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Architecting IoT-Enabled Smart Building TestbedAmanzadeh, Leila 29 October 2018 (has links)
Smart building's benefits range from improving comfort of occupant, increased productivity, reduction in energy consumption and operating costs, lower CO2 emission, to improved life cycle of utilities, efficient operation of building systems, etc. [65]. Hence, modern building owners are turning towards smart buildings. However, the current smart buildings mostly are not capable of achieving the objectives they are designed for and they can improve a lot better [22]. Therefore, a new technology called, Internet of Things, or IoT, is combined with the smart buildings to improve their performance [23]. IoT is the inter-networking of things embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity to collect and exchange data, and things in this definition is anything and everything around us and even ourselves. Using this technology, e.g. a door can be a thing and can sense how many people have passed it's sensor to enter a space and let the lighting system know to prepare appropriate amount of light, or the HVAC (Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning) system to provide desirable temperature. IoT will provide a lot of useful information that before that accessibility to it was impossible, e.g., condition of water pipes in winter, which helps avoiding damages like frozen or broken pipes. However, despite all the benefits, IoT suffers from being vulnerable to cyber attacks. Examples have been provided later in Chapter 1.
In this project among building systems, HVAC system is chosen to be automated with a new control method called MPC (Model Predictive Control). This method is fast, very energy efficient and has a lower than 0.001 rate of error for regulating the space temperature to any temperature that the occupants desire according to the results of this project. Furthermore, a PID (Proportional–Integral–Derivative) controller has been designed for the HVAC system that in the exact same cases MPC shows a much better performance. To design controllers for HVAC system and set the temperature to the desired value a method to automate balancing the heat flow should be found, therefore a thermal model of building should be available that using this model, the amount of heat, flowing in and out of a space in the building disregarding the external weather would be known to estimate. To automate the HVAC system using the programming languages like MATLAB, there is a need to convert the thermal model of the building to a mathematical model. This mathematical model is unique for each building depending on how many floors it has, how wide it is, and what materials have been used to construct the building. This process is needs a lot of effort and time even for buildings with 2 floors and 2 rooms on each floor and at the end the engineer might have done it with error. In this project you will see a software that will do the conversion of thermal model of buildings in any size to their mathematical model automatically, which helps improving the HVAC controllers to set temperature to the value occupants desire and avoid errors and time loss which is put both into calculations and troubleshooting.
In addition, a test environment has been designed and constructed as a cyber physical system that allows us to test the IoT- enabled control systems before implementing them on real buildings, observe the performance, and decide if the system is satisfying or not. Also, all cyber threats can be explored and the solutions to those attacks can be evaluated. Even for the systems that are already out there, there is an opportunity to be assessed on this testbed and if there is any vulnerability in case of cyber security, solutions would be evaluated and help the existing systems improve. / Master of Science / Buildings function as shelters more than any thing else, and this has allowed humans to use it as a space to store important things like private and important information. Therefore, this space should be safe and secure from any vulnerabilities for occupants and their information. Smart buildings, have made a great difference in increasing the comfort level of occupants, but they haven’t been greatly successful achieving their objectives [50]. Therefore, a new technology called, Internet of Things, or IoT, is combined with the smart buildings to improve their performance [23]. IoT is the inter-networking of things embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity to collect and exchange data, and things in this definition is anything and everything around us and even ourselves. Internet of Things (IoT) has helped improving the smart buildings and getting a considerable amount of energy efficiency [27]. But adding Internet of Things has added a network of things connected to internet, which gives the cyber hackers an opportunity to hack the buildings, and get access to the information stored inside the building or put even occupants lives in danger. Therefore, in this thesis the following items have been contributed:
• Designing and programming a novel control system for HVAC system of the buildings (Model Predictive Control): This is a new method to control HVAC system of buildings and in comparison with the methods available in the market, it is the most energy efficient, it is faster, and it has a lower error rate in following the desired temperature of the occupants.
• Design and construction of IoT- enabled smart building testbed: Since cyber attacks make buildings vulnerable, the author believes it is better to build a test environment to simulate the buildings and the control methods that are used inside the buildings, and try to evaluate performance of the control methods before implementing them on real buildings. Also, by installing IoT sensors inside the test environment, the engineers can perform some cyber attack tests, and also evaluate the solutions for each attack on the testbed.
