Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forest soils -- oregon"" "subject:"forest soils -- pregon""
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Biology and chemistry of a meadow-to-forest transition in the Central Oregon CascadesHeichen, Rachel S. 18 April 2002 (has links)
In this study, biological and chemical characteristics were determined for
two high-elevation meadow-to-forest transitions located in the Central Oregon
Cascades. The chloroform fumigation incubation method (CFIM) was used to
determine microbial biomass C(MBC) and the N flush due to fumigation (NF), and
meadow values were compared to forest values for each. Meadow and forest MBC
values were also compared for estimates of MBC determined with microscopy and
these values were compared to CFIM estimates. Net N mineralization and C
mineralization were determined for an 85-d incubation period and used as a
measure of labile C and N. Microbial biomass C and NF were then compared to
these labile pools in order to investigate the relationship between the amount of
each nutrient stored in biomass and the magnitude of the respective labile nutrient
pool for each. Long-term and short-term net N mineralization rates and C/N ratios
were also compared for meadow and forest soils, and the relationship between
these two characteristics was examined.
In general, microbial biomass estimates made with the CFIM method did not
show any significant differences between meadow and forest soils. Mean MBC for
both sites as determined by CFIM was estimated to be 369 and 406 μg C g⁻¹ soil in
meadow and forest soils, respectively. Mean NF was estimated to be 37 and 56 μg
N g⁻¹ soil in meadow and forest soils, respectively. MBC estimates made using
microscopy showed biomass C to be greater in the forest than in the meadow.
Mean MBC as determined by microscopy was estimated to be 529 and 1846 μg C
g⁻¹ soil in meadow and forest soils, respectively. The NF measured as a percentage
of the net N mineralized over 85 d was significantly greater in the forest than in the
meadow soils, but was a substantial percentage in both. The means of these values
were 30 and 166% in meadow and forest soils, respectively. This led to the
conclusion that biomass N may be a very important pool of stored labile N in this
ecosystem. Net N mineralization rates were almost always greater in the meadow
than in the forest soils. Net N mineralization for the 10-d incubations averaged
21 μg N g⁻¹ soil in the meadow and 8 μg N g⁻¹ soil in the forest Rates for long-term
N mineralization averaged 126 μg N g⁻¹ soil in the meadow and 52 μg N g⁻¹
soil in the forest. Net N mineralization rates were correlated with C/N ratios for
both short-term and long-term incubations. / Graduation date: 2002
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The imprint of coarse woody debris on soil biological and chemical properties in the western Oregon CascadesSpears, Julie D. H. 03 April 2002 (has links)
The abundance and spatial heterogeneity of coarse woody debris (CWD)
on the forest floor is a prominent feature of Pacific Northwest (PNW) forest
ecosystems. The effect of CWD on soil solution chemistry, nutrient cycling and
availability, soil physical structure and formation of soil organic matter,
however, remains unknown. Therefore, studies on the spatial and temporal
imprint of CWD on forest soils are timely and can fill critical gaps in our
understanding of the role of CWD in PNW forest ecosystems. I investigated the
effect of CWD on soils and soil solution at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest
in a two-part study. Mineral soils were sampled beneath CWD to a depth of 60
cm. The top 15 cm of soil was also repeatedly sampled for seasonal differences.
Control leachate, CWD leachate and soil solution from control soils and from
under CWD were collected from the fall of 1999 until the spring of 2001. Results
indicated that CWD leachates were much more acidic than water leaching from
the forest floor without CWD. Intermediate stages of CWD decomposition had
the highest concentrations of hydrophobic compounds and polyphenols of all
stages of decay. Correspondingly, surface soils sampled from under well-decayed
CWD were more acidic and had more exchangeable acidity and
aluminum, and a lower percent base saturation than soils under the forest floor.
Nutrient pools were not different under CWD, although nitrogen fluxes were
slower under CWD. Although we had hypothesized that the spatial variability
of CWD inputs may affect forest soils under CWD, we found that the spatial
variability is much more temporal than I had hypothesized and is limited to the
top five centimeters of the underlying soil. / Graduation date: 2002
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Consolidation, compression, and shear strength of four western Oregon forest soilsMcNabb, David H. 02 April 1990 (has links)
Forest soils with low bulk densities are often considered less
susceptible to compaction than soils with higher bulk densities. The
objective of this study was to determine if soil strength controlled the
compression of soils with low bulk density. Four soils were selected
for this evaluation. Three of these were andic soils with low bulk
density and the fourth soil was a more dense, cohesive soil.
