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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crowded field spectroscopy and the search for intermediate-mass black holes in globular clusters

Kamann, Sebastian January 2013 (has links)
Globular clusters are dense and massive star clusters that are an integral part of any major galaxy. Careful studies of their stars, a single cluster may contain several millions of them, have revealed that the ages of many globular clusters are comparable to the age of the Universe. These remarkable ages make them valuable probes for the exploration of structure formation in the early universe or the assembly of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. A topic of current research relates to the question whether globular clusters harbour massive black holes in their centres. These black holes would bridge the gap from stellar mass black holes, that represent the final stage in the evolution of massive stars, to supermassive ones that reside in the centres of galaxies. For this reason, they are referred to as intermediate-mass black holes. The most reliable method to detect and to weigh a black hole is to study the motion of stars inside its sphere of influence. The measurement of Doppler shifts via spectroscopy allows one to carry out such dynamical studies. However, spectroscopic observations in dense stellar fields such as Galactic globular clusters are challenging. As a consequence of diffraction processes in the atmosphere and the finite resolution of a telescope, observed stars have a finite width characterized by the point spread function (PSF), hence they appear blended in crowded stellar fields. Classical spectroscopy does not preserve any spatial information, therefore it is impossible to separate the spectra of blended stars and to measure their velocities. Yet methods have been developed to perform imaging spectroscopy. One of those methods is integral field spectroscopy. In the course of this work, the first systematic study on the potential of integral field spectroscopy in the analysis of dense stellar fields is carried out. To this aim, a method is developed to reconstruct the PSF from the observed data and to use this information to extract the stellar spectra. Based on dedicated simulations, predictions are made on the number of stellar spectra that can be extracted from a given data set and the quality of those spectra. Furthermore, the influence of uncertainties in the recovered PSF on the extracted spectra are quantified. The results clearly show that compared to traditional approaches, this method makes a significantly larger number of stars accessible to a spectroscopic analysis. This systematic study goes hand in hand with the development of a software package to automatize the individual steps of the data analysis. It is applied to data of three Galactic globular clusters, M3, M13, and M92. The data have been observed with the PMAS integral field spectrograph at the Calar Alto observatory with the aim to constrain the presence of intermediate-mass black holes in the centres of the clusters. The application of the new analysis method yields samples of about 80 stars per cluster. These are by far the largest spectroscopic samples that have so far been obtained in the centre of any of the three clusters. In the course of the further analysis, Jeans models are calculated for each cluster that predict the velocity dispersion based on an assumed mass distribution inside the cluster. The comparison to the observed velocities of the stars shows that in none of the three clusters, a massive black hole is required to explain the observed kinematics. Instead, the observations rule out any black hole in M13 with a mass higher than 13000 solar masses at the 99.7% level. For the other two clusters, this limit is at significantly lower masses, namely 2500 solar masses in M3 and 2000 solar masses in M92. In M92, it is possible to lower this limit even further by a combined analysis of the extracted stars and the unresolved stellar component. This component consists of the numerous stars in the cluster that appear unresolved in the integral field data. The final limit of 1300 solar masses is the lowest limit obtained so far for a massive globular cluster. / Kugelsternhaufen