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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resistance to Botrytis cinerea in parts of leaves and bunches of grapevine

Gutschow, Minique 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Knowledge of the presence of Botrytis cinerea in morphological parts of bunches and leaves of grapevine would help to find a reliable, sensitive, and specific assay to verify the actual occurrence of latent infection, and to plan strategies for the effective control of B. cinerea bunch rot. The aim of this study was (i) to determine natural B. cinerea infection at specific sites in leaves and bunches of grapevine at different phenological stages, and (ii) to determine resistance in the morphological parts to disease expression. Bunches and leaves of the wine grape cultivar Merlot and the table grape cultivar Dauphine, were collected at pea size, bunch closure and harvest from five vineyards in the Stellenbosch and De Dooms regions respectively. The material was divided into two groups and sealed in polythene bags. The bags were lined with wet paper towels to establish high relative humidity. Leaves and bunches incubated in one group of bags were first treated with paraquat in order to terminate active host responses. These treatments provided conditions that facilitated disease expression under two host resistance levels by different inocula during the period of moist incubation. Disease expression was positively identified by lesion development, and the formation of sporulating colonies of B. cinerea at a potential infection site. Sites in leaves were the blades and petioles. Sites in bunch parts were rachises, laterals and pedicels, and on berries sites were the pedicel-end, cheek and style-end. In Dauphine, the various sites were at all stages classified as resistant to moderately resistant. However, at pea size and bunch closure, in spite of their resistance, nearly all the sites carried high to very high inoculum levels. The only exception was the berry cheek, which carried intermediate inoculum levels at pea size, and low inoculum levels at bunch closure. In nearly all sites, inoculum levels were lower at harvest. The decrease was the most prominent in petioles, rachises, laterals, pedicels and the pedicel-end of the berry. All these sites carried intermediate to low inoculum levels at harvest. In Merlot, sites constantly exibited a resistant reaction, except for the pedicel and pedicel-end of the berry, which changed from resistant at the early developmental stages to susceptible at harvest. Inoculum levels decreased during the season in the rachises and laterals, but were constantly high during the season in the pedicel and pedicel-end of the berry. According to this pattern of natural occurrence, B. cinerea fruit rot in these vineyards was not caused by colonisation of the pistil, and subsequent latency in the style end of grape berries. However, fruit rot was primarily caused by colonisation of the pedicel, and subsequent latency in the pedicel or pedicel-end of the berry. These findings furthermore support the hypothesis of increased host resistance during development, but also indicate that in the Western Cape province, inoculum in vineyards is abundant during the early part of the season, and less abundant later in the season. More information is therefore needed on the behaviour of the different types of B. cinerea inocula on the different morphological parts of grapevine to validate the pathway described for natural B. cinerea infection in vineyards. The penetration and disease expression at the different morphological parts of bunches of two grape cultivars (Dauphine and Merlot) under conditions simulating natural infection by airborne conidia was therefore investigated. The two cultivars did not differ in resistance of the berry cheek, which was at all stages classified as resistant. However, in Dauphine, latent inoculum levels in berry cheeks declined from intermediate at pea size to low at the following stages, whereas in Merlot, levels were intermediate during pea size and at harvest. Some differences between cultivars were found in the resistance of the structural bunch parts, and of their latent inoculum levels. In Dauphine, the rachis reacted susceptible at pea size, and was classified moderately resistant later in the season. Laterals and pedicels were moderate resistant at pea size, and resistant at later stages. Inoculum levels in rachises, laterals and pedicels were high at pea size, but intermediate at bunch closure and at harvest. The finding that B. cinerea infected and naturally occurred more commonly in the tissues of immature than mature bunches, that the structural parts of the bunch carried more B. cinerea than the berry cheek, and that these infections may be more important in B. cinerea bunch rot than infection of the cheek or the style end, suggest that emphasis should be placed on the disease reaction of the pedicel and related parts of immature bunches rather than on the berry. The resistanc-e reaction of leaf blades, petioles, internodes and inflorescences on cuttings, compared to those on older shoots from the vineyard were therefore investigated. In the case of vinelets, leaf blades, petioles, internodes and inflorescences were all classified susceptible to highly susceptible. The different parts furthermore all carried very high latent inoculum levels. In vineyard shoots the petioles and inflorescences showed resistance, and carried intermediate to latent inoculum levels. This finding suggests that leaf blades are not appropriate parts for studying the behaviour of inoculum of B. cinerea and host responses in grape bunches. In stead, petioles and inflorescences of vineyard shoots should be used for this purpose. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: WEERSTAND TEEN BOTRYTIS CINEREA IN MORFOLOGIESE DELE VAN BLARE EN TROSSE VAN WINGERD Kennis oor die teenwoordigheid van Botrytis cinerea in morfologiese dele van wingerd word benodig vir die ontwerp van 'n betroubare, sensitiewe en spesifieke toets vir die bevestiging van latente infeksies, en vir die implementering van strategieë vir die effektiewe beheer van B. cinerea-vrot. Die doel van hierdie studie was om (i) natuurlike B. cinerea infeksie by spesifieke areas in blare en trosse van wingerd te bepaal, en (ii) om weerstand teen siekte-uitdrukking in hierdie morfologiese dele vas te stel. Trosse en blare van die wyndruif kultivar Merlot en die tafeldruif kultivar Dauphine, is by ertjiekorrel, tros-toemaak en oes in vyf wingerde in die Stellenbosch- en De Doomsomgewing, onderskeidelik, versamel. Die materiaal is in twee groepe verdeel en in polietileen sakkies verseël. Die sakkies is met klam papierdoekies uitgevoer om sodoende hoë relatiewe humiditeit te verseker. Blare en trosse wat in die een groep geïnkubeer is, is eers met paraquat behandel om aktiewe gasheerreaksies te beëindig. Hierdie behandelings het toestande geskep wat gedurende die periode van vogtige inkubasie gunstig was vir siekteontwikkeling deur verskillende inokula by twee gasheer-weerstandsvlakke. Siekteuitdrukking is positief geïdentifiseer deur letsel-ontwikkeling en die vorming van sporuierende kolonies van B. cinerea by 'n potensiële infeksie-area. Dele waarop in die blare gekonsentreer is, was die blaarskyf en -steel. In die trosse was die dele die rachis, lateraal en korrelsteel, en op korrels was dit die korrelsteel-end, wang en styl-end. In Dauphine is die verskillende dele tydens al die fenologiese stadia as weerstandbiedend tot matig weerstandbiedend geklassifiseer. Die verskillende dele her egter, ten spyte van hul weerstandbiedendheid, hoë tot baie hoë inokulumvlakke by ertjiekorrel- en tros-toemaakstadium gedra. Die enigste uitsondering was die korrelwang, wat 'n middelmatige inokulumvlak by ertjiekorrel, en 'n lae inokulumvlak by tros-toemaak, gedra het. Die inokulumvlakke was in byna al die dele laer by oes. Die afname in inokulumvlakke was die prominentste in die blaarstele, rachi, laterale, korreisteie en die korrelsteel-end van die korrel. Al hierdie dele het 'n middelmatige tot lae inokulumvlak by oes gehad. In Merlot was die dele konstant weerstandbiedend, behalwe vir die korrelsteel en die korrelsteel-end van die korrel, wat gewissel het van weerstandbiedend by die vroeë ontwikkelingstadia, tot vatbaar by oes. lnokulumvlakke in die rachis en lateraal het gedurende die seisoen afgeneem; maar was deur die seisoen konstant hoog in die korrelsteel en korrelsteel-end van die korrel. Volgens die patroon van natuurlike voorkoms, word B. cinerea-vrot in hierdie wingerde nie deur kolonisasie van die stamper, en die daaropvolgende latensie in die styl-end van die korrels, veroorsaak nie. Vrot word egter primêr deur kolonisasie van die korrelsteel, en die daaropvolgende latensie in die korrelsteel of korrelsteel-end van die korrel, veroorsaak. Hierdie bevindinge ondersteun die hipotese van toenemende gasheerweerstand gedurende ontwikkeling, en dui ook daarop dat inokulumvlakke in wingerde in die Wes-Kaap provinsie volop is gedurende die eerste deel van die seisoen, en minder volop is later in die seisoen. Meer inligting word dus benodig aangaande die gedrag van die verskillende inokulum tipes van B. cinerea op die verskillende morfologiese dele van wingerd, ten einde die infeksieweg vir natuurlike B. cinerea infeksie in wingerde te bevestig. Die vestiging van latente infeksies in die verskillende morfologiese dele van trosse van twee kultivars (Dauphine en Merlot), onder toestande wat natuurlike infeksie deur luggedraagde konidia simuleer, is dus ondersoek. Die twee kultivars se weerstand in die korrelwang het nie verskil nie en is by alle fenologiese stadia as weerstandbiedend geklassifiseer. Die latente inokulumvlakke in die korrelwang van Dauphine het egter van middelmatig by ertjiekorrel, tot laag in die daaropvolgende stadia afgeneem, terwyl die vlakke in Merlot middelmatig by ertjiekorrel en oes was. Verskille tussen die twee kultivars is gevind ten opsigte van die weerstand in die trosdele, asook hulle latente inokulumvlakke. Die rachis van Dauphine was by ertjiekorrel vatbaar, en matig weerstandbiedend later in die seisoen. Die lateraal en korrelsteel was matig weerstandbiedend by ertjiekorrel en weerstandbiedend by latere stadia. lnokulumvlakke in rachi, laterale en korreisteie was hoog by ertjiekorrel, maar middelmatig by tros-toemaak en oes. Die bevindinge dat B. cinerea natuurlik meer algemeen in die weefsel van onvolwasse trosse voorgekom en laasgenoemde meer algemeen geïnfekteer het, dat B. cinerea se voorkoms hoër was in die morfologiese dele van die tros as in die korrelwang, en dat hierdie infeksies van groter belang in B. cinerea-vrot mag wees as infeksie van die wang of styl-end, dui daarop dat klem gelê moet word op die siektereaksie van die strukturele dele van onvolwasse trosse, eerder as van die korrel. Die weerstand van blaarskywe, blaarstele, internodes en blomtrossies van steggies, in vergelyking met die op ouer lote in wingerde, is dus ondersoek. Blaarskywe, blaarstele, internodes en blomtrossies van steggies is almal as vatbaar tot hoogs vatbaar geklassifiseer. Die verskillende dele het verder ook almal baie hoë latente inokulumvlakke gedra. By die ouer lote van wingerde het die blaarstele en blomtrossies weerstandbiedend vertoon, en middelmatige latente inokulumvlakke gedra. Hierdie bevindinge dui daarop dat blaarskywe nie die ideale morfologiese deel is vir gedragstudies van B. cinerea in druiwetrosse nie. Blaarstele en blomtrossies van ouer lote moet eerder vir die doel gebruik word.

