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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Critical factors in NACOSA’s success as a network organisation in the HIV and AIDS sector

De Vos, Marieta 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: NACOSA had an eventful history spanning 22 years. The first phase between 1992 and 2001 is labeled Great Expectations as the composite multi-sectoral structure started a groundbreaking initiative on HIV and AIDS in South Africa and believed that the first AIDS plan drafted by them would be implemented as planned. Expectations came to nothing as government struggled to find its feet through a decade of blunders leading to the demise of the structure by end 2001. The next phase between 2001 and 2010 is labeled Starting Over as the Western Cape branch of NACOSA reinvented itself as a community mobilisation network for the province. Within a period of ten years Western Cape NACOSA developed into a successful national network with a large membership fully involved through its networking, capacity building and promoting dialogue functions. The third phase between 2010 and 2015 is labeled Rapid Growth as NACOSA developed into a large training and grant management agency with strong systems providing funding to its members through sub-granting. Networking continued at a slower pace but is still highly important for the organisation. The network contributes to localised social capital through shared learning and collaboration. NACOSA‟s sustainability has been developed through the ability to raise long-term funds for network activities, capacity building of members and coordinated service delivery on the ground. NACOSA also has a culture of identifying and acting fast on opportunities and adapting to change when it is needed. Strategic factors attributing to the success of NACOSA are a sector based approach promoting diversity in its membership; a consistently focused and shared purpose throughout the years; a community agent approach believing in and advocating for community systems strengthening; obtaining a mandate from network members for main strategy changes; strategic partnerships; a strong capacity building approach focussing on organisational and programmatic competencies; not competing with network members but acting as main weaver; creating specialist networks for specific HIV-related causes; a committed representative executive committee and skilled staff; bringing groups together on a regular basis for discussions and strategising; a variety of social media; and a network mindset intent on a culture of learning and building trust between member organisations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: NACOSA het 'n gebeurtenisvolle geskiedenis wat strek oor 'n periode van 22 jaar. Die eerste fase tussen 1992 en 2001 word genoem Groot Verwagtinge, verwysende na die saamgevoegde multi-sektorale struktuur wat ontstaan het as die eerste groot MIV en VIGS inisiatief in Suid-Afrika. Hulle het verwag dat hul eerste VIGS-plan geïmplementeer sou word soos wat hulle dit beplan het. Hul verwagtinge het egter skipbreuk gely as gevolg van die regering wat oor die dekade heen hul voete gesleep en foute gemaak het wat uiteindelik gelei het tot die struktuur se ondergang in 2001. Die volgende fase tussen 2001 en 2010 word genoem Oorbegin verwysende na die Wes-Kaap tak van NACOSA wat hulself herskep het as „n gemeenskapsmobiliseringsnetwerk. Wes-Kaap NACOSA het binne tien jaar weer ontwikkel in 'n suksesvolle nasionale netwerk met 'n groot ledetal wat volledig ingeskakel is by die organisasie se netwerk, kapasiteitsbou en bevordering van dialoogaktiwiteite. Die derde fase tussen 2010 en 2015 word genoem Snelle Groei verwysende na NACOSA se ontwikkeling in 'n groot opleidings- en fondsbestuursagentskap met sterk stelsels wat befondsing aan hul lede verskaf. Netwerkskakeling het voortgeduur teen 'n stadiger pas maar is steeds baie belangrik vir die organisasie. Die netwerk dra by tot die bou van plaaslike sosiale kapitaal deur middel van samewerking en saam leer. NACOSA se volhoubaarheid het ontwikkel deur hul vaardigheid om langtermynfondse in te samel vir netwerkaktiwiteite, kapasiteitsbou en gekoördineerde dienslewering op grondvlak. NACOSA het ook 'n kultuur om geleenthede vinnig te identifiseer en daarop te reageer, asook om aan te pas by veranderinge wanneer nodig. Strategiese faktore wat bygedra het tot NACOSA se sukses sluit in 'n wye sektorbenadering met diverse lidmaatskap; 'n konsekwente gedeelde doelwit oor die jare; die bevordering van sterk gemeenskapstelsels; die verkryging van 'n mandaat by netwerklede vir strategie-veranderinge; strategiese vennootskappe; 'n sterk kapasiteitsboubenadering wat fokus op organisatoriese en programmatiese vaardighede; geen kompetisie met lede-organisasies maar eerder die rol van “hoofwewer”; skep van spesialisnetwerke vir spesifieke MIV-verwante kwessies; 'n toegewyde raad en vaardige personeel; gereelde bymekaarbring van groepe vir dialoog en strategie bou; 'n verskeidenheid van sosiale media; en 'n netwerk denkpatroon gefokus op 'n leerkultuur en die bou van vertroue tussen lede.

