Spelling suggestions: "subject:"geovetenskap ocho miljövetenskap"" "subject:"geovetenskap och3 miljövetenskap""
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The nutrient-color paradigm : A test based on a comperative analysis of lakes in four ecoregions in SwedenNordström, Viktoria January 2021 (has links)
The nutrient-color paradigm explains lake productivity as a function of the concentrations of nutrients and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in the water column. Specifically, the paradigm predicts that primary production decreases with increasing concentrations of CDOM due to reduced light penetration, and increases with nitrogen or phosphorus concentration because these are typically the growth limiting elements for phytoplankton. A key assumption of the nutrient-color paradigm is that these factors are independent, forming orthogonal axes of a habitat template. This thesis presents an empirical test of this assumption based on water chemistry data collected from Swedish lakes in four ecoregions with different land cover and land use characteristics. Lakes in southern Sweden have weak correlations between metrics of nutrient concentration and CDOM. In contrast, there were strong correlations between nutrient and CDOM concentrations in northern Sweden. These results indicate that the orthogonality assumption of nutrient-color paradigm only holds in some ecoregions, specifically those where there are substantial inorganic nutrient sources available like in southern Sweden due to agriculture and urbanization. I describe how this observation reconciles apparently contrasting patterns of primary production observed when comparing lakes in northern Sweden compared to those reported in the temperate ecoregions.
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Miljöpåverkan i samband med begravningar och begravningsceremonier : En undersökning av möjlighet för nationella styrsystemför gravplatser samt en enkätstudie om attityder för frivilligt miljöarbetePetersson, Maria January 2021 (has links)
Vid förändringar i klimat och förändrade vattenmönster kan föroreningar i markenhärledda från tidigare aktiviteter i samband med begravningar innebära ökade riskerför förorening av grundvatten i anslutning till gravplatser. Sjukdomsspridandepatogener uppkommer bara från kistbegravningar så den ökande trend avkremeringar som går att se i Sverige minskar dessa risker. Fler utförda kremeringaroch att askan koncentreras på begränsade ytor kan däremot innebära att markensbindande kapacitet av föroreningar överstigs och leder till att föroreningarna spridstill grundvattnet. Detta är något som måste utredas grundligare samt riskbedömas.För vätskor som används vid balsamering av avlidna är riskerna inte tillräckligtklarlagda hur de kan påverka den som utför balsameringsprocessen samt hur de kanpåverka miljön runt en gravplats, och då endast regionala föreskrifter bestämmervalet av balsameringsvätskor gör detta att flera olika nedbrytningsrester avbalsameringsvätskor kan finnas spridda över olika gravplatser. För att minska riskenmed att regnvatten kan föra med sig föroreningar och patogener från gravplatser tillnärliggande vattenkällor uppmuntras plantering av träd och gränsväxter som kanhjälpa till att hålla kvar vattenflödena inom gravplatsen. Studien har undersöktmöjligheten till nationella krav på riskbedömningar av gravplatser samt krav omväxter med fytoremedierade förmåga på de gravplatser det behövs. Då vart pastoratvar juridiskt självstyrande var nationellt bindande krav inte möjligt. Tvingandeåtgärder kunde bara komma från en myndighet exempelvis länsstyrelsen. Riktlinjeroch uttalade målsättningar fanns från Svenska kyrkans sida, som ansvarar förmajoriteten av Sveriges gravplatser, och stor fokus ägnades åt att ge stöd,information och utbildning från nationell nivå. Krav på begravningsbyråer ochflorister om att inte erbjuda produkter som kunde utgöra föroreningsrisker behövdeäven de komma från myndigheter då Svenska kyrkan inte hade mandat för att krävasådana begränsningar. Från utförd enkätundersökning, besvarad av 57 svenskabegravningsbyråer, inkom önskemål om att en certifiering skulle krävas både för attstarta upp en begravningsbyrå och för att få fortsätta driva den. Enkäten innehölläven önskemål om reglering av branschen och att utbildningen inte skulle kommafrån förbundet utan från myndigheter. Från enkäten gick att utläsa att även omkunden var i första rum behövde det inte automatiskt innebära att miljöhänsynbehövde uteslutas, en vacker begravning och ceremonier gick att kombinera medbra val ur miljösynpunkt. Studien såg möjlighet i att begravningsbyråer ochbranschorganisationen skulle kunna ta större ansvar i fråga om att bara erbjudakistor och urnor av miljömässigt fördelaktiga material. För maximal miljömässigvinst skulle ett förbud krävas av Riksdagen som i sin tur måste ha väl genomfördforskning för att grunda sitt beslut på, vilket i dagsläget saknas. / In the event of changes in climate and changes in water patterns, contamination inthe soil derived from previous activities in connection