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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paradoxes in the deformational and metamorphic history of the eastern Blue Ridge: Evidence from the Lake Toxaway and eastern Big Ridge quadrangles, North Carolina

Jubb, Mary Grace Varnell 01 May 2010 (has links)
The Tugaloo terrane in the eastern Blue Ridge, located in the high-grade southern Appalachian crystalline core,contains small internal basement massifs, the Neoproterozoic Tallulah Falls Formation, and Paleozoic granitoid plutons. Detailed geologic mapping in the Lake Toxaway and eastern Big Ridge quadrangles was done to better understand the regional tectonic history. Whole-rock geochemistry was used to determine similarities between the augen phase of the 1.15 Ga Toxaway Gneiss and the 1.15 Ga Wiley Gneiss of northeastern Georgia. The study found that all eastern Blue Ridge orthogneisses are similar and probably share a source. The previously identified Whiteside, Looking Glass, and Pink Beds plutons, and the newly identified Horseshoe Rock and Round Mountain plutons were also characterized. All plutons are low-K, catazonal granodiorites and trondhjemites that plot as volcanic arc or syncollisional granites on tectonic discrimination diagrams. The Looking Glass, Pink Beds, and Round Mountain plutons were dated using U-Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronology, and their ages are 333 + 16 Ma, 371.3 + 4.2 Ma, and 342.5 + 2.4 Ma, respectively. Zircon saturation temperature estimates for these plutons, and a Whitney and Stormer two-feldspar estimate for the Round Mountain pluton, indicate that they intruded at 700-800° C. Whole-rock geochemistry was used to constrain the origin of amphibolites and hornblende gneisses around the Toxaway dome. One sample was a metabasalt with MORB composition, like other eastern Blue Ridge samples. Two other samples have a metasedimentary protolith . Migmatitic aureoles found in the amphibolite facies rocks around the Whiteside, Looking Glass, and Horseshoe Rock plutons are syn-intrusional and represent a zone of contact metasomatism. The new pluton ages constrain the regional deformation history. At least 6 deformations are recognized in the eastern Blue Ridge. Dominant regional foliation is traditionally attributed to the second event (~466 Ma). However, foliations measured within all plutons are identical to foliations measured in the surrounding rock, indicating that foliations had to form after the youngest pluton intruded (~333 Ma), and that Alleghanian deformation was dominant in this region. These observations do not explain cross-cutting relationships observed around older plutons and raise new questions about southern Appalachian tectonics.

Thermochronology of Early Jurassic Exhumation of the Yukon-Tanana Terrane, West-central Yukon

Knight, Eleanor 28 June 2012 (has links)
This study utilised U-Pb geochronology, and 40Ar/39Ar and (U-Th)/He thermochro-nology to delineate arc magmatism, metamorphism, and exhumation of the pericratonic Yukon-Tanana terrane in the McQuesten map area of west-central Yukon, Canada. SHRIMP U-Pb ages delineate Mid to Late Paleozoic arc magmatism and fit key units into the regional lithotectonic framework of the terrane. The juxtaposition of unmetamorphosed and predomi-nantly undeformed Devono-Mississippian rocks in the northwest of the study area with polydeformed and up to amphibolite facies metamorphosed rocks in the southwest suggests a crustal-scale discontinuity, the Willow Lake fault, bounds the two domains. The asymmetric distribution of 40Ar/39Ar ages across the fault suggest it is extensional, and was active in the Early Jurassic. Zircon (U-Th)/He ages delineate erosion of rocks in the northwest through the upper crust during the Late Triassic and Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous followed by Mid-dle Cretaceous erosion of the southwestern domain and possibly fault reactivation.

