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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reprodutibilidade do teste de sobrecarga hídrica em portadores de glaucoma de ângulo aberto sob tratamento clínico / Reproducibility of the water drinking test in treated glaucomatous patients

Mirko Babic 28 April 2017 (has links)
OBJETIVO: avaliar a reprodutibilidade dos picos de pressão intraocular e a flutuação obtidas durante o teste de sobrecarga hídrica em pacientes glaucomatosos tratados com um longo intervalo de seguimento. MÉTODOS: análise retrospectiva de 34 pacientes portadores de glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto, sob tratamento clínico, atendidos durante o período de uma semana no ambulatório de um dos investigadores (RSJ). Os pacientes foram submetidos ao teste de sobrecarga hídrica, realizado em duas visitas consecutivas, sem alteração do regime terapêutico. O intervalo médio entre os testes foi de 4,85 (intervalo, 3-6) meses. A reprodutibilidade do pico e a flutuação durante o teste de sobrecarga hídrica foram avaliadas utilizando coeficientes de correlação intraclasse. A análise de Bland-Altman foi utilizada para avaliar a concordância entre os picos de pressão intraocular e a flutuação, medidos entre dois testes consecutivos. RESULTADOS: trinta e quatro olhos de 34 pacientes foram estudados. Não houve diferenças significativas nos valores de pressão intraocular basal (média ± desvio-padrão, 11,73 ± 2,36 e 11,61 ± 2,71 mmHg; p = 0,72) e picos (14,55 ± 3,41 e 15,02 ± 3,66 mmHg, respectivamente; p = 0,163) detectados durante o teste de sobrecarga hídrica entre a primeira e a segunda visitas. Também não houve diferença significativa entre os valores médios de flutuação da pressão intraocular (2,82 ± 1,99 e 3,41 ± 2,54 mmHg, respectivamente; p = 0,135). Os picos de pressão intraocular e a flutuação apresentaram coeficientes de correlação intraclasse de 0,85 (p < 0,001) e 0,50 (p < 0,001), respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: neste estudo, os resultados demonstraram excelente reprodutibilidade dos picos de pressão intraocular durante o teste de sobrecarga hídrica. Entretanto, a flutuação da pressão intraocular não revelou boa reprodutibilidade / OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the reproducibility of intraocular pressure peaks and fluctuation elicited during the water drinking test in treated glaucomatous patients with a long follow-up interval. METHODS: 34 treated primary openangle glaucoma patients evaluated in retrospective cohort study in a tertiary care practice. All patients underwent the water drinking test performed in two consecutive visits without any change in the therapeutic regimen. The mean interval between tests was 4.85 (range, 3-6) months. Reproducibility of peak and fluctuation during the water drinking test was assessed using intraclass correlation coefficients. Bland-Altman analysis was used to assess the agreement of intraocular pressure peaks and fluctuation measured between two consecutive tests. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in baseline intraocular pressure values (mean ± standard deviation, 11.73 + 2.36 and 11.61+2.71 mmHg; p=0.72) and peaks (14.55+3.41 and 15.02 ± 3.66 mmHg, respectively; p=0.163) detected during the water drinking test between the first and second visits. There was also no significant difference between the average intraocular pressure fluctuation values (2.82 ± 1.99 and 3.41 ± 2.54 mmHg, respectively; p=0.135). Intraocular pressure peaks and fluctuation presented intraclass correlation coefficients of 0.85 (p < 0.001) and 0.50 (p < 0.001), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrate excellent reproducibility of intraocular pressure peaks during the water drinking test. Intraocular pressure fluctuation did not reveal good reproducibility, though

Uticaj operacije katarakte na vrednost intraokularnog pritiska / The effect of cataract surgery on the level of intraocular pressure

Barišić Sava 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Katarakta i glaukom su po svom toku hronične i progresivne bolesti koji predstavljaju dva vodeća uzroka slepila u svetu. Obe bolesti su karakteristične za stariju životnu dob i često se sreću zajedno kod iste osobe. Katarakta podrazumeva hirur&scaron;ko lečenja, dok se lečenje glaukoma zasniva na snižavanju visine intraokularnog pritiska (IOP), medikamentoznim i hirur&scaron;kim sredstvima. