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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transmission of vector quantization over a frequency-selective Rayleigh fading CDMA channel

Nguyen, Son Xuan 19 December 2005 (has links)
Recently, the transmission of vector quantization (VQ) over a code-division multiple access (CDMA) channel has received a considerable attention in research community. The complexity of the optimal decoding for VQ in CDMA communications is prohibitive for implementation, especially for systems with a medium or large number of users. A suboptimal approach to VQ decoding over a CDMA channel, disturbed by additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), was recently developed. Such a suboptimal decoder is built from a soft-output multiuser detector (MUD), a soft bit estimator and the optimal soft VQ decoders of individual users. <p>Due to its lower complexity and good performance, such a decoding scheme is an attractive alternative to the complicated optimal decoder. It is necessary to extend this decoding scheme for a frequency-selective Rayleigh fading CDMA channel, a channel model typically seen in mobile wireless communications. This is precisely the objective of this thesis. <p>Furthermore, the suboptimal decoders are obtained not only for binary phase shift keying (BPSK), but also for M-ary pulse amplitude modulation (M-PAM). This extension offers a flexible trade-off between spectrum efficiency and performance of the systems. In addition, two algorithms based on distance measure and reliability processing are introduced as other alternatives to the suboptimal decoder. <p>Simulation results indicate that the suboptimal decoders studied in this thesis also performs very well over a frequency-selective Rayleigh fading CDMA channel.

Combined Channel Estimation and Data Detection for AF Cooperative Communication Systems

Tsai, Yi-hsuan 07 August 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, the problem of data transmission in amplify-and-forward (AF) co- operative system which implemented joint channel estimation and data detection at the destination (receiver) is considered. The nonlinear block code is designed to as- sist the above methodology. The design criterion takes into account the uncertainty of channel parameters at the receiver based on joint channel estimation and data detection algorithm and the simulations will prove that it can achieve full diversity that is offered by multiple relay and frequency-selective fading channel. Using an approximation of the union boun on the error probability as the design criterion, such that it can be simulated as a function for simulated annealing algorithm. The designed codewords are applied to the AF cooperative system. In order to assess the performance of joint estimation and detection fashion, the numerical simulations will be carried out the word error rate (WER) performances illustrate that improve- ment over differnt benchmark schemes can be obtained.