Structural and geochronological investigation of the southern Alexander terrane in the vicinity of Porcher Island, northwestern British Columbia

Angen, Joel James January 2013 (has links)
The Alexander terrane is an allochthonous terrane within the North American Cordillera. New structural mapping and geochronology within the southern Alexander terrane in the vicinity of Porcher Island provides evidence for two major tectonic events. The oldest is Late Silurian to Early Devonian magmatism and deformation assigned to the Klakas orogeny. The area has subsequently been affected by mid-Cretaceous conjugate shear zones potentially associated with tectonic escape. Northwest-striking sinistral shear zones characterize mid-Cretaceous deformation in the western Coast Belt south of Prince Rupert in north coastal British Columbia. Structurally focused mapping and geochronology has revealed a component of lateral extension to this deformation. General flow characteristics of the shear zones are identified by comparison of fabric patterns to published models for fabric development in shear zones. U-Pb ages from synkinematic dykes constrain motion on northwest-striking sinistral transpressional shear zones, including the Useless, Barrett and Salt Lagoon shear zones, to ca. 104 – 96 Ma, and dextral transpression on the north-striking Telegraph Passage shear zone to ca. 97.6 ± 0.2 Ma. The geometry, kinematics, and coeval nature of these shear zones suggests that they formed in part as a ductile conjugate set. The presence of similarly-oriented conjugate shear bands in the apex zone between sinistral and dextral shear zones further reinforces this interpretation. The orientation of these conjugate sets indicates a component of north-northwest east-southeast extension. The conjugate shear zones merge together into the Grenville Channel shear zone, a sinistral transpressional shear zone with high strike-parallel stretch. A U-Pb age of 103 ± 32 Ma from a synkinematic dyke in the Grenville Channel shear zone coincides with a previously published Lu-Hf age of 102.6 ± 3.7 Ma on synkinematic garnet. Overall, structural and geochronological data from Porcher Island and surrounding area in north coastal British Columbia indicate that mid-Cretaceous deformation was characterized by ENE-WSW (orogen normal) shortening and NNW-SSE (orogen parallel) extension. This local strain regime is consistent with large-scale mid-Cretaceous tectonic escape as proposed for the northern Cordillera at that time, expressed in coeval sinistral faulting in the Coast Belt and dextral faulting in the northern Omineca belt. The Late Silurian to Early Devonian Ogden Channel complex is a mafic to intermediate metaplutonic-metamorphic complex within the southern Alexander terrane on southern Porcher Island and adjacent Pitt Island in north coastal British Columbia. Lithological characteristics of the complex suggest that it represents the mid-crustal roots of a volcanic arc. An age of 413.3 ± 2.5 Ma from a comparatively weakly deformed quartz diorite dyke indicates that the synkinematic Ogden Channel complex is at least in part Early Devonian in age, corresponding to the Klakas orogeny that affected the Alexander terrane in southeast Alaska. Crosscutting relationships indicate that individual intrusions within the Ogden Channel complex were emplaced syn- to post-kinematically with respect to southwest-vergent sinistral reverse deformation (present coordinates). The structural and lithological characteristics of the Ogden Channel complex are consistent with the interpretation that this part of the Alexander terrane was located in the upper plate of a northeast-dipping subduction zone, which culminated in the Klakas orogeny.

Origin of rutile-bearing ilmenite Fe-Ti deposits in Proterozoic anorthosite massifs of the Grenville Province

