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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude expérimentale et modélisation pour le traitement thermique du système "dioxyde d'uranium - résine époxydique / Experimental study and model development for "uranium dioxide-epoxy resin" heat treatment

Chairat, Aziza 16 March 2015 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la caractérisation des combustibles nucléaires irradiés, une résine est utilisée pour enrober des échantillons de matériau combustible. Or la gestion de ces échantillons après usage implique la définition d'un procédé de séparation du matériau combustible de la résine d'enrobage. Cette séparation est en effet rendue nécessaire par la possibilité de dégradation de la résine et de libération de gaz sous l’effet de phénomènes de radiolyse dus aux rayonnements α, β et γ; des combustibles. Un traitement thermique est envisagé pour cette séparation. Les travaux, qui visent à améliorer la connaissance des phénomènes, s'appuient à la fois sur des expérimentations sur systèmes modèles et sur la modélisation des réactions de pyrolyse de la résine et des transferts couplés de matière, de chaleur et de quantité de mouvement. Une des difficultés de l'étude réside dans la nécessité de maîtriser le procédé à différentes échelles : une échelle globale, correspondant aux conditions de traitement visées dans le four, et une échelle locale correspondant aux conditions au voisinage immédiat du matériau combustible. Les essais expérimentaux sont réalisés d’une part en thermo-balance pour l’acquisition de données cinétiques et d’autre part sur un four pilote afin de traiter des quantités plus significatives de résine. Le procédé choisi comporte deux étapes, une première étape de pyrolyse suivie d’une étape d’oxydation du résidu de pyrolyse. Les deux étapes sont susceptibles d’oxyder le combustible lui-même. En effet, la première étape de pyrolyse conduit à la formation d’un mélange gazeux qui peut rendre l’atmosphère localement oxydante. La seconde étape est oxydante par définition. La pyrolyse de la résine produit des gaz incondensables, de la vapeur d’eau, des goudrons et un résidu carboné dont la teneur finale en hydrogène doit être nulle. L’étude du procédé de pyrolyse comporte plusieurs parties. La première partie consiste à étudier la cinétique globale de dégradation de la résine époxy et à déterminer la cinétique de dégagement des différents gaz. Pour prendre en compte la présence du combustible dans le milieu de traitement, des expériences de traitement d’un mélange époxy-UO2 en thermo-balance ont été réalisées. Les résultats montrent l’absence d’un effet significatif de la présence du combustible. La deuxième partie est l’intégration des résultats expérimentaux obtenus dans le modèle. La modélisation du four est réalisée dans l’environnement COMSOL Multiphysics®. Les résultats montrent un bon accord avec les mesures expérimentales. Sur la base de cette modélisation, une amélioration du four d’essai a été proposée. A la fin de l’étape de pyrolyse, la phase solide résiduelle contient toujours de l’hydrogène. Pour minimiser cette quantité, l’oxydation du résidu de pyrolyse est une étape nécessaire. Deux types de procédés ont été proposés à savoir l’oxydation sous une atmosphère contrôlée en oxygène et la gazéification sous dioxyde de carbone qui permettent l’élimination du résidu de pyrolyse en laissant intègre le combustible uranium dans des conditions bien définies. / In order to characterize nuclear fuels, samples are currently embedded in an epoxy polymer resin. In storage conditions, the presence of organic products in contact with highly radioactive material generates gas due to a radiolysis phenomenon. Samples management imposes the definition of a fuel and resin separation process. This work aims at developing a tool for the optimal design and control of a suitable heat treatment process. This development is based on experiments and on the modeling of the resin pyrolysis reactions coupled to mass, heat and momentum transfers. One of the difficulties of the study lies to the needed process control on various scales: i) on a global scale to represent the treatment conditions and ii) on a local scale to represent the conditions close to fuel material. This study uses a combined modeling - simulation approach with experiments carried out with the help of a thermo-balance for kinetic data acquisition, on the one hand and in an experimental oven, on the other hand. The process will be performed in two stages, resin pyrolysis and residue (Char) oxidation. Nuclear fuel can be oxidized during both stages. Indeed, the pyrolysis degrades the resin and generated pyrolysis gases, which produce an oxidizing atmosphere. Oxidation of pyrolysis residue can modify the structure of spent fuel and liberate fission gases. The resin pyrolysis produced incondensable gases, steam, tar and char. The final hydrogen content in the char has to be as low as possible and close to zero to be sure that the radiolysis phenomenon will never occur during of nuclear fuel storage. The process development has been carried out in stages. The first step is to investigate the overall kinetics of epoxy degradation and the determination of the generated gas kinetics. The influence of the presence of nuclear fuel is investigated with epoxy-UO2 mixture. The results showed no significant effect of the nuclear fuel presence. The second part is the coupling of kinetic model to the partial differential equations (mass, energy and momentum balance) to obtain a representative model of the oven in terms of temperature and chemical species composition. The Modeling of the oven is carried out using COMSOL Multiphysics® software. The results showed a good agreement with experimental measurements. After pyrolysis, char still contains significant amount of hydrogen. To minimize this quantity, the oxidation of the char is a necessary step. Two treatment types are proposed: An oxidation under a controlled oxygen atmosphere and carbon dioxide gasification. These methods are efficient to eliminate the residual of hydrogen content while keeping the fuel integrity.

Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas e metalúrgicas de juntas soldadas pelo processo de fricção com pino consumível, em aço estrutural de alta resistência classificado como grau R4 pela norma IAC W22

Magalhães, Márcio Medeiros de January 2017 (has links)
Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a possibilidade de confeccionar juntas soldadas pelo processo de soldagem por fricção com pino consumível (Friction Hydro Pillar Processing), em aço classificado como grau R4 de acordo com a norma IAC W22. As juntas soldadas foram produzidas com três diferentes forças axiais: 30 kN, 45 kN e 60 kN, e após a soldagem, submetidos a três diferentes tempos de tratamento térmico de revenimento: uma hora, duas horas e quatro horas, na temperatura de 650 C. A microestrutura predominantemente martensítica resultante destes processos, foi caracterizada através de microscopia óptica, e de um mapeamento de microdureza Vickers. As soldas tiveram suas zonas afetadas pelo processo mensuradas através do software de análise de imagens ImageJ, sendo observadas maiores zonas para menores forças axiais empregadas. Caracterizou-se ainda, o nível de tensões residuais oriundos do processo de soldagem através do método de difração de nêutrons, para uma solda produzida com força axial de 45 kN, em duas diferentes condições, no estado de como soldado e com revenimento de quatro horas após a soldagem. Com os resultados obtidos neste trabalho pode-se concluir que as juntas soldadas com a força de 60 kN apresentaram a melhor combinação de propriedades avaliadas, que são, um menor tamanho de zonas afetadas pelo processo, e manteve um bom nível de dureza mesmo após o revenimento. Todas as juntas soldadas apresentaram uma ótima união metalúrgica, e os diferentes tempos de tratamento térmico empregados promoveram alterações microestruturais e nas propriedades do material já esperadas para o tratamento térmico de revenimento. / The aim of this study is to evaluate the possibility of making joints welded by Friction Hydro Pillar Processing, in steel grade R4 according to IAC W22. The repairs were produced with three different axial forces: 30 kN, 45 kN and 60 kN, and after welding, subjected to three different tempering heat treatment times: one hour, two hours and four hours, at a temperature of 650 C. The predominantly martensitic microstructure resulting from these processes was characterized by optical microscopy and a Vickers microhardness mapping. The welds had their zones affected by the process measured through the ImageJ image analysis software, with larger zones being observed for smaller axial forces employed. It was also characterized the level of residual stresses from the welding process, through the neutron diffraction method, for a weld produced with axial force of 45 kN, in two different conditions, as welded and annealing for four hours after welding. With the results obtained in this work it can be concluded that the welded joints with the force of 60 kN presented the best combination of evaluated properties, which are, a smaller size of zones affected by the process, and maintained a good level of hardness even after the annealing. All the welded joints presented an excellent metallurgical bonding, and the different times of thermal treatment employed promoted microstructural changes and in the properties of the material already expected for the heat treatment of annealing.