The construction of plant expression vectors for the introduction of leafroll disease resistance in grapevine

Van Straten, Celene Debra 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grapevine leafroll is one of the most damaging viral diseases that affect many viticultural regions of the world. Numerous reports over the last few years have associated closterovirus-like particles with leafroll disease. To date, eight serologically distinct closteroviruses have been isolated from leafroll infected vines, of which grapevine leafroll associated closterovirus-3 (GLRaV-3) is the best characterized. Virus resistance in transgenic plants based on the expression of a virusderived gene is known as pathogen-derived resistance. The viral coat protein (CP) gene, which expresses a structural protein responsible for coating the virus particles, was used in the first demonstration of virus-derived resistance. Coat protein-mediated resistance is currently the most feasible and most widely used method to obtain virus resistance in crop plants. The CP gene of a South African isolate of GLRaV-3 infected grapevine was isolated, cloned and sequenced. Double stranded RNA (dsRNA) was extracted from GLRaV-3 infected material and a high molecular weight band, of -18 kb was identified from infected vines. The dsRNA was used as a template in a reverse transcription PCR together with GLRaV-3 CP gene specific primers for the amplification of the GLRaV-3 CP gene (975 bp). The GLRaV-3 CP gene was cloned into the pGem®-T Easy vector. Clones hosting the CP gene in the sense (pLR3CP+) and antisense (pLR3CP-) orientations respectively were obtained. The sequence obtained from these two clones showed 99.26 % similarity to the only other GLRaV-3 CP nucleotide sequence available. The GLRaV-3 CP gene was excised from pLR3CP+ and pLR3CP- and subcloned into a plant expression vector, pCAMBIA 3301 in the sense (pCamBLR3CP+) and antisense (pCamBLR3CP-) orientations respectively, therefore enabling sense and antisense gene expression in transgenic plants. The GLRaV-3 CP gene was also subcloned from pCamBLR3CP+ into another plant expression vector, pCAMBIA 2301 in the sense orientation and designated as pCVSLR3CP+. These three constructs were given to Dr. M. Vivier (Institute for Wine Biotechnology, Stellenbosch) for grapevine transformation experiments. Two of these constructs, pCamBLR3CP+ and pCamBLR3CP- as well as pCAMBIA 3301 were used to transform Nicotiana tabacum by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. Plants were selected for their ability to withstand the herbicide, Basta. This resistance is due to the presence of a plant selectable marker gene on each of these constructs, known as the bar gene. PCR with GLRaV-3 CP gene specific primers showed no amplification of the GLRaV-3 CP gene in the plants transformed with pCamBLR3CP+ and pCamBLR3CP-. Southern blot analysis with the GLRaV-3 CP gene as hybridization probe showed no signal for these plants, thus confirming the PCR results. PCR with bar gene specific primers showed no amplification of the bar gene in the plants infected with pCAMBIA 3301. The plants transformed with pCamBLR3CP+ and pCamBLR3CP- were also screened for the presence of the bar gene. Three of the eight plants tested showed amplification of the -560 bp bar gene. This result suggests that these plants were transformed with pCAMBIA 3301 (vector without the ligated GLRaV-3 CP gene) and not pCamBLR3CP+ or pCamBLR3CP- as had been expected. This project provides preliminary work for the subsequent transformation of grapevine with the GLRaV-3 CP gene, in an attempt to impart virus resistance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wingerd rolblaar is een van die mees beskadigende virale siektes wat baie wingerd areas in die wêreld aantas. In Aantal verslae oor die afgelope jare het closterovirus partikels met wingerd rolblaar geassosieer. Tot hede, is agt serologiese onderskeibare closterovirusse geïsoleer vanuit geaffekteerde wingerde, waarvan wingerd rolblaar geassosieerde closterovirus-3 (GLRaV-3) die beste gekarakteriseerd is. Virus bestandheid in transgeniese plante gebaseer op die uitdrukking van gene afkomstig vanaf virusse, staan bekend as patogeen-afgeleide weerstand. Die virale kapsule protein (CP) geen vervaardig In strukturele protein wat verantwoordelik is vir die bedekking van die virus partikel. Dié geen was gebruik in die eerste demonstrasie van patogeen-afgeleide weerstand. Kapsuul protein-bemiddelde weerstand is tans die mees praktiese en algemene gebruikte metode om virus weerstand in plant gewasse te verkry. Die CP geen van In Suid Afrikaanse isolaat van GLRaV-3 geïnfekteerde wingerde is geïsoleer, gekloneer en die volgorde is bepaal. Dubbelstring RNA (dsRNA) was uit GLRaV-3 geïnfekteerde materiaal geëkstraheer en In hoë molekulêre gewig band van -18 kb is geïdentifiseer. Die dsRNA is gebruik as In templaat vir In omgekeerde transkripsie PKR saam met GLRaV-3 CP geen spesifieke inleiers vir die amplifikasie van die GLRaV-3 CP geen (975 bp). Die GLRaV-3 CP geen is gekloneer in die pGem®-T Easy vektor. Klone met die CP geen in die sin (pLR3CP+) en teensin (pLR3CP-) oriëntasies respektiewelik is verkry. Die volgorde wat verkry is vanuit hierdie twee klone dui op In 99.26 % ooreenstemming met die enigste ander GLRaV-3 CP geen volgorde wat beskikbaar is. Die GLRaV-3 CP geen is uit pLR3CP+ en pLR3CP- gesny en is gesubkloneer in In plant ekspressie vektor, pCAMBIA 3301 in die sin (pCamBLR3CP+) en teensin (pCamBLR3CP-) oriëntasies respektiewelik, wat die sin en teensin geen ekspressie in transgeniese plante in staat stel. Die GLRaV-3 CP geen was ook gesubkloneer vanaf pCamBLR3CP+ in In ander plant ekspressie vektor, pCAMBIA 2301 in die sin orientasie en is as pCVSLR3CP+ benoem. Hierdie drie konstruksies is aan Dr. M. Vivier (Instituut vir Wyn Biotegnologie, Stellenbosch) gegee vir wingerd transformasie eksperimente. Twee van hierdie konstruksies, pCamBLR3CP+ en pCamBLR3CP- asook pCAMBIA 3301 is gebruik om Nicotiana tabacum deur middel van Agrobacterium tumefaciens-bemiddelde transformasie te transformeer. Plante is geselekteer vir hul vermoë om die onkruiddoder, Basta, te weerstaan. Die teenwoordigheid van die plant selekteerbare merker geen, bar, op elke konstruksie lui tot dié weerstand. Die plante wat getransformeer is met pCamBLR3CP+ en pCamBLR3CP- is deur PKR saam met die GLRaV-3 CP geen spesifieke inleiers getoets, en geen amplifikasie van die GLRaV-3 CP geen is getoon nie. Southern blot analise met die GLRaV-3 CP geen as hibridisasie peiler het geen sein gewys vir hierdie plante nie, wat die PKR resultate bevestig. Die plante wat getransformeer is met pCAMBIA 3301 is deur PKR saam met die bar geen spesifieke inleiers getoets, en geen amplifikasie van die bar geen is getoon nie. Die plante wat getransformeer is met pCamBLR3CP+ en pCamBLR3CP- is ook getoets vir die teenwoordigheid vir die bar geen. Drie van die agt plante wat getoets is, het amplifikasie van die -560 bp bar geen getoon. Hierdie onverwagte resultate stel voor dat dié plante met pCAMBIA 3301 (vektor sonder die geligeerde GLRaV-3 CP geen) en nie met pCamBLR3CP+ en pCamBLR3CPgetransformeer is nie. Hierdie projek verskaf voorlopige werk vir die daaropvolgende transformasie van wingerd met die GLRaV-3 CP geen in 'n poging om virus bestandheid te verskaf.

Verband tussen korrelkaraktertrekke en weerstandsvermoe van sekere druifvarieteite teen Botrytis cinerea (Pers.)

Beukman, E. F. (Eduard Francois) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgr)--Stellenbosch University, 1962. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Invloed van doppenetrasieweerstand op die oesstadium van druiwe

Van Dyk, B. W. (Burger Wynand) January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 1992. / One microfiche copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The possibility of harvesting grapes at an earlier stage of maturity, based on differences in glucose and fructose concentration which influence the sweetness of grapes, was investigated. Although differences between cultivars were found the extent was not such that a specific cultivar could be selected in order to harvest at a lower sugar concentration, but with the same sweetness. Certain characteristics of table and wine grape cultivars with respect to anatomical composition and skin penetration resistance (SPR) were also investigated in order to ascertain the extent to which grapes would resist external damage, and to what extent turgor and skin thickness contributed to SPR. Daily variances in SPR confirm that not only skin strength, but also the turgor of the grape berry contributed to SPR. Skin penetration resistance seems to be a good criterion of the extent to which cultivars would resist external damage, because it is based on the toughness of the skin and the turgor of the berry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die moontlikheid van vroeer oes op grond van verskille in die glukose- en fruktosekonsentrasie wat 'n invloed op die soetheid van druiwe mag he, is ondersoek. Daar is gevind dat die verskille wat tussen cultivars voorkom nie van so 'n grootte-orde is dat 'n spesifieke cultivar geselekteer kan word ten einde by 'n laer totale suiker, maar by dieselfde soetheidsgraad, te kan oes nie. Verder is sekere eienskappe van tafel- en wyndruifcultivars t.o.v. anatomiese samestelling en doppenetrasieweerstand (DP\V) ondersoek om die moontlike weerstand teen eksterne beserings en die mate waartoe turgor en dopdikte 'n invloed daarop mag uitoefen, _vas te stel. Daaglikse variasie in DPW het bevestig dat die DPW nie alleen afhanklik is van dopsterkte nie, maar ook van die turgor van die korrel. Doppenetrasieweerstand blyk 'n goeie maatstaf te wees vir die mate waartoe cultivars weerstand hied teen sekere eksterne beserings omdat dit gebaseer is op dopsterkte en turgor van die korrel.

Isolation and characterisation of a polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP) and its encoding gene from Vitis vinifera L.