Morisset, Caroline-Emmanuelle 11 1900 (has links)
The Saint-Urbain and Big Island rutile-bearing ilmenite Fe-Ti oxide deposits are located in the composite 450 km² Saint-Urbain anorthosite (1055-1046 Ma, U-Pb zircon) and in the Lac Allard intrusion (1057-1062 Ma, U-Pb zircon) of the 11,000 km² Havre-Saint Pierre anorthosite suite, respectively, in the Grenville Province of Eastern Canada. Slow cooling rates of 3-4°C/m.y. are estimated for both anorthosites, based on combined U-Pb zircon/rutile/apatite and ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹ Ar biotite/plagioclase geochronology, and resulted from emplacement during the active Ottawan Orogeny. Slow cooling facilitated (1) diffusion of Zr from ilmenite and rutile, producing thin (10-100 microns) zircon rims on these minerals, and (2) formation of sapphirine via sub-so lidus reactions of the type: spinel + orthopyroxene + rutile ± corundum → sapphirine + ilmenite. New chemical and analytical methods were developed to determine the trace element concentrations and Hf isotopic compositions of Ti-based oxides. Rutile is a magmatic phase in the deposits with minimum crystallization temperatures of 781°C to 1016°C, calculated by Zr-in rutile thermometry. Ilmenite present in rutile-free samples has higher Xhem (hematite proportion in ilmenite), higher high field strength element concentrations (Xhem = 30-17; Nb = 16.1-30.5 ppm; Ta 1.28-1.70 ppm), and crystallized at higher temperatures than ilmenite with more fractionated compositions (Xhem = 21-11; Nb = 1.36-3.11 ppm; Ta = <0.18 ppm) from rutile-bearing rocks. The oxide deposits formed by density segregation and accumulation at the bottom of magma reservoirs, in conditions closed to oxygen, from magmas enriched in Fe and Ti. The initial ¹⁷⁶Hf/¹⁷⁷ Hf of rutile and ilmenite (Saint Urbain [SU] = 0.28219-0.28227, Big Island [BI] = 0.28218-0.28222), and the initial Pb isotopic ratios (e.g.²⁰⁶Pb/²⁰⁴ Pb: SU = 17.134-17.164, BI = 17.012-17.036) and ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶ Sr (SU = 0.70399-0.70532, BI = 0.70412-0.70427) of plagioclase from the deposits overlap with the initial isotopic ratios of ilmenite and plagioclase from each host anorthosite, which indicates that they have common parent magmas and sources. The parent magmas were derived from a relatively depleted mantle reservoir that appears to be the primary source of all Grenvillian anorthosite massifs and existed for --600 m.y. along the margin of Laurentia during the Proterozoic.

Structural geology and geochronology of the Kluane schist, southwestern Yukon Territory

Stanley, Benjamin January 2012 (has links)
In light of the recent increase of mineral exploration in the northern Cordillera, private, educational, and governmental agencies have been compelled to revisit and research areas of the Cordillera whose geologic evolution still remains enigmatic. The current study is concerned with better understanding how a region of the boundary zone separating the peri-Laurentian realm from the exotic, Insular realm evolved following deposition of the meta-sedimentary Kluane schist in the Late Cretaceous. The schist is a northwest striking 30 km wide and 160 km long belt of highly deformed greenschist to amphibolite facies meta-sedimentary rocks located east of Kluane Lake, southwestern Yukon Territory. These deformed sediments as well as numerous other deformed Jurassic-Cretaceous meta-sedimentary units present along the same boundary zone (north and south of the schist) represent important rocks that can help constrain how this part of the Cordillera has evolved since the mid-Mesozoic. To better understand how the Kluane schist evolved, detailed field mapping, petrography, and U-Pb geochronological studies were undertaken in the area encompassing the schist. This data is integrated with pre-existing and recently collected geologic databases from the region to propose a model for the tectonic and structural evolution of the Kluane schist. Conclusions drawn from this study indicate the Kluane sediments were likely deposited into a closing Late Cretaceous seaway from sources derived from Yukon-Tanana terrane (YTT) to the east. The basin into which the sediments were deposited represents a remnant ocean basin that was present between Insular terrane and YTT prior their amalgamation in the Jurassic. Thrusting of YTT over the Kluane schist basin resulted in burial, metamorphism, and ductile deformation of the schist. Contemporaneously, the early stages of the Ruby Range batholith (RRB) were intruding the schist as well as the schist/YTT contact. This batholith intruded syn- to post-tectonically from approximately ca. 77 Ma to 65 Ma and it is responsible for imparting a kilometer scale inverted contact metamophic aureole onto the Kluane schist wherein metamorphic grade decreases to the southwest. Subsequently, a gneissic sub-unit of the Kluane ‘schist’ was formed by partial melting of the RRB/Kluane schist contact. During this composite deformation event, the schist was transported to mid-crustal depths by an oblique sinistral shear zone. Shortly thereafter, the schist was exhumed and deformed by consistent northeast-over-southwest shearing. Regional scale, broad open folding of the schist ensued and likely occurred by flexural slip along foliation planes with low cohesion. Two syn- to post- tectonic igneous phases associated with Hayden Lake intrusive suite have been dated to ca. 55 Ma. This timing likely correlates with broad, open folding and a ‘late’ syn- to post-kinematic thermal overprint of the schist. The combined results of this study indicate that deformation and metamorphism of the Kluane schist was a long-lived event, extending from ca. 82 Ma to ca. 55 Ma.

