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Vývoj webovej aplikácie s podporou metodiky UWEKrižan, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
This master's thesis focuses on the design and development of a web application to support the automation of law firm processes using pre-programmed tasks, the design of which is created using the UWE methodology. At the same time, it describes the implementation of the extension into the Synopsis II information system, used to manage the above-mentioned tasks. The thesis also deals with the deployment of this software solution to the production server of SynopsIS Technologies a.s.
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Identifying problematic student work patternsSalo, Joel, Ekberg, Karl January 2022 (has links)
Many students do not finish their introductory programming courses in higher education and it is difficult to identify why. While this thesis doesn’t concern itself with investigating drop outs, this fact motivated the authors to research if there was a correlation between problematic student work patterns and the students' success in the course.The aim of this thesis is to identify problematic student work patterns. To do this, we conducted a case study on the introductory programming course 1DV025 at Linnaeus University, focusing on quantitative data. This data was collected by developing an application which fetches student data from the GitLab repository of the course. After conducting statistical testing on the data, the results were analyzed in order to determine distinguishing traits that can be an indication of problematic student work patterns.The analysis uncovered that these do exist for some students that fail their examination assignments. Hopefully, the conclusions of this report can help teachers to recognize problematic student work patterns and apply preemptive actions accordingly.
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Fitness CoachBjörk, Amanda January 2024 (has links)
This project involves further developing the fitness application Fitness Coach for the company Myrstack AB. The web application is used by trainers to create training schedules and activities that clients can follow via a separate mobile application. The further development of the web application is based on tickets from a product backlog in GitLab. The work focuses on the frontend of the web application, which is developed with Vue3 Composition API, Typescript and Tailwind. During the project, certain functionalities have been added, such as the ability to select weight units (kg/lbs) when creating or editing training activities, as well as the creation of a profile page for trainers. The profile page has been designed with accessibility principles and tested with the WAVE browser tool to ensure it meets accessibility standards. Despite some challenges in understanding and utilizing new technologies, the goals of this project has been achieved. Working with this project has provided deeper insights into version control using GitLab and working with Vue3, as well as various framework extenstions such as VeeValidate and Yup. / Det här projektet handlar om att vidareutveckla träningsapplikationen Fitness Coach för företaget Myrstack AB. Webbapplikationen används av tränare för att skapa träningsscheman och aktiviteter som klienter kan följa via en separat mobilapplikation. Vidareutvecklingen av webbapplikationen baseras på tickets från en produktbacklogg i GitLab. Arbetet fokuserar på webbapplikationens frontend-del som är utvecklad med Vue3 Composition API, Typescript och Tailwind. Under projektet har viss funktionalitet lagts till, som att välja viktenhet (kg/lbs) vid skapande eller redigering av träningsaktiviteter, samt skapandet av en profilsida för tränare. Profilsidan har utformats med tillgänglighetsprinciper och testats med webbläsarverktyget WAVE för att säkerställa att den uppfyller tillgänglighetsstandarder. Trots vissa utmaningar med att förstå nya tekniker och använda dessa så har målen uppnåtts. Arbetet med projektet har givit djupare insikter i versionshantering med GitLab och arbetet med Vue3 samt olika tillägg till ramverket, såsom VeeValidate och Yup.
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Automatic detection of AI-generated source code in programming courses / Automatisk detektering av AI-genererad källkod i programmeringskurserPirntke, Erik, Rindebrant, Wictor January 2024 (has links)
Universities worldwide struggle with maintaining academic integrity due to the rise of advanced large language models (LLM) capable of generating flawless source code. Teachers need to be able to identify artificial intelligence (AI)-generated source code in student submissions accurately. There are already multiple different tools for detecting AI-generated content. Yet teachers are not using these tools. For this reason, this case study will focus on creating a prototype for automating the process of checking for AI-generated source code in submitted assignments in programming courses. Teachers at Linnaeus University (LNU) are using GitLab for submissions of programming assignments. The prototype in this case study will be created on GitLab and tested on submitted test assignments using the same structure utilized by teachers at LNU for their programming courses. The automated process will be accomplished using continuous integration (CI) pipelines on GitLab that will execute Python files that send and receive data to and from the AI-detection tool’s application programming interface (API). The received data will be represented on GitLab for teachers and students to see.
