Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gabbros"" "subject:"gabbro""
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Shape-preferred orientation (SPO) of oceanic gabbros at ODP Hole 1256D: implications for magmatic processesTrela, Jarek 01 May 2013 (has links)
The magmatic processes involved in building the plutonic section of the oceanic crust at fast-spreading centers remain debated. At this stage, no intact section of this important lithospheric layer, known as seismic layer 3, has been drilled. Yet, Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1256D, located on the eastern flank of the East Pacific Rise, provides unparalleled opportunities to investigate the mode of emplacement and fabric development of the two uppermost gabbro bodies in this crust. Although inferences made from a drill core remain limited due to the intrinsically linear nature of observations, the samples recently recovered hold potential clues on fabric-forming processes and the magma convection in such small intrusions. Gabbro 1 forms a 52 m-thick body intruded in the texturally granoblastic altered zone of the sheeted dike complex. Gabbro 2, situated below gabbro 1, is only 24 m-thick. Both gabbro bodies lack a macroscopically visible fabric and were, until this study, considered structurally isotropic. We use digital image analysis of petrographic thin-sections and the intercept method (Launeau and Robin, 1996) to determine the shape-preferred orientation of plagioclase phenocrysts in 3-D. Thirty-three sets of three mutually perpendicular thin-sections were prepared and analyzed in this manner. The mode of plagioclase grains ranges from 15 to 20% in the upper interval of gabbro 1, 13 to 36% in the lower interval of gabbro 1, and 9 to 28% in gabbro 2. These values refer to the mode of euhedral to subhedral grains only and do not reflect the total mode of plagioclase in the rock. The two gabbros display a weakly anisotropic shape-preferred orientation characterized by an average shape ratio > 1.050. The aspect ratio indicates plagioclase fabric strength deviation from a perfectly anisotropic distributed population. The aspect ratio in the upper interval of gabbro 1 ranges from 1.068 to 1.153. The aspect ratio in the lower interval of gabbro 1 ranges from 1.074 to 1.183. The aspect ratio in gabbro 2 ranges from 1.056 to 1.220. The fabric of these gabbros also displays broad consistency between nearby specimens. Lineation plunges in the upper interval of Gabbro 1 range from 1° to 36°. Lineations plunge in the lower interval of gabbro 1 range from 0° to 44°. Lineations in gabbro 2 plunge from 6° to 69°. In general, the symmetry of plutonic fabrics provides clues on the nature of magmatic fabric-forming processes. Prolate fabrics support magmatic flow while oblate fabrics rather suggest gravitational settling of crystals. Fabrics in gabbro 1 and gabbro 2 are both prolate and oblate. Fabric in the upper interval of gabbro 1 is more prolate than oblate whereas the lower interval of gabbro 1 and gabbro 2 have even distributions of fabric ellipsoids. Detailed observations of petrographic thin-sections reveal several microstructures suggestive of brittle and plastic deformation in plagioclase grains. Microstructures indicative of plastic deformation include kink-banding, mechanical twinning, and undulose extinction. Microstructures indicative of brittle deformation include submagmatically-fractured laths. These subtle features appear in at least one crystal per thin-section analyzed. With the exception of mechanical twins, shipboard scientists of Expeditions 312 and 335 have not documented these microstructures. Numerical calculations reveal that for both gabbro bodies the Rayleigh Number ranges between 1015 and 1018, depending primarily on the kinematic viscosity of the magmas and temperature change across the intrusions. These values indicate that turbulent flow (Rayleigh number > 106) occurred during emplacement. This type of flow may provide an explanation for the variability of aspect ratio and the variability in linear crystal fabric.