De Ascensao, Ana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIPs) are present in the cell walls of a variety of plant species. These proteins have been shown to specifically inhibit endopolygalacturonases (endo-PGs) secreted by invading fungal pathogens as part of the induced disease resistance mechanism of plants. This is the first report on the isolation and characterisation of a pgip gene from Vitis vinifera L., designated grapevine pgip1. A single open reading frame encoding a deduced polypeptide of 333 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 37.1 kOa and a calculated isoelectric point of 8.61 was identified from a 5.6 kb subgenomic fragment of V. vinifera cv Pinotage. Nucleotide and derived amino acid sequence analysis of grapevine pgip1 showed significant homology with other characterised PGIP encoding genes and revealed features characteristic of PGIPs found in several other plant families. Genomic DNA analysis showed that grapevine pgip1 belongs to a small multigene family in Vitis cultivars. From Northern blot analysis it was evident that expression of the PGIP family is both tissue- and developmental stage specific. The grapevine pgip1 was transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana L. with potato virus X (PVX) as a vector. Grapevine PGIP1 isolated from crude protein extracts of PVX-infected N. benthamiana were tested and showed inhibitory activity against polygalacturonases (PGs) from Botrytis cinerea. Grapevine PGIPs have not previously been purified and characterised. Molecular analyses have confirmed that PGIPs are typically encoded by multigene families and that the inhibitor specificities and kinetics of the isolated proteins differ within and among species. In this study, two PGIP isomers from V. vinifera berries were isolated. The one isomer, designated PGIP-A, was partially purified and had a molecular mass of 39 kOa, whereas the other PGIP, designated PGIP-B, was purified and had a molecular mass of 42 kOa as determined by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SOS-PAGE) and Western blot analysis. Both proteins were cell wall-bound. Enzymatic deglycosylation confirmed that PGIP-B is a glycosylated protein. Grapevine PGIP-A showed strong inhibitory activity against a homogeneous PG from Aspergillus niger and to a lesser extent against PG from Fusarium moniliforme, but was unable to interact with a crude PG preparation from B. cinerea. Grapevine PGIP-B was able to strongly inhibit PGs from B. cinerea as well as from Colletotrichum gleosporoides, yet showed no inhibition towards PG from A. niger. The grapevine pgip1 gene was expressed under the control of the Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter in tobacco plants via Agrobacterium tumefaciensmediated transformation. Transgenic tobacco plants expressing the grapevine PGIP (gPGIP1) were used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this inhibitor against fungal PGs and to investigate whether gPGIP1 influences disease development. Northern blot analysis identified 19 transgenic plants expressing pgip1 transcript levels. Crude PGIP extracts from the transgenic tobacco plants inhibited PGs from B. cinerea and C. gleosporoides, but not PG from A. niger. Leaves from untransformed tobacco plants, from transgenic tobacco lines showing high and low PG inhibition, and from transgenic plants that did not express pgip1, were inoculated with B. cinerea. Transgenic leaves showed a reduction in the size of necrotic lesions of macerated tissues of approximately 45% relative to control and non-expressing transgenic leaves. The results from the heterologous expression of gPGIP1, together with the results from the protein purifications and inhibition studies, indicate that the isolated grapevine pgip1 gene encodes the isolated PGIP-B isomer. This work has ; established a good model system to study certain aspects of plant-pathogen interactions in grapevine. Heterologous expression of gPGIP1 has demonstrated that PGIP inhibition of fungal PGs slows disease development of B. cinerea in planta. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien volteks vir opsomming

