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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jak známe Ernesta Renana a Miguela de Unamuna? Dva přední evropští intelektuálové v zrcadle české recepce. / How Do We Know Ernest Renan and Miguel de Unamuno? Two Important European Intelectuals in the Mirror of the Czech Reception

Pokorný, Vít January 2015 (has links)
This thesis in Spanish philology consists of three main parts. The first part represents an in-troduction to Miguel de Unamuno's and Ernest Renan's philosophy, an interpretation of both thinkers' writings in the context of their life stories and the values they defended. The second part is focused on the Czech reception of Ernest Renan between 1864 and 1948. The third part is dedicated to the Czech reception of Miguel de Unamuno between 1922 and 1948. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

De la prédication hétérodoxe d'Ewostatewos à la formation d'un mouvement monastique puissant : genèses du monachisme eustathéen au nord du royaume d'Ethiopie (début du XIVè- milieu du XVè siècle) / From de heterodox preaching of Ewostatewos to the building of the powerful monastic movement : the genesis of Ewostatewos monasticism in the northern part of Ethiopia (14th to mid. 15th century)

Adankpo Labadie, Olivia 05 April 2017 (has links)
Le moine hétérodoxe Ewostâtëwos (Eustathe sous forme francisée) est à l'origine de la fondation de plusieurs monastères dans le premier tiers du XIVe siècle dans le nord du royaume chrétien d'Éthiopie. Outre le plaidoyer pour l'indépendance des moines à l'égard des laïcs, Ëwostâtëwos prône la stricte observance des deux sabbats, une doctrine jugée hérétique par le métropolite égyptien et le souverain éthiopien. En raison de leurs positions non-conformistes, les disciples d'Ëwostâtëwos, les eustathéens, sont mis au ban de la société, dès la seconde moitié du XIVe siècle. Malgré les persécutions, les fondations monastiques se multiplient. Cette thèse cherche alors à rendre compte de la genèse de ce puissant mouvement monastique au nord de l'Éthiopie chrétienne du début du XIVe siècle, jusqu'au milieu du XVe siècle, date à laquelle les eustathéens parviennent à faire triompher leurs positions auprès du roi Zar'a Yâ'eqob. En s'interrogeant sur l'identité hétérodoxe de la prédication eustathéenne, ce travail analyse le processus d'émergence et de construction de ce mouvement monastique à différentes échelles. Cette enquête met en évidence la diversité des stratégies mises en œuvre par les eustathéens pour construire un mouvement polynucléaire puissant et inventer l'histoire de leurs origines. / At the beginning of the 14th century the monk Ewostâtëwos initiated a powerful monastic movement in the northern part of the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia. Ëwostâtëwos was bath a staunch advocate of his fellow monks' freedom and a strong defender of the two-sabbaths, the observance of which was deemed heretical. Thus, his disciples, the Ewostateans, were banished. Despite the persecutions, the monastic foundations were still growing. This PhD thesis sheds light on the genesis of this powerful monastic movement from the 14th century to the middle of the 15th century, when the Ewostateans made their ideas prevail at the court of king Zar'a Yâ'eqob. Focusing on the heterodox identity of Ewostateans, this study analyzes the building of the monastic communities at different scales. This investigation reveals the large spectrum of strategies that the Ewostateans applied to build a multi-centered movement and to invent their origins.

Komunity bekyň ve městech regionu La Flandre romane v pozdním středověku / The communities of Beguines in the cities of Romance Flanders in the Late Middle Ages

Mrázek, Cyril January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the communities of medieval Beguines who lived in the cities of the French Flanders region. In the context of the individual cities and communities of Beguines, the thesis deals with selected written and material sources, whose language of testimony and symbolism is subjected to critical reading and analysis from the point of view of the semiology of medieval culture, gender relations and social ties. The result is the synthesis of these contextual, methodological, and narrative perspectives into a comprehensive idea of Beguines of the French Flanders.


FABIO PY MURTA DE ALMEIDA 10 May 2018 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem objetivo de mostrar o personagem religioso heterodoxo, Lauro Bretones, autor, esquecido pelos batistas brasileiros e pelas pesquisas sobre o protestantismo no Brasil. Ou seja, a vontade primeira da tese é de apresentar o jovem teólogo batista e sua produção inconformada sobre a modernidade, depois, objetiva-se percebê-lo como signatário de uma tendência cristã romântica, na qual migra da Europa para o Brasil de leitores românticos e de cristãos identificados com o romantismo. Levando-o a construir uma visão de mundo distinta a época estilhaçando, por ela, uma produção numinosa diferenciada, impregnada de críticas a Civilização Moderna Ocidental com as seguintes características: anticapitalismo, antiliberalismo, anti-individualismo, antitotalitarismo, antitecnologia, antiguerras e antiestruturas religiosas. Além de propor na sua juventude uma saída à civilização moderna a partir da ideia de profetismo, no qual, entende como chave de articulação em prol da transformação da modernidade capitalista brasileira. / [en] This study aimed to present the unorthodox religious character, Lauro Bretones, an author forgotten by Brazilian Baptists and by the researches on Protestantism in Brazil. The thesis seeks to present the young Baptist theologian and his disagreement over modernity as well as to notice him as an enthusiast of a romantic Christian tendency which migrates from Europe to Brazil of romantic readers and Christians identified with Romanticism. It leads him to set a different world view causing a distinct numinous production imbued with criticism of the Modern Western Civilization with the following characteristics: anti-capitalism, anti-liberalism, anti-individualism, anti-totalitarianism, anti-technology, and against wars and religious institutions. In his youth, he also proposed an alternative to the modern civilization from the idea of prophetism as a key in favour of the transformation of Brazilian capitalist modernity. / [fr] Le présent travail a pour objectif de mettre en exergue le personnage religieux hétérodoxe Lauro Bretones, un auteur inconnu des baptistes brésiliens et des recherches sur le protestantisme au Brésil. De fait, la volonté première de cette thèse est de présenter ce jeune théologue baptiste et son travail insoluble dans la société moderne, puis de comprendre son oeuvre comme partie intégrante de la tendance chrétienne romantique qui, arrivant d Europe, prétends instruire toujours plus de lecteurs romantiques et autres chrétiens identifiés au romantisme. En s affairant à définir précisément une vision du monde se distinguant catégoriquement des bouleversements d une époque dispersée, il parvient au travers de ses ouvrages à atteindre une conclusion numineuse originale, imprégnée des critiques de la Civilisation Moderne Occidentale et de ses caractéristiques les plus pertinentes, à savoir: anticapitalisme, antilibéralisme, anti-individualisme, anti-totalitarisme, anti- technologique, anti-guerre et anti-structures religieuses. Cette issue de secours inédite, entrebâillée au coeur de la civilisation moderne à partir de la réflexion prophétique, saurait sans nul doute montrer la voie à une transformation de la modernité capitaliste brésilienne.

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