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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Latent heat thermal energy storage for solar water heating using flat heat pipes and aluminum fins as heat transfer enhancers

Malan, Daniel Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Solar energy is a time dependent, high-temperature radiant energy resource. The utility of a solar thermal energy system increases if the hot temperature source is available when it is needed most. This is realized by the thermal storage of the solar energy. Thermal storage gives greater versatility to a solar energy system by decoupling the heat source from the heat sink. A large quantity of energy may be stored during the melting process in a phase change material (PCM) within a small temperature range. This molten PCM can then deliver its absorbed heat at a constant temperature in a heating application. In this study a phase change storage system (PCS) is developed and proposed for a solar water heating application. This PCS system stores more heat per unit mass than would be possible with water across the same temperature range. The heat transfer rate in and out of many PCMs is slow because of the low thermal conductivity of the PCM. However, heat transfer enhancers (HTE), such as heat pipes and fins may be added to enhance heat absorption and heat removal rates. Heat pipes have the inherent capability to transfer heat at high rates across large distances, even where the temperature difference is small. In this thesis a description is given of a PCS system consisting of paraffin wax as the PCM and which uses rectangular heat pipes in conjunction with aluminium fins to enhance heat transfer. The storage design is modular and each module has the characteristic that enhanced heat transfer in and out of the PCM is possible when the module is heated or cooled. It also has the capability to quickly absorb or alternatively to supply heat at a nearly constant temperature during the phase change of the module. A rectangular module was designed and built. The module was then analysed under controlled heat absorption and heat removal cycles. The heat up experiment involved an electrical kettle as the hot temperature source. The heat sink was a mains water heat exchanger. The experimental results were compared to those of a transient numerical model, which calculates theoretically how the module will perform thermally under the given test conditions. The numerical model of the experimental set-up was validated when it was found that the numerical model results resemble the experimental results. The numerical model was then adapted to simulate a novel solar water heater (SWH) with an additional PCS container. The improvement over previous designs is that the additional storage container can be heated to a higher temperature than the allowable geyser temperature. The system also heats up and cools down at a faster rate than would be possible without the HTEs. From the numerical simulation the size and performance of such a system is determined. This numerical analysis indicated that a phase change storage system in a SWH application will increase the hot water delivered by a given solar collector and geyser by increasing the storage capacity and by heating up the geyser overnight for early morning hot water use. / AFRIKKANSE OPSOMMING: Son energie is ‘n tyd afhanklike, hoë temperatuur radiasie energiebron. Die bruikbaarheid van ‘n sontermiese energie sisteem verhoog indien die hoë temperatuur bron beskikbaar is wanneer dit die meeste benodig word. Dit kan verwesenlik word deur die sonenergie termies te stoor. Termiese storing bied groter veelsydigheid aan ‘n sontermiese stelsel deur effektief die hittebron te ontkoppel van die hitte sink. ‘n Groot hoeveelheid energie kan, gedurende die smeltingsproses in ‘n faseveranderingsmateriaal binne ‘n nou temperatuurband gestoor word. Hierdie gesmelte materiaal kan weer op sy beurt in die waterverhittingstoepassing, die geabsorbeerde hitte teen ‘n konstante temperatuur oordra. In hierdie studie word ‘n sonwaterverwarmer stelsel wat aangepas is deur ‘n addisionele latente hittestoor daaraan te heg, voorgestel. Hierdie faseverandering hittestoor kan meer hitte stoor as wat water in dieselfde temperatuur band sou kon. Die hitteoordrag tempo na en van baie van die faseveranderingsmateriale (FVM) is egter as gevolg van die lae termiese geleidingskoëfisient, stadig. Hierdie eienskap kan gelukkig verbeter word deur hittepype en hitteoordrag verhogings materiaal soos vinne by te voeg. Hittepype het die inherente eienskap om hitte teen ‘n hoë tempo oor groot afstande, oor te dra, selfs oor ‘n klein temperatuurverskil. In hierdie tesis word ‘n ondersoek rakende ‘n faseverandering storingsisteem wat bestaan uit paraffien was as die FVM en reghoekige hittepype wat te same met met aluminium finne gebruik word om die hitteoordragtempo te verhoog, beskryf. Die stoorontwerp is modulêr en elke module het die kenmerk van hoë hitteoordrag na en van die FVM. Die module het verder ook die eienskap om vining hitte te absorbeer of hitte af te gee. Dit gebeur teen ‘n konstante temperatuur gedurende die faseverandering van die FVM. Presies so ‘n reghoekige module is ontwerp en gebou en onder beheerde hitte absorbering- en hitte verwyderingsiklusse analiseer. Tydens die verhittings eksperiment is ‘n elektriese ketel van gebruik gemaak wat gedien het as die hoë temperatuur bron. Die hitte sink was ‘n hitteruiler wat kraanwater van ‘n konstante hoogte tenk ontvang het. Die resultate van die volledige toets is met die resultate van tydafhanklike numeriese model vergelyk. Hierdie numeriese model bereken teoreties wat die module se storing verrigting onder gegewe toets omstandighede sal wees. Die numeriese model se resultate het goed vergelyk met die resultate van die eksperimente. Die numeriese model van die module is toe aangepas om ‘n sonwaterverwarmer met addisionele stoortenk wat fase verandering materiaal gebruik, te simuleer. Hierdie ontwerp is anders as vorige ontwerpe in die sin dat hoër temperature as wat die warmwatertoestel kan hanteer, in die faseverandering storingstenk, bereik kan word. Die sisteem kan ook as gevolg van die hitteoordrag verhoging materiaal, vinniger verhit of afkoel en teen ‘n vinniger tempo. Die simulasie van die sonwaterverwarmer met FVM word gebruik om die grootte en verrigting van die sisteem te bepaal. Hierdie numeriese model toon aan dat wanneer ‘n addisionele faseverandering storingstelsel in ‘n sonwaterverwarmer toepassing gebruik word, die warm water wat die verbruiker uit die sisteem kan verkry, kan verhoog. Die rede hiervoor is dat meer hitte gestoor kan word, wat beskikbaar gemaak word aan die warm water tenk.

