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Évaluation de la compétence grammaticale chez des adultes francophones apprenant l'espagnol langue étrangère / Assessment of grammatical competence in francophone adults learning Spanish as a foreign languageSalazar Perafan, Luis 26 February 2016 (has links)
Notre étude porte sur l’observation de connaissances linguistiques et métalinguistiques chez les adultes francophones apprenant l’Espagnol Langue Étrangère (ELE). Ces connaissances constituent la compétence grammaticale que les apprenants construisent au fur et à mesure qu’ils s’approprient la L2.Dans le but d’observer ces connaissances au stade intermédiaire d’apprentissage — c’est-à-dire au niveau seuil (B1) établi par le Cadre Commun de Référence pour les Langues (Conseil de l’Europe, 2001) —, nous avons procédé à une étude expérimentale auprès de 30 adultes francophones. Notre démarche comporte 2 tâches d’expérimentation : une tâche de décision et une tâche de production orale. La tâche de décision repose sur un test de jugement de grammaticalité : on demande aux participants d’évaluer, dans un temps limité, un corpus des phrases (exposées les unes après les autres, à la fois à l’écrit et à l’oral) dont certaines contenaient une erreur. Le corpus de phrases présenté à nouveau sur papier, on demande ensuite aux participants de donner un jugement définitif (sans mesure de temps de réponse), à partir duquel, s’ils jugent une phrase incorrecte, ils doivent indiquer où se situe l’erreur et l’expliquer. Quant à la tâche de production orale, il a été demandé aux participants de produire un discours descriptif et narratif en L2 espagnol à l’aide d’un stimulus visuel (bande dessinée). Les résultats de nos tâches expérimentales nous ont permis de recueillir des données sur le temps de réponse, sur la capacité de jugement de phrases, sur le type de discours employé pour expliquer l’erreur et sur les structures syntaxiques utilisées spontanément en production orale.Ces données sont analysées et discutées en vue de fournir des pistes sur la capacité des adultes francophones apprenant l’ELE à détecter des erreurs en langue cible et à en expliciter les règles transgressées ; sur les problèmes qu’ils retrouvent dans leur appropriation du système grammatical de l’espagnol ; et sur les connaissances dont ils se servent pour analyser et produire les structures de la langue objet. En outre, les résultats obtenus nous permettent à notre tour d’envisager autrement l’apprentissage de la grammaire de l’espagnol et d’avancer la perspective d’un modèle d’enseignement adapté aux capacités métacognitives et métalinguistiques de l’apprenant francophone. / The framework of our study is focused on the assessment of linguistic and metalinguistic knowledge of francophone adults learning Spanish as a foreign language. This knowledge constitutes the basis of grammatical competence built by learners as they develop skills in the target language.Our aim is the observation of linguistic and metalinguistic knowledge used by francophone adult learners of Spanish as a second language (L2). Thus, we designed and directed an experimental study to 30 French-speakers with a threshold-level in Spanish, based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe, 2001). Our approach consisted of two experimental tasks: A decision making task and a task of oral production. The first task was conducted with a grammaticality judgement test in which participants had to evaluate, in a limited response time, a corpus of 36 sentences (presented one after the other, at both written and oral). The second task was conducted with the definitive confirmation of judgments about the corpus. Participants were thus asked to give a final judgement about the correctness of sentences (without measuring response time). If they judged a sentence as incorrect, they have to specify the error and explain it. As for the oral production task, the participants were asked to produce a descriptive and narrative speech in Spanish by using visual stimuli (a comic strip). The results achieved allowed us to collect data on the response time, on the sentences judgment ability, on the type of speech used to explain the error and on syntactical structures used spontaneously in oral speech. Those data were analyzed and discussed with the aim of providing insights on the capacity of francophone adults learning Spanish as a foreign language for detecting and explaining errors in the target language; on their difficulties in acquiring the Spanish grammatical system; and on their knowledge to analyze and produce structures in target language.The results enabled us to reconsider the learning of Spanish grammar otherwise with a view to teaching models adapted to the metacognitive and metalinguistic skills of francophone learners.