Undisturbed samples of saturated and partly saturated soil were
compressed in a one-dimensional consolidation test apparatus.
Measurements with separate samples were at one of 7 normal stresses
between 0.033 and 1.96 MPa. Shear strength of saturated soil was
measured in direct shear tests. Primary consolidation of saturated
soil was completed in less than one minute at all normal stresses.
Shear stress and bulk density increased continuously during shear
strain. The compression index of the cohesive soil was significantly
larger (p<0.05) than that of the andic soils. The shear strength of
andic soils (average cohesion intercept of 0.016 MPa and friction angle
of 33.3°) was significantly higher (p<0.05) than the cohesive soil
(cohesion intercept of 0.028 MPa and friction angle of 28.9°). When
saturated, the cohesive soil was more compressible than the andic
soils because of lower soil strength. A nonlinear model of soil
compression was developed that accurately predicted the compressed
density of saturated and partly saturated soil as a function of normal
stress, initial bulk density of undisturbed samples, and degree of
saturation. As degree of saturation decreased, the compressibility of
the cohesive soil decreased more rapidly than it did for the andic soils.
As a result, bulk density of dry cohesive soil increased less than it did
for dry andic soils. Differences in the compressibility of soils were
attributed to texture and clay mineralogy. The differences in the
compressibility of these soils were much smaller than were the
differences in bulk density. Decreasing water content affected the
compressibility of the cohesive soil more than it affected the andic
soils. Because soil strength controls the compressibility of these
forest soils regardless of bulk density, it will also determine the
susceptibility of soils to compaction by machines. / Graduation date: 1991
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Calcium-oxalate in sites of contrasting nutrient status in the Coast Range of OregonDauer, Jenny M. 16 March 2012 (has links)
Calcium (Ca) is an essential macronutrient that is increasingly recognized as a biogeochemical factor that influences ecosystem structure and function. Progress in understanding the sustainability of ecosystem Ca supply has been hampered by a lack of information on the various forms and pools of Ca in forest ecosystems. In particular, few studies have investigated the role of Ca-oxalate (Ca-ox), a ubiquitous and sparingly soluble biomineral formed by plants and fungi, on Ca cycling. I investigated Ca-ox pools in two young Douglas-fir forests in the Oregon Coast Range, and found that Ca-ox comprised 4 to 18% of total ecosystem Ca in high- and low-Ca sites, respectively, with roughly even distribution in vegetation, detritus and mineral soil to 1 m depth. The proportion of ecosystem Ca existing as Ca-ox varied by ecosystem compartment but was highest in needle litterfall, foliage and branches. Calcium-ox could be a large amount of Ca in mineral soil; across nine sites comprising a local soil Ca gradient, we found as much as 20% of available Ca in 0 - 10 cm depth mineral soil occurs as Ca-ox. Ca-ox was the dominant form of Ca returned from plants to soil, but disappeared as rapidly as bulk Ca from decomposing litter, suggesting an important pathway for Ca recycling. In mineral soil, Ca-ox was a larger portion of total available Ca in the low-Ca site, which had lower Ca-ox concentrations overall, suggesting that Ca-ox has limited potential to buffer against Ca depletion in forests where Ca is in shortest supply. I investigated foliar chemistry as a method for diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies in high and low-Ca sites where Ca varied inversely with soil nitrogen (N), and which had received fertilization with urea (for nitrogen, N), lime, and calcium chloride three years prior. Foliar vector diagrams suggested N limitation at the low-N site and N sufficiency at the high-N site, but did not suggest Ca deficiency at either site after urea, lime and Ca-chloride fertilization. The high-Ca site displayed 20-60 times higher concentrations of foliar Ca-oxalate than the low-Ca site, although this was unaffected by fertilization. Soil nitrification responded to both N and lime fertilization at both sites, suggesting that fertilization with N may stimulate nitrification that could accelerate soil Ca loss. I also investigated how Ca-ox may influence cation tracers such as Ca and strontium (Sr) ratios (i.e., Ca/Sr) and Ca-isotopes (⁴⁴Ca/⁴⁰Ca), which are used to identify sources and pathways of Ca cycling in ecosystem studies. Laboratory synthesis of Ca-ox crystals exhibited preference for Ca over Sr, and for ⁴⁰Ca over ⁴⁴Ca. In the field, discrimination between Ca and Sr was detected in bulk plant tissues due to Ca-ox accumulation, suggesting that Ca-ox accumulation related to tree Ca supply status could influence interpretations of Ca/Sr as a tracer of Ca cycling. I also found that standard methods of soil exchangeable Ca extraction could dissolve Ca-ox crystals and potentially contribute an additional 52% to standard measurements of exchangeable-Ca pools in low-Ca sites, thus complicating long-standing interpretations of available soil Ca pools and dynamics in many studies. Results of this work show overall that Ca-ox is found in large quantities in plants, detritus, and mineral soil in forest ecosystems, and is a more dynamic component of ecosystem Ca cycling than previously recognized. / Graduation date: 2012