The development and characterisation of grapevine virus-based expression vectors

Du Preez, Jacques 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Genetics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is a very important agricultural commodity that needs to be protected. To achieve this several in vivo tools are needed for the study of this crop and the pathogens that infect it. Recently the grapevine genome has been sequenced and the next important step will be gene annotation and function using these in vivo tools. In this study the use of Grapevine virus A (GVA), genus Vitivirus, family Flexiviridae, as transient expression and VIGS vector for heterologous protein expression and functional genomics in Nicotiana benthamiana and V. vinifera were evaluated. Full-length genomic sequences of three South African variants of the virus (GTR1-1, GTG11-1 and GTR1-2) were generated and used in a molecular sequence comparison study. Results confirmed the separation of GVA variants into three groups, with group III (mild variants) being the most distantly related. It showed the high molecular heterogeneity of the virus and that ORF 2 was the most diverse. The GVA variants GTG11-1, GTR1-2 and GTR1-1 were placed in molecular groups I, II and III respectively. A collaboration study investigating the molecular divergence of GVA variants linked to Shiraz disease (SD), described two interesting GVA variants of group II, namely GTR1-2 and P163-M5 (Goszczynski et al., 2008). The group II variants were found to be closely linked to the expression of SD. GTR1-2 was isolated from a susceptible grapevine plant that never showed SD symptoms (Goszczynski 2007). The P163-M5 variant that resulted in exceedingly severe symptoms in N. benthamiana and is that used as SD positive control by the grapevine industry, was found to contain a 119 nt insert within the native ORF2. Comparative analysis performed on the complete nt and aa sequences of group II GVA variants suggested that the components in the GVA genome that cause pathogenicity in V. vinifera are more complex (or different) to those that cause pathogenicity in N. benthamiana. The three South African variants (GTR1-1, GTG11-1 and GTR1-2) were assembled into fulllength cDNA clones under control of CaMV 35S promoters. After several strategies were attempted, including a population cloning strategy for GTR1-2, none of the clones generated were able to replicate in N. benthamiana plants. A single amino acid substitution at position 13 (Tyr/Y Cys/C) in ORF 5 of the GTR1-2 cDNA clone was shown to abolish or reduce replication of the virus to below a detectable level. Two infectious clones of Israeli variants of GVA (T7-GVA-GR5 and T7-GVA118, obtained from M. Mawassi) were brought under control of a CaMV 35S promoter (35S-GVA-GR5 and 35S-GVA118). Both clones were infectious, able to replicate, move systemically and induce typical GVA symptoms after agroinfiltration in N. benthamiana. These Israeli clones served as backbone for further experiments in characterisation of transient expression and VIGS vectors. The use of GVA as gene insertion vector (35S-GVA118) and gene exchange vector (35S-GVA-GR5- ORF2+sgMP) in N. benthamiana and V. vinifera was compared. The gene insertion vector, 35S-GVA118 was based on the full-length GVA genome. The gene exchange vector, 35SGVA- GR5- ORF2+sgMP, was constructed in this study by elimination of ORF 2 and insertion of a sgMP and unique restriction sites to facilitate transgene insertion. In N. benthamiana both vectors showed similar GUS expression levels and photobleaching symptoms upon virus-induced NbPDS silencing. In V. vinifera limited GUS expression levels and VIGS photobleaching symptoms were observed for the gene insertion vector, 35SGVA118. No GUS expression was observed for the gene exchange vector 35S-GVA-GR5- ORF2+sgMP in this host. As for silencing, one plant, agroinfiltrated with 35S-GVA-GR5- ORF2-VvPDS+sgMP, developed photobleaching symptoms in 3 systemic infected leaves after 4 months. This study showed that GVA can be used as gene insertion and gene exchange vector for expression and VIGS in N. benthamiana, but in grapevine its use is limited to expression and silencing of genes in the phloem tissue. It is also the first report that ORF 2 of GVA is not needed for long distance movement in grapevine. To investigate the possible role of the P163-M5 119 nt insertion and the GVA ORF 2 (of unknown function), in expression of symptoms in plants, ORF 2 of a 35S-GVA-GR5 cDNA clone was removed and subsequently substituted by the corresponding ORFs of four South African GVA variants. Upon agro-infiltration into N. benthamiana leaves, all chimaeric GVA constructs were able to move systemically through the plant. At this stage no correlation could be found between severity of symptoms, the presence of the P163-M5 insert and the specific GVA ORF 2 present in the chimaeras, indicating that other factors in the viral genome or the host plant probably play a crucial role. This study contributed to the pool of available in vivo tools for study and improvement of the valuable grapevine crop. It also opened several exciting research avenues to pursue in the near future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wingerd (Vitis vinifera L.) is ‘n baie belangrike landboukundige gewas wat beskerm moet word. Om die rede word verskeie in vivo gereedskap vir die bestudering van die wingerdplant, en die patogene wat dit infekteer benodig. Die wingerd genoom se volgorde is bepaal en dus is die volgende logiese stap om die gene te annoteer en funksie daaraan toe te skryf. In hierdie studie is die gebruik van Grapevine virus A (GVA), genus Vitivirus, familie Flexiviridae, as tydelike uitdrukking- en virus-geinduseerde geenuitdowingsvektor vir heteroloë proteïen uitdrukking en funksionele genoomstudies in Nicotiana benthamiana en V. Vinifera getoets. Vollengte genoomvolgordes van drie Suid-Afrikaanse variante van die virus (GTR1-1, GTG11-1 en GTR1-2) is gegenereer en in ‘n molekulêre volgorde vergelyking studie gebruik. Resultate het die verdeling van GVA variante in drie groepe, waar groep III die verste verwant is, bevestig. Dit het ook gewys dat die virus ‘n baie hoë molekulêre heterogeniteit het en dat oopleesraam 2 (ORF 2) die mees divers is. ‘n Samewerking studie waar die molekulêre diversiteit van GVA variante, gekoppel aan Shiraz siekte (SD), ondersoek is, is twee interessante variante van groep II beskryf, naamlik GTR1-2 en P163-M5 (Goszczynski et al., 2008). Groep II variante is vooraf gevind om nou verwant te wees aan die ontwikkeling van SD in wingerd. Die GTR1-2 variant is uit ’n vatbare wingerd plant, wat nooit SD-simptome vertoon het nie, geïsoleer (Goszczynski et al., 2007). In die ORF 2 van die P163-M5 variant, wat simptome van die ergste graad in N. benthamiana geïnduseer het, en ook deur die industrie as betroubare SD-positiewe kontrole gebruik word, is ’n 119 nt invoeging gevind. Die vergelykende analise wat uitgevoer is, het daarop gedui dat die determinante van patogenisiteit in die GVA genoom moontlik meer kompleks kan wees in V. vinifera as in N. benthamiana. Die drie Suid-Afrikaanse variante (GTR1-1, GTG11-1 en GTR1-2) is in afsonderlike vollengte cDNA klone, onder beheer van CaMV 35S promotors, aanmekaargesit. Nadat verskeie kloneringstrategieë, insluitend ’n populasie kloneringstrategie vir die GTR1-2 kloon, gebruik is, het geen een van die cDNA klone die vermoë besit om in N. benthamiana te repliseer nie. ’n Enkele aminosuur substitusie in posisie 13 (Tyr/Y Cys/C) in ORF 5 van die GTR1-2 kloon, het die replisering van die virus tot laer as ’n opspoorbare vlak verlaag. Twee infektiewe klone van Israeliese GVA variante (T7-GVAGR5 en T7-GVA118, verkry van M. Mawassi) is onder beheer van ‘n CaMV 35S promotor geplaas (35S-GVA-GR5 and 35S-GVA118). Beide klone het na agro-infiltrasie in N. benthamiana plante gerepliseer, sistemies beweeg en tipiese GVA simptome geinduseer. Hierdie twee klone het as raamwerk gedien vir verdere eksperimente in karakterisering van tydelike uitdrukkings- en VIGS vektore. Die gebruik van GVA as geen-insvoegingsvektor (35S-GVA118) en geen-vervangingsvektor (35S-GVA-GR5- ORF2+sgMP) is in N. benthamiana en V. vinifera vergelyk. Die geen-invoegingsvektor 35S-GVA118, was op die vollengte GVA genoom gebasseer. Die geen-vervangingsvektor 35S-GVA-GR5- ORF2+sgMP, was in hierdie studie gekonstrueer. Dit is gemaak eerstens deur eliminasie van ORF 2 in die 35S-GVA-GR5 kloon, en tweedens deur die invoeging van ’n subgenomiese promotor van die beweginsproteïen (sgMP) en unieke beperkings-ensiemsetels om klonering van transgene te fasiliteer. Beide vektore het in N. benthamiana vergelykbare GUS uitdrukkingsvlakke en fotobleikende simptome getoon na virus-geinduseerde NbPDS uitdowing. In V. Vinifera is beperkte GUS uitdrukkingsvlakke en VIGS fotobleikende simptome opgemerk met die geen-invoegingsvektor, 35S-GVA118. Geen GUS uitdrukking is in hierdie gasheerplant met die geen-vervangingsvektor opgemerk nie. Slegs een wingerdplant het fotobleikende simptome, na 4 maande in 3 sistemies geïnfekteerde blare gewys, na agroinfiltrasie van die 35S-GVA-GR5- ORF2-VvPDS+sgMP konstruk. Hierdie studie het bevestig dat GVA as geen-invoeging en geen-vervangingsvektor, vir heteroloë proteïenuitdrukking en VIGS, in N. benthamiana gebruik kan word, maar dit blyk of die gebruik daarvan in wingerd meer tot die floeëm weefsel beperk is. Hierdie studie wys vir die eerste keer dat ORF 2 nie nodig is vir langafstand beweging van die virus in wingerd nie. Om die moontlike rol van die P163-M5 119 nt invoeging en die GVA ORF 2 (met onbekende funksie), in die uitdrukking van simptome in plante te ondersoek, is ORF 2 van die 35SGVA- GR5 cDNA kloon verwyder en daaropvolgens vervang met die ooreenstemmende ORFs van vier Suid-Afrikaanse GVA variante. Na agro-infiltrasie in N. benthamiana blare, het al die chimeras die vermoë gehad om te repliseer, sistemies te beweeg en simptome te induseer. Geen korrelasie kon gevind word tussen die graad van simptome, die teenwoordigheid van die P163-M5 insersie en die spesifieke GVA ORF 2 teenwoordig in die chimeras nie, wat dus daarop dui dat ander faktore in die virusgenoom of die gasheerplant `n moontlike belangrike rol kan speel. Hierdie studie het bygedrae tot die beskikbare poel van in vivo gereedskap vir die bestudering en verbetering van die kosbare wingerdgewas. Dit het ook talle interessante navorsingsgeleenthede oopgemaak om in die nabye toekoms te betree.