Melhoria no processo de fabricação de peça de emprego militar fundida sob baixa pressão em liga de Al-Si

Mossi, Charlen January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi de otimizar o processo de fabricação da placa reforçadora de solo, fabricada pelo processo de injeção sob baixa pressão em liga de alumínio. Atualmente, a liga utilizada no processo é a SAE 305 (AA 413) e problemas de falha do componente em campo tem sido reportados pelos clientes. As peças estudadas referem-se às placas acessórias utilizadas para fornecer sustentação durante a entrada e saída de vaus por carros de combate do Exército Brasileiro, anteriormente adquiridas no mercado internacional e agora produzidas internamente. O estudo focou na alteração da composição química da liga, baseado na liga de alumínio da peça importada, tratamento de banho com modificação do silício, refino de grão e modificação no projeto do molde permanente. Adquiriu-se junto ao fornecedor a liga de Al9Si0,3Mg visando a fabricação das peças com tratamento térmico T6. Para obtenção das propriedades mecânicas foram realizados ensaios de tração, dureza Brinell e impacto. Para caracterização metalúrgica foram realizados ensaios metalográficos com auxílio de microscopia óptica. Verificou-se que a presença de magnésio na liga Al-Si exclusivamente com tratamento térmico T6, alterou o comportamento mecânico da peça melhorando seus resultados. O tratamento de banho com modificador de silício a base de sódio não produziu resultados significativos. Finalmente, realizou-se simulação do preenchimento da molde via software CAE Click2Cast, modo injeção de baixa pressão, para caracterização dos defeitos e sugestões de melhoria no sistema de alimentação. Deste trabalho, conclui-se que as melhores propriedades mecânicas de resistência a tração e dureza foram obtidas com a alteração da liga SAE 305 para a liga Al9Si0,3Mg com tratamento térmico T6 e que para atingir melhores resultados deve-se introduzir ao processo um novo molde permanente com refrigeração e alimentação adequada da peça. / The objective of this research was to optimize the manufacturing process of the reinforcing plate of soil, manufactured by the injection process under low pressure in Al-Si alloy. Currently, the alloy used in the process is SAE 305 (AA 413) and mechanical resistance problems, when used in the field, have been reported by customers. Currently, the alloy used in the process is SAE 305 (AA 413) and field component failure problems have been reported by customers. The studied pieces refer to the accessory plates used to provide support during the entry and exit of vats by tanks of the Brazilian Army, previously acquired in the international market and now produced internally. The study focused on the alteration of the chemical composition of the alloy, based on the aluminum alloy of the imported part, bath treatment with silicon modification, grain refining and modification in the permanent mold design. The Al9Si0.3Mg alloy was purchased from the supplier to manufacture the T6 heat treated parts. To obtain the mechanical properties tensile tests, Brinell hardness and impact were performed. For metallurgical characterization, metallographic tests were performed with the aid of light microscopy. It was verified that the presence of magnesium in the Al-Si alloy exclusively with T6 heat treatment, altered the mechanical behavior of the part improving its results. Bath treatment with sodium silicon modifier did not produce significant results. Finally, the mold filling simulation was carried out using CAE Click2Cast software, low pressure injection mode, to characterize the defects and suggestions for improvement in the feed system. From this work, it was concluded that the best mechanical properties of tensile strength and hardness were obtained with the change of the SAE 305 alloy to the Al9Si0.3Mg alloy with T6 thermal treatment and that to achieve better results a new permanent mold with cooling and proper feeding of the part.

Sledování obsahu biogenních aminů a polyaminů při skladování a kuchyňských úpravách jedlých hub. / Changes of biogenic amines and polyamines content during storage and heat treatments of edible mushrooms.

PEKÁRKOVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
The target of this thesis was found content of eight biogenic amines and polyamines, specifically putrescine (PUT), spermidine (SPD), spermine (SPM), histamine (HIM), cadaverine (CAD), 2-phenylethylamine (PEA), tyramine (TYM) and tryptamine (TRM) in growed Agaricus hortensis during storage, frozen and heat treatment. There are many information dealing with these amines in the food in this time, but unfortunately data on the content of amines in edible mashrooms in literature are still missing. The samples were providing from company České houby a.s. in Soběslav. Those mushrooms were immediately processed. Frozen samples in PE sack (plastic bags) were tracked during three months. Boiled, blanched and raw samples of mushrooms were analysed in the beginning of concentration at day 0 and then 1, 2 and 4 days at 6 °C in the storage. Some samples of each experiment monitored after one day of storage at 22°C. Absolutely the highest concentrations found in all experiments with SPD. Changes in the content of amine modified and raw mushrooms during 4 days of storage at 6 ° C flow in both directions. The most important changes are visible immediately after blanching - a significant increase in TYM and even more pronounced in SPM. The increase was also showed in the content of the cooked mushrooms, in the SPD and to a higher volume in SPM. Storage at 22 ° C was mostly affected content PEA - the cooked mushrooms content significantly decreased, but blanched mushrooms increased. Also in raw mushrooms lead storage at this temperature for a significant increase in the SPM. Freezing substantially affect any of the amines. TRM and CAD analysis were not detected; HIM at lower limit was detected after cooking mushrooms and after storage of raw mushrooms at 22 ° C. I hope that the observed data can help extend the data in the literature and offers the opportunity to further focus of research in the field of biogenic amines in edible mushrooms.