sind dichte, gravitativ gebundene Ansammlungen von teilweise mehreren Millionen Sternen, die ein fester Bestandteil jeder massiven Galaxie sind. Aus der Untersuchung der Kugelsternhaufen in der Milchstraße weiß man, dass das Alter von vielen dieser Objekte vergleichbar ist mit jenem des Universums. Dies macht sie zu wertvollen Forschungsobjekten, beispielsweise um die Entstehung der Milchstraße und die Strukturbildung im frühen Universum zu verstehen. Eine aktuelle wissenschaftliche Fragestellung befasst sich damit, ob Kugelsternhaufen massive schwarze Löcher beherbergen. Diese würden eine Brücke schlagen von den stellaren schwarzen Löchern, die durch den Kollaps massereicher Sterne entstehen, zu den supermassiven schwarzen Löchern, welche man in den Zentren massiver Galaxien beobachtet. Man bezeichnet sie daher auch als mittelschwere schwarze Löcher. Die sicherste Diagnostik, um schwarze Löcher zu detektieren und ihre Masse zu bestimmen ist, die Bewegung der Sterne innerhalb ihrer gravitativen Einflusssphäre zu vermessen. Spektroskopische Untersuchungen vermögen dies über die Dopplerverschiebung von Spektrallinien, sind jedoch in dichten stellaren Feldern wie Kugelsternhaufen schwierig. Aufgrund der Turbulenz in der Atmosphäre und dem endlichen Auflösungsvermögen des Teleskops erscheinen die Sterne in den Beobachtungen nicht punktförmig, sondern mit einer durch die Punktspreizfunktion (PSF) gegebenen Breite. In dichten stellaren Feldern führt dies dazu, dass die Sterne überlappen. Da klassische spektroskopische Verfahren nicht bildgebend sind, lassen sich die Beiträge der Einzelsterne zu einem beobachteten Spektrum nicht trennen und die Geschwindigkeiten der Sterne können nicht vermessen werden. Bildgebende spektroskopische Verfahren, wie etwa die Integralfeld-Spektroskopie, bieten jedoch die Möglichkeit, die PSF zu rekonstruieren und basierend darauf die Spektren überlappender Sterne zu trennen. Im Rahmen der vorgelegten Arbeit wird das Potential der Integralfeld-Spektroskopie in der Beobachtung dichter stellarer Felder zum ersten Mal systematisch analysiert. Hierzu wird eine Methodik entwickelt, die das Extrahieren von Einzelsternspektren über eine Rekonstruktion der PSF aus den vorhandenen Daten erlaubt. Anhand von Simulationen werden Voraussagen darüber gemacht, wie viele Sternspektren aus einem gegebenen Datensatz extrahiert werden können, welche Qualität diese Spektren haben und wie sich Ungenauigkeiten in der rekonstruierten PSF auf die Analyse auswirken. Es zeigt sich hierbei, dass die entwickelte Methodik die spektroskopische Analyse von deutlich mehr Sternen erlaubt als klassische Verfahren. Parallel zu dieser systematischen Studie erfolgt die Entwicklung einer dezidierten Analysesoftware, welche im zweiten Teil der Arbeit auf Daten von drei Kugelsternhaufen angewendet wird, die mit dem PMAS Integralfeld-Spektrographen am Calar Alto Observatorium aufgenommen wurden: M3, M13 und M92. Die Auswertung dieser Daten liefert Spektren für eine Stichprobe von ungefähr 80 Sternen pro Kugelsternhaufen, weit mehr als bisher im Zentrum eines der drei Haufen verfügbar waren. In der weiteren Analyse werden Jeans Modelle für jedes der drei Objekte gerechnet. Diese erlauben basierend auf einer angenommenen Massenverteilung innerhalb des Kugelsternhaufens eine Vorhersage der Geschwindigkeitsdispersion der Sterne. Der Vergleich mit den gemessenen Geschwindigkeiten zeigt, dass in keinem der drei Haufen ein schwarzes Loch benötigt wird, um die Dynamik der zentrumsnahen Sterne zu erklären. Im Gegenteil, die Beobachtungen können zu 99,7-prozentiger Sicherheit ausschließen, dass sich in M13 ein schwarzes Loch mit einer Masse größer 13000 Sonnenmassen befindet. In den anderen beiden Haufen liegt diese Grenze noch bei deutlich geringeren Massen, nämlich bei 2500 Sonnenmassen in M3 und 2000 Sonnenmassen in M92. In M92 ist es außerdem möglich, das Limit noch weiter herabzusetzen durch eine zusätzliche Analyse der unaufgelösten stellaren Komponente. Diese Komponente besteht aus dem integrierten Licht all jener Sterne, die zu schwach und zahlreich sind als dass sie aus den verfügbaren Daten einzeln extrahiert werden könnten. Das endgültige Limit von 1300 Sonnenmassen ist das geringste, welches bisher in einem massiven Kugelsternhaufen gemessen wurde.

