Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heattransfer"" "subject:"datatransfer""
961 |
Výpočtový model kotle KWH / Computational Model of KWH BoilerKoiš, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the computational model of existing KWH boiler. There is a short research in the introduction, which deals with combustion heat of considered boiler. The stoichiometric and balance calculations of gasification chamber ZKG are performed first. The Balance calculations are based on the boiler thermal loss calculations, the losses were determined experimentally. The entire calculation is processed in a computational program for purposses of debugging and manipulation with partial calculations. The computational model that is proposed in this thesis provide better boiler proces understandig. The real boiler measurement is performed for evaluation. The next point is the result analyses, that shows potential boiler efficiency improvements.
962 |
Tepelně-mechanická analýza brzdových kotoučů / Thermomechanical Analysis of Braking DiscBačovský, Marek January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the analysis of three types commonly used automotive brake discs in terms of their thermal and mechanical resistance on a defined braking maneuver. Another objective is to make an evaluate of the different structural solutions and compare them by each other.
963 |
Ventilace tlakové obálky reaktoru GFR / Heat transfer in the pressure cover of the GFR reactorKoryčanský, Roman January 2014 (has links)
This paper describes the design of the ventilation pressure cover of the demonstrator GFR. The first part is a brief research project GFR and the effects of temperature on the inside structures. In the following part is calculated balance heat losses within the pressure cover for three cases: non-insulated, fully-insulated and partially insulated surface of the reactor. The following is a design of a heat sink for partially insulated surface.
964 |
Vývoj inverzní sub-doménové metody pro výpočet okrajových podmínek vedení tepla / Development of inverse sub-domain method for boundary conditions computation of heat conductionHřibová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
It is very important to develop efficient but still accurate and stable numerical methods for solving heat and mass transfer processes in many industrial applications. The thesis deals with an inverse heat conduction problem which is used to compute boundary conditions (temperatures, heat flux or heat transfer coefficient). Nowadays, two approaches are often used for inverse task - sequential estimation and whole domain estimation. The main goal of this work is to develop a new approach, the so-called sub-domain method, which emphasizes advantages just as reduce disadvantages of both methods mentioned above. This approach is then tested on generated prototypic data and on data from real experiments. All methods are compared with respect to accuracy of results as well as to computational efficiency.
965 |
New Elements of Heat Transfer Efficiency Improvement in Systems and Units / New Elements of Heat Transfer Efficiency Improvement in Systems and UnitsTurek, Vojtěch January 2012 (has links)
Zvýšení efektivity výměny tepla vede k poklesu spotřeby energie, což se následně projeví sníženými provozními náklady, poklesem produkce emisí a potažmo také snížením dopadu na životní prostředí. Běžné způsoby zefektivňování přenosu tepla jako např. přidání žeber či vestaveb do trubek ovšem nemusí být vždy vhodné nebo proveditelné -- zvláště při rekuperaci tepla z proudů s vysokou zanášivostí. Jelikož intenzita přestupu tepla závisí i na charakteru proudění, distribuci toku a zanášení, které lze všechny výrazně ovlivnit tvarem jednotlivých součástí distribučního systému, bylo sestaveno několik zjednodušených modelů pro rychlou a dostatečně přesnou predikci distribuce a také aplikace pro tvarovou optimalizaci distribučních systémů využívající právě tyto modely. Přesnost jednoho z modelů byla dále zvýšena pomocí dat získaných analýzou 282 distribučních systémů v softwaru ANSYS FLUENT. Vytvořené aplikace pak lze využít během návrhu zařízení na výměnu tepla ke zvýšení jejich výkonu a spolehlivosti.
966 |
Návrh termolejového kotle spalujícího dřevní štěpku / Draft of thermal-oil boiler fired with wood chipsVojtek, Marek January 2016 (has links)
This master´s thesis is dealing with thermal-oil boiler fired with wood chips. In the first part is the conception of the boiler, created on the base of the search of thermal-oil boilers producers and defined fuel. In the next section is the heat-transfer, aerodynamic and hydraulic calculation. In the last part is the design of the boiler technologies. In the appendix is the projection drawing which includes all important information for the construction draft.
