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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O patrimônio geológico de Ilhabela - SP: estratégias de geoconsevação / Geoheritage in Ilhabela-SP: strategies for geoconservation

Rachel Prochoroff 22 May 2014 (has links)
A ilha de São Sebastião, situada no litoral norte do estado de São Paulo, abriga o município de Ilhabela, estância balneária famosa por suas praias, trilhas e cachoeiras e o Parque Estadual de Ilhabela (PEIb). A visitação e utilização deste local sem estratégias de conservação e manutenção podem se revelar danosas em médio e longo prazo. Por isso, é importante proceder ao inventário e à proteção de sua geodiversidade. Norteado pelo conceito apresentado pelo Serviço Geológico do Brasil (CPRM, 2006), este trabalho realizou o levantamento do patrimônio geológico de valor científico. Localizada no Terreno Serra do Mar, as rochas da ilha ilustram eventos geológicos importantes da região. Porém, o acesso aos afloramentos pode ser difícil, pois grande porcentagem do terreno apresenta desníveis intensos e é coberta por mata atlântica. Por isso, foi necessário percorrer trilhas ou acessar os locais pelo costão rochoso. O framework utilizado foi a história geológica da região costeira do estado, no contexto da evolução do Supercontinente Gondwana. Nesta categoria temática foram selecionados nove geossítios: Pedra do Sino, Pico do Baepi, Cachoeira do Gato, Praia da Figueira, Praia de Enchovas, Buraco do Cação, Diques da Ponta da Sela, Gabros Estratiformes e Praia do Portinho. Para a quantificação, foram utilizados os métodos de Brilha (2005) e da plataforma Geossit, desenvolvido pelo Serviço Geológico do Brasil (CPRM), que combina parâmetros e quesitos dos métodos de Brilha (2005) e Garcia-Cortés & Carcavilla Urquí (2009). Os resultados foram comparados e discutiu-se seu uso na área de estudo, concluindo-se que é necessária a extensa aplicação do Geossit com contínuo trabalho de desenvolvimento de alternativas e parâmetros que contemplem integralmente a grande diversidade de ambientes brasileiros. Ao final, são sugeridas iniciativas de gestão e interpretação dos geossítios, como o desenvolvimento de sites, painéis e guias geológicos, de modo a valorizar a área e seu patrimônio geológico e incentivar o geoturismo para o desenvolvimento social. Os resultados deste trabalho fornecem dados acerca da relevância científica, da vulnerabilidade e das ameaças do patrimônio geológico de Ilhabela, revelam locais com necessidade de maiores pesquisas científicas, apontam destinos didáticos universitários, bem como oferecem subsídios para a implementação de iniciativas de gestão que valorizem e protejam a geodiversidade enquanto alavancam o desenvolvimento social da região. / The Island of São Sebastião, on the northern coast of the state of São Paulo, comprises the city of Ilhabela, famous for its beaches, waterfalls and trails, and the State Park named after the city (PEIb). The high-use rate of this place without conservation and management strategies may cause damage in the medium and long term. It\"s important that the inventory of its geodiversity be done and protection measures be taken. Under the light of the definition coined by the Geological Service of Brazil (CPRM, 2006), this work aimed at inventorying the island\"s geoheritage of scientific value. The rocks of Ilhabela, part of the Terreno Costeiro tectonic domain, illustrate important geological events of this portion of the continent. However, the access to the bedrocks is usually hard, since most of the island is covered with rain forest and slopes. To get to the rocks it was necessary to explore jungle trails and climb the coastal boulders. The places of geological interest were appointed using as framework the geological history of the state coastline, with focus on the evolution of the Gondwana supercontinent. Nine scientific geosites were selected: Pedra do Sino, Pico do Baepi, Cachoeira do Gato, Praia da Figueira, Praia de Enchovas, Buraco do Cação, Diques da Ponta da Sela, Gabros Estratiformes and Praia do Portinho. The quantification of the geosites was done using two methods: the one devised by Brilha (2005) and the one developed by the Geological Service of Brazil (CPRM), presented on their website as Geossit, and which was based on Brilha\"s (2005) and Garcia-Cortés & Carcavilla Urquí ,,s (2009) methods. Results were compared and its application on the area of this study was discussed. It was possible to conclude that the extensive use of Geossit and the develo pment of continuous changes to the alternatives and parameters are necessary so as to encompass the large diversity of the Brazilian environments. To conclude, ideas for the geosites management and interpretation - such as websites, panels and geoguides - are suggested, aiming at valuing the area and its geoheritage as well as encouraging geoturism for social development. Results of this work provide data on the scientific relevance of the geoheritage in Ilhabela, reveal places in need of deeper investigation, suggest places for college studies and offer ground on which the organs of government and society may base geoheritage management plans in order to value and protect the island\"s geodiversity as well as boost social development.