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Implementing a Zero Trust Environmentfor an Existing On-premises Cloud Solution / Implementering av en Zero Trust miljö för en existerande påplats molnlösningPero, Victor, Ekman, Linus January 2023 (has links)
This thesis project aimed to design and implement a secure system for handling and safeguarding personal data. The purpose of the work is to prevent unauthorized actors from gaining access to systems and data. The proposed solution is a Zero Trust architecture which emphasizes strong security measures by design and strict access controls. The system must provide minimal access for users and should be integrated with the existing cloud-based infrastructure. The result is a system that leverages Keycloak for identity management and authentication services, GitLab to provide a code hosting solution, GPG for commit signing, and OpenVPN for network access. Through the utilization of Gitlab, Keycloak and OpenVPN the system achieved a comprehensive design for data protection, user authentication and network security. This report also highlights alternative methods, future enhancements and potential improvements to the completed system. / Målet med denna rapport är att designa och implementera ett säkert system för hantering och skydd av personlig data. Syftet med arbetet är att förhindra obehöriga att få tillgång till system och data. Den föreslagna lösningen är en Zero Trustarkitektur som betonar skärpta säkerhetsåtgärder genom design och strikta åtkomstkontroller. Systemet måste ge minimal åtkomst för användare som brukar det och integreras med den befintliga molnbaserade infrastrukturen. Resultatet är ett system som använder Keycloak för hantering av identiteter och autentisering, GitLab för att tillhandahålla ett kodarkiv där användare kan ladda upp sin kod, GPG för att signera commits, och OpenVPN för nätverksåtkomst. Genom användning av GitLab, Keycloak och OpenVPN uppnådde systemet en omfattande design för dataskydd, användarautentisering och nätverkssäkerhet. Denna rapport nämner också alternativa metoder, framtida och potentiella förbättringar av det färdiga systemet.
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Исследование возможностей разработки мобильного приложения под российскую операционную систему : магистерская диссертация / Research into the possibilities of developing a mobile application for a Russian operating systemКазаков, В. В., Kazakov, V. V. January 2024 (has links)
The subject of the research is the development of a mobile application for interaction with Directum Rx for a Russian operating system. The purpose of the work is to analyze the possibilities of implementing a mobile application for interaction with Directum Rx for a Russian OS. Research methods: comparative analysis for choosing a Russian mobile operating system; comparative analysis for choosing a set of tools for developing a mobile application for a Russian mobile operating system; literature analysis to study the necessary functionality of the application, build the architecture of the mobile application, study the documentation on the development of mobile applications for the Russian mobile operating system. The result of the work is a conducted study of Russian mobile OS, an analysis of the tools for developing application software defined for a Russian mobile OS, a designed architecture of a mobile application for a specific Russian operating system and automation of the development process. Based on the results of the work, the results were implemented in the company OOO Starkov Group. / Предмет исследования является разработка мобильного приложения для взаимодействия с Directum Rx под российскую операционную систему. Цель работы – анализ возможностей реализации мобильного приложения для взаимодействия с Directum Rx под российскую ОС. Методы исследования: сравнительный анализ по выбору российской мобильной операционной системы; сравнительный анализ по выбору набора инструментов для разработки мобильного приложения под российскую мобильную операционную систему; анализ литературы для изучения необходимого функционала приложения, построения архитектуры мобильного приложения, изучения документации по разработке мобильных приложения под российскую мобильную операционную систему. Результатом работы является проведенное исследование российских мобильных ОС, проведенный анализ инструментов разработки прикладного ПО определенную под российскую мобильную ОС, спроектированная архитектура мобильного приложения под определенную российскую операционную систему и автоматизация процесса разработки. По итогам работы результаты были внедрены в компании ООО «Старков Групп».
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A new approach for medical device product documentationHamnede, Elisabet January 2017 (has links)
Hardware and software developers rely on different tools for document management, product data management (PDM) and software configuration management (SCM). As more and more products include components of both types there is a growing demand for one collaborative system. This becomes even more critical in the medical sector, where a device is under regulatory demands for document management to even be allowed in to the market. Combined systems become more complex and are generally based on PDM-principles rather than SCM. Current development of SCM tends instead towards simpler systems focused on pure version control (VCS) that are easy to use and economically available to small- and medium sized enterprises (SME), which is not the case with generic PDM-systems or combined systems. This study explored the possibility to extend the usage of such a VCS and include hardware documentation as well as software. The aim was to further our understanding of the SME perspective on product documentation for the medical device field. The method was a case study, collaboration with a SME development company. The scope was to explore possible usage of a chosen VCS (GitLab) and to compare it with a generic PDM-system and with existing manual system. The results showed that for several of the hardware document types there are special made Git-solutions to find within the open source community. However, none of the ones tested in the study was deemed good enough with respect to functionality and reliability. Instead the case study used direct storage of the files in their binary format and focused on testing different VCS functions and on how to organize in order to best gain the advantages of using the system. The conclusions showed that hardware documents can be stored in the same iterative manner as software but with limited Git functionality. Compared with a PDM system GitLab can offer the same level of revision control and communication around the specifications but lacks classification of parts and detailed product structures. GitLab offers better iteration history than both a PDMsystem and the existing manual system does. But not being able to use full Git functionality the organization needs a collaboration strategy to handle the decentralized storage. If the collaboration strategy matches the organization development practices, GitLab is a useful alternative for medical device documentation.
