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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rela??es de poder, fragmenta??o e gest?o do territ?rio no semi-?rido nordestinho: um outro olhar sobre o Cariri paraibano / Relations of power, fragmentation and management of northeastern semi-arid territory: a look over the Cariri Paraibano

Silva, Anieres Barbosa da 31 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnieresBS_ate_introducao.pdf: 966205 bytes, checksum: f7f3f526a54853a81258302747fc9ac1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-03-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This study aims to analize the Cariri Paraibano territory, as a product of relations of power that were being established along its historic process of territory formation. In this process, the fragmentation and the territory management are fundamental elements to socioterritorial reality comprehension. The theoretical-conceptual basis is based on notions of territory, region, power and territory management, which are articulated to the opinions and empiric confirmations origined from interviews made with several social actions. They also were made photographical records and researches on books, newspapers and magazines, as well on other information sources related to the object of studying. Obtained data confirm the pressuposement on which the relations of dominations and the used methods by the power s owners in the region created a little fruitful political practice and little adequate to the process of active participation of the local population on the territory management, even being on disagreement with the new political-institutional mechanisms, which take to political-administrative more democratic and participative in the country / Este estudo procura analisar o territ?rio regional do Cariri Paraibano, como produto de rela??es de poder que foram sendo estabelecidas ao longo de seu processo hist?rico de forma??o territorial. Nesse processo, a fragmenta??o e a gest?o do territ?rio s?o elementos fundamentais ? compreens?o da realidade socioterritorial. A base te?rico-conceitual fundamenta-se nos conceitos de regi?o, territ?rio, poder e gest?o do territ?rio, que est?o articulados ?s opini?es e constata??es emp?ricas oriundas de entrevistas realizadas com diversos atores sociais. Tamb?m foram feitos registros fotogr?ficos e pesquisas em livros, jornais e revistas, assim como em outras fontes de informa??es relacionadas ao objeto de estudo. Os dados obtidos confirmam o pressuposto de que as rela??es de domina??o e os m?todos utilizados pelos donos do poder na regi?o criaram uma pr?tica pol?tica pouco f?rtil e pouco prop?cia ao processo de participa??o ativa da popula??o local na gest?o do territ?rio, mesmo estando em desacordo com os novos mecanismos pol?tico-institucionais, que preconizam pr?ticas pol?tico-administrativas mais democr?ticas e participativas no Pa?s

Rio Grande do Norte: intera??es urbanas e os centros de gest?o do territ?rio

Paz, Diego Ten?rio da 30 April 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:10:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DiegoTP_DISSERT.pdf: 16750403 bytes, checksum: 4b00e09d67e4164e58567345c6425e06 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-30 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The state of Rio Grande do Norte has been undergoing transformations in their territory, they are promoted by the installation of new infrastructure equipment, which in turn cause changes in the dynamic spatial and social hour set, causing new arrangements and new dynamics between cities. The overall goal of the research is to understand, at present, the urban network of the Rio Grande do Norte, from the centers of territory management. The picture presented in the paper reveals a network of cities that has gained a material basis urban, with the installation of new objects macro state structures (roads, ports, wind farms, banks, pipelines, internet access) that enable a relationship more intense between the urban centers of the state and other cities in the world, that the current structure characteristic of the urban network, its global nature, since the possibility of relations between the centers is greater. Such a relationship is indeed possible because the characteristics of the current historical period, with the high density of the tripod technique, science and information controlled by the market. In Rio Grande do Norte intentionality of the new arrangement that is configured is not other but meet market demands / O estado do Rio Grande do Norte vem passando por transforma??es em seu territ?rio, estas s?o promovidas pela instala??o de novos equipamentos de infraestrutura, que por sua vez, provocam altera??es nas din?micas espacial e social por hora estabelecidas, causando novos arranjos e novas din?micas entre as cidades. O objetivo geral da pesquisa ? compreender, na atualidade, a rede urbana do Rio Grande do Norte, a partir dos centros de gest?o do territ?rio. O panorama apresentado no trabalho revela uma rede de cidades que vem ganhando uma base material urbana, com a instala??o de novos objetos da macro estruturas do estado (rodovias, portos, parques e?licos, ag?ncias banc?rias, adutoras, acesso a internet) que possibilitam uma rela??o mais intensa entre os centros urbanos do estado e as demais cidades do mundo, que estruturam a atual caracter?stica da rede urbana, o seu car?ter global, j? que a possibilidade de rela??es entre os centros ? maior. Tal possibilidade de relacionamento ? fato devido as caracter?sticas do per?odo hist?rico atual, com a elevada densidade do trip? t?cnica, ci?ncia e informa??o comandadas pelo mercado. No Rio Grande do Norte a intencionalidade do novo arranjo que se configura n?o ? outro, sen?o atender as demandas do mercado