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi da li i u kojoj meri dolazi promene IOP-a i dubine prednje komore oka (ACD) nakon operacije katarakte, da li su preoperativne vrednosti IOP-a i ACD povezane sa postoperativnom visinom IOP-a i da li postoje razlike u ovim pojavama kod osoba operisanih od katarakte sa i bez prisutnog primarnog glaukoma otvorenog ugla (POAG). Rezultati ove studije pokazuju da postoji statistički značajno sniženje IOP-a 6 meseci nakon operacije katarakte. U poređenju sa preoperativnim vrednostima, ono iznosi prosečno 1,2 mmHg (7,5%) u grupi pacijenata bez POAG i 1,24 mmHg (6,49%) u grupi pacijenata sa POAG. Između dve grupe pacijenata nije postojala razlika u stepenu sniženja (p&gt;0,05). Ustanovljen je statistički značajano veći (p&lt;0,05) porast dubine ACD u grupi pacijenata sa POAG (1,03 mm; 34,8%) u odnosu pacijente bez glaukomske bolesti (0,92 mm; 30,37%). Rezultati korelacione analize, kao i regresionih univarijantih i multivarijantnih modela, pokazali su da statistički značajna povezanost postoji između preoperativne visine IOP-a i njegovog sniženja nakon operacije katarakte. Povezanost je bila pozitivnog smera i nije se uočena značajna razlika između obe grupe pacijenata. Ustanovljena je i pozitiva korelacija, bez statistički značajne razlike u obe grupe pacijenata, između PD indeksa (odnos preoperativnog IOP-a i ACD) i promene IOP-a nakon operacije katarakte. Preoperativna dubina prednje komore oka nije ispoljila povezanost sa postoperativnom promenom IOP-a. Na&scaron;a studija je pokazala statistički značajno postoperativno sniženje IOP-a i povećanje dubine ACD nakon operacije katarakte, koja se održava &scaron;est meseci nakon operacije katarakte. Nije ustanovljena razlika u redukciji IOP-a između pacijenata sa i bez POAG. Ustanovljena je pozitivna korelacija preoperativne visine IOP-a i PD indeksa sa postoperativnom promenom IOP-a, &scaron;to može biti od koristi prilikom odluke o optimalnom lečenju katarakte kod pacijenata sa POAG.</p> / <p>Cataract and glaucoma are chronic and progressive diseases and they are two of the leading causes of blindness wold wide. Both diseases are typical for an older age and often coincide within the same person. Treatment of cataract is surgical, while glaucoma treatment is based on lowering the level of intraocular pressure (IOP) with various medical and surgical options. The aims of this research were to determine whether there is a change in IOP and in the depth of anterior chamber of the eye (ACD) after cataract surgery, whether preoperative values of IOP and ACD are related to postoperative IOP values and to determine if there are differences in these events between people operated from cataract with or without primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). Results of this study show that there is a statistically significant decrease of IOP six months after cataract surgery. Comparing with preoperative values, it was found to be 1.2 mmHg (7.5%) in group of patients without POAG, and 1.24 mmHg (6.49%) in patients with POAG. There was no statistically significant difference found between two groups of patients (p&lt;0.05). Group of patients with POAG had significantly higher (p&lt;0.05) deepening of ACD (1.03 mm; 34.8%), in comparison with patients with no glaucoma (0.92 mm; 30.37%). Results of correlation analysis, as well as univariate and multivariate regression models, have shown significant correlation of preoperative IOP and its reduction after cataract surgery. Correlation was of positive direction with no statistically significant differences among two groups of patients. There was a positive correlation found, with no statistically significant differences in both groups of patients, between PD index (ratio of preoperative IOP and ACD) and IOP change after cataract surgery. Preoperative anterior chamber depth has shown no correlation with postoperativeIOP change. Our study showed statisticallysignificant postoperative reduction ofIOP and deepening of ACD, lasting for six months aftercataract surgery. No difference inpostoperativeIOP decrease has been detected betweenpatients with or without POAG. A positivecorrelation of preoperativeIOP height and PDindex with postoperativeIOP change has beenestablished, which mayprove usefulfordecision of optimal treatmentof cataract among POAG patients.</p>

Karakteristike glave očnog živca i peripapilarnih retinalnih nervnih vlakana kod pacijenata sa glaukomom / Characteristics of optic nerve head and peripapillar retinal nerve fibres in patients with glaucoma

Miljković Aleksandar 20 March 2015 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi razlika u debljini sloja retinalnih nervnih vlakana (RNFL) i parametara glave očnog živca kod pacijenata sa preperimetrijskim glaukomom i pacijenata sa glaukomom otvorenog ugla (POAG) u odnosu na zdravu populaciju, kao i da se utvrdi razlika u debljini RNFL i parametara glave očnog živca kod pacijenata sa POAG u odnosu na stepen progresije bolesti. Materijal i metode: U ovu kliničku, analitičku i opservacionu, po tipu &bdquo;slučaj-kontrola&ldquo; studiju, bilo je uključeno 120 pacijenata. Na osnovu kliničkog nalaza formirane su četiri grupe. Prva grupa (grupa zdravih): 30 pacijenata bez glaucoma i drugih očnih bolesti. Druga grupa (grupa sa početnim POAG): 30 pacijenata sa POAG, sa karakterističnim o&scaron;tećenjem glave očnog živca i RNFL, kod kojih je srednja vrednost devijacije standardizovane automatske perimetrije MD&lt;-6dB (prema Hodap klasifkaciji) sa karakterističnim glaukomskim ispadima u vidnom polju. Treća grupa (grupa sa srednje uznapredovalim POAG): 30 pacijenata sa POAG, kod kojih je srednja vrednost devijacije standardizovane automatske perimetrije MD od -6dB do -12dB (prema Hodap klasifkaciji). Četvrta grupa (grupa sa preperimetrijskim glaukom): 30 pacijenata sa promenama na glavi očnog živca karakterističnim za glaukomsku neuropatiju, kod kojih ne postoje funkcionalni ispadi tj. standardna automatizovana perimetrija pokazuje