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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prescriptive Safety-Checks through Automated Proofs for Control-Flow Integrity

Tan, Jiaqi 01 November 2016 (has links)
Embedded software today is pervasive: they can be found everywhere, from coffee makers and medical devices, to cars and aircraft. Embedded software today is also open and connected to the Internet, exposing them to external attacks that can cause its Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) to be violated. Control-Flow Integrity is an important safety property of software, which ensures that the behavior of the software is not inadvertently changed. The violation of CFI in software can cause unintended behaviors, and can even lead to catastrophic incidents in safety-critical systems. This dissertation develops a two-part approach for CFI: (i) prescribing source-code safetychecks, that prevent the root-causes of CFI, that programmers can insert themselves, and (ii) formally proving CFI for the machine-code of programs with source-code safety-checks. First, our prescribed safety-checks, when applied, prevent the root-causes of CFI, thereby enabling software to recover from CFI violations in a customizable way. In addition, our prescribed safety-checks are visible to programmers, empowering them to ensure that the behavior of their software is not inadvertently changed by the prescribed safety-checks. However, programmer-inserted safety-checks may be incomplete. Thus, current techniques for proving CFI, which assume that safety-checks are complete, may not work. Second, this dissertation develops a logic approach that automates formal proofs of CFI for the machine-code of software containing both source-code CFI safety-checks and system calls. We extend an existing trustworthy Hoare logic with new proof rules, proof tactics, and a novel proof-search algorithm, which exploit the principle of local reasoning for safety properties to automatically generate CFI proofs for the machine-code of programs compiled with our prescribed source-code safety-checks. To the best of our knowledge, our approach to CFI is the first to combine programmer-visible source-code enforcement mechanisms for CFI–enabling programmers to customize them and observe that their software is not inadvertently changed–with machine-code proofs of CFI that can be automated, and that does not require a trusted or verified compiler to ensure its proven properties hold in machine-code. We evaluate our CFI approach on realistic embedded software. We evaluate our approach on the MiBench and WCET benchmarks, implementations of common file utilities, and programs interfacing with hardware inputs and outputs on the Raspberry Pi single-board-computer. The variety of our target programs, and our ability to support useful features such as file and hardware inputs and outputs, demonstrate the wide applicability of our approach.

Synthèse automatique d'architectures tolérantes aux fautes / Automatic synthesis of fault tolerant archictectures

Delmas, Kévin 19 December 2017 (has links)
La sûreté de fonctionnement occupe une place prépondérante dans la conception de systèmes critiques, puisqu'un dysfonctionnement peut être dangereux pour les utilisateurs ou l'environnement. Les concepteurs doivent également démontrer aux autorités de certification que les risques encourus sont acceptables. Pour cela, le concepteurs définissent une architecture contenant un ensemble de mécanismes de sûreté permettant de mitiger ou tout du moins limiter la probabilité d’occurrence des risques identifiés. L'objectif de ce travail est de développer une méthode automatique et générique de synthèse d’architecture assurant formellement le respect d’exigences de sûreté. Cette activité de synthèse est formalisée comme un problème d'exploration de l'espace des architectures c'est-à-dire trouver un candidat appartenant à un espace de recherche fini, respectant les exigences de sûreté. Ainsi nous proposons un processus de résolution complet et correct des problèmes d'exploration basé sur l'utilisation des solveurs SMT. Les contributions principales sont:1- La formalisation de la synthèse comme un problème de Satisfiabilité Modulo Théorie (SMT) afin d’utiliser les solveurs existants pour générer automatiquement une solution assurant formellement le respect des exigences;2- Le développement de méthodes d’analyse spécialement conçues pour évaluer efficacement la conformité d’une architecture vis-à-vis d’un ensemble d’exigences;3- La définition d'un langage KCR permettant de formuler les problèmes d'exploration et l'implantation des méthodes de résolution au sein de l'outil KCR Analyser. / Safety is a major issue in the design of critical systems since any failure can be hazardous to the users or the environment of such systems. In some areas, such as aeronautics, designers must also demonstrate to the certification authorities that the risks are acceptable. To do so, the designers define an architecture containing a set of security mechanisms to mitigate or at least limit the probability of occurrence of the identified risks. The objective of this work is to develop an automatic and generic method of architectural synthesis which formally ensures compliance with the safety requirements. This synthesis activity is then formalized as a design space exploration problem, i.e. find a candidate belonging to a finite set of architectures, fulfilling the safety requirements. Thus, we propose in this document a complete and correct resolution process of the design space exploration problem based on the use of SMT solvers. The main contributions are:1- the formalization of the synthesis as a problem of Satisfiability Modulo Theory (SMT) in order to use existing solvers to automatically generate a solution formally ensuring safety requirements;2- the development of analytic methods specially designed to efficiently assess the conformity of an architecture with respect to a set of safety requirements;3- the definition of a language named, KCR, allowing to formulate the design space exploration problem and the implementation of the methods of resolution presented in this work within the tool KCR Analyser.