with funerals may entailincreased risks of contamination of groundwater in connection with burial sites.Disease-spreading pathogens arise only from coffin burials, so the increasing trendof cremations that can be seen in Sweden reduces these risks. More performedcremations and that the ash is concentrated on limiting areas can mean that thebinding capacity of the soil is exceeded, and that is something that must beinvestigated more thoroughly, and risk assessed. For liquids used in embalming thedead, the risks are not necessarily clear how they can affect the person performingthe process or the environment surrounding the graveyard and since only regionalregulations determine the choice of embalming fluids, this means that severaldifferent residues of embalming fluids may be scattered over different burial sites.To reduce the risk that rainwater can carry pollutants and pathogens from burialsites to nearby water sources, planting of trees and border plants is encouraged thatcan help maintain water flows within the burial site. The study has investigated thepossibility of national requirements for risk assessments of burial sites as well asrequirements for plants with phytoremediation ability in the burial sites that areneeded. As each pastorate was legally self-governing, nationally bindingrequirements were not possible. Compulsory measures could only come from anauthority such as the county administrative board. Guidelines and stated goals wereset by the Church of Sweden, which is responsible for the majority of Sweden'sgraveyards, and great focus was placed on providing support, information andeducation from the national level. Requirements for funeral homes and florists notto offer products that could pose pollution risks also needed to come fromauthorities as the Church of Sweden did not have a mandate to demand suchrestrictions. From a survey conducted, answered by 57 Swedish funeral homes,requests were received that a certification would be required both to start up afuneral home and to be allowed to continue running it. The survey also containedrequests for regulation of the industry and that the education would not come fromthe union but from authorities. From the survey it could be deduced that even if thecustomer was first priority, it did not automatically mean that environmentalconsiderations needed to be excluded, a beautiful funeral and ceremonies could becombined with good choices from an environmental point of view. The study sawthe possibility that funeral homes and the trade association could take greaterresponsibility in terms of only offering coffins and urns of environmentallyadvantageous materials. For maximum environmental benefit, a ban would berequired by the Riksdag, which in turn must have carried out well-conductedresearch to base its decision on, which is currently lackingIn the event of changes in climate and changes in water patterns, contamination inthe soil derived from previous activities in connection with funerals may entailincreased risks of contamination of groundwater in connection with burial sites.Disease-spreading pathogens arise only from coffin burials, so the increasing trendof cremations that can be seen in Sweden reduces these risks. More performedcremations and that the ash is concentrated on limiting areas can mean that thebinding capacity of the soil is exceeded, and that is something that must beinvestigated more thoroughly, and risk assessed. For liquids used in embalming thedead, the risks are not necessarily clear how they can affect the person performingthe process or the environment surrounding the graveyard and since only regionalregulations determine the choice of embalming fluids, this means that severaldifferent residues of embalming fluids may be scattered over different burial sites.To reduce the risk that rainwater can carry pollutants and pathogens from burialsites to nearby water sources, planting of trees and border plants is encouraged thatcan help maintain water flows within the burial site. The study has investigated thepossibility of national requirements for risk assessments of burial sites as well asrequirements for plants with phytoremediation ability in the burial sites that areneeded. As each pastorate was legally self-governing, nationally bindingrequirements were not possible. Compulsory measures could only come from anauthority such as the county administrative board. Guidelines and stated goals wereset by the Church of Sweden, which is responsible for the majority of Sweden'sgraveyards, and great focus was placed on providing support, information andeducation from the national level. Requirements for funeral homes and florists notto offer products that could pose pollution risks also needed to come fromauthorities as the Church of Sweden did not have a mandate to demand suchrestrictions. From a survey conducted, answered by 57 Swedish funeral homes,requests were received that a certification would be required both to start up afuneral home and to be allowed to continue running it. The survey also containedrequests for regulation of the industry and that the education would not come fromthe union but from authorities. From the survey it could be deduced that even if thecustomer was first priority, it did not automatically mean that environmentalconsiderations needed to be excluded, a beautiful funeral and ceremonies could becombined with good choices from an environmental point of view. The study sawthe possibility that funeral homes and the trade association could take greaterresponsibility in terms of only offering coffins and urns of environmentallyadvantageous materials. For maximum environmental benefit, a ban would berequired by the Riksdag, which in turn must have carried out well-conductedresearch to base its decision on, which is currently lacking
