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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental optimization of an air source heat pump for drying South African fruits

Kivevele, Thomas. January 2015 (has links)
D. Tech. Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Industrial Design / Heat pump drying (HPD) is a proven efficient method in food drying industries and more efficacious than traditional South African industrial and agricultural drying methods, providing high energy efficiency with controllable temperature, air flow, air humidity and large energy saving potentials. In the last decade the market of heat pump (HP) systems for water heating and space cooling/heating has been well developed in South Africa, but the development of heat pumps (HPs) for industrial and agricultural drying has been very slow. In the case of optimization of HPD systems, most literature studies concentrate on optimization of the drying parameters; however it is important to note that the overall performance of the HPD system, which consists of two subsystems, the HP and drying system, depends on working conditions and the two subsystems interact with each other. It is therefore important that the HP and the dryer should not be examined or optimized separately. Therefore, in this study, an air source heat pump system was designed, constructed, installed and analysed as a single integrated unit for drying fruits. The main objective of the study was to carry out experimental investigations on optimization of an air source heat pump for drying South African fruits.

Performance of selected different types of stone fruits in a summer rainfall area, South Africa

Ramphinwa, Maanea Lonia 10 December 2013 (has links)
M.Sc.(Agric) / Department of Horticultural Sciences

Developing alternative technologies to control brown rot (monilinia laxa) in peaches during postharvest storage.

Cindi, Melusi. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Agriculture / Brown rot caused by Monilinia laxa is the main pre and postharvest disease of peaches; it affects the shelf life and marketability of peaches. Increasing consumer concern regarding food safety makes it necessary to search for natural environmentally friendly alternative products for postharvest disease control. The objective of this study is to develop an environmentally friendly essential oil technology for the control of brown rot (M. laxa) in peaches at postharvest stage to replace the currently used synthetic fungicide (Iprodione)