• Design and program a software to convert thermal model of buildings to mathematical model : In designing a new control method for HVAC system of buildings, the first required information is the thermal model of the buildings. Eventually, there is a need to program. Thus, the thermal model should be converted to a mathematical model. However, there is a heavy manual calculation behind it that is really overwhelming, tiring, with a high possibility of error, and time-consuming even for a very small sized building. Therefore, automating this process in terms of a software that takes the information of thermal model of buildings as an input and giving the output of the mathematical model of building is a considerable achievement.
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Frikyla : En möjlighet för Östersjöfarten att spara energi?Andersson, Daniel, Petter, Andersson January 2017 (has links)
För att hålla ett behagligt inomhusklimat på fartyg krävs kylning under den varma tiden på året. Denna kylning kräver energi. Detta arbete är en undersökning om huruvida denna energiåtgång kan minskas genom så kallad frikylning. ROPAX-färjan Finntrader som trafikerar linjen Malmö–Travemünde har använts som exempel. Undersökningen utfördes genom att skapa en beräkningsmodell där ett köldbärarsystem med möjlighet till frikylning kopplades in i Finntraders nuvarande HVAC-system, tillsammans med nuvarande kylmaskiner. Statistik över lufttemperatur, luftfuktighet och sjövattentemperatur för perioden 2013–2015 införskaffades. Denna statistik fördes in i beräkningsmodellen. Resultatet av beräkningarna blev att en viss mängd energi kunde sparas med frikylning, hur mycket beroende på värmeväxlarnas effektivitet. Mängden energi som kunde sparas var förhållandevis liten jämfört med kostnaden för de komponenter modellen krävde. / To maintain a comfortable climate on board ships, cooling is necessary during the warm period of the year which requires energy. This thesis is a survey about whether so-called free cooling could reduce this energy consumption. The ROPAX-ferry Finntrader trafficking the route Malmö–Travemünde has been used as an example. This survey was carried out by creating a calculation model in which a brine system with a possibility of free cooling was connected to Finntrader’s current HVAC-system, alongside the current chillers. Statistics of air temperature, air humidity and sea water temperature was acquired for the period 2013-2015 and were inserted into the calculation model. These calculations showed that a certain amount ofenergy could be saved with free cooling, how much depending on the effectiveness of the heat exchangers. The amount of energy that could be saved was quite small compared to the cost of the components required by the model.
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Control System of Building using Modelling and Simulation / Control System of Building using Modelling and SimulationMohamad, Mohamad Kheir Unknown Date (has links)
Udržovaní vnitřních klimatických podmínek tak, aby byly v souladu s tepelným komfortem lidí, je klíčovou otázkou pro řízení systémů vytápění, větrání a klimatizace (HVAC systémy). Počítačové modelování nabízí virtuální prostředí pro simulaci vnitřních i vnějších podmínek a s jeho pomocí je možné navrhnout řešení pro řízení technických zařízení budov. Tento proces vyžaduje pochopení těchto prostředí z fyzikálního a matematického hlediska tak, aby bylo možné fyzikální procesy daných prostředí prezentovat pomocí vztahů a rovnic odrážejících jejích různé parametry. Simulační proces dále nabízí možnost popsat interakci mezi těmito modely a jejich chování v čase, dává výchozí reprezentace těchto prostředí, a umožňuje pochopení jejich chování před přenosem těchto modelů do reálných aplikací. Simulace umožnuje respektovat, a ovlivňovat jejích chování přes kontrolu navržených modelů. MATLAB/SIMULINK software má pokročilé schopnosti pro simulace systémů HVAC, a to vytvořením širokého pracovního prostředí pro designéry v závislosti na vývoji matematických modelů a jejích simulace pomocí SIMULINK, aby výsledky mohly být slučitelné s požadovanými výstupy. Tato dizertační práce se zaměřuje na proces modelování vnitřního prostředí v budovách, aby bylo možné pochopit chování klíčových parametrů, které mají vliv na tepelnou pohodu obyvatel či uživatelů, matematické modely vnitřního prostředí posluchárny byly navržené speciálně pro tři základní parametry: koncentrace oxidu uhličitého, teplota vzduchu a relativní vlhkost. Změny chování těchto parametrů v průběhu času jsou simulovány a poté strategie kontroly návrhu těchto parametrů může je udržet ve vhodných rozmezích komfortních pro obyvatele či uživatele, i když změny venkovního klimatu, tepelné a hmotnostní zatíží interiér. Pomocí matematických metod, některé optimalizační metody byly navrženy za účelem snížení spotřeby energie bez vlivu na mezní hodnoty těchto parametrů. Proces validace modelu se provádí porovnáním výsledků s reálnými výstupy monitoringu Honeywell Enterprise Buildings Integrator systémem (EBI) nainstalován v areálu univerzity.