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Mercury in Fossil Leaves as a Proxy for Tracking Large Igneous Province Volcanism / Kvicksilver i fossila blad som proxy för att undersöka förekomst av vulkanism från stor vulkanisk provinsNäslund, Johan January 2021 (has links)
During some mass extinctions, usually minor, world oceans also underwent anoxic to euxinic conditions, events called Oceanic anoxic events (OAEs). Such an event unfolded during the Toarcian (∼183 Ma), called the T-OAE which is suggested to have been caused by Karoo-Ferrar Large Igneous Province (LIP) volcanism. In the present day, volcanoes release extensive amounts of Hg, it has therefore been hypothesized that elevated mercury (Hg) levels in sediments can be used as a proxy to correlate the two. During the T-OAE, increased Hg-levels have been observed in marine records from numerous basins across multiple continents suggesting atmospheric Hg0 to have been significantly raised. Leaves have a substantial uptake of Hg0, therefore this study investigated the possibility of using fossil leaves as a proxy to detect raised levels of Hg0. Mercury analysis was conducted on leaves from the Toudahoe section, from Hubei Province (Southern China), where the T-OAE already has been located stratigraphically, in a section of Toarcian age, through paleoflora, elevated atmospheric PCO2, negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE) (characteristic negative shift of ∼3–9 ‰ interrupting a positive excursion), and raised global temperatures by ∼6°C. Raised levels of Hg were observed in leaves in, and leading up to, the beds suggested to represent the T-OAE. The observed elevated fossil-leaf Hg values directly coincide with elevated Hg-concentrations in marine sedimentary records from other basins, such as the Mochras borehole sedimentary archive from the Cardigan Bay Basin (UK),inferring elevated Hg in fossil leaves to be useful as a proxy, validating the stratigraphy and concluding that atmospheric Hg0 was significantly raised during, and leading up to, the T-OAE. It also suggests that episodes of volcanic activity happened before the onset of the T-OAE, while the main phase of Karoo-Ferrar volcanism took place during the T-OAE. Analysis on terrestrial sediments showed high Hg/TOC results in samples with low/ or high TOC-values, deducing that factors such as depositional environment, type of organic matter (OM) and clay- and sulfur content may affect the ratio, which needs to be analysed in order to produce a valid terrestrial Hg/TOC- record. Further, samples with TOC <1% needs to be analysed for TOC multiple times, because of large analytical errors when carbon is very low.
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Why Does It Always Rain On Me? : Properties of Alternative Durable Water Repellent Chemicals for TextilesSchellenberger, Steffen January 2016 (has links)
Environmental pollution caused by persistent perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) - Organic Chemicals with confirmed levels of toxicity and propensity for bioaccumulation - has given rise to global environmental concerns. Functional textiles Containing durable water repellents (DWRs) That are based on side-chain fluorinated polymers are Noted to be the major contributors to the release of Such environmental pollutants. This results from the release of impurities and Their Gradual degradation. Nevertheless, the properties of DWRs based on long chain perfluoroalkyl chains resulting thing into Exceptional Performance Materials Into the repellent textiles and are there fore hard to replace without detriment to textile quality. This thesis AIMS to characterise the currently available alternatives by DWR Assessing Their technical performance and potentiality as hazardous chemicals with respect to Estimated emission scenarios. Further More, The Work Carried out herein Suggests That by taking a segmented perspective of the textile market, the substitution of fluorinated materials with more environmentally benign alternatives where peak performance materials is not required might sacrifice a better solution. In addition, the thesis proposes Directions for Future Research That May be Considered essential for a more robust breakfest and understanding of the environmental fate of DWR Polymers and how best to defuse Reduce emissions of PFAAs.