A pathogen-derived resistance strategy for the broad-spectrum control of grapevine leafroll-associated virus infection

Freeborough, Michael-John, 1971- 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 is one of ten members of the C/osteroviridae that are known to infect grapevine. Nine of these viruses are associated with grapevine leafroll disease, of which GLRaV-1 and GLRaV-3 are the most important and widespread. Members of the C/osteroviridae are unique amongst the viruses, as it is the only known family whose members encode a heat shock protein 70 kOa homolog (Hsp70h). The Hsp70h is a movement protein (MP) that is required for the active translocation of the virion structure through the plasmodesmata into adjacent cells. Broad-spectrum resistance to unrelated viruses can be obtained by a pathogen-derived resistance (POR) strategy that is based on the expression of a dysfunctional MP in plants. The Hsp70h has two distinct domains. The N-terminal two thirds of the protein is an ATPase domain and shares high homology with the ATPase domains of all Hsp70h proteins from the C/osteroviridae and Hsp70 proteins from the prokaryote and eukaryote kingdoms. Conserved amino acids are found in the ATPase domain and are required for the positioning of the ATP at the catalytic site for ATP hydrolysis. The C-terminal domain is variable and the function of this domain in the Closteroviridae is not known. In prokaryote and eukaryote Hsp70 proteins, the C-terminal domain is required for protein-protein interactions. The American NY-1 isolate of GLRaV-3 has been sequenced and POR strategies have been attempted with the coat protein, divergent coat protein and replicase genes, but not with a dysfunctional form of the hsp70h gene. In this study, double-stranded RNA was isolated from a commercial vineyard with unknown virus status, but with distinct grapevine leafroll symptoms, and from two grapevine sources of known virus status, one with mild and one with severe symptoms. The GLRaV-3 hsp70h gene was amplified by RT-PCR from the dsRNA and the gene sequence was analysed. The hsp70h gene from the three virus sources contained more than 94% nucleotide sequence homology to the NY-1 isolate and the conserved amino acids required for ATPase activity were present. The hsp70h gene isolated from GLRaV-3 from a commercial Stellenbosch vineyard showing clear leafroll symptoms was selected for further work and was subjected to site-directed mutagenesis to engineer four point mutations in the gene. These four mutations resulted in the substitution of Asn for Asp", Gly for Thr1O, Lys for Glu 174 and Asn for Asp 197. The wild type (WT) and mutated (Mut) forms of the hsp 70h genes were cloned into a bacterial expression vector. Expression of both the WT- and Mut-Hsp proteins was achieved, and the protein was expressed in the insoluble inclusion bodies. All attempts to refold and isolate active proteins from the inclusion bodies were unsuccessful. Attempts to increase the concentration of soluble protein within the expressing bacteria were unsuccessful. Due to the lack of active protein, biochemical tests on the ATPase activity of the WT- and Mut-Hsp proteins could not be conducted. The wt- and mut-hsp genes were cloned into a plant expression vector for transformation into tobacco plants. These transformations were successful and gave rise to 22 Km' and 18 Km' plants from the WT- and Mut-Hsp constructs respectively. Two plant lines, M5 and M10, transformed with the mut-hsp transgene construct, appeared to have a high level of resistance to the challenging potato X potexvirus, whereas all the other tested plants were susceptible to the challenging virus. It was thus shown that a dysfunctional form of the GLRaV-3 Hsp70h could provide resistance to an unrelated virus in tobacco. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wingerdrolblaar-geassosieerde virus 3 (GLRaV-3) is een van 10 lede van die Closteroviridae wat wingerd kan infekteer. Nege van die virusse is met wingerdrolblaar geassosieer. Die GLRaV-1 en GLRaV-3 is die belangrikste en mees wyd verspreide lede van die rolblaar-geassosieerde Closteroviridae. Lede van die Closteroviridae is uniek in die opsig dat die virusse vir 'n 70 kDa-homoloë hitteresponsproteïen (Hsp70h) kodeer. Die Hsp70 is 'n bewegingsproteïen (MP) wat belangrik is vir die translokasie van die virus deur die plasmodesmata na die naasliggende sel. Breë-spektrum weerstand teen onverwante virusse kan behaal word deur 'n patogeen-afgeleide weerstandstrategie (POR), wat op die uitdrukking van 'n disfunksionele MP wat in plante uitgedruk word, gebaseer is. Die Hsp70hproteïen het twee gebiede. Die N-terminale gebied is In ATPase-gebied en toon hoë homologie met ander ATPase-gebiede van Hsp70h-proteïene van die Closteroviridae, asook die prokariotiese en eukariotiese koninkryke. Gekonserveerde aminosure wat belangrik is vir die posisionering van ATP in die katalitiese domein vir ATP-hidrolise is in die ATPase-gebied gevind. Die C-terminale gebied is variërend en die funksie van die gebied in die Closteroviridae is onbekend. In prokariotiese en eukariotiese Hsp70h-proteïene is die C-terminale gebied belangrik vir proteïenproteïen interaksies. Die nukleotiedvolgorde van die Amerikaanse NY-1-isolaat van GLRaV-3 is al bepaal en POR-strategieë is ook op die kapsiedproteïen, uiteenlopende kapsiedproteïen en die replikasie-proteïen uitgevoer, maar nog nie op 'n disfunksionele vorm van die Hsp70h-geen nie. In hierdie studie is dubbelstring-RNA (dsRNA) van 'n kommersiële wingerd met onbekende virusstatus wat rolblaarsimptome toon, geïsoleer, asook van twee wingerde met 'n bekende virusstatus, een met ligte en een met strawwe simptome. Die GLRaV-3 hsp70h-geen is met hulp van die polimerasekettingreaksie-metode (PKR) vanaf die dsRNA geamplifiseer en die geen se nukleotiedvolgorde is bepaal. Die hsp 70-gene van drie verskillende wingerde het meer as 94% homologie met die NY-1-isolaat getoon. Die gekonserveerde aminosure wat vir ATPase-aktiwiteit belangrik is, was teenwoordig. Die hsp70h-geen van GLRaV-3, wat uit 'n kommersiële wingerd met duidelike rolblaarsimptome in die Stellenbosch-gebied geïsoleer is, is vir verdere navorsing gekies en dit is aan setel-gerigte mutagenese blootgestelom vier mutasies van die geen te bewerkstellig. Die gevolg van hierdie vier mutasies was die verandering van Asn na Asp", Gly na Thr1o, Lys na Glu174 en Asn na Asp197. Die wilde (WT) en veranderde (Mut) vorms van die hsp-gene is in 'n bakteriese uitdrukkingsvektor gekloneer. Uitdrukking van beide die WT- en die Mut-Hspproteïene is behaal, maar die proteïene was in die onoplosbare fraksie geleë. Pogings om die onoplosbare proteïene te isoleer en in 'n aktiewe oplosbare vorm te verkry, was onsuksesvol. Verdere pogings om die proteïene in die oplosbare fraksie van die bakteriese ekspressiesisteem uit te druk, was ook onsuksesvol. As gevolg van die gebrek aan aktiewe proteïen kon biochemiese toetse nie op die ATPaseaktiwiteit van die WT- en Mut-Hsp proteïne gedoen word nie. Die wt- en mut-hsp-gene is ook in In plantekspressievektor gekloneer vir transformasie in tabakplante. Hierdie transformasies was suksesvol en het aanleiding gegee tot 22 kanamisienbestande (Km') en 18 Km' plante vanaf die WT- en Mut-Hspkonstrukte onderskeidelik. Twee plantlyne, M5 en M10, wat met die mut-hsptransgene getransformeer is, het 'n hoë vlak van weerstand teen die infekterende aartappelvirus X getoon in vergelyking met ander plante wat met die virus geïnfekteer is. Daar is dus bewys gelewer dat 'n disfunksionele vorm van die GLRaV-3 Hsp70h weerstand kan bied teen 'n onverwante virus in tabak.