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Reducing Airflow Energy Use in Multiple Zone VAV SystemsTukur, Ahmed Gidado 08 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Contribution à l’optimisation de la performance énergétique des bâtiments de grande dimension : une approche intégrée diagnostic / commande économique et coopérative à horizon glissant / Contribution to Energy Optimization for Large-scale Buildings : An Integrated approach of diagnosis and economic control with moving horizonDarure, Tejaswinee 18 October 2017 (has links)
Au cours des deux dernières décennies, la prise de conscience du changement climatique et des conséquences du réchauffement climatique a incité diverses institutions à prendre de nouvelles directives. Ces directives portent principalement sur le contrôle des émissions des gaz à effet de serre, sur l'utilisation des ressources énergétiques non conventionnelles et l'optimisation de la consommation d'énergie dans les systèmes existants. L'Union européenne a proposé de nombreux projets dans le cadre du 7e PCRD pour réaliser jusqu'à 20% d’économies d'énergie d’ici 2020. En particulier, selon la directive sur l'efficacité énergétique, les bâtiments sont majoritairement responsables de 40% des dépenses énergétiques en Europe et de 36% des émissions de CO2 ; c’est la raison pour laquelle un ensemble d’initiatives européennes dans le cadre du 7ième PCRD favorise l'utilisation de technologie intelligente dans les bâtiments et rationalise les règles existantes. Energy IN TIME est l'un des projets axés sur l'élaboration d'une méthode de contrôle basée sur la simulation intelligente de l'énergie qui permettra de réduire la consommation des bâtiments non résidentiels. Ce mémoire de thèse propose plusieurs solutions novatrices pour réaliser les objectifs du projet mandaté à l'Université de Lorraine. Les solutions développées dans le cadre de ce projet devraient être validées sur différents sites européens de démonstration. Une première partie présente l'analyse détaillée de ces sites de démonstration et leurs contraintes respectives. Un cadre général correspondant à la construction type de ces sites a été élaboré pour simuler leur comportement. Ce cadre de construction de référence sert de banc d'essai pour la validation des solutions proposées dans ce travail de thèse. Sur la base de la conception de la structure de construction de référence, nous présentons une formulation de contrôle économique utilisant un modèle de contrôle prédictif minimisant la consommation d'énergie. Ce contrôle optimal possède des propriétés de contrôle conscientes de la maintenance. En outre, comme les bâtiments sont des systèmes complexes, les occurrences de pannes peuvent entraîner une détérioration de l'efficacité énergétique ainsi que du confort thermique pour les occupants à l'intérieur des bâtiments. Pour résoudre ce problème, nous avons élaboré une stratégie de diagnostic des dysfonctionnements et une stratégie de contrôle adaptatif des défauts basé sur le modèle économique ; les résultats en simulation ont été obtenus sur le bâtiment de référence. En outre, l'application des solutions proposées peut permettre de relever des défis ambitieux en particulier dans le cas de bâtiments à grande échelle. Dans la partie finale de cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur le contrôle économique des bâtiments à grande échelle en formulant une approche novatrice du contrôle prédictif de mode réparti. Cette formule de contrôle distribué présente de nombreux avantages tels que l'atténuation de la propagation des défauts, la flexibilité dans la maintenance du bâtiment et les stratégies simplifiées de contrôle du plug-and-play. Enfin, une attention particulière est accordée au problème d'estimation des mesures dont le nombre est limité sur des bâtiments à grande échelle. Les techniques d'estimation avancées proposées sont basées sur les méthodologies de l'horizon mobile. Leur efficacité est démontrée sur les systèmes de construction de référence / Since the last two decades, there has been a growing awareness about the climate change and global warming that has instigated several Directorate initiatives from various administrations. These initiatives mainly deal with controlling greenhouse gas emissions, use of non-conventional energy resources and optimization of energy consumption in the existing systems. The European Union has proposed numerous projects under FP7 framework to achieve the energy savings up to 20% by the year 2020. Especially, stated by the Energy Efficiency Directive, buildings are majorly responsible for 40% of energy resources in Europe and 36% of CO2 emission. Hence a class of projects in the FP7 framework promotes the use of smart technology in the buildings and the streamline existing rules. Energy IN TIME is one of the projects focused on developing a Smart Energy Simulation Based Control method which will reduce the energy consumption in the operational stage of existing non-residential buildings. Essentially, this thesis proposes several novel solutions to fulfill the project objectives assigned to the University of Lorraine. The developed solutions under this project should be validated on the demonstration sites from various European locations. We design a general benchmark building framework to emulate the behavior of demonstration sites. This benchmark building framework serves as a test bench for the validation of proposed solutions given in this thesis work. Based on the design of benchmark building layout, we present an economic control