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Developing geochemical and mineralogical proxies for the correlation of paleotsunami layersLöwhagen, Linda January 2015 (has links)
The catastrophic Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 raised urgent questions about the paleotsunami history in the region. Numerous studies have since been conducted to gain better understanding of the magnitude, frequency and impact of past tsunamis, especially around the coasts of the Indian Ocean. Southwest Thailand directly faces the Sunda Arc trench where the earthquake that generated the Indian Ocean tsunami took place. The lack of historical documents and of suitable geological archives makes paleotsunami research a challenge in this area however. Phra Thong Island, on the Andaman Coast of southwest Thailand, with its marshy swales has proven an exception and is one of the few suitable locations for these types of studies. Apart from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami layer, three to four more distinct paleotsunami layers, separated by organic rich soil horizons have been previously identified and dated using radiocarbon and Optically Stimulated Luminescence techniques. Despite these efforts, several outstanding issues have to be resolved: (1) the correlation of tsunami/paleotsunami layers over larger distances remains ambiguous, particularly older layers; (2) age attributions for several of the paleotsunami layers differ at different locations; and (3) alterations of soil and sand layers by postdepositional processes are still poorly understood This thesis addresses these issues and aims to develop geochemical proxies that allow characterising each tsunami/paleotsunami layer in three different swales. As shown here, X-ray fluorescence elemental geochemistry, combined with loss-on-ignition analysis and mineralogical identification, is a promising tool for identifying paleotsunami layers. The specific geochemical signature of each sand layer can then be used for correlations over larger distances. This approach has the potential to provide a means for estimating past tsunami inundation distances, and thus their magnitude.
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The Holocene climate history of Lake Kumphawapi, northeast ThailandChawchai, Sakonvan January 2012 (has links)
Thailand Paleo-Monsoon Project
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Paleoceanography of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific over the last eight million yearsReghellin, Daniele January 2013 (has links)
Many studies have investigated the evolution of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) Ocean paleoceanography since the late Neogene because of its role in regulating the Earth’s climate and because global climate has undergone major changes during this time period. However, current understanding of the EEP paleoceanography encounters two basic problems. First, this region is characterized by steep east-west and meridional gradients in Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) and biological productivity, which can vary from one year to another. Second, the seafloor lies below the lysocline in most of the area, leading to poor preservation of biogenic carbonate. As a result, sediments from the EEP exhibit major changes in their physical and compositional properties over short time, and hence sediment depth, increments. Therefore, the study of bulk sediment properties is crucial to further understand the paleoceanography of EEP during the past 8 Myr. Bulk sediment properties are highly appropriate proxies for achieving highly resolved and time comparable SST and biological productivity data because changes in such properties can be traced across the EEP over large distances.This thesis presents two manuscripts. In Paper 1 we examine the positive second-order relationship between wet bulk density (WBD) and carbonate content of sediments from the EEP. This relationship is important because it can be used to determine high-resolution carbonate content records. In Paper 2 we examine bulk sediment stable isotopes records from the EEP to understand what these records actually represent and whether these records are robust across the EEP. The main conclusions of these studies are (1) a single two-component equation cannot be used to determine carbonate content from the WBD. Instead, the WBD-carbonate relationship can only be described by an infinite series of curves representing the mixing of different components; (2) bulk sediment stable isotope records are robust across the EEP and changes in grain-size are not the primary cause of variations of these records. / Reconstructing the Oceanography of the Climatically Sensitive Low-Latitude Pacific Ocean Since the Late Miocene
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Livscykelanalyser i praktiken – funktionella enheter, systemgränser och miljöpåverkanskategorier i analyser av animaliska livsmedel.Sandberg, Erica January 2021 (has links)