Starbursts at Cosmic Dawn : Formation of Globular Clusters, Ultra-Faint Dwarfs, and Population III star clusters at z > 6

Nebrin, Olof January 2022 (has links)
In the standard model of cosmology (ΛCDM) the first stars, star clusters, and galaxies are expected to have formed in short bursts of star formation in low-mass dark matter halos at high redshifts (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?z%5C,%20%5Csim%20%5C,6-10" data-classname="equation_inline" />). Up to this point, attempts to predict the properties and abundances of these luminous objects have made use of numerically expensive cosmological simulations. On top of being numerically expensive, these simulations often lack the required sub-parsec resolution needed to resolve the formation of compact star clusters and/or neglect possibly dominant stellar feedback processes. Motivated by this, I introduce Anaxagoras, as far as I know the most detailed analytical ab initio model of starbursts in low-mass halos to date. The model incorporates sub-models for gas cooling (including a new determination of the H2-cooling threshold in minihalos), central gas accretion and disk formation (using a new selfsimilarsolution), stellar feedback from radiation pressure (direct stellar radiation, Lyman-<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Calpha" data-classname="equation_inline" data-title="" /> scattering in H I, and multiple scattering of IR photons by dust), stellar winds, expanding HII regions, and (crudely) supernovae. The resulting star formation efficiency is used to predict the fraction of stars that remain gravitationally bound in a cluster following gas expulsion, andwhat fraction escape the central region of the halo, yet remain bound by the dark matter halo. I apply Anaxagoras to study star formation at <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?z%5C,%20%3E%20%5C,6" data-classname="equation_inline" /> in satellite halos of the Milky Way using a halo merger tree code, as well as Population III (Pop III) star formation in minihalos. For the Milky Way setup, hundreds of galaxies are predicted to form with luminosities (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?L_%7B%5Crm%20V%7D%20%5C,%3C%5C,%20%5Crm%7Bfew%7D%5C,%20%5Ctimes%20%5C,%2010%5E4%20%5C:%20%5Crm%7BL%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" />), half-mass radii (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csim%2010-200%5C:%5Crm%20pc" data-classname="equation_inline" />), mass-to-light ratios (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?M/L_%7B%5Crm%20V%7D%20%5Csim%20100%20-%20%5Crm%7Bfew%7D%20%5C,%5Ctimes%5C,%2010%5E3%20%5C:%5Crm%7BM%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D/%5Crm%7BL%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation" />), and ages (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?13.18%5E%7B+0.29%7D_%7B-0.31%7D%5C:%5Crm%20Gyrs" data-classname="equation_inline" data-title="" />) in good agreement with the observed local population of Ultra-Faint Dwarfs. This shows that ΛCDM is able to explain the properties ofthe faintest dwarf galaxies without fine-tuning. Furthermore, at least ~ 40 compact (initial half-mass radii <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?%5Csim%200.1-5%5C;%5Crm%7Bpc%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" />), old (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?13.27%5E%7B+0.21%7D_%7B-0.39%7D%5C:%5Crm%20Gyrs" data-classname="equation_inline" />) globular cluster (GC) candidates with initial stellar masses <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?10%5E5%20-%2010%5E6%20%5C:%20%5Crm%7BM%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" />  are predicted to form at the center of low-mass halos, and could survive to the present-day and explain at least a fraction of the observed metal-poor GCs. Their properties are consistent with recent candidates for GCs residing in dark matter halos. Thus, Anaxagoras lends support to the viability of the scenario of GC formation in minihalos. Finally, the formation of Population III (Pop III) stars in minihalos is studied, with the conclusion that if Pop III stars are not overly massive (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?25%5C:%5Crm%7BM%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" />) between ~ 1 − 30 stars could form per minihalo at <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?z%5C,%20%3E%20%5C,20" data-classname="equation_inline" />, with the number increasing to ~ 10 − 500 stars per minihalo at <img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?z%5C,%3C%5C,15" data-classname="equation_inline" /> as Lyman-Werner feedback delay star formation until halos reach larger masses. In the case where Pop III stars are more massive (<img src="http://www.diva-portal.org/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?140%5C:%5Crm%7BM%7D_%7B%5Codot%7D" data-classname="equation_inline" data-title="" />) most minihalos form just a single star. Due to self-shielding of H2 in minihalos, I find that the cosmological Lyman-Werner background is insufficient to produce Pop III galaxies in atomic-cooling halos, with the implication that the number of massive Pop III galaxies/star clusters in the early Universe has been greatly overestimated in the literature that ignores self-shielding.

