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Design of an electro-mechanical hexapod for accelerated life testing of optical fiber assembliesSoukup, Ian Michael 25 October 2010 (has links)
The quantity and length of optical fibers required for the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy eXperiment (HETDEX) create unique fiber handling challenges. More than 33,000 optical fibers will enable the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) to collect data on at least one million galaxies that are 9 billion to 11 billion light-years away, yielding the largest map of the universe ever produced [1,2]. The design advantages made possible by optical fibers also forms challenges to prevent damage to the fragile fibers that can lead to Focal Ratio Degradation (FRD) [3]. Therefore, a life cycle test must be conducted to study fiber behavior and measure FRD as a function of time.
This thesis describes the design and design methodology of an electro-mechanical test apparatus for accelerated life testing of optical fiber assemblies. The design methodology summarizes the development of functional requirements and constraints that drove the design. The test apparatus design utilizes six linear actuators to replicate the movement of the fiber system deployed on HETDEX for over 65,000 accelerated cycles, simulating five years of actual operation. The electro-mechanical test apparatus will provide insight into the effects of load history on the performance of optical fibers which published data has thus far been lacking. Performance of the electro-mechanical test apparatus will be demonstrated through simulation, modeling and calculations. The test results that will be generated from the accelerated life test will be of great interest to designers of robotic fiber handling systems for major telescopes. / text
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Toward an understanding of the large scale structure of the universe with galaxy surveysShoji, Masatoshi 01 February 2012 (has links)
Large-scale structures we see in the universe, such as galaxies,
galaxy clusters and structures beyond the scale of clusters, result from
gravitational instability of
almost isotropic and homogeneous density distribution
in the early universe. The degree of the initial anisotropy of the universe
and the subsequent growth of gravitational instability, coupled
with the expansion rate of the universe, determine the scale and abundance
of the structures formed in the universe at later times.
A galaxy survey directly observes a distribution of structures in
the sky using galaxies as a tracer of the underlying density distribution,
and yields constraints on cosmological models when compared to a
physical theory of structure formation based on a given cosmological model.
Among many cosmological and astronomical phenomena to be understood
from a galaxy survey, the nature of the observed accelerated expansion
of the universe is the most profound problem in the modern physics.
Motivated by various planned and on-going galaxy surveys,
including our own Hobby-Ebery Telescope Dark Energy eXperiment (HETDEX),
we show the way to fully exploit the data from a galaxy survey.
We improve a model of structure formation to include the effect
of baryonic pressure and the free-streaming of massive neutrinos at a mildly non-linear regime.
Future galaxy surveys are to reach the level of accuracy, where
the effect of massive neutrinos on the observed power spectrum is no longer negligible.
Proper understanding of these effects gives a way to measure
the absolute masses of neutrinos: one of the most fundamental particles,
which, by itself, will be a major development in the field of particle
Yet, most of the space (~80%) observed by galaxy surveys is
occupied by voids.
An ellipticity probability distribution function of voids
offers yet another way of probing cosmology.
Especially, a distribution of ellipticities in the redshift space
provides a unique way to measure a growth rate of the
structure in the universe apart from other cosmological parameters
when combined with the galaxy power spectrum. / text
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Dark matter halos and stellar kinematics of elliptical galaxiesMurphy, Jeremy David 13 November 2012 (has links)
The hierarchical assembly of mass, wherein smaller clumps of dark matter, stars, gas, and dust buildup over time to form the galaxies we see today in the local Universe through accretion events with other clumps, is a central tenet of galaxy formation theory. Supported by theoretically motivated simulations, and observations of the distribution of galaxies over a large range of redshift, the theory of hierarchical growth is now well established. However, on the scales of individual galaxies, hierarchical growth struggles to explain a number of observations involving the amount and distribution of dark matter in galaxies, and the timescale of both the formation of stars, and the assembly of those stars into galaxies.
In this dissertation I attempt to address some of the central issues of galaxy formation. My work focuses on massive elliptical galaxies and employs the orbit-based, axisymmetric dynamical modeling technique of Schwarzschild to constrain the total mass of a galaxy to large radii. From this starting point a determination of the extent and shape of the dark matter halo profile is possible and can then be compared to the results of simulations of the formation of galaxies. These dynamical models include information on the stellar orbital structure of the galaxy, and can be used as a further point of comparison with N-body simulations and observations from other groups. Dynamical modeling results for both M49 and M87, the first and second rank galaxies in the Virgo Cluster, are presented and compared in Chapters 4 and 2 respectively. Although both galaxies are similar in mass, a closer analysis shows they exhibit very different dark matter halo profiles and stellar orbital structure, and likely followed very different formation pathways.
