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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controle da utilização de tecnologias de saúde: estudo de caso de um hospital materno-infantil / Control of the Use of Health Technologies: Case Study of a Children\'s Hospital

Carminatti Junior, Edson Vicente 08 November 2012 (has links)
A área da saúde vem sofrendo por diversas transformações nos últimos anos, especialmente em relação aos custos com tecnologia. É indiscutível os avanços que as novas tecnologias trouxeram para o bem estar da vida da população, tanto em termos de assistência médico como melhor da expectativa de vida. Ao mesmo tempo que os avanços tecnológicos acontecem, junto vem o ônus dos gastos, principalmente os privados que não estão sendo suficientes para arcar com as necessidades do setor da área da saúde. Diante disso, é pressuposto básico que haja um melhor controle dos gastos por intermédio de ações restritivas à utilização de tecnologia. As ações são pautadas em alteração da política de remuneração da área da saúde, bem como atuação das auditorias nas liberações dos usos tecnológicos dentro dos hospitais. Após o exposto o presente trabalho tem por objetivo descrever e analisar o processo decisório e os conflitos para utilização de tecnologias utilizadas em procedimentos cirúrgicos em prestadores de serviços para a saúde suplementar. / The health sector has undergone several changes in recent years, especially in relation to technology costs. It is undisputed that the advances brought new technologies to the well being of people\'s lives, both in terms of medical care and better life expectancy. While technological advances occur, along comes the burden of spending, especially private ones that are not sufficient to cope with the needs of the healthcare industry. Therefore, the basic assumption is that there is better control of spending through actions restricting use of technology. The actions are based on changes in the remuneration policy of the health and performance of audits in releases of technological uses in hospitals. After the above the present study aims to describe and analyze the decision-making process and conflicts for use of technologies used in surgical procedures for service providers to health supplement.

Ações judiciais demandadas por beneficiários de uma operadora de plano de saúde / Legal actions demanded by beneficiaries of a health plan operator

Afonso, Ana Beatriz Perez 06 February 2017 (has links)
A judicialização da saúde tem sido fenômeno em crescimento na área da saúde e assunto relevante da pauta de gestores. Muitos estudos produzidos nos últimos anos, tanto no campo do Direito como no da Saúde, indicam um predomínio no sistema público. Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar as ações judiciais relacionadas as coberturas assistenciais na saúde suplementar. Estudo descritivo e de corte transversal realizado em uma operadora de plano privado de saúde em um município de grande porte do interior do estado de São Paulo, que presta assistência a mais de cem mil beneficiários. Foram analisadas 158 demandas judiciais ajuizadas e recebidas pela operadora e registradas em banco de dados da empresa do período de 2012 a 2015, movidas por 152 beneficiários. As ações foram classificadas em dois grandes grupos, com subgrupos constituídos, a saber: ações relacionadas a coberturas assistenciais, que envolveram procedimentos médicos, tratamentos, exames, medicamentos, home care/internação domiciliar, outros tipos de internações; e ações de outra natureza, referentes a liminares de outras operadoras para cumprimento da operadora estudada, manutenção do plano de saúde, reajustes, perícia médica, retirada do nome do Serasa, isenção de carências e outros motivos. As ações pleiteadas para realização de procedimentos médicos responderam por 57% das demandas, com destaque para rizotomia percutânea (27%). Tratamento de quimioterapia em serviços não credenciados pela operadora, exames de PET SCAN em não conformidade com rol de procedimentos autorizados pela ANS, além de medicamentos antineoplásicos e para tratamento de Hepatite C, que não integravam a relação de medicamentos registrados pela ANVISA foram destaque nas análises realizadas. A Lei 9.656/1998 foi determinante para os beneficiários recorrerem ao Judiciário por coberturas assistenciais, impactando de maneira significativa na gestão das operadoras de planos privado. Deve-se considerar legítima a discussão sobre o tema e a realização desse estudo possibilitou aprofundar a análise dos efeitos da judicialização na realidade da operadora pesquisada, abarcando seus limites e responsabilidades / The judicialization of health has been a growing phenomenon in the area of health and a relevant subject of the managers\' agenda. Many studies that have been produced in recent years, both in the field of Law and Health, indicate predominance in the public system. The objective of this research was to analyze the legal actions that are related to health care coverage in supplementary health care. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in a private health care operator in a large municipality / in a big city in the interior of the state of São Paulo, which provides assistance to more than 100,000 beneficiaries. We have analyzed 158 lawsuits that were filed and received by the operator and registered in the company\'s database for the period from 2012 to 2015, filed by 152 beneficiaries. The actions were classified into two large groups, with constituted subgroups, namely: actions that were related to care coverage, involving medical procedures, treatments, examinations, medications, home care / other hospitalizations; and actions of other nature, relating to injunctions of other operators to comply with the operator that was studied, maintenance of the health plan, readjustments, medical expertise, removal of the name of Serasa (Brazilian credit protection organization), exemption from deficiencies and other reasons. The actions that were requested to perform medical procedures were accounted for 57% of the demands, with emphasis on percutaneous rhizotomy (27%). The treatment of chemotherapy in services that were not accredited by the operator, SCAN PET examinations in non-compliance with ANS-authorized procedures, in addition to antineoplastic drugs and for treatment of Hepatitis C, which were not part of the list of medicines that were registered by ANVISA were highlighted in the analyzes which were carried out. The Law 9,656 / 1998 was decisive for beneficiaries to appeal to the Judiciary for assistance coverage, having a significant impact on the management of the private plan operators. The discussion on the topic should be considered legitimate and the realization / execution of this study made it possible to deepen the analysis of the effects of the judicialization on the reality of the surveyed operator, encompassing its limits and responsibilities