CHIMEの現状と稼働状況 (2010年)

Suzuki, Kazuhiro, Kato, Takenori, 鈴木, 和博, 加藤, 丈典 03 1900 (has links)

Basin Evolution and Exhumation of the Xigaze Forearc and Indus-Yarlung Suture Zone, Tibet

Orme, Devon Anne January 2015 (has links)
The Xigaze forearc basin in southern Tibet, one of the largest and best-preserved forearc basins on Earth, records upper-plate processes active prior to and following the inter-continental collision between India and Asia. However, the understanding of the timing and mechanisms of forearc development and its evolution following collision is spatially and temporally limited. Fundamental questions remain concerning how the basin formed, its paleogeography prior to collision, its subsidence history and the thermal history of the basin following the initial and ongoing continent-continent collision. Answering these questions is important to reconstructing upper plate dynamics during active subduction of oceanic and continental lithosphere. This dissertation addresses the Early Cretaceous to Pliocene history of the Xigaze forearc, using field mapping, sedimentology, sandstone modal petrography, geohistory analysis, U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology, and low-temperature thermochronology (apatite and zircon (U-Th/He)). Appendix A documents the sedimentology and stratigraphy of Lower Cretaceous to Paleocene strata to identify the relationship between the Yarlung-Tsangpo ophiolite and Xigaze forearc basin, reconstruct the sedimentary environments of the southern margin of Asia during the initial to middle stages of forearc deposition, and use the basin history to evaluate the mechanisms controlling forearc subsidence. In Appendix B, analysis of Eocene sedimentary strata, the youngest preserved in the forearc basin, constrains the timing of collision between Asia and the Tethyan Himalaya (India) to be no later than 58-54 Ma based on the similarity of the U-Pb detrital zircon age spectra and sandstone compositions between the Xigaze forearc and strata deposited atop the passive margin of the Tethyan Himalayan at that time. Apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronologic results in Appendix C constrain the maximum burial temperature of the basin following collision to ~140-200 °C, which corresponds to depths attainable by sedimentation in the forearc and a Paleogene forearc successor basin. This integrated dataset also identifies the initial stage of post-collisional exhumation during the Early Miocene (~ 20-15 Ma), followed by accelerated cooling during the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene (~ 10-4 Ma). These results suggest the presence of a paleo-Yarlung River and/or intensification of the Asian monsoon during the Early to Late Miocene. The Pliocene cooling signal is the youngest reported to date along the IYSZ and likely reflects increased river incision of the Yarlung-Tsangpo driven by accelerated orogen-parallel extension across structures which cross-cut the IYSZ. Robust interpretation of thermochronologic data requires knowledge about the geologic factors and intrinsic properties of the minerals. Appendix D of this dissertation examines intragranular zonation as a source of anomalously young zircon (U-Th)/He ages from leucogranites that intrude Greater Himalayan Sequence rocks at Ronbguk Valley, north of Mt. Everest. Depth profile laser ablation ICP-MS analysis was used to quantify the U-Th concentration profiles of a series of zoned, single, whole zircon grains and to apply a grain specific zonation-dependent age correction. Zircon grains corrected for zonation yield zircon He ages of 15-17 Ma, in agreement with AFT, ZFT and mica ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar ages from the region. This study highlights the importance of characterizing intragranular zonation, especially in complex, zoned zircons that are typical of crustal melts and high-grade metamorphic rocks. Appendix E synthesis the results from Appendices A-C in the context of a global comparison with other ancient and preserved forearc basins. Results from the Xigaze forearc basin are compared to general models for forearc basin formation, subsidence trends, and preservation. The results show similarities between the Xigaze forearc basin and modern forearc basins, such as the Japan forearc off Honshu Island. The mechanisms driving tectonic subsidence are addressed, but remain an area of frontier research in continental dynamics.

