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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Towards effective school management : a study of secondary schools in Tanzania

Sayi, Laetitia Emmanuel January 1999 (has links)
This studyi s abouts econdarsyc hooml anagemeinnt TanzanianG overnmenste condarsyc hools.I t seeksto investigateth e perceptionos f teachersa ndh eadteachearsb outt he managemenptr actices that are being used in schools and to identify strategies and practices which appear to be effective. Ihe main assurnption of the study is that there are Government secondary schools which are wen managed and others which are less well managed. Ile study aimed to identify what the well managed schools do in contrast to the less well managed schools. All Governmenste condarsyc hoolsin Dar-Es-Salaaman d the Coastr egionw ere sampledfo r the study. Questionnaireasn di nterviewsw eret he main datag atheringm ethods.Q uestionnairewse re issuedt o ten teachersa nd the headi n eacho f the 16 schools. The researchear dministeretdh e questionnairesp ersonally in all schoolst o minimise the inconvenienceo f getting the questionnaires back. Interviews were conducted in eight selected schools comprismg four well managed and four less well managed schools. The interviews were conducted as a follow up and to complement the questionnaires. Four teachers and the head of school were interviewed in each school. The researcher also interviewed the Inspector of schools and the Director for Secondary Education in the Ministry of Education. Some ethnographic data was also collected in all the schools. Data gatheredt hrough questionnairews ere codedf or analysisb y the computer. The Social Packagefo r the Social Sciences(S PSS)w as usedt o analyset he data. For the interviewd ata, contenat nalysisw asd one. Dataf rom two schoolso, ne,w ell manageda ndo ne,l essw ell managed werew rittenu p as cases tudiesfo r the dissertation. The resultss howedth at therew ere significantd ifferencesb etweenth e managemenptr acticesi n City and Coastals econdarsyc hools,B oardinga nd Day secondarys choolsa nd Co-educatioann d Singles exs econdarsyc hools. The followinga ppearetdo bet he barrierst o the executiono f goodm anagemepnrt acticesf:i nancial andr esourcec onstraintsu; seo f bureaucratipc racticesl,a ck of commitmenot f somes taff to thej ob andl ack of managmncntrta iningf or headso f schools. Ther ecommendatioanrsis ingf rom the studyw eret hatt heres houldb e: a shift from bureaucratitco a more democratic and participative form of management and leadership in schools; clear aPPointmentc riteria for headteachersa; system for positive discrimination for the distribution of resourcesin schools;t he productiono f a handbookf or teacherso n effective management; manag=entt wning for wouldb e headteachearsn dt hosea lreadyi n thej ob and for teachersa nd headteachetros be heldm orea ccountablfeo r the failuresi n schools.T heser econunendatiownse re for the attentiono f the Ministry of Educationf,o r headteachearsn dt eachers

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