Mobility of physicians into prepaid group health practice; a case study

Sato, Ann Schroeder 01 May 1970 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with changes over time in the social characteristics of doctors who have entered prepaid group health plans. It focuses on the past social positions which these doctors have occupied and on their status, or rank. The general expectation is that both the rank and positions occupied by doctors prior to entering prepaid group plans have varied as the prestige of these plans has varied. The entrance of physicians into prepaid group health plans was conceptualized as mobility between different contexts of work. Blau’s exchange theory of mobility proved to be the most fruitful source of hypotheses for this study. Blau states that extrinsic rewards are the major incentives for mobility and that intrinsic rewards interact with extrinsic rewards in influencing mobility. From these basic propositions two hypotheses were generated: 1) As the status of prepaid group health plans increases, the status of physicians entering these plans will increase. 2) As the status of prepaid group health plans increases, high status recruits will less frequently come from positions offering intrinsic rewards similar to those found in prepaid group plans. The design of this research was a longitudinal case study. Data were obtained relevant to one prepaid group health plan, the Portland Kaiser Foundation Health Plan. The universe included all physicians who had practiced as full-time, salaried staff in Kaiser at any time since 1945 when Kaiser was first opened to the public. Indicators were obtained from various sources of data. The Kaiser personnel records provided data on physicians’ social characteristics. Data on the status of Kaiser came from an official salary schedule and records of personnel advertisements. Informants were used to rank medical schools and the AMA’s Directory of Approved Internships and Residencies provided a ranking of teaching hospitals. The evidence for the first hypothesis was generally negative. The data indicated that although the status of Kaiser had increased over the years, the status of physicians entering Kaiser had decreased. This conclusion was reached on the basis of findings using prestige of medical school as an indicator for physicians’ achieved status as well as findings using nationality and length of practice as indicators for their ascribed status. Thus, the first hypothesis of this study had to be rejected. The evidence for the second hypothesis was inconclusive: it indicated that as the status of Kaiser increased, the percentage of high status recruits from certain positions with intrinsic rewards similar to Kaiser’s decreased, whereas the percentage from other positions increased. High status physicians have less frequently entered Kaiser a) having held positions emphasizing the scientific aspects of care, b) having memberships in scientific or specialty societies, c) having changed the location of their practice, and d) having changed their specialty. They have more frequently entered Kaiser a) having had postgraduate training b )having had at least five years of training, c) having held jobs in bureaucratic contexts, d) having graduated from medical schools in the North Central and Western states, and e) having engaged in two of more different types of activities. In sum, it was unclear whether the second hypothesis should be accepted or rejected.