Overview of plant-based natural antioxidants and effect of thermal decomposition

Maheshwari, Neha January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Food Science Institute - Animal Sciences and Industry / J. Scott Smith / The popularity of convenience foods and consumer awareness have indirectly increased the demand for novel and naturally occurring compounds that can delay oxidative deterioration and maintain nutritional quality of foods. Natural antioxidants from certain herbs and spices such as rosmarinic acid from rosemary, thymol from oregano, eugenol from clove, curcumin from turmeric are rich in polyphenolic compounds that provide long term oxidative stability as well as offer additional health benefits. High antioxidative capacity of herbs and spices phenolics could potentially substitute synthetic antioxidants such as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), propyl gallate (PG), octyl gallate, and tert-butylated hydroquinone (TBHQ) in the food system. Synthetic antioxidants such as butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) are thermally unstable and decompose at higher temperatures. However, widely used cooking methods such as baking, frying, boiling, and roasting use high thermal temperature that can chemically degrade herbs and spices and diminish their antioxidative capacity, but they have been little studied. In this context, this review deals with the need of natural antioxidants, spices and herbs as natural antioxidants, their origin, chemical composition, pharmacological, and antioxidant properties. Moreover, the impact of temperature on total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of various herbs and spices such as cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, mace, oregano, rosemary, sage, and turmeric is highlighted. Different antioxidant assays are also studied and this approach revealed that there is a clear correlation between total phenolic content (TPC) and TAC of herbs and spices and specific phenolic compounds are responsible for the antioxidative capacity of particular herb and spice. These findings identified the optimum cooking temperature-time combination which results in the highest retention of antioxidative capacity and assures higher quality of food for the maintenance of human health.

Influência do processamento térmico sobre as propriedades mecânicas e microestruturais de um aço XC48 aplicado a componentes automotivos visando atendimento ao projeto ULSAB /

Furtado, Anderson Elias. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Marcelo dos Santos Pereira / Banca: João Zangrandi Filho / Banca: José Rubens de Camargo / Resumo: Objetivando um maior compromisso com o meio ambiente, as montadoras ao redor do mundo passaram a investir em veículos menos poluentes e para tanto, um dos caminhos adotados foi a redução do peso para diminuir o consumo de combustível. Um dos meio para atingir esse objetivo foi a utilização dos materiais menos densos, com plástico e o alumínio. Essa política fez cair significativamente a proporção de utilização do aço nos projetos automotivos nos últimos vinte anos. Desta forma, a fim de manter seu volume de vendas no mercado automobilístico, grandes siderúrgicas ao redor do mundo se uniram com o intuito de provar a viabilidade da construção de carros utilizando o aço e ainda assim obter um produto final mais leve e barato. Esse estudo iniciou-se em 1994 e ficou conhecido por Consórcio ULSAB (Ultra Light Steel Auto Body). Esse trabalho tem como objetivos apresentar os projetos da família ULSAB, bem como realizar a análise de um componente da suspensão traseira de um veíclo do segmento popular produzido atualmente em grande escala no Brasil (e em outros países) baseado nesta filosofia. Desta forma, através de diferentes rotas de tratamento térmico, foram obtidas diferentes estruturas (temperada, temperada e revenida, normalizada e bifásicas) para o componente em questão. Foi realizada a análise microestrutual e mecânica dos corpos de prova para a definição de uma proposta de tratamento termicos alternativos para oo componente estudado. Dentre as estruturas obtidas pode-se concluir que os aços bifásicos foram os que apresentaram melhores resultados, ou seja resitência mecânica muito próxima ao nível de resistência atual da superfície temperado do componente,e alongamento ( por analogia, tenacidade) próximo aos níveis atuais atingidos no núcleo do componente. / Abstract: The adoption of friendly environmental politics OEMs all over the world to invest in low emissions vehicles. A way to achieve this goal is mass reduction in order to improve fuel consumption. This mass recution can be achieved using lighter materials as plastics and aluminum. This politics caused and important reduction in the proportional use of steel in car projects in last twenty years. So, in order to maintain their market share in automotive new projects, thirty -five steel-makers from the five continents have a made a partnership which objective was to prove the viability to build lighter and cheaper steel intensive vehicles. Project team started working in 1994 andwas named ULSAB (Ultra-Light Steel Auto Body). This dissertation has a guidelinesthe presentation of ULSAB family programs and also analyzing a rear suspension part of a small size car produced in large scale in Brazil (and other countries too) base on this philosophy. Thus, using different thermal treatment, different structures(quenching and tempering and dual-phase steels) have been achieved for the component. Mechanical and micro-structural analyses of these different materials permitted to ptopose alternative treatments for the component. The best results among the achieved structures were reached by dual phase steels: mechanical strength very near from the quenched surface and elongation values almost the same as the non treated center of the component. / Mestre

