Spelling suggestions: "subject:"class fiber reinforced 1plastic"" "subject:"class fiber reinforced 2plastic""
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Design And Characterization Of Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Structural CompsitesGurer, Goksu 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is one of the most common problems encountered in microwave applications. Interaction of electromagnetic (EM) waves from different sources may result in device malfunction due to misinterpretation of the transferred data or information loss. On the other hand, development of materials with reduced radar detectability is desired in defense applications. Considering the limitations in weight and thickness, development of lightweight structural materials with enhanced electromagnetic absorption potential is needed. In this study, development and characterization of glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite materials to be used in EM wave absorbing or EMI shielding applications was aimed. Incorporation of electromagnetic wave absorption characteristic has been achieved by the application of conductive thin film on fiber glass woven fabric reinforcement layers. Characterization of EM wave absorption potential was conducted using &ldquo / free-space method&rdquo / in 18 &ndash / 27 GHz frequency range. Single and multilayered combinations of surface-modified fiber glass woven fabrics were characterized in terms of their EM wave interaction properties and design principles for efficient broadband EM wave absorbing multilayered GFRP composite material have been presented. A computer aided computation method has also developed in order to predict EM wave transmission, reflection, and hence absorption characteristics of multilayered structures from single layer properties. Estimated results were verified compared to free-space measurement results. In the current study, up to 85% electromagnetic wave absorption has been obtained within 18-27 GHz frequency range (K band). Enhancement of EM wave absorption potential of multilayer structure has also been demonstrated by computer aided computation.
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End-of-life wind blade recycling through thermal processBenz, Kerstin January 2023 (has links)
Renewable energy production with wind turbines has been rising in the last 30 years and it is a crucial technology, which is necessary for the energy transition. As sustainable as the energy production of wind turbines is, the waste management of the blade material is not. Most of the blades end up on a landfill or get incinerated. There are different types of recycling methods, but the most commonly used is to shred the fibers into little pieces and reusing them for filler material in the concrete industry. This approach does not actually split up the blade material into its components but it is more of a downcycling. In this thesis, a new type of pyrolysis will be looked into, which splits up the blade material into its components namely glass fibers and plastic using molten salt. This process would make the glass fiber industry more sustainable by introducing a recycled glass fiber with minimal loss in quality. In a first step, the blade material will be examined more closely with a thermogravimetric analysis to find out what kind of plastic it is and what temperature would be necessary to pyrolyze it. This information will be used to conduct an experiment in a molten salt solution and determine the necessary reaction time and temperature. This data will be used to compare the costs of this method with shredding the material and the conventional pyrolysis. From the thermogravimetric analysis, it was possible to determine that the type of plastic used in this turbine was made out of epoxy. The maximum degredation of this material occurred at 380 ◦C. Not many experiments could be conducted in order to find the optimal conditions for the pyrolysis process due to difficulties with the furnace. Nevertheless, one sample was successfully pyrolyzed at a temperature of 400 ◦C with a residence time of 15 minutes. With the current market conditions in the recycled glass fibers industry, this product would be too expensive and the demand would be too little. However, the market is expected to grow in the next couple years due to rising interests in circular economy and governments introducing regulations. Nevertheless, it is necessary to increase the efficiency of the molten salt pyrolysis in order to be applicable to a bigger scale. More experiments should be conducted with cheaper molten salt in order to sink the costs of the process.
