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Användbarhet – En fallstudie av ett point-of-sale system / Usability – A Casestudy of a Point-of-sale SystemJärvensivu, Tarja, Nilsson, Henrik January 2004 (has links)
Problem: Our opinion is that it is important to consider about usability in system development. In this thesis we will focus on usability in point-of-sale systems. The point-of-sale system we base this thesis on is Extenda Retail. Our case study is performed on Ica Kvantum in Bromölla, which implemented Extenda Retail about two years ago. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to figure out what important factors there are to consider, in usability aspects, when developing point-of-sale systems, with focus on the cashier. We also wish to find out the cashiers opinions about the Extenda Retail system. Method: The information gathered for this thesis consists of literature and interviews. All the information has been studied and analyzed. Result: We have reached the conclusion that the end users consider Extenda Retail to be a good point-of-sale system in usability aspects. It also shows that the guidelines we have chosen, with minor modifications, supports development of point-of-sale systems.
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The effect of wind turbines on bats in BritainRichardson, Suzanne Mary January 2015 (has links)
The increase in wind energy production has been relatively rapid and is expected to continue at a global scale. However, numbers of bat carcasses found at wind turbines in North America in the early 21st century raised concern about the plight of this taxon with the growth in wind-energy generation. This led to carcass searches for bats becoming commonplace at wind farms globally. However, few large scale systematic studies have assessed the effects of wind turbines on bats, especially for species considered potentially at higher risk in Europe. In this thesis the number and species of bats killed from wind farms were estimated across Britain, and the important predictors (i.e. activity, turbine characteristics and habitat) of fatality were determined. Insect abundance, biomass and bat activity was also quantified at turbine and control locations, to assess if insects and hence bats were attracted to turbines. In addition, assessments were made of the effects of increasing temporal and spatial replication of acoustic monitoring on estimates of species composition and bat activity. This was assessed for activity monitored at ground and at the centre of the rotor sweep area (the nacelle). Carcass searches were conducted using trained search dogs and concurrently bats were surveyed acoustically at three randomly selected turbines at ground and from the nacelle at 48 wind farms throughout Britain. Bats were also monitored acoustically at paired controls (with a randomly selected turbine) at 20 of the wind farms sites. In addition, nocturnal Diptera were sampled at 18 of the sites using a paired turbine and control design. Across 139 wind turbines, 188,335 bat passes were recorded and 2,973 carcass searches performed. Edge and open aerial foraging species, in particular Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus were most at risk of fatality 4 at wind farms in Britain. The number of Pipistrellus pipistrellus killed annually in Britain between mid-July and mid-October was estimated at 2,373 95% CI 513 to 4,233 and the number of P. pygmaeus at 3,082 95% CI 1,270 to 4,894. When compared to population estimates, the number of Pipistrellus pygmaeus killed was 57% higher than the number of P. pipistrellus killed (0.19% of the population versus 0.43%, respectively). This may be due to Pipistrellus pygmaeus flying more often within the rotor sweep area compared to P. pipistrellus. Activity measured at the nacelle, which is generally assumed to be a better predictor of fatalities, was not a significant predictor of the probability of a fatality for all species combined, Pipistrellus pipistrellus, or P. pygmaeus. Pipistrellus pipistrellus activity and P. pygmaeus activity, measured at ground level were not good predictors of their respective fatalities. Whilst there was some evidence that Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus activity monitored at ground level, was a significant predictor of the probability of their respective fatalities occurring, across wide ranging turbine types, fatality estimates were large. This is presumably due to the importance of turbine characterises (the wind speed that turbines become operational (cut-in speeds) turbine and the distance between the ground and blade tip at the bottom of the rotor sweep area) both being important negative predictors of fatalities for Pipistrellus pipistrellus. Predicting from models, if the cut-in speed is increased from 3.5 to 5 m s-1 the number of Pipistrellus pipistrellus fatalities would be reduced by 76% (0.23 fatalities per turbine per month to 0.06). These findings have important implications for guidance, since activity is the ubiquitous measure used to assess fatality risk for all species. Since, Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus were detected at 98% and 92% of sites respectively; it could be 5 assumed that these species would be detected at the majority of wind farms within their range. Therefore, in a British context, curtailing wind turbines below 5 m s-1 could be an effective mitigation strategy without the costly requirement to monitor activity. Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus activity was 46% (6.3 ± 1.3 SE mean passes per night c.f. 3.4 ± 1.3 SE) and 34% (4.0 ± 1.4 SE c.f. 2.7 ± 1.4 SE) higher at turbines compared to controls, respectively. Given that habitat and elevation were consistent between paired turbines and controls and monitoring was conducted on the same nights, higher activity at turbines compared to controls provides evidence that these two species are attracted to wind turbines. Furthermore, since the biomass of nocturnal Diptera, the main insect prey for Pipistrellus spp., was higher at controls compared to turbines, and bat foraging at turbines was not predicted by insect abundance or biomass, attraction is unlikely to be due to insects. Evidence presented here shows that bats are attracted to turbines, and therefore measuring activity at pre-construction sites for environmental impact assessments is unlikely to be effective. In conclusion, these results provide further evidence that common species are killed but generally in relatively low numbers, they also support the view that monitoring activity for assessing fatality risk at wind farms is ineffective. It is imperative that wind energy is developed using an evidence based approach. However, it also important that wind energy continues to contribute to an increasing renewable energy sector. In conclusion, results presented here, support that wind turbines are likely to be having a small impact on bat populations in Britain.