Patrimônio geológico em áreas de proteção ambiental: Ubatuba-SP / Geological heritage in areas of environmental protection: Ubatuba, São Paulo

Priscila Lopes de Abreu Santos 26 November 2014 (has links)
O município de Ubatuba, localizado no litoral nortedo estado de São Paulo, constitui um dos principais destinos turísticos da região. A geodiversidade e a biodiversidade local formam um ambiente com exuberantes paisagens,constituídas principalmente por praias, costões rochosos e a Mata Atlântica querecobre a maior parte das escarpas da Serra do Mar. A região inclui três unidades de conservação: o Núcleo Picinguaba do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM), o Parque Estadual da Ilha Anchieta e a APA Marinha do litoral norte do estadode São Paulo. Geologicamente, a área está inserida no Terreno Serra do Mar (Domínio Costeiro) da Faixa Ribeira, um dos orógenos da Província Mantiqueira. O inventário do patrimônio geológico de Ubatuba foi realizado considerando como contexto geológico (framework) a evolução do Supercontinente Gondwana. Para tanto, os geossítios foram acessados pelo percurso de diversas trilhas ecoturísticas inseridas nas UC e costões rochosos ao longo da linha de costa de Ubatuba. Atualmente, este inventário é composto por dez geossítios, que foram agrupados de acordo com ointeresse geológico principal e associação com os eventos na história do GondwanaOcidental. São eles: Pedra do Sino de Ubatuba, Charnockito Ubatuba, Praia do Cedro do Sul, Praia da Ponta Aguda, Monzogranito Ilha Anchieta, Gruta que Chora,Brecha magmática Ilha Anchieta, Xenólitos do manto e cones de explosão, Pico do Corcovado e Pedreira Itamambuca. A quantificação dos geossítios foi feita utilizando-se três métodos: o de Brilha (2005), a plataforma GEOSSIT desenvolvida pelo Serviço Geológico do Brasil (CPRM), que para a composição das categorias avaliadas durante a quantificação se baseia nos métodos de Brilha (2005) e de Garcia-Cortés & Carcavilla Urquí (2009) e, o método de Pereira (2010). Os resultadosobtidos foram avaliados e discutidos a partir da comparação entre os parâmetros que os compõem e as adequações feitas para aplicação neste estudo. Ao final desta etapa, conclui-se que estes métodos necessitam ser discutidos e refinadosaté que se encontrem parâmetros e alternativas que melhor representem osdiferentes contextos do território brasileiro. Finalmente, são apresentadasalgumas propostas para valorização e divulgação dos geossítios com maior potencial turístico, que podem ser desenvolvidas inicialmente junto às UC e aos demais setores comerciais (artesanato, hotelaria e alimentação) da região como forma de proteger o meio natural e fomentar o turismo local por meio do geoturismo. Os resultados deste trabalho pretendem ser uma fonte de dados que subsidie pesquisas científicas na área abrangente, que integra o projeto de inventário do patrimônio geológico de todo o litoral paulista e para futuras ações de ordenamento territorial. / The city of Ubatuba is on the north coast of the state of São Paulo and is one of the major tourist destinations in the region. The localbiodiversity and geodiversity form an environment with lush landscapes, sandy beaches,rocky shores and rain forest that covers most of the Serra do Mar slopes. The region comprises three protected areas: the Picinguaba Center in Serra do Mar State Park (PESM), Anchieta Island State Park and the Marine APA of the northern coastof São Paulo. The area is part of the Serra do Mar Domain, in the Ribeira Belt, one of the orogens that form the Mantiqueira Geological Province.The inventory of the geoheritage of Ubatuba was carried out considering the evolution of the Gondwana Supercontinent as a geological context (framework). Both the ecotouristic trails in