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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of fire damage on the growth and survival mechanisms of selected native and commercial trees in South Africa

Odhiambo, Benedict Oithe 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Surface fires are known to affect trees of different species differently, depending on the capacity of the bark to shield the cambium from heat. Tree bark characteristics differ among species and thus potentially influence the protective ability against cambium damage. The objectives of this study were to compare the protective role of bark against fire for selected indigenous and exotic species in the Western Cape, South Africa, and to investigate post-fire growth impacts following surface fire damage on Pinus radiata. In the first part of the study, trees were felled and billets of 25 cm height harvested from different heights along the trunk. Bark thickness, compass direction, stem diameter at breast height, bark moisture content and relative height of the sample in the stem were tested for their effect on heat insulation capacity of bark. Heating experiments were conducted at 400°C on the fresh billets with intact bark. Time to heat the cambium to lethal 60°C was determined. The second part of the study investigated the role of bark surface topology, bark density and bark chemical composition for its fire resistance. The same size billets were harvested from the lower trunk section of selected species. Surface topology was characterised by means of x-ray based computer tomography, density by moisture saturation method and bark chemical composition by thermo-gravimetrical analyses (TGA). The third part of the study investigated the impact of high intensity surface fires on growth of an 18 year old Pinus radiata plantation which was exposed to a ground fire 5 years prior to the analysis. Tree ring measurements were done on cores obtained by non-destructing coring method and various growth indices, based on yearly basal area increment (iBA) used to quantify growth response to the fire damage. Statistical analysis based on correlation, multi-model inference and multiple regression revealed no significant influence of compass direction and diameter at breast height. Heat resistance was mainly determined by bark thickness and to a lesser degree by moisture content. In several species relative height at the stem modulated the bark thickness effect. Higher up the stem bark of the same bark thickness offered less protection against heat. The results also suggest that in particular bark topology plays a role, while the correlations with bark density and chemical composition could not be secured statistically. A main finding was that fissures in the bark play a significant role. A regression model showed a significant influence of fissure width, fissure frequency and the minimum bark thickness to the cambium, which is a function of fissure depth. The results show that structural bark parameters are a necessary addition to explain heat resistance of bark. Statistical analysis employing one-way Anova and incorporating Tamhane’s T2 Post Hoc test revealed significant growth reductions following high intensity surface fire damage on Pinus radiata in the fire year with the impact being passed on to the following year. The recovery phase extended a two year period. During this time the trees showed increased diameter growth probably due to increased water availability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is bekend dat oppervlakvure in bos-ekostelsels verskillende boomspesies verskillend affekteer, afhangende van die vermoë van bas om die kambium van hitte te beskerm. Baseienskappe verskil tussen spesies en het dus 'n potensiële invloed op die beskermende vermoë teen kambiumskade. Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om die beskermende rol van bas teen vuur te vergelyk tussen inheemse en uitheemse spesies in Wes-Kaapland, Suid Afrika asook om die na-vuur impak op groei te ondersoek met brandskade aan Pinus radiata. In die eerste deel van die studie is bome geoes en stompe van 25 cm lengte van verskillende hoogtes verwyder. Basdikte, kompasrigting, stompdiameter by borshoogte, basvoggehalte en die relatiewe hoogte van die stomp in die stam is getoets vir hul invloed op hitte-isolasiekapasiteit van bas. Verhittingseksperimente is gedoen teen 400 °C op die vars stompe wat steeds bas opgehad het. Die tyd om die bas tot by 'n skadelike 60 °C te verhit is bepaal. Die tweede deel van die studie het die rol van basoppervlaktopologie, basdigtheid, en die bas chemiese samestelling ondersoek in vuurweerstand. Dieselfde grootte stompe is geoes van die laer dele van die stam van uitgesoekte spesies. Oppervlaktopologie is bepaal deur middel van X-straal rekenaartomografie, digtheid deur die versadigingsvoggehaltemetode, en chemiese samestelling deur termo-gravimetriese analise (TGA). Die derde deel van die studie het die impak van hoë intensiteit oppervlakvure op groei van 18-jaar oue Pinus radiata ondersoek. Jaarringmetings is gedoen op inkrementboorsels wat nie-destruktief bekom is en verskeie groei-indekse, gebaseer op jaarlikse basale oppervlak aanwas, is gebruik om die groeireaksie op brandskade te kwantifiseer. Statistiese analise gebaseer op korrelasie, multi-model inferensie, en veelvuldige regressie het gewys dat kompasrigting en deursnee op borshoogte nie 'n beduidende invloed gehad het nie. Hitteweerstand was hoofsaaklik bepaal deur basdikte, en in 'n mindere mate basvoggehalte. By verskeie spesies het die relatiewe hoogte die basdikte-effek gemoduleer. Hoër in die stam het dieselfde dikte bas minder beskerming gebied as bas van laer in die stam. Die resultate impliseer dat basoppervlaktopologie ook 'n rol speel in hitteweerstand terwyl basdigtheid en chemiese samestelling nie 'n statisties beduidende rol gespeel het nie. 