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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

X-ray and optical properties of X-ray luminous active galactic nuclei

Krumpe, Mirko January 2007 (has links)
Giacconi et al. (1962) discovered a diffuse cosmic X-ray background with rocket experiments when they searched for lunar X-ray emission. Later satellite missions found a spectral peak in the cosmic X-ray background at ~30 keV. Imaging X-ray satellites such as ROSAT (1990-1999) were able to resolve up to 80% of the background below 2 keV into single point sources, mainly active galaxies. The cosmic X-ray background is the integration of all accreting super-massive (several million solar masses) black holes in the centre of active galaxies over cosmic time. Synthesis models need further populations of X-ray absorbed active galaxy nuclei (AGN) in order to explain the cosmic X-ray background peak at ~30 keV. Current X-ray missions such as XMM-Newton and Chandra offer the possibility of studying these additional populations. This Ph.D. thesis studies the populations that dominate the X-ray sky. For this purpose the 120 ksec XMM-Newton Marano field survey, named for an earlier optical quasar survey in the southern hemisphere, is analysed. Based on the optical follow-up observations the X-ray sources are spectroscopically classified. Optical and X-ray properties of the different X-ray source populations are studied and differences are derived. The amount of absorption in the X-ray spectra of type II AGN, which are considered as a main contributor to the X-ray background at ~30 keV, is determined. In order to extend the sample size of the rare type II AGN, this study also includes objects from another survey, the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Medium Sample. In addition, the dependence of the absorption in type II AGN with redshift and X-ray luminosity is analysed. We detected 328 X-ray sources in the Marano field. 140 sources were spectroscopically classified. We found 89 type I AGN, 36 type II AGN, 6 galaxies, and 9 stars. AGN, galaxies, and stars are clearly distinguishable by their optical and X-ray properties. Type I and II AGN do not separate clearly. They have a significant overlap in all studied properties. In a few cases the X-ray properties are in contradiction to the observed optical properties for type I and type II AGN. For example we find type II AGN that show evidence for optical absorption but are not absorbed in X-rays. Based on the additional use of near infra-red imaging (K-band), we were able to identify several of the rare type II AGN. The X-ray spectra of type II AGN from the XMM-Newton Marano field survey and the XMM-Newton Serendipitous Medium Sample were analysed. Since most of the sources have only ~40 X-ray counts in the XMM-Newton PN-detector, I carefully studied the fit results of simulated X-ray spectra as a function of fit statistic and binning method. The objects revealed only moderate absorption. In particular, I do not find any Compton-thick sources (absorbed by column densities of NH > 1.5 x 10^24 cm^−2). This gives evidence that type II AGN are not the main contributor of the X-ray background around 30 keV. Although bias effects may occur, type II AGN show no noticeable trend of the amount of absorption with redshift or X-ray luminosity. / Giacconi et al. (1962) entdeckten mit Hilfe von Raketenexperimenten auf der Suche nach Röntgenstrahlung vom Mond eine scheinbar diffuse extragalaktische Röntgenhintergrundstrahlung. Spätere Satellitenmissionen detektierten ein Maximum dieser Strahlung bei ~30 keV. Abbildenden Röntgensatelliten wie ROSAT (1990-1999) gelang es, bis zu 80% des diffusen Hintergrundes unter 2 keV in einzelne Punktquellen aufzulösen, von denen die überwiegende Mehrheit aktive Galaxienkerne waren. Der Röntgenhintergrund ist somit wahrscheinlich als die Emission der Gesamtheit aller akkretierenden superschweren (mehrere Millionen Sonnenmassen) schwarzen Löcher in den Zentren von Galaxien in der kosmischen Geschichte zu verstehen. Zur Erklärung des Maximums der spektralen Energieverteilung der Röntgenhintergrundstrahlung bei ~30 keV benötigen theoretische Modelle jedoch zusätzliche Populationen von röntgenabsorbierenden aktiven Galaxienkernen (AGN). Derzeitige Röntgenmissionen wie XMM-Newton und Chandra ermöglichen die Untersuchung dieser Quellklassen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Quellpopulationen, die den Röntgenhimmel dominieren. Dazu wird die 120 ksec XMM-Newton Beobachtung im Marano Feld, Ziel einer früheren optischen AGN-Durchmusterung am Südhimmel, ausgewertet. Die optischen und Röntgeneigenschaften der unterschiedlichen Quellpopulationen werden untersucht und Unterschiede erarbeitet. Für die röntgenabsorbierende Objektklasse der Typ II AGN, die man als möglichen Erzeuger der Röntgenstrahlung um 30 keV betrachtet, wird aus den Röntgenspektren das Ausmaß der Absorption ermittelt. Um die Anzahl dieser selten gefundenen Objekte zu erhöhen, werden in dieser Arbeit zusätzliche Objekte aus der Röntgendurchmusterung des “XMM-Newton Serendipitous Medium Sample” einbezogen. Die Abhängigkeit der Absorption von der Rotverschiebung und der Röntgenleuchtkraft wird untersucht. Von 328 Röntgenquellen im Marano Feld konnten 140 spektroskopisch klassifiziert werden. Es wurden 89 Typ I AGN, 36 Typ II AGN, 6 Galaxien und 9 Sterne gefunden. Nur basierend auf den optischen und Röntgeneigenschaften können AGN, Galaxien und Sterne unterschieden werden. Typ I und II AGN lassen sich nicht klar trennen und zeigen große Gemeinsamkeiten in den untersuchten Eigenschaften. Mit Hilfe von zusätzlichen Aufnahmen im nahen Infraroten (K-Band) konnten erfolgreich mehrere seltene Typ II AGN identifiziert werden. Die Röntgenspektren von Typ II AGN aus dem XMM-Newton Marano Feld und dem “XMM-Newton Serendipitous Medium Sample” wurden ausgewertet. Die Objekte weisen nur eine mäßige Absorption auf und scheinen somit nicht einen Hauptbestandteil des Röntgenstrahlungshintergrundes um 30 keV zu erzeugen. Obwohl Selektionseffekte nicht vollständig verstanden sind, zeigen Typ II AGN keine erkennbare Abhängigkeit der Absorption von der Rotverschiebung oder der Röntgenleuchtkraft.

