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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Hoffmann, Jennifer, Lindell, Lizette January 2011 (has links)
In autumn in 2010 the project group came in contact with the travel company Golf Joy in Halmstad. They had been briefed on the problems of their customers had when they travel with their golf bags and contacted Halmstad University for help in solving this problem. When we heard about this idea, we became curious and contacted the company. After a successful meeting, we took the problem with us to the school and began to brainstorm to see how we could solve the problem. The goal was to produce a stylish and functional travel golf bag with the cart and bag in one and launch it in the golf season in 2012. But the main goal was to make traveling easier for the golfer. It should be easy to get from one place to another with the golf bag. However, the journey to the final result has not been easy. In the following report, you can follow our journey from idea to finished product with both positive and less positive obstacles. To get the best information possible, we went to a golf trade show in Jönköping where we got to mingle with the greatest golfing companies in the industry. We have been out on some golf courses and talked to golfers of all levels. It turned out that golfers in general were interested in a product like this. The result of all the work was a golf bag with the cart and bag in one. This makes it easy to take the bag with you anywhere you go and is very convenient for those who do not have access to a car. It is possible to pack some clothes and shoes in to the bag, so the only things you need to carry with you is hand luggage and golf bag, which in turn makes the journey smoother. Product function and meaning have fluctuated much back and forth during the project, what should be added, which target group is the bag for, and so on. Now, after a year's work, the concept is clear and the bag already has buyers.

Copilot: konceptutveckling av en golfbag / Copilot: A concept development of a golf bag

Elmgren, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The idea of doing a golf bag as my master thesis came to me due to my own experiences from playing golf for almost a decade. I use a carry bag because it gives me freedom to go wherever I want on the golf course, and doing it faster than if I would use a trolley. To be able to move in a smooth and pleasant way, you need good equipment. Golf bags on the market today are unnecessarily large. This is something that I can’t understand. It must be possible to design a golf bag that is compact and easier to use. With innovative ideas I tend to make a conceptual golf bag that is more compact and user friendly. It will inspire more golfers to use a carry bag which in the end will lead to a faster game on the golf course. Finally I will present a physical model that best reflects how the concept would look if it were manufactured. I offer golfers an opportunity to carry their golf equipment in a more convenient way. The golf bag is easy to use, especially on the track, but also in transportation to and from the golf course and when it is stored at home. I have set out to try to find new ways of thinking, which offers golfers equipment that differ from today. New ideas have been combined with ergonomics and design. The work begins with a sketch phase. Five different conceptual ideas are developed. Decisions are made to work on Concept E. It is a small bag that is worn on the lower back. The decision was based on the simplicity of the concept. There are also similarities to the golf bags on the market today. This is a good thing as it will be easier for golfers to connect to the bag and it may have a better chance of entering the market. I ended up with Copilot. It is a golf bag that is compact and slim in its design. The strength lies in the elastic pockets. They will adapt depending on what is stored in them. Therefore is the bag not bigger than what the user makes it. The golf bag is designed in a way that hold the clubs in place so they will not be in contact with each other and cause disturbing noise. Copilot helps golfers to feel relaxed, but at the same time be ready and alert on the golf course. The simplicity, clarity and flexibility are three core values that makes this golf bag the obvious choice for the golfer who wants to focus on their game. / Bakgrunden till projektet ligger i att jag har spelat golf i närmare tio år. Jag använder mig av en bärbag då det ger mig friheten att röra mig snabbare över golfbanan. För att röra sig på ett smidigt och behagligt sätt gäller det att använda en bra utrustning. Golfbagarna som finns idag är otympliga och onödigt stora. Jag ställde mig frågande till det. Det måste gå att utforma golfbagen på ett kompakt och mer användarvänligt sätt. Det var den frågan jag ville undersöka i mitt examensarbete. Jag ska med hjälp av nytänkande idéer arbeta fram ett konceptförslag på hur golfbagen kan göras mer kompakt och användarvänlig. Den ska inspirera fler golfare till att använda bärbag vilket i sin tur leder till ett snabbare spel på golfbanan. Projektet avslutas med att jag presenterar en fysisk modell som på bästa sätt återger hur konceptet ser ut i ett tillverkat skede. Med mitt koncept erbjuder jag golfaren en möjlighet att transportera sin golfutrustning på ett bekvämt och ur storlekssynpunkt mer effektivt sätt. Utrustningen ska upplevas smidig, främst på banan, men även i transporten till och från golfbanan samt när den förvaras i hemmet. Jag eftersträvade ett nytänkande, något som erbjuder golfaren en utrustning som skiljer sig från dagens. Nytänkandet kombinerades med ergonomi och form. Arbetet inleddes med en skissfas där fem olika konceptförslag tas fram. Beslut togs att jobba vidare med koncept E. Det är en smal bag som bärs horisontellt mot ryggslutet. Beslutet grundar sig i konceptets enkelhet och hur användandet har likheter med dagens bärbag. Med kopplingarna till dagens bärbag ansågs konceptet vara lättare för golfaren att ta till sig och bagen kan ha en större chans att komma ut på marknaden. Resultatet blev golfbagen Copilot. Bagen är en kompakt och slimmad i sin form. Styrkan ligger i de elastiska fickorna. Fickorna anpassar sig efter vad som packas ner i dem och bagen blir på så sätt inte större än vad användaren gör den till. Copilot löser ett ständigt återkommande problem, problemet att klubborna slås emot varandra när man går med bagen på ryggen. Bagens ovandel är utformad med låsning av klubborna. Klubborna kilas fast i bagen och kommer inte i kontakt med varandra när användaren går med bagen på ryggen. Copilot bidrar till att golfaren känner sig avslappnad på golfbanan, men samtidigt förberedd och alert. Enkelhet, tydlighet och flexibilitet är tre värdeord som gör golfbagen till det självklara valet för den golfspelaren som vill fokusera sin energi på sitt spel.

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