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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caledonian and pre-Caladonian events in Moine rocks of the Cluanie area, Inverness-shire

Millar, Ian Lawson January 1990 (has links)
This study addresses the problems of identifying and dating the Precambrian to Caledonian events which affect the Proterozoic Moine metasediments of the central Northem Highlands of Scotland. Particular emphasis is placed on determining the timing and environment of emplacent of early amphibolite suites, and their relevance to the nature of the Grenville event in northern Scotland. In the area to the east of Loch Cluanie, two distinct suites of pre-tectonic amphibolites intrude Moine metasediments and granite gneiss. The fine grained, non-garnetiferous metadolerite suite are chemically and isotopically similarto modern N-type MORB. The coarse grained, garnetiferous metagabbro suite show a more evolved chemistry, consistent with derivation from a metadolerite-like magma by a process involving assimilation of Moine wall rocks and fractional crystallisation. While the LlL element chemistry of both suites has been markedly altered during metamorphism, the REE and HFS elements appear to have remained stable. The metadolerite suite yield an Rb-Sr whole-rock age of 1004 ± 47 Ma, which dates hydration of the suite during the first, 01' deformation event. The absence of major compressive structures associated with the 01 event, coupled with the MORB chemistry of the metadolerites, suggest that the Grenville event in this area may have been extensional. The West Highland granite gneiss may have been formed by crustal anatexis during metamorphism associated with this extensional phase, accompanied by extension-related basic magmatism. Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd ages from pegmatites, metagabbros, and metasediments suggest that the major recumbent isoclinal folding of the D2 event is late- Precambrian to early Cambrian in age, and is not related to the Grenville event, as has often been assumed. 02 resetting of the Rb-Sr systems of the metagabbros is dated at 562 ± 24 Ma, an age which overlaps within error with the time of emplacement ofthe Carn Chuinneag granite. Rb-Srdating of a memberofthe syn- D3 pegmatite suite provides an age of 442 ± 5 Ma for Caledonian upright reworking associated with the formation of major internal ductile thrusts (e.g. the Sgurr Beag slide) and the Loch Quoich Line. No evidence was found in the Loch Cluanie area for metamorphism ordeformation during a Morarian event.


ELISANGELA DO PRADO OLIVEIRA 20 October 2006 (has links)
[pt] Desde o século passado estuda-se no Brasil a seqüência de camadas resultante da decomposição de uma rocha. Estes perfis de alteração são desde então objetos de estudo de vários autores pela grande importância que apresentam na Engenharia Geotécnica, principalmente em países de clima tropical, como o Brasil. Os diferentes tipos e graus de intemperismo que ocorrem em um perfil de solo residual afetam o comportamento geotécnico dos materiais resultantes. O conhecimento detalhado de sua gênese pode contribuir para um melhor entendimento do seu comportamento geomecânico. A presente dissertação visa contribuir para uma definição de características bio-físicoquímico- mineralógicas e microestruturais que possam servir como indicadoras da evolução do grau de intemperismo de um dado perfil de solo residual. Tal tipo de estudo compreende parte de investigações requeridas para o desenvolvimento de um modelo de comportamento de solos residuais onde seja possível incluir efeitos de grau de intemperização. Investigações neste sentido estão sendo efetuadas dentro do projeto PRONEX-Rio intitulado Geotecnia Aplicada à Avaliação, Prevenção e Remediação de Problemas Ambientais, em desenvolvimento junto ao Núcleo de Geotecnia Ambiental do DEC/PUC-Rio e que se enquadra na linha de pesquisa Geotecnia Ambiental do Setor de Geotecnia do DEC/PUC-Rio. / [en] Since the last century, the resultant layers sequence of rock decomposition is studied in Brazil. For the great importance that present in Geotechnical Engineering, these alteration profiles are objects of study of some authors, since then, mainly in countries of tropical climate, as Brazil. The different weathering types and degrees that occur in a residual soil profile affect the geotechnical behavior of the resultant materials. The knowledge detailed of its gênesis can contribute for the better agreement of its geomecanical behavior. The present dissertation aims at to contribute for a definition of bio- physical-chemicalmineralogical and micromorphological characterization that can serve as indicating of the evolution of weathering degree of a residual soil profile. This study is a part of required inquiries for development of a residual soil behavior model where it is possible to include effect of weathering degree. This investigation are being effected in the project PRONEX-Rio intitled Geotechnic Applied to the Evaluation, Prevention and Remediation of Ambient Problems, in development in the Nucleus of Environmental Geotechnic of DEC/PUC-Rio and it is in the research line of Environmental Geotechnic of the Sector DEC/PUC-Rio.