Diffusion Kinetics of Lutetium and Hafnium in Garnet and Clinopyroxene: Experimental Determination and Consequences for ¹⁷⁶LU-¹⁷⁶HF Geochronometry

Bloch, Elias Morgan January 2013 (has links)
The ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf and ¹⁴⁷Sm-¹⁴³Nd decay systems have been extensively used as geochronological tools to determine ages from garnet (Grt) - whole rock (WR) parent-daughter isotopic ratios; however, the ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf age of garnet is almost always found to be significantly older than the ¹⁴⁷Sm-¹⁴³Nd age determined from the same aliquots. This dissertation presents new experimental diffusion data for Lu and Hf in garnet, and numerical simulations using these data, which explain these age discrepancies and also show that Grt-WR ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf isochrons do not generally yield ages which correspond to an unambiguous temporal event in the evolutionary history of the host rocks. This is a result of (a) partial or complete retention of very slow-diffusing radiogenic ¹⁷⁶HF produced during prograde heating, and (b) the lower closure temperature of Lu relative to Hf; these complexities do not affect the interpretation of Grt-WR isochrons based on the ¹⁴⁷Sm-¹⁴³Nd system. In addition, the diffusion kinetic properties of Hf in clinopyroxene were experimentally determined in order to address the age controversy of the shergottite suite of Martian meteorites (~200 Ma ages determined by ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf, ¹⁴⁷Sm-¹⁴³Nd, and various other decay systems as opposed to a ~4 Ga whole rock Pb-Pb age). This was achieved by calculating the timescales needed to re-equilibrate Hf isotopes in clinopyroxene (the primary host of rare earth elements amongst the minerals used to compose the ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf isochrons) with the surrounding matrix at the peak- and post-shock P-T conditions likely to have been experienced by the shergottites. It is concluded that, contrary to the earlier suggestions, impact heating is highly unlikely to have significantly reset the ¹⁷⁶Lu-¹⁷⁶Hf ages of these Martian samples. These calculations are bolstered by the nature of measured Cr and Fe-Mg concentration profiles across olivine-melt boundaries, and Ti profiles across clinopyroxene-maskelynite interfaces in the shergottite RBT-04262. The lack of any evidence of diffusion in the measured concentration profiles, coupled with the qualitative incompatibility of the measured crystal-melt fractionation at these interfaces with the nature of fractionation expected from equilibrium partitioning, provides strong evidence that no substantial chemical exchange took place between the solid and melt phases during peak-shock P-T conditions.

Magmatic History and Crustal Genesis of South America: Constraints from U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes of Detrital Zircons in Modern Rivers