Η εξελικτική ακολουθία των ενεργών γαλαξιακών πυρήνων ως αποτέλεσμα των εγγύς γαλαξιακών αλληλεπιδράσεων

Κουλουρίδης, Ηλίας 03 August 2009 (has links)
Σκοπός του διδακτορικού αυτού είναι να αναδείξει τις ομοιότητες και τις διαφορές των ενεργών πυρήνων, μελετώντας το περιβάλλον γαλαξιών τύπου Sy1, Sy2, αλλά και λαμπρών υπέρυθρων γαλαξιών (BIRG, οι οποίοι ως επί το πλείστον είναι τύπου Starburst και Sy2) και συγκρίνοντας το με το περιβάλλον κανονικών μη ενεργών γαλαξιών. Διερευνάται επίσης εις βάθος, η σχέση Starburst και AGN γαλαξιών και περιλαμβάνεται η αναλυτική φασματοσκοπική μελέτη και κατηγοριοποίηση των γειτόνων των Seyfert και BIRG, σε μία προσπάθεια να βρεθεί η αναμενόμενη αμφίδρομη σχέση μεταξύ των αλληλεπιδρώντων γαλαξιών. Εν κατακλείδι, προτείνεται ένα συνολικό εξελικτικό σενάριο, που περιλαμβάνει όλους τους τύπους των ενεργών γαλαξιών που παρατηρούνται στο τοπικό σύμπαν. Το τελευταίο τμήμα της διατριβής προσεγγίζει το πρόβλημα του περιβάλλοντος των ενεργών γαλαξιών από μία διαφορετική πλευρά, αυτή των σμηνών γαλαξιών. Η ανεύρεση των ενεργών πυρήνων σε αυτή την περίπτωση γίνεται με χρήση δεδομένων ακτινών-Χ από το δορυφόρο XMM-Newton. Η ορθή ερμηνεία των αποτελεσμάτων προϋποθέτει την σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων με οπτικά δεδομένα, η οποία ακολουθεί σε δεύτερη φάση. / The purpose of the present thesis is to bring out the similarities and the differences of the Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), by studying the environment of Seyfert and of Bright IRAS galaxies (BIRG, which in their majority are Starburst and Sy2 galaxies) and compare it with the environment of normal (non-active) galaxies. The Starburst/AGN connection is also studied and the spectroscopic analysis and classification of all the neighboring galaxies of Seyferts and BIRGs is included, in an attempt to find the expected bidirectional relation between interacting galaxies. We propose an evolutionary scenario, which includes all types of active galaxies present in the local universe. The last part approaches the problem from a different angle, that of the galaxy clusters. In this case the selection of the AGNs is based on their X-ray emmision, using data from the XMM-Newton satellite. Finally, we compare our findings with optical data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