967 |
Étude d'un écoulement en circulation naturelle d'hélium diphasique en régime transitoire / Study of two-phase boiling helium natural circulation loops in transient regimeFurci, Hernan 13 November 2015 (has links)
Les boucles de circulation naturelle d'hélium diphasiques sont utilisées comme systèmes de refroidissement d'aimants supraconducteurs de grande envergure, vus leurs avantages inhérents de sûreté et d'entretien. Des exemples sont le détecteur CMS au CERN (déjà en opération) ou les aimants du spectromètre R3B-GLAD au GSI (en installation). Une des préoccupations majeures lors du refroidissement par ébullition est la crise d'ébullition : la dégradation soudaine du transfert de chaleur pariétal au-delà d'une certaine valeur de flux de chaleur, dénommée critique. L'augmentation de température de paroi qui en résulte peut entraîner la perte de l'état supraconducteur de l'aimant.Les boucles de circulation naturelle à l'hélium ont déjà été étudiées expérimentalement et numériquement en régime permanent, spécialement en régimes pré-critiques (ébullition nucléée). Les travaux sur les transferts de masse et de chaleur en hélium en ébullition en régime transitoire présents dans la littérature ciblent principalement des systèmes de petites dimensions, des canaux très étroits ou trop courts, ou l'ébullition en bain. Bien que des comportements qualitativement similaires sont attendus, l'extrapolation de ces résultats à une boucle de circulation naturelle n'est pas évident, si possible. C'est pourquoi une étude particulière du comportement thermohydraulique transitoire de boucles d'hélium en circulation naturelle, lors d'une augmentation soudaine de la charge thermique, est nécessaire. Une partie de cette étude consiste en des expériences sur une boucle d'hélium diphasique en circulation naturelle de 2 m de haut, à 4,2 K. Deux sections chauffées verticales de diamètre différent (10 et 6 mm) et d'environ 1 m de longueur ont été testées. Les transitoires sont induits par une marche soudaine de puissance. Deux types de condition initiale ont été considérés : statique (sans puissance initiale), et en équilibre dynamique (puissance initiale non-nulle). L'évolution de la température de paroi le long de la section, le débit massique et la perte de charge a été mesurée. Parmi d'autres phénomènes, un fort intérêt a été porté au début de la crise d'ébullition. Les valeurs limites de flux de chaleur final auxquelles la crise arrive ont été déterminées. D'un côté, on a observé que la crise peut avoir lieu de façon temporaire ou permanente à une puissance appréciablement plus faible qu'en régime permanente. De l'autre côté, l'augmentation de la circulation initiale, à travers le flux de chaleur initial, peut inhiber partiellement ou totalement cette crise d'ébullition prématurée. On a déterminé que cette dégradation du transfert de chaleur est l'issu de deux phénomènes en compétition, véritablement inhérents à la circulation naturelle : une étape initiale d'accumulation uniforme de vapeur, avec inversion ou diminution de la vitesse d'entrée, et l'établissement ultérieur de la circulation, avec le transit d'un front froid depuis l'entrée. Une analyse semi-empirique nous a permis de déterminer un critère, basé sur l'évolution dynamique du profile spatial du titre massique, pour prédire le déclenchement de la crise. Néanmoins, il est nécessaire de connaître à priori l'évolution du débit massique pour pouvoir appliquer ce critère. La dernière partie de ce travail est dévouée à la production et validation de modèles et outils de calcul pour la simulation du comportement thermohydraulique d'un tel système. Deux options de modélisation sont présentées. L'une est une simplification des équations du modèle homogène 1D des écoulements diphasiques (mise en place en COMSOL) ; l'autre reprend le modèle homogène tel quel (programmé en C). Les simulations d'évolution du débit massique sont en assez bon accord avec les mesures, à l'exception d'un léger déphasage temporel. Ceci pourrait être dû à la combinaison d'un retard de l'instrumentation pour la mesure du débit et de l'inexactitude des hypothèses de base du modèle homogène lors de transitoires très violents. / Boiling helium natural circulation loops are used as the cooling system of large superconducting magnets because of their inherent safety and maintenance advantages. Examples are the cooling systems of the CMS detector solenoid magnet at CERN (already in operation) or the R3B-GLAD spectrometer magnet at GSI (in installation phase). A major concern in boiling cooling systems is that of boiling crisis: a sudden deterioration of the wall heat transfer takes place when the surface heat flux exceeds a certain value, called the critical heat flux (CHF). The resulting high temperatures on the wall could ultimately entail the loss of superconducting state of the magnet.Helium natural circulation loops have already been studied experimentally and numerically in steady state, especially in the pre-critical heat and mass transfer regimes (nucleate boiling). Works on