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Lineamientos de uso y diseño para soluciones de data visualizationCamavilca Rodriguez, Angela Vanesa, Jimenez Merino, Jocelyn Alejandra 31 March 2018 (has links)
Implementación de lineamientos de uso y diseño basados en técnicas de Data Visualization para dar a conocer, a aquellos usuarios que requieren estructurar y analizar data, los diferentes aspectos que se deben tener en cuenta al momento de elegir el tipo de gráfico a utilizar para representar un conjunto de datos, tomando en consideración las pautas a seguir para lograr su correcta aplicación y sobre todo, permitiendo que el usuario final pueda decidir de forma rápida y acorde a lo que requiere. / Implementation of guidelines for use and design based on data visualization technology to make known, users that require data analysis and data, the different aspects that must be taken into account when choosing the type of graphic to use a representation of data set, taking into consideration the guidelines to follow its correct application and above all, allowing the end user to decide quickly and according to what is required.
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En undersökning av samspelet mellan grafiska gränssnitt, huvudrörelser och dess inverkan för användarupplevelsen i virtuell verklighetEngdahl, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
I denna rapport undersöks samspelet mellan grafiska gränssnitt, huvudrörelser och dess inverkan för användarupplevelsen i virtuell verklighet. Studien begränsas till applicering i fastighetsvisningsapplikationer i virtuell verklighet. Studien och rapportens syfte är att besvara frågeställningen: Vilka aspekter bör tas i åtanke vid utformningen av grafiska gränssnitt för huvudrörelsebaserade inmatningsmetoder till VR-mjukvara. Denna fråga kommer besvaras med designriktlinjer orienterade för virtuell verklighet. I bakgrunden presenteras definitioner och användning av termer som: Virtuell verklighet, grafiska gränssnitt, inmatningsmetoder och huvudrörelseinmatning. I bakgrunden presenteras även företagssamarbetet med Wec360 samt riktlinjer om grafiska gränssnitt i virtuell verklighet som ligger till grund för studiens innehåll. Därefter följer ett metodkapitel som presenterar, definierar samt förklarar användning av de test- och utvärderingsmetoder som används i kommande tester. Dessa tester och utvärderingar är en heuristisk utvärdering för att finna primära problemområden som ligger som bas för kommande användbarhetstest. Men innan dess utfördes en semistrukturerad intervju med fem(5) personer som är utan, eller har mindre erfarenhet av virtuell verklighet. Dessa intervjuer utfördes för att få en grundlig idé om preferens, attityd, beteende, användning, erfarenhet samt preliminära tankar. Med samma fem deltagare utfördes ett användbarhetstest vars primära syfte var att säkerställa eller dementera de problem som uppfattades under den heuristiska utvärderingen. Användbarhetstestet användes även för att upptäcka nya problemområden som ska analyseras. Därefter följde en analys som följde bottom up-metoden för att ta alla delade problem och föra samman till en helhetsbild som studiens resultat därefter baseras på. Därefter följer resultatet – tre riktlinjer med mål att förbättra aspekter för det grafiska gränssnittet och huvudrörelseinmatning med syfte att förbättra användarupplevelsen. De främsta resultaten visas gälla applikationens sämre synlighet av interaktiva grafiska element. Men även en inkräktande upplevelse bildad av grafiska förflyttningselement. Det slutliga resultatet berörde hjälpavsnitt och hur användaren visas var funktioner och element finns i applikationen samt hur de används. Slutligen följer slutsatser och tillhörande diskussion för vidare studier inom området för användarupplevelse och grafiska gränssnitt i virtuell verklighet.