Enriquecimento de elementos pesados no aglomerado globular do bojo NGC 6522: traços da primeira geração de estrelas / Heavy elements enrichment in the bulge globular cluster NGC 6522: traces from the first stellar generation

Cantelli, Elvis William Carvalho dos Santos 13 August 2018 (has links)
Há uma concentração de aglomerados globulares moderadamente pobres em metais no bojo galáctico, e muitos deles mostram um Ramo Horizontal Azul (BHB). Essas características juntas apontam para uma idade antiga. Para entender melhor a origem desses aglomerados, o estudo de seu padrão de abundâncias pode ajudar a identificar o tipo das primeiras supernovas nas partes centrais da Galáxia. O NGC 6522 na janela do Baade é um representante desta classe de aglomerados. Análises de abundância de estrelas individuais nesses aglomerados confirmaram sua metalicidade de [Fe/H] -1.0, enriquecimento em elementos-$\\alpha$ e detectaram uma variação nas abundâncias dos elementos pesados de processo-s. Entre os maiores enriquecimentos em Y e Ba, a explicação usual da transferência de massa de uma companheira do ramo assintótico das gigantes pode não se aplicar, e um enriquecimento por estrelas massivas de alta rotação foi sugerido. A fim de estudar melhor as abundâncias em NGC 6522, obtivemos um programa com o FLAMES em 2012, a partir da qual, com os dados de UVES, mostramos que o enriquecimento em elementos-s ainda poderia ser acomodado com o modelo de transferência de massa de uma estrela companheira. Além disso, obtivemos novos dados com o FLAMES em 2016. No presente trabalho analisamos outras 6 estrelas observadas em alta resolução com UVES, e 32 estrelas em resolução média-alta observadas com GIRAFFE, onde foram selecionadas por suas velocidades radiais em torno de -14,3 km/s com uma abrangência de ±15 km/s. Os parâmetros atmosféricos e as abundâncias dos elementos leves C, N, O, elementos de Z ímpar Na e Al, elementos-$alpha$ Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, elementos de pico de ferro Mn, Cu, Zn, elementos de processo-s Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd e o elemento de processo-r Eu são derivados para a amostra UVES e preliminarmente para a amostra GIRAFFE. Entre as estrelas UVES, duas delas mostram um enriquecimento significativo nos elementos do processo-s e uma com alto valor nas razões [Y/Ba] e [Zr/Ba], sugerindo um enriquecimento por estrelas massivas de alta rotação. / There is a concentration of moderately metal-poor globular clusters in the Galactic bulge, and many of them show a Blue Horizontal Branch (BHB). These characteristics together point to an old age. In order to better understand the origin of these clusters, the study of their abundance pattern can help identifying the kind of the earliest supernovae in the central parts of the Galaxy. NGC 6522 in Baades Window is a representative of this class of clusters. Abundance analyses of individual stars in this clusters have confirmed its metallicity of [Fe/H]-1.0, enhanced -elements, and detected a variation in the abundances of the s-process heavy elements. Among the highest enhancements of Y and Ba, the usual explanation of mass transfer from a companion in the Asymptotic Giant Branch might not apply, and an enrichment by early fast-rotating massive stars was suggested. In order to further study the abundances in NGC 6522 we obtained a run with FLAMES- UVES in 2012, from which with the UVES data we have shown that the enhancement in s-elements could still be accommodated with the companion transfer model. We further obtained new data with FLAMES-UVES in 2016. In the present work we analyze another 6 stars observed at high resolution with UVES, and 32 stars at medium-high resolution observed with GIRAFFE. The latter were selected from their radial velocities of -14.3±15 km/s. The abundances of the light elements C, N, O, odd-Z elements Na, Al, -elements Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, iron-peak elements Mn, Cu, Zn, s-process elements Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd and r-process element Eu are derived. Among the UVES stars, two of them show a significant enrichment in s-process elements and one of them show high [Y/Ba] and [Zr/Ba] ratios, suggesting that an early enrichment by fast rotating massive stars is a probable scenario.

