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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The production and spatial distribution of neutral and ionized water vapor in comet P/Halley.

DiSanti, Michael Antonio. January 1989 (has links)
This study addressed the problem of water vapor production and distribution in comet P/Halley, based upon interpretation of observational data obtained during the recent 1985-86 apparition. The data was acquired using the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory charge-coupled device (CCD) on the 154-cm Catalina telescope of the University of Arizona Observatories. Our data acquisition system was employed in two modes. The long-slit (∼200") spectroscopy mode covered the wavelength range 5200-10400 Å at a spectral resolution ∼14 Å. The narrow band filter imaging mode allowed two-dimensional mapping of selected cometary emission features, as well as the continuum, with a field of view of roughly 10 arc-min. Both neutral and ionized (H₂O⁺) water species were studied, with emphasis on the ion distribution. This involved comparing long-slit spatial profiles obtained ∼UT 1986 March 05.5, as well as cuts across filter images (∼ March 06.5) centered on the H₂O⁺ 0,8,0-band emission, with the Vega-1 spacecraft in situ ion density measurements (∼ March 06.3). Our March 05 spectroscopic data revealed a central dip, of order 30% relative to the profile peak, in H₂O⁺ column density in the inner coma (inside ∼ 2 x 10⁴ km from the nucleus), which filled in farther tailward. Similarly the BD - 3 plasma detector aboard Vega-1 measured a decrease in local ion density, of roughly 60% at the closest approach distance (∼ 9000 km sunward of the nucleus), relative to the inbound maximum density at R ≃ 12000 km from the nucleus. These results suggest a bimodal flow of ions out of the coma and/or an extended region over which the H₂0 molecules were being ionized. Our imaging data showed that, while the falloff in ion density was relatively rapid sunward of the nucleus, it was much more gradual in the anti-solar direction. This is due to the solar wind sweeping ions from the head of the comet into the plasma tail, whose width was of order 10⁵ km in the inner coma, diverging slowly and breaking up into a ray pattern farther tailward. The distribution of neutral water was mapped out using the [O I] λ6300 emission as diagnostic probe. In contrast to the ions, the H₂0 molecules were mainly confined to the inner few x 10⁴ km of the coma, and exhibited a much more symmetrical distribution. Integration of the [O I] slit profiles, assuming azimuthal symmetry, allowed calculation of the H₂0 production rate, which ranged from ∼ 10²⁸ molecules s⁻¹, when Halley was at a distance r≳ 2 AU from the sun, to a value of ∼ 1.5 x 10³⁰ molecules s⁻¹ for 1986 March 05 (r ≃ 0.78 AU). Using the latter production rate, and assuming a 100/1 production ratio of H₂0/ H₂O⁺, a spatially-averaged, tailward flow speed of ions out of the inner coma, < v⁺ > ≃ 16 km s⁻¹, was derived by integrating our March 05 H₂O⁺ profile, for which the slit was oriented across the coma, just tailward of the nucleus.

Chaos dynamique dans le problème à trois corps restreint / Dynamical chaos in the restricted three body problem

Rollin, Guillaume 02 November 2015 (has links)
Capture-évolution-éjection de particules par des systèmes binaires (étoile-planète, étoile binaire, étoile-trou noir supermassif, trou noir binaire, ...). Dans une première partie, en utilisant une généralisation de l'application de Kepler, nous décrivons, au travers du cas de 1P/Halley, la dynamique chaotique des comètes dans le système solaire. Le système binaire, alors considéré, est composé du Soleil et de Jupiter. L'application symplectique utilisée permet de rendre compte des différentes caractéristiques de la dynamique : trajectoires chaotiques, îlots invariants de KAM associés aux résonances avec le mouvement orbital de Jupiter,... Nous avons déterminé de façon exacte et semi-analytique l'énergie échangée (fonction kick) entre le système solaire et la comète de Halley à chaque passage au périhélie. Cette fonction kick est la somme des contributions des problèmes à trois corps Soleil-planète-comète associés aux 8 planètes du système solaire. Nous avons montré que chacune de ces contributions peut être décomposée en un terme keplerien associé au potentiel gravitationnel de la planète et un terme dipolaire dû au mouvement du soleil autour du centre de masse du système solaire. Dans une deuxième partie, nous avons utilisé la généralisation de l'application de Kepler pour étudier la capture de particules de matière noire au sein des systèmes binaires. La section efficace de capture a été calculée et montre que la capture à longue portée est bien plus efficace que la capture due aux rencontres proches. Nous montrons également l'importance de la vitesse de rotation du système binaire dans le processus de capture. Notamment, un système binaire en rotation ultrarapide accumulera en son sein une densité de matière jusqu'à 10^4 fois celle du flot de matière le traversant. Dans la dernière partie, en intégrant les équations du mouvement du problème à trois corps restreint plan, nous avons étudié l'éjection des particules capturées par un système binaire. Dans le cas d'un système binaire dont les deux corps sont de masses comparables, alors que la majorité des particules sont éjectées immédiatement, nous montrons, sur les sections de Poincaré, que la trace des particules restant indéfiniment aux abords du système binaire forme une structure fractale caractéristique d'un répulseur étrange associé à un système chaotique ouvert. Cette structure fractale, également présente dans l'espace réel, a une forme de spirale à deux bras partageant des similitudes avec les structures spiralées des galaxies comme la nôtre. / This work is devoted to the study of the restricted 3-body problem and particularly to the capture-evolution-ejection process of particles by binary systems (star-planet, binary star, star-supermassive black hole, binary black hole, ...). First, using a generalized Kepler map, we describe, through the case of 1P/Halley, the chaotic dynamics of comets in the Solar System. The here considered binary system is the couple Sun-Jupiter. The symplectic application we use allows us to depict the main characteristics of the dynamics: chaotic trajectories, KAM islands associated to resonances with Jupiter orbital motion, ... We determine exactly and semi-analytically the exchange of energy (kick function) between the Solar System and 1P/Halley at its passage at perihelion. This kick function is the sum of the contributions of 3-body problems Sun-planet-comet associated to the eight planets. We show that each one of these contributions can be split in a keplerian term associated to the planet gravitational potential and a dipolar term due to the Sun movement around Solar System center of mass. We also use the generalized Kepler map to study the capture of dark matter particles by binary systems. We derive the capture cross section showing that long range capture is far more efficient than close encounter induced capture. We show the importance of the rotation velocity of the binary in the capture process. Particularly, a binary system with an ultrafast rotation velocity accumulates a density of captured matter up to 10^4 times the density of the incoming flow of matter. Finally, by direct integration of the planar restricted 3-body problem equations of motion, we study the ejection of particles initially captured by a binary system. In the case of a binary with two components of comparable masses, although almost all the particles are immediately ejected, we show, on Poincaré sections, that the trace of remaining particles in the vicinity of the binary form a fractal structure associated to a strange repeller associated to chaotic open systems. This fractal structure, also present in real space, has a shape of two arm spiral sharing similarities with spiral structures observed in galaxies such as the Milky Way.

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