Discrete element modelling of packed rock beds for thermal storage applications

Nel, Rick Guillaume 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The increased necessity to obtain power from other sources than conventional fossil fuels has led to the growing interest in solar power. The problem with the proposed technology is that it can only provide power during the day and therefore requires some sort of storage system, if power is to be supplied throughout the day and night. A number of storage systems exist, but the one of particular interest for this research, is packed rock beds. Rock beds have the advantage that if designed right, they have the potential to be one of the most cost effective means of storing thermal energy for solar power plants. Discrete Element Models (DEM) of rock beds were therefore developed through both experimental and numerical procedures, by conducting a series of sensitivity, calibration and verification studies. The developed models were then used to study various aspects associated with rock beds, which were either too impractical, impossible or too expensive to conduct through actual experimental work. This research focused specifically on the potential of constructing self-supporting tunnels within the rock beds in order to improve the air flow uniformity through the bed, while minimizing the pressure drop. It was observed that if the appropriate steps were followed, stable self-supporting tunnels could be formed. Valuable information such as the rock orientations resulting from different packing directions could also be derived from the models and finally, a method to convert the DEM models into the appropriate format such that it could be imported into a CFD preprocessor for future CFD studies, was developed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verhoogde noodsaaklikheid om energie te verkry uit ander bronne as konvensionele fossielbrandstowwe, het gelei tot die groeiende belangstelling in sonkrag energie. Die probleem met die voorgestelde tegnologie is dat dit net energie gedurende die dag kan voorsien en dus word daar ’n stoorstelsel benodig indien energie deur beide die dag en nag voorsien moet word. Tans bestaan daar wel ’n aantal van hierdie stoorstelsels, maar die een wat van besondere belang is in hierdie navorsing, is verpakte klip beddens. Klip beddens het die voordeel dat, indien dit reg ontwerp is, dit oor die potensiaal beskik om een van die mees koste-doeltreffende middels te wees vir die stoor van termiese energie vir sonkragstasies. Diskreet Element Modelle (DEM) van die klip beddens is ontwikkel deur gebruik te maak van beide experimentele en numeriese metodes waartydens ’n reeks sensitiwiteits-, kalibrasie- en verifiëring studies uitgevoer is. Die ontwikkelde modelle is gebruik om verskeie aspekte van klip beddens te ondersoek, wat of te onprakties, onmoontlik of te duur is vanuit ’n eksperimentele oogpunt. Hierdie navorsing het spesifiek gefokus op die potensiaal om self-ondersteunende tonnels binne in die klip beddens te vorm, ten einde die egaligheid van die lugvloei deur die bed te verbeter, terwyl die drukval geminimeer word. Daar is waargeneem dat stabiele self-ondersteunende tonnels wel gevorm kon word indien die toepaslike stappe gevolg is. Waardevolle inligting soos die klip oriëntasies wat as gevolg van die verskillende verpakkings rigtings onstaan kon ook vanuit die model verkry word. Ten slotte is ’n metode ontwikkel om die DEM modelle na die toepaslike formaat te omskep sodat dit ten einde gebruik kan word in numeriese vloeidinamika studies.