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An Investigation of AMS in Oman Ophiolite GabbrosTrutner, Sarah D. 12 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Petrografia e geoquímica das rochas intrusivas básicas da porção sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano, RSBarbosa, Laércio Dal Olmo January 2017 (has links)
A participação de líquidos magmáticos extraídos do manto, registrados sob a forma de intrusões dioríticas, gabroicas e de rochas máficas-ultramáficas, tem sido apontada como uma componente determinante na geração de magmas intermediários a ácidos, em ambientes orogênicos a pós-colisionais. Neste contexto, a colocação de líquidos basálticos hidratados na base da crosta também é considerada um importante marcador petrogenético, já que além de fornecer calor, pode ainda contribuir com líquidos residuais fracionados, essenciais à geração de magmas evoluídos. Além disso, magmas pouco diferenciados podem igualmente ascender e atingir níveis superiores da crosta, interagindo com câmaras magmáticas silicosas. Assim, estas rochas acabam por registrar tanto os processos de extração e transporte de magmas do manto, resultando na acresção vertical de material à crosta, quanto os processos de interação entre esses dois componentes. Na porção sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano (RS), constituída majoritariamente por granitoides, ocorrem rochas dioríticas e gabroicas de extensão reduzida (1 a 7 km) e caráter dominantemente básico, na região compreendida entre os municípios de Pinheiro Machado e Pedro Osório. Nesta dissertação, por meio da caracterização geológica, mineralógica, petrográfica e geoquímica destas rochas, propõe-se a separação de duas associações principais. A “Associação I” (AI) engloba os corpos do Passo da Fabiana, Passo da Olaria, Arroio Santa Fé e Desvio Herval, constituindo-se por rochas gabroicas comumente cumuladas, por vezes estratificadas A “Associação II” (AII), diorítica a gabroica, compreende rochas isótropas a localmente foliadas, nas ocorrências do Alto Alegre, Passo dos Machados e Campo Bonito. As duas associações são subalcalinas, com afinidade cálcio-alcalina médio-K (AI) e médio a alto-K (AII), exibindo altos teores de alumina (Al2O3 > 17%), mesmo para os termos não cumulados. Maiores valores de CaO e Mg# na AI, e de álcalis, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Y, e total de ETR na AII, bem como padrões distintos de ETR, referendam a separação das associações. O controle no posicionamento das rochas básicas por descontinuidades litosféricas é sugerido pelas assinaturas magnéticas, que teriam possibilitado a ascensão e colocação destes magmas em níveis superiores da crosta. Como processos petrogenéticos, sugere-se a participação de líquidos derivados do manto em câmaras magmáticas supracrustais, seja como pulsos precursores do magmatismo associado aos granitoides, ou por eventos de reabastecimento destes reservatórios, como predominantes na AI. Já na AII, rica em anfibólio, processos envolvendo a colocação e evolução de magmas do manto nas DCHZ (deep crustal hot zones), originando líquidos hidratados, parecem ser mais expressivos. / The participation of mantle-derived melts, recorded as dioritic, gabbroic and mafic-ultramafic rocks, has been identified as a determinant component in the generation of intermediate to acid magmas, in orogenic to post-collisional settings. In this context, the emplacement of hydrous basaltic liquids at the base of the crust is also considered an important petrogenetic marker, not only providing heat, but also producing residual fractionated liquids, essential to the generation of evolved magmas. Furthermore, less differentiated magmas can also ascend and reach upper crustal levels, interacting with silicic magma chambers. Therefore, this rocks record both magma extraction and transport processes from the mantle, resulting in vertical material accretion to the crust, as well as the interaction between these two components. In the southeastern portion of Dom Feliciano Belt (RS), which is composed mainly by granitoids, minor dioritic and gabbroic rocks occur (1 to 7 km), with predominantly basic character, in the region between Pinheiro Machado and Pedro Osório. This thesis presents geological, mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical characterization of these rocks, proposing thus the separation of two main associations. The "Association I" (AI) comprises the bodies Passo da Fabiana, Passo do Olaria, Arroio Santa Fé and Desvio Herval, and is composed by gabbroic rocks, commonly as cumulates, sometimes in layered intrusions The "Association II" (AII), dioritic to gabbroic, comprises isotropic to locally foliated rocks, in the occurrences of Alto Alegre, Passo dos Machados and Campo Bonito. Both associations are subalkaline, with medium-K (AI) and medium to high-K (AII) calc-alkaline affinity, showing high-alumina contents (Al2O3 > 17%), even for the non-cumulated terms. Higher CaO and Mg# values in AI, and alkalis, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Y, and total REE in AII, as well as distinct REE patterns, support the proposed associations. The control on the emplacement of the basic rocks by lithospheric discontinuities is suggested by magnetic signatures, which would have enabled the ascent and emplacement of these magmas to upper crustal levels. As petrogenetic processes, the participation of mantle-derived liquids in supracrustal magma chambers is suggested, either as precursor pulses of the magmatism associated with the granitoids, or by replenishment events in these reservoirs, as prevalent in AI. In the AII, amphibole-rich, processes involving the emplacement and evolution of mantle-derived magmas in DCHZ (deep crustal hot zones), originating hydrous liquids, seems to be more expressive.
