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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die bemarkingsgeoriënteerdheid van 'n konsessiegewer in die oogkundige bedryf

Van Wyk, Gerhard Jacobus. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (DTech. degree in Marketing)--Tshwane University of Technology, 2009. / This study focuses mainly on the marketing orientation of a franchisor in the optometric industry. Aspects such as the needs of franchisees with regard to products and services, prices and promotions, distribution, people and processes were investigated.

Franchising as a mechanism for economic empowerment in South Africa.

Jonson, Jeanine. January 1999 (has links)
South Africa is currently undergoing a phase of transformation that has indicated a shift from institutionalised oppression in all political, social and economic spheres to a society that is ideally open, free and democratic. Many aspects of life in South Africa are therefore changing as this transformation process is proceeding. It is this transformation process that has prompted interest in the area of economic empowerment amongst those who were previously disadvantaged in the "old" South Africa. The previously disadvantaged represent a large percentage of potentially economically active members of South African society. However, because of a high unemployment rate, other alternative forms of employment need to be sought, mainly through entrepreneurial endeavours. One such alternative, which is presented in this study, is the possible role that the franchise industry may play in economically empowering people that were previously disadvantaged. The purpose of this study is to theoretically and empirically examine the potential of franchising to act as a mechanism for economic empowerment. It explores the perceptions of franchisors, franchisees and financial institutions in regards to the current state of the franchise industry in order to assess the extent to which franchising does or does not act as a mechanism for economic empowerment. Conclusions have been drawn to correlate the theory and the empirical analysis of the surveys that were undertaken. It has been found that in many ways, franchising may act as a mechanism for economic empowerment but there are factors that inhibit the role that franchising can play in promoting this form of entrepreneurship. Where these negative factors have surfaced, a methodology has been presented in order to minimise such effect. / Thesis (M.Com.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1999.

How can a potential franchisor establish a successful franchise in fast moving consumer goods

Esmeraldo, Rosa January 2004 (has links)
Franchising has become the latest trend in business expansion and business acquisition and with the South African franchising market estimated at being around 12% and growing rapidly, enormous potential for future growth is indicated. Companies both local and international are seeking franchise expansion opportunities in Africa despite the higher risks. The significance of implementing franchises into Africa is the filtering down of business opportunities to the small and medium enterprise sector. It can be said that franchising promotes business growth and private ownership, while improving the quality of life of the poor through its impact on income and employment. A franchise organisation that grows too quickly might not have the necessary ‘factors’ in place to support all of the units properly. In the survey conducted, it was indicated that the franchise business practice echoed the literature reviewed. All the steps necessary to establish a franchise are important but not necessarily as equal. The more matured franchisee needed less guidance from the franchisor and relied more on the business concept and location. Potential franchisors need to take the necessary steps to establish a franchise and treat each step as an important part of the franchise process.

Factors inhibiting the franchising of Indian fast food stores in South Africa

Samad, Nadeem 20 August 2012 (has links)
M.B.A. / Franchising systems in South Africa have experienced high and sustained growth over the last decade. The South African government has recognised and supports business format franchising as a low risk way of creating jobs, transferring skills and creating wealth. At the forefront of this growth, is the fast food franchising industry, which is made up of a mix of global brands and a significant few, highly successful, locally founded, franchised operations based on Portuguese or American cultures. The fast food industry in South Africa also consists of a number of successful "non franchised" Indian fast food operations, founded by South Africans of Indian descent. None of these entrepreneurs have taken the next logical step and developed their businesses into national franchises. This study sought to uncover the factors inhibiting the franchising of Indian fast food stores in South Africa and to determine whether there was a market for Indian fast foods amongst a sample of consumers. The findings were that the independent entrepreneurs lacked the skills and knowledge to enter franchising as the franchisor. In addition, there was a general mistrust of the franchising system and doubts as to whether there was sufficient broad appeal of Indian fast foods. The results of the consumer survey however suggested that Indian fast foods were popular across a cross section of the population. Consequently, the report recommended that existing Indian fast food entrepreneurs develop strategies to exploit the market opportunities presented and suggested that it is the entrepreneur who franchises first, that will gain first more advantage through pre-empting real estate and shaping customer preferences and tastes.