normalne vrednosti MD parametara (od -2 dB do +2dB). Kod svih pacijenata bio je urađen kompletan oftalmolo&scaron;ki pregled, kompjuterizovano vidno polje i optička koherentna tomografija peripapilarne regije RNFL i glave očnog živca (na aparatu Stratus OCT 3000, Carl Zeiss Meditec). Rezultati su pokazali da je debljina RNFL-a kod pacijenata sa početnim POAG manja u odnosu na zdravu populaciju. Najveće sniženje debljine RNFL je u sektorima 1,6,7 i 8h. Jedino u sektoru 4h i 9h ne dolazi do smanjenja debljine RNFL-a. Najveće smanjenje debljine RNFL je u gornjem i donjem kvadrantu, te oni imaju visoku specifičnost za diskriminaciju između zdravih i pacijenata sa početnim POAG. Parametri glave očnog živca: volumen ekskavacije, vertikalni C/D, horizontalni C/D i ukupni C/D odnos kod pacijenata sa početnim POAG povećani su u odnosu na zdravu populaciju. Parametri glave očnog živca: povr&scaron;ina neuroretinalnog oboda i volumen neuroretinalnog oboda, kod pacijenata sa početnim POAG smanjeni su u odnosu na zdravu populaciju. Debljina RNFL kod pacijenata sa srednje uznapredovalim POAG smanjena je i u odnosu na pacijente sa početnim POAG i u odnosu na zdravu populaciju (59,69&plusmn;10,63 &mu;m vs 73,44&plusmn;12,16&mu;m vs 105,57&plusmn;11,34 &mu;m). Parametri glave očnog živca prate ove promene. Ukupna povr&scaron;ina glave očnog živca se statistički značajno ne menja između zdravih osoba, pacijenata sa početnim i srednje uznapredovalim glaukomom otvorenog ugla i kod pacijenata sa preperimetrijskim glaukomom, te ovaj parametar ne determini&scaron;e glaukomsku bolest. Postojanje i napredovanje glaukoma kod pacijenata dovodi do istanjenja&nbsp; peripapilarnog RNFL &scaron;to je praćeno povećanjem ekskavacije glave očnog živca. Sa smanjenjem MD vrednosti dolazi do sledstvenih promena većine parametara. Postoji pozitivna korelacija između uznapredovalosti galukoma i srednje vrednosti debljine RNFL. Promena ove vrednosti najbolje pokazuje da dolazi do progresije POAG. Parametri glave očnog živca koji najbolje oslikavaju progresiju glaukoma su: ukupni C/D, vertikalni C/D i horizontalni C/D odnos. Debljina RNFL-a kod pacijenata sa preperimetrijskim glaukomom je značajno manja u od nosu na zdravu populaciju (83,65&plusmn;9,24&mu;m vs 105,57&plusmn;11,34&mu;m). To se posebno izražava u gornjem kvadrantu, dok u temporalnom kvadrantu ne dolazi do promena. Parametar S zajedno sa srednjom vrednosti debljine RNFL predstavljaju najbolje pokazatelje nastajanja preperimetrijskog glaukoma. Sektor 1h je sektor sa visokom specifično&scaron;ću za diskriminaciju izmeĎu zdravih i pacijenata sa preperimetrijskim glaukomom. Parametri glave očnog živca: volumen ekskavacije, vertikalni C/D, horizontalni C/D i srednji C/D odnos, kod pacijenata sa preperimetrijskim glaukomom statistički su značajno povećavani i u odnosu na zdravu populaciju. Parametri glave očnog živca: povr&scaron;ina neuroretinalnog oboda i volumen neuroretinalnog oboda, kod pacijenata sa preperimetrijskim glaukomom statistički su značajno manji u odnosu na zdravu populaciju. Najbolji prediktori nastanka i napredovanja glaukomske bolesti su sledeći parametri: AvgThic, debljina RNFL po kvadrantima-S,I,N; parametric debljine RNFL: Smax, Savg, Iavg; kao i parametri PNO: RimArea, RimVol, DiscArea, CupAear, C/DHorRat, C/DVertRat, C/DAreaRat. ROC kriva je pokazala da su sledeću parametri lo&scaron;i marker za progresiju bolesti: debljine RNFL kavdranta T, Imax i upVol. Zaključak: Određivanje parametara glave očnog živca i debljine peripapilarnih RNFL kod pacijenata sa glaukomom, optičkom koherentnom tomografijom, predstavlja metodu koja izdvaja pacijente sa preperimetrijskim glaukomom od zdrave populacije. Ono posebno ukazuje na sektore, kvadrante i parametre koji su najosetljiviji na glaukomsku noksu i koji prvi postaju patolo&scaron;ki pri nastanku glaukoma. Takođe, ukazuje i na razliku između pojedinih stepena glaukomske bolesti. Na ovaj način se omogućuje sigurna i rana dijagnoza glaukoma, njegovo pravovremeno lečenje i bolja prognoza kod pacijenata sa POAG.</p> / <p>Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the difference in thickness of retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) and parameters of optic nerve head in patients with preperimetric glaucoma and in patients with open angle glaucoma (POAG) in comparison to healthy population, as well as to determine the difference in thickness of RNFL and parameters of optic nerve head in patients with POAG according to progression of the disease. Material and methods: This clinical study was analytical and opservational, &bdquo;case-control&ldquo; type of study. 