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Impact on Vitamin D Status in Cystic Fibrosis Patients After Implementation of 2012 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation GuidelinesBhakta, Dharti, Schmidt, Kalyn, Silvester, Aubrey, Honkonen, Marcella, Phan, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
Class of 2015 Abstract / Objectives: The primary objective of the study was to evaluate for change in vitamin D levels and regimens in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients following implementation of the 2012 Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) vitamin D guidelines. Secondary endpoints included clinician adherence to guideline recommendations for treatment and management of vitamin D deficiency.
Methods: This retrospective chart review included CF patients with 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels from University of Arizona Medical Center (UAMC) between April 1, 2011-March 31, 2012 and July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013. Total 25(OH)D levels and vitamin D regimens were collected along with data on respiratory cultures, pulmonary function, and hospitalizations. Data were analyzed by Student’s T-tests and chi square analyses.
Results: A total of 62 patients were included in the study. Mean 25(OH)D levels did not significantly differ between the study periods (28.9±10.5 ng/mL pre-guideline and 27.0±9.1 ng/mL post-guideline, p=0.158). Cholecalciferol use increased post-guideline (57.1%) versus pre-guideline (75.8%, p=0.027). Post-guideline cholecalciferol doses increased to 2836.5±2669.4 international units [IU] daily compared to 1518.0±912.0 IU daily pre-guideline (p<0.001). Clinician adherence to dose titration recommendations resulted in significant 25(OH)D level elevations (28.3±8.9 ng/mL versus 24.7±9.0, p=0.047).
Conclusions: The prescribing pattern of clinicians significantly changed to reflect vitamin D regimens suggested by CFF guidelines. This finding suggests that had sufficient time been allowed following guideline implementation, a significant difference in 25(OH)D levels would have resulted. Additional research is needed concerning the effect of the guidelines on vitamin D status, clinical outcomes, and comorbidities.
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Guidelines for clinical research nurses about their self-leadership role in nursing practice at nursing units in the southern suburbs of Cape Town, Western CapeReddy, Cordelia Kruparakshnam January 2014 (has links)
Magister Curationis - MCur / Clinical research nurses are at the frontline of clinical research. They act as nurse leaders in the area of patient-orientated research. This leadership role requires that they work independently with limited support from other nurses. The nursing practice of clinical research nurses’ associates patient care with research protocols, administration duties, management responsibilities, and role specific authority. At hospitals in the Western Cape, clinical research nurses support principal investigators in the conducting of clinical research. It was unclear how clinical research nurses in nursing units in southern suburbs, Cape Town, Western Cape Province experienced their self-leadership role in nursing practice. The aim of the study was to explore and describe the experiences of clinical research nurses’ self- leadership role in nursing practice in nursing units in the southern suburbs of Cape Town, Western Cape. In this study; a phenomenological, exploratory, descriptive, and contextual design was followed. The population consisted of all the clinical research nurses (n = 22) at Western Cape hospitals and health care institutions in the southern suburbs. Purposive sampling was applied according to selection criteria. Unstructured individual interviews were conducted until data saturation occurred. These interviews took place at a private office in the southern suburbs of the Cape Town and lasted between 45 minutes and an hour. Observation and field notes were taken during the interviews. Data was analysed by using open coding and data triangulation. The researcher applied Lincoln and Guba’s (1985) model of trustworthiness. Four themes and twenty one categories emerged from the data analysis. The findings emphasised that the clinical research nurses’ experienced their self-leadership role in nursing as an evolutionary process. The evolutionary role required that they needed to develop strategies with the aim of surviving the initial tedious and daunting phase that facilitated the development of skills needed for collaborative partnerships with stakeholders. As her general confidence increased, the clinical research nurse would be able to recognise her professional attributes and use self-leadership behaviour to enhance her daily practice. Appropriate self-leadership behaviour would assist the clinical research nurse to successfully navigate the complex, dynamic clinical research environment. Guidelines were developed from the four themes that were the result of the data analysis; namely the initial tedious and daunting phase, working in pursuit of collaborative action, personal traits of the clinical research nurse, and self-leadership behaviour. The UWC Higher Degree Committee at the Faculty of Community and Health Sciences and the Senate Research Committee respectively approved this research project. No risks were anticipated for participants in the study.