Enriquecimento de elementos pesados no aglomerado globular do bojo NGC 6522: traços da primeira geração de estrelas / Heavy elements enrichment in the bulge globular cluster NGC 6522: traces from the first stellar generation

Elvis William Carvalho dos Santos Cantelli 13 August 2018 (has links)
Há uma concentração de aglomerados globulares moderadamente pobres em metais no bojo galáctico, e muitos deles mostram um Ramo Horizontal Azul (BHB). Essas características juntas apontam para uma idade antiga. Para entender melhor a origem desses aglomerados, o estudo de seu padrão de abundâncias pode ajudar a identificar o tipo das primeiras supernovas nas partes centrais da Galáxia. O NGC 6522 na janela do Baade é um representante desta classe de aglomerados. Análises de abundância de estrelas individuais nesses aglomerados confirmaram sua metalicidade de [Fe/H] -1.0, enriquecimento em elementos-$\\alpha$ e detectaram uma variação nas abundâncias dos elementos pesados de processo-s. Entre os maiores enriquecimentos em Y e Ba, a explicação usual da transferência de massa de uma companheira do ramo assintótico das gigantes pode não se aplicar, e um enriquecimento por estrelas massivas de alta rotação foi sugerido. A fim de estudar melhor as abundâncias em NGC 6522, obtivemos um programa com o FLAMES em 2012, a partir da qual, com os dados de UVES, mostramos que o enriquecimento em elementos-s ainda poderia ser acomodado com o modelo de transferência de massa de uma estrela companheira. Além disso, obtivemos novos dados com o FLAMES em 2016. No presente trabalho analisamos outras 6 estrelas observadas em alta resolução com UVES, e 32 estrelas em resolução média-alta observadas com GIRAFFE, onde foram selecionadas por suas velocidades radiais em torno de -14,3 km/s com uma abrangência de ±15 km/s. Os parâmetros atmosféricos e as abundâncias dos elementos leves C, N, O, elementos de Z ímpar Na e Al, elementos-$alpha$ Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, elementos de pico de ferro Mn, Cu, Zn, elementos de processo-s Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd e o elemento de processo-r Eu são derivados para a amostra UVES e preliminarmente para a amostra GIRAFFE. Entre as estrelas UVES, duas delas mostram um enriquecimento significativo nos elementos do processo-s e uma com alto valor nas razões [Y/Ba] e [Zr/Ba], sugerindo um enriquecimento por estrelas massivas de alta rotação. / There is a concentration of moderately metal-poor globular clusters in the Galactic bulge, and many of them show a Blue Horizontal Branch (BHB). These characteristics together point to an old age. In order to better understand the origin of these clusters, the study of their abundance pattern can help identifying the kind of the earliest supernovae in the central parts of the Galaxy. NGC 6522 in Baades Window is a representative of this class of clusters. Abundance analyses of individual stars in this clusters have confirmed its metallicity of [Fe/H]-1.0, enhanced -elements, and detected a variation in the abundances of the s-process heavy elements. Among the highest enhancements of Y and Ba, the usual explanation of mass transfer from a companion in the Asymptotic Giant Branch might not apply, and an enrichment by early fast-rotating massive stars was suggested. In order to further study the abundances in NGC 6522 we obtained a run with FLAMES- UVES in 2012, from which with the UVES data we have shown that the enhancement in s-elements could still be accommodated with the companion transfer model. We further obtained new data with FLAMES-UVES in 2016. In the present work we analyze another 6 stars observed at high resolution with UVES, and 32 stars at medium-high resolution observed with GIRAFFE. The latter were selected from their radial velocities of -14.3±15 km/s. The abundances of the light elements C, N, O, odd-Z elements Na, Al, -elements Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, iron-peak elements Mn, Cu, Zn, s-process elements Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd and r-process element Eu are derived. Among the UVES stars, two of them show a significant enrichment in s-process elements and one of them show high [Y/Ba] and [Zr/Ba] ratios, suggesting that an early enrichment by fast rotating massive stars is a probable scenario.

