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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Shear behaviour of continuous concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars

Mahmoud, Karam Abdou Awad 26 November 2015 (has links)
Continuous beams represent main structural elements in most reinforced concrete (RC) structures such as parking garages and overpass bridges. Deterioration of such structures due to corrosion of steel reinforcement is common in North America. To overcome the corrosion problems, the use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars and stirrups becomes a viable alternative to steel reinforcement. However, to date, the shear behaviour of FRP-RC continuous beams has not been explored yet. As such, the objective of this study is to investigate the shear behaviour of such beams. In this study, twenty four full-scale continuous concrete beams were constructed and tested. The test beams had rectangular cross section with 200-mm width and a height of 300, 550 or 850 mm and were continuous over two equal spans. The main investigated parameters were concrete strength, type and ratio of longitudinal reinforcement, type and ratio of transverse reinforcement and beam effective depth. Moreover, a 3-D nonlinear finite element model (FEM) was constructed to simulate the behaviour of FRP-RC continuous beams. The model was verified against the experimental results and validated against test results from previous studies. Then, the verified/validated model was used to conduct a parametric study to investigate the effect of a wide range of the parameters on the shear behaviour of GFRP-RC beams. The experimental and FEM results showed that shear-critical GFRP-RC continuous beams exhibited moment redistribution. Also, it was observed that increasing the concrete strength and the longitudinal reinforcement ratio increased the shear strength significantly. Moreover, the presence of GFRP stirrups significantly enhanced the shear strength of the tested beams. Regarding the size effect, test results showed that there was adverse or no size effect on the shear strength of GFRP-RC continuous beams when they failed in the interior shear span while beams failed in the exterior shear span exhibited clear size effect. Furthermore, a comparison between the test results and the provisions of the available models and FRP standards and design guidelines in North America revealed that these design provisions can be safely applied to continuous beams. / February 2016

<strong>Bond behavior of post-installed Glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) rebars</strong>

Juhi Agarwal (16384908) 16 June 2023 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) rebars are frequently used to construct offshore structures, bridges, and airport terminals due to their high tensile strength, lightweight, and non-corrosive nature. GFRP rebars are also non-magnetic, electrically non-conductive, and have a higher strength-to-weight ratio than steel rebars. Consequently, many studies have been conducted to investigate the bond behavior of cast-in GFRP rebars, leading to the formulation of ACI 440. </p> <p>Post-installed rebar technology has become increasingly popular due to its flexibility in retrofitting and extending existing structures. Given the growing demand for post-installed technology and the superior qualities of GFRP rebars, there is a keen interest in understanding the behavior of post-installed GFRP rebars. Post-installed connections involve inserting a rebar in a pre-drilled hole in hardened concrete using an injectable epoxy. The post-installed system allows for construction between existing and new concrete for structural extension and rehabilitation purposes.</p> <p>Currently, only limited work has been performed on post-installed GFRP rebars at relatively small embedment depths. The adhesive mortars used for post-installation generally have a high bond strength. Most of the connections with post-installed rebars are made close to the edges of the members. Due to edge proximity, concrete-related failure modes (concrete splitting) govern, and the high bond strength of the post-installed system is not utilized. </p> <p>This study aims to understand the bond-splitting behavior of GFRP rebars post-installed using epoxy-based adhesive (DeWalt Pure200+). Experimental and Numerical investigations were conducted with various parameters that influence the bond-splitting. These parameters include but are not limited to, concrete cover, embedment depth, concrete strength, rebar diameter, and transverse confinement. </p> <p>An optimal experimental program was designed to test the minimum concrete cover, relative concrete cover, rebar diameter, rebar surface characteristics, and rebar embedment depth. The experimental investigation was carried out in two phases to determine the local bond strength by conducting confined pullout tests away from the edges at shallow embedment depths and the bond-splitting tests at varying parameters. Due to its low transverse strength, a unique grip using a steel pipe grouted with epoxy grout was used for the pullout tests. A new test specimen and test setup were designed to execute the experimental program at deeper embedment depths successfully.</p> <p>Numerical simulations were then performed using the macroscopic space analysis (MASA) program to investigate additional parameters and cases. The numerical models were first validated using results obtained from experimental investigation. Solid tetrahedral elements were used for modeling concrete elements with microplane models to simulate the damage in concrete. GFRP rebars were modeled using solid hexahedral elements with linear elastic material properties. The connection between concrete-to-GFRP rebar was modeled using 2-node bar elements embedded in the contact layer. The bond-slip curve gives the characteristic properties of the bar elements.</p> <p>The influence of individual parameters on the bond strength of the post-installed GFRP rebars was calculated, and comparisons were made with existing bond-splitting models for post-installed steel rebars. This thesis presents the details of the experimental program, the test specimen, the test setup, numerical modeling, and the results obtained on the GFRP bars post-installed with different sets of parameters. The studies prove the feasibility of using GFRP bars as post-installed for structural extensions/retrofitting and highlight certain aspects that must be considered while designing such connections.</p>