Assisted design and analysis of attack trees / Assistance à la conception et l’analyse d’arbres d’attaque

Audinot, Maxime 17 December 2018 (has links)
En analyse de risques, les arbres d’attaque sont utilisés pour évaluer les menaces sur un système. Les méthodes formelles permettent leur analyse quantitative et leur synthèse, mais les propriétés exprimant la qualité des arbres d’attaque par rapport au système n’ont pas été formalisées. Dans ce document, nous définissons un nouveau cadre formel pour les arbres d’attaque prenant en compte un modèle opérationnel du système, et dotant les arbres d’une sémantique de chemins. Nous définissons les propriétés de correction des raffinements, et étudions leurs complexités. A partir d’une attaque optimale dans un modèle de système quantitatif, nous guidons la conception d’un arbre d’attaque, en indiquant ses feuilles qui contribuent à l’attaque optimale considérée. / In risk analysis, attack trees are used to assess threats to a system. Formal methods allow for their quantitative analysis and synthesis, but the properties expressing the quality of the attack trees with respect to the system have not been formalized. In this document, we define a new formal framework for attack trees that takes an operational model of the system into account, and provides the trees with a path semantics. We define the correctness properties of refinements, and study their computational complexity. Given an optimal attack in a quantitative system model, we guide the design of a attack tree, indicating its leaves that contribute to considered the optimal attack.

Vérification formelle de protocoles basés sur de courtes chaines authentifiées / Formal verification of protocols based on short authenticated strings

Robin, Ludovic 15 February 2018 (has links)
Les protocoles de sécurité modernes peuvent impliquer un participant humain de façon à ce qu'il compare ou copie de courtes chaines de caractères faisant le pont entre différents appareils. C'est par exemple le cas des protocoles basés sur une authentification à facteur multiples comme les protocoles Google 2 factor ou 3D-Secure.Cependant, de telles chaines de caractères peuvent être sujettes à des attaques par force brute. Dans cette thèse nous proposons un modèle symbolique qui inclut les capacités de l'attaquant à deviner des secrets faibles et à produire des collisions avec des fonctions de hachage dont de l'application résulte une courte chaine de caractères. Nous proposons une nouvelle procédure de décision pour analyser un protocole (restreint à un nombre borné de sessions) qui se base sur de courtes chaines de caractères. Cette procédure a été intégré dans l'outil AKISS et testé sur les protocoles du standard ISO/IEC 9798-6:2010 / Modern security protocols may involve humans in order to compare or copy short strings betweendifferent devices. Multi-factor authentication protocols, such as Google 2-factor or 3D-Secure are typical examplesof such protocols. However, such short strings may be subject to brute force attacks. In this thesis we propose asymbolic model which includes attacker capabilities for both guessing short strings, and producing collisions whenshort strings result from an application of weak hash functions. We propose a new decision procedure for analyzing(a bounded number of sessions of) protocols that rely on short strings. The procedure has been integrated in theAKISS tool and tested protocols from the ISO/IEC 9798-6:2010 standard