120 patients were included. On the basis of clinical finding 4 groups were formed. First group (healthy): 30 patients without glaucoma and with no other ocular disease. Second group (group of patients with mild POAG): 30 patients with POAG, with characteristical optic nerve head and RNFL damage, in whom the value of standard deviation of standardised automatic perimetry is MD&lt;-6dB (according to Hodap classification) with typical glaucomatous visual field defects. Third group (group of patients with moderate POAG): 30 patients with POAG in whom the mean value of standard deviation of standardised automatic perimetry, MD is from -6dB to -12dB (according to Hodap classification). Fourth group (group of patients with preperimetric glaucoma): 30 patients with changes of optic nerve head that are typical of glaucomatous neuropathy in whom there are no functional changes and with normal values of MD parameters of standardised automatic perimetry. In all patients complete ophthalmological examination, complete visual field and optic coherent tomography of peripapillar region of RNFL and optic nerve head (using Stratus OCT 3000, Carl Zeiss Meditec) were performed.The results showed that thickness of RNFL in patients with mild POAG is lesser than in healthy subjects. The greatest decrease in RNFL thickness is in sectors 1,6,7 and 8h. Only in sectors 4h and 9h there is no decrease in RNFL thickness. The greatest decrease in RNFL thickness is in upper and lower quadrant, so they are highly specific in determination between healthy subjects and patients with mild POAG. Parameters of optic nerve head such as: excavation volume, vertical C/D, horisontal C/D and total C/D ratio in patients with mild POAG are higher comparing to healthy population. Parameters of optic nerve head such as: neuroretinal rim area and neuroretinal rim volume in patients with mild POAG are lower than in healthy population. RNFL thickness in patients with moderate POAG is lesser than in patients with mild POAG, as well as in healthy subjects. Optic nerve head parameters follow these changes. Total optic nerve head area does not change in healthy subjects, in patients with mild and moderate open angle glaucoma and in patients with preperimetric glaucoma, so this parameter does not determine glaucomatous disease. The existence and progression of glaucoma in patients leads to thinning of peripapillar RNFL which is followed by increase of excavation of optic nerve head. With decrease of MD value there are consecutive changes in most parameters. There is positive correlation between progression of glaucoma and average thickness of RNFL. The change of this value shows the best if there is progression of POAG. Paremeters of optic nerve head that are the best determinants of progression of glaucoma are: total C/D, vertical C/D and horisontal C/D ratio. Thickness of RNFL in patients with preperimetric glaucoma is significantly lesser than in healthy subjects. It is particularly seen in upper quadrant, while in temporal quadrant there are no changes. Parameter S together with mean value of RNFL thickness is the best parameter of appearance of preperimetric glaucoma. Sector 1h is the sector that is highly specific in discrimination between healthy subjects and patients with preperimetric glaucoma. Optic nerve head parameters such as: volume of excavation, vertical C/D, horizontal C/D and C/D mean ratio in patients with preperimetric glaucoma are statistically significantly higher than in healthy population. Optic nerve head parameters such as: neuroretinal rim area and neuroretinal rim volume in patients with preperimetric glaucoma are statistically significantly lower than in healthy population. The best predictors of appearance and progression of glaucomatous disease are: AvgThic, RNFL thickness in quadrants: S,I,N; RNFL:Smax, Savg, Iavg; as well as PNO: RimArea, RimVol, DiscArea, CupAear, C/DHorRat, C/DVertRat, C/DAreaRat. ROC curve has shown that the following parameters are bad markers for progression of the disease: RNFL thickness in quadrant T, Imax and CupVol. Conclusion: Determination of parameters of optic nerve head and peripapillar RNFL in patients with glaucoma using optical coherent tomography represents the method that distinguishes the patients with preperimetric glaucoma from healthy subjects. It particularly points the sectors, quadrants and parameters that are the most sensitive to glaucomatous disease and that first become pathological when disease appears. It also indicates the difference between certain levels of glaucomatous disease. In this way safe and early diagnosis of glaucoma is provided, as well as adequate therapy and better prognosis in patients with POAG.</p>

Značaj optičke koherentne tomografije makule kod glaukoma otvorenog ugla / Optical coherence tomography of macula in primary open angle glaucoma

Babović Siniša 13 May 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi da li postoji razlika u debljini makule kod pacijenata sa glaukomom otvorenog ugla (POAG) u odnosu na zdravu populaciju i u zavisnosti od stepena progresije bolesti, kao i da se utvrdi da li postoji povezanost između promene debljine makule i stepena o&scaron;tećenja vidnog polja i debljine peripapilarnog sloja nervnih vlakana u zavisnosti od stepena progresije bolesti. Materijal i metode: U ovu kliničku prospektivnu studiju je uključeno 186 pacijenata. Na osnovu kliničkog nalaza formirane su tri grupe. Prva grupa (kontrolna &ndash; grupa zdravih): 68 pacijenata bez očnih oboljenja, sa najboljom korigovanom vidnom o&scaron;trinom &ge; 0.9, intraokularnim pritiskom (IOP) &le; 21 mmHg, normalnim odnosom ekskavacije i povr&scaron;ine glave vidnog živca i normalnim nalazom vidnog polja. Druga grupa (rani glaukom): 78 pacijenata sa klinički dijagnostikovanim primarnim glaukomom otvorenog ugla (sa karakterističnim o&scaron;tećenjem glave vidnog živca i sloja nervnih vlakana retine i kod kojih je srednja vrednost devijacije standardne automatske perimetrije MD &gt; -6 dB, prema Hodap klasifikaciji), bez drugih očnih ili sistemskih oboljenja, koja bi imala uticaj na nastanak glaukoma i sa najboljom korigovanom vidnom o&scaron;trinom &ge; 0.5. Treća grupa (glaukom srednjeg stepena): 40 pacijenata sa klinički dijagnostikovanim primarnim glaukomom otvorenog ugla (sa karakterističnim o&scaron;tećenjem glave vidnog živca i sloja nervnih vlakana retine i kod kojih je srednja vrednost devijacije standardne automatske perimetrije -6 dB &gt; MD &gt; -12 dB, prema Hodap klasifikaciji), bez drugih očnih ili sistemskih oboljenja, koja bi imala uticaj na nastanak glaukoma i sa najboljom korigovanom vidnom o&scaron;trinom &ge; 0.5. Svim pacijentima je bio urađen kompletan oftalmolo&scaron;ki pregled, kompjuterizovano vidno polje (Humphrey Field Analyzer, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany, SITA Standard, test C 24-2) i optička koherentna tomografija sloja nervnih vlakana peripapilarno i u predelu makule (SOCT Copernicus HR, Optopol Tech. SA, Zawiercie, Poland). Rezultati: Perifovea i parafovea, pokazuju statistički značajno smanjenje debljine i zapremine sloja nervnih vlakana u odnosu na stepen progresije glaukoma otvorenog ugla, pri čemu je ono nagla&scaron;enije u perifovei (p&lt;0,05). U svim segmentima makule (TPeriF, IPeriF, SPeriF, NPeriF, TParaF, SParaF, IParaF i NParaF) dolazi do smanjenja debljine i zapremine sloja nervnih vlakana sa progresijom bolesti (p&lt;0,05). Segmenti makule TPeriF, IPeriF, a potom i SPeriF, prema navedenom redosledu, predstavljaju segmente sa najvećim potencijalom za predikciju ranih glaukomskih o&scaron;tećenja s obzirom na uočeno najveće smanjenje debljine i zapremine nervnih vlakana (p&lt;0,05). Segmenti makule SParaF i NParaF predstavljaju segmente sa najvećim potencijalom za predikciju napredovanja glaukomskih o&scaron;tećenja srednjeg stepena s obzirom na uočeno najveće smanjenje debljine i zapremine nervnih vlakana (p&lt;0,05). Debljina RNFL glave vidnog živca se statistički značajno smanjuje sa progresijom bolesti u svim posmatranim segmentima (p&lt;0,05). Međusobni odnos između grupe zdravih i grupe pacijenata sa ranim glaukomom ukazuje da je statistički značajno smanjenje debljine RNFL prisutno u svim segmentima osim u segmentima P3 i P4 (p&gt;0,05). Merenja debljine RNFL u segmentu P6 imaju najbolji potencijal za predikciju ranog glaukoma s obzirom na najizraženije smanjenje debljine nervnih vlakana upravo u ovom segmentu (p&lt;0,05). Merenja debljine RNFL u segmentu P1 ima najbolji potencijal za predikciju dalje progresije bolesti. Debljina sloja nervnih vlakana makule srazmerna je smanjenju debljine RNFL na glavi vidnog živca, pri čemu je ona uočljivija na nivou segmenata koji su okarakterisani kao dobri prediktori za nastanak, odnosno progresiju bolesti (P6 sa IPeriF i TPeriF, odnosno P1 sa SPeriF), &scaron;to dodatno nagla&scaron;ava njihovu važnost u dijagnostici glaukoma otvorenog ugla. Debljina makule kod pacijenata sa glaukomom otvorenog ugla je opisana umerenom do dobrom povezano&scaron;ću sa stepenom o&scaron;tećenja vidnog polja, pri čemu je ona najjača kod TPeriF, IPeriF i SPeriF segmenata i srazmerna je stepenu o&scaron;tećenja vidnog polja. Koeficijenti korelacije između vrednosti srednje devijacije vidnog polja i debljine RNFL, odnosno&nbsp; sloja nervnih vlakana makule, pokazuju snažniju povezanost u odnosu na parametre dobijenog smanjenja debljine nervnih vlakana u makuli, &scaron;to otvara mogućnost za dalja istraživanja. Segmenti glave vidnog živca i makule, koji su pokazali najbolju diskriminaciju u smislu predikcije nastanka POAGa, kao i oni koji sugeri&scaron;u na njegovu progresiju, sme&scaron;teni su na lokacijama koje su međusobno povezane opisanim prirodnim tokom nervnih vlakana.&nbsp; Zaključak: Optička koherentna tomografija makule je važna pomoćna metoda u dijagnostici glaukoma kojom je moguće izdvojiti pacijente sa ranim glaukomom u odnosu na zdravu populaciju, odnosno utvrditi progresiju glaukoma otvorenog ugla.</p> / <p>All patients underwent complete ophthalmologic examination, SAP (Humphrey Field Analyzer, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany, SITA Standard, test C 24-2) and optical coherent tomography scans of RNFL and macula (SOCT Copernicus HR, Optopol Tech. SA, Zawiercie, Poland). Results: Perifoveal and parafoveal nerve fiber layer have shown significant reduction of thickness and volume compared to stage of POAG progression, where perifovea showed higher significance (p&lt;0,05). All macular segments (TPeriF, IPeriF, SPeriF, NPeriF, TParaF, SParaF, IParaF i NParaF) showed reduction in thickness and volume compared to disease progression (p&lt;0,05). Macular segments TPeriF, IPeriF, as well as SPeriF, represent segments with highest potential to predict early glaucomatous damage according to the most significant reduction of nerve fiber layer thickness and volume (p&lt;0,05). Macular segments SParaF and NParaF represent segments with highest potential to predict progression of POAG according to the most significant reduction of nerve fiber