the Conservation Units (UC) and the rocky shores along Ubatuba coastline were visited in order to access the geosites. This inventory currently consists of ten geosites, which were then grouped according to the main geological interest and association with the events in the history of Western Gondwana. They are: Pedra doSino in Ubatuba, Ubatuba Charnockite, Cedro do Sul Beach, Ponta Aguda Beach,Monzogranite in Anchieta Island, The Weeping Cave, Magmatic Breccia in Anchieta Island, The mantle xenoliths and the explosion cones, Corcovado Peak and Itamambuca Quarry. Quantification of the geosites was made using the following three methods: Brilha (2005), the GEOSSIT platform - developed by the Geological Survey of Brazil (CPRM), which was based upon Brilha´s (2005) and Garcia-Cortés & Carcavilla Urquí´s (2009) for the composition of the categories that are assessed during quantification - , and Pereira (2010). Results were evaluated and the discussion was based on the comparison of the parameters that compose them and the adjustments made to their application in this study. It was possible to conclude that these methods need to be discussed and refined until parameters and alternatives that better represent the different contexts of theBrazilian territory are developed. Finally, in order to develop and promote potentially touristic geosites, we present ideas that can be initially developed with the UCs and other commercial sectors in the region (craft stores, hotels and restaurants), so as to protect the environment and nurture local tourism through geotourism. The results of this study are intended as a source of data which may support future scientific research in the broader area that integrates the inventory of geoheritage of the whole northern coast of the state of São Paulo.

Проблеми конзервације и могућности интерпретације геодиверзитета кањона и клисура југоисточне Србије / Problemi konzervacije i mogućnosti interpretacije geodiverziteta kanjona i klisura jugoistočne Srbije / Conservation problems and interpretation possibilities of geodiversity of canyons and gorges in South-east Serbia

Began Milica 27 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Део геонаслеђа југоисточне Србије ИЗ&nbsp; препознат је као такав и тиме заштићен<br />од стране надлежних институција, али без обзира на ову врсту заштите,&nbsp; објекти<br />геонаслеђа трпе и одређене типове деградације. Ова студија бави се препознавањем геонаслеђа и ван његовог институционалног оквира и истражује проблеме конзервације истог, а нарочито проблеме и ниво интерпретације заступљене на овим објектима. За потребе ове студије уређено је неколико научних истраживања и обиман теренски рад.</p> / <p>Deo geonasleđa jugoistočne Srbije IZ&nbsp; prepoznat je kao takav i time zaštićen<br />od strane nadležnih institucija, ali bez obzira na ovu vrstu zaštite,&nbsp; objekti<br />geonasleđa trpe i određene tipove degradacije. Ova studija bavi se prepoznavanjem geonasleđa i van njegovog institucionalnog okvira i istražuje probleme konzervacije istog, a naročito probleme i nivo interpretacije zastupljene na ovim objektima. Za potrebe ove studije uređeno je nekoliko naučnih istraživanja i obiman terenski rad.</p> / <p>A part of South-eastern Serbia&rsquo;s&nbsp; geoheritage is already recognized as such and protected by the institutions in charge. But no matter to this type of protection,<br />geoheritage sites endure certain types of degradation. This study shows a research of geoheritage outside of its instutional frame and finds problems of geoheritage<br />conservation and interpretation connected to these geosites. For the purpose of this study several scientific researches have been conducted along with extensive fieldwork.</p>