User Evaluation Framework for Model Finding Research

Danas, Ryan 31 August 2016 (has links)
"We report the results of a series of crowd-sourced user studies in the formal-methods domain. Specifically, we explore the efficacy of the notion of "minimal counterexample" -- or more colloquially, "minimal bug report" -- when reasoning about logical specifications. Our results here suggest that minimal counterexamples are beneficial some specific cases, and harmful in others. Furthermore, our analysis leads to refined hypotheses about the role of minimal counterexamples that can be further evaluated in future studies. User-based evaluation has little precedent in the formal methods community. Therefore, as a further contribution, we discuss and analyze our research methodology, and offer guidelines for future user studies in formal methods research. "

Formal methods paradigms for estimation and machine learning in dynamical systems

Jones, Austin 08 April 2016 (has links)
Formal methods are widely used in engineering to determine whether a system exhibits a certain property (verification) or to design controllers that are guaranteed to drive the system to achieve a certain property (synthesis). Most existing techniques require a large amount of accurate information about the system in order to be successful. The methods presented in this work can operate with significantly less prior information. In the domain of formal synthesis for robotics, the assumptions of perfect sensing and perfect knowledge of system dynamics are unrealistic. To address this issue, we present control algorithms that use active estimation and reinforcement learning to mitigate the effects of uncertainty. In the domain of cyber-physical system analysis, we relax the assumption that the system model is known and identify system properties automatically from execution data. First, we address the problem of planning the path of a robot under temporal logic constraints (e.g. "avoid obstacles and periodically visit a recharging station") while simultaneously minimizing the uncertainty about the state of an unknown feature of the environment (e.g. locations of fires after a natural disaster). We present synthesis algorithms and evaluate them via simulation and experiments with aerial robots. Second, we develop a new specification language for tasks that require gathering information about and interacting with a partially observable environment, e.g. "Maintain localization error below a certain level while also avoiding obstacles.'' Third, we consider learning temporal logic properties of a dynamical system from a finite set of system outputs. For example, given maritime surveillance data we wish to find the specification that corresponds only to those vessels that are deemed law-abiding. Algorithms for performing off-line supervised and unsupervised learning and on-line supervised learning are presented. Finally, we consider the case in which we want to steer a system with unknown dynamics to satisfy a given temporal logic specification. We present a novel reinforcement learning paradigm to solve this problem. Our procedure gives "partial credit'' for executions that almost satisfy the specification, which can lead to faster convergence rates and produce better solutions when the specification is not satisfiable.

Formal methods for resilient control

Sadraddini, Sadra 20 February 2018 (has links)
Many systems operate in uncertain, possibly adversarial environments, and their successful operation is contingent upon satisfying specific requirements, optimal performance, and ability to recover from unexpected situations. Examples are prevalent in many engineering disciplines such as transportation, robotics, energy, and biological systems. This thesis studies designing correct, resilient, and optimal controllers for discrete-time complex systems from elaborate, possibly vague, specifications. The first part of the contributions of this thesis is a framework for optimal control of non-deterministic hybrid systems from specifications described by signal temporal logic (STL), which can express a broad spectrum of interesting properties. The method is optimization-based and has several advantages over the existing techniques. When satisfying the specification is impossible, the degree of violation - characterized by STL quantitative semantics - is minimized. The computational limitations are discussed. The focus of second part is on specific types of systems and specifications for which controllers are synthesized efficiently. A class of monotone systems is introduced for which formal synthesis is scalable and almost complete. It is shown that hybrid macroscopic traffic models fall into this class. Novel techniques in modular verification and synthesis are employed for distributed optimal control, and their usefulness is shown for large-scale traffic management. Apart from monotone systems, a method is introduced for robust constrained control of networked linear systems with communication constraints. Case studies on longitudinal control of vehicular platoons are presented. The third part is about learning-based control with formal guarantees. Two approaches are studied. First, a formal perspective on adaptive control is provided in which the model is represented by a parametric transition system, and the specification is captured by an automaton. A correct-by-construction framework is developed such that the controller infers the actual parameters and plans accordingly for all possible future transitions and inferences. The second approach is based on hybrid model identification using input-output data. By assuming some limited knowledge of the range of system behaviors, theoretical performance guarantees are provided on implementing the controller designed for the identified model on the original unknown system.

