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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Misturas de PEAD/quitosana: morfologia e caracterização térmica e mecânica / Mixtures of chitosan/HDPE: morphology and thermal and Mechanical caracterization

Araújo, Maria José Gomes de 21 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-01T12:17:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 15897135 bytes, checksum: 47ccae1f15e072aad07f5eb733587b9f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research have the aim of prepare mixture of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and chitosan (CS) with and without compatibilizers agents. To this, have developed in laboratory, powders by two different methods, precipitation and evaporation. It was used like compatibilizers agents on mixture HDPE/CS. They are chemically modified chitosan with the ammonium alkil organic salt codified as (CS+MA)evap, (CS+MA)prec and the chemically modified clay AN with the respectives samples codified as AN(CS+MA)evap e AN(CS+MA)prec. Next, the HDPE/CS mixture with different proportion 90/10, 80/20, 70/30 and 60/40 in weight fractions with and without compatibilizers, respectively was prepared by internal mixer torque rheometry Haake, operating at 170°C, 60 rpm for 10 min. Every samples was analysed morphologically, thermically and mechanically. Was observed in the differents compositions of MIXTURE that when we decrease the chitosan proportion of the mixture HDPE/CS we have a discrete increase on the crystallinity percentage and an increase on the thermal stability. The FTIR results pointing to absence on interation between both components of mistute HDPE/CS, indicating immiscibility of mixture the obtained analyses by MEV of the fracture surface of mixture 80/20 HDPE/CS for different compositions showing a weak interfacial adhesion. However, the addiction of compatibilizer agent, specially the chemically modified clay AN(CS+MA)prec resulted in greater tendency in the interaction between the components HDPE/CS as consequence of better dispersion of chitosan on HDPE. / A pesquisa teve como objetivo preparar misturas de polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD) e quitosana (CS) sem e com agentes compatibilizantes. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidos em nosso laboratório, pós por dois diferentes métodos, precipitação e evaporação, visando usá-los como agentes compatibilizantes nas misturas PEAD/CS, sendo eles: quitosana modificada quimicamente com o sal orgânico alquil amônio (MA) codificadas como (CS+MA)evap e (CS+MA)prec e a argila AN modificada quimicamente com as respectivas amostras, codificadas como AN(CS+MA)prec e AN(CS+MA)evap. Em seguida, as misturas de PEAD/CS com diferentes proporções 90/10, 80/20, 70/30 e 60/40 em frações mássicas, respectivamente, sem e com agentes compatibilizantes foram preparadas num misturador interno do reômetro de torque Haake, operando a 170°C, 60rpm por 10min. Todas as amostras foram analisadas morfologicamente e caracterizadas termicamente e mecanicamente. Observa-se nas diferentes composições das misturas que à medida que se diminui o teor de quitosana nas misturas PEAD/CS tem-se discreto aumento no grau de cristalinidade assim como aumento na estabilidade térmica das mesmas. Os resultados de FTIR apontam ausência de interação entre ambos os componentes da mistura PEAD/CS, indicando imiscibilidade das mesmas. As análises obtidas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura das superfícies de fratura das misturas 80/20 PEAD/CS para diferentes composições mostraram fraca adesão interfacial. Entretanto, a adição de agentes compatibilizantes, especialmente, a argila modificada quimicamente AN(CS+MA)prec resultou numa maior tendência a interação entre os componentes PEAD/CS como consequência de uma melhor dispersão da quitosana no PEAD.

Study of compatibilization methods for high density polyethylene and ground tyre rubber : exploring new route to recycle scrap tyres