Efeito da anisotropia na propagação da deformação induzida em ligas 2024 termicamente tratadas / Effect of anisotropy in induced propagation of deformation in 2024 termically treated alloys

Paiva, Sergio Ricardo de 26 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SERGIO RICARDO DE PAIVA null (sergio.paiva@embraer.com.br) on 2018-03-01T23:18:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação Sergio Paiva_Versão Final_F_Alterações.pdf: 4152807 bytes, checksum: bd7266ab07460bb304ec051893e2dce2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Pamella Benevides Gonçalves null (pamella@feg.unesp.br) on 2018-03-02T12:14:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 paiva_sr_me_guara.pdf: 4152807 bytes, checksum: bd7266ab07460bb304ec051893e2dce2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-02T12:14:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 paiva_sr_me_guara.pdf: 4152807 bytes, checksum: bd7266ab07460bb304ec051893e2dce2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-26 / O processo de rebitagem é largamente utilizado na indústria aeronáutica para fabricação de fuselagens de aviões. Durante esse processo deformações locais são introduzidas nas estruturas por meio da expansão dos rebites devido sua conformação. A deformação plástica causa uma expansão no rebite e consequentemente na estrutura circundante onde o mesmo foi inserido. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o efeito da anisotropia na propagação da deformação induzida em corpos de prova de ligas 2024 que passaram pelo processo de rebitagem, em chapas de alumínio termicamente tratadas. O experimento avaliou como a geometria do grão, relacionadas ao tamanho e forma dos mesmos, assim como o efeito do tratamento térmico, influenciam na expansão diametral. Foram empregados corpos de prova de liga de alumínio 2024 com tratamento térmico T3 e TO, comumente utilizadas pela indústria aeronáutica, em diferentes direções de grãos, longitudinal e transversal, onde foram cravados rebites e avaliado o alongamento dos corpos de prova pelo efeito da rebitagem. Os resultados obtidos comprovam que a anisotropia exerce uma influência significativa no fator expansão e que a deformação plástica na direção transversal de laminação foi aproximadamente 60% maior que na direção de laminação para os dois tratamentos térmicos analisados. Também foi constatado que o tratamento térmico do material influencia no fator expansão. Verificou-se que a expansão dos corpos de prova recozidos foi o dobro nas direções transversal e longitudinal quando comparados com os corpos de prova de condição envelhecida / The riveting process is wide used at Aerospace industry during airplane fuselage construction. During this process, local deformations are introduced in the structures by the rivet expansion, due the plastic deformation. The plastic deformation makes the rivet expand inside the hole and consequently, the structure around the rivet expand too. The goal of this research is to analyses the anisotropy effect in the squeezing force propagation in specimens of 2024 alloys that were submitted to the riveting process, in aluminum plates heated treatment. The research analyzed the grain geometry related to size and form, and how the heat treatment effect influences the hole diameter expansion. It was used specimens of aluminum alloy 2024 T3 and TO, commonly used in aerospace industry, in different grains directions, longitudinal and transversal. Rivets were installed and the specimen stretching was analyzed. The results prove that the anisotropy have a significative influence in the expansion factor, the plastic deformation in the transversal rolled direction was about 60% bigger than rolled direction for the two heat treatment analyzed. Also, it was verified that the material heat treatment influences the factor expansion. According the results the expansion in the relieved specimens condition were the double in the transversal and longitudinal direction than the aging specimens condition

Avaliação da influência da temperatura e ponto de orvalho no recozimento final de aços elétricos semiprocessados e totalmente processados / Evaluation of the influence of final annealing heat treatment temperature and dew point in semi-processed and fully processed electrical steels