Development of a camera for Tera-electron Volt gamma-ray astronomy

De Franco, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis I describe the development of a compact camera for ground-based multi TeV gamma-ray astronomy, using the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope (IACT) technique. The camera is based on multi-anode photomultipliers (MAPM) and is designed for use on the Gamma Cherenkov Telescope (GCT), which is proposed to be part of the Small Size Telescope (SST) array of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). GCT achieves high performance with a compact and cost efficient design via a Schwarzschild-Couder (SC) dual-mirror optical system. The GCT optical design allows the use of a compact camera of diameter roughly 0.5 m. The curved focal plane is equipped with 32 tiles of 64-pixels MAPM for a total of 2048 pixels of ~0.2° angular size, resulting in a field of view of ~9°. The GCT camera is designed to record the flashes of Cherenkov light from electromagnetic cascades, which last only a few tens of nanoseconds. I give a detailed description of the design, the challenges encountered during testing in the lab, and the performance of the most critical components. I give details on the custom front-end electronics modules that provide the required fast electronics, facilitating sampling and digitization, as well as first level of triggering. The camera-level triggering system is a custom backplane, developed to reject spurious triggers on the night sky background, which typically is of the order of few tens of millions of photons per pixel per second. This is to be compared with the rate of the astrophysical signal, which is of the order of few hundreds of events per second at the relevant energies. Additionally I provide a detailed description of all the software needed for the data acquisition and control of the camera, from the very low level drivers to high level and user friendly processes. I follow the commissioning of the camera, from the individual core components to the integration of the system. I then describe the integration of the camera on the GCT prototype telescope structure, and the achievement of "first light", validating for the first time the full proof-of-concept of an IACT with SC optics. I also report a study I performed on expectations for an extragalactic survey for blazars with CTA. The cumulative source count distribution of blazars is presented, including implications from two different phenomena: axion-like particle (ALP) to gamma-ray oscillations in the intergalactic magnetic field, and secondary gamma rays from hadronic origins. I conclude that a shallow and wide survey will provide the best science return for CTA, that the impact of ALP is modest and that the secondary mechanism of gamma-ray production would allow detection of blazars up to redshift of 1 in the multi-TeV energy band.

Constraining the high energy emission sources in the environment of supermassive black holes / L'origine de l'émission électromagnétique de haute énergie dans l'environnement des trous noirs supermassifs