Геоморфолошко и хидролошко геонаслеђе Хомоља / Geomorfološko i hidrološko geonasleđe Homolja / Geomorphological and hydrological geoheritage of Homolje area

Miljković Đurđa 17 September 2018 (has links)
<p>Хомоље је орографски веома јасно дефинисана географска област у средишњем делу Источне&nbsp; Србије.&nbsp; Разноликост&nbsp; облика&nbsp; типично&nbsp; крашког&nbsp; карактера&nbsp; чије&nbsp; се&nbsp; фазе формирања могу пратити од иницијалне форме до потпуног развића, лака доступност и&nbsp; честина&nbsp; ретких&nbsp; облика&nbsp; и&nbsp; појава&nbsp; на&nbsp; малом&nbsp; простору,&nbsp; указују&nbsp; на&nbsp; примарно&nbsp; учешће крашких&nbsp; облика&nbsp; у&nbsp; рељефу&nbsp; обухваћене&nbsp; територије,&nbsp; који&nbsp; са&nbsp; флувијалним&nbsp; облицима представљају&nbsp; најзначајније&nbsp; садржаје&nbsp; геонаслеђа.&nbsp; У&nbsp; оквиру&nbsp;&nbsp; ове&nbsp; докторске дисертације,&nbsp; научно&nbsp; ће&nbsp; бити&nbsp; обрађени&nbsp; објекти&nbsp; геоморфолошког&nbsp; и&nbsp; хидролошког геонаслеђа&nbsp; Хомоља,&nbsp; од&nbsp; којих&nbsp; је&nbsp; само&nbsp; пет&nbsp; на&nbsp; Националној&nbsp; листи&nbsp; геонаслеђа&nbsp; Србије. Главни&nbsp; циљ&nbsp; докторске&nbsp; дисертације&nbsp; је&nbsp; да&nbsp; се&nbsp; аргументовано&nbsp; укаже&nbsp; на&nbsp; неоправдане празнине&nbsp; на&nbsp; карти&nbsp; геонаслеђа&nbsp; Источне&nbsp; Србије.&nbsp; Формирањем&nbsp; инвентара&nbsp; објеката геоморфолошког&nbsp; и&nbsp; хидролошког&nbsp; геонаслеђа&nbsp; Хомоља,&nbsp; биће&nbsp; издвојени&nbsp; они&nbsp; који располажу&nbsp; највећим&nbsp; потенцијалима&nbsp; у&nbsp; циљу&nbsp; одрживог&nbsp; развоја&nbsp; и&nbsp; заштите&nbsp; природне целине&nbsp; истраживаног&nbsp; подручја.&nbsp; Детаљна&nbsp; анализа&nbsp; и&nbsp; примена&nbsp; метода&nbsp; за&nbsp; евалуацију<br />геолокалитета&nbsp; ће&nbsp; омогућити&nbsp; истицање&nbsp; оних&nbsp; елемената&nbsp; који&nbsp; поједине&nbsp; облике&nbsp; и<br />локалитете&nbsp; у&nbsp; Хомољу&nbsp; фаворизују&nbsp; као&nbsp; посебно&nbsp; интересантне&nbsp; и&nbsp; атрактивне&nbsp; сегменте купног геодиверзитета у овом делу Источне Србије.<br />&nbsp;</p> / <p>Homolje je orografski veoma jasno definisana geografska oblast u središnjem delu Istočne&nbsp; Srbije.&nbsp; Raznolikost&nbsp; oblika&nbsp; tipično&nbsp; kraškog&nbsp; karaktera&nbsp; čije&nbsp; se&nbsp; faze formiranja mogu pratiti od inicijalne forme do potpunog razvića, laka dostupnost i&nbsp; čestina&nbsp; retkih&nbsp; oblika&nbsp; i&nbsp; pojava&nbsp; na&nbsp; malom&nbsp; prostoru,&nbsp; ukazuju&nbsp; na&nbsp; primarno&nbsp; učešće kraških&nbsp; oblika&nbsp; u&nbsp; reljefu&nbsp; obuhvaćene&nbsp; teritorije,&nbsp; koji&nbsp; sa&nbsp; fluvijalnim&nbsp; oblicima predstavljaju&nbsp; najznačajnije&nbsp; sadržaje&nbsp; geonasleđa.&nbsp; U&nbsp; okviru&nbsp;&nbsp; ove&nbsp; doktorske disertacije,&nbsp; naučno&nbsp; će&nbsp; biti&nbsp; obrađeni&nbsp; objekti&nbsp; geomorfološkog&nbsp; i&nbsp; hidrološkog geonasleđa&nbsp; Homolja,&nbsp; od&nbsp; kojih&nbsp; je&nbsp; samo&nbsp; pet&nbsp; na&nbsp; Nacionalnoj&nbsp; listi&nbsp; geonasleđa&nbsp; Srbije. Glavni&nbsp; cilj&nbsp; doktorske&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; je&nbsp; da&nbsp; se&nbsp; argumentovano&nbsp; ukaže&nbsp; na&nbsp; neopravdane praznine&nbsp; na&nbsp; karti&nbsp; geonasleđa&nbsp; Istočne&nbsp; Srbije.&nbsp; Formiranjem&nbsp; inventara&nbsp; objekata geomorfološkog&nbsp; i&nbsp; hidrološkog&nbsp; geonasleđa&nbsp; Homolja,&nbsp; biće&nbsp; izdvojeni&nbsp; oni&nbsp; koji raspolažu&nbsp; najvećim&nbsp; potencijalima&nbsp; u&nbsp; cilju&nbsp; održivog&nbsp; razvoja&nbsp; i&nbsp; zaštite&nbsp; prirodne celine&nbsp; istraživanog&nbsp; područja.