Casas Carné, María del Pilar 25 March 2010 (has links)
Cotxes, camions, tractors, avions... tots necessiten els neumàtics com a component imprescindible per al seu funcionament. Malauradament, degut al desgast per ús, els neumàtics tenen una vida útil limitada que obliga a renovar-los cada cert temps passant a ser Neumàtics Fora d'Ús (NFU). Paradògicament, els neumàtics són formulats per a suportar condicions extremes d'ús i, entre d'altres matèries primeres contenen cautxú vulcanitzat, una elevada quantitat d'estabilitzants i d'altres additius que fan dels neumàtics un material no biodegradable. Fins al 2006, era possible desar els NFU en abocadors però aquesta pràctica va ser prohibida per la Comunitat Europea (directiva 1993/31/EC). Aquesta directiva conjuntament amb la creixent consciència mediambiental ha potenciat la investigació per a trobar noves aplicacions per les 3.4milions de tones de NFU que es generen a l'any a Europa. Els NFU són emprats com a font d'energia o en aplicacions civils, però cada vegada més, són emprats en autopistes o per usos decoratius després de patir un procés de separació i trituració (NFU triturat). Les propietats físico-químiques dels NFU en fan un material molt interessant per la comunitat científica internacional que es centra en buscar noves vies de reciclatge mitjançant aplicacions d'alt valor afegit.Una opció per reciclar grans volums de NFU és utilitzar-los granulats com a càrrega en matrius termoplàstiques, encara que aquesta és una tasca difícil degut a la baixa compatibilitat entre aquests dos materials. Les seves característiques superficials són les responsables d'aquesta baixa compatibilitat. Cal afegir també que el tamany de les partícules de NFU obtingudes a partir de processos industrials és entre 400 and 600μm, sent aquest un tamany massa gran per poder ser fàcilment embolcallades per qualsevol matriu. D'altra banda, el cautxú dels neumàtics és troba altament vulcanitzat i, per tant, aquest reaccionarà químicament amb dificultats amb d'altres materials. Totes aquestes propietats fan dels NFU un material difícil de treballar-hi. La present tesis estudia diferents mètodes de compatibilització d'un Polietilè D'alta Densitat (PEAD) de grau d'injecció i NFU triturat obtingut a partir de processos estàndards de molturació. La resina de PEAD va ser escollit com a matriu degut al seu ampli rang d'aplicacions d'injecció. L'objectiu principal és explorar diferents mètodes de compatibilització d'aquests dos materials per obtenir òptimes propietats mecàniques, tèrmiques i morfològiques en aplicacions d'injecció. Els composites són optimitzats per a que continguin la màxima quantitat de NFU, una adequada transformació i el mínim cost. Després d'un estudi preliminar de composites basats en NFU i PEAD s'han estudiat tres mètodes diferents per millorar l'adhesió entre aquests dos materials. El primer mètode consisteix en oxidar la superfície de les partícules de NFU granulat amb tractament basats en àcids, amb l'objectiu de proporcionar rugositat per a un anclatge mecànic. En el segon mètode s'han emprat additius humectants i ceres, ja que aquestes substàncies redueixen la tensió interfacial entre les partícules de NFU i la matriu de PEAD. En l'últim mètode, es va estudiar la influència de l'Etilè Propilè Diè Monòmer (EPDM). Amb aquest mètode, les partícules de NFU són embolcallades per l'EPDM, aquest efecte pot ser millorat amb l'ús de peròxids. Les propietats dels "composites" són bastant diferents en funció del mètode emprat.Després d'una comparació dels "composites" obtinguts pels tres mètodes, s'ha trobat que el que conté 30% d'EPDM i dos peròxids, corresponent a la formulació:: 30% NFU + 40% PEAD + 30% EPDM + 0.5% Trigonox 311 + 0.1% Peròxid de Dicumilcompleix els objectius fixats en la tesis: bona adhesió entre les partícules de NFU i el PEAD on l'elevat valor d'elongació n'és una conseqüència directa, la seva obtenció mitjançant un procés de compatibilització de cost reduït, un nou material amb una elevada quantitat de NFU (30%), la seva facilitat de transformació,, i el més important, una nova via de reciclatge dels NFU per a una aplicació d'alt valor afegit. / Cars, trucks, tractors, airplanes. all need tyres as essential component to work. Unfortunately, due to its continuous use, tyres suffer from wear and have a limited lifetime; therefore, they must be changed every certain time becoming end of life tyres (EOL tyres). Paradoxically tyres are formulated to withstand difficult conditions and among other raw materials, they contain vulcanizated rubbers, high amount of stabilizers and other additives that turn tyres into non biodegradable material. Until 2006, disposal of EOL tyres in landfills was a common practice but it was banned by the European Community (directive 1993/31/EC). This European legislation together with an increasing environmental consciousness has instigated researchers to find applications for 3.4million tonnes of used tyres generated per year in Europe. Some extended uses for EOL tyres are energy recover and civil applications but the use of tyres after separation and grinding processes (material know as Ground Tyre Rubber - GTR), has increased during the last decade. Physical and chemical properties of EOL tyres make them an interesting material for the international research community focused today on finding new ways to recycle tyres for value added applications. A good option to recycle big volumes of discarded tyres is using GTR particles as filler in thermoplastic matrixes, although this is a difficult task due to the low compatibility between the two materials. The surface characteristics of the GTR particles are responsible of this low compatibility. Despite these facts, the particle size obtained from standard industrial grinding processes is between 400 and 600μm. These particles are too large to be entrapped easily in polymeric matrixes. These characteristics in conjunction with the fact that GTR is made of highly crosslinked rubber with difficulties to react chemically to other materials, make GTR a material very difficult to work with.The present thesis deals with the study of different compatibilization methods for an injection moulding grade of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and GTR obtained from standard industrial grinding process. The HDPE resin was chosen due to its wide range of injection moulding applications. The aim is to explore different methods to mix these two materials and obtain optimum mechanical, thermal and morphological properties for injection moulding applications. The composites are optimized to obtain the highest GTR amount, adequate processability and minimum cost. After a preliminary study of the composites based on GTR and HDPE, three different methods to improve the adhesion between these two materials are studied. The first method consists in an oxidizing treatment on GTR particles surface in order to promote mechanical anchoring. In the second method the influence of wetting additives and waxes is studied. These substances reduce interfacial tension between GTR particles and HDPE matrix. The third and last method, study the influence of Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) addition with and without peroxides. In this method, GTR particles are encapsulated by EPDM and this effect can be boosted by the use of peroxides. The composites properties are quite different depending on the used method.After a comparison of the composites obtained by the three different compatibilization methods, it is found that the one with 30% of EPDM plus two peroxides, corresponding to30% GTR + 40% HDPE + 30% EPDM + 0.5% Trigonox 311 + 0.1% Dicumyl Peroxidefulfil the objectives of the thesis. This composite has good adhesion between GTR and HDPE that results in high elongation, it is obtained by a cheap compatibilization process and contains a high amount of recycled tyres (30%), it is easy to process, and the most important thing, it represents a new route to recycle scrap tyres for a value added application.