formulation using model predictive control minimizing the energy consumption. This optimal control has maintenance-aware control properties. Furthermore, as in buildings, fault occurrences may result in deteriorating the energy efficiency as well as the thermal comfort for the occupants inside the buildings. To address this issue, we design a fault diagnosis and fault adaptive control techniques based on the model predictive control and demonstrate the simulation results on the benchmark building. Moreover, the application of these proposed solutions may face great challenges in case of large-scale buildings. Therefore, in the final part of this thesis, we concentrate on the economic control of large-scale buildings by formulating a novel approach of distributed model predictive control. This distributed control formulation holds numerous advantages such as fault propagation mitigation, flexibility in the building maintenance and simplified plug-and-play control strategies, etc... Finally, a particular attention is paid to the estimation problem under limited measurements in large-scale buildings. The suggested advanced estimation techniques are based on the moving horizon methodologies and are demonstrated on the benchmark building systems
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A Proactive Design Strategy For Facility Managers of Laboratory Environments.Sandlin, Darrell R. 02 April 2004 (has links)
The Facility Manager of a laboratory environment continuously walks a fine line between safe and economical operation of that facility. The primary responsibility of the laboratory is to provide a safe environment for personnel while optimizing the space for experiment. Energy efficiency is not a necessary goal. Laboratories typically require HVAC systems utilizing 100% outside air to protect the occupants. Facilities demanding the basic design requirement of 100% outside air can result in annual energy costs 4 to 5 times greater than that of the typical office building requiring 20 CFM per person. With energy costs typically representing a substantial part of an organizations operating budget is it prudent for facility managers to seek opportunities to reduce these costs.
The intent of this research is to show that participation of a knowledgeable Facility Manager, during the initial design phase of a laboratory facility, can result in a finished product capable of easily incorporating a variety of energy efficiency technologies. The scope of this research is limited to smaller chemical laboratories supported with less than 20,000 CFM of comfort air.
When the Facility Manager actively participates in the design process for laboratory environments there is potential for increased HVAC energy efficiency.
A substantial portion of this research has been conducted from the authors daily experience and responsibility for a small chemical laboratory. Additional data was collected using personal interviews among industry experts and fellow colleagues working in the Atlanta metropolitan area with significant laboratory experience. This research focused on the mechanical systems supporting laboratories as they represent the largest percentage in first costs, energy consumption, and offer the greatest opportunity for energy reduction.
The results of this research are intended to provide guidance to Facility Managers to incorporate cost effective energy recovery systems in either new construction or at a future date. The results of this research project the impact of energy consumption in a small chemical laboratory from the hypothetical installation of a customized energy recovery system.
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Analysis of Innovative HVAC System Technologies and Their Application for Office Buildings in Hot and Humid ClimatesTanskyi, Oleksandr 2010 December 1900 (has links)
The commercial buildings sector in the United States used 18 percent (17.93 Quads) of the U.S. primary energy in 2006. Office buildings are the largest single energy consumption category in the commercial buildings sector of the United States with annual energy consumption around 1.1 Quads. Traditional approaches used in commercial building designs are not adequate to save energy in both depth and scale. One of the most effective ways to reduce energy consumption is to improve energy performance of HVAC systems.
High-performance HVAC systems and components, as well as application of renewable energy sources, were surveyed for buildings in hot and humid climates. An analysis of performance and energy saving potential estimation for selected HVAC systems in hot and humid climates was developed based on energy consumption simulation models in DOE-2.1E.
A calibrated energy consumption model of an existing office building located in the hot and humid climate conditions of Texas was developed. Based on this model, the energy saving potential of the building was estimated.
In addition, energy consumption simulation models were developed for a new office building, including simulation of energy saving measures that could be achieved with further improvements of HVAC system above the energy conservation codes requirements. The theoretical minimum energy consumption level for the same office building was estimated for the purpose of evaluating the whole building energy efficiency level. The theoretical minimum energy consumption model of the office building was designed to provide the same level of comfort and services to the building occupants as provided in the actual building simulation model.