Ursini, Francesco 28 October 2016 (has links)
Des trous noirs supermassifs de plusieurs centaines de millions de masses solaires résident au centre de la plupart des galaxies massives. Dans 90% des cas, ces trous noirs sont dans état quiescent, très peu lumineux. Cependant, dans les 10% restant, des processus extrêmement violents sont observés, avec la libération d'énorme quantités d'énergie no- tamment en UV, X et gamma. On observe aussi parfois des jets puissants de matière pouvant s'étendre sur plusieurs centaines de kpc. Le coeur de ces galaxies sont appelés Noyaux Actifs de Galaxie (NAG). Ce sont parmis les objets les plus lumineux de l'univers. L'accrétion de la matière environnante sur le trou noir supermassif central est unanimement reconnue comme la source d'énergie la plus plausible pour expliquer la puissance phénoménale observée. L'énergie gravitationelle serait ainsi en partie libérée dans un disque d'accrétion, sous forme de rayonnement thermique piquant dans l'optique/UV, et en partie rayonnée en X/gamma par une couronne de plasma chaud présente dans l'environnement proche du trou noir.De nombreux phénomènes sont néanmoins encore très mal connus et beaucoup de ques- tions n'ont toujours pas de réponses satisfaisantes: quelles sont la dynamique et la structure des flots d'accrétion et d'éjection dans les NAG? Quels sont les processus radiatifs produisant le rayonnement UV/X? Quelle est l'origine des différentes composantes spectrales présentes dans ces domaines d'énergie? Cette thèse a pour objectif d'apporter de nouvelles contraintes observationnelles pour meux répondre à ces questions. Son originalité réside dans le développement et l'utilisation de modèles réalistes de Comptonisation thermique permettant d'une part de mieux contraindre les propriétés physiques et géométriques des régions d'émission UV/X et d'autre part de mieux comprendre l'origine des différentes composantes spectrales observées. Nous nous sommes notamment intéressés, au cours de cette thèse, à l'excès d'émission X-mou (<2 keV), présent dans un grand nombre de NAG, et dont l'origine est toujours inconnue.Ces travaux s'articulent autour de deux axes principaux. Le premier est l'étude spectrale détaillée de longues campagnes d'observation multi-longueur d'ondes de trois galaxies de Seyfert (NGC 5548, NGC 7213 et NGC 4593). La qualité des données ont ainsi permis de révéler les paramètres physiques (notamment la température et la profondeur optique) et géométriques de la couronne thermique à l'origine du continuum X. Le second axe porte sur l'analyse de données d'archives (en provenance du satellite XMM-Newton) d'un échantillon important de galaxies de Seyfert. Cela a permis d'apporter, cette fois ci, des contraintes plus générales sur les processus d'émission haute énergie observés dans ces objets. Ces deux approches ont notamment montré que l'exces d'émission X-mou pouvait provenir des couches supérieures chaudes du disque d'accrétion, suggérant un chauffage plus efficace en surface plutôt que dans les régions internes. / Supermassive black holes of several hundred million solar masses lie at the centre of most massive galaxies. In 90% of cases, these black holes are in quiescent, very low luminous states. Nevertheless, in the remaining 10%, extremely violent processes are seen, with the liberation of huge amounts of energy especially in the UV, X-ray and gamma-ray bands. We also sometimes observe powerful jets, extending up to several hundred kpc scales. The cores of these galaxies are called Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). These are among the most luminous objects in the Universe. The accretion of surrounding matter onto the central supermassive black hole is generally considered as the most likely energy source to explain the extraordinary observed luminosity. The gravitational energy would be partly liberated into an accretion disc as thermal radiation peaking in the optical/UV band, and partly radiated in the X-ray/gamma-ray band by a corona of hot plasma lying in the environment close to the black hole.However, several phenomena are still poorly understood and a number of questions lacks satisfactory answers: what are the dynamics and the structure of the accretion and ejection flows in AGNs? What are the radiative processes producing the UV/X-ray radiation? What is the origin of the different spectral components present in those energy bands? The goal of this thesis is to derive new observational constraints to better answer to these questions. Its originality resides in the development and application of realistic models of thermal Comptonization, allowing on the one hand to better constrain the physical and geometrical properties of the UV and X-ray-emitting regions, and on the other hand to better understand the origin of the different observed spectral components. In particular, we studied the excess of the soft (<2 keV) X-ray emission, seen in a great number of AGNs, and whose origin is still unknown.This work is structured along two main branches. One is the detailed spectral analysis of long, multiwavelength observational campaigns on three Seyfert galaxies (NGC 5548, NGC 7213 and NGC 4593). The quality of the data permitted to reveal the geometrical and physical parameters (in particular the temperature and optical depth) of the thermal corona producing the X-ray continuum. The second branch is based on the analysis of archival data (from the XMM-newton satellite) of a large sample of Seyfert galaxies. This allowed us to derive more general constraints on the high-energy emission processes observed in these objects. These two approaches have shown, in particular, that the soft X-ray emission excess may arise in the warm upper layers of the accretion disc, suggesting a more effective heating of the surface rather than the inner regions.

The complex morphology of radio-quiet active galactic nuclei : multi-wavelength radiative transfer and polarization / Etude de la morphologie complexe des noyaux actifs de galaxie : transfert radiatif multi-longueurs d'ondes et polarisation