'n Belangrike bevinding was dat gleuwe of openinge in die bas 'n beduidende rol speel. 'n Regressiemodel wys dat 'n beduidende invloed deur gleufwydte, gleuffrekwensie en die minimum basdikte na die kambium. Die resultate wys dat strukturele basparameters 'n belangrike bykomende rol speel om hitteweerstand van bas te verduidelik. Die statistiese analise waar eenrigting ANOVA met Tamhane se T2 Post Hoc toets gebruik is toon dat ‘n beduidende groeivermindering teweeg gebring is in die Pinus radiata as gevolg van skade veroorsaak deur hoë intensiteit oppervlakvure waarvan die impak eers in die jaar na die vuur sigbaar was. Die herstelfase het oor twee jaar gestrek. Gedurende hierdie tyd het die bome 'n toename in deursneegroei getoon, waarskynklik as gevolg van verhoogde waterbeskikbaarheid.

Fire regimes in eastern coastal fynbos: drivers, ecology and management

Kraaij, Tineke January 2012 (has links)
Conventional knowledge of fynbos fire ecology is based on the summer-autumn fire regimes of the western Cape Floral Kingdom (CFK) where the climate is Mediterranean. However, the climate in the eastern coastal-CFK is milder and rainfall occurs year-round, with presumed effects on fire regimes. The Garden Route National Park (GRNP) has recently been established in the region, in a landscape where indigenous forests, fire-prone fynbos shrublands and fire-sensitive plantations of invasive alien trees are interspersed. The park faces considerable challenges related to the management of fire, including significant pressure from the adjacent plantation industry to reduce wildfire hazard by burning fynbos at short intervals, and high levels of invasion by alien trees (largely Pinus species originating from plantations). This study sought to improve understanding of fire regimes in eastern coastal fynbos shrublands, and to provide guidelines for ecologically sound management of fire in the area. My approach entailed (i) an assessment of the context within which fire management was practiced during the past century; (ii) characterisation of the recent fire history and fire regime (1900–2010); (iii) characterisation of the seasonality of fire weather and lightning; (iv) estimation of minimum fire return intervals (FRIs) from juvenile periods and post-fire recruitment success of overstorey proteoids (non-sprouting, slow-maturing, serotinous Proteaceae); and (v) determination of the ecologically appropriate fire season from post-fire recruitment seasonality of proteoids. I established that historically, plantation protection enjoyed priority over fynbos conservation in the area that is now the GRNP. Fynbos close to plantations has most likely been compromised by frequent and low-intensity burning in the past, as well as by invasion by alien trees. In terms of area burnt (1900–2010), natural (lightning-ignited) fires dominated the fire regime, particularly in the east, whereas prescribed burning was relatively unimportant. Typical fire return intervals (FRIs; 8–26 years; 1980–2010) were comparable to those in other fynbos protected areas and appeared to be shorter in the eastern Tsitsikamma than in the western Outeniqua halves of the study area. Proteaceae juvenile periods (4–9 years) and post-fire recruitment success (following fires in ≥7 year-old vegetation) suggested that for biodiversity conservation purposes, FRIs should be no less than nine years in moist, productive fynbos. Increases in the total area burnt annually (since 1980) were correlated with long-term increases in average fire danger weather, suggesting that fire regime changes may be related to global change. Collectively, findings on the seasonality of actual fires and the seasonality of fire danger weather, lightning, and post-fire proteoid recruitment suggested that fires in eastern coastal fynbos are not limited to any particular season, and for this reason managers do not need to be concerned if fires occur in any season. The ecological requirements for higher fire intensity may nonetheless be constrained by a need for safety. I articulated these findings into ecological thresholds pertaining to the different elements of the fire regime in eastern coastal fynbos, to guide adaptive management of fire in the Garden Route National Park. I also recommended a fire management strategy for the park to address the aforementioned operational considerations within the constraints posed by ecological thresholds. Finally, I highlighted further research and monitoring needs.

