Valuation Methods in the Czech Republic – Ascertained Value and Market Value

Loskotová, Dominika January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to determine the most appropriate valuation method used for market valuation of forest property in the Czech Republic and to determine suitability for defined types of forest properties. Secondly, the aim was to compare market values with prices assessed determined by administrative methods according to Valuation Decree. Additionally, definitions and historical evolution relating to valuation of forest property and specificities of forest properties have been presented. In the theoretical part the study is analysing and comparing the evaluation methods. There are six forest properties from The Czech Republic evaluated in the practical part of the study. Four methods of evaluation have been demonstrated. The study compares used methods and evaluates suitability of each method for presented forest properties.

Scale challenges in inventory of forests aided by remote sensing

Kukunda, Collins B. 13 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Effets d’un réchauffement artificiel sur la respiration des sols d’une érablière des Laurentides

Laberge, Sharlène 05 1900 (has links)
La respiration du sol (Rs) en milieu forestier est influencée par les conditions hydroclimatiques du sol ainsi que par la composition en espèces et la qualité de la litière. La hausse des températures et les changements dans les patrons de précipitation, attendus en contexte de changements climatiques, ont donc un fort potentiel de modifier Rs et ainsi, la concentration de CO2 atmosphérique. En ce sens, ce projet de recherche visait tout d’abord à étudier l’effet d’un réchauffement et d’un assèchement artificiels des sols sur Rs, puis à évaluer si la réponse des sols au chauffage allait varier selon le type de couvert forestier. Nous avons échantillonné le flux gazeux des sols sur deux ans dans trois peuplements d'une forêt tempérée décidue à sa limite nordique. Les résultats ont démontré une faible accentuation de Rs en réponse au chauffage, mais seulement jusqu’à un seuil de température du sol d’environ 15°C à partir duquel l’effet positif du chauffage s’estompe, voire s’inverse. Cependant, cette tendance n’était pas systématique puisque les trois peuplements ont démontré une sensibilité différente au chauffage, l’érablière à hêtre étant beaucoup plus sensible que la forêt mixte et l’érablière à bouleau. Ce qui était toutefois commun aux trois peuplements, c’est l’affaiblissement de l’influence de la température sur Rs passé le seuil de 15°C. Outre la température du sol, l’intégration d’autres variables, comme la teneur en eau, l’activité ionique en N, P et Ca de la solution de sol et la présence de conifères au modèle cherchant à expliquer la variabilité de Rs, n’a pas augmenté la puissance explicative du modèle, et ce pour aucun des traitements ou des peuplements. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent néanmoins un élément intéressant, soit le plafonnement potentiel de Rs malgré la hausse des températures. Ceci apporte un questionnement quant à la magnitude de la rétroaction positive entre le cycle du carbone terrestre et le système climatique. / Forest soil respiration (Rs) is driven by soil hydroclimatic conditions as well as species composition and litter quality. Rising temperatures and changes in precipitation patterns, expected in the context of climate change, therefore have a strong potential to modify Rs and thus the concentration of atmospheric CO2. This research aimed to study the effect of artificial heating and drying of soils on Rs, and to assess whether the response of soils to heating would vary according to the type of forest cover. We sampled soil gas flux over two years in three stands of a temperate deciduous forest at its northern edge. The results demonstrated a weak accentuation of Rs in response to heating, but only up to a soil temperature threshold of about 15°C, where the positive heating effect decreases or is even reversed. However, this trend was not systematic since the three stands demonstrated a different sensitivity to heating, the maple-beech forest being much more sensitive than the mixed forest and the maple-birch forest. Yet, what was common to the three stands was the decrease of the influence of temperature on Rs above the threshold of 15°C. In addition to soil temperature, the integration of other variables, such as water content, ionic activity in N, P and Ca of the soil solution and the presence of conifers in the model seeking to explain the variability of Rs, did not increase the explanatory power of the model for any of the treatments or stands. The results of this study highlight a potential capping of Rs despite the increase in temperatures. They bring questions regarding the magnitude of the positive feedback between the terrestrial carbon cycle and the climate system.

Avian Use Of Riparian Habitats And The Conservation Reserve Program: Migratory Stopover In Agroecosystems

Cashion, Erin Brooke 06 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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