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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diseño de sistema de extracción de emisiones de gases de combustión de biomasa bajo condiciones controladas

Mas Bautista, Ronald Eduardo 25 November 2011 (has links)
El presente trabajo consiste en el diseño de un sistema de extracción de gases de combustión bajo condiciones controladas (velocidad y temperatura), con la finalidad de acondicionar los gases de combustión de la quema de la leña, bosta y yareta para la identificación y cuantificación de las emisiones según normas internacionales. Este sistema se instalará en el Laboratorio de Energía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. El diseño de este sistema de extracción se basa en el método 5G de la Agencia del Medio Ambiente de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica (EPA), que se centra en los procedimientos para la medición del material particulado de estufas estáticas. Esto se complementa con las recomendaciones la Sociedad Americana Gubernamental de la Industria Higiénica (ACGIH), Asociación Americana de Calefacción, Refrigeración y Aire Acondicionado (ASHRAE), Asociación Nacional de Contratistas de Fabricación en Láminas de Metal para Aire Acondicionado (SMACNA), entre otros. Las condiciones nominales de operación del sistema son las siguientes: capacidad de extracción de la mezcla de gases (aire con gases de combustión) 0,27m3/s, temperatura de la mezcla de gases al ingreso del sistema es de 76°C. Estas condiciones se alcanzan cuando en la estufa estática se quema 4.7 kg/hr de combustible (leña). El sistema de extracción cuenta con tres zonas: (i) zona inicial, (ii) zona de estabilización, y (iii) zona de medición. Cada una de ellas cumple con una tarea predeterminada para llevar a cabo el proceso de medición. Las dimensiones de los ductos y accesorios (longitud y diámetro) se estimaron en base a la velocidad recomendada de operación considerando el flujo de extracción de gases obtenido. Los diámetros de los ductos y sus longitudes se encuentran entre 150 mm a 300 mm, y 250 mm a 3030 mm, respectivamente. Así mismo las dimensiones de las chimeneas se obtuvieron después de analizar las condiciones externas (edificaciones contiguas) al Laboratorio de Energía, siendo la altura obtenida de 21,5m. Esta altura garantizaría la correcta dispersión al medio ambiente de los gases de combustión, evitando así la contaminación de los edificios con estos mismos. Sin embargo obtener esta altura no será posible debido a las condiciones en la infraestructura del Laboratorio. Se calcularon las pérdidas de presión en la zona de medición, logrando obtener una caída de presión de 66,59mmH2O, este procedimiento se realizó para realizar la selección del ventilador a usar en esta zona con la finalidad de obtener un control permanente sobre la velocidad del flujo de gases en el interior del sistema de extracción. Finalmente se realizó un cuadro comparativo para las dos propuestas económicas presentadas por las empresas Tecnitemp EIRL e Ingeniería Industrial Arana EIRL para la fabricación del sistema de extracción, siendo la empresa Ingeniería Industrial Arana la que ofrece una mejor propuesta económica para realizar este trabajo. / Tesis

Diseño de un sistema de extracción y tratamiento de gases de un ambiente de forja y soldadura

Delgado Yaranga, Marco Alonso 03 August 2016 (has links)
En la actualidad, el oficio de cerrajería en el Perú tiene cada vez mayor incentivo a nivel nacional. Sin embargo, su práctica todavía se desarrolla a niveles artesanales. Por ello, es importante determinar cómo son las condiciones de trabajo bajo las cuales operan los cerrajeros. Los procesos que se emplean en cerrajería son la soldadura y el calentamiento de piezas metálicas. Este último proceso se lleva a cabo generalmente en fraguas de carbón. Luego del calentamiento, la pieza está en condiciones para ser forjado de manera manual. Los procesos de soldadura y forja generan desechos, tales como gases de combustión, humos, material particulado, etc. que son dañinos tanto para el trabajador como al medioambiente. En el Laboratorio de Manufactura de la Sección de Ingeniería Mecánica de la PUCP se llevan a cabo los cursos de Taller Mecánico 1 y Taller de Procesos de Manufactura, en los cuales se dictan las sesiones de soldadura y forja. Es por ello, que fue necesaria una evaluación de las condiciones de trabajo del personal técnico y de los alumnos durante estas sesiones. Para el siguiente trabajo de tesis, se realizaron lecturas de concentración de gases en los ambientes de soldadura y forja del Laboratorio, mediante un analizador de gases TESTO 350-XL brindado por el Departamento de Energía de la PUCP. Se detectaron valores de concentración de monóxido de carbono (CO) mayores a 520 ppm en el ambiente de forja y de 195 ppm de la familia de monóxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) en el ambiente de soldadura. Ante los resultados obtenidos, se concluyó que el ambiente de forja y soldadura del Laboratorio cuenta con una necesidad de extracción y tratamiento de los gases emitidos en ambos procesos. Se realizó el diseño de dos sistemas de extracción independientes para cada ambiente de trabajo. Para la fragua, se diseñó un sistema con un caudal de aspiración total de 0,32 m3/s y presión de 58,92 mmH2O, dos depuradores húmedos tipo torre empacada de 0,83 m de diámetro y 1,9 metros de altura, con una capacidad de absorción de 79,6% y 139,8 Pa cada una. Para el ambiente de soldadura, el sistema cuenta con un caudal de aspiración total de 1,46 m3/s y presión de 75,96 mmH2O y un depurador húmedo tipo Venturi de 156,25 Pa. El presupuesto correspondiente al diseño, fabricación e instalación de los dos sistemas fue de $ 44 821. / Tesis