The assessment of fire history in plantations of Mpumalanga North

Van der Sijde, J. H. R. (Jan Herman Robert) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScFor) -- Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fire is a threat to all forest plantations. As a result, growers are forced to take active measures to reduce the incidence and extent of fires in their plantations. This thesis is an attempt to collate 846 fire records for eight Komatiland Forests (KLF) plantations in Mpumalanga North for the period 1950 to 1999. Up to now, these reports and the information therein, were not utilised by KLF for planning or for evaluating fire management practices. The only other studies in South Africa, using similar data, were conducted by LeRoux (1988) and Kromhout (1990). A brief background of the forestry industry in South Africa, and in particular Mpumalanga is presented. The main text of the report covers a presentation on fire causes, extent of damage (both in area and in Rand value) and various aspects related to time of ignition and response times. A detailed analysis was done to identify possible relationships between the variables related to compartment, climate and different fire suppression activities. A cause and frequency prediction model was developed that will assist fi re managers in identifying and determining probabilities of fires per cause. Statistical guidelines regarding the planning of fire management around fires caused by honey hunters, lightning, work-related factors, and the activities of people (public, own labour, contractors) are presented. Conclusions were drawn from the results of the analyses of the fire data, which covered a period of 47 years. Recommendations regarding guidelines for strategic fi re management for the Mpumalanga North plantations were made. The main conclusions are: • Statistics on previous fires are very useful in fire management planning as it supplies valuable information on fire causes, time of ignition , past performance related to response times, fire fighting times and damaged caused. • • • • The average area lost due to fires in the study area is 209.9 ha or 0.43% of the plantation area per annum. People-related fires (arson, smokers, picnickers, children and neighbours) caused most of the wild fires (48%), followed by lightning (22%). Some plantations performed poorly, with the occurrence of up to double the number of fires per 1 000 ha of plantation compared to other plantations in the same geographic area. There are definite patterns in the frequency of fires per cause with month of the year. These patterns are valuable for the development of strategies to manage fires caused by honey hunters, lightning fires and work-related fires. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Brande is 'n bedreiging vir aile bosbou plantasies. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat kwekers maatreeHs tref om die voorkoms en omvang van brande in plantasies te beperk. Hierdie tesis poog om 846 vuurverslae se inligting te ontleed ten opsigte van agt Komatiland Forests (KLF) plantasies in Mpumalanga Noord vir die tydperk 1950 tot 1999. Tot op hede is min van die inligting wat in die verslae vervat is deur KLF vir beplanning- en evalueringsdoeleindes ten opsigte van brandbestuur gebruik. Die enigste soortgelyke studies wat op brandverslagdata in Suid-Afrika gedoen is, is gedoen deur Le Roux (1988) en Kromhout (1990). 'n Kort agtergrond oor die bosbouindustrie in Suid-Afrika en spesifiek Mpumalanga word gegee. Die tesis gee 'n oorsig oor brandoorsake, skade wat deur brande veroorsaak word (oppervlakte sowel as finansieHe waarde) en verskeie aspekte rakende brandbestuur soos tyd van ontstaan en reaksietye. Data is volledig ontleed om moontlike verwantskappe te probeer vind tussen vak-, klimaat- en brandbestuursveranderlikes. 