The development of guidelines for the evaluation of franchising as a business option

Jordaan, Adrian 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: New economic activity is essential to create jobs that can absorb the surplus~ abour being created by, amongst other things, the increase in population rate, particular1y in developing countries like South Africa, and rationalisation and increased productivity characterising larger organisations nowadays. Entrepreneurship has been identified as one of the key sources and driving forces behind job creation and long-term economic growth, yet South Africa performs well below average in terms of entrepreneurial activity, particularly when compared to other developing countries. The weaknesses in the training and education system, lack of financial support, lack of research and development transfer and poor access to physical infrastructure were consistently identified in the various Global Entrepreneurship Monitor studies as accounting for the low entrepreneurial activity in South Africa. v-- The franchising business model has be/ldescribed in terms of Porter's value-chain analysis and shows that the franchisor prescribes to the franchisee a business model by providing procedures, guidelines, sharing, training and support for the execution of the primary and secondary activities within the franchisee's value chain. This is achieved through the tangible interrelationships that exist between franchisor and franchisee, which are characterised by the sharing and support of activities that are related within the two value chains and the intangible interrelationships involving the transfer of management know-how through training and mentoring. Considering the nature and the advantages of the franchise business model as described in terms of Porter's value-chain analysis, franchising can go a long way towards overcoming the lack of training and education and access to finance many entrepreneurs in South Africa are faced with. There is therefore evidence to suggest that franchising as a business model can reduce many of the risks associated with starting up a new business and contribute towards the improvement of the entrepreneurial status of South Africa. One of the main rationales behind purchasing a particular franchise is the confidence that the franchise will contribute to making the individual's business success more predictable. For this to become a reality requires that the franchisor provides an individual with a tried and test concept linked to a respectable and well-known brand within a structure that provides extensive initial and continuous support. However, although there are clear guidelines for the structure and conduct within the franchise business model, there are no all-encompassing rules regarding the extent to which all the aspects of a franchise business model have to be present for a particular franchise system to be considered good or bad. One franchise system may allow franchisees more leeway in some aspects of the business and have less formalised interrelationships within its value chain compared to another franchise system yet they may be equally successful systems depending on the extent to which their structure and the personal profile of the prospective franchisee complement each other. Therefore there are different management styles applied within different franchise systems and whether a particular franchise system will be successful for a particular franchisee depends upon the fit between the individual's personal profile, which encompasses the individual's skills, personality, entrepreneurial profile, risk profile, control profile, independence profile, work habits, ambitions, dreams, strengths and weaknesses and the franchise culture, functionality, structure, dynamic inter-relationships and regulation that prevails in the franchise network being considered. These factors, combined with others such as the current franchisor recruitment practices; abuse of the franchise concept and the balance of power considerations between franchisor and franchisee, emphasise the necessity for a prospective franchisee to take responsibility by performing his/her own thorough evaluation. The aim of this study was therefore the development of an analytical framework, which can be used by a prospective franchisee as a guideline for evaluating and deciding whether he/she is suited for franchising, whether a particular franchise opportunity is a sound and legitimate option and whether there is a fit between the personal profile of the individual and the profile of a particular franchise investment option being considered. By following the proposed analytical framework a prospective franchisee is able to develop a personal profile according to recommended guidelines and evaluate each potential franchise being considered / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nuwe ekonomiese aktiwiteit is noodsaaklik om werk te skep wat die ooraanbod van arbeid kan absorbeer wat onder andere veroorsaak word deur die bevolkingsaanwas, veral in ontwikkelende lande soos Suid-Afrika, en rasionalisering en groter produktiwiteit wat deesdae groter organisasies kenmerk. Entrepreneurskap is ge'identifiseer as een van die sleutelbronne en dryfvere agter werkskepping en langtermyn ekonomiese groei. Tog presteer Suid-Afrika ver onder die gemiddelde in terme van entrepreneurskapsaktiwiteit, veral as dit vergelyk word met ander ontwikkelende lande. Die tekortkominge in die onderwys- en opleidingstelsel, gebrek aan finansiele ondersteuning, gebrek aan oordrag van navorsing- en ontwikkelingskundigheid en swak toegang tot fisiese infrastruktuur is konsekwent deur die Global Entrepreneurship Monitor ge'identifiseer as redes vir die lae vlak van entrepreneursaktiwiteit in Suid-Afrika. Die konsessie-sakemodel is in terme van Porter se waardekettinganalise beskryf en toon dat die konsessiegewer aan die konsessiehouer 'n sake model voorskryf deur prosedures, riglyne, deelname, opleiding en ondersteuning te voorsien vir die uitvoering van die primere en sekondere aktiwiteite binne die konsessiehouer se waardeketting. Dit word bereik deur die tasbare interverhoudings wat tussen die konsessiegewer en konsessiehouer bestaan, wat gekenmerk word deur die deelname aan en ondersteuning van aktiwiteite wat verwant is binne die twee waardekettings en die ontasbare interverhoudings wat betref die oordrag van bestuurskennis deur opleiding en mentorskap. As die aard en die voordele van die konsessie-sakemodel oorweeg word, soos beskryf in terme van Porter se waardeketting, kan die konsessiebedryf baie doen om die gebrek aan onderwys en opleiding en toegang tot finansiering wat baie entrepreneurs in Suid-Afrika ondervind, teen te werk. Daar is dus aanduiding dat konsessies as sakemodel baie van die risiko's kan verlaag wat verband hou met die totstandbring van 'n nuwe onderneming en kan bydra tot die verbetering van die entrepreneurstatus van Suid-Afrika. Een van die hoofbeweegredes agter die aankoop van 'n spesifieke konsessie is die vertroue dat die konsessie daartoe sal bydra om die individu se besigheid meer voorspelbaar te maak. Ten einde dit moontlik te maak, moet die konsessiegewer 'n individu voorsien van 'n beproefde konsep gekoppel aan 'n gerespekteerde en bekende handelsmerk binne 'n struktuur wat omvattende aanvanklike en deurlopende ondersteuning bied. Alhoewel daar duidelike riglyne is vir die struktuur en bedryf binne die konsessie-sakemodel, is daar geen allesomvattende re~ls betreffende die omvang waartoe al die aspekte van 'n konsessie-sakemodel teenwoordig moet wees ten einde te bepaal of 'n spesifieke konsessiestelsel goed of sleg is nie. Een konsessiestelsel mag konsessiehouers meer vryheid bied in terme van sekere aspekte van die besigheid en minder formele interverhoudings he binne sy waardeketting vergeleke met 'n ander konsessiestelsel, maar hulle mag ewe suksesvolle stelsels wees afhangend van die mate waarin hulle struktuur en die persoonlike profiel van die voomemende konsessiehouer mekaar komplementeer. Daar word dus verskillende bestuurstyle toegepas binne verskillende konsessiestelsels en of 'n spesifieke konsessiestelsel suksesvol sal wees vir 'n spesifieke konsessiehouer hang grootliks af van die passing tussen die individu se persoonlike profiel, wat insluit die individu se vaardighede, persoonlikheid, entrepreneursprofiel, risiko-profiel, kontrole-profiel, onafhanklikheidsprofiel, werkstyl, ambisies, drome, sterkpunte en swakpunte en die konsessie se kultuur, funksionaliteit, struktuur, dinamiese interverhoudings en regulering wat bestaan in die konsessienetwerk wat oorweeg word. Hierdie faktore, tesame met ander soos die huidige konsessiegewer se aanstellingspraktyke, misbruik van die konsessiekonsep en die magsbalans-oorwegings tussen die konsessiegewer en konsessiehouer, beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid vir 'n voornemende konsessiehouer om verantwoordelikheid te neem deur sylhaar eie deeglike evaluering te doen. Die doel van hierdie studie is daarom die ontwikkeling van 'n analitiese raamwerk wat deur 'n voornemende konsessiehouer gebruik kan word as 'n riglyn vir die evaluering en besluitneming ten opsigte van sy/haar eie gepastheid vir die konsessiebedryf, of 'n spesifieke konsessiegeleentheid 'n grondige en wettige opsie is en of daar 'n passing is tussen die persoonlike profiel van die individu en die profiel van 'n spesifieke konsessiebelegging wat oorweeg word. Deur die voorgestelde analitiese raamwerk te volg, sal die voornemende konsessiehouer in staat wees om 'n persoonlike profiel te ontwikkel volgens aanbevole riglyn en elke potensiele konsessie wat oorweeg word, te evalueer.