Preferred customers? : barriers for Hispanics in Oregon's managed care Medicaid program

Keys, Robert T. III 08 April 2002 (has links)
From February to September of 2001, a significant body of qualitive data was collected to investigate barriers for Hispanic participation in Oregon's managed care Medicaid program. As a means to investigate this topic, comments were solicited from physicians, hospital administrators, social service agencies, and low-income Hispanics through semi-structured focus groups and individual interviews. This methodology presents the reader with a rich enthnohistoric and cultural context to the local issues surrounding Hispanic under-participation in Oregon's managed care Medicaid program. Finally, through an analytical framework of critical medical anthropology, connections are drawn from local barriers to state and corporate policies. / Graduation date: 2002

Procedimentos utilizados pela Auditoria Interna para detecção de fraudes: estudo de caso em uma empresa privada operadora de planos de saúde / Procedures used by Internal audit to detect frauds : case study in a private healthy plan operator

Soraya Soares Guimarães 11 March 2013 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetiva verificar se os procedimentos utilizados pela Auditoria Interna na detecção de fraudes em uma empresa privada operadora de planos de saúde permitiram a coleta de evidências confiáveis e suficientes para suportar as conclusões dos auditores sobre os fatos reportados nos relatórios de auditoria interna. Para realização do estudo, adotou-se como estratégia investigativa, o estudo de caso único. As técnicas utilizadas ao longo de toda a pesquisa foram as análises documentais e de conteúdo, baseadas nos objetivos propostos no estudo e na fundamentação teórica. A pesquisa concentrou-se nas análises dos relatórios de auditoria interna que reportaram ocorrências de fraudes na empresa estudada, emitidos nos anos de 2010, 2011 e 2012; contudo optou-se, também, por descrever as rotinas e práticas operacionais relacionadas à atuação do departamento de auditoria que contribuíram para uma melhor compreensão dos dados e do resultado do estudo. Os principais achados demonstram que os procedimentos utilizados pela Auditoria Interna na detecção de fraudes permitiram a coleta de evidências de auditoria confiáveis e suficientes para suportar as conclusões dos auditores. O resultado da pesquisa indica, também, que não existe um padrão de utilização dos procedimentos de auditoria. De acordo com o tipo de fraude e objetivo, o auditor interno deve definir quais os procedimentos de auditoria devem ser utilizados na obtenção de evidências de auditoria confiáveis e suficientes para suportar as suas conclusões. / The present research has the purpose to verify if the procedures used by an Internal Audit in order to detect frauds in a private company that deals with health insurance allowed enough gathering of reliable evidences to support the auditors conclusions about facts described in the reports from internal audit. To achieve this goal, it has been used as an investigative strategy, the single event study. The techniques used along the whole research were documentary and contents analyses, based on the goals proposed in the study and in the theoretical reason. The research focused on the analyses of the internal audits reports which reported frauds occurrences in the company that has been studied, issued in the years 2010, 2011 and 2012, however, was also an option in describing the routines e operational practices related in the performance of the audit department which contributed for a better comprehension of data and the study result. The main results demonstrate that the procedures been used by the Internal Audit in the fraud detection allowed enough gathering of reliable evidences to support the auditors conclusions. The research result also indicates that there is no using standard in the audit procedures. According to the type of the fraud and goal, the internal audit should define which audit procedures must be used to obtain reliable evidences to support its conclusions.

