Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geovetenskap ocho miljövetenskap"" "subject:"geovetenskap och3 miljövetenskap""
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Looking for Opportunities for Sustainable 'Smart' Mobility: The Case of Self Driving Cars vs. 'Ride Sharing'Bökmark, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
Sweden is aiming for a sustainable development through achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. To do so, new mobility habits among Sweden’s inhabitants must be realized; public transport and car sharing have to be prioritised over private car ownership in which people travel alone. As the Swedish government aims to meet these needs, the commercialisation of autonomous vehicles is awaited along with digitalisation. Digitalisation cross-bread with a roll out of self driving cars is by some expected to boost the roll out of Mobility as a Service in the shape of a door to door solution within transportation. This can potentially create a decline of today’s ride sharing services, largely made up by the mass transit-system and ride-pooling. The use of mass transit systems and large pooled rides has the biggest potential to reduce congestion and CO2-emissions or energy use per traveller, provided the passengers are going in the same direction. As a self driving door to door solution can cause shifts in the demand for transportation, this study aims to understand the pathway needed to make ride sharing the preferred choice of motorised transportation among travellers in urban areas in Sweden by 2030 – in the light of the potential Self Driving door to door roll out, as well as the achievement of the SDGs. To meet the aim, the transition theory Multi-Level Perspective and Strategic Niche Management is used, together with semi-structures interviews with central stakeholders of ride sharing. The result shows that mobilisation processes through communication, envisioning and education are needed, together with innovation promoting sustainable behaviours, such as digital means for a faster democratic process. With regards to innovation processes, the result shows that the use of interdisciplinarity and promotion of perspectives deriving from the humanities within in learning and envisioning practices in Sweden are needed. Both within the Swedish educational system, but also at conferences. The results also show a need for economic schemes and steering policies for the promotion of ride sharing.
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Nedskräpning i Halmstads tätort : En kartläggning av tillsyn och attityderPersson, Julia January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Utredning av regional biogasproduktion inom lantbruket : Förutsättningar, potential och hinder för gårdsbaserade anläggningarNilsson, Mia, Swiecicka, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Biogas is renewable and carbon neutral, which makes it an excellent environmentally friendly alternative to the use of fossil fuels. Biogas production in agriculture is based on the use of manure and residual waste, which results in less greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere. Biogas production, together with other environmental initiatives, can contribute to achieving several of the Swedish environmental goals. Today, the farm-based biogas production in Halland County is still under development and although there is a great potential in agriculture, it is far from being used. It is also important to find out whether the conditions for agricultural-based biogas production have changed and to find out what difficulties there are to eliminate and what can be done to get more farmers to invest in biogas. The method used to answer the question is based on interviews with ten farmers, review of scientific literature, reports and statistics. The result shows that the conditions for biogas production in agriculture have improved, but there are some obstacles that should be remedied. In order to develop and create a stable and sustainable farm-based biogas production, it is necessary that the permit process is simplified and that it creates demand and a stable market for biogas. Furthermore, active efforts are required from politicians and municipalities as well as a dialogue between various biogas actors, farmers and authorities, to develop a sustainable and long-term farm-based biogas production.
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Erstavik : Fideikommiss ur ett resursperspektivHaeffner, Anton January 2019 (has links)
By examining the spicific structure of ownership associated with a fideikommiss, this study uses a geographic perspective to explain how Erstavik remain a rural-like area surrounded by urban development. The results based on questionnaire and literature search shows that laws and regulations for fideikommiss does not fully protect property within a fideikommiss from development. However, the consequences of the specific rules for fideikommiss shows to impede urban development within a fideikommiss over time. In addition, the function of the area as a large greenspace with high conservation values largely accessible for visitors, does show to be a likely explanation for the prolongation of Erstavik as a fideikommiss. By analyzing the results in a context of urban greenspace, ecosystem services and land use, previous studies on related topics are presented and compared with for an added scientific perspective. As a method to view Erstaviks fideikommiss from a resource perspective, the local municipality, county administration and landowner gives their view on todays' land use in Erstavik based on each respective agenda. Lastly, the varying meanings of a resource in a context of geography is briefly applied to each respective agenda.