The effects of HIV status disclosure on antiretroviral treatment adherence

Phalafala, Mathatho Samuel 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Successful antiretroviral therapy (ART) depends on appropriate use of antiretroviral agents; which ultimately prevents replication of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) thus delaying clinical progression of the disease. This study explored how HIV status disclosure affects adherence to antiretroviral therapy at Mamelodi Hospital, using a convenience sampling method with a sample size of 50 adults above 18 years who were on treatment for a minimum of two years prior to the study. An interview protocol was used to uncover patients’ demographics, sexual orientation, and HIV status disclosure, adherence to antiretroviral drugs, drug side effects, how often they missed their doses and how HIV status disclosure / non-disclosure affected their adherence to treatment. Patients’ medical records were assessed to validate and correlate the information obtained from the interviews. The scientific test results used were the CD4count and Viral loads which are used to monitor the HIV/AIDS disease progression. All partakers involved in the study made their HIV status known and reported taking their medicines regularly. The patients’ CD4 count and VL were verified, the CD4 count has shown an upward trend while the VL load showed a downward trend in keeping with patients who are adhering to ART. The majority of participants (54% or 27 patients) reported they had never skipped taking their medication. The participants also reported they had taken their medicine in front of other people and they constituted 74% (37) of the group. Of this 74%, 78.38% (29 patients) said it was because they had disclosed their status. This observation supports the fact that if you have disclosed your HIV status, you have better chances of adhering to prescribed medication. Findings from the study at Mamelodi Hospital revealed that for as long as one has disclosed their HIV status, the outcome of treatment adherence will be better. The only shortfall noted was lack of partakers who did not divulge their HIV status thus a comparison could not be done. It was acknowledged that some participants in the study might have reported disclosure of their HIV status to be in good favour of the researcher to create an impression that they are adhering to their medication. The study has confirmed the existence of a relationship between HIV status disclosure and adherence to ART. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suksessvolle antiretrovirale terapie (ART) hang af van die toepaslike gebruik van antiretrovirale middels, wat replikase van die MI-virus verhoed, en dus die kliniese vordering van die siekte vertraag. Hierdie studie het ondersoek hoe die bekendmaking van MIV-status die gehoorsaamheid tot ART beïnvloed het by die Mamelodi Hospitaal. ‘n Gerieflikheid-streekproef met ‘n groote van 50 volwassenes bo 18 jaar is gebruik en die deelnememers moes ten minste vir twee jaar voor die studie reeds op behandeling gewees het. Data is deur middel van onderhoude ingesamel, met die doel om pasiënte se demografiese inligting, seksuele orientasie, MIV-status, gehoorsaamheid tot ART en newe-effekte van ART in te samel. Pasiënte se mediese rekords is nagegaan om die inligting wat uit die onderhoude verkry is te bevestig. Die wetenskaplike toetse wat gebruik is, was die CD4-telling en virale lading wat gebruik word om MIV/Vigs te monitor. Al die deelnemers het hul MIV-status bekend gemaak en aangedui dat hul hul medikasie gereeld gebruik. Die pasiënte se CD4-tellings en virale lading is bevestig, die CD4-tellings het ‘n opwaartse neiging getoon terwyl die virale lading ‘n afwaartse neighing getoon het. Die meerderheid van die deelnemers (54%) het aangedui dat hul nog nooit hul medikasie oorgeslaan het nie. 74% van die deelnemers het aagedui dat hul hul medikasie voor ander mense neem - hul noem dat dit as gevolg van die feit is dat hul hul status bekend gemaak het. Dit ondersteun die feit dat mense wie hul status bekend maak beter kanse het om gehoorsaam hul medikasie te gebruik. Die studie by die Mamelodi Hospitaal toon dat solank mense hul MIV-status bekend maak, hul meer gehoorsaam is teenoor die gebruik van hul medikasie. Die studie bevestig dus die verband tussen bekendmaking van MIV-status en gehoorsaamheid tot ART.