Finally, the energy efficiency of the building that satisfies valid energy conservation codes and the building with an improved HVAC system was estimated based on theoretically minimum energy consumption level.
The analysis provided herein can be used for new building practitioners and existing building owners to evaluate energy reduction potential and the performance of innovative technologies such as dedicated outdoor air system, displacement ventilation, improved cooling system efficiency, air source heat pumps and natural gas heat pumps.
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Breakout Noise From The Coupled Acoustic-Structural HVAC SystemsVenkatesham, Balide 12 1900 (has links)
Noise control in the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems is one of the critical design parameters in measuring the occupant comfort. The noise generated by air-handling units propagates through the ducts in the axial as well as transverse direction. Noise radiated in the transverse direction from the duct walls excited by the internal sound field is called the breakout noise. An analytical formulation has been developed in this thesis in order to predict the breakout noise by incorporating three-dimensional effects along with the acoustical and structural wave coupling phenomena.
The first step in the breakout noise prediction is to calculate the interior acoustic response and flexural vibration displacement of the compliant walls. Dynamic interaction between the internal acoustic subsystem and flexible structural subsystem has been expressed in terms of the modal characteristics of the uncoupled response of the acoustic and structural sub-systems. Solutions of the inhomogeneous wave equation are rearranged in terms of impedance and mobility, and the equations describing the complete system are expressed in terms of matrices, which result in a compact matrix formulation. Examples of the formulation are a rectangular cavity with one flexible wall and a rectangular cavity with four-flexible walls. The formulation is modified to incorporate complex boundary conditions by means of appropriate Green’s functions. It is implemented for flexible wall duct using the modified cavity Green’s function. Another objective of the present investigation is to understand the coupling phenomenon and its effect on the compliant wall vibration displacement. The developed three-dimensional analytical analysis of the breakout noise is convenient to implement on the computer, and also to extend the sub-system level model to the system level model in order to analyze a complex acoustic-structural system for the breakout noise problem. The extent of coupling is calculated using a transfer factor based on the uncoupled natural frequencies of the acoustic and structural subsystems. It is observed from the free vibration analysis that a coupling between the cavity and the flexible panel exists in the vicinity of an uncoupled acoustic natural frequency. If a strong coupling occurs between an acoustic mode and a panel mode, then damping of structural subsystem would control it. The cavity volume changes stiffness of the panel, which in turn affects noise radiation in the stiffness-controlled region.
The second step is to calculate the sound power radiated from complaint wall. The wall vibration velocity is a linear combination of the uncoupled flexural modes of the structural subsystem. It is substituted into the Rayleigh integral and Kirchhoff– Helmholtz (KH) integral formulation to predict the sound pressure radiated by the vibrating duct wall. The radiated sound power can be obtained by integrating the acoustic intensity over the surface of the flexible duct wall making use of appropriate expressions for radiation impedance. The radiation impedance terms involve a quadruple integral. Evaluation of this integral is quite complex and poses formidable computational challenges. These have been overcome by means of a co-ordinate transformation. Sound power radiation from flexible walls of the plenum and duct walls has been calculated using an equivalent plate model. Analytical results are corroborated with numerical models.
The second part of thesis deals with a one-dimensional model to predict the breakout noise from a thin rectangular duct with different end conditions like anechoic termination, rigid-end termination, and the open-end termination. This model incorporates acoustic reflection effects in the duct internal sound field by using standing wave pattern by means of the transfer matrix approach. A one-dimensional prediction method based on the four-pole parameters has been developed to evaluate the lagged duct performance in terms of the breakout noise reduction. Radiation impedance of a duct is calculated by three different methods: (i) finite line source model (ii) finite cylinder model, and (iii) equivalent plate model based on fundamental bending mode of the duct. It is observed that the proposed model that uses the equivalent plate model for the lagged duct and the line source model for the bare duct is appropriate to predict the transverse insertion loss of the lagging, particularly at the lower frequencies that are of primary interest for reducing the breakout noise of rectangular ducts. The bare duct breakout noise results are compared with those of the corresponding 3-D analytical models. It shows that the one-dimensional model captures the overall mean pattern of breakout noise very well.