Procedimentos utilizados pela Auditoria Interna para detecção de fraudes: estudo de caso em uma empresa privada operadora de planos de saúde / Procedures used by Internal audit to detect frauds : case study in a private healthy plan operator

Soraya Soares Guimarães 11 March 2013 (has links)
A presente pesquisa objetiva verificar se os procedimentos utilizados pela Auditoria Interna na detecção de fraudes em uma empresa privada operadora de planos de saúde permitiram a coleta de evidências confiáveis e suficientes para suportar as conclusões dos auditores sobre os fatos reportados nos relatórios de auditoria interna. Para realização do estudo, adotou-se como estratégia investigativa, o estudo de caso único. As técnicas utilizadas ao longo de toda a pesquisa foram as análises documentais e de conteúdo, baseadas nos objetivos propostos no estudo e na fundamentação teórica. A pesquisa concentrou-se nas análises dos relatórios de auditoria interna que reportaram ocorrências de fraudes na empresa estudada, emitidos nos anos de 2010, 2011 e 2012; contudo optou-se, também, por descrever as rotinas e práticas operacionais relacionadas à atuação do departamento de auditoria que contribuíram para uma melhor compreensão dos dados e do resultado do estudo. Os principais achados demonstram que os procedimentos utilizados pela Auditoria Interna na detecção de fraudes permitiram a coleta de evidências de auditoria confiáveis e suficientes para suportar as conclusões dos auditores. O resultado da pesquisa indica, também, que não existe um padrão de utilização dos procedimentos de auditoria. De acordo com o tipo de fraude e objetivo, o auditor interno deve definir quais os procedimentos de auditoria devem ser utilizados na obtenção de evidências de auditoria confiáveis e suficientes para suportar as suas conclusões. / The present research has the purpose to verify if the procedures used by an Internal Audit in order to detect frauds in a private company that deals with health insurance allowed enough gathering of reliable evidences to support the auditors conclusions about facts described in the reports from internal audit. To achieve this goal, it has been used as an investigative strategy, the single event study. The techniques used along the whole research were documentary and contents analyses, based on the goals proposed in the study and in the theoretical reason. The research focused on the analyses of the internal audits reports which reported frauds occurrences in the company that has been studied, issued in the years 2010, 2011 and 2012, however, was also an option in describing the routines e operational practices related in the performance of the audit department which contributed for a better comprehension of data and the study result. The main results demonstrate that the procedures been used by the Internal Audit in the fraud detection allowed enough gathering of reliable evidences to support the auditors conclusions. The research result also indicates that there is no using standard in the audit procedures. According to the type of the fraud and goal, the internal audit should define which audit procedures must be used to obtain reliable evidences to support its conclusions.

Estudo da morbidade residual da esquistossomose mansônica através da ultra-sonografia no município de Bananal, São Paulo, Brasil / Study on residual morbidity from schistosomiasis by means of ultrasonography in the municipality of Bananal, São Paulo, Brazil