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Test av förankringar för sandwichelement - en jämförelse mellan två kopplingssystem av glasfiber / Test of anchors in sandwich elements - a comparison between two glass fiber connection systemsWerngren Karlsson, Robin, Carhuallanqui Obregon, Paul Ericson January 2022 (has links)
Prefabricerade sandwichelement kommer att produceras till Linnéskolan i Älmhult av Torps Byggelement AB. Ett sandwichelement består av två lager betong (fasad och bärande skikt) med isolering mellan de två skikten. Dessa sandwichelement hade till en början förankringssystemet Thermopin tillverkade av B.T. Innovation, men på grund av produktion- och leveransproblem så ersattes detta förankringssystem mot Isolink som tillverkas av Schöck. Isolink och Thermopin är två förankringssystem tillverkade av glasfiberarmerade plaststänger (GFRP). Sandwichelementen som kommer att användas i Linnéskolan använder sig av isoleringen Kooltherm tillverkad av Kingspan. I detta arbete jämförs förankringssystemens bärförmågor i form av utdragskapacitet. Beräkningar för kapacitet mot vidhäftningsbrott, utdragsbrott och brott i stångmaterial görs för de båda systemen. Utöver detta testas även bärförmågan i form av utdragskapacitet för isolering Kooltherm. 12 testprover, som tillverkades och levererades av Torps Byggelement AB, utsätts för utdragslaster till brott uppstod. Endast de förankringssystem som bär vinkelrät mot skikten testades. De 12 testproverna var uppdelade på följande vis: Fyra tester med Thermopin, fyra tester med Isolink samt fyra tester med endast isoleringen Kooltherm. De testprover med Isolink-systemet gav ett utdragsbrott vid 18.9 kN. Thermopin gav ett spjälkningsbrott vid 14.9 kN. Kooltherm gav brott i isoleringen vid 1.3 kN. Då Isolink fick ett vidhäftningsbrott är det viktigt med en god vidhäftning mellan förankringssystemet och omkringliggande betong. Vibrering av betongen i flera steg vid användning av Isolink kan därför anses vara viktig. Thermopin fick ett spjälkningsbrott då tillverkarens minsta avstånd till kant inte uppfylldes med testproverna. Det går med stor sannolikhet att säga att Thermopin inte hade fått ett utdragsbrott även om minsta avstånd till kant uppfylldes, mest troligt är att ett konbrott hade uppstått. / Prefabricated sandwich elements will be produced to Linnéskolan in Älmhult by Torps Byggelement AB. A sandwich element is built up by two layers of concrete (facade- and load bearing layer) with insulation separating the two layers. These sandwich elements were intended to have the anchors Thermopin produced by B.T. Innovation but due to delivery problems, this connection system was replaced with Isolink made by Schöck. Isolink and Thermopin are two anchors consisting of glass fiber reinforced plastic bars (GFRP). The sandwich elements that will be used in Linnéskolan will have the insulation Kooltherm made by Kingspan. This work is comparing the two connection systems in load bearing capacity by pull-out load tests. Calculations for pull-out failure, concrete failure and anchor failure were done for both of the connection systems. The load bearing capacity was also to be checked for the Kooltherm insulation by pull-out load tests. 12 test specimens were manufactured and delivered by Torps Byggelement AB. Only the anchors perpendicular to the concrete layers were tested. The 12 test specimens were divided as follows: four tests with Thermopin, four tests with Isolink and four tests without a connection system with only the Kooltherm insulation. The test specimens with Isolink gave a pull-out load at 18.9 kN. Thermopin gave a splitting failure at 14.9 kN. Kooltherm insulation gave a failure in the insulation at 1.3 kN. Due to Isolink getting a pull-out load failure, it is important that the bond between the anchor and the surrounding concrete is strong. Compacting of the concrete in multiple steps when using the Isolink-system can be considered important. The test specimens with the Thermopin-system got a splitting failure due to the manufacturers requirement on minimum edge distance not being achieved in the test specimens. It is proper to state that it is very unlikely that a pull-out failure would occur in the Thermopin test specimens even if the minimum edge distance was achieved. Most likely a concrete-cone failure would have occurred.
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Some Experimental and Numerical Studies on Evaluation of Adhesive Bond Integrity of Composites Lap Shear JointsVijaya Kumar, R L January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Adhesive bonding which has been in use for long as a traditional joining method has gained ground in the last couple of decades due to the introduction of advanced composite materials into the aerospace industry. Bonded structures have advantages such as high corrosion and fatigue resistance, ability to join dissimilar materials, reduced stress concentration, uniform stress distribution, good damping characteristics etc. They also have certain limitations like environmental degradation, existence of defects like pores, voids and disbonds, difficulty in maintenance and repair etc. A serious drawback in the use of adhesively bonded structures has been that there are no established comprehensive non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques for their evaluation. Further, a reliable evaluation of the effect of the existing defects on strength and durability of adhesive joints is yet to be achieved. This has been a challenge for the research and development community over several decades and hence, been the motivation behind this piece of research work. Under the scope of the work carried out in the thesis, some of the primary factors such as the existence of defects, degradation of the adhesive, stress and strain distribution in the bonded region etc., have been considered to study the bond integrity in composite to composite lap shear joints. The problem becomes complex if all the parameters affecting the adhesive joint are varied simultaneously. Taking this into consideration, one of the key parameters affecting the bond quality, viz., the adhesive layer degradation was chosen to study its effect on the bonded joint. The epoxy layer was added with different, definite amount of Poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) to arrive at sets of bonded joint specimens with varied adhesive layer properties. A thorough review of different non destructive testing methods applied to this particular problem showed that ultrasonic wave based techniques could be the right choice. To start with, preliminary experimental investigations were carried on unidirectional glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP-epoxy) lap joints. The adhesive joints were subjected to non destructive evaluation (NDE) using ultrasonic through transmission and pulse echo techniques as also low energy digital X-ray techniques. The results obtained showed a variation in reflected and transmitted ultrasonic pulse amplitude with bond quality. Digital X-Ray radiography technique showed a variation in the intensity of transmitted x-rays due to variation in the density of adhesive. Standard mechanical tests revealed that the addition of PVA decreased the bond strength. A plot of coefficient of reflection from the first interface and the bond strength showed a linear correlation between them.