HIV/AIDS beliefs among MSM in the Philippines

Decoste, Anthony 04 1900 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research study examines the beliefs related to HIV/AIDS risks and the perceived effectiveness of preventative measures among men who have sex with men (MSM) in the Philippines. Using a questionnaire developed using the Health Belief Model (HBM), this study endeavors to understand beliefs and thus improve counseling guidelines for MSM who continue to engage in risky sexual behaviors following VCT and a negative HIV test. The impact of HIV/AIDS on the Philippines is beginning to increase, affecting men and their partners. The rapid growth of HIV/AIDS among Filipino MSM indicates that more attention must be paid to the barriers and benefits of condom use within this high-risk population. A background of the presence and prevalence of HIV/AIDS is presented. This study aims to answer the question of why MSM choose to have unprotected sex despite the risk of HIV/AIDS. Multiple barriers to condom use are identified, including the availability of condoms, partner resistance, and reduced pleasure. The impacts of culture and society, the media, role models, social networking, drug use, and riskseeking behavior on safer sex are assessed. Currently, supplying condoms and providing voluntary testing and counseling is the primary mode of preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, but this study sheds light on the critical issues of condom availability, perceived benefits and barriers to condom use, and the disconnect between belief and behavior regarding HIV/AIDS and unprotected sex among MSM in the Philippines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is ‗n ondersoek na die gelowe (beliefs) teenoor MIV/Vigs van mans wat seks het met mans. Die studie poog verder om ondersoek in te stel na moontlike voorkomende maatreëls wat ingestel kan word om die pandemie te bekamp. Vir die doel van hierdie studie is ‗n vraelys ontwikkel , deur gebruik te maak van die Health Belief Model, met die doel om ‗n beter begrip te kry van die redes vir risikogedrag onder mans wat seks het met mans in die Fillipyne. Die voorkoms van MIV/Vigs by mans wat seks het met mans is steeds aan die toeneem in die Fillipyne en dringende maatreëls is nodig om die groei van die pandemie te beperk. Die studie gee ‗n agtergrond tot MIV/Vigs in die Fillipyne. Die ondersoek gaan dan voort om te probeer bepaal waarom risikogroepe steeds voortgaan om aan onbeskermende seksuele aktiwiteite deel te neem. Resultate van die studie toon aan dat daar verskeie faktore is wat die gebruik van kondome ontmoedig in die risikogroep wat in hierdie studie aangespreek word. Kondome is nie altyd beskikbaar nie; seksuele vennote wil nie kondome gebruik nie en die vermindering in seksuele plesier word as redes aangevoer. Hierdie studie maak ‗n betekenisvolle bydrae tot die kennisbasis van die gelowe en houdings van mans wat seks het met mans ( en dan MIV-positief raak) en sal na alle waarskynlikheid betekenisvol bydra tot die meer suksesvolle bestuur van hierdie risikogroep in die Fillipyne.

The experiences of recently diagnosed HIV-positive individuals, as shared on an online forum

Wylde, Charlotte Anne January 2018 (has links)
An HIV-positive diagnosis can be an overwhelming and traumatic experience. This study explores the experiences of receiving an HIV-positive diagnosis. Employing an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), a sample of the initial posts from threads on an online forum, was collected and explored, in order to determine the dominant themes from the experiences expressed in the posts, as well as the support sought from the forum. The online forum was accessed as an unobtrusive observer, and posts from January to December 2015 were explored. The online forum provides a platform for disclosure following an HIV-positive diagnosis, when anxiety and fear of stigma can impact on an individual’s ability to disclose to their social support network of family and friends. The experiences expressed on the online forum reflect the emotional, mental and physical impact of an HIV-positive diagnosis on an individual. The findings in this study reflected themes of shock, guilt and hopelessness, and concerns and fears regarding disclosure and stigma associated with HIV, as well as the importance of social support for the coping mechanisms of individuals after receiving an HIV-positive diagnosis. This research demonstrates the importance of Internet accessibility for information and support for chronic illnesses, such as HIV, and the role of the online forum platform for providing a safe environment for individuals recently diagnosed HIVpositive.

Teacher's views on the implementation of HIV/AIDS policies in schools: a case study of four high schools in Fort Beaufort Education District

Koza, Rebecca January 2016 (has links)
HIV/AIDS is reducing the hard-won returns on investment in education in South Africa.

HIV positive mothers, perceptions of exclusive breastfeeding in postnatal ward at a particular hospital, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mafokwane, Mothobola Maria 08 1900 (has links)
Exclusive breastfeeding is one of the infant feeding methods recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), especially to HIV positive women of low socio economic status. The purpose of the study was to determine and describe the HIV positive mothers’ perceptions towards exclusive breastfeeding in postnatal ward at a particular hospital in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Qualitative exploratory research design was used to explore and describe the HIV positive mothers’ perceptions towards exclusive breastfeeding. A grand tour question in an unstructured interview was used to collect data, followed by probing questions according to participants’ responses. Data were collected from 15 HIV positive mothers aged 18 years and above. They opted for exclusive breastfeeding, and voice recorder and field notes were used to capture data. The seven steps of data analysis, adapted from Colaizzi were used. The findings: Although the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding was known by mothers, some participants had limited knowledge on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding. Some health care providers lack up-to-date information on exclusive breastfeeding. Religious and cultural practices interfere with exclusive breastfeeding. Coping strategies with the feeding options emerged as well. / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Utilization of expanded programme on immunisation and integrated management of childhood illnesses for tracking and management of HIV-exposed babies