Maria Cristina Carvalho do Espirito Santo 27 November 2006 (has links)
Este estudo desenvolveu-se no município de Bananal, São Paulo, uma área endêmica para esquistossomose com prevalência menor que 10% e baixa carga parasitária dos infectados. Teve como objetivo a identificação de formas clínicas da esquistossomose mansônica entre 109 pacientes diagnosticados parasitoscopicamente e medicados com oxamniquine, durante a realização do Plano de Intensificação das Ações de Controle da Esquistossomose Mansônica (1998-2000). Utilizou-se a ultra-sonografia abdominal e o exame de fezes (Kato-Katz) realizado, em média, quatro anos após o término do plano. Nesta casuística, foram identificados cinco pacientes com imagens ultra-sonográficas abdominais compatíveis com fibrose periportal periférica e central e hipertensão portal que tinham diagnósticos clínicos de esquistossomose na sua forma intestinal. A ultra-sonografia é um método de diagnóstico sensível, incruento, que possibilitou a identificação de casos de esquistossomose com comprometimento hepático mais extenso do que se expressava pelo exame físico. Mesmo considerando uma prevalência baixa de alterações hepáticas e de circulação portal nesta casuística, evidencia-se a importância do emprego do método ultra-sonográfico na avaliação individual dos pacientes esquistossomóticos, por permitir a detecção de alterações morfológicas e funcionais que podem ter conseqüências clínicas relevantes. Deve-se assinalar ainda que, no momento do exame, todos os pacientes tiveram coproscopias negativas, revelando a efetividade das ações de controle no médio prazo. Devemos considerar que a realização do estudo ultra-sonográfico em média quatro anos após o tratamento específico dessa população, provavelmente detectou menos alterações do que aconteceria se o estudo fosse feito no momento do diagnóstico parasitológico, pois se sabe que a involução, ainda que parcial da fibrose e de alterações funcionais conseqüentes a ela, ocorre após tratamento específico. Por fim, apesar do pequeno número de casos avaliados, a estratégia utilizada no presente trabalho começou a preencher a lacuna de avaliação do impacto da esquistossomose sobre a saúde do cidadão bananalense, percebida durante o desenvolvimento do Plano de Intensificação das Ações de Controle da Esquistossomose Mansônica, período de 1998 a 2000. / This study was developed in the municipality of Bananal, São Paulo, an endemic area for schistosomiasis with prevalence of less than 10% and low parasite load among infected individuals. The objective was to identify the clinical forms of intestinal schistosomiasis among 109 patients who had been diagnosed through parasitological tests and medicated with oxamniquine at the time of the Plan for Intensification of Schistosomiasis Control Actions (1998-2000). Abdominal ultrasonography and feces examination (Kato-Katz) were utilized: this was on average done four years after the ending of the plan. In this sample, five patients were identified whose abdominal ultrasound images were compatible with peripheral and central periportal fibrosis and portal hypertension who had had a clinical diagnosis of schistosomiasis in its intestinal form. Ultrasonography is a sensitive noninvasive diagnostic method that enables identification of the extent of liver involvement in schistosomiasis cases better than through its expression in physical examination. Even considering that there was a low prevalence of liver abnormalities and portal circulation in this sample, the importance of utilizing the ultrasound method for individual evaluations on the schistosomiasis patients was demonstrated. Through this, it was possible to detect morphological and functional alterations that could have important clinical consequences. It also should be noted that, at the time of the ultrasound examination, all the patients presented negative coproscopic test results, thus showing the effectiveness of the control actions over the medium term. It needs to be borne in mind that, because the ultrasound study was carried out on average four years after the specific treatment of this population, it is likely that fewer abnormalities were detected than there would have been if this study had been performed at the time of the parasitological diagnosis. This comes from the knowledge that involution occurs following specific treatment, even if only partially with regard to fibrosis and its consequent functional alterations. Finally, despite the small number of cases evaluated, the strategy utilized in the present study has started to fill the gap regarding assessing the impact of schistosomiasis on the health of the citizens of Bananal that was perceived during the development of the Plan for Intensification of Schistosomiasis Control Actions between 1998 and 2000.

Ações judiciais demandadas por beneficiários de uma operadora de plano de saúde / Legal actions demanded by beneficiaries of a health plan operator