Marin, Frédéric 20 September 2013 (has links)
Lorsque l’on veut sonder les structures internes de sources astronomiques non résolues par nos instruments modernes, la technique de la spectropolarimétrie a démontré etre une méthode à la fois indépendante et complémentaire des analyses spectrales et temporelles. Dans cette thèse, j’explore de façon théorique le signal de polarisation résultant des Noyaux Actifs de Galaxies (NAG en français, AGN en anglais), dans lesquels on suppose que l’énergie radiative principale est crée paraccrétion autour d’un trou noir super-massif et qu’une partie importante des échappements de matère se fait sous la forme de vents d’éjection. Selon le Schéma Unifié des NAG, l’émission radiative résultante est fortement anisotrope, due au confinement des photons par un corps de poussère obscurcissant situé au niveau du plan équatorial. Les radiations sont donc forcées de s’échapper dans les directions polaires, photo-ionisant au passage les vents d’éjection coniques. Cette configuration asymétrique permet de justifier la dichotomie observationnelle des NAG en fonction de leur inclinaison spatiale; cependant, leurs propriétés difèrent aussi en fonction de la bande énergétique d’observation. Donc, afin de vérifier la stabilité du moèle unifié, il est nécessaire de le tester sur de multiples échelles de longueur d’onde afin d’en déduire de fortes contraintes morphologiques. / When probing the inner structures of unresolved astrophysical sources, spectropolarimetry has proven to be a solid tool, both independent and complementary to spectral and timing analyses. In this thesis, I theoretically explore the polarization of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), which are powered by accretion onto supermassive black holes and often reveal significant mass outflows. Their emission is strongly anisotropic and the standard model of AGN postulates that the anisotropy is caused by a confinement of the radiation in the funnel of an obscuring body of circumnuclear dust; the radiation is thus forced to escape along the funnel where it photo-ionizes conically shaped outflows. The asymmetrical configuration explains an observational dichotomy where AGN properties are characterized according to the observer’s line-of-sight. However, AGN observations differ significantly from one waveband to another and the broadband validity of the unified model has to be tested by a method that gives strong constraints on the AGN morphology. In this thesis, I subsequently investigate how morphological and composition constraints on the different substructures in thermal, radio-quiet Active Galactic Nuclei can be deduced from optical, UV and X-ray polarization properties.

Núcleos de galáxias ativos: propriedades em escalas de parsec e kilo-parsec / Active galactic nuclei: properties at parsec and kilo-parsec scales

Danilo Morales Teixeira 27 January 2015 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos a dinâmica de discos torcidos finos e espessos para compreender melhor a propagação da deformação nestes discos. No caso dos discos finos, estudamos a física do efeito Bardeen-Petterson e aplicamos este modelo para explicar o jato em escalas de parsec e kilo-parsec da galáxia NGC 1275. Encotramos que o efeito Bardeen-Petterson reproduziu muito bem a forma do jato e com isto derivamos os parâmetros do disco como raio, valores das viscosidades azimutal e vertical, lei de potência da densidade superficial e spin do buraco negro. Para uma melhor compreensão da física destes discos, realizamos simulações GRMHD de discos moderadamente finos tanto planos como inclinados para estudar a evolução do ângulo de inclinação entre os momentos angular do buraco negro e do disco de acresção assim como o ângulo de torção que está associado com a precessão do disco. Encontramos que quando o disco de acresção e o buraco negro rotacionam no mesmo sentido, o ângulo de inclinação entre os momentos angular apresentou um comportamento oscilatório na parte interna do disco e permaneceu constante na parte externa em acordo com as previsões teóricas. Já quando o buraco negro rotacina no sentido oposto ao disco de acresção, encontramos pela primeira vez numa simulação GRMHD evidências de alinhamento, ocorrendo um alinhamento de 10\\% do angulo entre os momentos angulares do disco e buraco negro. Além disso, comprovamos pela primeira vez numa simulação GRMHD a não isotropia do stress. Utilizando um modelo semi-analítico, comparamos os resultados de nossas simulações com este modelo, utilizando os dados da simulações de disco plano como entrada e obitivemos os mesmos comportamentos das simulações tanto no caso prógrado quanto no caso retrógrado mostrando que o alinhamento é devido ao regime onda. / In this work we studied the dynamics of twisted thin and thick disks to better understand how the warp propagates in these discs. In the case of thin discs, we studied the physics of the Bardeen-Petterson effect and we applied this model to explain the shape of the jet in both parsec and kilo-parsec scales of the galaxy NGC 1275. We found that the Bardeen-Petterson effect could explain very well the shape of the jet and with that we derived the disc parameters such as its radius, the values of the kinematic azimutal and vertical viscosities, the power-law of the surface density and the spin of the black hole. To better understand the physics of such discs, we have performed GRMHD simulations of moderatelly thin tilted disks to study the evolution of the tilt angle between the angular momentum of the accretion disk and black hole and also the twist angle which is associated with the precession of the disc. We found that when the accretion disc and the black hole are rotating in the same direction, the tilt angle showed an oscillatory behavior in the inner parts of the disk while in the outer parts it remained constant in agreement with the theorical modelos. However, when both rotate in the opposite direction, we found for the very first time in a GRMHD simulation, evidences of alignment of 10\\% of the tilt angle. Besides that, we prove for the first time in a GRMHD simulation that the stress is far from being isotropic. Using a semi-analitic model, we compared the results of our simulations with this model, using the datas of the untilted simulations as inputs and we found the same behaviors found in the simulations even in prograde case as in the retrograde case showing that the alignment is due to bending waves.