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Characteristics of soil organic matter in two forest soilsCrow, Susan E. 16 March 2006 (has links)
Soil organic matter (SOM) is the terrestrial biosphere's largest pool of organic carbon
(C) and is an integral part of C cycling globally. Soil organic matter composition
typically can be traced directly back to the type of detrital inputs; however, the
stabilization of SOM results as a combination of chemical recalcitrance, protection from
microbial decomposition within soil structure, and organo-mineral interactions. A long-term
manipulative field experiment, the Detrital Input and Removal Treatment (DIRT)
Project, was established to examine effects of altering detrital inputs (above- vs. below-ground
source, C and nitrogen (N) quantity, and chemical quality) on the stabilization
and retention of SOM. Surface mineral soil was collected from two DIRT sites,
Bousson (a deciduous site in western Pennsylvania) and H.J. Andrews (a coniferous
site in the Oregon Cascade Mountains), to examine the influence of altering detrital
inputs on decomposability and mean residence time of soil organic matter and different
organic matter fractions.
Soil organic matter was physically separated into light fraction (LF) and heavy fraction
(HF) organic matter, by density fractionation in 1.6 g mL⁻¹ sodium polytungstate (SPT).
Density fractionation in SPT resulted in the mobilization and loss of ~25% of total soil
organic C and N during the physical separation and rinsing of fractions during recovery,
which was also the most easily decomposed organic matter present in the bulk soil. At
H.J. Andrews, this mobilized organic matter had a short mean residence time (MRT),
indicating that it originated from fresh detrital inputs. In contrast, at Bousson, the
organic matter mobilized had a long MRT, indicating that it originated from organic
matter that had already been stabilized in the soil. Mean residence times of LF from
Bousson varied widely, ~3 y from doubled litter and control plots and 78-185 y for
litter removal plots, while MRT of HF was ~250 y and has not yet been affected by
litter manipulations. Results from long term incubation of LF and HF material
supported these estimates; respiration was greatest from LF of doubled litter and control
plots and least from HF of litter removal plots. In contrast, MRT estimated for LF and
HF organic matter from H.J. Andrews were similar to each other (~100 y) and were
not affected by litter manipulation. These estimates were also supported by the
incubation results; there was not a difference in cumulative respiration between detrital
treatments or density fractions. The results from the coniferous site may be due to a
legacy of historically large inputs of coarse woody debris on the LF and it may be
decades before the signal of detrital manipulations can be measured. Alternatively,
these highly andic soils may be accumulating C rapidly, yielding young HF ages and C
that does not differ substantially in lability from coniferous litter-derived LF. The
DIRT Project was intended to follow changes in soil organic matter over decades to
centuries. As expected, manipulation of detrital inputs has influenced the lability and
mean residence time of the light fraction before the heavy fraction organic matter;
however, it will be on much more lengthy time scales that clear differences in organic
matter stabilization in response to the alteration of detrital inputs will emerge.
Soil CO₂ efflux is a compilation of CO₂ from many sources, including root respiration
and the decomposition of different organic matter fractions, roots, and exudates. If the
sources of CO₂ have different isotopic signatures, the isotope analysis of CO₂ efflux
may reveal the dominant sources within the soil profile. In a short incubation
experiment of density fractions from both sites, respired CO₂ reflected the isotopic
signature of the organic matter fraction after 30 days, but was more enriched in ¹³C.
Initially CO₂ was isotopically depleted in ¹³C relative to the organic matter fraction and
the period of depletion related to the amount of easily degraded organic matter present
at H.J. Andrews only. / Graduation date: 2006
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