Reconfigurable Low Profile Antennas Using Tunable High Impedance Surfaces

Cure, David 01 January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation shows a detailed investigation on reconfigurable low profile antennas using tunable high impedance surfaces (HIS). The specific class of HIS used in this dissertation is called a frequency selective surface (FSS). This type of periodic structure is fabricated to create artificial magnetic conductors (AMCs) that exhibit properties similar to perfect magnetic conductors (PMCs). The antennas are intended for radiometric sensing applications in the biomedical field. For the particular sensing application of interest in this dissertation, the performance of the antenna sub-system is the most critical aspect of the radiometer design where characteristics such as small size, light weight, conformability, simple integration, adjustment in response to adverse environmental loading, and the ability to block external radio frequency interference to maximize the detection sensitivity are desirable. The antenna designs in this dissertation are based on broadband dipole antennas over a tunable FSS to extend the usable frequency range. The main features of these antennas are the use of an FSS that does not include via connections to ground, their low profile and potentially conformal nature, high front-to-back radiation pattern ratio, and the ability to dynamically adjust the center frequency. The reduction of interlayer wiring on the tunable FSS minimizes the fabrication complexity and facilitates the use of flexible substrates. This dissertation aims to advance the state of the art in low profile tunable planar antennas. It shows a qualitative comparison between antennas backed with different unit cell geometries. It demonstrates the feasibility to use either semiconductor or ferroelectric thin film varactor-based tunable FSS to allow adjustment in the antenna frequency in response to environment loading in the near-field. Additionally, it illustrates how the coupling between antenna and HIS, and the impact of the varactor losses affect the antenna performance and it shows solutions to compensate these adverse effects. Novel hybrid manufacturing approaches to achieve flexibility on electrically thick antennas that could be transitioned to thin-film microelectronics are also presented. The semiconductor and ferroelectric varactor-based tunable low profile antennas demonstrated tunability from 2.2 GHz to 2.65 GHz with instantaneous bandwidths greater than 50 MHz within the tuning range. The antennas had maximum thicknesses of λ/45 at the central frequency and front to back-lobe radiation ratios of approximately 15dB. They also showed impedance match improvement in the presence of a Human Core Model (HCM) phantom at close proximity distances of the order of 10-20 mm. In addition, the use of thin film ferroelectric Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) varactors in the FSS layer enabled an antenna that had smaller size, lower cost and less weight compared to the commercially available options. The challenging problems of fabricating robust flexible antennas are also addressed and novel solutions are proposed. Two different types of flexible antennas were designed and built. A series of flexible microstrip antennas with slotted grounds which demonstrated to be robust and have 42% less mass than typically used technologies (e.g., microstrip antennas fabricated on Rogers® RT6010, RT/duroid® 5880, etc.); and flexible ferroelectric based tunable low profile antennas that showed tunability from 2.42 GHz to 2.66 GHz using overlapping metallic plates instead of a continuous ground plane. The bending test results demonstrated that, by placing cuts on the ground plane or using overlapping metallic layers that resemble fish scales, it was possible to create highly conductive surfaces that were extremely flexible even when attached to other solid materials. These new approaches were used to overcome limitations commonly encountered in the design of antennas that are intended for use on non-flat surfaces. The material presented in this dissertation represents the first investigation of reconfigurable low profile antennas using tunable high impedance surfaces where the desired electromagnetic performance as well as additional relevant features such as robustness, low weight, low cost and low complexity were demonstrated.

Methods to achieve wavelength selectivity in infrared microbolometers and reduced thermal mass microbolometers

Jung, Joo-Yun, 1976- 02 February 2011 (has links)
The use of a patterned resistive sheet as an infrared-selective absorber, including the effects of a mechanical support dielectric layer is discussed. Also, modified dielectric coated Salisbury Screen can improve both the wavelength selectivity and the speed of thermal response for microbolometers. These patterned resistive sheets and Modified dielectric coated Salisbury Screen are a modified form of classical Salisbury Screens that utilize a resistive absorber layer placed a quarter-wavelength in front of a mirror. These structures can show a narrower detection bandwidth when compared to conventional microbolometers. For a Modified dielectric coated Salisbury Screen for multi-spectral system, wavelength selectivity can be varied by changing the distance to the mirror, and for patterned resistive sheet, wavelength selectivity can be varied by changing the lithographically drawn parameters of the array. Hence, different pixels in a focal plane array can be designed to produce a “multi-color” infrared imaging system. Also, the thermal mass of microbolometer is reduced using patterned resistive structure. / text

A High-Gain Planar Dipole Antenna for Ultra-Wideband Applications

Shadrokh, Shahin 31 March 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, a low-profile, high-gain, ultra-wideband (UWB) planar dipole antenna is presented for radar imaging applications. The antenna is loaded with open complementary double concentric split-hexagonal-ring resonators (LC tank) and chip resistors, and backed with a novel double-layer FSS reflector for gain enhancement. A broadband microstrip to parallel-plate transformer is designed as the feeding structure of the antenna to provide impedance matching and balanced-to-unbalanced transition. The measurement results show the proposed antenna operates over the frequency bandwidth of 0.65-3.8 GHz with S11< -10 dB (VSWR) and smooth gains in the range of 6.2-9 dBi.