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[pt] Comunidades surdas são compostas por populações com alto nível de variabilidade de proficiência (NIEDLE et al, 2000), o que dificulta a estruturação de amostras de participantes para a obtenção de dados em estudos sobre a gramática internalizada (Língua-I) por falantes dessas comunidades. Tal variabilidade está relacionada diretamente à idade de aquisição de uma língua de sinais (LS), à qualidade e à quantidade do insumo linguístico recebido pelas crianças surdas no período de aquisição de linguagem. Em diversos estudos sobre LS, sinalizantes surdos filhos de pais surdos sinalizadores (SFPS) são considerados como nativos, ou seja, possuidores de competência gramatical plena (Chomsky, 1986). Todavia, devido à escassez de informantes SFPS, pesquisas têm ampliado a caracterização de sujeitos que, de fato, possuem conhecimento pleno da gramática de uma LS, incluindo também surdos filhos de pais não surdos (SFPnS) como informantes. Contudo, estudos evidenciam a que há um período sensível para a aquisição dos aspectos estruturais de uma gramática e, tal sensibilidade tende a ser reduzida gradativamente até o
início da puberdade (Lenneberg, 1967). Assim sendo, parte-se da hipótese de que em Libras, SFPnS que tiveram exposição tardia à gramática não apresentam competência gramatical plena. Fazer a verificação dessa hipótese é o objetivo principal deste trabalho, que se caracteriza como um estudo teórico-experimental sobre competência morfossintática em Libras. O foco da pesquisa foi concordância verbal e o experimento consistiu em uma tarefa de julgamento de aceitabilidade, em que sinalizantes de Libras
(20 SFPS e 45 SFPnS (15 com exposição à Libras antes dos 4 anos; 15 com exposição entre 5 e 7 anos; 15 com exposição a partir de 8 anos de idade)) do Rio de Janeiro julgaram a aceitabilidade de 32 sentenças/vídeos alvos com uso de Escala Likert de cinco pontos, em que 1 = ruim e 5 = ótimo. Tomamos como variáveis independentes o tipo de concordância verbal (regular vs. reversa), verbo auxiliar (presença vs. ausência) e a manifestação morfologia da concordância (parcial (apenas com o objeto) vs. neutra (sem marca de concordância tanto com o sujeito como com objeto)). Os dados foram estatisticamente tratados (ANOVA com medidas repetidas) e os resultados interpretados à luz da Teoria Gerativa e da literatura sobre concordância verbal em língua de sinais. Os resultados não evidenciam nenhuma diferença muito marcada entre SFPS e SFPnS. Tanto SFPS como SFPnS possuem sensibilidade quanto ao tipo de concordância verbal (regular vs. reversa), apresentando uma preferência pela concordância regular, e menor preferência pela presença do verbo auxiliar mesmo quando a concordância verbal é neutra, como sugerido em Lourenço (2014). Contudo, SFPS apresentaram menor aceitação de sentenças com concordância verbal regular parcial na presença de auxiliar, como observado em Quadros e Quer (2008, 2010). / [en] Deaf communities display high level of variability in language proficiency (NIEDLE et al, 2000), which makes it difficult to structure samples for studies about the Grammar (I-language) in sign languages (SL). Such variability is directly related to the age of acquisition, the quality and quantity of the linguistic input received by deaf children during the acquisition period. Deaf signers whose parents are also deaf signers (DsDsP) are considered to be native signers. That is, these signers are considered to have full grammatical competence (Chomsky, 1965, 1986) on their native languages. However, due to shortage of DsDsP informants, researchers tend to leave open the set of signers with full grammatical knowledge, including deaf signers with non-deaf parents (DsNonDsP) as informants in their research. Studies suggest, however, the existence of a sensitive period for the acquisition of the structural properties of any given grammar. This sensitivity tends to be gradually reduced until the onset of puberty (Lenneberg, 1967). Therefore, we should, by hypothesis, expect that DsNonDsP with late exposure to any SL, including Brazilian Sign
Language (Libras), do not have the same grammatical competence as DsDsP. Investigating this hypothesis is the main goal of our research, a theoretical-experimental study on grammatical competence in Libras. We focused on the morphosyntax of verbal agreement in Libras and we conducted an acceptability judgment take, in which signers (20 DsDsP and 45 DsNonDsP (15 with exposure to Libras before 4 years; 15 with exposure between 5 and 7 years; 15 with exposure from 8 years old)) used a 5-point Likert Scale (1 = Not acceptable, 5 = fully acceptable) to judge 32 target sentences/videos. The independent variables were: type of verbal agreement (regular vs. backwards), auxiliary verb (presence vs. absence) and morphological manifestation of agreement on the verb (partial (with the object only) vs. neutral (no agreement at all)). The data collected were statistically treated (ANOVA with repeated measures) and the results were analyzed taking into consideration the literature on language acquisition within Generative Grammar and the literature on verbal agreement in SL. The results did not show any strikingly difference between DsDsP and DsNonDsP. Both DsDsP and DsNonDSP seem to be sensitive to the type of verbal agreement, displaying a preference for regular verbal agreement and a lower preference for the presence of auxiliary verb even in sentences with neutral verbal agreement, in accordance with Lourenço (2014). However, DsDsP showed less acceptance of partial regular verbal agreement in the presence of auxiliary in accordance with Quadros and Quer (2008, 2010).
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A pragmatic study of developmental patterns in Mexican students making English requests and apologiesFlores-Salgado, Elizabeth January 2009 (has links)
"September 2008". / Thesis (DAppLing)--Macquarie University, Division of Linguistics and Psychology, Dept. of Linguistics, 2009. / Bibliography: p. 189-196. / The purpose of this research was to analyse the pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic development of language groups at different proficiency levels and investigate the relationship between interlanguage pragmatics and grammatical competence. For this study, 36 native Spanish speaking EFL learners at different proficiency levels were asked to respond in English to 24 different situations which called for the speech acts of request and apology. Their English performances were compared to those of 12 American English native speakers in order to provide base-line cultural data. Thirty six Mexican Spanish native speakers also participated as a control group in order to analyse the role of the mother tongue in the performances of the EFL learners. The data, collected using a carton oral production task (COPT), were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. Results showed three important findings that illuminate the relationship between pragmatic development and grammatical competence and lent support to Kasper and Rose's (2003) claim of a universal pragmatic principle. The first finding suggested that basic adult learners possess a previous pragmatic knowledge in their L1 that allows them to focus on the intended meaning and, in most cases, and to assemble (from the linguistic structures available to them) an utterance that conveys a pragmatic intention and satisfies the communicative demands of a social situation. The second finding revealed that there are two essential conditions to communicate a linguistic action: the knowledge of the relevant linguistic rules and the knowledge of how to use them appropriately and effectively in a specific context. Without an elementary knowledge of the linguistic rules, it is impossible to select the forms to realize a speech act in a target-like manner. The findings further suggested that advanced learners possess the grammatical knowledge to produce an illocutionary act, but they need to learn the specific L2 pragmatic conventions that enable them to know when to use these grammatical forms and under what circumstances. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / xi, 238 p. ill
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