Alexandre, édina Serpa 07 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T17:19:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Resumo.pdf: 10956 bytes, checksum: b3ab8ff2ededda1434fbc70325d132f4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Semi-processed electrical steels require annealing after processing in the motors manufactures to improve motors efficiency by reducing losses and increasing permeability. Annealing in fully processed electrical steel is performed to relax the residual stress and promote recovery or recrystallization of distorted parts. Commercial samples from different steels with different chemical compositions were selected to evaluate the influence of final annealing heat treatment temperature and dew point on the magnetic properties, the carbon content and grain size increase. Were performed with annealing atmosphere without steam and with dew point of 5, 10, 20 and 25°C at temperatures of 760 and 790°C. Magnetic losses, relative permeability, carbon content, grain size and mechanical properties measurements were made in addition to the evaluation of the microstructure to determine this influence. It was observed in the semi-processed steel with 300 ppm carbon content, which with dew point increase the carbon content reduce the grain size increase and improve magnetic properties. In the other steels studied, reducing the dew point improved the magnetic properties, but the atmosphere without steam has improved only fully processed steel with 2% silicon. It was found that in fully processed steels the best results were obtained with annealing temperature of 790°C. / Aços elétricos semiprocessados necessitam de recozimento após a sua manufatura para melhorar o rendimento dos motores com a redução das perdas magnéticas e aumento da permeabilidade. os aços totalmente processados o recozimento é realizado para relaxar as tensões residuais e promover a recuperação ou recristalização das partes deformadas. Amostras comerciais de diferentes aços com variadas composições químicas foram selecionadas para avaliar a influência do ponto de orvalho e temperatura de recozimento final nas propriedades magnéticas, no teor de carbono e no aumento do tamanho de grão. Foram realizados recozimentos com atmosfera sem vapor e com ponto de orvalho de 5, 10, 20 e 25°C, nas temperaturas de 760 e 790°C. Medições de perdas magnéticas, permeabilidade, teor de carbono, tamanho de grão e propriedades mecânicas, além da avaliação da microestrutura, foram efetuados para determinar esta influência. Foi verificado no aço com 300 ppm de carbono, que com aumento do ponto de orvalho reduziu o teor de carbono, aumentou o tamanho de grão e melhorou as propriedades magnéticas. Nos demais aços estudados, a redução do ponto de orvalho melhorou as propriedades magnéticas, porém com ausência de umidade somente houve melhora no aço totalmente processado com 2% de silício. Foi verificado ainda que nos aços totalmente processados os melhores resultados foram obtidos com a temperatura de recozimento de 790°C.

Influência do nitrogênio adicionado por SHTPN na resistência à erosão por cavitação do aço inoxidável martensítico

Maftoum, Ricardo de Almeida 22 April 2012 (has links)
Muitos estudos são realizados para melhorar a resistência à erosão por cavitação dos aços. Entre estes estudos, está a utilização de aços inoxidáveis enriquecidos com nitrogênio na superfície. O presente trabalho estudou o uso da técnica SHTPN (Solution Heat Treatment after Plasma Nitriding), que consiste em duas etapas. Primeiro utiliza-se a nitretação a plasma, para inserir o nitrogênio no material. Na sequência realiza-se o tratamento térmico de solubilização, para que o nitrogênio fique em solução sólida. Foram utilizados neste trabalho dois aços inoxidáveis martensíticos (ASTM CA-6NM e ASM 15-5PH). A nitretação foi realizada na temperatura de 630°C por 3 horas. Para o aço CA-6NM foram utilizadas três diferentes condições de solubilização (1100°C por 1 hora, NS1, 1200°C por 30 minutos, NS2 e 1200°C por 1 hora NS3). Para o aço 15-5PH foi utilizada apenas 1 condição de solubilização (1200°C por 30 minutos, NS), e realizado posterior tratamento de envelhecimento (390°C por 8 horas, NSE). As amostras foram analisadas por difração de raios-x, microscopia ótica e determinação de perfil de microdureza na secção transversal. Verificou-se um aumento da dureza superficial dos aços CA-6NM, porém não foi observado grande presença de austenita próxima à superfície. No aço 15-5PH, foi observada uma camada de austenita na superfície. O ensaio de cavitação foi realizado conforme norma ASTM G32/09, porém utilizando o método indireto. A região cavitada das amostras foi caracterizada por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Constatou-se que as amostras tratadas obtiveram aumento de resistência à erosão por cavitação, sendo de mais de 5 vezes para a condição NS1 e de três vezes para a condição NSE. / Several studies are being done to improve the cavitation erosion resistance of steel. Among those studies, is the use of steels with nitrogen enriched surfaces. In this study the use of SHTPN (Solution Heat Treatment after Plasma Nitriding) technique was studied, which consists in performing plasma nitriding, used to add nitrogen to the material, followed by a solubilization treatment so that the nitrogen is in solid solution. On this experiment two martensitic stainless steel were used (ASTM CA-6NM and ASM 15-5PH). Nitriding was performed at 630°C for 3 hours. Three different solubilization conditions were used for CA6NM steel (1100°C for 1 hour, NS1, 1200°C for 30 minutes, NS2 and 1200° for 1 hour, NS3). Only one condition was used for 15-5PH steel (1200°C por 30 minutos, NS), and later used an aging treatment (390°C for 8 hours, NSE). The samples were analyzed through x-ray diffraction, optical microscopy and microhardness profiles. All CA6NM samples had an increase in surface hardness, and no big austenite presence was observed. On 15-5PH steel, an austenictic phase was observed. The cavitation test was conducted according to ASTM G32/09 standard, but using the indirect method. The damaged area of the samples was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The treatment increased cavitation erosion resistance of all samples, having increased over 5 times for the NS1 sample and 3 times for NSE sample.

Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas e metalúrgicas de juntas soldadas pelo processo de fricção com pino consumível, em aço estrutural de alta resistência classificado como grau R4 pela norma IAC W22

Magalhães, Márcio Medeiros de January 2017 (has links)
Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar a possibilidade de confeccionar juntas soldadas pelo processo de soldagem por fricção com pino consumível (Friction Hydro Pillar Processing), em aço classificado como grau R4 de acordo com a norma IAC W22. As juntas soldadas foram produzidas com três diferentes forças axiais: 30 kN, 45 kN e 60 kN, e após a soldagem, submetidos a três diferentes tempos de tratamento térmico de revenimento: uma hora, duas horas e quatro horas, na temperatura de 650 C. A microestrutura predominantemente martensítica resultante destes processos, foi caracterizada através de microscopia óptica, e de um mapeamento de microdureza Vickers. As soldas tiveram suas zonas afetadas pelo processo mensuradas através do software de análise de imagens ImageJ, sendo observadas maiores zonas para menores forças axiais empregadas. Caracterizou-se ainda, o nível de tensões residuais oriundos do processo de soldagem através do método de difração de nêutrons, para uma solda produzida com força axial de 45 kN, em duas diferentes condições, no estado de como soldado e com revenimento de quatro horas após a soldagem. Com os resultados obtidos neste trabalho pode-se concluir que as juntas soldadas com a força de 60 kN apresentaram a melhor combinação de propriedades avaliadas, que são, um menor tamanho de zonas afetadas pelo processo, e manteve um bom nível de dureza mesmo após o revenimento. Todas as juntas soldadas apresentaram uma ótima união metalúrgica, e os diferentes tempos de tratamento térmico empregados promoveram alterações microestruturais e nas propriedades do material já esperadas para o tratamento térmico de revenimento. / The aim of this study is to evaluate the possibility of making joints welded by Friction Hydro Pillar Processing, in steel grade R4 according to IAC W22. The repairs were produced with three different axial forces: 30 kN, 45 kN and 60 kN, and after welding, subjected to three different tempering heat treatment times: one hour, two hours and four hours, at a temperature of 650 C. The predominantly martensitic microstructure resulting from these processes was characterized by optical microscopy and a Vickers microhardness mapping. The welds had their zones affected by the process measured through the ImageJ image analysis software, with larger zones being observed for smaller axial forces employed. It was also characterized the level of residual stresses from the welding process, through the neutron diffraction method, for a weld produced with axial force of 45 kN, in two different conditions, as welded and annealing for four hours after welding. With the results obtained in this work it can be concluded that the welded joints with the force of 60 kN presented the best combination of evaluated properties, which are, a smaller size of zones affected by the process, and maintained a good level of hardness even after the annealing. All the welded joints presented an excellent metallurgical bonding, and the different times of thermal treatment employed promoted microstructural changes and in the properties of the material already expected for the heat treatment of annealing.

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