Magagula, Anne Rose Nthabiseng 26 October 2015 (has links)
The study sought to determine the meaning and interpretation by facility managers and nurses on utilisation of expanded programme on immunisation and integrated management of childhood illnesses (EPI and IMCI) programmes for follow-up and antibody testing of HIV-exposed infants (HEI) at 18 months. Also to understand the factors within the health systems that influence the follow-up and antibody testing. The study setting selected was six facilities in Steve Tshwete subdistrict in Nkangala district of Mpumalanga province in South Africa. The study used a hermeneutic phenomenology using in-depth interviews for collecting data from 4 facility managers and 12 nurses. The major themes that emerged from the interviews were referral, defaulting, integration, stigma, and off-site ART initiation within the health system. These were found to influence the utilisation of HEI and IMCI services for follow-up and management of HEI. It was also found that the importance of integrating the management of HEI into the EPI and IMCI cannot be overemphasised. It was concluded that the Health Department needs to be vigilant and use all available resources to manage HEI to meet the MDG 4 of prevention of infant mortality / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

"Avaliação da reconstituição do sistema imune em pacientes infectados pelo HIV-1 em uso de terapia anti-retroviral combinada" / Evaluation of the cardiac anatomical alterations secondary to the pulmonary emphysema: experimental study in rats

Rosangela Rodrigues 06 October 2004 (has links)
Estudo observacional em uma coorte 148 indivíduos infectados pelo HIV-1, em uso de terapia anti-retroviral, avaliando padrões de resposta imunológica, clínica e virológica em um período de 251 semanas, estratificados em três grupos de resposta virológica: Avirêmicos, Virêmicos e Virêmicos Atenuados. Este estudo observou melhor progressão clínica e imunológica foi observada no grupo Avirêmico, porém um significante ganho de linfócitos TCD4 (p < 0.013) e menor número de casos com evolução para Aids (p < 0.001) foi observado grupo Virêmico Atenuado comparado ao grupo Virêmico. / Observacional study in cohort of 148 HIV-1 infected patients under highly active antiretroviral therapy, analysed by different patterns of immunological reconstitution, clinical outcome and viral suppression in 251 weeks of follow up, estratified in Aviremic, Viremic and Virec Attenuated groups. This study observed better clinical and immunological response in Aviremic group, but Viremic Attenuated group shows a significant TCD4+ cells gain (p < 0.013) and less number of cases progressing to AIDS (p < 0.001) compared to Viremic group.

A phenomenological study of the experiences of adolescents following maternal HIV-disclosure

Sibanyoni, Sibongile Success January 2014 (has links)
Maternal HIV-disclosure to an adolescent is a controversial issue especially when considering the suitable time and context in which disclosure should take place. Furthermore there have been other considerations such as the adolescent’s emotional maturity as well as gender issues which have played a role in regards to determining whether the adolescent would be able to understand and cope effectively post-disclosure. These considerations formed the basis of this study’s aim and objectives which primarily focused on taking into account the developmental aspects apparent in the adolescent phase. These include adolescent’s relations with their mother, their peers and the meaning attached to having an education and career in their lives. For purposes of this study it was deemed important to actually explore with the adolescent’s the meaning they uphold pertaining to maternal HIVdisclosure. This differs from previous research which has focused predominantly on accessing adolescent’s experiences via their parents and in particular, their mothers. Data of only three participants was included following in-depth interviews being conducted. Data was analysed via Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) which enabled an enhanced understanding and meaningful interpretation of the adolescent’s experiences following maternal HIV-disclosure. From the findings it became apparent that most concerns had already been addressed and were similar when compared to previous research that had been conducted. However one notable different finding was that instead of adolescent’s acting in ways that would lead to them self-sabotaging their lives they instead portrayed themselves to be living in a responsible manner. It became apparent rather that it was the adolescent’s mother rather that became more inclined to engage in self-sabotaging behaviours.

Statistical methods to model the influence of age and gender on the behavioral risk factors of HIV/AIDS

Tlou, Boikhutso January 2010 (has links)
The effects of gender and age on the behavioral risk of HIV/AIDS are not clearly understood as previous distinct studies which have been carried out, have given disputable and contradictory outcomes. This study therefore, discusses the statistical methods which can be used to model the influence of age and gender on the behavioral risk factors of HIV/AIDS. In general, generalized linear models are the main methods which can be applied to depict the impact of age and gender on the behavioral risk of becoming infected with HIV/AIDS virus. In this study, the main methods used were logistic regression, log-linear regression and multiple regressions. Behavioral risk was taken as the dependent variable while age, gender, number of sexual partners, religious beliefs and alcohol and drug abuse were fitted as predictor variables. The three statistical methods gave significant results for gender and insignificant results for age. Furthermore, comparisons were made on the three regression methods and the logistic regression gave the best results. It was therefore concluded that gender plays a significant role on the behavioral risk of HIV/AIDS. The results of the study showed that gender of the student and number of sexual partners had a significant effect on the risk behavior of the university students. In future, it may be very important to find out why age is not a significant factor on risk behavior of HIV/AIDS among university students.

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