'n Oorsaak- en frekwensievoorspellingsmodel is ontwikkel wat brandbestuurders sal help om waarskynlikhede van brande per oorsaak te identifiseer. Statistiese riglyne ten opsigte van bestuursbeplanning vir weerligvure, brande deur heuninguithalers, brande as gevolg van plantasiewerksaamhede en ook brande deur mense (publiek, eie arbeid en kontrakteurs) is daargestel. Brandrekords wat oor 'n periode van 47 jaar gestrek het, is ontleed. Afleidings wat uit die resultate gemaak is, kan benut word om riglyne daar te stel vir strategiese brandbestuur in Mpumalanga Noord plantasies. Die hoof gevolgtrekkings is: • Statistiek van vorige vure is baie nuttig in brandbestuursbeplanning aangesien dit waardevolle inligting verskaf oor brand oorsake, tyd van ontstaan, historiese werkverrigting rakende reaksietye en blustye, sowel as skade wat veroorsaak is. Die gemiddelde oppervlakte beskadig in die studie area is 209.9 ha, of 0.43% van die plantasie oppervlakte per jaar. Menslike aktiwiteite (brandstigting, rakers, piekniekvure, kinders en vure van bure) het die meeste brande veroorsaak (48%), gevolg deur weerlig (22%). Sommige plantasies het swak gevaar en het tot soveel as dubbel die aantal vure per 1 000 ha plantasie gehad in vergelyking met ander plantasies in dieselfde geografiese gebied. Daar is duidelike patrone gevind in die frekwensie van brande per oorsaak oor maande van die jaar. Hierdie patrone is nuttig vir die ontwikkeling van bestuurstrategie vir brande wat veroorsaak word deur heuningversamelaars, weerlig en werkverwante aktiwiteite (plantasieaktiwiteite).

Fuel load characterisation and quantification for the development of fuel models for Pinus patula in South Africa

Ross, Timothy Ian 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScBosb)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The characteristics and total fuel load of the forest floor (FF) and harvest residue (HR) are needed to develop tools that can be used for fuel load management, fire risk analysis and fire behaviour prediction for P. patula grown in the summer rainfall area of South Africa (SA). Forest floor depth, mass and ash-free mass were measured and there was generally a greater range in depth under sawtimber (ST) stands than under pulpwood (PLP) stands. Forest floor loads, prior to ashing, ranged from 21 - 168 t ha-1 and 27 - 72 t ha-1, for ST and PLP stands, respectively and loads increased linearly with stand age. Sawtimber and PLP stands were analysed together, which resulted in a significant correlation between depth and mass (r2 = 0.78, n = 31). A loss on ignition procedure carried out on sub-samples of the FF improved the relationship between the FF depth and the ash-free mass for the different stands, and provided a more accurate model for the prediction of mass from depth. A multiple regression analysis revealed that age, altitude and mean annual precipitation (MAP) provided the best subset and accounted for 72% of the variation in the FF mass observed. The effect of increasing FF load and increasing moisture content on the fireline intensity (FLI) was examined using the fire behaviour prediction programme, BehavePlus. Harvest residue was quantified and characterised in terms of fuel size classes, under current silvicultural regimes for ST and PLP, for the development of fuel models for this species over its planted range in SA. An investigation into the proportion (by mass) of the 1- (0.0 - 0.6 cm), 10- (0.6 – 2.5 cm), 100- (2.5 – 7.6 cm) and 1000-hr (> 7.6 cm diameter) fuel classes of the total HR mass indicated that there was a significant difference between the mass of the 1-, 10- and 1000-hr fuel classes of the two silvicultural regimes, and no significant difference for the 100-hr fuel class. Two fuel models for P. patula HR and two models for standing