Estudio experimental de la adherencia entre laminados de GFRP y el hormigón

Albiol Ibáñez, José Ramón 16 December 2015 (has links)
[EN] At present, hybrid structures in flexural elements are being gradually incorporated in the field of civil and building structures. The low weight and high durability of these structures make use viable. Hybrid structures are usually composed of polymeric materials reinforced with glass or carbon fibers (GFRP or CFRP) in structural shapes of any type of section, in I, in box, trough-shaped, as elements working in tension, and the concrete in the compressed head of the resistant section. Due to this, the union of these materials and their excellent qualities allow for optimizing their mechanical performance in these positions. The failure modes of these structures have different opinions (points of view) among researchers. Therefore, this thesis focuses first of all on the possibility of designing a beam with ductile failure mode that moves the break to the compressed head by fiber reinforced concrete(Appendix I). It is found in this study that it is not possible to analyze this option because after "shielding" all possible failure modes of the structure the break occurs by the grazing effort between GFRP and concrete , without checking the influence of HRF. For this reason, the study is redirected and focused on the bond between GFRP and concrete by analyzing the influence of a series of surface treatments applied to the GFRP profile and the use of mechanical fasteners. To do this without losing sight of applications in civil engineering and construction, and after analyzing the scientific information available, given that there are no standard tests of this type of hybrid beams trials, the need to provide a simple testing methodology arises to enable the study of this phenomenon. That is why the adaptation of the pull-out test, usually for bars, is presented for rectandular section profiles. The complexity of this adaptation is solved by providing a number of modalities to the approach depending on the degree of confinement of the concrete over GFRP profile and the possibility of applying torque to the prestressed bolts, finally generating patterns 2C, 1CA, 1CE and 1CL. These patterns in turn are represented in the forms of connecting profiles with "in situ" concrete: flange profile embedded in the compression layer, or the top of the flange profile in contact with the compression layer. In the modality 2C, the concrete is passively confining all faces of the GFRP profile; in the form 1CA, the concrete confines the two main faces of elements but one of them does not have surface treatment; in the form 1CE, one side of the profile is confined with surface treatment and the other one is not in contact with the concrete; and finally, in 1CL one side is in contact with the concrete and the other one is liberated from this to access profile and give torque to conduct a post-tensioning of the mechanical fastener, thus achieving an active confinement of concrete over GFRP profile. Once clarified trial methodology, it is proceed to the characterization of the different proposed bond variables like a series of surface treatments such as sandblasting, and textured resins and a combination of both. Also fixed and moveable mechanical fastening elements are used providing them with a torque, sometimes only for fixing the profile GFRP and in other cases to achieve an active confinement of the concrete on the profile. After the results, a proposal for characterizing the bond parameters is made and a variety of behavioral models based on bond stress-slip curves are analyzed, bringing innovations to the scientific community. / [ES] En la actualidad, poco a poco, se están incorporando las estructuras híbridas en elementos a flexión en el sector de las estructuras civiles y de edificación. El bajo peso y la gran durabilidad de estas estructuras hacen viable su utilización. Las estructuras híbridas están compuestas generalmente por materiales poliméricos reforzados con fibras de vidrio o carbono (GFRP o CFRP) en forma de perfiles estructurales de cualquier tipo de sección en I, en caja, en forma de artesa, como elementos que trabajan a tracción, y el hormigón en la cabeza comprimida de la sección resistente. Es por ello que la combinación de estos materiales y sus excelentes cualidades permiten optimizar su rendimiento mecánico en dichas posiciones. Los modos de fallo de estas estructuras presentan diversidad de criterios entre los investigadores, y es por ello que en esta Tesis Doctoral se realiza en primer lugar un estudio (Anexo I) sobre la posibilidad de diseñar una viga con un modo de fallo dúctil, trasladando la rotura a la cabeza comprimida con hormigones reforzados con fibras. Así, en este estudio se comprueba que no es posible analizar dicho modo de fallo ya que tras "blindar" todos los posibles modos de fallo de la estructura la rotura se produce por esfuerzo rasante entre el perfil de GFRP y el hormigón, sin llegar a comprobar la influencia del hormigón reforzado con fibras. Por ello se redirige el estudio y se inicia el análisis de la adherencia del GFRP y el hormigón, analizando la influencia de una serie de tratamientos superficiales aplicados al perfil de GFRP, así como el uso de elementos de fijación mecánica. Para ello, y sin perder de vista las aplicaciones en obra civil y edificación, y después de analizar la información científica disponible, visto que no existen ensayos normalizados para el estudio de este tipo de vigas híbridas, se plantea la necesidad de aportar una metodología de ensayo sencilla que posibilite el estudio de este fenómeno. Es por ello que se plantea la adaptación del ensayo de pull-out, habitual para barras, para su