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Le massif lherzolitique de Lanzo (Alpes piemontaises): étude structurale et pétrologiqueBoudier, Françoise 20 January 1976 (has links) (PDF)
Orientations préférentielles des minéraux dans les différents faciès lherzolites, pyroxenolites, analyses chimiques des roches et des minéraux, analyses à la microsonde des mineraux. Examen des différents problèmes: histoire des rubanements pyroxénolitiques, processus de fusion partielle donnant naissance au gabbros et aux reliquats dunitiques, mécanisme de la déformation plastique dans les péridotites, mode d'intrusion du Massif de Lanzo dans le contexte alpin.
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Etude pétrographique du massif du Chenaillet ( Hautes-Alpes, France)Pusztaszeri, Laszlo 07 July 1966 (has links) (PDF)
Etude minéralogique et pétrographique du massif du Chenaillet entre briançon et Cesana-Torinese ( Italie)
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Petrografia e geoquímica das rochas intrusivas básicas da porção sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano, RSBarbosa, Laércio Dal Olmo January 2017 (has links)
A participação de líquidos magmáticos extraídos do manto, registrados sob a forma de intrusões dioríticas, gabroicas e de rochas máficas-ultramáficas, tem sido apontada como uma componente determinante na geração de magmas intermediários a ácidos, em ambientes orogênicos a pós-colisionais. Neste contexto, a colocação de líquidos basálticos hidratados na base da crosta também é considerada um importante marcador petrogenético, já que além de fornecer calor, pode ainda contribuir com líquidos residuais fracionados, essenciais à geração de magmas evoluídos. Além disso, magmas pouco diferenciados podem igualmente ascender e atingir níveis superiores da crosta, interagindo com câmaras magmáticas silicosas. Assim, estas rochas acabam por registrar tanto os processos de extração e transporte de magmas do manto, resultando na acresção vertical de material à crosta, quanto os processos de interação entre esses dois componentes. Na porção sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano (RS), constituída majoritariamente por granitoides, ocorrem rochas dioríticas e gabroicas de extensão reduzida (1 a 7 km) e caráter dominantemente básico, na região compreendida entre os municípios de Pinheiro Machado e Pedro Osório. Nesta dissertação, por meio da caracterização geológica, mineralógica, petrográfica e geoquímica destas rochas, propõe-se a separação de duas associações principais. A “Associação I” (AI) engloba os corpos do Passo da Fabiana, Passo da Olaria, Arroio Santa Fé e Desvio Herval, constituindo-se por rochas gabroicas comumente cumuladas, por vezes estratificadas A “Associação II” (AII), diorítica a gabroica, compreende rochas isótropas a localmente foliadas, nas ocorrências do Alto Alegre, Passo dos Machados e Campo Bonito. As duas associações são subalcalinas, com afinidade cálcio-alcalina médio-K (AI) e médio a alto-K (AII), exibindo altos teores de alumina (Al2O3 > 17%), mesmo para os termos não cumulados. Maiores valores de CaO e Mg# na AI, e de álcalis, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Y, e total de ETR na AII, bem como padrões distintos de ETR, referendam a separação das associações. O controle no