timber were developed using the new model (NEWMDL) programme of BEHAVE and tested in BehavePlus. Nutrient concentrations were used with FF layer and HR size class load data to estimate the quantities of nutrients held in the fuel and to describe nutrient distributions in the fuel complex. Significant differences in the nutrient concentration of the FF layers and fuel components were observed which has important implications for fuel management. The concentration of N determined in this study, relative to that determined in other similar studies on P. patula was low. Forest floor loads were predicted and nutrient pools calculated for typical ST and PLP stands at both low and high altitude to provide insight into the nutrient distributions within the fuel complex. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die karaktereienskappe en totale brandstoflading van die bosvloer (FF) en kaalkap oorskot (HR) word benodig om instrumente te ontwikkel wat gebruik kan word vir brandstoflading bestuur, brandgevaar ontleding en brandgedrag voorspelling vir P. patula, wat in die somer reënvalgebied van Suid-Afrika groei. Die bosvloer diepte, massa en asvrye massa is gemeet en daar was oor die algemeen ‘n groter variasie in diepte onder saaghout (ST) opstande as onder pulphout (PLP) opstande. Die bosvloerladings, voor verassing, het varieer van 21 – 168 t ha-1 en 27 – 72 t ha-1 vir ST en PLP opstande respektiwelik. Ladings het linieêr vermeerder met opstand ouderdom. Saaghout en PLP opstande is saam geanaliseer en het tot ‘n betekenisvolle korrelasie gelei tussen diepte en massa (r2 = 0.78, n = 31). ‘n Verliestydens- ontbranding prosedure is uitgevoer op die FF monsters en het die verhouding tussen FF diepte en die asvrye massa van die verskillende opstande verbeter. Dit het ook gelei tot akkurater model vir die voorspelling van massa vanaf diepte. ‘n Veelvoudige regressie analise het aan die lig gebring dat ouderdom, hoogte en gemiddelde jaarlikse reënval (MAP) die beste sub-groep verskaf, en het 72% van die variasie in die FF massa verklaar. Ondersoek is ingestel op die effek van toenemende FF lading en toenemende voginhoud op die brandlyn intensiteit (FLI) deur die brandgedrag program, BehavePlus, toe te pas. Die kaalkap oorskot is gekwantifiseer en gekarakteriseer volgens brandstof grootteklasse, onder die huidige boskultuurstelsels vir ST en PLP, vir die ontwikkeling van brandstofmodelle vir hierdie spesie oor die betrokke groeistreek in SA. ‘n Ondersoek in die verhouding (volgens massa) van die 1- (0.0 – 0.6 cm), 10- (0.6 – 2.5 cm), 100- (2.5 – 7.6 cm) en 1000-uur (> 7.6 cm deursnee) brandstofklasse van die totale HR massa het aangedui dat daar ‘n betekenisvolle verskil is tussen die massas van die 1-, 10- en 1000-uur brandstofklasse van die twee boskultuurstelsels, en geen betekenisvolle verskil vir die 100- uur brandstofklas nie. Twee brandstofmodelle is ontwikkel vir P. patula HR en twee modelle vir staande hout deur gebruik te maak van die nuwe model (NEWMDL) program van BEHAVE en getoets in BehavePlus. Voedingstof konsentrasies is gebruik, tesame met die FF laag en HR klasgrootte ladingdata, om die voedingstof inhoud van die brandstof te skat en om die voedingstof verspreiding te beskryf in die brandstofkompleks. Betekenisvolle verskille is waargeneem in die voedingstof konsentrasies van die FF lae en brandstof komponente wat belangrike implikasies inhou vir brandstofbestuur. Die konsentrasie wat vir N in hierdie studie bepaal is, was laag relatief tot ander soortgelyke studies vir P. patula. Die bosvloer ladings is voorspel en voedingstofpoele bereken vir tipiese ST en PLP opstande vir beide lae en hoë hoogtes om insig te verkry, sodat insig verkry kon word in die voedingstof verspreidings binne die brandstofkompleks.

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