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Chemical Stabilization of Arsenic in Contaminated Soil under Low Redox Conditions / Kemisk stabilisering av arsenik i förorenad jord med låga redox-förhållandenSmedborn Pausson, Eva January 2019 (has links)
Remediation techniques for arsenic contaminated soil have previously focused mostly on the surface soil layers where aerobic conditions are prevalent. In this master thesis, chemical stabilization by adding zero-valent iron (Fe(0)) and calcium oxide (CaO) to an arsenic-contaminated soil under low redox conditions have been studied through up-flow percolation tests. Over a time of 2 months, pH, conductivity, redox potential and concentrations of major and minor elements including As, Zn, Cu, Cd, Fe and Ca under both fluctuating and continuous flow were measured. Results indicate that CaO is a very promising amendment to use under conditions of low redox, immobilizing 98% of the As and 50-65% of Zn, Cd and Cr over the 8 weeks of testing, compared to the untreated soil. Copper on the other hand was mobilized by the treatment; but as the concentrations of Cu in the soil was low the increased leaching would in this case not be problematic. The leached water also had a very alkaline pH at 13, while conductivity was relatively high at 6.5 mS cm-1 and the redox potential remained negative throughout the two months. Geochemical modelling indicate that the immobilization of As is most likely controlled by precipitation of Ca-As-complexes as well as ettringite and portlandite. The precipitation of these minerals are controlled by pH, while redox conditions were shown to not be a controlling factor. The alkalinity of the CaO-amended soil was very high and it is expected that the alkaline conditions controlling the immobilization of As will prevail for hundreds of years. Fe(0) that previously has shown good results in stabilizing As under oxidized conditions did not effectively immobilize As under the low redox conditions in this study. Rather, the leaching of As and metals like Cr, Cd, Cu and Zn showed very similar results as the untreated soil. The results signifies the importance of activating the Fe(0) beforehand to allow amorphous Fe-oxides to form to which the metal(loids) can sorb to. In the study it was also observed that a fluctuating groundwater table could have an effect on both untreated and treated soil as wet and dry cycles influenced the leached concentrations of As and many other elements. More As was leached during the dry days in the untreated soil and the soil treated with Fe(0), while the opposite was true for the CaO-treated soil. The results suggests that using CaO as an amendment to treat As-contaminated soil is a method that potentially can be used for soils that have low redox conditions, for example soils below the groundwater table and landfills, although caution should be used in situations with more complex contamination, e.g. where both As and Cu are present. / Efterbehandlingsmetoder för arsenikförorenad jord har tidigare fokuserat på ytliga jordlager där syre finns tillgängligt och förhållandena är oxiska. I denna masteruppsats har kemisk stabilisering av arsenik under anoxiska förhållanden i en förorenad jord studerats. I perkolationsförsök över två månader har effekten av två olika kemiska tillsatser, nollvärt järn (Fe(0)) och kalciumoxid (CaO), på utlakningen av halvmetaller och metaller som As, Zn, Cd, Cu och Cr samt påverkan på pH, konduktivitet och redoxpotential undersökts under både fluktuerande och konstanta flöden. Resultaten visar att CaO är en lovande tillsats att använda för kemisk stabilisering av As i jordar som har anoxiska förhållanden. 98% av As immobiliserades jämfört med den obehandlade jorden. Behandlingen med CaO resulterade även i ett stabilt basiskt pH på 13. Konduktiviteten hölls också på en stabil nivå på 6,5 mS cm-1 medans redoxpotentialen varierade en del men var negativ under hela experimentet. Den utlakade koncentrationen av As låg mellan 0.059 och 0.021 mg L-1. CaO immobiliserade även Zn, Cd och Cr med en effektivitet som låg mellan 50-65%, jämfört med den obehandlade jorden. Koppar däremot mobiliserades och lakades ut i större utsträckning; men då Cu-koncentrationen i jorden var låg från början utgör detta inget större problem. Geokemisk modellering indikerade att immobiliseringen av As kontrolleras av pH, men förblev opåverkad av redoxpotentialen. Då alkaliniteten i den CaO-behandlade jorden var hög förväntas de basiska förhållandena som kontrollerar den kemiska stabiliseringen av As att kvarstå under flera hundra år. Tidigare studier har visat att Fe(0) till stor del stabiliserar As under oxiska förhållanden, men under de anoxiska förhållandena i denna studie hade den Fe(0)-behandlade jorden liknande resultat som den obehandlade jorden, både vad gäller utlakning av metaller, pH, konduktivitet och redoxpotential. Detta markerar vikten av att aktivera Fe(0) genom att låta den reagera med syre och vatten i jorden för att bilda amorfa Fe-oxider som (halv)metallerna kan adsorbera till. I detta fall tillsattes inget vatten i förväg, vilket ledde till att det mesta av järnet lakades ut direkt, utan att bilda fler ytor som speciellt As kan binda till. För båda dessa jordar var utlakningen av As två storleksordnar större jämfört med den CaO-behandlade jorden. Studien visade också att en fluktuerande grundvattennivå kan ha en effekt på utlakningen av grundämnen både behandlad och obehandlad jord, då cykler av anoxiska och oxiska förhållanden påverkade koncentrationerna i utlakningsvattnet. Mer As lakades ut under de dagar som hade mer anoxiska förhållanden jämfört med oxiska dagar för den Fe(0)-behandlade jorden och den obehandlade jorden, medans det motsatta var sant för den CaO-behandlade jorden. Resultaten indikerar att CaO har en potential till att användas för att kemiskt stabilisera As i jordar som har låga redox-förhållanden, exempelvis i jordar som är under grundvattenytan och i deponier, men att försiktighet ska användas i jordar som har en mer komplex föroreningssituation, speciellt i jordar som är förorenat av både As och Cu.
