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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Advanced maternal age and risk perception

Bayrampour, Hamideh 10 January 2012 (has links)
Advanced maternal age (AMA) is linked to several adverse pregnancy outcomes, hence these pregnancies are considered to be "high risk." Risk perception impacts pregnant women’s health care use, health behaviors, and adherence to medical recommendations. Yet, a gap remains in the understanding of perception of pregnancy risk and its contributing factors. This mixed methods research study was developed to address this gap, using a conceptual framework based on a literature review and the Psychometric Model of risk perception. The specific objectives of this study were to compare risk perception in nulliparous women of AMA with younger women, determine the factors influencing perception of pregnancy risk, and gain an understanding of women’s perspectives of risks associated with AMA. Between December 2009 and January 2011, a sample of 159 participants (105 women aged 20-29 years and 54 women aged 35 years or older) was recruited from a variety of settings in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Several questionnaires were completed by participants. Descriptive statistics, chi square, t tests, Pearson's r correlations, and stepwise multivariate linear regressions were used to analyze data. Fifteen women of AMA were chosen purposefully to participate in individual and semi-structured interviews. Interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim, and content analysis was used to identify themes. Results revealed that pregnancy-related anxiety, maternal age, medical risk, perceived control (internal), and gestational age were significant predictors of perception of pregnancy risk accounting for 47-49% of the variance in risk perception. Maternal age interacted in a synergistic manner with pregnancy-related anxiety to increase perception of pregnancy risk levels. In the qualitative component, four main themes emerged from the data: definition of pregnancy risk, factors influencing risk perception, risk alleviation strategies, and risk communication with health professionals. Women of AMA perceived higher pregnancy risk for both themselves and their fetuses than younger women. However, they were not a homogenous group in their pregnancy risk appraisal. This study contributed to the field by proposing pregnancy-related anxiety as a pregnancy dread factor in risk perception theories. Risk communication is an important element of developing care plans for women of AMA and should be integrated into prenatal care visits.

Advanced maternal age and risk perception

Bayrampour, Hamideh 10 January 2012 (has links)
Advanced maternal age (AMA) is linked to several adverse pregnancy outcomes, hence these pregnancies are considered to be "high risk." Risk perception impacts pregnant women’s health care use, health behaviors, and adherence to medical recommendations. Yet, a gap remains in the understanding of perception of pregnancy risk and its contributing factors. This mixed methods research study was developed to address this gap, using a conceptual framework based on a literature review and the Psychometric Model of risk perception. The specific objectives of this study were to compare risk perception in nulliparous women of AMA with younger women, determine the factors influencing perception of pregnancy risk, and gain an understanding of women’s perspectives of risks associated with AMA. Between December 2009 and January 2011, a sample of 159 participants (105 women aged 20-29 years and 54 women aged 35 years or older) was recruited from a variety of settings in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Several questionnaires were completed by participants. Descriptive statistics, chi square, t tests, Pearson's r correlations, and stepwise multivariate linear regressions were used to analyze data. Fifteen women of AMA were chosen purposefully to participate in individual and semi-structured interviews. Interviews were audio-taped and transcribed verbatim, and content analysis was used to identify themes. Results revealed that pregnancy-related anxiety, maternal age, medical risk, perceived control (internal), and gestational age were significant predictors of perception of pregnancy risk accounting for 47-49% of the variance in risk perception. Maternal age interacted in a synergistic manner with pregnancy-related anxiety to increase perception of pregnancy risk levels. In the qualitative component, four main themes emerged from the data: definition of pregnancy risk, factors influencing risk perception, risk alleviation strategies, and risk communication with health professionals. Women of AMA perceived higher pregnancy risk for both themselves and their fetuses than younger women. However, they were not a homogenous group in their pregnancy risk appraisal. This study contributed to the field by proposing pregnancy-related anxiety as a pregnancy dread factor in risk perception theories. Risk communication is an important element of developing care plans for women of AMA and should be integrated into prenatal care visits.