Phase Change Materials as a Thermal Storage Device for Passive Houses

Campbell, Kevin Ryan 01 January 2011 (has links)
This study describes a simulation-based approach for informing the incorporation of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in buildings designed to the "Passive House" standard. PCMs provide a minimally invasive method of adding thermal mass to a building, thus mitigating overheating events. Phase change transition temperature, quantity, and location of PCM were all considered while incrementally adding PCM to Passive House simulation models in multiple climate zones across the United States. Whole building energy simulations were performed using EnergyPlus from the US Department of Energy. A prototypical Passive House with a 1500 Watt electric heater and no mechanical cooling was modeled. The effectiveness of the PCM was determined by comparing the zone-hours and zone-degree-hours outside the ASHRAE defined comfort zone for all PCM cases against a control simulation without PCM. Results show that adding PCM to Passive Houses can significantly increase thermal comfort so long as the house is in a dry or marine climate. The addition of PCM in moist climates will not significantly increase occupant comfort because the majority of discomfort in these climates arises due to latent load. For dry or marine climates, PCM has the most significant impact in climates with lower cooling degree-days, reducing by 93% the number of zone-hours outside of thermal comfort and by 98% the number of zone-degree-hours uncomfortable in Portland, Oregon. However, the application of PCM is not as well suited for very hot climates because the PCM becomes overcharged. Only single digit reductions in discomfort were realized when modeling PCM in a Passive House in Phoenix, Arizona. It was found that regardless of the climate PCM should be placed in the top floor, focusing on zones with large southern glazing areas. Also, selecting PCM with a melt temperature of 25°C resulted in the most significant increases in thermal comfort for the majority of climates studied.