The third part of the thesis examines the internal acoustic field and thence the transmission loss (TL) of a rectangular expansion chamber, the inlet and outlet of which are situated at arbitrary locations of the chamber; i.e., the sidewall or the face of the chamber. The four-pole parameters have been expressed in terms of an appropriate Green’s function of a rectangular cavity with homogeneous boundary conditions. A transfer matrix formulation has been developed for the yielding-wall rectangular chambers by considering structural-acoustic coupling. It may be combined readily with the transfer matrices of the other constituent elements upstream and downstream in order to compute the overall transmission loss or insertion loss.
Wherever applicable, parametric studies have been conducted to evolve the design guidelines for minimizing the breakout noise from the HVAC ducts, plenums and cavities.
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Filtration performances of antimicrobial and regular HVAC filters regarding PM10 and microbial aerosols in laboratory and realistic conditions / Performances de filtration de filtres HVAC antimicrobien et standard pour les PM10 et les aérosols microbiens en laboratoire et dans des conditions réalistesAbd ali, Safaa Abd Zaid 27 September 2018 (has links)
Cette étude s'est concentrée sur la performance d'un filtre antimicrobien en fibres de polypropylène contenant de la pyrithione de zinc (PP/ZPT) au laboratoire et comparée à celle d'un filtre similaire (PP) avec la même classification F7 (EN779:2002). La performance de filtration à l'échelle du laboratoire des 2 filtres testés pendant le colmatage avec des particules PM10 a été quantifiée dans un dispositif expérimental avec mesure de la perte de charge du filtre et comptage des particules en amont et en aval des filtres. La croissance microbienne sur des filtres neufs et usagés, tous deux contaminés par aérosolisation avec un consortium microbien composé de deux bactéries (Staphylococcus epidermidis Gram positif, Serratia marcescens Gram négatif et spores fongiques (Penicillium chrysogenum). L'influence de trois paramètres sur la survie microbienne sur les filtres a été examinée : l'humidité relative de l'air, la présence ou l'absence de pyrithione de zinc (ZPT) en tant que substances antimicrobiennes et la présence de particules organiques. Des analyses quantitatives par unité formant colonies ont été utilisées pour déterminer la survie après 8 jours du consortium bactéries-champignons collecté par le filtre. Les deux filtres ont présenté des performances de filtration similaires en termes de variation de perte de charge et d'efficacité de collecte des particules pendant leur colmatage avec des particules PM10, ce qui signifie que le traitement antimicrobien n'a pas dégradé les performances de filtration du filtre. A faible valeur d'humidité de conditionnement (50% RH), avec des filtres neufs ou usagés, avec ou sans traitement antimicrobien, la population microbienne sur les filtres diminue et éventuellement ne survivra pas (Serratia). Lorsque l'humidité relative du conditionnement est élevée (90% RH), les bactéries ne se développent pas sur les filtres neufs, et seuls les champignons ont pu se développer. L'effet du traitement antimicrobien avec la pyrithione de zinc est confirmé pour les filtres neufs, en particulier en ce qui concerne les champignons Penicillium. Pour les filtres usagés, les résultats indiquent que le traitement antimicrobien n'est pas plus efficace avec une croissance significative du Penicillium, l'espèce endémique des particules de riz micronisées (PM10) collectées par les filtres ; les deux populations de bactéries diminuent significativement avec ou sans traitement antimicrobien.Dans une deuxième étape, les performances de filtration des 2 filtres testés précédemment ont été étudiées dans des conditions réalistes avec un air extérieur semi-urbain sur une période de 7 mois. Le comportement des microorganismes extérieurs sur les filtres (croissance/mortalité) a été observé. Deux unités de filtration fonctionnaient à IMT Atlantique, l'une contenant le filtre PP/ZPT et l'autre le filtre PP. Chaque unité filtrait le même air semi-urbain. Les deux unités de filtration ont fonctionné en continu et plusieurs paramètres ont été surveillés tout au long de la période d'exploitation : température, humidité relative, chute de pression du filtre, efficacité de collecte des particules du filtre, concentration massique des particules à l'entrée et concentrations microbiennes ; en outre, la concentration microbienne sur les filtres a été quantifiée 3 fois (tous les 2 mois) à partir d'une méthodologie innovante basée sur des coupons de média. Les performances de filtration des deux filtres testés en termes de changement de perte de charges et d'efficacité de collecte de particules étaient différentes de celles obtenues à l'échelle du laboratoire. La méthodologie des coupons a permis d'étudier le comportement des micro-organismes tout au long de l'étude. L'effet antimicrobien de la pyrithione de zinc a été confirmé concernant l'inhibition des champignons sans influence du niveau d'encrassement du filtre (dépôt de masse de particules). / This study focused on the performance of a marketed antimicrobial polypropylene fibers filter containing zinc pyrithione (PP/ZPT) at the laboratory