ROBERTA BOMFIM BOSZCZOWSKI 07 November 2008 (has links)
[pt] Um perfil de alteração de granito-gnaisse é estudado objetivando um melhor conhecimento das propriedades mecânicas e hidráulicas de solos residuais. A feição estudada encontra-se no município de Campo Magro, região Metropolitana de Curitiba. A região situa-se na borda da Bacia de Curitiba, acima de 900 metros, fortemente sujeita aos fenômenos tectônicos que deram origem à calha da Bacia. As investigações geotécnicas contemplam a caracterização física, química e mineralógica dos materiais. O comportamento dos solos no estado compactado e indeformado é analisado. Curvas características de sucção e de resistividade fornecem dados que auxiliam no entendimento das propriedades hidráulicas. A influência do intemperismo e da sucção são avaliados na resistência à tração e na resistência à compressão não confinada. Parâmetros de resistência em cinco diferentes níveis de intemperismo são apresentados. Ensaios de adensamento fornecem parâmetros de quebra da estrutura (yelding) dos solos. O comportamento tensão- deformação do solo mais intemperizado, no estado não saturado, é analisado através de ensaios triaxiais com medida de deformação local, em compressão axial com tensão controlada e deformação controlada. As conclusões da pesquisa permitem identificar a variabilidade de comportamento de resistência e compressibilidade, efeito do material de origem e intemperismo a que os solos foram submetidos. / [en] A granite-gneiss weathering profile is studied with the aim of achieving a better understanding of mechanical and hydraulic properties of residual soils. The site in focus is located at the city of Campo Magro, in Curitiba Metropolitan Area. The region under research lies at the border of Curitiba Basin, above 900 m of elevation, and it was heavily influenced by tectonic events that originated the basin. The geotechnical investigation comprised physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization. The soil behavior was assessed in both natural and compacted conditions. Suction and resistivity characteristic curves provide useful information for assessing the hydraulic properties. The weathering degree and suction levels influence are assessed in respect to unconfined compressive and tensile strength. The resistance properties are analyzed according five distinct weathering degrees. Consolidation tests are used for identifying yielding stress levels. Unsaturated triaxial tests with local strain measurements in both stress and strain control conditions are used to study the deformation behavior of the most weathered soil. The conclusions provide an overall assessment of the soil strength and compressibility variability, origin material influence and weathering evolution effects.

The Origin of Certain Granitic Rocks Occurring In Glamorgan Township, Southeastern Ontario / Origin of Certain Granitic Rocks

Chesworth, Ward 05 1900 (has links)
<p> Glamorgan township in southeastern Ontario, is underlain by Precambrian rocks of the Grenville province. Prominent amongst these are migmatite, paragneiss, and granite gneiss, VJhich collectively form a series of rocks (the Glamorgan gneiss aeries). </p> <p> Field work revealed that this series is completely gradational from a geological aspect, and that the geological gradation is complemented by a geochemical gradation. <p> An explanation of these gradational relationships constitutes the main contribution of this study. The conclusions reached are that partial melting of paragneiss produced migmatite and a trondhjemitic melt, which later produced granitic (in the strict sense) derivatives. </p> <p> In developing the main conclusions, a number of subsidiary problems are discussed, chief of which are the possible metavolcanic or metasedimentary o'rigin of the paragneiss and the possible origin of so-called diorite as a differentiate of an alkaline gabbro. Metamorphism was concluded to be of Miyashiro's low pressure intermediate type. </p> <p> By the use of experimentally determined reactions and stability fields a metamorphic grid was devised, which led to the following upper limits of metamorphic conditions: 550 to 650°C and 3 to 6.5 kilobars total pre5sure. These estimates in turn lead to the following limiting geothermal gradients: 25 to 55°C per kilometre. </p> <p> The Glamorgan occurrence was found to share three characteristics with many other Precambrian terrains : 1. migmatisation and emplacement of granite accompanied high grade metamorphism; 2. an early sodium-rich granite was followed by a more potassic one; and 3. the more sodic granite is associated with a small amount of basic igneous rock. These three generalisations were used to formulate a possible model for deep crustal petrogenesis. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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