Caractérisation de la transparence de l'univers aux rayons gamma de très haute énergie avec H.E.S.S. et aspects associés en physique fondamentale et cosmologie / Characterisation of the transparency of the universe to very-high-energy gamma rays with H.E.S.S. and related aspects in fundamental physics and cosmology

Lorentz, Matthias 21 September 2017 (has links)
La propagation des rayons Ɣ de très haute énergie (E > 100GeV) dans l'univers est affectée par les propriétés du milieu extragalactique. Ces photons à l'échelle du TeV, issus des processus d'accélération de particules dans les noyaux actifs de galaxies, peuvent en effet interagir avec des photons du fond optique et infrarouge qui baignent l'univers et produire des paires d'électrons et de positrons. Ce processus réduit la transparence de l'univers aux rayons Ɣ de très haute énergie mais permet en revanche de sonder les propriétés du milieu extragalactique de façon unique. Dans cette thèse, les données prises par le réseau de télescopes à imagerie Tcherenkov atmosphérique H.E.S.S. sont analysées et utilisées afin de caractériser la transparence de l'univers aux rayons Ɣ de très haute énergie. Une mesure indépendante de la distribution spectrale en énergie du fond cosmologique optique et infrarouge est réalisée à travers l'ajustement des modulations observées dans les spectres en énergie obtenus avec H.E.S.S. pour un échantillon de noyaux actifs de galaxies brillants dans une gamme en redshift 0.03 < z < 0.28. Les résultats obtenus sont compatibles avec les limites inférieures dérivées par comptages de galaxies et ne suggèrent pas d'anomalie de la transparence de l'univers aux rayons Ɣ vis à vis des modèles actuels du fond de lumière extragalactique. Des processus de second ordre affectant la propagation des rayons Ɣ de très haute énergie sont également explorés. Des limites sur une brisure de la symétrie de Lorentz à l'échelle de Planck sont obtenues à partir de l'analyse spectrale du noyau actif Mrk 501 observé dans un état de flux exceptionnel par H.E.S.S. en 2014, à grand angle zénithal. Enfin, des contraintes sur le champ magnétique extragalactique sont dérivées en considérant l'émission Ɣ secondaire attendue à partir de simulations des cascades électromagnétiques initiées lors du processus d'absorption pour le noyau actif distant PG 1553+113 vu par H.E.S.S. et le télescope spatial Fermi. Cette thèse a également été l'occasion d'une participation aux développements de certains aspects de la calibration et de l'analyse des données de H.E.S.S. / The propagation of very high energy Ɣ rays in the universe depends on the properties of the extragalactic medium. Such TeV-scale photons travelling cosmological distances are -emitted through particle acceleration mechanisms in active galaxy nuclei- can interact with the low-energy photons of the extragalactic background light (EBL) and produce electron-positron pairs. This effect reduces the transparency of the universe to very high energy Ɣ rays but it also provides a unique opportunity to probe the properties of the extragalactic medium. In this thesis, data taken with the H.E.S.S. array of Cherenkov telescopes are analyzed and used to characterize the transparency of the universe to very high energy Ɣ rays. A independent measurement of the spectral energy distribution of the EBL with H.E.S.S. is presented. It is obtained by extracting the EBL absorption signal from the fit of spectral modulations in the high-quality spectra of a sample of bright blazars in the redshift range 0.03 < z < 0.28. The intensity of the EBL obtained in different spectral bands is presented together with the associated Ɣ-ray horizon. The obtained results are consistent with lower limits derived from galaxy counts and do not suggest an anomaly of the transparency of the universe to Ɣ rays with respect to current models of the extragalactic background light. Second-order processes affecting the propagation of very high energy Ɣ rays in the universe are also considered. Limits on Lorentz invariance violation at Planck scale are obtained from the spectral analysis of the active galaxy nucleus Mrk 501 observed during a high-flux state by H.E.S.S. in 2014, at large zenith angle. Finally, constraints on the extragalactic magnetic field properties are derived by considering the secondary Ɣ-ray emission expected from the simulation of electromagnetic cascades initiated by the absorption process for the distant active galaxy nucleus PG 1553+113 seen by H.E.S.S. and the Fermi Ɣ-ray space telescope. In this thesis some developments related to the calibration and analysis of H.E.S.S. data are also presented.