Bioimpedance cardiography in pregnancy: A longitudinal cohort study on hemodynamic pattern and outcome

Andreas, Martin, Kuessel, Lorenz, Wirth, Stefan, Gruber, Kathrin, Rhomberg, Franziska, Gomari-Grisar, Fatemeh, Franz, Maximilian, Zeisler, Harald, Gottsauner-Wolf, Michael January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Pregnancy associated cardiovascular pathologies have a significant impact on outcome for mother and child. Bioimpedance cardiography may provide additional outcome-relevant information early in pregnancy and may also be used as a predictive instrument for pregnancy-associated diseases. Methods: We performed a prospective longitudinal cohort trial in an outpatient setting and included 242 pregnant women. Cardiac output and concomitant hemodynamic data were recorded from 11th-13th week of gestation every 5th week as well as at two occasions post partum employing bioimpedance cardiography. Results: Cardiac output increased during pregnancy and peaked early in the third trimester. A higher heart rate and a decreased systemic vascular resistance were accountable for the observed changes. Women who had a pregnancy-associated disease during a previous pregnancy or developed hypertension or preeclampsia had a significantly increased cardiac output early in pregnancy. Furthermore, an effect of cardiac output on birthweight was found in healthy pregnancies and could be confirmed with multiple linear regression analysis. Conclusions: Cardiovascular adaptation during pregnancy is characterized by distinct pattern described herein. These may be altered in women at risk for preeclampsia or reduced birthweigth. The assessment of cardiac parameters by bioimpedance cardiography could be performed at low costs without additional risks.

Fathers’ subjective lived experiences of their partner’s medically high-risk pregnancy in the Western Cape, South Africa

Richardson, Pascal January 2021 (has links)
Magister Artium (Psychology) - MA(Psych) / The presence of a supportive and attentive father has been shown to hold a myriad of positive health outcomes for a pregnancy, and benefits the wellbeing of the mother, child, and the father himself. Pregnancy is a key period for fathers to become invested in their children’s lives. However, obstetric research continues to be largely feminised, therefore neglects the experiences of men. Considering that existing research shows that the antenatal period is a turbulent time for men, the aim of this research was to explore fathers’ subjective lived experiences of their partner’s medically high-risk pregnancy.

Estudo dos aspectos psicológicos e sua influência no desenvolvimento da hipertensão gestacional / Study of psychological aspects and its implications for the occurence of hypertension during pregnancy