Cooperative Techniques for Next Generation HF Communication Systems

Heidarpour, Mohammad Reza January 2013 (has links)
The high frequency (HF) band lies within 2-30 MHz of the electromagnetic spectrum. For decades, the HF band has been recognized as the primary means of long-range wireless communications. When satellite communication first emerged in 1960s, HF technology was considered to be obsolete. However, with its enduring qualities, HF communication survived through this competition and positioned itself as a powerful complementary and/or alternative technology to satellite communications. HF systems have been traditionally associated with low-rate data transmission. With the shift from analog to digital in voice communication, and increasing demands for high-rate data transmission (e.g., e-mail, Internet, FTP), HF communication has been going through a renaissance. Innovative techniques are required to push the capacity limits of the HF band. In this dissertation, we consider cooperative communication as an enabling technology to meet the challenging expectations of future generation HF communication systems. Cooperative communication exploits the broadcast nature of wireless transmission and relies on the cooperation of users relaying the information to one another. We address the design, analysis, and optimization of cooperative HF communication systems considering both multi-carrier and single-carrier architectures. As the multi-carrier HF system, we consider the combination of the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with the bit interleaved coded modulation (BICM) as the underlying physical layer platform. It is assumed that cooperating nodes may use different HF propagation mechanisms, such as near-vertical-incidence sky wave (NVIS) and surface wave, to relay their received signals to the destination in different environmental scenarios. Diversity gain analysis, optimum relay selection strategy and power allocation between the source and relays are investigated for the proposed cooperative HF system. For single-carrier HF systems, we first derive a matched-filer-bound (MFB) on the error rate performance of the non-regenerative cooperative systems. The results from the MFB analysis are also used for relay selection and power allocation in the multi-relay cooperative systems. To overcome the intersymbol interference impairment induced by frequency-selectivity of the HF channel, equalization is inevitable at the destination in a single-carrier system. In this work, we investigate the minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) based linear/decision-feedback frequency domain equalizers (FDEs). Both symbol-spaced and fractionally-spaced implementations of the proposed FDEs are considered and their performance is compared under different channel conditions and sampling phase errors at the relay and destination nodes.

Superfícies seletivas em frequência - FSS : concepção e projeto de absorvedores planares de micro-ondas para aplicação em WLAN, WIMAX e radar / Frequency selective surfaces - FSS : conception and design of planar microwave absorbers for application in WLAN, WIMAX and radar