transient boiling heat and mass transfer in helium present in the literature are mostly focused on small systems, very narrow channels, too short pipes or pool boiling. Although it is expected to find qualitative similarities with already observed behavior, the extrapolation to a natural circulation loop is not easy, if even possible. Hence the need for a particular study on the transient thermohydraulic behavior of helium natural circulation loops, after sudden increases in the heat load of the circuit.A part of this study consists of experiments conducted in a 2-meter high two-phase helium natural circulation loop at 4.2 K temperature. Two vertical heated sections with different diameters (10 and 6 mm) and around 1 m length were tested. Heat load transients were driven by a step-pulsed heat load. Transients with two types of initial conditions have been studied: static loop (no initial power applied) and in-dynamic-equilibrium loop (non-zero initial power applied). The evolutions of wall temperature along the heated section, total mass flow rate and pressure drop were measured. Among other phenomena, the nature of the onset of boiling crisis has received a special attention. The values of final heat flux limits for its occurrence have been determined. On the one hand, we observed that boiling crisis can take place in temporary or stable fashion at power significantly lower than in steady state. On the other hand, the increase of initial circulation, by raising initial heat flux, can inhibit partially or completely this power-premature boiling crisis. We could determine that this heat transfer deterioration is the result of two competing phenomena, veritably inherent to the natural circulation feature of the system: an initial stage of uniform vapor accumulation with inlet back-flow or velocity reduction, and the ulterior onset of circulation with the transit of a cold front from the entrance. A semi-empirical analysis of data allowed determining a criterion, based on the dynamic evolution of the quality profile in the section, to predict the incipience of boiling crisis. It became evident that it is necessary to know how the mass flow rate of the system is going to evolve, in order to apply the mentioned criterion.Hence, the other part of this work is aimed to the production and validation of models and calculation tools in order to simulate the thermohydraulic behavior of a two-phase helium natural circulation loop. Two modeling options are proposed. One of them consists of a simplification of the 1D two-phase homogeneous model equations (implemented in COMSOL) and the other of their full version (coded in C language). The simulated mass flow rate represents reasonably well the measured evolution except for a relatively small time phase-shift. This could be due to a combination of the delay of flow-metering instrumentation with the inaccuracy of the basic homogeneous model assumptions during violent transients.
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Transferts de chaleur et de masse par impact de jets : application au refroidissement de machines électriquesBalligand, Maxime 03 April 2017 (has links)
Ces travaux s'inscrivent dans le cadre du projet ESSENCYELE, projet visant à développer un nouveau modèle de véhicule hybride. L'étude thermique présentée porte sur le refroidissement de machines électriques par jets impactant. Afin d'optimiser le refroidissement des bobinages de la partie fixe de la machine (stator), des travaux ont été menés dans le but d'étudier localement les échanges de chaleur lors de l'impact d'un jet. Deux fluides ont été considérés, l'air et l'huile. Le dispositif expérimental, associé à un programme de post-traitement par méthode inverse, permet de relever la température à la surface d'un cylindre lisse lors de l'impact d'un jet. L'influence de la distance jet/surface, de la géométrie de l'injecteur ou encore des propriétés du fluide ont été testées. Des travaux numériques ont permis de donner des informations supplémentaires sur l'évolution de l'écoulement au sein des injecteurs. Pour terminer, les configurations les plus intéressantes obtenues pour l'air et pour l'huile ont été testées sur le refroidissement des bobinages de stator. / The present work is a part of an industrial project named ESSENCYELE. The main objective of this project is to develop a new hybrid vehicle. The present study is about the electrical machine cooling system by impinging jets. To improve the end winding cooling, experiments has been made to study the local heat transfers during a jet impingement. Two fluids were considered, air and oil. The experimental device, with an inverse method post-processing program, allowed to estimate the temperature at the surface of a smooth cylinder. The influence of the jet/surface distance, the nozzle geometry or the fluid properties were tested. Numerical studies have provided additional information on the fluid flow evolution inside the nozzle. Finally, the most interesting configuration obtained with air jet and oil jet were tested.