&nbsp; Detaljna&nbsp; analiza&nbsp; i&nbsp; primena&nbsp; metoda&nbsp; za&nbsp; evaluaciju<br />geolokaliteta&nbsp; će&nbsp; omogućiti&nbsp; isticanje&nbsp; onih&nbsp; elemenata&nbsp; koji&nbsp; pojedine&nbsp; oblike&nbsp; i<br />lokalitete&nbsp; u&nbsp; Homolju&nbsp; favorizuju&nbsp; kao&nbsp; posebno&nbsp; interesantne&nbsp; i&nbsp; atraktivne&nbsp; segmente kupnog geodiverziteta u ovom delu Istočne Srbije.<br />&nbsp;</p> / <p>Homolje&nbsp; area&nbsp; is very clearly&nbsp; defined&nbsp; as&nbsp; a&nbsp; geographical&nbsp; area in the central part of Eastern Serbia.&nbsp; The&nbsp; diversity&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; typical&nbsp; karst&nbsp; terrain,&nbsp; whose&nbsp; formation&nbsp; phases&nbsp; can&nbsp; be&nbsp; traced from&nbsp; initial&nbsp; forms&nbsp; to&nbsp; complete&nbsp; development,&nbsp; easy&nbsp; access&nbsp;&nbsp; and&nbsp; many&nbsp; rare&nbsp; forms&nbsp; of landscapes&nbsp; indicate&nbsp; the&nbsp; primary&nbsp; participation&nbsp; of&nbsp; karst&nbsp; forms&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; relief,&nbsp; which,&nbsp; with fluvial forms, represent the most important&nbsp; features of geoheritage. In this&nbsp; PhD&nbsp; thesis,&nbsp; the geomorphological&nbsp; and&nbsp; hydrological&nbsp; geosites&nbsp; of&nbsp; Homolje&nbsp; area&nbsp; will&nbsp; be&nbsp; scientifically processed, of which only five are on the&nbsp; National list of geoheritage of Serbia. The main goal of the PhD&nbsp; thesis&nbsp; is to argue on the unjustified gaps on the map of geoheritage of the Eastern&nbsp; Serbian. By establishing the&nbsp; Inventory of the geomorphological and hydrological geosites&nbsp; of&nbsp; Homolje&nbsp; area,&nbsp; those&nbsp; who&nbsp; have&nbsp; the&nbsp; greatest&nbsp; potentials&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; purpose&nbsp; of sustainable&nbsp; development&nbsp; and&nbsp; protection&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; nature&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; investigated&nbsp; area&nbsp; will&nbsp; be separated.&nbsp; Detailed&nbsp; analysis&nbsp; and&nbsp; application&nbsp; of&nbsp; geosites&nbsp; assessment,&nbsp; will&nbsp; enable&nbsp; the emphasis&nbsp; of those elements that favor certain forms and&nbsp;&nbsp; phenomena&nbsp; in Homolje&nbsp; area&nbsp; as particularly interesting and attractive segments of total geodiversity in this part of Eastern Serbia.</p>

Ruptures de Versant Rocheux (RVR) à l’échelle des Alpes occidentales : inventaire systématique, analyse spatiale, perspectives patrimoniales / Rock Slope Failure (RSF) in the Western Alps : a systematic inventory with perspectives on causes, geohazards and geoheritage

Blondeau, Sylvain 02 October 2018 (has links)
L’étude des instabilités gravitaires profondes de versant (nommées ici RVR : Ruptures de Versant Rocheux) s’effectue généralement sous forme d’un suivi instrumenté à l’échelle d’un site jugé dangereux, parfois à l’échelle d’une vallée ou d’un massif. Plus rares sont les études qui apprécient la diversité, la taille et la distribution spatiale des RVR à l’échelle d’une chaîne de montagne. C’est ce que propose cette thèse pour les Alpes occidentales. Il s’agit tout d’abord d’un inventaire construit de manière systématique par imagerie satellite à l’aide d’un outil en accès libre : Google Earth Pro™, et d’une série de méthodes de détection visuelles assorties de vérifications sur le terrain. Une typologie qui s’appuie sur des classifications existantes, mais qui s’adapte au cortège de RVR observés dans l’aire d’étude, a permis de retenir cinq grandes catégories de RVR : les EAR (Eboulements et avalanches rocheuses), GR (Glissements rocheux), GC (Glissements-coulées), DGCVR (Déformations gravitaires profondes de versants rocheux) et DDV (Déformation de versant). Nous élaborons sur cette base une étiologie des RVR en fonction de