aplicación a perfiles de sección rectangular. La complejidad de esta adaptación se resuelve aportando una serie de modalidades al método, siendo el grado de confinamiento del hormigón sobre el perfil de GFRP y la posibilidad de aplicar par de apriete para postesar la tornillería lo que genera las modalidades de 2C, 1CA, 1CE y 1CL. Estas modalidades a su vez se ven representadas en las formas de conexión de los perfiles de GFRP con el hormigón en obra: ala o alma del perfil embebido en la capa de compresión, o la cara superior del ala del perfil en contacto con la capa de compresión. En la modalidad 2C el hormigón se encuentra confinando pasivamente todas las caras del perfil de GFRP; en la modalidad 1CA el hormigón confina las dos caras principales, pero una de ellas no tiene tratamiento superficial; en la modalidad 1CE el hormigón confina pasivamente la cara del perfil que ha sido tratada superficialmente , mientras que la otra cara no está en contacto con el hormigón; y por último, en la modalidad 1CL una cara está en contacto con el hormigón y la otra está liberada de éste para tener acceso al perfil en la probeta híbrida y poder darle el par de apriete para realizar un postesado del elemento de fijación mecánica, consiguiendo así un confinamiento activo del hormigón sobre el perfil de GFRP. Una vez clarificada la metodología del ensayo se procede a la caracterización de las distintas variables de adherencia propuestas, como son una serie de tratamientos superficiales tales como arenados, resinas y texturizados, así como combinaciones entre ellos; también se utilizan elementos de fijación mecánica fijos y con desplazamiento dotándolos de un par de apriete, unas veces solo para su fijación al perfil de GFRP y en otros casos para conseguir un confinamiento activo del hormigón sobre el perfil. / [CA] En l'actualitat, a poc a poc, s'estan incorporant les estructures híbrides en elements a flexió en el sector de les estructures civils i d'edificació. El baix pes i la gran durabilitat d'aquestes estructures fan viable la seua utilització. Les estructures híbrides estan compostes generalment per materials polimèrics reforçats amb fibres de vidre o carboni (GFRP o CFRP) en forma de perfils estructurals de qualsevol tipus de secció en I, en caixa, en forma d'artesa, com a elements que treballen a tracció, i el formigó en el cap comprimit de la secció resistent. És per açò que la unió d'aquests materials i les seues excel·lents qualitats permeten optimitzar el seu rendiment mecànic en aquestes posicions. Les maneres de fallada d'aquestes estructures presenten diversitat de criteris entre els investigadors, és per açò que en aquesta Tesi Doctoral, en primer lloc es realitza un estudi (Annex I) per a estudiar la possibilitat de dissenyar una biga amb una manera de fallada dúctil traslladant el trencament al capdavant comprimit amb formigons reforçats amb fibra (HRF). Es comprova, en aquest estudi, que no és possible analitzar aquesta possibilitat ja que després de "blindar" totes les possibles maneres de fallada de l'estructura, el trencament arriba per esforç rasant entre el perfil de GFRP i el formigó, sense arribar a comprovar la influència del HRF. És per açò que es redirigeix i s'inicia l'estudi en l'adherència del GFRP i el formigó, analitzant la influència d'una sèrie de tractaments superficials aplicats al perfil de GFRP així com l'ús d'elements de fixació mecànica. Per açò, i sense perdre de vista les aplicacions en obra civil i edificació, i després d'analitzar l'informació científica disponible, vist que no existeixen assajos normalitzats per a l'estudi d'aquest tipus de bigues híbrides, es planteja la necessitat d'aportar una metodologia d'assaig senzilla que possibilite l'estudi d'aquest fenomen. Es planteja mitjançant l'assaig de pull-out habitual per a barres, la seua aplicació en perfils de secció rectangular. La dificultat d'aquesta adaptació es resol aportant una sèrie de modalitats al mètode, sent el grau de confinament del formigó sobre el perfil de GFRP i la possibilitat d'aplicar parell d'estrenya per a postesar els caragols el que genera les modalitats de 2C, 1CA, 1CE i 1CL. Aquestes modalitats es veuen representades en les formes de connectar els perfils amb el formigó en obra: ala del perfil embegut en la capa de compressió, o la cara superior de l'ala del perfil en contacte amb la capa de compressió. En la modalitat 2C el formigó es troba confinant passivament totes les cares del perfil de GFRP, en la modalitat 1CA el formigó confina les dues cares principals, però una d'elles no té tractament superficial, en la modalitat 1CE el formigó confina pasivament la cara del perfil que està tractada supercialment, mentres que l'altra cara no està en contacte amb el formigó, i finalment a la modalitat 1CL una cara està en contacte amb el formigó i l'altra està alliberada d'aquest per a tenir accés al perfil en la proveta híbrida i poder donar-li el parell d'estrenya per a realitzar un postesat de l'element de fixació mecànica, aconseguint així un confinament actiu del formigó sobre el perfil de GFRP. Una vegada aclarida la metodologia de l'assaig es procedeix a la caracterització de les diferents variables d'adherència proposades, com són una sèrie de tractaments superficials tals com arenats, resines i texturitzats, així com combinacions entre ells; també s'utilitzen elements de fixació mecànica fixos i amb desplaçaments aplicant-los un parell d'estrenya, unes vegades solament per a la seua fixació al perfil de GFRP i en altres casos per a aconseguir un confinament actiu del formigó sobre el perfil. / Albiol Ibáñez, JR. (2015). Estudio experimental de la adherencia entre laminados de GFRP y el hormigón [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58866