Safety and hazard analysis in concurrent systems

Rao, Shrisha 01 January 2005 (has links)
Safety is a well-known and important class of property of software programs, and of systems in general. The basic notion that informs this work is that the time to think about safety is when it still exists but could be lost. The notion is not just to analyse safety as existing or not with a given system state, but also in the sense that a system is presently safe but becoming less so. Safety as considered here is not restricted to one type of property, and indeed for much of the discussion it does not matter what types of measures are used to assess safety. The work done here is for the purpose of laying a theoretical and mathematical foundation for allowing static analyses of systems to further safety. This is done using tools from lattice theory applied to the poset of system states partially ordered by reachability. Such analyses are common (e.g., with abstract interpretations of software functioning) with respect to other kinds of systems, but there does not seem to exist a formalism that permits them specifically for safety. Using the basic analytical tools developed, a study is made of the problem of composing systems from components. Three types of composition: direct sum, direct product, and exponentiation---are noted, and the first two are treated in some depth. It is shown that the set of all systems formed with the direct sum and direct product operators can be specified by a BNF grammar. A three-valued ``safety logic'' is specified, using which the safety and fault-tolerance of composed systems can be computed given the system composition. It is also shown that the set of all systems also forms separate monoids (in the sense familiar to mathematicians), and that other monoids can be derived based on equivalence classes of systems. The example of a train approaching a railroad crossing, where a gate must be closed prior to the train's arrival and opened after its exit, is considered and analysed as an example.

Reasoning about Agents in Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering

Letier, Emmanuel 22 May 2002 (has links)
The thesis proposes a number of techniques for elaborating requirements constructively from high-level goals. The techniques are based on the KAOS goal-oriented method for requirements engineering. This method consists in identifying goals and refining them into subgoals until the latter can be assigned as responsibilities of single agents such as humans, devices and software. Domain properties and assumptions about the software environment are also used during the goal refinement process. The method supports the exploration of alternative goal refinements and alternative responsibility assignments of goals to agents. It also supports the identification and resolution of conflicts between goals, and the identification and resolution of exceptional agent behaviors, called obstacles, that violate goals and assumptions produced during the goal refinement process. The thesis enriches the KAOS framework through three kinds of techniques: (a) techniques for identifying agents, goal refinements, and alternative responsibility assignments, and for deriving agent interfaces from such responsibility assignments; (b) techniques for deriving operational requirements from goal specifications; (c) techniques for generating obstacles to the satisfaction of idealized goals and assumptions, and for generating alternative obstacle resolutions. The result is a coherent body of systematic techniques for requirements elaboration that are both theoretically well-founded (a formal model of agent is defined) and effective in practice (the techniques are validated on two real case studies of significant size: the London ambulance despatching system, and the Bay Area Rapid Transit train system).

Reasoning about Agents in Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering

Letier, Emmanuel 22 May 2002 (has links)
The thesis proposes a number of techniques for elaborating requirements constructively from high-level goals. The techniques are based on the KAOS goal-oriented method for requirements engineering. This method consists in identifying goals and refining them into subgoals until the latter can be assigned as responsibilities of single agents such as humans, devices and software. Domain properties and assumptions about the software environment are also used during the goal refinement process. The method supports the exploration of alternative goal refinements and alternative responsibility assignments of goals to agents. It also supports the identification and resolution of conflicts between goals, and the identification and resolution of exceptional agent behaviors, called obstacles, that violate goals and assumptions produced during the goal refinement process. The thesis enriches the KAOS framework through three kinds of techniques: (a) techniques for identifying agents, goal refinements, and alternative responsibility assignments, and for deriving agent interfaces from such responsibility assignments; (b) techniques for deriving operational requirements from goal specifications; (c) techniques for generating obstacles to the satisfaction of idealized goals and assumptions, and for generating alternative obstacle resolutions. The result is a coherent body of systematic techniques for requirements elaboration that are both theoretically well-founded (a formal model of agent is defined) and effective in practice (the techniques are validated on two real case studies of significant size: the London ambulance despatching system, and the Bay Area Rapid Transit train system).

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