Caracterização de compósito produzido com diferentes frações de pó de madeira e polietileno de alta densidade

Melo, Jessyka Meierjurgen 15 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:36:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jessyka Meierjurgen Melo.pdf: 1463151 bytes, checksum: b96ae4642ea3139b9e867598e3bba7c1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-15 / The present work aimed to highlight the study of polymeric composite development to be responsible with the environment and with the growth of the recycling of materials, from the use of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with eucalyptus wood dust from the manufacturing furniture. The study started from a literature search where were analyzed the factors involving the subject in question, highlighting the concept of polymer, synthetic fibers, wood dust presence, and composites to identify and understand the problem in issue. Mechanical, morphological and rheological tests were done with composites with concentrations of 5, 10 and 20% of wood dust in relation to the polymer matrix in order to characterize and compare the obtained materials. It was noted that during the study samples with wood dust had higher mechanical performance compared to pure HDPE sample. Based on this context, this study was developed to analyze the possibilities ahead so the production of HDPE composite from different wood dust fractions. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo destacar o estudo de desenvolvimento de compósito polimérico responsável com o meio ambiente e com o crescimento da reciclagem de materiais, a partir da utilização de polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD) com pó de madeira de eucalipto, proveniente da fabricação de móveis. O estudo iniciou a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica onde foram analisados os principais fatores que envolvem o tema em questão, destacando o conceito de polímero, das fibras sintéticas, a presença do pó de madeira, seus compósitos a fim de identificar e conhecer o problema em questão. O estudo desenvolveu-se a partir de ensaios mecânicos, morfológico e reológico, dos compósitos com as concentrações de 5, 10 e 20% de madeira em relação à matriz polimérica, a fim de caracterizar e comparar os materiais obtidos. Notou-se que durante os estudos as amostras com pó de madeira apresentaram maior desempenho mecânico comparado a amostra de PEAD puro. Baseado neste contexto, este estudo foi desenvolvido visando assim analisar as possibilidades frente a produção do compósito de PEAD a partir de diferentes concentrações de pó de madeira.