The role of performance measures in the fast food franchisee industry to sustain positive growth : Cape Metropole - South Africa

Mabesele, Lindiwe Albertina January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Business)) --Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009 / The Faculty of Business at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology conducts research in the niche area: “The Effective Management of SMMEs” as identified by the National Research Foundation of South Africa. The research contained within the ambit of this thesis, has as its objective to establish the current position of performance measures utilised daily in the business activities by fast food franchisees, to raise awareness of future performance drivers (i.e. the critical success factors or non-financials aspects), and to highlight the importance of measuring the key performance areas of both financials and non-financial indicators as significant contributors to sustainability and growth of an enterprise. The challenge managers is currently faced with pertain to the managing of businesses for results i.e. identifying the drivers of financial success, finding a balance to measure financial and non-financial performances, appraising and compensating people’s performance. Lacking such tools, businesses have encountered difficulties managing what they could not describe or measure, or that are exposed to the risk of failure. Financial accounting (historic information) does not provide details about factors that actually help grow market share and profits (the main drivers of future performance). The questions which should be asked, are: Are the managers of fast food franchisees able to identify critical information or articulate factors that are important to actually help grow market share and profits? What tools are utilized to measure and drive value in real-time? To what level is performance measured, and what is the role and purpose of the utilised measures in the fast food franchisees? Most importantly, to what extent are franchisees in the fast food industry equipped by franchisors through a franchise “package”? This remains problematic as the need to identify and understand information critical for decision making in the fast food industry becomes imperative for the growth and sustainability of the organization. To answer these questions, the performance measures actually used by franchisees, will be surveyed. The proposed study will involve the collection, compilation, and analysis of both financials and non-financials performance measures using survey data from fast food franchisees within the Cape Metropolis. Quantitative data will be collected through opened and closed ended questionnaires (distributed to owners/managers of outlets) to document the existing performance measures and resulting perceived benefits. The outcome of this thesis will help franchisees to identify critical success factors and raise awareness with franchisors on inadequacies in the franchise package, so as to contribute to the effective management of small businesses. Furthermore, the research will be of importance in empowering the fast food sector to take advantages of alternative performance measures, improve their business efficiencies and increase their capacity to grow and be sustainable.

The development of a model on which to base franchise relationships

Kirabira, Godfrey January 2002 (has links)
This paper aims at developing a model on which to base good quality franchise relationships. The franchise sector has the potential to generate wealth for the franchisee and the franchisor, create employment and be a tool of empowerment. It is also associated with relatively less risk than other forms of self-employment. However, there have been a disturbing number of failures in the sector and reported cases of abuses of franchisees by franchisors. Some franchisors have sought liquidation of franchise units in courts of law. An investigation was commissioned into the sector with the objective of uncovering problems in the quality of the relationships in the sector. The obligations of both the franchisees and franchisors were stipulated. Aspects of quality were then considered to lay a foundation upon which improvements in the relationships could be based. This was followed by a survey to find the performance gap between the quality of service that was expected from the franchisor and what the franchisees were actually receiving. Five dimensions of service quality – tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy were empirically investigated. The findings of this research revealed that the quality of service of franchisors fell short in all dimensions. It is arguable that other aspects of quality are being neglected by the franchisors. It is against this backdrop that a model is proposed to improve the quality of service in the franchise relationships. The model incorporates contemporary ideas on quality. Principles of total quality management, quality function deployment, customer satisfaction and self-assessment are applied to the franchise relationship. The use of the model will contribute towards better relationships in the franchise sector.