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Identifiering och kvalitetsbedömning av mineral genom RamanspektroskopiWilhelmsson, Emelie January 2014 (has links)
Ramanspektroskopi är en mångsidig teknik som bland annat kan användas inom områden som geokemi och mineralogi. När mer vanligt förekommande tekniker som röntgendiffraktionsanalys inte går att använda optimalt är Ramanspektroskopi mer användbart. Ramanspektroskopi av mineral kan användas för att identifiera små partiklar, dess beteende under olika temperaturer och tryck. Analysmetoden kan även användas för att identifiera inneslutningar av defekter, föroreningar eller vätskor hos olika mineral. I detta projekt har ett flertal olika mineral undersökts med hjälp av två olika Raman spektrometrar. Ena är ett stationärt Raman-system och den andra är ett portabelt Raman-system. Information som erhållets från taget spektra har sedan jämförts med spektra från databasen RRUFF.info. Jämförelsen är i detta fall den metod som används för att besvara syftet, som är att identifiera och kvalitetsbedöma ett flertal olika mineral. Spektrumen påvisar skillnader i bakgrund och toppar beroende på dess morfologi, inneslutning av föroreningar och andra defekter. De undersökta mineralen har generellt sett bedömts vara av god kvalité, särskilt de enskilda kristallerna. De flesta mineralers spektra innehöll starka intensiva toppar som var igenkännbara i spektra från RRUFF databas. Dock hade de flesta mineraler någon form av ökad bakgrund i deras spektra, orsakad troligen av inneslutningar av föroreningar och defekter.
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Swedish Political Parties and their Stance on Business and Human RightsWee, Maurice January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Factors influencing farmer’s decision-making and resilience : The case of banana production in Amubri, Costa Ricavon Ketteler, Lorenza January 2018 (has links)
The need for further research into farmer’s resilience and an enhanced communication between multinational enterprises and farmers of developing countries, led to the investigation of decision-making factors, in the context of sustainable agricultural development. Cause for this need is the current global spread of Tropical Race 4 attacking the worldwide grown Cavendish banana and the global call for action in implementing new banana cultivars resistant to this disease. Research was completed in the community of Amubri in Costa Rica with farmers belonging to the Bribri tribe. The main aims of the study were to investigate which factors influence the farmer’s in their choice of banana cultivar and how resilient the farmers were to disturbances like banana diseases. Results showed that the socio-personal factors, such as family tradition and economic factors, such as demand of the market, had a high relevance in farmer’s choice of bananas cultivar. It showed that farmers are torn between following traditional ways of farming and the increasing globalised characteristics of commercial agriculture, limiting them in several decisions. The transition towards an ever more commercialised farming system, which is slowly embedded in the global economy, brings along advantages and disadvantages in the context of community resilience. Whereas the economic capital is increasing, aspects like environmental capital might get less attention. It is suggested to keep a balance between different capitals in order to strengthen community resilience.
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Skyfall som orsak till extrem jorderosionBredelius, Jonas January 2018 (has links)
Heavy rain may cause significant erosion and damage to natural and anthropogenic landforms. The purpose of this paper is to describe the most extensive events of soil erosion from heavy rain that are recorded in Sweden and how the prerequisites of this weather phenomena is affected by different future climate scenarios. The described events are Falu Coppermine 1666, Fulufjället 1997 and Hagfors 2004. Information about future conditions for heavy rain is from the climate model program of the Swedish Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (SMHI). In all the described places, there is considerable declination, which is a much contributing caused by erosion. Slope erosion takes place when the soil is saturated with water and starts sliding. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) and the Swedish Geotechnical Institute (SGI) have used 17° as threshold value when making inventories of areas subject to risk of rapid soil erosion. The composition of the vegetation and the soils affects the ability to absorb water and withstand erosion. Areas sensitive to erosion has been identified but the occurrence of extreme heavy rain is hard to calculate, as its appearance is difficult to predict as it depends upon incidental local factors. The climate modeling’s of the SMHI indicates however, an increased intensity of the heaviest rainfalls even at relatively moderate global temperature increases / Kraftig nederbörd kan orsaka omfattande erosionsskador på naturliga och antropogena formationer. Syftet med detta arbete är att beskriva tre av de mest omfattande erosionsorsakande regnvädren som har beskrivits i Sverige och hur förutsättningarna för detta väderfenomen påverkas av olika klimatscenarier. De beskrivna händelserna är Falu gruva 1666, Fulufjället 1997 och Hagfors 2004. Information om framtida förutsättningar för kraftiga skyfall har inhämtats genom SMHI:s klimatmodelleringsprogram. Vid samtliga lokaler finns det betydande deklination vilket är en kraftigt bidragande orsak till erosion när jorden mättas av vatten och börjar flyta. MSB och SGI har använt 17° som tröskelvärde vid inventering av riskområden. Även vegetationens och jordarternas sammansättning och vattenmättnad påverkar markens förmåga att motstå erosion. Känsliga områden för erosion kan identifieras men förekomsten av extrema regnoväder är svårberäknad då de dess förekomst är beroende av tillfälliga lokala faktorer. SMHI:s program för modelleringar visar dock en ökad intensitet för de kraftigare regnen även vid relativt måttliga globala temperaturhöjningar.
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Fältstudier i geografi i skolan. / Fieldstudies in geography in schoolNiemi, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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