Regulation of the Vitis vinifera PGIP1 gene encoding a polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein

Joubert, Dirk Albert, 1973- 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Plant-pathogen interactions have been intensively investigated in the last decade. This major drive towards understanding the fundamental aspects involved in plant disease resistance is propelled by the obvious agricultural and economical benefits that are intrinsically linked to disease and stress resistant plants. It is, therefore, not surprising that fundamental research in this area is not just restricted to model organisms, such as Arabidopsis and tobacco, but also extends to more traditional crop plants, such as maize, bean, soybean, apples, grapevine etc. In grapevine for instance, several genes involved in disease resistance have been isolated. One of these genes, encoding for a polygalacturonase inhibiting protein (PGIP), has been studied extensively. PGIPs are cell wall bound, contain leucine rich repeats (LRR) and are found in all dicotyledonous plants so far examined. In most cases, pgip genes occur in small multigene families and expression is often tissue specific and developmentally regulated. Up-regulation of PGIP-encoding genes typically occurs upon pathogen infection, treatment with elicitors, salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), cold treatment and wounding. Differential regulation and specificity have been shown to occur between members of the same multigene family. Differential regulation even extends to the utilization of separate pathways to induce pgip genes from the same family in response to a single stress stimulus. PGIPs interact with cell wall macerating polygalacturonases (PGs) that are secreted by pathogenic fungi during the infection process. The antifungal action of PGIPs is thought to depend on a dual action. The physical interaction of PGIP with PGs has an inhibitionary effect, resulting in (i) a slower fungal infection rate and (ii) the prolonged existence of long chain oligogalacturonides (OGs). These oligosaccharides are able to elicit a general plant defense response, enabling the plant to further retard or curb the spread of infection. The main objective of this study was to investigate the regulatory aspects underlying PGIP expression in grapevine. Unlike most characterized PGIP encoding genes from other dicotyledonous plant species, no evidence to support the existence of a V. vinifera PGIP multigene family could be found from either genetic or biochemical analyses. Recently, a genomic DNA fragment from Vitis vinifera cv Pinotage was pathogen interactions with regards to the fundamental processes underlying defense gene regulation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ooglopende voordele wat, vanuit 'n landboukundige én ekonomiese oogpunt, uit siekte- en stresbestande plante spruit, het gedurende die laaste dekade aanleiding gegee tot die ontwikkeling van plantpatogeen-interaksies as "n baie belangrike studieveld. Dit was dus ook te verwagte dat fundamentele navorsing in hierdie area nie net beperk gebly het tot modelorganismes soos Arabidopsis en tabak (ook natuurlik van landboukundige belang) nie, maar ook na meer tradisionele landbougewasse soos mielies, boontjies, sojaboontjies, appels, druiwe, ens. oorgevloei het. Verskeie siekteweerstands-verwante gene is byvoorbeeld al vanuit wingerd geïsoleer. Een só "n geen wat vir "n poligalakturonase-inhiberende proteïen (PGIP) kodeer, vorm deel van hierdie groep gene. Die funksie en regulering van PGIP's is baie goed bestudeer. Hierdie proteïene word normaalweg in die selwande van die meeste dikotiele plante aangetref. Leusienryke herhalings is algemeen in PGIP's en hierdie tipe van herhalings is kenmerkend van proteïene betrokke by proteïen-proteïen-interaksies. Verder word pgip-gene gewoonlik in klein multigeenfamilies aangetref, waar in die meeste gevalle die uitdrukking weefselspesifiek en die regulering spesifiek ten opsigte van die ontwikkelingsfase is. Verskeie faktore kan tot die induksie van pgip-gene lei, soos onder andere patogeen-infeksie, elisitoor-, salisiensuur-, jasmoonsuur- en kouebehandeling, asook verwonding. Differensiële regulering word in baie gevalle tussen lede van dieselfde multigeenfamilie aangetref. Hierdie differensiële regulering kan selfs bemiddel word deur onafhanklike reguleringsweë in reaksie op dieselfde induksiestimulus. PGIP's is in staat om te reageer met poligalakturonases (PGs), wat selwande afbreek en wat gedurende die infeksieproses deur swamme of fungi afgeskei word. Die effek van hierdie interaksie is tweeledig: (i) Die fisiese interaksie tussen PGIP en PG moduleer die aktiwiteit van die PG deur die ensiemaksie te inhibeer, en (ii) PGinhibisie lei tot die verhoogde stabiliteit van langketting-oligogalakturonades, molekules wat daartoe in staat is om die weerstandsrespons van plante te ontlok. Die inhibisie van die patogeen-PG's, tesame met die geïnduseerde weerstandrespons, stel die plant dan in staat om verdere infeksie te vertraag of te verhoed. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die onderliggende aspekte van PGIPregulering in wingerd te bestudeer. In teenstelling met die meeste plantspesies waar pgip-gene in klein multigeenfamilies aangetref word, is daar nie 'n pgip-multigeenfamilie in wingerd nie. Veelvuldige kopieë van In enkele pgip-geen word egter in die wingerdgenoom aangetref. Daar is onlangs in ons laboratorium In genoom-DNAfragment vanaf Vitis vinifera cv Pinotage geïsoleer wat die oopleesraam en 5'-stroomopsekwense van In PGIP-enkoderende geen (Vvpgip1) bevat. In hierdie studie is die uitdrukkingspatroon van Vvpgip1 ten opsigte van weefselspesifisiteit, korrelontwikkelingsfase, asook die effek van verskeie omgewings en patogeenverwante stres-stimuli ontleed. Die regulatoriese meganismes van Vvpgip1 bevat spesifieke in planta-ontwikkelingsfaseseine wat verder deur spesifieke faktore, insluitende omgewings- en patogeenstres, gereguleer word. In lyn hiermee is mRNS-transkripte van Vvpgip1 tot wortel- en korrelweefsels beperk, terwyl die mRNS-vlakke ook tussen verskillende korrelontwikkelingsfases wissel. Kumulatiewe uitdrukking kon waargeneem word in veráison-korrels in reaksie op verwonding en osmotiese stres. Die weefselspesifieke uitdrukkingspatroon tipies van wingerd-PGIP is in blare opgehef in reaksie op Botrytis cinerea-infeksie, verwonding, osmotiese stres, ouksien (indoolasynsuur) en salisiensuur. PGIP-uitdrukking word ook onderdruk deur In staurosporien-sensitiewe proteïenkinase, wat In goeie aanduiding is van die betrokkenheid van proteïenfosforilasie in die seintransduksiekaskade wat tot PGIPuitdrukking aanleiding gee. Die geïnduseerde PGIP-uitdrukkingsprofiel in wingerdblare kan ook nageboots word in tabak wat met die Vvpgip1-geen en -promotor getransformeer is. PG-inhibisie-eksperimente met membraan-geassosieerde proteïenekstrakte van geïnduseerde wingerdblare het ook dieselfde profiel getoon as dié van PGIP wat deur die Vvpgip1-geen geënkodeer is. Die uitdrukkingsprofiel van PGIP in die transgeniese tabakplante het ook bewys dat die promotor van die Vvpgip1-geen vir die geïnduseerde PGIP-uitdrukkingsprofiel in wingerdblare verantwoordelik is. In silica-analise van die promotorarea dui op die teenwoordigheid van verskeie cis-werkende elemente. Die kern promotor en transkripsie-aanvangsgedeelte is gevolglik eksperimenteel bepaal. Verder het uitdrukkingseksperimente met promotorfragmente verskeie dele van die promotor geïdentifiseer wat by stimulis-geassosieerde uitdrukking betrokke is. Posisioneel is hierdie fragmente in goeie konteks met die voorspelde cis-werkende elemente en kan dus die basis vorm vir verdere studies oor Vvpgip-regulering. Met hierdie studie word die eerste data verskaf waar die regulering van PGIP deur omgewingsverwante faktore verbind kan word met onwikkelingspesifieke toestande in die plant. Verder verskaf die resultate verdere bewyse vir die rol van PGIP in plant-patogeen-interaksies en lewer spesifieke bydraes tot die onderliggende prosesse wat by die regulering van siekteweerstandverwante gene betrokke is.