Quantitative Analysis of Antioxidants from High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) by off-line Supercritical Fluid Extraction Coupled High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Pinto, Angela Marie III 27 August 1997 (has links)
Plastics are widely used and they vary in their applicability, ranging from automobile parts, components for houses and buildings, and packaging for everything from food to electronic parts. The diverse applications of plastics, such as polystyrene, polyolefins and polyester, are credited to the incorporation of additives. Additives improve the performance of these and other polymer resins. Without the incorporation of such additives, for example Ethanox ® 330, some plastics would degrade during processing or over time. To ensure that the specified amount of an additive or combination of additives are incorporated into a polymer after the extrusion process, a rapid and accurate analytical method is required. Quantitation of additive(s) in the polymer is necessary, since the additive(s) may degrade and the amount of additive(s) can influence the physical nature of the polymer. Conventional extraction techniques for polymer additive(s), such as, Soxhlet or dissolution / precipitation are labor intensive, time consuming, expensive, and the optimal recovery is significantly less than 90 percent. In addition, a large amount of solvent , such as toluene or decalin, must be eliminated in order to concentrate the sample prior to chromatographic separation. Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) has been employed as an alternative polymer preparation technique. SFE is a favorable means for various analytical sample preparation applications, credited to its short extraction times. This research employs SFE for the extraction of the antioxidant Ethanox® 330 from high density polyethylene (HDPE) followed by HPLC/UV analysis. The effects of temperature, modifier type, and modifier concentration were investigated. Once the optimal extraction conditions were determined, the extraction efficiency of Ethanox ® 330 as a single additive and in the presence of co-additives from HDPE were investigated. Recoveries of greater than 90% were obtained for Ethanox ® 330 when a secondary antioxidant was present in the HDPE. / Master of Science

Bottle water storage location and its impact on microbiogical quality

Palmer, Hilary R. 01 January 2009 (has links)
In recent decades the quality and safety of bottled water has come into question, while bottled water sales and demand have steadily grown. It is important that consumers as well as manufacturers are made aware of the microbial environment of bottled water. Many studies have been implemented to evaluate the microbiological content of bottled water. Although some laboratory studies have shown that microbial counts of bottled water can reach as high as 16^3 CFU/mL, few studies, if any, have studied the impact of storage location on bottled water microbial activity. This document reports on an investigation that evaluated the microbiological quality of bottled water relative to storage conditions and storage duration. Unlike previous studies that evaluated bottled water having been stored under the laboratory conditions, the work conducted in this study evaluated storage scenarios that included a car trunk, covered porch, indoor cabinet and refrigerator. These storage conditions allow for comparison of prior studies conducted in the laboratory to more realistic storage coniditions used by consumers. Analyses of bottled water under these alternative storage conditions indicated that microbial growth did occur in stored water and varied between lcoation and holding time. It was determined that heterotrophic plate counts (HPCs) were greater in warmer storage environments as was exhibited by the refrigerated and indoor locations. Additionally, mathematical models were developed in this work that predicted the microbial growth rate in bottled water as a function of holding time, using commonly available statistical software that evaluated data predicted using an exponential model (R2 correlation of up to 0.84) for two different storage conditions. Although increased levels of HPC bacteria are generally safe for those in good health, they are used as an indicator test for microbial quality. Furthermore, higher levels of HPC have also been shown to pose some additional health risks to immunocomprimised individuals. Therefore, results from the study would indicate that it may be beneficial for consumers to store their bottled water indoors or in a refrigerator.

Morfologia e propriedades térmicas de compósitos de HDPE/EVA com POSS

Scapini, Patrícia 24 September 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram estudados compósitos que apresentam como matriz polimérica uma blenda composta por polietileno de alta densidade (HDPE) e copolímero etileno acetato de vinila (EVA) e como nanocarga, silsesquioxano poliédrico oligomérico (POSS). Os compósitos foram processados em câmara de mistura fechada e caracterizados quanto às propriedades térmicas e morfológicas. Para a preparação dos compósitos foram variadas as concentrações dos componentes da blenda (0, 25, 50, 75 e 100%) e da nanocarga (0, 0,5, 1, 1,5, 2, 5 e 10%). Os resultados de processamento mostraram que o aumento da concentração de POSS na matriz polimérica provocou a agregação do mesmo na matriz polimérica. As análises de calorimetria diferencial de varredura e termogravimetria indicaram que o POSS não afetou as temperaturas de fusão, cristalização e degradação da matriz polimérica. Os resultados de raios X indicaram que a presença do EVA no compósito promoveu o aparecimento de domínios cristalinos em concentrações menores de POSS. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura indicou que as amostras com 1% de POSS apresentam distribuição homogênea na matriz polimérica. Por outro lado, ocorreu a formação de agregados nas amostras com 5% de POSS. Os valores de Tg obtidos por análise térmica dinâmico-mecânica indicaram que o POSS causou um efeito plastificante na fase HDPE e uma redução da mobilidade na fase EVA. Ocorreu um aumento nos valores de módulo de armazenamento com a incorporação de POSS na matriz polimérica. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-22T19:03:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Patricia Scapini.pdf: 2020883 bytes, checksum: 2c7249d3915135dd5f3cba151cf459db (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-22T19:03:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Patricia Scapini.pdf: 2020883 bytes, checksum: 2c7249d3915135dd5f3cba151cf459db (MD5) / In this study composites with a polymeric matrix comprising a blend of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and the copolymer ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), and with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) as the nanoclay, were processed and characterized. The composites were processed in a closed mixing chamber and characterized in terms of their thermal and morphological properties. For the preparation of the composites the concentrations of the blend components (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) and of the nanoclay (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 5 and 10%) were varied. The results of the processing showed that an increase in the POSS concentration in the polymeric matrix caused the aggregation of the system. The differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry analyses indicated that the POSS did not affect the melt, crystallization and degradation temperatures of the polymeric matrix. The X-ray results indicated that the presence of EVA in the composite led to the appearance of crystalline domains at lower POSS concentrations. Scanning electron microscopy indicated that the samples with 1% of POSS have a homogeneous distribution in the polymeric matrix. However, the formation of aggregates occurred in samples with 5% of POSS. The Tg values obtained from the thermo dynamic mechanical analysis indicated that the POSS had a plasticizing effect on the HDPE phase and caused a reduction in the mobility of the EVA phase. There was an increase in the storage modulus values with the incorporation of POSS into the polymeric matrix.