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Qualitative analysis of flow patterns : two-phase flow condensation at low mass fluxes and different inclination anglesKombo, Rainah January 2016 (has links)
A great deal of work has been conducted on in-tube condensation in horizontal and vertical smooth tubes. The available literature points to mechanisms governing two-phase condensation heat transfer coefficients and pressure drops, which are directly linked to the local flow pattern for both horizontal and inclined configurations. However, the work has been limited to flow pattern observations, heat transfer, pressure drops and void fractions for both horizontal and inclined tubes at high mass fluxes. No work has been conducted on the analysis of the observed flow patterns and the effect of temperature difference between the average wall temperature and average saturation temperature for different inclination angles at mass fluxes of 100 kg/m2.s and below. The purpose of this study is to carry out a qualitative analysis of flow patterns, and show the effect of temperature difference on the heat transfer coefficient for inclination angles from +90° (upward flow) to -90° (downward flow) at mass fluxes below 100 kg/m2.s. An experimental set-up provided the measurements for the two-phase condensation of R-143a in a smooth tube with an inside diameter of 8.38 mm and a length of 1.5 m. The mass fluxes were 25 kg/m2.s to 100 kg/m2.s, the saturation temperature was 40 °C and the mean qualities were 0.1 to 0.9. A high-speed camera was used to visually analyse and determine the flow patterns for both the inlet and the outlet of the test section. Through the results, eight flow patterns were observed: stratified-wavy, stratified, wavy, wavy-churn, intermittent, churn, annular and wavy-annular. The maximum heat transfer was observed for downward flow between inclination angles of -15° and -30°. The Thome-Hajal flow pattern map correctly predicted horizontal flow patterns, but failed to predict most of the inclined flow patterns. Various flow pattern transitions were identified and proposed for all the investigated inclination angles in this study. Finally, the heat transfer coefficient was found to be dependent on quality, mass flux, temperature difference and inclination angle. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / MSc / Unrestricted
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Thermal management and optimisation of heat transfer from discrete heat sourcesMujanayi Katumba, Jean-Marc January 2016 (has links)
These days, the cooling of new generation electronic servers is a challenge due to the
immense heat generated by them. In order to avoid overheating caused by the important
rise in temperature appropriate cooling procedures must be used in order to meet the
thermal requirement. The current study aims at addressing the issue of overheating in
this field, and focuses on the thermal management of electronic devices modelled as a
discrete heat sources (mounted in a rectangular cavity) with uniform heat flux applied
from the bottom. A review of the literature published regarding the convective heat
transfer from heated sources as well as a thorough background on the theory of the
cooling of discrete sources by forced convection in rectangular channel is provided in
this study. It was showed that the heat transfer performance in channel is strongly
influenced by the geometric configurations of heat sources. Therefore, the arrangement
and geometric optimisation are the main considerations in the evaluation of thermal
performance. Unlike experimental methods that were carried out widely in the past,
which provided less cost-effective and more time-consuming means of achieving the same
objective, in this study we first explore the possibilities and the advantages of using the
CD-adapco's CFD package Star-CCM+ to launch a three dimensional investigation of
forced convection heat transfer performance in a channel mounted with equidistant heatgenerating
blocks. Numerical results were validated with available experimental data,
and showed that the thermal performance of the heat transfer increases with the strength of the flow. The second objective was to maximise the heat transfer density rate to the
cooling fluid and to minimise both the average and the maximum temperature in the
channel by using the numerical optimisation tool HEEDS/Optimate+. The optimal results
showed that better thermal performance was not obtained when the heated sources
followed the traditional equidistance arrangement, but was achieved with a specific
optimal arrangement under the total length constraint for the first case. Subsequently, for
the second case study, on the volume constraints of heat sources, the results proved that
optimal configurations that maximise the heat transfer density rate were obtained with a
maximum of either the height-to-length ratio or the height-to-width ratio. It was
concluded that the heat transfer rate to the cooling fluid increases significantly with the
Reynolds number and the optimal results obtained numerically are found to be fairly
reliable. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering / MSc / Unrestricted
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