and compared to those of a similar filter (PP) with same classification F7 (EN779:2002). The filtration performance at laboratory scale of the 2 tested filters during clogging with PM10 particles was quantified in an experimental set-up with filter pressure drop measurement and particle counting up and downstream of the filters. The microbial growth onto new and used filters, both contaminated by aerosolization with a microbial consortium composed of two bacteria (Staphylococcus epidermidis Gram positive, Serratia marcescens Gram negative and fungal spores (Penicillium chrysogenum). The influence of three parameters on the microbial survival onto filters was examined: the air relative humidity, the presence or absence of Zinc pyrithione (ZPT) as antimicrobial substances and the presence of organic particles. Quantitative analyses by colony forming unit were used to determine the survival after 8 days of the bacteria–fungi consortium collected by the filter. The two filters revealed similar filtration performance in terms of change in pressure drop and particle collection efficiency during their clogging with PM10 particles, meaning that the antimicrobial treatment did not degrade the filtration performance of the filter. At low humidity value of conditioning (50% RH), with new or used filters, with or without antimicrobial treatment, the microbial population onto the filters decreases and possibly will not survive (Serratia). At high humidity value of conditioning (90% RH), the bacteria do not grow onto the new filters, and only the fungi was able to develop. The effect of the antimicrobial treatment with zinc pyrithione is confirmed for new filters in particular regarding the fungi Penicillium. For used filters, the results indicate that the antimicrobial treatment is no more efficient with a significant growth of the Penicillium, the endemic species of the micronized rice particles (PM10) collected by the filters; the two populations of bacteria significantly decrease with or without antimicrobial treatment. In a second step, the filtration performances of the 2 filters tested previously was investigated in realistic conditions with a semi-urban outdoor air over a 7 months period. The behavior of the outdoor microorganisms onto the filters (growth/mortality) was observed. Two filtration units were operating at IMT Atlantique location, one containing the PP/ZPT filter and the second the PP filter. Each unit filtered the same semi-urban air. Both filtration units operated continuously and several parameters were monitored throughout the operating period: temperature, relative humidity, filter pressure drop, filter particle collection efficiency, inlet particle mass concentration, and microbial concentrations; in addition, the microbial concentration onto the filters was quantified for 3 times (every 2 months) from an innovative methodology based on media coupons. The filtration performances of the two tested filters in terms of changes in pressure drop and particle collection efficiency were different than those obtained in the Laboratory scale. The methodology of coupons permitted to study the behavior of the microorganisms throughout the study. The antimicrobial effect of the zinc pyrithione was confirmed regarding the inhibition of the fungi cultivated on the DRBC agar with no influence of the level of clogging of the filter (mass of particles deposit).
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Porovnání hlučnosti stranových vyústek odlišných konstrukcí / Comparison of noise generated by differently constructed ventsBernard, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with comparing noise levels of three side vents of different constructions, which are used for distribution and directing of ventilation air in a cabin of an automobile. The fundamental knowledge of the physical and physiological acoustics is described in the introduction part of this study. Following the introduction part there is a brief explanation of the car air conditioning system (HVAC system) as well as are explained the acoustic properties of specific elements of this system. The study also deals with dividing ventilation vents and describes the vast traceable types of automobile vents. Prior to the description of the experiment, which was conducted as a part of this study, the procedures and results of the measurements carried out in other theses are explained. Measurement of noise levels of the compared vents was carried out in a semi-anechoic chamber under the ČSN ISO 3475 standardization. To clarify increase of noise generated by the vent in an interior of an automobile, additional measurement of noise was carried out in a cabin of Porsche Cayenne 2018. From the gathered results we can conclude that under the constant flow, (of 60 square meters per hour) louder vents are those with higher pressure loss. This pressure loss is dependant primarily on the speed of the flow in the vent, as well as on the number and the adjustment of the deflectors. In a cabin of an automobile, the noise produced by the vent is negligible in comparison with total noise in an interior of a car. However, in the area surrounding the air flowing out from the vent, (approximately 0,7 meters from it) the level of acoustic pressure increases significantly.
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