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Journalism and Suicide Reporting Guidelines: Perspectives, Partnerships and ProcessesGandy, Julia January 2014 (has links)
Research suggests that reporting suicide has the potential to influence vulnerable individuals to emulate suicide behaviour. Media guidelines for the responsible reporting of suicide have been developed and disseminated worldwide, but with mixed success. One factor that may influence guideline uptake is the degree to which health professionals have collaborated with the media professionals in guideline development, dissemination and implementation. The study used semi-structured interviews with media professionals to understand attitudes towards the guidelines, to explore the ways in the media were engaged in communication regarding the guidelines, and to identify whether this engagement bears upon media attitudes toward the guidelines. Findings indicate that media professionals view the guidelines as useful information within the bounds of normal reporting, but find them difficult to implement. Excellence theory indicates that the predominantly one-way and asymmetrical strategies used to engage the media in communication around the guidelines may play a role in these attitudes. The study echoes literature suggesting that collaborative guideline development and implementation is essential to meaningfully change suicide reporting practices.
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Barriers to Implementing Clinical Practice Guideline Nutrition Recommendations in Mild Acute Pancreatitis Patients: Provider's Knowledge and PracticeGaines, Jenna H., Gaines, Jenna H. January 2017 (has links)
The spectrum of acute pancreatitis (AP) affects between 4.9 and 73.4 patients out of 100,000 worldwide annually (Tenner, Baillie, DeWitt, & Vege, 2013). AP uses the Atlanta classification system to establish a diagnosis of mild, moderate, or severe. The American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) has established comprehensive clinical practice guidelines (CPG) for the management of AP, the most recent version published in 2013 (Tenner et al., 2013). There have been similar CPGs published internationally that integrate current evidence-based research into recommendations for practice. These guidelines along with the ACG's guidelines recommend initiating a diet for mild acute pancreatitis patients due to research findings of improved patient outcomes (i.e. reduced length of hospital stay, decreased rate of infections, and reduced mortality) (Horibe et al., 2015; Lariño-Noia et al., 2014). There is an international awareness of the need for increased CPG nutrition recommendation compliance in the practice setting as many studies have found providers prefer to keep patients nil per os (NPO) and do not adhere to CPGs (Andersson, Andrén-Sandberg, Nilsson, & Andersson, 2012; Greenberg et al., 2016; Sun et al., 2013). The purpose of this doctor of nursing practice (DNP) project is to assess providers' current nutrition therapy practice and knowledge of the ACG’s CPG nutrition recommendations for mild AP patients. The researcher conducted the assessment with a hospitalist practice at Banner University Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona. The results of the project contribute to the current body of research on national adherence to CPGs for AP and act as a needs assessment for future projects where a nutrition protocol order set may be established. The investigation of nutrition therapy for AP patients seeks to improve and standardize the care this patient population receives while in the acute care setting.
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Vnitropodnikové směrnice ve vybrané firmě / Intercompany Regulations in a chosen FirmPodhrázská, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis at hand describes internal guidelines, their meaning and importance, and usage. The practical part of the thesis contains an analysis of the guidelines for accounting currently followed by the Municipal Office of Strmilov. The outcome of the analysis shall be included in the new internal guidelines that will be elaborated in accordance with applicable laws and specific procedures of the organization in question.
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Porovnanie CSR aktivít vybraných slovenských bánk / Comparison of CSR activities of selected Slovak banksSlobodníková, Nina January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with comparing CSR activities of two selected Slovak banks. Theoretical part presents definition of CSR and explanation of the concept. It also describes various options for measurement, evaluation and reporting of Corporate Social Responsibility, where most attention is focused on the Reporting of Sustainable development according to GRI Guidelines. In the practical part, the comparison of the reporting of both banks is made, according to AIM model. Then, it continues with comparison of CSR activities of banks, based on GRI indicators. The last part of thesis consists of proposals for settlement of differences between banks and proposals, which could lead to greater efficiency in the field of CSR in the future.
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