An inquiry into the competitiveness of the South African stone fruit industry

Boonzaaier, Johann Du Toit Loubser 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)—Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to undertake an inquiry on the competitive performance of the South African stone fruit industry since the early 1960s, with an emphasis on the more recent years since the mid-1990s, when the industry was deregulated. A comprehensive approach was applied in reaching conclusion in this study by employing a five-step analytical framework, built on well-established approaches by Balassa (revealed comparative advantage, RCA), Vollrath (relative trade advantage, RTA) and the Porter Diamond Model, adapted to accommodate innovative statistical methods to reflect differences in opinions and views more accurately. Competitiveness in this study is defined to give effect to the global trade orientation of the industry as the sustained ability of the South African stone fruit industry to attract investment by trading its produce competitively within the global marketplace, whilst continuously striving to earn returns greater that the opportunity cost of scarce resources engaged. Five phases were identified in the competitive performance of the South African stone fruit industry since 1961, showing the fluctuating nature of the performance of this industry:  Phase I (1961-1982): Increasingly regulated competitiveness  Phase II (1983-1990): Politically constrained competitiveness  Phase III (1991-1999): Economic deregulation and internal rivalry  Phase IV (1999-2007): Towards international competitiveness  Phase V (2007 – present): Increasingly sustained competitiveness The RTA calculations, including both exports and imports, showed that the industry is highly competitive, both internationally – in the Southern Hemisphere where this industry is only out-performed by Chile and locally – compared to other South African (SA) horticultural crops, with plums consistently claiming the top position when individual stone fruit types in the SA deciduous fruit category are analysed. Through the Stone Fruit Executive Survey (SFES), views and opinions of prominent industry role-players were critically employed to interrogate the topic under discussion. A total of 84 factors affecting the competitiveness of the industry were identified, and these were rated on a five-point Likert scale (where 5 were most enhancing and 1 was most constraining). This study expanded the analytical framework used in recent agri-competitiveness studies to verify and cross-check the results and findings through statistical procedures, such as cluster analyses, principle component analyses and Cronbach’s alpha. This broadened the scope of analysis by accommodating the variance in opinion statements from the respondents. As different cluster groupings based on functional value chain positions were analysed, it became clear that there were significant differences between the respondents involved in the primary production and packing/processing of stone fruit and the respondents involved in activities lower down the value chain, such as in pack houses/processors and exporters/marketers. Further down the value chain the respondents expressed more optimistic views and positive statements on competitiveness than those exposed to primary production risks and uncertainties. This confirms the importance to expand competitive analysis to different points in the value chain The rated factors were grouped into Porter’s six determinants and the general scored ratings yielded the two most enhancing determinants, being business strategy, structure and rivalry (3.55 out of 5) and related and supporting industries (3.14 out of 5). Production factor conditions (2.81 out of 5) and demand/market factors (2.76 out of 5) were identified as being less enhancing determinants. Chance factors (2.66 out of 5) and government support and policy (2.35 out of 5) were identified as the two most constraining determinants. The current approach is that the framework of Esterhuizen (2006) is applied to agriculture-related competitiveness studies. This study, however, investigated the extension of the conventional model by adapting the Porter diamond model within the frameworks of the Institute for Management Development’s World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY) and the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report (GCR), which generally focus on the macro-economic situation. It was confirmed that the stone fruit industry is integrated into and forms part of the ‘broader economic picture’. The results and findings of this study were discussed in a number of focus sessions with industry role players. A strategic planning framework was drafted, which consisted out of eleven industry level strategic proposals. Some of the most important strategic improvements to enhance competitive performance argued for in this study are improved industry-based lobby discussions, i.e. to build and strengthen the necessary communication between industry role players and government agencies through an improved strategic intelligence database, by focusing on aspects such as trade agreements, international market development and policy