layer thickness and volume (p&lt;0,05). Optic nerve head (ONH) RNFL thickness showed reduction compared to POAG progression in all segments (p&lt;0,05). All ONH segments except P3 and P4 showed significant reduction of RNFL comparing control group to early glaucoma group patients (p&gt;0,05). ONH segment P6 was found to be the highly specific for early glaucoma prediction according to the most significant reduction of RNFL thickness (p&lt;0,05), while segment P1 was found to have highest potential for POAG progression. Macular nerve fiber layer thickness reduction follows ONH RNFL thickness reduction and there is mutual relation between both macular and ONH segments (P6 to IPeriF and TPeriF, P1 to SPeriF) with highest specificity for early defects and POAG progression. It was shown that macular thickness changes have moderate to good correlation with visual filed changes and it was highest in TPeriF, IPeriF and SPeriF segments. This correlation was found to be higher in macula then in ONH RNFL thickness changes, compared to visual field changes. Both macular and ONH RNFL segments, which were found to have highest specificity to POAG prediction and progression, are located in areas which mutually connect following natural course of nerve fiber layer between them. Conclusion: Optical coherence tomography of macula represents important ancillary method in POAG diagnosis and follow up, allowing to differentiate between early glaucoma patients and healthy individuals, as well as to determine progression of glaucomatous disease.</p>

Reprodutibilidade da curva tensional diária modificada e do teste de sobrecarga hídrica / Reproducibility of the modified daily tension curve and the water drinking test

Hatanaka, Marcelo 16 May 2014 (has links)
OBJETIVO: avaliar a reprodutibilidade da curva tensional modificada e do teste de sobrecarga hídrica em portadores de glaucoma de ângulo aberto ou hipertensos oculares, sem uso de hipotensor ocular, em dois dias consecutivos. MÉTODOS: análise prospectiva de pacientes portadores de glaucoma de ângulo aberto ou hipertensos oculares, submetidos à curva tensional modificada (medida da pressão intraocular às 8h, 11h, 14h e 16h), seguida do teste de sobrecarga hídrica (três medidas com intervalo de 15 minutos, iniciando-se 15 minutos após a ingestão, em cinco minutos, de um litro de água em temperatura ambiente), realizados pelo mesmo examinador, em dois dias consecutivos. Foram avaliadas: a reprodutibilidade da pressão intraocular em cada horário de medida durante a curva tensional modificada; a reprodutibilidade da pressão intraocular média, flutuação e pico de pressão durante a curva tensional modificada; a reprodutibilidade da flutuação e do pico de pressão durante o teste de sobrecarga hídrica. Calculou-se o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse para cada parâmetro. RESULTADOS: oitenta e oito olhos de 88 pacientes foram estudados. Destes, 64 eram portadores de glaucoma de ângulo aberto. A média das idades dos participantes foi 68,7+10,8 (51-79) anos. 65% dos pacientes eram do sexo feminino. A curva tensional modificada apresentou coeficiente de correlação intraclasse igual a 0,80, 0,82, 0,83 e 0,86 para as medidas realizadas às 8h, 11h, 14h e 16h, respectivamente (p < 0,001). A flutuação da pressão durante a curva tensional modificada, calculada pela diferença entre as pressões máxima e mínima e pelo desvio-padrão da média das medidas diurnas de pressão, a pressão média e o pico pressórico apresentaram coeficientes 0,60, 0,62, 0,91 e 0,85, respectivamente (p < 0,001). Durante o teste de sobrecarga hídrica, a flutuação apresentou coeficiente de 0,37 e o pico pressórico, 0,79. (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: neste estudo, as medidas de pressão intraocular realizadas durante a curva tensional modificada, a média e o pico apresentaram excelentes níveis de reprodutibilidade. O pico pressórico durante o teste de sobrecarga hídrica apresentou também excelente reprodutibilidade. A flutuação, tanto na curva tensional modificada, quanto no teste de sobrecarga hídrica, apresentou os menores índices de reprodutibilidade / OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the reproducibility of the modified daily tension curve and the water drinking test in patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension, not under topical treatment, during two consecutive days. METHODS: prospective analysis of open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertensive patients, submitted to a modified daily tension curve (intraocular pressure measurements at 8AM, 11AM, 2PM and 4PM), followed by the water drinking test (three intraocular pressure measurements with 15 minutes intervals, 15 minutes after ingestion of one liter of tap water), performed by the same examiner, within two consecutive days. The following parameters were evaluated for reproducibility: intraocular pressure obtained at each time-point during the modified daily tension curve; mean, peak and pressure fluctuation during the curve and peak and fluctuation during the water drinking test. Reproducibility was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient. RESULTS: eighty-eight eyes from 88 patients were studied. From these, 64 presented open-angle glaucoma. Mean age was 68.7+10.8 (51-79) years. 