Carbon dioxide and ammonia removal from anaerobic digestion gas

Daber, James V January 2011 (has links)
Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Augmentation of condensation heat transfer with in-line static mixers

Lin, Shih-Teh January 2011 (has links)
Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Analytical reagents and adsorbents for sulfer dioxide

Van Arendonk, Larry D January 2011 (has links)
Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries

Gas liquefaction using a Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube : design criteria and bibliography

Hellyar, Kenneth G January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (Chem.E)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, 1980. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND SCIENCE. / Includes bibliographies. / by Kenneth George Hellyar. / Chem.E

GPU-based, Microsecond Latency, Hecto-Channel MIMO Feedback Control of Magnetically Confined Plasmas

Rath, Nikolaus January 2013 (has links)
Feedback control has become a crucial tool in the research on magnetic confinement of plasmas for achieving controlled nuclear fusion. This thesis presents a novel plasma feedback control system that, for the first time, employs a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) for microsecond-latency, real-time control computations. This novel application area for GPU computing is opened up by a new system architecture that is optimized for low-latency computations on less than kilobyte sized data samples as they occur in typical plasma control algorithms. In contrast to traditional GPU computing approaches that target complex, high-throughput computations with massive amounts of data, the architecture presented in this thesis uses the GPU as the primary processing unit rather than as an auxiliary of the CPU, and data is transferred from A-D/D-A converters directly into GPU memory using peer-to-peer PCI Express transfers. The described design has been implemented in a new, GPU-based control system for the High-Beta Tokamak -- Extended Pulse (HBT-EP) device. The system is built from commodity hardware and uses an NVIDIA GeForce GPU and D-TACQ A-D/D-A converters providing a total of 96 input and 64 output channels. The system is able to run with sampling periods down to 4 μs and latencies down to 8 μs. The GPU provides a total processing power of 1.5 x 10^12 floating point operations per second. To illustrate the performance and versatility of both the general architecture and concrete implementation, a new control algorithm has been developed. The algorithm is designed for the control of multiple rotating magnetic perturbations in situations where the plasma equilibrium is not known exactly and features an adaptive system model: instead of requiring the rotation frequencies and growth rates embedded in the system model to be set a priori, the adaptive algorithm derives these parameters from the evolution of the perturbation amplitudes themselves. This results in non-linear control computations with high computational demands, but is handled easily by the GPU based system. Both digital processing latency and an arbitrary multi-pole response of amplifiers and control coils is fully taken into account for the generation of control signals. To separate sensor signals into perturbed and equilibrium components without knowledge of the equilibrium fields, a new separation method based on biorthogonal decomposition is introduced and used to derive a filter that performs the separation in real-time. The control algorithm has been implemented and tested on the new, GPU-based feedback control system of the HBT-EP tokamak. In this instance, the algorithm was set up to control four rotating n=1 perturbations at different poloidal angles. The perturbations were treated as coupled in frequency but independent in amplitude and phase, so that the system effectively controls a helical n=1 perturbation with unknown poloidal spectrum. Depending on the plasma's edge safety factor and rotation frequency, the control system is shown to be able to suppress the amplitude of the dominant 8 kHz mode by up to 60% or amplify the saturated amplitude by a factor of up to two. Intermediate feedback phases combine suppression and amplification with a speed up or slow down of the mode rotation frequency. Increasing feedback gain results in the excitation of an additional, slowly rotating 1.4 kHz mode without further effects on the 8 kHz mode. The feedback performance is found to exceed previous results obtained with an FPGA- and Kalman-filter based control system without requiring any tuning of system model parameters. Experimental results are compared with simulations based on a combination of the Boozer surface current model and the Fitzpatrick-Aydemir model. Within the subset of phenomena that can be represented by the model as well as determined experimentally, qualitative agreement is found.