Thermal energy storage in metallic phase change materials

Kotze, Johannes Paulus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Currently the reduction of the levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) is the main goal of concentrating solar power (CSP) research. Central to a cost reduction strategy proposed by the American Department of Energy is the use of advanced power cycles like supercritical steam Rankine cycles to increase the efficiency of the CSP plant. A supercritical steam cycle requires source temperatures in excess of 620°C, which is above the maximum storage temperature of the current two-tank molten nitrate salt storage, which stores thermal energy at 565°C. Metallic phase change materials (PCM) can store thermal energy at higher temperatures, and do not have the drawbacks of salt based PCMs. A thermal energy storage (TES) concept is developed that uses both metallic PCMs and liquid metal heat transfer fluids (HTF). The concept was proposed in two iterations, one where steam is generated directly from the PCM – direct steam generation (DSG), and another where a separate liquid metal/water heat exchanger is used – indirect steam generation, (ISG). Eutectic aluminium-silicon alloy (AlSi12) was selected as the ideal metallic PCM for research, and eutectic sodium-potassium alloy (NaK) as the most suitable heat transfer fluid. Thermal energy storage in PCMs results in moving boundary heat transfer problems, which has design implications. The heat transfer analysis of the heat transfer surfaces is significantly simplified if quasi-steady state heat transfer analysis can be assumed, and this is true if the Stefan condition is met. To validate the simplifying assumptions and to prove the concept, a prototype heat storage unit was built. During testing, it was shown that the simplifying assumptions are valid, and that the prototype worked, validating the concept. Unfortunately unexpected corrosion issues limited the experimental work, but highlighted an important aspect of metallic PCM TES. Liquid aluminium based alloys are highly corrosive to most materials and this is a topic for future investigation. To demonstrate the practicality of the concept and to come to terms with the control strategy of both proposed concepts, a storage unit was designed for a 100 MW power plant with 15 hours of thermal storage. Only AlSi12 was used in the design, limiting the power cycle to a subcritical power block. This demonstrated some practicalities about the concept and shed some light on control issues regarding the DSG concept. A techno-economic evaluation of metallic PCM storage concluded that metallic PCMs can be used in conjunction with liquid metal heat transfer fluids to achieve high temperature storage and it should be economically viable if the corrosion issues of aluminium alloys can be resolved. The use of advanced power cycles, metallic PCM storage and liquid metal heat transfer is only merited if significant reduction in LCOE in the whole plant is achieved and only forms part of the solution. Cascading of multiple PCMs across a range of temperatures is required to minimize entropy generation. Two-tank molten salt storage can also be used in conjunction with cascaded metallic PCM storage to minimize cost, but this also needs further investigation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tans is die minimering van die gemiddelde leeftydkoste van elektrisiteit (GLVE) die hoofdoel van gekonsentreerde son-energie navorsing. In die kosteverminderingsplan wat voorgestel is deur die Amerikaanse Departement van Energie, word die gebruik van gevorderde kragsiklusse aanbeveel. 'n Superkritiese stoom-siklus vereis bron temperature hoër as 620 °C, wat bo die 565 °C maksimum stoor temperatuur van die huidige twee-tenk gesmelte nitraatsout termiese energiestoor (TES) is. Metaal fase veranderingsmateriale (FVMe) kan termiese energie stoor by hoër temperature, en het nie die nadele van soutgebaseerde FVMe nie. ʼn TES konsep word ontwikkel wat gebruik maak van metaal FVM en vloeibare metaal warmteoordrag vloeistof. Die konsep is voorgestel in twee iterasies; een waar stoom direk gegenereer word uit die FVM (direkte stoomopwekking (DSO)), en 'n ander waar 'n afsonderlike vloeibare metaal/water warmteruiler gebruik word (indirekte stoomopwekking (ISO)). Eutektiese aluminium-silikon allooi (AlSi12) is gekies as die mees geskikte metaal FVM vir navorsingsdoeleindes, en eutektiese natrium – kalium allooi (NaK) as die mees geskikte warmteoordrag vloeistof. Termiese energie stoor in FVMe lei tot bewegende grens warmteoordrag berekeninge, wat ontwerps-implikasies het. Die warmteoordrag ontleding van die warmteruilers word aansienlik vereenvoudig indien kwasi-bestendige toestand warmteoordrag ontledings gebruik kan word en dit is geldig indien daar aan die Stefan toestand voldoen word. Om vereenvoudigende aannames te bevestig en om die konsep te bewys is 'n prototipe warmte stoor eenheid gebou. Gedurende toetse is daar bewys dat die vereenvoudigende aannames geldig is, dat die prototipe werk en dien as ʼn bevestiging van die konsep. Ongelukkig het onverwagte korrosie die eksperimentele werk kortgeknip, maar dit het klem op 'n belangrike aspek van metaal FVM TES geplaas. Vloeibare aluminium allooie is hoogs korrosief en dit is 'n onderwerp vir toekomstige navorsing. Om die praktiese uitvoerbaarheid van die konsep te demonstreer en om die beheerstrategie van beide voorgestelde konsepte te bevestig is 'n stoor-eenheid ontwerp vir 'n 100 MW kragstasie met 15 uur van 'n TES. Slegs AlSi12 is gebruik in die ontwerp, wat die kragsiklus beperk het tot 'n subkritiese stoomsiklus. Dit het praktiese aspekte van die konsep onderteken, en beheerkwessies rakende die DSO konsep in die kollig geplaas. In 'n tegno-ekonomiese analise van metaal FVM TES word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat metaal FVMe gebruik kan word in samewerking met 'n vloeibare metaal warmteoordrag vloeistof om hoë temperatuur stoor moontlik te maak en dat dit ekonomies lewensvatbaar is indien die korrosie kwessies van aluminium allooi opgelos kan word. Die gebruik van gevorderde kragsiklusse, metaal FVM stoor en vloeibare metaal warmteoordrag word net geregverdig indien beduidende vermindering in GLVE van die hele kragsentrale bereik is, en dit vorm slegs 'n deel van die oplossing. ʼn Kaskade van verskeie FVMe oor 'n reeks van temperature word vereis om entropie generasie te minimeer. Twee-tenk gesmelte soutstoor kan ook gebruik word in samewerking met kaskade metaal FVM stoor om koste te verminder, maar dit moet ook verder ondersoek word.

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