Análise teórica e experimental de vigas de concreto armadas com barras não metálicas de GFRP / Theoretical and experimental analysis of beams reinforced with non metallic GFRP bars

Tavares, Danusa Haick 25 April 2006 (has links)
A substituição do aço pela armadura não metálica objetiva o aumento da durabilidade de estruturas sujeitas à corrosão e a campos eletromagnéticos. Mas, a inserção de um novo material na construção civil demanda especificação de sua composição, comportamento e procedimentos de sua utilização. Este trabalho analisa o comportamento à flexão de vigas de concreto armadas com barras não metálicas. Para esta finalidade foram realizados, uma revisão bibliográfica considerando os trabalhos publicados desde o início das pesquisas até os mais recentes e ensaios dos materiais e de vigas de concreto armado. Os ensaios de determinação das propriedades das barras da armadura não metálica de GFRP (glass fiber polymer – polímero reforçado com fibra de vidro) englobam a determinação do diagrama tensão-deformação e capacidade resistente. As vigas armadas com barras de GFRP foram ensaiadas à flexão em quatro pontos e os resultados comparados com o de uma viga armada com barras de aço CA-50 também ensaiada a flexão. Nos modelos pôde-se perceber a influência das propriedades das barras de GFRP no comportamento geral da estrutura. Por exemplo, as grandes deformações nas barras longitudinais e os deslocamentos dos modelos foram determinados pelo baixo módulo de elasticidade das barras de GFRP. É evidente a necessidade de continuação dos estudos envolvendo barras de GFRP. Estas pesquisas poderão desenvolver meios de se utilizar as propriedades do material em favor do melhor funcionamento da estrutura / Steel reinforcement replacement aims an increase at the durability of structures with corrosion and electrical magnetic problems. But, inserting a new material at the civil construction industry demands specifications of its composition, behavior and procedures for its utilization. This work is a flexural behavior analysis of reinforced concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars. To make this, a technical literature research was made considering the pioneer until the most recent researches, and components and concrete reinforced beams tests were done. GFRP bars properties tests went from the determination of its strains X stress diagram to its tension resistance. GFRP reinforced beams were submitted to four points flexural tests and the results compared with a CA-50 steel reinforced beam also submitted to the flexural test. The specimens showed the influence of GFRP properties at the behavior of the structure. For example, longitudinal bars large strains and the large displacement of the beam were determined by GFRP bars low longitudinal elastic modulus. Continuing the studies evolving GFRP bars is certainly a need. New researches might be able to design a way to use the composite properties to improve the structure behavior