Polarizace rentgenového záření akrečních disků v aktivních galaktických jádrech / Polarisation of X-ray emission from accretion discs in active galactic nuclei

Podgorný, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The presented thesis deals with theoretical modeling of the X-ray emission from active galactic nuclei. It studies spectral and polarisation properties of local radiation reflected from the surrounding accretion disc, which is being illuminated by a hot corona above, as well as global observational perspectives at infinity for unobscured radio-quiet sources. Modeling of this kind could then serve for observational fitting of spin of the central supermassive black hole, constraining the accretion disc's or coronal properties, or de- termining observer's inclination towards the systems. A radiative transfer Monte Carlo simulation code STOKES [Goosmann and Gaskell, 2007, Marin et al., 2012, 2015, Marin, 2018] is used for local computations. Its performance is compared to results of other attempts already existing in literature and analytical approximations. The local scheme is discussed mostly in terms of emergent polarisation that has been for the first time simulated for these types of objects with high accuracy. Integration over the accretion disc and superposition with the primary radiation in the so-called lamp-post or extended coronal model, including all general relativistic effects in the vicinity of the central super- massive black hole, is then performed on the basis of already existing routine...

A study of the gamma-ray emission from the blazar S50716+71 using the Fermi-LAT telescope

Vislander, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
This thesis sums up a bachelor project in which gamma-ray emission from an extra-galactic source (S50716+71) is studied using data collected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT). The emission consists of 12,5 years of data (April 2008 to February 2020) in the energy range 100 MeV - 300 GeV. The source has a high significance (&gt;298) and is believed to be an active galactic nucleus in which there have to be mechanisms able to accelerate photons to these high energies. The mechanisms are believed to be of non-thermal origin and the general consensus is that they are the synchrotron radiation-process as well as the inverse Compton-process. These processes are discussed to some extent in the thesis as part of a fairly large theoretical background. The data was analyzed in several ways. The Enrico software contained in the package Fermitools provided by NASA was used to create curves of the flux as a function of time (lightcurves) as well as spectral distributions. The light curve showed that the source varies considerably with hardly any “quiet periods” at all during the twelve-year period. The light curve also showed a fast rise and fall of intensity between the high intensity and low intensity points. Spectral analyses were made for six chosen time-periods of interest through the fitting of three different functions, a powerlaw-function, a logparabola-function and a powerlaw function with exponential cutoff. The powerlaw function with exponential cutoff was favored in all periods except one where the log parabola-function was preferred. The data from one of the periods was then put into a multi-wavelength context of the source showing that the data is in agreement with previous collected data. This broad spectrum was then used to model the underlying energy distribution through a theoretical framework called the Synchrotron Self-Compton model (SSC). This was done using a modelling software called JetSet. The modelling resulted in a reasonable fit of the data and parameters that overall (at least in magnitude) seem to agree with results from other publications.

A gamma-ray study of a highly variable blazar : The Fermi-LAT analysis and the modeling of the FSRQ PKS 1510–089

Bollström, Nadja January 2021 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the analysis and modeling of the active galactic nucleus PKS 1510-089. The aim is to present a thorough background of active galactic nuclei combined with the analysis and modeling of a specific active galactic nucleus. The results will then be  linked to previous research and theories about active galactic nuclei. The data used in the analysis were retrieved from the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. A light curve analysis that extended over 12 years provided knowledge about variability and presented four interesting flaring periods. The four periods underwent a spectral analysis, and the results showed that a log parabolic curvature could best describe all four periods. The last step before the modeling was to create spectral energy distributions for all four periods to retrieve spectral points from wavelengths other than those available from Fermi. Unfortunately, there were only sufficient data for one period. That period was later used in the modeling and resulted in a well-fitted external Compton model, which was compared, with relatively good results, with previous research.

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