Morfologia e propriedades térmicas de compósitos de HDPE/EVA com POSS

Scapini, Patrícia 24 September 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram estudados compósitos que apresentam como matriz polimérica uma blenda composta por polietileno de alta densidade (HDPE) e copolímero etileno acetato de vinila (EVA) e como nanocarga, silsesquioxano poliédrico oligomérico (POSS). Os compósitos foram processados em câmara de mistura fechada e caracterizados quanto às propriedades térmicas e morfológicas. Para a preparação dos compósitos foram variadas as concentrações dos componentes da blenda (0, 25, 50, 75 e 100%) e da nanocarga (0, 0,5, 1, 1,5, 2, 5 e 10%). Os resultados de processamento mostraram que o aumento da concentração de POSS na matriz polimérica provocou a agregação do mesmo na matriz polimérica. As análises de calorimetria diferencial de varredura e termogravimetria indicaram que o POSS não afetou as temperaturas de fusão, cristalização e degradação da matriz polimérica. Os resultados de raios X indicaram que a presença do EVA no compósito promoveu o aparecimento de domínios cristalinos em concentrações menores de POSS. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura indicou que as amostras com 1% de POSS apresentam distribuição homogênea na matriz polimérica. Por outro lado, ocorreu a formação de agregados nas amostras com 5% de POSS. Os valores de Tg obtidos por análise térmica dinâmico-mecânica indicaram que o POSS causou um efeito plastificante na fase HDPE e uma redução da mobilidade na fase EVA. Ocorreu um aumento nos valores de módulo de armazenamento com a incorporação de POSS na matriz polimérica. / In this study composites with a polymeric matrix comprising a blend of high density polyethylene (HDPE) and the copolymer ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), and with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS) as the nanoclay, were processed and characterized. The composites were processed in a closed mixing chamber and characterized in terms of their thermal and morphological properties. For the preparation of the composites the concentrations of the blend components (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%) and of the nanoclay (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 5 and 10%) were varied. The results of the processing showed that an increase in the POSS concentration in the polymeric matrix caused the aggregation of the system. The differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry analyses indicated that the POSS did not affect the melt, crystallization and degradation temperatures of the polymeric matrix. The X-ray results indicated that the presence of EVA in the composite led to the appearance of crystalline domains at lower POSS concentrations. Scanning electron microscopy indicated that the samples with 1% of POSS have a homogeneous distribution in the polymeric matrix. However, the formation of aggregates occurred in samples with 5% of POSS. The Tg values obtained from the thermo dynamic mechanical analysis indicated that the POSS had a plasticizing effect on the HDPE phase and caused a reduction in the mobility of the EVA phase. There was an increase in the storage modulus values with the incorporation of POSS into the polymeric matrix.