Outra leitura do "outro lado":o espa?o da Zona Norte em quest?o

Ara?jo, Jos?lia Carvalho de 15 May 2004 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-13T17:10:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseliaCA.pdf: 3039459 bytes, checksum: 32ac935fd825082cea326e43d830c2af (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004-05-15 / It analyzes the production of the space of the North Zone of Natal/RN, of the beginning of its formation - decade of 1970 - a present time, under the optics of the urban planning and of the administration of the territory. Inside of that path, it examines the interests that orientated the "creation" of the referred space, as support to the process of urban planning and of administration of the territory; as well as the recent processes that evidence a new partner-space dynamics, which is configured, now as an incipient insert of the North Zone to the context natalense urban-space, now as a "reedition" of its report process of partner-space segregation. It stands out that, while in the beginning of the formation of the North Zone, the State was made the main actor, making possible the expansion of the capital in the north sense of the city of Natal, through the implantation of the Industrial District of Natal (DIN) and of the expansion of the habitational politics of the House of Financial System (SFH); at the present time, the new space processes are configured through the economical inclination, through expansion of the tertiary section in the city of Natal. It is based in bibliography regarding the theme in focus, in primary and secondary sources, as well as in processes and forms that were unchained in the North Zone along the research. It analyzes the North Zone then in its group, the one that makes possible apprehend the inherent conflicts to the process of production-appropriation of the urban space, for the several social actors - the State, the capital and the society - that dispute the control of the production of the space according themselves their interests / Analisa a produ??o do espa?o da Zona Norte de Natal/RN, do in?cio da sua forma??o d?cada de 1970 ? atualidade, sob a ?tica do planejamento urbano e da gest?o do territ?rio. Dentro dessa trajet?ria, examina os interesses que nortearam a cria??o do referido espa?o, como suporte ao processo de planejamento urbano e de gest?o do territ?rio; bem como os recentes processos que evidenciam uma nova din?mica s?cio-espacial, a qual se configura, ora como uma incipiente inser??o da Zona Norte ao contexto urbano-espacial natalense, ora como uma reedi??o do seu hist?rico processo de segrega??o s?cio-espacial. Ressalta que, enquanto no in?cio da forma??o da Zona Norte, o Estado se fez o ator principal, viabilizando a expans?o do capital no sentido norte da cidade do Natal, por meio da implanta??o do Distrito Industrial de Natal (DIN) e da expans?o da pol?tica habitacional do Sistema Financeiro da Habita??o (SFH); na atualidade, os novos processos espaciais se configuram por meio do vi?s econ?mico, via expans?o do setor terci?rio na cidade do Natal. ? embasado em bibliografia concernente ? tem?tica em foco, em fontes prim?rias e secund?rias, bem como em processos e formas que se desencadearam na Zona Norte ao longo da pesquisa. Analisa ent?o a Zona Norte em seu conjunto, o que possibilita apreender os conflitos inerentes ao processo de produ??o-apropria??o do espa?o urbano, pelos diversos atores sociais o Estado, o capital e a sociedade que disputam entre si o controle da produ??o do espa?o segundo os seus interesses

Conceitos e t?cnicas para assentamentos humanos na perspectiva da sustentabilidade

D?avila, Fl?via Blaia 26 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Flavia Blaia dAvila.pdf: 19547858 bytes, checksum: b492df89170b5f41c329295c5bc184c9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-26 / The research is based on an analysis of the changes that are occurring in trying to adapt the limitations of the planet facing the constant demands of humanity. After an initial analysis of the problems of growth of cities and the exploitation of natural resources, there is a major historical events and documents produced in the environmental area and presentation of a number of changes in the field of architecture and urbanism. There is then an analysis on techniques to improve the environment urban or peri-urban and feel the need to incorporate principles of ecology in planning and city management. The first technical deal with water resources and urban drainage, pointing the principles proposed for sustainable management of rainwater. In addition to these proposals, there is a land of bioengineering and fitorremedia??o, which are techniques for stabilization and recovery of degraded areas, especially in water courses. Shall be analysed then the permaculture, a philosophy that is creating scenarios in human space already offering a number of practices they consider the energy cycle of human actions, aimed at reduction of waste and ecological awareness in food production and actions of everyday life. The permaculture serves as the basis for ecological communities, called "ecovilas", which house thousands of people seeking to live with another form of relationship with nature around the world. The research is finished with considerations of these approaches, relating them and suggesting lines of future study. / A pesquisa baseia-se em uma an?lise sobre as mudan?as que v?m ocorrendo na tentativa de adapta??o das limita??es do planeta frente ?s constantes exig?ncias da humanidade. Ap?s uma an?lise inicial da problem?tica do crescimento das cidades e da explora??o dos Recursos Naturais, ? feita uma retrospectiva hist?rica dos principais eventos ocorridos e documentos elaborados na ?rea ambiental e apresenta??o de algumas mudan?as na ?rea de arquitetura e urbanismo. Apresenta-se, em seguida, uma an?lise sobre t?cnicas que visam melhoria do meio ambiente urbano ou peri-urbano e consideram a necessidade de incorporar princ?pios da ecologia no planejamento e gest?o das cidades. As primeiras t?cnicas tratam dos recursos h?dricos e da drenagem urbana, apontando os princ?pios propostos para um manejo sustent?vel de ?guas pluviais. Como complemento para estas propostas, destaca-se a bioengenharia de solos e a fitorremedia??o, que s?o t?cnicas para recupera??o e estabiliza??o de ?reas degradadas, sobretudo em cursos d??gua. Analisa-se em seguida a permacultura, uma filosofia que vem criando espa?o nos cen?rios humanos j? que prop?em uma s?rie de pr?ticas que consideram o ciclo energ?tico das a??es humanas, visando a redu??o de res?duos e a consci?ncia ecol?gica na produ??o de alimentos e a??es do cotidiano. A permacultura serve de base para comunidades ecol?gicas, chamadas ecovilas , que abrigam milhares de pessoas que procuram viver com outra forma de rela??o com a natureza pelo mundo todo. A pesquisa ? finalizada com considera??es sobre estas abordagens, relacionando-as e sugerindo linhas de estudo futuro.

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