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Automatic Detection of Source Code Plagiarism in Programming Courses / Automatisk identifiering av kodplagiat i programmeringskurserBergman, Adam January 2021 (has links)
Source code plagiarism is an ongoing problem in programming courses at higher academic institutions. For this reason, different automated source code plagiarism detection tools have been developed. However, they require several manual steps before the submissions can be compared. Linnaeus University uses GitLab to handle their students’ code-related assignments but lacks an integrated workflow for checking submissions against plagiarism. Instead, Linnaeus University’s plagiarism-checking process is done manually, which is a challenging and time-consuming process. This thesis is a case study on Linnaeus University, focusing on integrating one of the plagiarism detection tools with GitLab using Continuous integration pipelines. The objectives have been to collect students’ submissions, communicate with the plagiarism tool, and visually present the results within GitLab. The prototype has been evaluated by a set of manually created submissions with different levels of plagiarism to ensure that the detection tool differentiates plagiarized and non-plagiarized submissions. Teachers at Linnaeus University have tested the workflow and reasoned whether the prototype fulfills their requirements.
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Securing Data in a Cloud Environment: Access Control, Encryption, and Immutability / Säkerhetshantering av data som överförs genom molnbaserade tjänster: åtkomstkontroll, kryptering och omutlighetAl Khateeb, Ahmad, Summaq, Abdulrazzaq January 2023 (has links)
The amount of data and the development of new technologies used by all society-critical organizations are increasing dramatically. In parallel, data breaches, cyber-attacks, and their devastating consequences are also on the rise, as well as the number of individuals and organizations that are potential targets for such attacks. This places higher demands on security in terms of protecting data against cyber-attacks and controlling access to data that authenticated users want to access. The paper focuses on studying concepts of secure data practices in a GitLab-based cloud environment. The objective is to give answers to questions such as how to ensure the guarantee of secure data and protect it from unauthorized access and changes. The work behind this thesis includes exploring techniques for access control, data encryption, and data immutability. The study is followed by an implementation project that includes fetching code from GitLab verifying user identity and access control, managing data access, and displaying the results. The results of the thesis demonstrate the effectiveness of the implemented security measures in protecting data and controlling access. / Mängden av data och utvecklingen av banbrytande teknologier som idag används av alla samhällsbärande organisationer ökar drastiskt. I samma takt ökar dataintrång, cyberattacker och dess förödande konsekvenser samt antalet personer och organisationer som utgör potentiella offer för sådana typer av attacker. Detta ställer högre krav på säkerheten när det gäller att skydda data mot cyberattacker, men även att kontrollera åtkomsten till data som autentiserade användare vill komma åt. Rapporten fokuserar på att studera hur data säkras i GitLab-baserade molnsystem. Syftet med detta arbete är att ge svar på frågeställningar som till exempel att lova säker åtkomst och skydd för data från obehörig åtkomst och ändringar. Arbetet bakom detta projekt inkluderade undersökning av tekniker som används inom accesskontroll, datakryptering och data-omutlighet. Studien resulterade i en implementation som möjliggör att hämta signerade ändringar (Commits) från GitLab, verifiera användaridentiteten och åtkomstbehörighet, hantera dataåtkomst samt presentera resultaten. Resultaten av detta examensarbete demonstrerar effektiviteten av den implementerade säkerhetsteknikerna i att skydda data och kontrollera access.
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Aplikace pro obsluhu měřicích zařízení v energetice / Application for operation of measuring devices in power engineeringŠevčík, Radek January 2019 (has links)
This thesis is focused on application development with ARM processor architecture and Linux operating system. It uses cloud hosting services to build, test and deploy applications with container-based virtualization. The application communicates with smart meters on serial buses. It stores measurements in a database. It provides access to devices and measurements in internet network.
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