65% patients were female. Intraclass correlation coefficients were 0.80, 0.82, 0.83 and 0.86 for intraocular pressure measurements at 8AM, 11AM, 2PM and 4PM, respectively (p<0.001) Fluctuation calculated as the difference between maximum and minimum intraocular pressures, fluctuation calculated as the standard deviation of the four daily measurements, mean and peak pressures presented coefficients of 0.60, 0.62, 0.91 and 0.85, respectively (p<0.001). During the water drinking test, coefficient values for fluctuation and peak pressure were 0.37 and 0.79 (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: in this study, intraocular pressure measurements during a modified daily tension curve, mean intraocular pressure and pressure peaks presented excellent reproducibility levels; pressure peaks during the water drinking test also presented excellent reproducibility level, whereas fluctuation, both during the modified daily tension curve and during the water drinking test, was the least reproducible parameter

Amplitude de pulso ocular em pacientes portadores de glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto assimétrico

Kac, Marcelo Jarczun January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Lúcia Torres (bfmhuap@gmail.com) on 2017-10-04T13:45:33Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) DISSERTAÇAO MARCELO JARCZUN KAC.pdf: 1310344 bytes, checksum: 894e8b8ff1bbb98f54524b2bf42cfdc9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Lúcia Torres (bfmhuap@gmail.com) on 2017-10-04T13:45:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) DISSERTAÇAO MARCELO JARCZUN KAC.pdf: 1310344 bytes, checksum: 894e8b8ff1bbb98f54524b2bf42cfdc9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-04T13:45:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) DISSERTAÇAO MARCELO JARCZUN KAC.pdf: 1310344 bytes, checksum: 894e8b8ff1bbb98f54524b2bf42cfdc9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Prefeitura da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro / Objetivo: Avaliar a amplitude de pulso ocular (APO) utilizando o tonômetro de contorno dinâmico (TCD) em pacientes com glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto (GPAA) assimétrico e pressão intra-ocular (PIO) assimétrica. Métodos: 48 pacientes (96 olhos) com GPAA assimétrico foram recrutados. Três medidas da PIO e da APO foram aferidas utilizando o TCD. Para o diagnóstico de assimetria eram necessárias uma diferença de perda de campo visual maior que 6 dB no índice “mean deviation” (MD), e uma diferença de 5 mmHg na PIO medida com o tonômetro de aplanação de Goldmann (TAG) entre o olho mais afetado e o contra-lateral. Todos os participantes se submeteram a um exame oftalmológico completo, incluindo paquimetria ultrassônica e ecobiometira. Os critérios de exclusão consistiram de: doenças ou cicatrizes corneanas, uso de medicação anti-glaucomatosa tópica ou sistêmica e cirurgia ocular prévia. Resultados: Não houve diferença com significância estatística (p = 0,142) entre o comprimento axial dos olhos do grupo melhor (22,95 +/- 0,91 mm) e pior (22,85 +/- 0,97 mm). Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,011) entre a espessura corneana central do grupo de olhos melhores (537,08 +/- 29,54 μm) e do grupo de olhos piores (534,40 +/- 29,87 μm). Os valores da APO do grupo de olhos melhores (3.32 +/- 1.14 mmHg) foram significativamente menores (p = 0,001) do que os obtidos no grupo de olhos piores (3,83 +/- 1,27 mmHg). Quando corrigimos as medidas de APO pela diferença de PIO entre os olhos houve uma perda da significância estatística entre os grupos (p = 0,996). Conclusão: A APO é semelhante entre os dois olhos de pacientes portadores de GPAA assimétrico com PIO assimétrica. De acordo com esses dados não há evidência de que a APO possa ter um papel no GPAA hipertensivo assimétrico / Aim: To evaluate ocular pulse amplitude (OPA) using the dynamic contour tonometer (DCT) in patients with asymmetric primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and asymmetric intra-ocular pressure (IOP). Methods: The participants consisted of 48 patients (96 eyes) with asymmetric POAG. Three measurements of IOP and OPA were taken using DCT. The diagnosis of asymmetry required a difference of glaucomatous visual field loss greater than 6 dB in the global index MD and a difference of 5 mmHg in IOP measured by Goldmann aplannation tonometry (GAT) between the more affected and the contra-lateral eye. All participants underwent full ophthalmologic clinical assessment including ultrasonic pachymetry and biometric measurements. Exclusion criteria were corneal diseases or scars, topical or systemic glaucomatous medications, and previous ocular surgery. Results: No difference (p = 0.142) was found between the axial length measurements of the better eyes group (22.95 +/- 0.91 mm) and worse eyes group (22.85 +/- 0.97 mm). There was a statistically significant difference (p = 0.011) between the central corneal thickness values of the better eyes group (537.08 +/- 29.54 μm) and worse eyes group (534.40 +/- 29.87 μm). The OPA values of the better eyes group (3.32 +/- 1.14 mmHg) were significantly lower (p = 0.001) than those obtained on worse eyes group (3.83 +/- 1.27 mmHg). When correcting the OPA readings by the IOP there was a loss of statistical difference between groups (p = 0.996). Conclusion: OPA is similar in both eyes of asymmetric hypertensive POAG patients with asymmetric IOP. According to this data there was no evidence that OPA could play a role in asymmetric hypertensive POAG