Franchising a full service restaurant concept : a case study

Thomson, Guy January 2008 (has links)
This treatise investigates the restaurant industry, entrepreneurship, franchising and restaurant franchising in order to develop a model that will enable a full service restaurant concept to be converted into a successful franchise system. Restaurants play a significant role in our lifestyle, and dining out is a favoured social activity. The industry plays an important role in the transfer of skills as many people start working in the restaurant industry before moving onto more formal careers. The restaurant industry offers many opportunities for entrepreneurial activity as a result of the relatively low barriers to entry. Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity regardless of the resources at hand and it requires a willingness to take calculated risks in order to build something of value from virtually nothing. The success of emerging economies such as China and India has proven that the only growth sectors in these economies are small and medium enterprises, which are driven by entrepreneurs. Franchising is considered to be a viable growth strategy for small business as it provides a means of raising capital and a method of expanding the business in a relatively low risk manner. There are many well established restaurant franchise brands that originated in South Africa, starting out as successful single outlets and then by means of the business format franchise model, developed into multi unit franchise systems. There are certain basic generic steps that must be followed when developing a franchise system. This was verified by the empirical study of this treatise which was conducted as a single unit case study on the Dulce Franchise Group. Finally, as a result of the analysis of the literature study and the findings of the case study, a restaurant franchise conversion model was developed.

An evaluation of the impact of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 on the relationship between franchisors and franchisees

Biggs, Lynn January 2017 (has links)
The franchising business model is an attractive option for both franchisors and franchisees. Franchisors grant the rights to use their intellectual property and business system to franchisees for a fee. Franchisees buy into the tried-and-tested business system, receive ongoing training and support and operate under an established trade mark or trade name. Fundamental characteristics of the franchise relationship include: the contractual nature thereof, the use of the franchisor‘s intellectual property by the franchisee, operating the franchise outlet according to the franchisor‘s business system, providing training and support to the franchisee, and paying for the use of the franchisor‘s intellectual property and business system. These characteristics have resulted in inherent tensions between franchisors and franchisees, which arise by virtue of, inter alia, the control exercised by the franchisor over the use of its intellectual property, franchisor opportunism, poor franchisee selection, franchisee free-riding, inadequate training and support, or the sunk investments made by the franchisee. The franchisor and franchisee generally use a franchise agreement to regulate their relationship. However, the franchise agreement itself can also lead to conflict between the parties, such as that arising from poor drafted clauses relating to territorial rights, renewal, payment, termination, restraint of trade, or confidentiality. The franchise agreement is typically drafted in the standard-form, resulting in franchisees faced with unequal bargaining power. The common law of contract is based on principles of freedom of contract and sanctity of contract and is, therefore, limited in its ability to resolve the tensions between the parties. Various models for regulating the franchising industry can be adopted, for example, self-regulation, statutory regulation, or co-regulation. Australia and Canada have adopted the statutory model by enacting franchise-specific legislation and New Zealand has followed the self-regulation model with no legislation regulating its franchising industry. South Africa did not formally regulate the franchise relationship through legislation until the enactment of its consumer protection legislation, the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (CPA), which includes a franchisee within the definition of consumer. This entails that all franchisees enjoy the protection of the CPA and all franchise agreements must comply with the provisions of the CPA. The South African economy is unique in that it is burdened by the social ills of its discriminatory past, such as high levels of unemployment, illiteracy and inequality. The country is faced with a slow growing economy with little development and promotion of entrepreneurship among small businesses. Despite the burdensome economy within which the franchising industry is required to operate, the industry‘s contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country has remained stable. The South African government has identified the franchising industry as an opportunity for job creation, economic empowerment and promotion of entrepreneurship. The aim of the study is to ascertain whether the CPA is the correct legislative vehicle to regulate the franchise relationship, while enhancing the growth and development of the franchising industry. This thesis concludes that the introduction of fundamental consumer rights and rights of redress for franchisees through the provisions of the CPA has contributed to, or assisted in, the removal of the tensions inherent in the franchise relationship. In particular, the CPA has adequately addressed the lack of formal regulation of the franchise relationship through its disclosure requirements and its regulations. The thesis also proposes amendments to some of the CPA regulations, which will further enhance the disclosure requirements, and aid in curtailing the conflict caused by the terms of the franchise agreement. The thesis further proposes that the application of the CPA to franchise agreements should be limited to small, inexperienced or unsophisticated franchisees that are in need of the protection. An essential premise is that the CPA aims to protect ordinary consumers, including juristic persons, in day-to-day transactions (up to the threshold amount), to avoid suppliers taking advantage of them. Larger, more sophisticated or experienced franchisees, with stronger bargaining power and access to legal advice, do not necessarily require the protection of the CPA. The criteria relating to the size of class of micro-, very small and small enterprises, but not medium enterprises, within the different sectors or sub-sectors in terms of the National Small Enterprises Act, 102 of 1996, should be considered and used as a guide to determine whether the CPA applies to a franchise agreement. The development, growth and success of the franchising industry depends on the education of prospective franchisees wanting to adopt the franchising business model and invest in the industry. The CPA does not recognise or promote the roles of the various stakeholders (franchisors, franchisees and the government) with regard to the provision of education, training, ongoing support and assistance to prospective franchisees. This thesis proposes that mechanisms to enhance the education of prospective franchisees should be promoted, such as tandem franchising, obtaining advice undertakings from prospective franchisees before concluding franchise agreements, and increasing the role of the Consumer Commission in providing franchising education.