År 2050 förväntas världens befolkning att uppnå 9 miljarder människor och samtidigt stiger efterfrågan på livsmedel såsom kött-, ägg- och mjölk (FAO, 2012). Om detta ska vara möjligt behöver livsmedelsproduktionens miljöpåverkan minska avsevärt. Vi behöver producera mer mat med lägre resursanvändning, mindre markanvändning och vattenförbrukning, samt utan utarmning av näringsämnen och spridning av kemiska föroreningar. För att få en helhetsbild av den totala miljöpåverkan av en produkts livscykel kan en livscykelanalys (LCA) användas. Metoden analyserar och beräknar miljöpåverkan utifrån en funktionell enhet och i den systematiska inventeringsanalysen utvärderas en produkts miljöpåverkan från ”vagga till grav”. Detta brukar innefatta primärproduktion med utvinning av råmaterial, materialtillverkning, produkttillverkning, användning av produkten och sist avfallshantering. Den internationella standarden, ISO 14 040:2006, beskriver principer och struktur för hur en LCA ska genomföras. Den ger en allmän vägledning och grundläggande definitioner som beskriver de fyra obligatoriska delsteg en LCA analys bör omfatta. I detta examensarbete var syftet att analysera och jämföra LCA av animalieprodukter samt att utifrån dessa resultat diskutera konsekvenser för jämförbarheten beroende på skillnader beträffande: vilken funktionell enhet som används, var systemgränser sätts och vilka miljöpåverkanskategorier som inkluderas. Detta gjordes genom en litteraturstudie med litteratursökning på vetenskapliga artiklar inom LCA för animaliska livsmedel. Databasen Web of Science användes för att ta fram relevanta artiklar utifrån sökord, totalt användes 12 artiklar. Resultatet visade att LCA skilde sig när det gäller vilken funktionell enhet, vilka systemgränser och vilka miljöpåverkanskategorier som ingick. Den funktionella viktenheten var samma i alla LCA men förädlingsgrad på köttet skiljde sig. När det gällde systemgränserna var dessa olika i alla studier och bara en använde perspektivet ”vagga till grav”. De miljöpåverkanskategorier som ingick i alla LCA var global uppvärmning, försurning och övergödning, i övrigt skiljde sig kategorierna. Detta leder till att möjligheterna för att jämföra olika produktgrupper och livsmedel med hjälp av LCA minskar.
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Atmospheric mercury deposition in alpine snow, northern British Columbia and southwestern Yukon, CanadaKarlsson, Pia January 2014 (has links)
High mercury (Hg) levels have been measured in fish in Kusawa Lake (KL), a subalpine, partly glacier-fed lake situated in the southwestern Yukon, Canada, but it is presently unknown where this Hg comes from. One possible source may be atmospheric deposition of Hg in snow and subsequent release by melt into the lake. In this study, the amounts of total Hg (THg) deposited in sampled alpine snow and glacial ice from the KL catchment area were measured in order to quantify this input. Samples of snow and glacial firn were also collected from another site (DIV) located on an icefield in the central St. Elias Mountains, to investigate possible spatial variations in Hg deposition as a function of altitude or distance from the Pacific Ocean. The samples were analysed for THg, major ions (incl. Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Na+, NH4+, Cl-, and SO42-) and stable O/H isotopes. These analyses were performed to obtain clues on the sources/conditions of atmospheric Hg deposition in snow, and identify possible relationships between THg and other snow chemical properties. This is the first study to provide data on Hg deposition in snow from this vast mountain region. Measured THg concentrations ranged from 0.24 to 6.17 ng L-1 in snow and from 0.20 to 1.57 ng L-1 in glacial ice, which are comparable values to those measured at other sites in the North American subarctic and Arctic. The calculated net accumulation rates of THg varied from 0.57 to 0.71 µg m-2 a-1, which are relatively high compared to rates reported for the eastern Canadian Arctic. This could indicate that wet deposition in snowfall may be particularly important in promoting THg accumulation in mountains of the subarctic Yukon, when compared to the polar desert of the High Arctic. The stable O/H isotope data indicate that snowfall in the study area is primarily derived from moisture of marine origin, with only minor continental contributions, which points to the nearby Gulf of Alaska as the main source. The major ion analyses suggest a local dust source containing Ca2+ and SO42- at KL, and a local dust source containing mostly Mg2+ and Ca2+ but also SO42- at DIV. High correlation between NO3- and SO42- in snow could be due to distant pollution sources, and higher concentrations at DIV than KL could indicate a higher impact of these sources at higher-altitude sites. High correlation was found among the analysed sea salt ions at both sites. No correlations were found between THg and major ions, except that relatively high THg and ionic concentrations were often found in the surface and bottom samples of the snowpits, which correspond to the current and previous summer surfaces. The higher THg concentrations in the summer layers suggests that Hg attaches itself to dust particles either in the air prior to deposition, and/or in the snowpack after deposition, thereby limiting migration or losses in percolating meltwater. / Höga halter av kvicksilver (Hg) har uppmätts i fisk i Kusawa Lake (KL), en subalpin sjö i sydvästra Yukon, Kanada, som delvis får sitt vatten från omkringliggande glaciärer. I nuläget är det okänt var detta Hg kommer ifrån. En möjlig källa kan vara atmosfärisk avsättning av Hg i snö vilket senare kan föras till sjön med smältvatten. I denna studie har den totala mängden Hg (THg) avsatt i provtagen alpin snö och glaciäris från KLs uppsamlingsområde uppmätts för att kvantifiera detta bidrag. Snö- och firnprover samlades också in från en annan plats (DIV) belägen på ett isfält i centrala St. Elias Mountains, för att undersöka möjliga rumsliga skillnader i Hg-avsättning beroende på höjd och avstånd från Stilla havet. Proverna analyserades för THg, joner (inkl. Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Na+, NH4+, Cl- och SO42-) och stabila O/H isotoper. Dessa analyser genomfördes för att undersöka källorna och förhållandena för atmosfärisk Hg-avsättning i snö, och för att identifiera möjliga relationer mellan THg och andra snökemiska egenskaper. Detta är den första studien som tillhandahåller Hg-data i snö för denna bergsregion. Uppmätta THg koncentrationer varierade mellan 0.24 och 6.17 ng L-1 i snö och mellan 0.20 och 1.57 ng L-1 i glaciäris. Dessa värden är jämförbara med de uppmätta på andra platser i Nordamerikanska subarktis och Arktis. Beräknade nettoackumulationshastigheter av THg varierade mellan 0.57 och 0.71 µg m-2 a-1, vilka är relativt höga jämfört med hastigheter rapporterade för östra kanadensiska Arktis. Detta kan indikera att våtdeposition vid snöfall kan vara av särskild betydelse vid THg-ackumulation i bergen i det subarktiska Yukon, vid jämförelse med de polaröknar som återfinns på högre latituder. Det stabila O/H isotopdatat indikerar att den snö som faller i dessa områden är till största del av maritimt ursprung med enbart små kontinentala tillskott, vilket tyder på att den närliggande Alaskabukten är den största källan. Jonanalyserna tyder på en partikelkälla innehållande Ca2+ och SO42- i närheten av KL och en partikelkälla till största del innehållande Mg2+ och Ca2+ men även SO42- i närheten av DIV. Hög korrelation mellan NO3- och SO42- i snö kan bero på avlägsna föroreningskällor, och högre koncentrationer vid DIV än KL kan indikera en högre påverkan av dessa källor på platser belägna på högre altituder. Hög korrelation fanns mellan de analyserade havssaltjonerna på de båda undersökta platserna. Ingen korrelation kunde hittas mellan THg och joner, förutom att relativt höga THg- och jonkoncentrationer ofta hittades i yt- och bottenprover i de grävda provtagningsgroparna, vilket motsvarar nuvarande- och förra årets sommarytor. De högre halterna Hg i sommarlagren kan tyda på att Hg fäster sig vid partiklar, antingen i luften innan avsättning och/eller i snöpacken efter avsättning, och därigenom minskar förluster via smältvatten.
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Trans-Boundary water conflict: a case study of South Indian RiverRajkumar, Prajwal January 2020 (has links)
Water has long-standing history in terms of delivering adequate security to human well-being and the environment, however, a significant attention towards numerous waters related threats have been growing since the recent past years due to the increasing water crisis. Hence, a growing interest towards water security has become an essential concern to humankind as it critically supports health, economic transformation, political stability as well as environmental sustainability. Moreover, in various aspects, water security is also concerned with disaster risk reduction endeavors globally.In this particular research study, the focus has been mainly on analyzing the factors of trans-boundary river disputes. Correspondingly, the study aims at getting an understanding of the same based on the case study of South Indian River. In this regard, the key objectives of the study included understanding the reason for repeated failures of riparian states of the Cauvery River in reaching utmost sustainability. Correspondingly, the research been conducted mainly on the basis of the information that has been derived from secondary sources such as journals and literature along with online sources. The study is qualitative in nature and based on the analysis of the case study of Cauvery River to get the key findings in the eventual stage along with a review of past literature. The review of past literature has suggested that water conflict has been one of the major contributors to water scarcity in India. Also, the presence of limited water resources in this part of the world has also been a major concern that has been contributing to the overall issues of water scarcity altogether. The findings of this study have mainly focused on the Cauvery river dispute between the government of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The issue dates back from the 19th century where draught in each of the states has been as a result of the water dispute. Arbitration rule was also been made applicable within the entire case as a result of the dispute. Therefore, the findings clear depicted that Trans-Boundary Water Disputes has been a major reason for water scarcity in different parts of India.
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