Reprodutibilidade da curva tensional diária modificada e do teste de sobrecarga hídrica / Reproducibility of the modified daily tension curve and the water drinking test

Marcelo Hatanaka 16 May 2014 (has links)
OBJETIVO: avaliar a reprodutibilidade da curva tensional modificada e do teste de sobrecarga hídrica em portadores de glaucoma de ângulo aberto ou hipertensos oculares, sem uso de hipotensor ocular, em dois dias consecutivos. MÉTODOS: análise prospectiva de pacientes portadores de glaucoma de ângulo aberto ou hipertensos oculares, submetidos à curva tensional modificada (medida da pressão intraocular às 8h, 11h, 14h e 16h), seguida do teste de sobrecarga hídrica (três medidas com intervalo de 15 minutos, iniciando-se 15 minutos após a ingestão, em cinco minutos, de um litro de água em temperatura ambiente), realizados pelo mesmo examinador, em dois dias consecutivos. Foram avaliadas: a reprodutibilidade da pressão intraocular em cada horário de medida durante a curva tensional modificada; a reprodutibilidade da pressão intraocular média, flutuação e pico de pressão durante a curva tensional modificada; a reprodutibilidade da flutuação e do pico de pressão durante o teste de sobrecarga hídrica. Calculou-se o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse para cada parâmetro. RESULTADOS: oitenta e oito olhos de 88 pacientes foram estudados. Destes, 64 eram portadores de glaucoma de ângulo aberto. A média das idades dos participantes foi 68,7+10,8 (51-79) anos. 65% dos pacientes eram do sexo feminino. A curva tensional modificada apresentou coeficiente de correlação intraclasse igual a 0,80, 0,82, 0,83 e 0,86 para as medidas realizadas às 8h, 11h, 14h e 16h, respectivamente (p < 0,001). A flutuação da pressão durante a curva tensional modificada, calculada pela diferença entre as pressões máxima e mínima e pelo desvio-padrão da média das medidas diurnas de pressão, a pressão média e o pico pressórico apresentaram coeficientes 0,60, 0,62, 0,91 e 0,85, respectivamente (p < 0,001). Durante o teste de sobrecarga hídrica, a flutuação apresentou coeficiente de 0,37 e o pico pressórico, 0,79. (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: neste estudo, as medidas de pressão intraocular realizadas durante a curva tensional modificada, a média e o pico apresentaram excelentes níveis de reprodutibilidade. O pico pressórico durante o teste de sobrecarga hídrica apresentou também excelente reprodutibilidade. A flutuação, tanto na curva tensional modificada, quanto no teste de sobrecarga hídrica, apresentou os menores índices de reprodutibilidade / OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the reproducibility of the modified daily tension curve and the water drinking test in patients with open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension, not under topical treatment, during two consecutive days. METHODS: prospective analysis of open-angle glaucoma or ocular hypertensive patients, submitted to a modified daily tension curve (intraocular pressure measurements at 8AM, 11AM, 2PM and 4PM), followed by the water drinking test (three intraocular pressure measurements with 15 minutes intervals, 15 minutes after ingestion of one liter of tap water), performed by the same examiner, within two consecutive days. The following parameters were evaluated for reproducibility: intraocular pressure obtained at each time-point during the modified daily tension curve; mean, peak and pressure fluctuation during the curve and peak and fluctuation during the water drinking test. Reproducibility was assessed using the intraclass correlation coefficient. RESULTS: eighty-eight eyes from 88 patients were studied. From these, 64 presented open-angle glaucoma. Mean age was 68.7+10.8 (51-79) years. 65% patients were female. Intraclass correlation coefficients were 0.80, 0.82, 0.83 and 0.86 for intraocular pressure measurements at 8AM, 11AM, 2PM and 4PM, respectively (p<0.001) Fluctuation calculated as the difference between maximum and minimum intraocular pressures, fluctuation calculated as the standard deviation of the four daily measurements, mean and peak pressures presented coefficients of 0.60, 0.62, 0.91 and 0.85, respectively (p<0.001). During the water drinking test, coefficient values for fluctuation and peak pressure were 0.37 and 0.79 (p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: in this study, intraocular pressure measurements during a modified daily tension curve, mean intraocular pressure and pressure peaks presented excellent reproducibility levels; pressure peaks during the water drinking test also presented excellent reproducibility level, whereas fluctuation, both during the modified daily tension curve and during the water drinking test, was the least reproducible parameter

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