posicionamento das rochas básicas por descontinuidades litosféricas é sugerido pelas assinaturas magnéticas, que teriam possibilitado a ascensão e colocação destes magmas em níveis superiores da crosta. Como processos petrogenéticos, sugere-se a participação de líquidos derivados do manto em câmaras magmáticas supracrustais, seja como pulsos precursores do magmatismo associado aos granitoides, ou por eventos de reabastecimento destes reservatórios, como predominantes na AI. Já na AII, rica em anfibólio, processos envolvendo a colocação e evolução de magmas do manto nas DCHZ (deep crustal hot zones), originando líquidos hidratados, parecem ser mais expressivos. / The participation of mantle-derived melts, recorded as dioritic, gabbroic and mafic-ultramafic rocks, has been identified as a determinant component in the generation of intermediate to acid magmas, in orogenic to post-collisional settings. In this context, the emplacement of hydrous basaltic liquids at the base of the crust is also considered an important petrogenetic marker, not only providing heat, but also producing residual fractionated liquids, essential to the generation of evolved magmas. Furthermore, less differentiated magmas can also ascend and reach upper crustal levels, interacting with silicic magma chambers. Therefore, this rocks record both magma extraction and transport processes from the mantle, resulting in vertical material accretion to the crust, as well as the interaction between these two components. In the southeastern portion of Dom Feliciano Belt (RS), which is composed mainly by granitoids, minor dioritic and gabbroic rocks occur (1 to 7 km), with predominantly basic character, in the region between Pinheiro Machado and Pedro Osório. This thesis presents geological, mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical characterization of these rocks, proposing thus the separation of two main associations. The "Association I" (AI) comprises the bodies Passo da Fabiana, Passo do Olaria, Arroio Santa Fé and Desvio Herval, and is composed by gabbroic rocks, commonly as cumulates, sometimes in layered intrusions The "Association II" (AII), dioritic to gabbroic, comprises isotropic to locally foliated rocks, in the occurrences of Alto Alegre, Passo dos Machados and Campo Bonito. Both associations are subalkaline, with medium-K (AI) and medium to high-K (AII) calc-alkaline affinity, showing high-alumina contents (Al2O3 > 17%), even for the non-cumulated terms. Higher CaO and Mg# values in AI, and alkalis, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Y, and total REE in AII, as well as distinct REE patterns, support the proposed associations. The control on the emplacement of the basic rocks by lithospheric discontinuities is suggested by magnetic signatures, which would have enabled the ascent and emplacement of these magmas to upper crustal levels. As petrogenetic processes, the participation of mantle-derived liquids in supracrustal magma chambers is suggested, either as precursor pulses of the magmatism associated with the granitoids, or by replenishment events in these reservoirs, as prevalent in AI. In the AII, amphibole-rich, processes involving the emplacement and evolution of mantle-derived magmas in DCHZ (deep crustal hot zones), originating hydrous liquids, seems to be more expressive.