Ana Beatriz Perez Afonso 06 February 2017 (has links)
A judicialização da saúde tem sido fenômeno em crescimento na área da saúde e assunto relevante da pauta de gestores. Muitos estudos produzidos nos últimos anos, tanto no campo do Direito como no da Saúde, indicam um predomínio no sistema público. Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar as ações judiciais relacionadas as coberturas assistenciais na saúde suplementar. Estudo descritivo e de corte transversal realizado em uma operadora de plano privado de saúde em um município de grande porte do interior do estado de São Paulo, que presta assistência a mais de cem mil beneficiários. Foram analisadas 158 demandas judiciais ajuizadas e recebidas pela operadora e registradas em banco de dados da empresa do período de 2012 a 2015, movidas por 152 beneficiários. As ações foram classificadas em dois grandes grupos, com subgrupos constituídos, a saber: ações relacionadas a coberturas assistenciais, que envolveram procedimentos médicos, tratamentos, exames, medicamentos, home care/internação domiciliar, outros tipos de internações; e ações de outra natureza, referentes a liminares de outras operadoras para cumprimento da operadora estudada, manutenção do plano de saúde, reajustes, perícia médica, retirada do nome do Serasa, isenção de carências e outros motivos. As ações pleiteadas para realização de procedimentos médicos responderam por 57% das demandas, com destaque para rizotomia percutânea (27%). Tratamento de quimioterapia em serviços não credenciados pela operadora, exames de PET SCAN em não conformidade com rol de procedimentos autorizados pela ANS, além de medicamentos antineoplásicos e para tratamento de Hepatite C, que não integravam a relação de medicamentos registrados pela ANVISA foram destaque nas análises realizadas. A Lei 9.656/1998 foi determinante para os beneficiários recorrerem ao Judiciário por coberturas assistenciais, impactando de maneira significativa na gestão das operadoras de planos privado. Deve-se considerar legítima a discussão sobre o tema e a realização desse estudo possibilitou aprofundar a análise dos efeitos da judicialização na realidade da operadora pesquisada, abarcando seus limites e responsabilidades / The judicialization of health has been a growing phenomenon in the area of health and a relevant subject of the managers\' agenda. Many studies that have been produced in recent years, both in the field of Law and Health, indicate predominance in the public system. The objective of this research was to analyze the legal actions that are related to health care coverage in supplementary health care. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in a private health care operator in a large municipality / in a big city in the interior of the state of São Paulo, which provides assistance to more than 100,000 beneficiaries. We have analyzed 158 lawsuits that were filed and received by the operator and registered in the company\'s database for the period from 2012 to 2015, filed by 152 beneficiaries. The actions were classified into two large groups, with constituted subgroups, namely: actions that were related to care coverage, involving medical procedures, treatments, examinations, medications, home care / other hospitalizations; and actions of other nature, relating to injunctions of other operators to comply with the operator that was studied, maintenance of the health plan, readjustments, medical expertise, removal of the name of Serasa (Brazilian credit protection organization), exemption from deficiencies and other reasons. The actions that were requested to perform medical procedures were accounted for 57% of the demands, with emphasis on percutaneous rhizotomy (27%). The treatment of chemotherapy in services that were not accredited by the operator, SCAN PET examinations in non-compliance with ANS-authorized procedures, in addition to antineoplastic drugs and for treatment of Hepatitis C, which were not part of the list of medicines that were registered by ANVISA were highlighted in the analyzes which were carried out. The Law 9,656 / 1998 was decisive for beneficiaries to appeal to the Judiciary for assistance coverage, having a significant impact on the management of the private plan operators. The discussion on the topic should be considered legitimate and the realization / execution of this study made it possible to deepen the analysis of the effects of the judicialization on the reality of the surveyed operator, encompassing its limits and responsibilities

Controle da utilização de tecnologias de saúde: estudo de caso de um hospital materno-infantil / Control of the Use of Health Technologies: Case Study of a Children\'s Hospital

Edson Vicente Carminatti Junior 08 November 2012 (has links)
A área da saúde vem sofrendo por diversas transformações nos últimos anos, especialmente em relação aos custos com tecnologia. É indiscutível os avanços que as novas tecnologias trouxeram para o bem estar da vida da população, tanto em termos de assistência médico como melhor da expectativa de vida. Ao mesmo tempo que os avanços tecnológicos acontecem, junto vem o ônus dos gastos, principalmente os privados que não estão sendo suficientes para arcar com as necessidades do setor da área da saúde. Diante disso, é pressuposto básico que haja um melhor controle dos gastos por intermédio de ações restritivas à utilização de tecnologia. As ações são pautadas em alteração da política de remuneração da área da saúde, bem como atuação das auditorias nas liberações dos usos tecnológicos dentro dos hospitais. Após o exposto o presente trabalho tem por objetivo descrever e analisar o processo decisório e os conflitos para utilização de tecnologias utilizadas em procedimentos cirúrgicos em prestadores de serviços para a saúde suplementar. / The health sector has undergone several changes in recent years, especially in relation to technology costs. It is undisputed that the advances brought new technologies to the well being of people\'s lives, both in terms of medical care and better life expectancy. While technological advances occur, along comes the burden of spending, especially private ones that are not sufficient to cope with the needs of the healthcare industry. Therefore, the basic assumption is that there is better control of spending through actions restricting use of technology. The actions are based on changes in the remuneration policy of the health and performance of audits in releases of technological uses in hospitals. After the above the present study aims to describe and analyze the decision-making process and conflicts for use of technologies used in surgical procedures for service providers to health supplement.