Okino, Erika Tiemi Kato 19 September 2002 (has links)
A gestação pode ser considerada, dentro das etapas de desenvolvimento, para o homem, mas principalmente para a mulher, como um dos momentos de crise dentro desse processo contínuo e dinâmico. É um momento transitório existencial que envolve necessidade de reestruturações e reajustamentos em várias dimensões, verificando-se necessidade de mudança de identidade e redefinição de papéis. Nesse período, existem alguns estados emocionais que são peculiares, com uma variedade de mudanças e nuances cuja etiologia ainda é bastante discutida, pois envolvem complexas inter-relações entre fatores hormonais e psicológicos. Encontra-se na literatura estreita vinculação entre intercorrências clínico-obstétricas e estados emocionais específicos, o que nos levou, neste trabalho, à investigar o porquê de algumas mulheres desenvolverem o quadro hipertensivo durante a gravidez e outras não. Haveria alguma coisa em seu perfil psicológico que as diferenciasse das grávidas normais? A gravidez acompanhada de hipertensão é uma das principais causas de morte materna em todo o mundo e por constituir-se numa gravidez de alto risco, todas as características peculiares a uma gravidez normal mostram-se exacerbadas. Dentro desse contexto, ainda existe o agravante do risco real de morte para a gestante e/ou o bebê e muitas vezes, a mulher responsabiliza-se por tal situação. Considerando-se todos estes aspectos, investigou-se neste trabalho o contexto social das gestantes, ou seja, sua estrutura familiar, condição sócio-econômica, relação com pai da criança, se houve ou não planejamento da gravidez e o perfil psicológico das gestantes hipertensas, comparando-as com as mulheres com gestação normal. Participaram deste estudo 20 gestantes primíparas, com idade gestacional a partir de 10 semanas, divididas em 2 grupos: 10 gestantes normais (grupo A) e 10 hipertensas (grupo B), sendo 5 hipertensas crônicas (B1) e 5 portadoras da Doença Hipertensiva Específica da Gravidez (DHEG)- B2. Utilizou-se um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturado, o Desenho da Figura Humana (DFH), o DFH com tema e o Psicodiagnóstico de Rorschach. Todas as gestantes foram atendidas nos Ambulatórios de Gestação de Alto Risco (AGAR) e de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia do HC-FMRP/USP. A análise dos dados foi quantitativa e qualitativa e posteriormente, foi feita uma validação cruzada dos índices significativos das técnicas projetivas. Quanto ao tratamento dos dados: as entrevistas foram transcritas e elaboradas categorias de respostas; os protocolos dos desenhos analisados por 2 juízes e os protocolos do Rorschach codificados dentro da nomenclatura francesa, seguindo normas regionais. A análise das entrevistas demonstra que há características comuns aos dois grupos, relacionados ao fato da gravidez não ter sido planejada porém desejada e à não utilização, por parte da maioria, de métodos contraceptivos. Entretanto, observou-se diferenças entre os grupos em relação à: estabilidade na relação com o companheiro - no grupo A predominaram relações estáveis enquanto que no grupo B predominaram as relações instáveis; reação do companheiro e familiares em relação à gravidez - predominaram reações positivas no grupo A e negativas no grupo B; sentimentos da grávida em relação ao seu filho as mães do grupo A referem sentimentos positivos, enquanto que no grupo B, os sentimentos são mais negativos; e aos medos as gestantes do grupo A relatam medos referentes ao parto, enquanto que as do grupo B, referem-se à possibilidade de perda fetal. Em relação às técnicas projetivas, foi possível observar os seguintes resultados: há nos três grupos uma característica de coartação, ou seja, a existência de recursos adaptativos internos que, no momento, apresentam-se recolhidos, frente à forte tentativa de manter o controle racional sobre as vivências afetivas. Esse recolhimento pode ser decorrente da inabilidade em lidar com os seus afetos de forma mais equilibrada e satisfatória. Frente ao temor de perder o controle sobre esses impulsos, que se mostram neste momento em intensidade elevada, recorrem ao fechamento como forma de autoproteção. Todas as gestantes (grupo A e B) apresentaram uma forma mais introversiva na vivência de seus afetos, o que denota tendência em utilizar os recursos de forma mais voltada à reflexão. No grupo das gestantes normais, este esforço mostra-se eficiente na utilização de seus recursos, entretanto, apresentaram sentimentos de insegurança, egocentrismo, angústia e comportamentos regressivos, sentimentos esses esperados e considerados normais durante o período da gravidez. O grupo B1 (HAC), apresentou apego minucioso da realidade, ou seja, o ambiente é visto e vivenciado através de um estreitamento perceptivo, dificultando a comunicação com a realidade, num esforço de abarcá-la através da minuciosidade, gerando sentimentos de insatisfação pessoal e elevando os níveis de ansiedade. O grupo B2 (DHEG), apresenta uma tendência à ampliação do campo de atuação, tentando controlar a situação de forma ampla, deixando-as sobrecarregadas. Frente à imensidão de seus afetos, mostra-se insuficiente no controle dos mesmos, gerando sentimentos de insatisfação interna e conseqüente elevação dos níveis de ansiedade. Portanto, podemos afirmar que os perfis de