My primary dataset comes from observations carried out on the Mitchell Spectrograph (formally VIRUS-P) at McDonald Observatory.\footnote{The instrument's name was changed over the last year. As some of this work was originally written when the instrument was named VIRUS-P, I have elected to use that name in those sections of this dissertation (Chapters 2 and 5). In Chapters 3, 4, and 6, I use the current name.} The Mitchell Spectrograph is a fiber-fed integral field spectrograph, and allows one to collect spectra at many positions on a galaxy simultaneously. With spectroscopy one is able to not only constrain the kinematics of the stars, but also their integrated chemical abundances. In the introduction I describe recent work I have carried out with my collaborators using the Mitchell Spectrograph to add further constraints to our picture of galaxy formation. In that work we find that the cores of massive elliptical galaxies have been in place for many billions of years, and had their star formation truncated at early times. The stars comprising their outer halos, however, come from less massive systems. Yet unlike the stars of present day, low-mass galaxies, whose star formation is typically extended, these accreted systems had their star formation shut off at high redshift. Although our current sample is relatively small, these observations place a rigid constraint on the timescale of galaxy assembly and indicate the important role of minor mergers in the buildup of the diffuse outer halos of these systems.
All of these advances in our understanding of the Universe are driven, in large part, by advances in the instrumentation used to collect the data. The Mitchell Spectrograph is a wonderful example of such an advance, as the instrument has allowed for observations of the outer halo of M87 to unprecedented radial distances (Chapter 3). A significant component of my dissertation research has been focused on characterizing the fiber optics of both the Mitchell Spectrograph and the fiber optics for the VIRUS spectrograph. I cover the results of the work on the Mitchell Spectrograph optical fibers in Chapter 5. The affects of stress and motion on a fiber bundle, critical to the VIRUS spectrograph, are explored in Chapter 6. / text
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Measuring angular diameter distances in the universe by Baryon Acoustic Oscillation and strong gravitational lensingJee, Inh 2013 August 1900 (has links)
We discuss two ways of measuring angular diameter distances in the Universe: (i) Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) , and (ii) strong gravitational lensing. For (i), we study the effects of survey geometry and selection functions on the 2-point correlation function of Lyman- alpha emitters in 1.9 < z < 3.5 for Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX). We develop a method to extract the BAO scale (hence a volume-averaged angular diameter distance D_V, which is a combination of the angular diameter distance and the Hubble expansion rate, i.e., [cz〖(1+z)〗^2 〖D_A〗^2 H^(-1) ]^(1/3)) from a spherically averaged 1-d correlation function. We quantify the statistical errors on such measurements. By using log-normal realizations of the HETDEX dataset, we show that we can determine DV from HETDEX at 2% accuracy using the 2-point correlation function. This study is complementary to the on-going effort to characterize the power spectrum using HETDEX. For (ii), a previous study (Para ficz and Hjorth 2009) looked at the case of a spherical lens following a singular isothermal distribution of matter and an isotropic velocity distribution, and found that combining measurements of the Einstein ring radius with the time delay of a strong lens system directly leads to a measurement of the angular diameter distance, D_A. Since this is a very new method, it requires more careful investigations of various real-world eff ects such as a realistic matter density pro file, an anisotropic velocity distribution, and external convergence. In more realistic lens confi gurations we find that the velocity dispersion is the dominant source of the uncertainty ; in order for this method to achieve competitive precision on measurements of DA, we need to constrain the velocity dispersion, down to the percent level. On the other hand, external convergence and velocity dispersion anisotropy have negligible e ect on our result. However, we also claim that the dominant source of the uncertainty depends largely on the image con figuration of the system, which leads us to the conclusion that studying the angular dependence of the lens mass distribution is a necessary component. / text
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Design and analysis of the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment bridgeWorthington, Michael Scott 26 October 2010 (has links)
A large structural weldment has been designed to serve as the new star tracker bridge for the Dark Energy Experiment upgrade to the Hobby-Eberly Telescope at McDonald Observatory. The modeling approach, analysis techniques and design details will be of interest to designers of large structures where stiffness is the primary design driver. The design includes detailed structural analysis using finite element models to maximize natural frequency response and limit deflections and light obscuration. Considerable fabrication challenges are overcome to allow integration of precision hardware required for positioning the corrector optics to a precision of less than 5 microns along the 4-meter travel range. This thesis provides detailed descriptions of the bridge geometry, analysis results and challenging fabrication issues. / text
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Using the FRDPARRC design methodology to drive innovation in the HETDEX PFIP support adjustable strut assemblyMolina, Homar 16 February 2011 (has links)
This thesis provides background information on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET), HET Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX), Gough-Stewart platforms (GSP), the Prime Focus Instrument Package (PFIP) support structure, and the design methodology used to design said support structure. Each component is analyzed from the point of view of Professor Alex Slocum’s FRDPARRC design methodology. Each aspect of the design is shown to have been derived by following the steps of Slocum’s design method. Material selection, manufacturing techniques, and integration of off-the-shelf components into the support system are also discussed in reference to FRDPARRC. The assembly procedure for the PFIP structure is outlined. Finally, using specific examples from the detailed design, the FRDPARRC method itself is analyzed and its ability to drive innovation in design is evaluated. / text
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