Exploring the formation histories of galaxies - globular clusters and beyond / Sternentstehungsgeschichten von Galaxien - Kugelsternhaufen und mehr

Lilly, Thomas 12 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Étude de l'influence de la composition du cœur des naines blanches sur le calcul des âges

Simon, Amélie 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Formation and evolution of globular clusters in the Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds / Formação e evolução de aglomerados globulares da Galáxia e Nuvens de Magalhães

Dias, Bruno Moreira de Souza 25 June 2014 (has links)
Globular clusters are tracers of the formation and evolution of their host galaxies. Kinematics, chemical abundances, age and position of the clusters allows tracing interactions between Milky Way and surrounding galaxies and outlines their chemical enrichment history. In this thesis we analyse mid-resolution spectra of about 800 red giant stars in 51 Galactic globular clusters. It is the first time that [Fe/H] and [Mg/Fe] derived in a consistent way are published for such a huge sample of globular clusters, almost 1/3 of the total number of catalogued clusters. Our metallicities are showed to be more precise than previous works based on mid-resolution spectroscopy. A turnover at [Fe/H] ~ -1.0 is found in the plot [Fe/H] vs. [Mg/Fe] for bulge and halo, although bulge seems to have a more metal-rich turnover, i.e, bulge has more efficient formation than the halo. Comparing the abundances with age the timescale for SNIa to start to become important is 1Gyr. [Fe/H] vs. age corroborates the different star formation efficiency of bulge and halo while [Mg/Fe] does not follow that. Halo was formed in mini halos or dwarf galaxies, and two multiple population clusters had their origin analysed to check it. M 22 seems to have been formed in the Milky Way while NGC 5824 possibly was originated in a dwarf galaxy, although our results are inconclusive for NGC 5824. The Galactic bulge seems to have been formed fast i.e., probably the oldest globular cluster is there. In fact HP 1 has a bluer horizontal branch than expected for its metallicity and we interpret that as an age effect. We determine its distance using light curves of variable stars in order to constrain future age determinations via colour-magnitude diagram. Finally, we investigate interaction between Milky Way and its neighbour galaxy SMC. We find that some star clusters are being stripped out of the SMC main body, which is consistent with tidal stripping scenario for the interaction between the galaxies, instead of ram pressure that would only affect gas. / Aglomerados globulares são traçadores da formação e evolução de suas galáxias. Cinemática, abundâncias químicas, idades e posições dos aglomerados permitem traçar interações entre Via Láctea e galáxias vizinhas e suas histórias de enriquecimento químico. Nesta tese analisamos espectros de média resolução de mais de 800 estrelas gigantes vermelhas em 51 aglomerados globulares Galácticos. É a primeira vez que [Fe/H] and [Mg/Fe] determinados de modo consistente são publicados para uma amostra desse porte, ~1/3 dos objetos catalogados. Nossas metalicidades são mais precisas que trabalhos anteriores similares. Uma quebra em [Fe/H] ~ -1.0 é encontrada no gráfico [Fe/H] vs. [Mg/Fe] para o bojo e halo, embora bojo parece ter uma quebra em [Fe/H] maior, i.e, bojo tem formaçãao mais eficiente que o halo. Comparando abundâncias com idade, a escala de tempo para SNIa ficar importante é 1Gano. [Fe/H] vs. idade corrobora diferentes eficiências de formação do bojo e halo, mas [Mg/Fe] vs. idade não mostra isso. O halo foi formado em mini halos ou galáxias anãs, e dois aglomerados com dispersão em [Fe/H] tiveram suas origens analisadas. M 22 parece ter sido formado na Via Láctea e NGC 5824 possivelmente foi originado em uma galáxia anã, embora os resultados são inconclusivos para NGC 5824. O bojo parece ter sido formado rapidamente e deve possuir o aglomerado mais velho. De fato, HP 1 tem um ramo horizontal mais azul que o esperado para sua metalicidade e vemos isso como um efeito da idade. Determinamos sua distância usando curvas de luz de RR Lyrae de maneira a restringir futuras determinações de idade via diagrama cor-magnitude. Finalmente, investigamos a interação entre Via Láctea e sua galáxia vizinha SMC. Encontramos aglomerados sendo removidos do corpo central da SMC, consistente com cenário de remoção por força de maré para a interação entre as galáxias, em vez de ``ram pressure\'\' que afeta só gás.