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Petrografia e geoquímica das rochas intrusivas básicas da porção sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano, RSBarbosa, Laércio Dal Olmo January 2017 (has links)
A participação de líquidos magmáticos extraídos do manto, registrados sob a forma de intrusões dioríticas, gabroicas e de rochas máficas-ultramáficas, tem sido apontada como uma componente determinante na geração de magmas intermediários a ácidos, em ambientes orogênicos a pós-colisionais. Neste contexto, a colocação de líquidos basálticos hidratados na base da crosta também é considerada um importante marcador petrogenético, já que além de fornecer calor, pode ainda contribuir com líquidos residuais fracionados, essenciais à geração de magmas evoluídos. Além disso, magmas pouco diferenciados podem igualmente ascender e atingir níveis superiores da crosta, interagindo com câmaras magmáticas silicosas. Assim, estas rochas acabam por registrar tanto os processos de extração e transporte de magmas do manto, resultando na acresção vertical de material à crosta, quanto os processos de interação entre esses dois componentes. Na porção sudeste do Cinturão Dom Feliciano (RS), constituída majoritariamente por granitoides, ocorrem rochas dioríticas e gabroicas de extensão reduzida (1 a 7 km) e caráter dominantemente básico, na região compreendida entre os municípios de Pinheiro Machado e Pedro Osório. Nesta dissertação, por meio da caracterização geológica, mineralógica, petrográfica e geoquímica destas rochas, propõe-se a separação de duas associações principais. A “Associação I” (AI) engloba os corpos do Passo da Fabiana, Passo da Olaria, Arroio Santa Fé e Desvio Herval, constituindo-se por rochas gabroicas comumente cumuladas, por vezes estratificadas A “Associação II” (AII), diorítica a gabroica, compreende rochas isótropas a localmente foliadas, nas ocorrências do Alto Alegre, Passo dos Machados e Campo Bonito. As duas associações são subalcalinas, com afinidade cálcio-alcalina médio-K (AI) e médio a alto-K (AII), exibindo altos teores de alumina (Al2O3 > 17%), mesmo para os termos não cumulados. Maiores valores de CaO e Mg# na AI, e de álcalis, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Y, e total de ETR na AII, bem como padrões distintos de ETR, referendam a separação das associações. O controle no posicionamento das rochas básicas por descontinuidades litosféricas é sugerido pelas assinaturas magnéticas, que teriam possibilitado a ascensão e colocação destes magmas em níveis superiores da crosta. Como processos petrogenéticos, sugere-se a participação de líquidos derivados do manto em câmaras magmáticas supracrustais, seja como pulsos precursores do magmatismo associado aos granitoides, ou por eventos de reabastecimento destes reservatórios, como predominantes na AI. Já na AII, rica em anfibólio, processos envolvendo a colocação e evolução de magmas do manto nas DCHZ (deep crustal hot zones), originando líquidos hidratados, parecem ser mais expressivos. / The participation of mantle-derived melts, recorded as dioritic, gabbroic and mafic-ultramafic rocks, has been identified as a determinant component in the generation of intermediate to acid magmas, in orogenic to post-collisional settings. In this context, the emplacement of hydrous basaltic liquids at the base of the crust is also considered an important petrogenetic marker, not only providing heat, but also producing residual fractionated liquids, essential to the generation of evolved magmas. Furthermore, less differentiated magmas can also ascend and reach upper crustal levels, interacting with silicic magma chambers. Therefore, this rocks record both magma extraction and transport processes from the mantle, resulting in vertical material accretion to the crust, as well as the interaction between these two components. In the southeastern portion of Dom Feliciano Belt (RS), which is composed mainly by granitoids, minor dioritic and gabbroic rocks occur (1 to 7 km), with predominantly basic character, in the region between Pinheiro Machado and Pedro Osório. This thesis presents geological, mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical characterization of these rocks, proposing thus the separation of two main associations. The "Association I" (AI) comprises the bodies Passo da Fabiana, Passo do Olaria, Arroio Santa Fé and Desvio Herval, and is composed by gabbroic rocks, commonly as cumulates, sometimes in layered intrusions The "Association II" (AII), dioritic to gabbroic, comprises isotropic to locally foliated rocks, in the occurrences of Alto Alegre, Passo dos Machados and Campo Bonito. Both associations are subalkaline, with medium-K (AI) and medium to high-K (AII) calc-alkaline affinity, showing high-alumina contents (Al2O3 > 17%), even for the non-cumulated terms. Higher CaO and Mg# values in AI, and alkalis, P2O5, Zr, Nb, Y, and total REE in AII, as well as distinct REE patterns, support the proposed associations. The control on the emplacement of the basic rocks by lithospheric discontinuities is suggested by magnetic signatures, which would have enabled the ascent and emplacement of these magmas to upper crustal levels. As petrogenetic processes, the participation of mantle-derived liquids in supracrustal magma chambers is suggested, either as precursor pulses of the magmatism associated with the granitoids, or by replenishment events in these reservoirs, as prevalent in AI. In the AII, amphibole-rich, processes involving the emplacement and evolution of mantle-derived magmas in DCHZ (deep crustal hot zones), originating hydrous liquids, seems to be more expressive.