Silva, Maurício Weber Benjó da, 1980- 05 June 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Carlos Kretly / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T13:36:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Silva_MauricioWeberBenjoda_D.pdf: 10953654 bytes, checksum: 6b4d1b6000f187a807b5cec8ba653713 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Neste trabalho, as diferentes propriedades de superfícies seletivas em frequência, FSS - Frequency Selective Surfaces, são analisadas. As FSS são estruturas planares com células periódicas e podem ser classificadas como uma classe de metamateriais. Para tanto, o mecanismo de trabalho dessas estruturas foi extensivamente estudado, e um método próprio, baseado no modelo de circuito equivalente em conjunto com simulações de onda completa foi proposto. A ferramenta desenvolvida é útil para uma análise preliminar rápida de FSS, a qual foi utilizada para criar uma base de dados de elementos conhecidos na literatura. Diferente dos modelos de análise clássicos, a modelagem analítica proposta, que é uma das principais contribuições do trabalho, usa um simples algoritmo para aproximar a resposta de superfícies seletivas em frequência com geometrias arbitrárias, para incidências normal e oblíqua e para substratos com quaisquer espessuras. Nesse sentido, após a simulação eletromagnética da estrutura, é possível computar a resposta de uma FSS com diferentes parâmetros sem o consumo de tempo das simulações de onda completa. O modelo usa as características peculiares de superfícies de alta impedância, HIS - High Impedance Surface, que dentro de determina faixa comporta-se como condutor magnético perfeito, PMC - Perfect Magnetic Conductor, enquanto no restante da banda tem comportamento de um condutor elétrico perfeito, PEC - Perfect Electric Conductor, para sintetizar absorvedores finos e planares de micro-ondas. As estruturas, compostas de superfície seletiva em frequência resistivas sobre um substrato dielétrico aterrado, são projetadas visando aplicação em diferentes faixas de frequência de absorção e diferentes larguras de banda. Na faixa de 5,5 GHz, objetivou-se satisfazer as especificações dos sistemas WIMAX, WLAN, com os padrões IEEE 802.11a, bem como sistemas de radar, enquanto sinais de outras faixas podem trafegar com atenuação mínima ou nula. Para a faixa mais elevada, projetou-se uma estrutura que oferece absorção sobre a faixa de frequências de 10 GHz a 18 GHz, que pode ser empregada visando aplicações na banda-X e banda-Ku. O método de modelagem para a FSS e para os absorvedores propostos foi validado fisicamente através de montagens experimentais e instrumentação, especialmente desenvolvidas para estas estruturas. Os protótipos dos absorvedores fabricados são extremamente finos e foram medidos por meio de setups de medida em campo aberto e em câmara anecóica. As estruturas projetadas mostraram excelente desempenho para as faixas medidas, mantendo refletividade tipicamente abaixo de -10 dB ao longo de toda a banda. A metodologia desenvolvida nesta pesquisa pode ser ampliada para diferentes faixas de frequências, larguras de banda e aplicações / Abstract: In this work, the different properties of frequency selective surfaces - FSS are analyzed. Frequency selective surfaces are planar structures with periodic cells and can be classified as a kind of metamaterials. To this end, the working mechanism of these structures has been extensively studied, and a proper method based on the equivalent circuit model in conjunction with full-wave simulations was proposed. The developed tool is useful for a fast preliminary analysis of FSS, which was used to create a database of known elements presented in the literature. Unlike of classical analysis model, the proposed analytical modeling, which is one of the main thesis contributions, uses a simple algorithm for approximate the response of frequency selective surfaces with arbitrary shape, for normal and oblique incidence and for substrates with all thicknesses. In this sense, after the electromagnetic simulation of the structure, it is possible to compute the response of an FSS with different parameters without the time consuming full-wave simulations. The model uses the unique characteristics of High-Impedance Surfaces - HIS, which for certain frequency range, behaves as Perfect Magnetic Conductor - PMC, while outside this band behaves as a Perfect Electric Conductor - PEC, for synthesizing thin planar microwave absorbers. The structures, comprising resistive frequency selective surfaces over a grounded dielectric substrate, are designed aiming different absorption frequency bands and different bandwidths. In the 5.5 GHz frequency range, the aim was to satisfy the specifications of WiMAX, WLAN systems, in view of the IEEE 802.11a standards, as well as radar systems, while signals from other bands can travel across with zero or minimal attenuation. To the highest range, the designed structure provides absorption over 10 GHz to 18 GHz frequency range, and can be applied to the X- and Ku- band. The modeling method for the FSS and the proposed absorbers was physically validated through experimental setups and instrumentation, especially developed for these structures. The prototype of the fabricated absorbers are extremely thin and were characterized by using free space and anechoic chamber measurement setups. The designed structures showed excellent performance for measurements ranges, with reflectivity typically below -10 dB over the entire band. The methodology developed in this research can be extended to different frequency bands, bandwidth and applications / Doutorado / Eletrônica, Microeletrônica e Optoeletrônica / Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica

Thin linear-to-circular polarizers with enhanced bandwidth

Van den Berg, Monique January 2018 (has links)
Circular polarization is valuable for many electromagnetic radiation applications such as wireless and satellite communication, radars, RFID, global positioning systems, etc. Many efforts have been made to manipulate and control polarization by using linear-to-linear or linear-to-circular transmission or reflection polarization converters. Most of the existing linear-to-circular single-layer polarizers have been found to be narrowband. Some attempts have been made to improve the bandwidth of these polarizers including using multiple layered structures at the expense of a bulkier device. There was, however, still a requirement for thin single-layer linear-to-circular polarizers with enhanced bandwidth. The purpose of this research was to design two thin single-layer linear-to-circular polarizers, one for transmission and the other for reflection, with enhanced bandwidth. A thin single-layer linear-to-circular transmission polarizer with a 3 dB axial ratio bandwidth of 34% is presented. The bandwidth of this polarizer is significantly better than that of previously published polarizers of the same type. The unit cell of the polarizer consists of an I-shaped strip and a perpendicular linear strip printed on the one side of a thin dielectric substrate and two additional capacitive coupling strips printed on the other side of the substrate. Experimental results were found to agree well with the simulated results. A thin single-layer reflective linear-to-circular polarizer with a 3 dB axial ratio bandwidth of 57% is also presented. The unit cell of the polarizer consists of an I-shaped strip and a perpendicular linear strip printed on the one side of a substrate and a ground plane on the other side of the substrate. Experimental results for this polarizer were also found to agree well with the simulated results. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2018. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / MEng / Unrestricted

A Frequency Selective Bolometer Camera for Measuring Millimeter Spectral Energy Distributions

Logan, Daniel William 01 May 2009 (has links)
Bolometers are the most sensitive detectors for measuring millimeter and submillimeter wavelength astrophysical signals. Cameras comprised of arrays of bolometers have already made significant contributions to the field of astronomy. A challenge for bolometer cameras is obtaining observations at multiple wavelengths. Traditionally, observing in multiple bands requires a partial disassembly of the instrument to replace bandpass filters, a task which prevents immediate spectral interrogation of a source. More complex cameras have been constructed to observe in several bands using beam splitters and dichroic filters, but the added complexity leads to physically larger instruments with reduced efficiencies. The SPEctral Energy Distribution camera (SPEED) is a new type of bolometer camera designed to efficiently observe in multiple wavebands without the need for excess bandpass filters and beam splitters. SPEED is a ground-based millimeter-wave bolometer camera designed to observe at 2.1, 1.3, 1.1, and 0.85 mm simultaneously. SPEED makes use of a new type of bolometer, the frequency selective bolometer (FSB), to observe all of the wavebands within each of the camera's four pixels. FSBs incorporate frequency selective dipole surfaces as absorbing elements allowing each detector to absorb a single, narrow band of radiation and pass all other radiation with low loss. Each FSB also contains a superconducting transition-edge sensor (TES) that acts as a sensitive thermistor for measuring the temperature of the FSB. This thesis describes the development of the SPEED camera and FSB detectors. The design of the detectors used in the instrument is described as well as the the general optical performance of frequency selective dipole surfaces. Laboratory results of both the optical and thermal properties of millimeter-wave FSBs are also presented. The SPEED instrument and its components are highlighted and the optical design of the optics which couple SPEED to the Heinrich Hertz Telescope is given. This thesis concludes with an introduction to the jiggle mapping data analysis of bolometer instruments like SPEED.

A Study of the Distributed RC Low-Pass and Notch Filters as Feedback Networks in Active Circuit Design

Johnston, W. R. Emerson 03 1900 (has links)
The application of uniformly distributed RC networks as feedback elements in the design of active circuits has been investigated. Distributed RC structures were fabricated using Mylar Film, Teledeltos resistance paper and metallic foil, and used to experimentally verify the predicted responses of particular active and passive configurations. By exploiting the frequency selective feedback provided by a distributed notch filter it was possible to construct an active band-pass filter operating at 1 MHz which achieved a Q of 50 without the use of inductance. For the design it was important that the notch parameter was deliberately chosen to be less than optimum (i.e., a< 17.78) so that the feedback circuit did not apply positive feedback in the region of the notch frequency. Application of positive feedback (a> 17.78) and sufficient amplifier gain would convert the active filter into a feedback oscillator. As predicted, the band-pass filter response was strongly influenced by the amplifier gain and phase characteristic, while amplifier impedance exerted only minor effects. / Thesis / Master of Engineering (ME)

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