Formation and evolution of globular clusters in the Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds / Formação e evolução de aglomerados globulares da Galáxia e Nuvens de Magalhães

Bruno Moreira de Souza Dias 25 June 2014 (has links)
Globular clusters are tracers of the formation and evolution of their host galaxies. Kinematics, chemical abundances, age and position of the clusters allows tracing interactions between Milky Way and surrounding galaxies and outlines their chemical enrichment history. In this thesis we analyse mid-resolution spectra of about 800 red giant stars in 51 Galactic globular clusters. It is the first time that [Fe/H] and [Mg/Fe] derived in a consistent way are published for such a huge sample of globular clusters, almost 1/3 of the total number of catalogued clusters. Our metallicities are showed to be more precise than previous works based on mid-resolution spectroscopy. A turnover at [Fe/H] ~ -1.0 is found in the plot [Fe/H] vs. [Mg/Fe] for bulge and halo, although bulge seems to have a more metal-rich turnover, i.e, bulge has more efficient formation than the halo. Comparing the abundances with age the timescale for SNIa to start to become important is 1Gyr. [Fe/H] vs. age corroborates the different star formation efficiency of bulge and halo while [Mg/Fe] does not follow that. Halo was formed in mini halos or dwarf galaxies, and two multiple population clusters had their origin analysed to check it. M 22 seems to have been formed in the Milky Way while NGC 5824 possibly was originated in a dwarf galaxy, although our results are inconclusive for NGC 5824. The Galactic bulge seems to have been formed fast i.e., probably the oldest globular cluster is there. In fact HP 1 has a bluer horizontal branch than expected for its metallicity and we interpret that as an age effect. We determine its distance using light curves of variable stars in order to constrain future age determinations via colour-magnitude diagram. Finally, we investigate interaction between Milky Way and its neighbour galaxy SMC. We find that some star clusters are being stripped out of the SMC main body, which is consistent with tidal stripping scenario for the interaction between the galaxies, instead of ram pressure that would only affect gas. / Aglomerados globulares são traçadores da formação e evolução de suas galáxias. Cinemática, abundâncias químicas, idades e posições dos aglomerados permitem traçar interações entre Via Láctea e galáxias vizinhas e suas histórias de enriquecimento químico. Nesta tese analisamos espectros de média resolução de mais de 800 estrelas gigantes vermelhas em 51 aglomerados globulares Galácticos. É a primeira vez que [Fe/H] and [Mg/Fe] determinados de modo consistente são publicados para uma amostra desse porte, ~1/3 dos objetos catalogados. Nossas metalicidades são mais precisas que trabalhos anteriores similares. Uma quebra em [Fe/H] ~ -1.0 é encontrada no gráfico [Fe/H] vs. [Mg/Fe] para o bojo e halo, embora bojo parece ter uma quebra em [Fe/H] maior, i.e, bojo tem formaçãao mais eficiente que o halo. Comparando abundâncias com idade, a escala de tempo para SNIa ficar importante é 1Gano. [Fe/H] vs. idade corrobora diferentes eficiências de formação do bojo e halo, mas [Mg/Fe] vs. idade não mostra isso. O halo foi formado em mini halos ou galáxias anãs, e dois aglomerados com dispersão em [Fe/H] tiveram suas origens analisadas. M 22 parece ter sido formado na Via Láctea e NGC 5824 possivelmente foi originado em uma galáxia anã, embora os resultados são inconclusivos para NGC 5824. O bojo parece ter sido formado rapidamente e deve possuir o aglomerado mais velho. De fato, HP 1 tem um ramo horizontal mais azul que o esperado para sua metalicidade e vemos isso como um efeito da idade. Determinamos sua distância usando curvas de luz de RR Lyrae de maneira a restringir futuras determinações de idade via diagrama cor-magnitude. Finalmente, investigamos a interação entre Via Láctea e sua galáxia vizinha SMC. Encontramos aglomerados sendo removidos do corpo central da SMC, consistente com cenário de remoção por força de maré para a interação entre as galáxias, em vez de ``ram pressure\'\' que afeta só gás.

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