A comparative study of the pharmacy business models with specific reference to Nuclicks and Pick 'n Pay

Heunis, C. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this report is to create a better understanding of the new pharmacy initiatives in the South African market, with specific reference to the Nuclicks and Pick 'n Pay groups. In order to understand the respective business concepts better the following abstracts from each chapter of the study is given. Chapter one is basically the introduction to the study and describes the events that lead to the above mentioned corporate retailers to enter the pharmacy market place. An introduction to Hamel's business model theory is also discussed and identified as a possible means of evaluating the corporate retailers' business concepts. In Chapter two the strategic analysis of the South African retail pharmacy industry is performed. This analysis is performed to create an understanding of the different forces at work in the industry. Some of the key findings in this chapter are that changes to the pharmacy act and the way dispensing licences are going to be awarded creates uncertainty. The profit outlook of retail pharmacy, though on the decline, still compares favourably to other retailers. In chapter three the core concepts of Hamel's business model are presented in more detail and applied to the retail pharmacy environment. In his view, a strategy needs to change the industry rules. This chapter ends with the concept of wealth potential based on Hamel's teachings. The wealth potential concept is about creating cash flow and profits. A business model that is able to create customer benefits well below the cost of the competitors is regarded as efficient. By utilising the Hamel way the Nuclicks (chapter four) and Pick 'n Pay (chapter five) business concepts is unpacked. Both Nuclicks and Pick 'n Pay pharmacy business models are presented within the corporate framework of the groups. Nuclicks bought an established pharmacy franchise while Pick 'n Pay launched Healthpharm. Nuclicks creates a possible choke point by buying UPD. The Nuclicks pharmacy strategy is a more comprehensive health strategy, while Pick 'n Pay follows a more cautious approach. As franchising will playa major role in both pharmacy concepts, the theory of franchising is presented in chapter six. Telephonic interviews with Link franchisees are conducted and the possible reasons for the ambiguity that crept into the Link business model are discussed. As the Healthpharm franchise is a new concept, it is evaluated based on information gathered from press releases and the Healthpharm web-site. In chapter seven universal conclusions and recommendations, based upon the literature study and this investigation, are presented. One of the key findings are, success in the face of changes requires more than the current way of doing business. It requires an innovative thinking process. New business models have to be formulated that allows retail pharmacists to establish a focused and well-differentiated value proposition. This value proposition needs to be meaningful for consumers and must strengthen a pharmacy outlet's competitive position. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie verslag is om 'n beter begrip vir die nuwe apteek inisiatiewe in die Suid-Afrikaanse mark te ontwikkel, met spesifieke verwysing na die Nuclicks en Pick 'n Pay groepe. Om die onderskeie besiqheidskonsepte beter te verstaan, word die volgende opsomming van elke hoofstuk van die studie uiteengesit. Hoofstuk een is 'n inleiding tot die studie en beskryf die gebeure wat aanleiding gegee het tot die bogenoemde korporatiewe kleinhandelaars se toetrede tot die apteek mark. 'n Inleiding van Hamel se besigheidsmodel teorie is ook bespreek en is geïdentifiseer as evaluering van die korporatiewe kleinhandelaars se besigheidskonsepte. Hoofstuk twee bied 'n strategiese analise van die Suid-Afrikaanse kleinhandelaars apteek industrie. Hierdie analise is geskep om beter begrip te ontwikkel vir die verskillende kragte wat inwerk in die industrie. Van die bevindinge in die hoofstuk is die veranderinge in die apteek wetgewing en die wyse waarop resepteer lisensies toegeken gaan word, en hoeveel onsekerhede dit tot gevolg het. Die wins vooruitsigte van kleinhandelaars apteke, alhoewel aan die afneem, vergelyk steeds gunstig met ander kleinhandelaars. In Hoofstuk drie is die kern konsepte van Hamel se besigheidsmodel in meer detail uiteengesit en toegepas op die kleinhandelaar apteek omgewing. Uit sy oogpunt, is 'n strategie nodig om veranderinge te weeg te bring in die industrie reëls. Hierdie hoofstuk eindig met die konsep van waarde potensiaal wat gebaseer is op Hamel se teorie. Hierdie waarde potensiaal konsep is gebaseer op die skep van kontantvloei en 'n Besigheidsmodel wat in staat is om die kliënt te begunstig heelwat laer as die koste van die teenstander, word beskou as effektief. Hamel se teorie is gebruik om Nuclicks (hoofstuk vier) en Pick 'n Pay (hoofstuk vyf) se besigheidskonsepte te analiseer. Beide Nuclicks en Pick 'n Pay se besigheidsmodelle word aangebied binne die korporatiewe raakwerke van die groepe. Nuclicks het 'n gevestigde apteek konsessie gekoop terwyl Pick 'n Pay vir Healthpharm begin het. Nuclicks het 'n moontlike 'wurgpunt" geskep deur die aankoop van UPD. Die Nuclicks apteek strategie is 'n meer omvattende gesondheidstrategie, terwyl Pick 'n Pay 'n meer versigtige benadering volg. Aangesien besigheid konsessie 'n belangrike rol speel in beide apteek konsepte, word die teorie van konsessie in hoofstuk ses behandel. Telefoniese onderhoude is gevoer met Link konsessiehouers en die moontlike redes vir die twyfelagtigheid van die Link besigheidsmodel word bespreek. Aangesien die Healthpharm konsessie 'n nuwe konsep is, word dit geëvalueer op grond van inligting wat versamel is uit die media en die Healthpharm webtuiste. In Hoofstuk sewe word universele afleidings en aanbevelings, gebaseer op die literatuurstudie en die ondersoek, uiteengesit. Een van die hoof bevindings was dat sukses benodig meer as die huidige manier van besigheid doen. Nuwe besigheidsmodelle moet geformuleer word, wat dit vir kleinhandelaar apteke moontlik sal maak om 'n gefokusde en goed gedifferensieerde waarde voorstel tot stand te bring. Hierdie voorstel moet betekenisvol wees vir die verbruiker en moet die apteek kompeterende posisie versterk.

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