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Etude des schistes cristallins du versant oriental du Tabor de la matheysine (Isère) ) - Alpes françaisesVerollet, Gaston 10 September 1961 (has links) (PDF)
Pas de résumé
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Origine et signification géodynamique des roches ultrabasiques et basiques des îles de Choiseul, Sanite Isabelle et Saint Jorge (Iles Salomon)Berly, Thomas 14 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Les Iles Salomon forment une double chaîne d'îles située au nord-est de l'Australie entre la Papousie Nouvelle Guinée et les Iles Vanuatu (Océan Pacifique), résultant de la récente collision (<10 Ma) du plus grand plateau océanique au monde - Ontong Java (OJP) avec l'arc volcanique des Iles Salomon, issu de la subduction de la plaque Pacifique sous la plaque indo-australienne (depuis 43 Ma). Résultant de cette collision, des écailles de roches ultramafiques (péridotites et pyroxénites) et mafiques (basaltes et gabbros) ont été obductées et affleurent au nord-est des Iles Salomon. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier ces roches en utilisant une approche pluri-disciplinaire (pétrologie, minéralogie et géochimie) afin de déterminer leur origine et leur formation.<br />Les harzburgites de Choiseul et les pyroxénites de Santa Isabel et San Jorge ne sont pas liées à OJP mais résultent d'un mécanisme complexe du métasomatisme du manteau d'arc par des fluides issus de la plaque subductée. Ces fluides, riches en éléments lithophiles (Cs, Ba, Rb, Sr et Pb) sont des magmas hydratés résultant de la fusion des sédiments subductés. Les roches mafiques (incluant les basaltes et les gabbros) représentent un complexe ohiolitique complet de bassin d'arc. En conclusion, la formation et l'exhumation de ces roches ultramafiques et mafiques des Iles Salomon sont étroitement liées à la collision OJP-arc.
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Le complexe mafique du Mont Collon (nappe austroalpine Dent Blanche). Evolution du manteau Ouest européen au PermienMonjoie, Philippe 28 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Le complexe du Mont Collon (nappe de la Dent Blanche, Austroalpin) est composé à 95% de roches mafiques cumulatives recoupées par des filons acides et mafiques tardifs (dikes mélanocrates Fe-Ti) se mettant en place dans la croûte moyenne. Des âges de cristallisation U/Pb sur zircons (284.2 ± 0.6 et 282.9 ± 0.6 Ma) ont été obtenus sur un gabbro et une pegmatitique quartzique. Les datations 40Ar/39Ar sur amphiboles des filons mélanocrates (260.2 ± 0.7 Ma) indique un second évènement magmatique. Les compositions des cumulats montrent peu de variations avec la lithologie et révèlent des anomalies négatives systématiques en Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf et Ti. Le manque de variation en éléments traces dans les cpx et la corrélation positive entre éléments traces des roches et le pourcentage modal d'amphibole tardive sont caractéristiques d'un processus de cristallisation in situ (Langmuir, 1989) impliquant de 0 à 35% de liquide interstitiel (L) entre les phases cumulus. Le liquide parental calculé des cumulats du Mont Collon est transitionnel et présente une forte anomalie négative en Nb-Ta. 2 groupes de roches cumulatives sont discriminés d'après leurs signatures en Nd-Sr, supposant de possibles réinjections magmatiques. Le Pb indique une source dans le manteau subcontinental lithosphérique, contaminé par des sédiments océaniques. Les dikes mélanocrates ont des eNdi de +7, des 87Sr/86Sri de 0.703 et des rapports en Pb indiquant une source asthénosphérique peu appauvrie. La fusion partielle du manteau lithosphérique subcontinental est induite par l'amincissement post-orogénique et la remontée de l'asthénosphère. Les filons tardifs proviennent de la fusion de l'asthénosphère.
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