development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om ’n ondersoek van die mededingende prestasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse steenvrugbedryf sedert die vroeë 1960’s te onderneem, met die klem op die meer onlangse tydperk sedert die middel-1990’s, toe die bedryf gedereguleer is. ’n Omvattende benadering is ingespan deur gebruik te maak van ’n vyfstap- analitiese raamwerk wat geskoei is op die goed gevestigde benaderings van Balassa (onthulde vergelykende voordeel – revealed comparative advantage - RCA), Vollrath (relatiewe handelsvoordeel – relative trade advantage - RTA) en die Porter-diamantmodel, wat aangepas is om innoverende statistiese metodes te akkommodeer om verskille in gesigspunte beter te weergee. Mededingendheid in hierdie studie word gedefinieer om effek te gee aan die globale handelsoriëntasie van die bedryf as die volhoubare vermoë van die Suid-Afrikaanse steenvrugbedryf om belegging te lok deur sy produkte mededingend in die globale mark te verhandel, terwyl daar voortdurend gestreef word om opbrengste te verdien wat groter is as die geleentheidskoste van die skaars hulpbronne gebruik. Vyf fases in die mededingendheid van die Suid-Afrikaanse steenvrugbedryf is sedert 1961 geïdentifiseer en toon die wisselende aard van die prestasie in hierdie bedryf:  Fase I (1961-1982): Toenemend gereguleerde mededingendheid  Fase II (1983-1990): Polities beperkte mededingendheid  Fase III (1991-1999): Ekonomiese deregulering en interne mededinging  Fase IV (1999-2007): Op weg na internasionale mededingendheid  Fase V (2007 – vandag): Toenemend volhoubare mededingendheid Die RTA-berekenings, wat uitvoere en invoere insluit, het aangetoon dat die bedryf hoogs mededingend is, beide internasionaal – waar die industrie slegs die Chili oortref word en plaaslik – in vergelyking met ander Suid-Afrikaanse (SA) hortologiese gewasse, met pruime wat voorop staan wanneer individuele steenvrugsoorte in die SA sagtevrugtebedryf geanaliseer is. Deur die Steenvrug Uitvoerende Opname (Stone Fruit Executive Survey (SFES)) is die sienings en opinies van vooraanstaande rolspelers krities gebruik om die onderwerp te ondervra. ’n Totaal van 84 faktore wat die mededingendheid van die bedryf beïnvloed, is geïdentifiseer, en hierdie is op ’n vyfpunt-Likertskaal geëvalueer (met 5 as die mees versterkend en 1 as die mees stremmend). Hierdie studie het die analitiese raamwerk wat in onlangse agri-mededingendheidstudies gebruik is, uitgebrei om die resultate deur middel van statistiese prosedures te verifieer en te kruiskontroleer, naamlik deur bondelanalises, hoofkomponent-ontledings (principle component analyses) en Cronbach se alfa. Dít het die strekking van die analise verbreed deur die verskillende opinies van die respondente te akkommodeer. Soos verskillende bondels op grond van funksionele posisies in die waardeketting geanaliseer is, het dit duidelik geword dat daar noemenswaardige verskille was tussen die respondente in die primêre produksie en verpakking/verwerking van steenvrugte en die respondente betrokke in aktiwiteite laer af in die waardeketting, soos in pakhuise/verwerkers en uitvoerders/bemarkers. Verder af in die waardeketting het die respondente meer optimistiese opinies en positiewe stellings oor mededingendheid uitgespreek as dié wat aan primêre produksierisiko’s en onsekerhede blootgestel was. Dit bevestig die belangrikheid daarvan om mededingende analise na verskillende punte in die waardeketting uit te brei. Die gemete faktore is in Porter se ses determinante verdeel en die algemeen aangetekende skattings het die twee mees versterkende determinante opgelewer, naamlik sakestrategie, struktuur en mededinging (3.55 uit 5) en verwante en ondersteunende bedrywe (3.14 uit 5). Produksiefaktortoestande (2.81 uit 5) en vraag/markfaktore (2.76 uit 5) is geïdentifiseer as minder versterkende determinante. Toevallige faktore (2.66 uit 5) en regeringsondersteuning en -beleid (2.35 uit 5) is geïdentifiseer as die twee mees stremmende determinante. Die huidige benadering is dat Esterhuizen (2006) se raamwerk op landbou-verwante mededingendheidstudies toegepas word. Hierdie studie het egter die uitbreiding van die konvensionele model ondersoek deur die Porter-diamantmodel binne die raamwerke van die Institute for Management Development se World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY) en die World Economic Forum se Global Competitiveness Report (GCR) aan te pas. Hierdie dokumente fokus oor die algemeen op die makro-ekonomiese situasie. Daar is bevestig dat die steenvrugbedryf in die ‘breër ekonomiese situasie’ geïntegreer is en daarvan deel is. Die resultate en bevindings van hierdie studie is in ’n aantal fokussessies met bedryfsrolspelers bespreek. ʼn Strategiese beplanningsraamwerk was opgestel wat bestaan uit elf industrie-vlak strategiese voorstelle. Van die belangrikste strategiese verbeterings om mededingende prestasie te verhoog, waarvoor daar in hierdie studie geargumenteer is, is verbeterde “drukgroepgesprekke”, m.a.w. om die nodige kommunikasie tussen bedryfsrolspelers en die regering te bou en te verstrek deur ’n verbeterde strategiese intelligensie- databasis wat o.a. fokus op aspekte soos handelsooreenkomste, internasionale markontwikkeling en beleidsontwikkeling.