An investigation of the most effective approach for the delivery of oral health promotion interventions to children

Olajide, Omotayo Joan January 2015 (has links)
Oral health promotion interventions (OHPI) seek to achieve sustainable oral health improvements through actions directed at the underlying determinants of oral health. Clinical trials often promise levels of effectiveness which are not actually achieved in general use, indicating problems with implementation. This study set out to identify an OHPI for which there was strong evidence of effectiveness and then aimed to explore issues that arose in the implementation of that intervention. Research methods A sequential portfolio design was utilised. The first phase involved systematic reviews of literature to identify existing community based OHPI and interventions shown to be effective in reducing dental caries. These were also examined to determine whether the existing evidence base was informative about the process of implementing best evidence. Systematic reviews were undertaken on effectiveness of: supervised toothbrushing with fluoridated toothpastes, supervised fluoridated mouthrinsing and promotion of dietary behaviours, all, in school children. MEDLINE, CINAHL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, EMBASE and BNI electronic databases were searched for articles published between 1990 and 2013. In total, 47 studies were included in the reviews: 21 studies on supervised toothbrushing with fluoridated toothpastes, 12 on fluoridated mouthrinsing and 14 studies on healthy dietary behaviours towards caries prevention. The second phase was a qualitative research study, which was undertaken to explore the experiences, and perceptions of participants involved in decision-making, planning and delivery of one specific community based OHPI (supervised toothbrushing) in the North East of England. Nineteen participants (NHS and school staff) participated in the qualitative study. Knowledge translation in oral health promotion One-to-one interviews and focus groups interviews were conducted with the participants. Normalisation Process Theory constructs informed the development of the interview guides and was also used in data analysis. In the third phase of the study, an integration of the findings of the first and second phases of the study was conducted. Results In the systematic reviews of literature conducted, the various levels of clinical effectiveness identified were influenced by appropriate and regular fluoride use, involvement of OHP specialists, supervision by parents and the free provision and availability of materials. There was however a general lack of comprehensive information on all aspects of implementation of OHPI. In the second phase of the study, an exploration of barriers to implementation of an OHPI revealed the following: -inadequate utilisation of research evidence -gaps in leadership and management structures -non- investment in engagement and ownership of the intervention -challenges with partnership working and evaluation of implementation of OHPI. Conclusions Availability of evidence of effectiveness of an intervention does not imply that the intervention will be successful when rolled out. Published articles on evidence-based interventions do not have comprehensive information on the mechanisms and workability of the processes required for effective implementation of OHPI. Normalisation Process Theory (NPT) enabled the exploration of factors that could facilitate knowledge translation and successful implementation of OHPI. In previous studies, NPT was used to evaluate effectiveness of interventions; in this study it was used to explore the implementation process of an OHPI and has highlighted the need for Knowledge translation in oral health promotion oral health promotion strategy makers and commissioners to revisit the “sense-making” aspect of evidence implementation, to reflect on the need for investing in all members of the team, to encourage the ‘ownership’ of interventions being implemented. In addition, there is a need to review existing leadership and management structures and to re-examine and amend the processes by which OHPI are monitored and reported. These measures would enable maximised effectiveness and sustainability of clinically effective OHPI.

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