Pepper, Martin Bailey January 2014 (has links)
South America provides an outstanding laboratory for studies of magmatism and crustal evolution because it contains older Archean-Paleoproterozoic cratons that amalgamated during Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic supercontinent assembly, as well as a long history of Andean magmatism that records crustal growth and reworking in an accretionary orogen. We have attempted to reconstruct the growth and evolution of South America through U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotope analyses of detrital zircons from 59 samples of sand from modern rivers and shorelines. Results from 5,524 new U-Pb ages and 1,199 new Hf isotope determinations are reported. We have also integrated our data into a compilation of all previously published zircon geochronologic and Hf isotopic information, yielding a record that includes>42,000 ages and>1,600 Hf isotope analyses. These data yield five main conclusions: (1) South America has an age distribution that is similar to most other continents, presumably reflecting the supercontinent cycle, with maxima at 2.2-1.8 Ga, 1.6-0.9 Ga, 700-400 Ma, and 360-200 Ma; (2)<200 Ma magmatism along the western margin of South America has age maxima at 183 Ma (191-175 Ma), 151 Ma (159-143 Ma), 126 Ma (131-121 Ma), 109 Ma (114-105 Ma), 87 Ma (95-79 Ma), 62 Ma (71-53 Ma), 39 Ma (43-35 Ma), 19 Ma (23-15 Ma), and 6 Ma (10-2 Ma); (3) for the past 200 Ma, there appears to be a positive correlation between magmatism and the velocity of convergence between central South America and Pacific oceanic plates; (4) Hf isotopes record reworking of older crustal materials during most time periods, with incorporation of juvenile crustal materials at ~1.6-1.0 Ga, 500-400 Ma and ~200-100 Ma; and (5) the Hf isotopic signature of<200 Ma magmatism is apparently controlled by the generation of juvenile magmas during extensional tectonism and reworking of juvenile versus evolved crustal materials during crustal thickening and arc migration.

Origin of rutile-bearing ilmenite Fe-Ti deposits in Proterozoic anorthosite massifs of the Grenville Province

Morisset, Caroline-Emmanuelle 11 1900 (has links)
The Saint-Urbain and Big Island rutile-bearing ilmenite Fe-Ti oxide deposits are located in the composite 450 km² Saint-Urbain anorthosite (1055-1046 Ma, U-Pb zircon) and in the Lac Allard intrusion (1057-1062 Ma, U-Pb zircon) of the 11,000 km² Havre-Saint Pierre anorthosite suite, respectively, in the Grenville Province of Eastern Canada. Slow cooling rates of 3-4°C/m.y. are estimated for both anorthosites, based on combined U-Pb zircon/rutile/apatite and ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹ Ar biotite/plagioclase geochronology, and resulted from emplacement during the active Ottawan Orogeny. Slow cooling facilitated (1) diffusion of Zr from ilmenite and rutile, producing thin (10-100 microns) zircon rims on these minerals, and (2) formation of sapphirine via sub-so lidus reactions of the type: spinel + orthopyroxene + rutile ± corundum → sapphirine + ilmenite. New chemical and analytical methods were developed to determine the trace element concentrations and Hf isotopic compositions of Ti-based oxides. Rutile is a magmatic phase in the deposits with minimum crystallization temperatures of 781°C to 1016°C, calculated by Zr-in rutile thermometry. Ilmenite present in rutile-free samples has higher Xhem (hematite proportion in ilmenite), higher high field strength element concentrations (Xhem = 30-17; Nb = 16.1-30.5 ppm; Ta 1.28-1.70 ppm), and crystallized at higher temperatures than ilmenite with more fractionated compositions (Xhem = 21-11; Nb = 1.36-3.11 ppm; Ta = <0.18 ppm) from rutile-bearing rocks. The oxide deposits formed by density segregation and accumulation at the bottom of magma reservoirs, in conditions closed to oxygen, from magmas enriched in Fe and Ti. The initial ¹⁷⁶Hf/¹⁷⁷ Hf of rutile and ilmenite (Saint Urbain [SU] = 0.28219-0.28227, Big Island [BI] = 0.28218-0.28222), and the initial Pb isotopic ratios (e.g.²⁰⁶Pb/²⁰⁴ Pb: SU = 17.134-17.164, BI = 17.012-17.036) and ⁸⁷Sr/⁸⁶ Sr (SU = 0.70399-0.70532, BI = 0.70412-0.70427) of plagioclase from the deposits overlap with the initial isotopic ratios of ilmenite and plagioclase from each host anorthosite, which indicates that they have common parent magmas and sources. The parent magmas were derived from a relatively depleted mantle reservoir that appears to be the primary source of all Grenvillian anorthosite massifs and existed for --600 m.y. along the margin of Laurentia during the Proterozoic.

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