Identification of host genes involved in the biotrophic interaction between grapevine and powdery mildew

Hayes, Matthew Allan January 2006 (has links)
Grapevine powdery mildew is caused by Erysiphe necator, an Ascomycete fungus and an obligate biotroph restricted to growth on its grapevine host. Biotrophic pathogens form a stable association with host cells without directly causing cell death, and take up nutrients from, in the case of powdery mildew ( PM ), host epidermal cells ( Rumbolz et al., 2000 ). As the fungus grows, its increasing biomass becomes a strong nutrient sink capable of altering assimilate flow and storage in the host. To identify host genes that may mediate nutrient delivery to powdery mildew infected tissues and therefore may contribute to disease susceptibility, a candidate gene approach using degenerate and RT - PCR, and a nontargeted approach using microarray analysis was instigated. Once identified, " susceptibility genes " could be targeted for manipulation to provide alternative resistance strategies based on reduced susceptibility in the future. In addition to genes encoding pathogenesis and stress related proteins, microarray analysis revealed that transcript levels of a putative metal transporter and a cell wall structural protein were elevated in infected berry skin, while aquaporin water channels and genes associated with photosynthesis were generally repressed. Degenerate PCR was used to isolated new cell wall invertase, monosaccharide and amino acid transporter genes and initial RT - PCR revealed that expression of genes involved in sugar mobilisation were the most significantly modulated by powdery mildew infection. Previously unreported hexose transporters ( HTs ), ( VvHT3, VvHT4 and VvHT5 ) and a cwINV ( VvcwINV ) had been isolated from cDNA prepared from powdery mildew infected grapevine leaves. Full length clones of grapevine HTs and cwINV were obtained by RACE PCR. Heterologous expression of the three new HTs in yeast confirmed that VvHT4 and VvHT5 mediated glucose uptake, while VvHT3 did not function in the yeast system. However, transient expression of a translational fusion of the VvHT3 protein with green florescence protein in onion epidermal cells indicated that it is targeted to the plasma membrane of plant cells. Quantitative RT - PCR analysis of these new genes, together with previously reported grapevine HTs and cytoplasmic and vacuolar invertases, indicated that expression of VvcwINV and VvHT5, were significantly up - regulated by PM infection, while a vacuolar invertase was strongly down - regulated by PM infection. Invertase activity assays were in agreement with these findings, showing elevated sucrolytic activity in insoluble fractions and reduced sucrolytic activity in soluble fractions. These results suggest that apoplasmic phloem unloading of sucrose in the infected leaf is elevated and that VvHT5 is induced to recover the additional hexoses from the apoplasm. Basic localisation studies indicated that VvHT5 and VvcwINV are not induced specifically in powdery mildew infected leaf regions, but are induced in a more diffuse distribution within infected leaves. To determine if induction of VvHT5 and VvcwINV is specific to PM infection or if other stimuli may also mediate these responses, leaves were inoculated with downy mildew or stressed by wounding. Transcript levels of VvHT5 and VvcwINV were elevated by wounding and downy mildew infection, suggesting that the induction of these genes may be part of a general stress response. To explore the signalling pathways that may underlie these responses, leaves were treated with the plant growth regulators ethylene, jasmonate and abscisic acid. Exogenous application of ethylene and methyl jasmonate only marginally affected the expression of the genes studied, however foliar application of abscisic acid ( ABA ) induced gene expression changes similar to those observed in response to powdery mildew infection and wounding. Promoter sequences of VvHT3, VvHT4, VvHT5 and VvcwINV were isolated and analysed for the presence of regulatory elements. Compared with the promoters of VvHTs that were not induced by pathogen infection or wounding, the VvHT5 and VvcwINV promoters contained numerous motifs associated with induction by ABA including ABRE, Myc and Myb binding elements. The path of sugar loading into the mesocarp of grape berries during ripening is still poorly understood and few molecular components associated with this process have been described. Quantitative RT - PCR was used to monitor the expression of five HTs and VvcwINV during Cabernet sauvignon and Shiraz berry development and ripening. Of the three new HTs reported here, the expression of VvHT3 is most consistent with a potential role in sugar loading, while VvHT5 is induced late in this process. VvcwINV transcript levels were high pre - ripening and also during the later stages of ripening, therefore based on this expression pattern, a role for this enzyme during ripening is not clearly evident. These results are discussed in terms of an apoplasmic step in phloem unloading in ripening grape berries. This study has provided new insights into the molecular and biochemical processes associated with the formation of carbohydrate sink metabolism in response to stress stimuli, and sugar delivery to grape berries during ripening. ABA - dependant pathways may mediate the stress - associated induction of VvcwINV and VvHT5, presumably to recruit additional carbohydrates to the affected organ to energise repair and defence responses. At this stage it is unknown if this response is beneficial to pathogen nutrition, however potentially, modification of genes associated with carbohydrate sink metabolism could provide an alternative way to engineer resistance to this pathogen. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, 2006.

Effect of irrigation systems, partial root zone drying irrigation and regulated deficit, on plant parasitic nematode populations in grapevine

Shin, Hae Soo January 2006 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] Nematodes are known to significantly affect productivity of grapevines worldwide. Although major surveys have been carried out on nematodes infesting roots of grapevines elsewhere, only a preliminary survey has been carried out in Western Australia (W.A.). This study on the effect of irrigation systems on pathogenicity of nematodes on vines commenced with a survey of nematodes in two major grapegrowing regions of W.A. In this survey, soil samples were taken from 5 vineyards from Margaret River and 7 vineyards from Swan Valley regions of the state. Root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) was found to be the dominant genus in both major grape growing regions. Meloidogyne spp. occurred 76% and 75% of total soil sample in Margaret River and Swan Valley. The highest density of Meloidogyne spp. was 7 nematodes/g soil in Margaret River and 3.17 nematodes/g soil in Swan Valley. In both regions, other plant parasitic nematodes were recorded that included the root lesion (Pratylenchus spp.), dagger (Xiphinema spp.) and stubby (Trichodorus spp.) nematodes. Paratylenchus spp. were found in a few soil samples from Margaret River region, and Helicotylenchus spp. were found only in Swan Valley region, but was widespread. Some vineyards have established only resistant cultivars (Schartzman, Ramsey and 34 EM) resistant to nematodes. In these vineyards total nematode population was lower than most of other vineyards. However, in comparison of nematode numbers between cultivars, there were lower number of nematodes in some susceptible cultivars than in the resistant cultivars. Most common nematode taxa were Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus and Xiphinema in both regions. Root-knot and root lesion nematodes were the most widespread and economically important genera. These two genera are known to have different life cycle and feeding habits.

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