Study of kink modes and error fields through rotation control with a biased electrode

Stoafer, Christopher Charles January 2015 (has links)
Experimental studies of MHD modes, including dynamics and stability, using a biased electrode for rotation control on the High Beta Tokamak –- Extended Pulse (HBT-EP) are presented. When the probe is inserted into the edge of the plasma and a voltage applied, the rotation of long-wavelength kink instabilities is strongly modified. A large poloidal plasma flow results at the edge, measured with a bi-directional Mach probe with changes in edge kink mode rotation at different biases. This poloidal plasma rotation cannot fully account for the large mode rotation frequency on HBT-EP. By including the electron fluid motion, the mode rotation predictions agree with measurements, indicating that the modes travel with the electron fluid. A GPU-based digital feedback system is used to adjust the probe voltage in real time for controlling both the plasma flow and mode rotation. This active mode rotation control is desirable because it allows for MHD stabilization, as well as studies under conditions of varying mode rotation rates. Mode dynamics were studied using various diagnostics to understand how plasma conditions fluctuate during mode activity and to understand the interaction of the bias probe with the plasma during this activity. Phase-dependent mode behavior was observed, especially at slow mode rotation, which might be attributed to an intrinsic error field or a nonlinear interaction between the bias probe and the mode. Applied resonant magnetic perturbations were used to study the dynamic response of a stable plasma with different mode rotations. At slower rotation, the plasma had a greater response to the perturbations and the plasma reached a saturated response with large perturbations, similar to previous results. At large positive biases, the probe current induces a torque that opposes the natural direction of mode rotation. By applying a sufficiently large torque, a transition is induced into a fast rotation state (both mode and plasma rotation). High poloidal shear flows at the edge were measured in this state, similar to conditions in H-mode plasmas on other devices. The bias required to induce the transition is shown to depend on an applied error field. A technique was established using this transition to determine the natural error field on HBT-EP.

Determinação de gases combustíveis em óleo isolante para transformadores, por meio de aquecimento prévio / Determination of combustible gases in insulating oil for power transformers by previous heating

Gouveia, Dênis Augusto Genaro 05 May 2008 (has links)
Os transformadores de potência são alguns dos elementos mais importantes dos sistemas elétricos. A confiabilidade e o bom funcionamento destes equipamentos são vitais para que as companhias de energia forneçam eletricidade com qualidade e segurança. Um dos principais parâmetros que envolvem a normalidade da operação dos transformadores é o estado da isolação interna formada pelo óleo mineral e o papel que cobre as bobinas. Danos nessa isolação resultam na degradação destes dielétricos e, por conseqüência, na diminuição da vida útil dos transformadores. Essa degradação, que advém de processos elétricos, térmicos, ou mesmo mecânicos, geram gases combustíveis cujas quantidades individuais podem indicar o tipo de falha e a gravidade do problema. Desta forma, é importante detectar os principais gases envolvidos. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar análises e estudos quantitativos da presença de gases inflamáveis dissolvidos no óleo, surgidos através da degradação deste líquido isolante. O cerne deste trabalho está em elaborar ensaios de formação de arco no óleo e, posteriormente, aquecer o fluido para medir a quantidade dos gases combustíveis antes dissolvidos nele. Este estudo visa à melhoria na confiabilidade dos equipamentos projetados para detectar e monitorar o surgimento de gases inflamáveis no interior de transformadores de potência existentes em subestações de companhias de eletricidade. / Power transformers are some of the most important elements of electrical systems. The trustworthiness and the good functioning of this equipment permit power utilities to supply electricity with quality and security. One of the main parameters for transformer\'s operation normality is the state of the internal insulation formed by the mineral oil and the paper that covers the bobbins. Damages in this insulation cause its dielectric degradation and, consequently, the reduction of the equipment useful life. This degradation which originates from electrical, thermal, or even mechanical processes generates chemical products such as gases whose individual amounts may indicate the type of imperfection and gravity of the problem. That\'s why the detection of the main involved gases is important. This work intends to elaborate analyses and studies of the presence of inflammable gases dissolved in oil through the degradation of the insulating liquid. The principal topic of this work is the arc formation elaboration in the oil and later the heating of the oil to measure the amount of gases previously dissolved in it. This study also aims to improve the trustworthiness of the projected equipments in order to detect and monitor the sprouting of existing inflammable gases in the interior of power transformers in substations of power utilities.

Geochemistry of gas emissions from Erebus volcano, Antarctica : an adventure in time, space, and volcanic degassing

Ilanko, Tehnuka January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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