Die neem van bemarkingsbesluite deur die individuele sagtevrugteprodusent in 'n gedereguleerde markomgewing

Kirsten, Johan Frederick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTARCT: The Law on the Marketing of Agricultural Produce (no 47 of 1996) introduced a new era in the marketing of deciduous fruit. Previously the producer was obliged by statute to deliver his deciduous fruit to Unifruco, the sole agent of the Deciduous Fruit Board, for exports to the overseas markets. In this era of statutory marketing control the producer could only take decisions about his product up to the point where it left the farm gate. In the deregulated marketing environment, the producer can now, however, control the marketing of his products until it reaches the end consumer abroad. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors, processes, opportunities and possible pitfalls with which the individual producer now has to contend, and to describe them qualitatively in order to enable him to decide how he will market his products in the environment of a deregulated market. In order to make a decision, the producer must have a vision and goals to achieve. The different facets in formulating these are discussed. The different decisionmaking phases that are employed interactively, to facilitate the making of a marketing decision, are investigated and clearly stated. These phases include the preparatory phase, the investigation of the distribution channel, as well as that of agents, the different marketing alternatives and eventually the actual taking of interactive marketing decisions. It has become quite clear, through the research done, that in future, the sustainability of every producer of deciduous fruit will be determined by his ability to make informed marketing decisions, and to adapt to the new marketing environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMMING: Die Wet op die Bemarking van Landbouprodukte (No 4 7 van 1996) het 'n nuwe era in die bemarking van sagtevrugte ingelei. In die verlede was die produsent statuter verplig om sy sagtevrugte aan Unifruco, alleenagent van die Sagtevrugteraad, te !ewer vir uitvoer na die buiteland. Die produsent het in die era van statutere bemarkingsbeheer dus slegs besluite ten opsigte van sy produk geneem tot waar dit die plaashek verlaat. In die gedereguleerde bemarkingsomgewing kan die produsent egter nou self besluite neem oor die bemarking van sy produk tot waar dit in die buiteland die hande van die eindverbruiker bereik. Die doel van die tesis is om die faktore, prosesse, geleenthede en moontlike slaggate waarmee die individuele produsent nou te kampe het, te identifiseer en kwalitatief te beskryften einde horn in staat te stel om te besluit hoe hy sy vrugte in die gedereguleerde bemarkingsomgewing kan bemark. Vir di.e neem van besluite is dit noodsaaklik dat 'n produsent 'n missie en doelstellings het. Die verskillende fasette by die opstel daarvan word bespreek. Die verskillende besluitnemingsfases wat interaktief aangewend word om die bemarkingsbesluit te neem, word ondersoek en uitgespel. Dit sluit in die voorbereidingsfase, die ondersoek van die distribusiekanaal, die ondersoek na agente, die verskillende bemarkingsalternatiewe en dan die neem van die interaktiewe bemarkingsbesluite. Uit die ondersoek is dit duidelik dat elke sagtevrugteprodusent se volhoubaarheid in die toekoms bepaal sal word deur sy vermoe om ingeligte bemarkingsbesluite te kan neem en dus by die nuwe sagtevrugtebemarkingsomgewing aan te pas.

Labelling to promote broad-based Black economic empowerment in South Africa : a case study of the Thandi empowerment label.

Skinner, Cliff. January 2007 (has links)
Broad-based black economic empowerment (BBEE) is a policy objective in South Africa. Farmworker equity-share schemes (FWES) satisfy several of the empowerment goals specified by the proposed AgriBEE Scorecard. Information about the costs and benefits of subscribing to an empowerment label will help managers to make more informed decisions about empowerment and could therefore promote BBEE. The Thandi label is an initiative to market fruit and wines originating from FWES and farms operated by previously disadvantaged farmers. A case study of the Thandi label was undertaken to determine whether or not the accredited empowerment attribute adds value to Thandi products. An exploratory-explanatory case study was adopted basing questions largely on the theoretical propositions of asymmetric information, the benefits of product labelling and the preconditions for a successful label. Primary data were collected via in-depth interviews with managers of Capespan, The Company of Wine People and empowerment farms participating in the Thandi label. The study made use of in-depth interviews with key informants to investigate issues considered (on theoretical grounds) to be critical in establishing a successful label. Responses were subsequently tabulated and compared, where relevant, across respondents in order to check for consensus views. Results indicate that the Thandi label had not succeeded in differentiating fruit, whereas the Thandi wine label had increased sales revenue and was covering accreditation costs incurred by farms as well as the recurring costs of maintaining and marketing the label. Thandi fruit had not grown its share of the domestic or export markets and did not command a price premium, Capespan subsequently discontinued the Thandi fruit label. Thandi wine, on the other hand, had grown its export market and consumers were prepared to pay a premium for Thandi wine products. The data indicate that empowerment attributes were useful in finding shelf space for products, but that quality is essential to grow market share and to earn price premiums. In short, accredited empowerment attributes can add value to quality products sold to discerning consumers who lack information about empowerment and quality attributes at the point of sale. Empowerment labels must include quality attributes. Government should at least absorb some of the transaction costs confronting producers and marketing agencies in negotiating standards for farms and firms participating in generic empowerment labels. It could also offer auditing services to local accreditation agencies to improve their credibility. Further research estimating consumers' willingness-to-pay for products branded with empowerment labels is necessary to estimate the size of premiums that different products may command. / Thesis (M.Ag.Man.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

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