Análise teórica e experimental de vigas de concreto armadas com barras não metálicas de GFRP / Theoretical and experimental analysis of beams reinforced with non metallic GFRP bars

Danusa Haick Tavares 25 April 2006 (has links)
A substituição do aço pela armadura não metálica objetiva o aumento da durabilidade de estruturas sujeitas à corrosão e a campos eletromagnéticos. Mas, a inserção de um novo material na construção civil demanda especificação de sua composição, comportamento e procedimentos de sua utilização. Este trabalho analisa o comportamento à flexão de vigas de concreto armadas com barras não metálicas. Para esta finalidade foram realizados, uma revisão bibliográfica considerando os trabalhos publicados desde o início das pesquisas até os mais recentes e ensaios dos materiais e de vigas de concreto armado. Os ensaios de determinação das propriedades das barras da armadura não metálica de GFRP (glass fiber polymer – polímero reforçado com fibra de vidro) englobam a determinação do diagrama tensão-deformação e capacidade resistente. As vigas armadas com barras de GFRP foram ensaiadas à flexão em quatro pontos e os resultados comparados com o de uma viga armada com barras de aço CA-50 também ensaiada a flexão. Nos modelos pôde-se perceber a influência das propriedades das barras de GFRP no comportamento geral da estrutura. Por exemplo, as grandes deformações nas barras longitudinais e os deslocamentos dos modelos foram determinados pelo baixo módulo de elasticidade das barras de GFRP. É evidente a necessidade de continuação dos estudos envolvendo barras de GFRP. Estas pesquisas poderão desenvolver meios de se utilizar as propriedades do material em favor do melhor funcionamento da estrutura / Steel reinforcement replacement aims an increase at the durability of structures with corrosion and electrical magnetic problems. But, inserting a new material at the civil construction industry demands specifications of its composition, behavior and procedures for its utilization. This work is a flexural behavior analysis of reinforced concrete beams reinforced with GFRP bars. To make this, a technical literature research was made considering the pioneer until the most recent researches, and components and concrete reinforced beams tests were done. GFRP bars properties tests went from the determination of its strains X stress diagram to its tension resistance. GFRP reinforced beams were submitted to four points flexural tests and the results compared with a CA-50 steel reinforced beam also submitted to the flexural test. The specimens showed the influence of GFRP properties at the behavior of the structure. For example, longitudinal bars large strains and the large displacement of the beam were determined by GFRP bars low longitudinal elastic modulus. Continuing the studies evolving GFRP bars is certainly a need. New researches might be able to design a way to use the composite properties to improve the structure behavior