Degrada??o catal?tica de polietileno de alta densidade sobre a ze?lita HZSM

Lima, Stevie Hallen 31 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:41:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 StevieHLpdf.pdf: 1475886 bytes, checksum: e83c49569bddebb612701e2de7e607bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / In last years it has talked a lot about the environment and the plastic waste produced and discarded. In last decades, the increasing development of research to obtain fuel from plastic material, by catalytic degradation, it has become a very attractive looking, as these tailings are discarded to millions worldwide. These materials take a long time to degrade themselves by ways said natural and burning it has not demonstrated a viable alternative due to the toxic products produced during combustion. Such products could bring serious consequences to public health and environment. Therefore, the technique of chemical recycling is presented as a suitable alternative, especially since could be obtain fractions of liquid fuels that can be intended to the petrochemical industry. This work aims to propose alternatives to the use of plastic waste in the production of light petrochemical. Zeolites has been widely used in the study of this process due to its peculiar structural properties and its high acidity. In this work was studied the reaction of catalytic degradation of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) in the presence HZSM-12 zeolites with different acid sites concentrations by thermogravimetry and pyrolysis coupled with GC-MS. The samples of the catalysts were mixed with HDPE in the proportion of 50% in mass and submitted to thermogravimetric analyses in several heating rates. The addition of solids with different acid sites concentrations to HDPE, produced a decrease in the temperature of degradation of the polymer proportional the acidity of the catalyst. These qualitative results were complemented by the data of activation energy obtained through the non-isothermal kinetics model proposed by Vyazovkin. The values of Ea when correlated to the data of surface acidity of the catalysts indicated that there is a exponential decrease of the energy of activation in the reaction of catalytic degradation of HDPE, in function of the concentration of acid sites of the materials. These results indicate that the acidity of the catalyst added to the system is one of the most important properties in the reaction of catalytic degradation of polyethylene / Nos ?ltimos anos tem-se falado muito sobre o meio ambiente e sobre o lixo pl?stico produzido e descartado. Nas ?ltimas d?cadas, o crescente desenvolvimento de pesquisas com o intuito de obter combust?veis a partir de material pl?stico, via degrada??o catal?tica, tem-se tornado uma busca muito atrativa, j? que esses rejeitos s?o descartados aos milh?es em todo mundo. Esses materiais levam muito tempo para se degradar por meios ditos naturais e sua incinera??o n?o tem se demonstrado uma alternativa vi?vel devido aos produtos t?xicos produzidos durante sua combust?o. Tais produtos conseq?entes poderiam trazer s?rios problemas de sa?de p?blica e ambiental. Logo, a t?cnica da reciclagem qu?mica apresenta-se como uma alternativa adequada, inclusive porque podemos obter fra??es leves do petr?leo que podem ser destinadas ao setor petroqu?mico. Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor alternativas para o aproveitamento de lixo pl?stico na produ??o de combust?veis l?quidos. Ze?litas tem sido amplamente utilizada no estudo desse processo devido ?s suas propriedades estruturais peculiares e sua alta acidez. Neste trabalho, investigou-se a rea??o de degrada??o de Polietileno de Alta Densidade (PEAD) na presen?a de HZSM-12, com diferentes concentra??es de s?tios ?cidos, atrav?s da termogravimetria e pir?lise acoplada ? cromatografia ? g?s e ao espectr?metro de massa (Py-GC-MS). As amostras de catalisadores foram misturadas com PEAD na propor??o de 50% em massa e submetidas a an?lises em diferentes taxas de aquecimento. A adi??o de catalisadores com diferentes concentra??es de s?tios ?cidos produziu uma diminui??o na temperatura de degrada??o do pol?mero proporcional ? acidez do catalisador. Estes resultados qualitativos foram complementados por dados da energia de ativa??o (Ea) obtidos atrav?s do modelo cin?tico n?o-isot?rmico proposto por Vyazovkin. Os valores das Ea quando correlacionados com os dados da acidez superficial dos catalisadores, indicaram que h? uma redu??o exponencial da Ea da rea??o catal?tica de degrada??o em fun??o da concentra??o dos s?tios ?cidos dos materiais, indicando que esta propriedade ? significativa neste tipo de rea??o

Preparation and characterization of polyethylene based nanocomposites for potential applications in packaging

Gill, Yasir Q. January 2015 (has links)
The objective of my work was to develop HDPE clay nanocomposites for packaging with superior barrier (gas and water) properties by economical processing technique. This work also represents a comparative study of thermoplastic nanocomposites for packaging based on linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE) and Nylon12. In this study properties and processing of a series of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE), high density polyethylene (HDPE) and Nylon 12 nanocomposites based on Na-MMT clay and two different aspect ratio grades of kaolinite clay are discussed.

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