After obtaining a cursory feel and understanding of the parameters involved with the preliminary experiments on GFRP adhesive joints which yielded interesting and encouraging results, further work was carried on specimens made out of autoclave cured carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP)-epoxy bonded joints. Normal incidence ultrasound showed a similar trend. Analyses of the Acoustic Emission (AE) signals generated indicate early AE activity for degraded joints compared to healthy joints. Literary evidences suggest that the ultrasonic shear waves are more sensitive to interfacial degradation. An attempt was made to use oblique incidence ultrasonic interrogation using shear waves. The amplitude of reflected shear waves from the interface increased with an increase in degradation. Further, a signal analysis approach in the frequency domain revealed a shift in the frequency minimum towards lower range in degraded samples. This phenomenon was verified using analytical models. An inversion algorithm was used to determine the interfacial transverse stiffness which decreased significantly due to increase in degradation.
Conventional ultrasonic evaluation methods are rendered ineffective when a direct access to the test region is not possible; a different approach with guided wave techniques can be explored in this scenario. Investigations on CFRP-epoxy adhesive joints using Lamb waves showed a decrease in the amplitude of ‘So’ mode in degraded samples. Theoretical dispersion curves exhibited a similar trend. Frequency domain studies on the received modes using Gabor wavelet transform showed a negative shift in frequency with increased degradation. It was also observed that the maximum transmission loss for the most degraded sample with 40 percent PVA occurred in the range of 650 – 800 kHz. Non linear ultrasonic (NLU) evaluation revealed that the nonlinearity parameter (β) increased with increased degradation.
Kissing bonds are most commonly occurring type of defects in adhesive joints and are very difficult to characterize. A recent non-contact imaging technique called digital image correlation (DIC) was tried to evaluate composite adhesive joints with varied percentage of inserted kissing bond defects. The results obtained indicate that DIC can detect the kissing bonds even at 50 percent of the failure load.
In addition, to different experimental approaches to evaluate the bonded joint discussed above, the effect of degradation on the stresses in the bond line region was studied using analytical and numerical approach. A linear adhesive beam model based on Euler beam theory and a nonlinear adhesive beam model based on Timoshenko beam theory were used to determine the adhesive peel and shear stress in the joint. Digital image correlation technique was used to experimentally obtain the bond line strains and corresponding stresses were computed assuming a plane strain condition. It was found that the experimental stresses followed a similar trend to that predicted by the two analytical models. A maximum peel stress failure criterion was used to predict failure loads. A failure mechanism was proposed based on the observations made during the experimental work. It was further shown that the critical strain energy release rate for crack initiation in a healthy joint is much higher compared to a degraded joint.
The analytical models become cumbersome if a larger number of factors have to be taken into account. Numerical methods like finite element analysis are found to be promising in overcoming these hurdles. Numerical investigation using 3D finite element
analysis was carried out on CFRP-epoxy adhesive joints. The adherend – adhesive interface was modeled using connector elements whose stiffness properties as well as the bulk adhesive properties for joints with different amounts of PVA were determined using ultrasonic inspection method. The peel and shear stress variation along the adhesive bond line showed a similar trend as observed with the experimental stress distribution (DIC) but with a lesser magnitude. A parametric study using finite element based Monte-Carlo simulation was carried out to assess the effect of variation in various joint parameters like adhesive modulus, bondline thickness, adherend geometrical and material properties on peel and shear stress in the joint. It was found that the adhesive modulus and bond line thickness had a significant influence on the magnitude of stresses developed in the bond line.
Thus, to summarize, an attempt has been made to study the bond line integrity of a composite epoxy adhesive lap joint using experimental, analytical and numerical approaches. Advanced NDE tools like oblique incidence ultrasound, non linear ultrasound, Lamb wave inspection and digital image correlation have been used to extract parameters which can be used to evaluate composite bonded joints. The results obtained and reported in the thesis have been encouraging and indicate that in specific cases where the bond line thickness and other relevant parameters if can be maintained or presumed reasonably non variant, it is possible to effectively evaluate the integrity of a composite bonded joint.
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