Combined NSM steel bars and externally bonded GFRP in strengthening T beams

Traplsi, Abdelbaset Mahmoud January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Civil Engineering / Hayder A. Rasheed / Nowadays, using the technology of FRP strengthening has become acknowledged by engineers and has reached a full acceptance. However, researchers are always looking for improvement in performance. In this study, external bonding of GFRP and near surface mounting of regular steel bars are combined to improve the behavior, delay the failure and enhance the economy of the strengthening. E-Glass FRP is selected due to its inexpensive cost and non-conductive properties to shield the NSM steel bars from corrosion. On the other hand, the use of NSM bars gives redundancy against vandalism and environmental deterioration of GFRP. An experimental program was conducted in which four full scale T beams were designed and built. All four specimens were fabricated with Grade 70 steel reinforcement and 8000 psi concrete. Only one beam was loaded beyond first cracking then exposed to highly concentrated deicing salt water to accelerate the corrosion process. All beams were tested by monotonic loading until failure. The load rate was 1 kips/min. The first specimen is tested as a control beam failing at about 15 kips. The second specimen is strengthened using two #5 steel NSM bars and 1 layer of GFRP, both extending to the support. This beam failed at 38.4 kips by GFRP debonding. The third specimen is strengthened with the same system used for the second beam. However, the NSM steel bars were cut short covering only 30% of the shear-span while the GFRP was extended to the support. This beam failed at 25.9 kips by GFRP debonding and NSM delamination due to the lack of sufficient development of the NSM steel bars and the shear stress concentration at the steel bar cut off point. Nevertheless, the fourth beam is strengthened with the same system used for the third beam. The fourth specimen was exposed to severe attack of deicing salt by immersing it in concentrated deicing salt solution for three continuous months. In order to accelerate the corrosion process, the beam was loaded beyond its cracking load before the corrosion procedure. After the completion of the three months, the beam was tested monotonically to failure. It failed at 23.2 kips indicating that some deterioration might have taken place. The failure mode was by GFRP debonding and NSM delamination like the case of Beam 3.However, it was observed after failure that the NSM bars were very well protected by the surrounding epoxy.

Strengthening rectangular beams with NSM steel bars and externally bonded GFRP

Wuertz, Augustine F. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Civil Engineering / Hayder Rasheed / The technology of FRP strengthening has matured to a great extent. However, there is always room for performance improvements. In this study, external bonding of GFRP and near surface mounting (NSM) of regular steel bars is combined to improve the behavior, delay the failure, and enhance the economy of the strengthening. E-Glass FRP is selected due to its inexpensive cost and non-conductive properties to shield the NSM steel bars from corrosion. On the other hand, the use of NSM bars gives redundancy against vandalism and environmental deterioration of the GFRP. An experimental program is conducted in which four rectangular cross-section beams are designed, built, and tested in four-point bending. The first beam is tested as a control beam failing at about 12.24 kips. The second beam is strengthened using two #5 steel NSM bars and 1 layer of GFRP, both extending to the support. This beam failed at 31.6 kips. The third beam is strengthened with the same system used for the second beam. However, the NSM steel bars were cut short covering 26% of the shear-span only while the GFRP was extended to the support. This beam failed at 30.7 kips due to reaching the full flexural capacity of the section at the NSM bars cut off point and the shear stress concentration at the steel bar cut off point. The fourth beam was strengthened with same system as the third beam but then submerged in a highly concentrated saline solution for six months and then tested. This beam failed at a maximum applied load of 29.8 kips, which shows that the GFRP sheet provided good corrosion resistance from the saline solution.

Experimental Evaluation of Full Scale I-Section Reinforced Concrete Beams with CFRP-Shear Reinforcement

Aquino, Christian 01 January 2008 (has links)
Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) systems have shown great promise in strengthening reinforced concrete structures. These systems are a viable option for use as external reinforcement because of their light weight, resistance to corrosion, and high strength. These systems, externally bonded in the form of sheets or laminates, have shown to increase the flexural and more recently the shear capacity of members. Major concerns of the system are issues related to the bond strength and premature peeling especially when reentrant corners are present. The objectives of this study were to verify the effectiveness of carbon FRP (CFRP) laminates on an I-section beam with no anchorage and to determine the feasibility of using an anchorage system to prevent premature debonding. The two types of anchorage systems used were a horizontal CFRP laminate and glass FRP (GFRP) spikes. These anchorage systems verified that the use of anchorage on I-shaped beams can prevent premature debonding of the laminate and allow the specimens to achieve a higher shear capacity. Recommendations for future research of such systems are also presented.