grands facteurs préparatoires réputés mettre en mouvement les masses rocheuses : lithologie, structure géologique (contacts anormaux), sismicité, pente topographique, relief local, intensité du paléoenglacement würmien, précipitations actuelles, dégradation du pergélisol. Sur un inventaire exhaustif de 1400 RVR, les résultats montrent que la susceptibilité lithologique est le premier facteur qui conditionne l’occurrence des RVR, mais qu’il se cumule avec l’amplitude du relief exacerbée par le paléoenglacement quaternaire. Ce dernier fournit le potentiel gravitationnel localement nécessaire à la mise en mouvement des masses rocheuses. Les autres facteurs examinés présentent des degrés d’importance moindres à l’échelle régionale, avec toutefois des exceptions intéressantes à l’échelle locale et pour des catégories de RVR particulières. Ainsi, on peut noter des RVR en lien avec certaines failles et fronts de chevauchements, ainsi qu’avec la dégradation du pergélisol — mais uniquement dans le cas des éboulements. Parmi l’ensemble des facteurs, le pouvoir explicatif des totaux de précipitations demeure le plus faible. Dans une optique de valorisation scientifique du catalogue des RVR inventoriés, nous proposons des perspectives de mise en valeur géo-patrimoniale de certaines RVR sur la base de leurs caractéristiques morphologiques, ou du risque que certaines masses rocheuses font peser sur les enjeux économiques et humains des populations. Nous présentons ainsi une galerie de RVR remarquables, retenues pour leur caractère singulier, ou dangereux, ou éducatif, ou emblématique à divers titres. / The study of rockslope failure (RSF) is usually focused on the instrumental monitoring of hazardous sites, sometimes extended to a population of RSF in a valley or massif. Few studies survey and analyse RSF at the much broader scale of a mountain range. Here we produce a systematic inventory of RSF in the Western Alps based on satellite imagery provided by the open-access platform Google Earth Pro™, and using a series of ground-truth-tested visual detection methods. Based on a categorisation inspired by existing classifications but adapted to the range of RSF observed in the study area, five main RSF types were identified: rockfalls and rock avalanches, rockslides, earthflows, deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DSGSD), and slope deformations. We analyse the spatial incidence of those five categories in relation to a range of likely cumulative causes. The analysis covers lithology and rock fabric, geological structure (faults, thrust fronts), seismicity, slope angle, local relief, the intensity of Würmian glaciation, modern rainfall patterns, and permafrost degradation. Results from a total population of 1400 RSF occurrences show that RSF incidence and mode are overwhelmingly susceptible to rock type, but that local relief enhanced by past glaciation generates the gravitational potential needed to move the rock masses. Other conditional factors receive lower rankings at the regional scale, but stronger connections appear in local settings. At places, RSF size or density are seen to correlate with faults, thrust fronts, and with permafrost degradation (restricted, however, to the rockfall category). Among all the likely causes of RSF, rainfall totals represent the weakest link. Among the 1400 sites we focus on a subset of flagship RSF occurrences that we consider relevant to either geoheritage or land-use planning concerns. The criteria were selected on the basis of morphological characteristics (uniqueness, educational and scientific value) or from the perspective of the hazards that some of the displaced rock masses may present to human life and infrastructure.

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