GFRP-reinforced concrete exterior beam-column joints subjected to seismic loading

Hasaballa, Mohamed 29 October 2014 (has links)
Glass fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP) reinforcement is used in reinforced concrete (RC) infrastructure to avoid steel corrosion problems. The behaviour of GFRP reinforcement under seismic loading in RC frame structures has not been widely investigated. The behaviour of beam-column joints significantly influences the response of the Seismic Force Resisting Systems. Therefore, both the design and detailing of the beam-column joints are critical to secure a satisfactory seismic performance of these structures. However, the current Canadian FRP design codes (CSA 2012, CSA 2006) have no considerable seismic provisions, if any, due to lack of data and research in this area. Such lack of information does not allow for adequate designs and subsequently limits the implementation of FRP reinforcement as a non-corrodible and sustainable reinforcement in new construction. Therefore, it deemed necessary to track areas of ambiguity and lack of knowledge to provide design provisions and detailing guidelines. This study investigated the seismic behaviour of the GFRP-RC exterior beam-column joints. The study consisted of an experimental phase, in which ten full-scale T-shaped GFRP-RC specimens were constructed and tested to failure, and an analytical phase using finite element modelling (FEM). Specimens in the experimental phase were designed to investigate the anchorage detailing of beam longitudinal reinforcement inside the joint (using either bent bars or headed bars) and to evaluate the shear capacity of the joint. In the analytical phase, a commercial FEM software (ATENA-3D) was used to run a parametric study that investigated the influence of the presence of lateral beams, axial load on the column, applied shear stresses in the joint, and the concrete strength. Test results showed that the performance of the specimens reinforced with GFRP headed bars was comparable to their counterparts reinforced with bent bars up to 4.0% drift ratio. The difference in the reinforcement surface conditions had insignificant influence on the overall behaviour. Moreover, it was concluded that the shear capacity of GFRP-RC beam-column joints is 0.85 √f'c. Furthermore, an evaluation of the relevant seismic provisions in the CSA/S806-12 (CSA 2012) was carried out and some recommendations were proposed for consideration in the future updates of the CSA/S806-12.

Bond of glass fibre reinforced polymer bars in high strength concrete

Saleh, Najia M. January 2018 (has links)
Very limited research studies have been conducted to examine bond of glass fibre reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars with high concrete strength. The current research project aims to compare between bond measured from a pull-out test and a hinged beam test for GFRP bars embedded in high strength concrete. Different parameters influencing bond such as GFRP bar diameter, embedment length and surface configuration were investigated in both test methods, while the bar position, i.e. top or bottom, was only studied in hinged beams. Seventy-two pull-out cubes, eight pull-out prisms and twenty-four hinged beams reinforced with GFRP bars were constructed and tested to failure. Twelve pull-out cubes and four hinged beams reinforced with steel bars were also tested for comparison purposes. The results showed that bond stress – slip curves obtained from various testing methods were similar, consisting of high initial stiffness, followed by nonlinear ascending and softening branches. In addition, it was found that the experimental bond strength obtained from hinged beams was higher than both bond strengths measured by the pull-out cube and pull-out prism. However, when a finite element analysis was conducted for hinged beams, it was shown that the tensile force in the reinforcing bar estimated by equilibrium conditions is overestimated as the large deformation of hinged beams at failure was not considered. Therefore, if the tensile force obtained from the finite element analysis is used to calculate the bond strength, it would be similar to that obtained from pull-out cube and prism. Moreover, it was found that the distribution of tensile and bond stresses was nonlinear along the GFRP embedment length and bond stress at the vicinity of the free end increased with increasing the load due to redistribution of bond stresses along the embedment length. Bond strengths were compared against the prediction methods provided in ACI-440.1R, CSA-S806, CSA-S6 and JSCE 1997. In general, all design codes showed conservative results for all specimens tested and ACI predictions gave a good agreement with experimental data compared to other codes. Artificial neural network models were developed to predict bond strength of GFRP bars in concrete. These models used bar diameter, embedment length, concrete compressive strength and concrete cover as input variables. The developed ANN models showed to be able to predict bond strength of GFRP bars in concrete and, therefore, were used to conduct a parametric study. / Higher Education Institute, Government of Libya

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