personalidade apresentados no grupo de hipertensas, aliados aos aspectos sociais, sugerem diferenças importantes que podem estar atuando no desenvolvimento do quadro hipertensivo na gravidez. Seria adequado que, no atendimento prestado a essas gestantes, houvesse uma diferenciação na forma de abordagem de cada grupo atendido, respeitando-se as respectivas qualidades e as dificuldades, com o objetivo de favorecer a adesão ao tratamento e manter os quadros estabilizados, aproximando-os o mais que possível da gestação normal. / The pregnancy is one of the most critical stages of the human development not only for women but also men. Thats a transient moment of the existency that requires a personal adjustments in various aspects of life. This, showing the necessity of a change of identity as well as reevaluation of roles. During pregnancy, there are peculiar emocional status and a variety of changes which at the etiology is still very debated due to the fact those changes envolve complexes such as hormonal and psychological factors. Previous works, have shown a very tight relation between clinical and obstetric occurrences and specific emocional status. This lead us, in this work, to investigate why some women had presented hypertension during their pregnancy while others did not. A question can be raised, is there anything in their psychological profile making them different from the normal pregnancy? The hypertension during pregnancy is one of the major causes of maternal mortality worldwide, besides the fact of being considered a highers risk pregnancy showing an exacerbation of all features of a normal pregnancy. In this context, there is still another agravating factor, the real risk of death of both mother and baby (son). This, sometimes evokes a guilty feeling by the mother. Taking all the aspects decribed so far into account, we have tried in this work to investigate the social context of the mother (pregnant women), such as family structure, social-economic status , relationship with the babies fathers, if the pregnancy was planned or not, as well as the psychological profile of normal and hypertensive pregnant women. Took part in this study 20 primiparous women with at least 10 weeks of pregnancy or olders divided into two groups. Group A, 10 normal women and 10 hypertense (group B). In the group B, 5 women were cronic hypertense (B1) while the remainder were Gestational Hypertension, group B2. A semi-structured interview, Draw a Person Test, and Rorschach Test were applied. All women were followed, in the clinic of higher risk preganncy (AGAR) in the department of ginecology and obstetrics of the HC-FMRP/USP (General Hospital). The data analysis was quanlitative and quantitative including a cross-validation of the signification index of projective techniques. Also, regarding, the data of all interviews were transcribed and categorized, drawing protocols are analyzed by two judges and the Rorschachs protocols were encoded following the French nomenclature and local rules. These analyses showed that are common aspects in the two groups, like the fact of unexpected but accepted pregnancy as well as the neglected use of contraceptive methods in the majority of the pregnancies. However, we observed diferences between the groups when the rob stability of the relationship is concerned. In the group A, the majority of the relationship could be considered stable, while the opposite was observed in the group B. Also, in the group A positive reaction to the pregnancy was dominant for both father and family. Once again, the opposite was observed in B. Regarding mothers feeling, in group A, again, positive feeling are dominant while negative ones are shown by the majority of B. Group A shows fear mostly robted to the birth, while in B, a fear of fetus death is clear. Regarding projective techniques, it was possible to observe the following: all groups have shown the existence of self-adaptative resources, hidden at the moment due to the necessity of keeping a rational control over the affective experiences. This ca be an effect of inability of managing affectiveness in a balanced way. Other fact that contributes for that is the fear of loosing control of these feeling now much stronger, leading to an introspection as self-protection. This introspection was observed in all women regarding their affective feelings, denotating a resource towards reflection. The women in group A this effort had shown efficient when using the resources, however, they showed insecurity egocentrism, anguish, and regressive behaviours. All these feeling are expected and considered normal during pregnancy. In the group B1 shows a meticulous attachment to reality thus, the enviroment is seen and experienced through a perception narrowing. This feeling disturbes the conexion to reality and generate insatisfaction which in terms increase the ansiety. The B2 group shows tendency of widening their acting field what makes them overwhelmed. Also, this group shows an insufficient control of their affectivity what causes insatisfaction and increased anxiety. Thus, we can state that the personality profiles presented in hypertension women as well as the social aspects suggest important differences that play a role in the occurency hypertension during pregnancy. It would be adequate to develop a differencial approach during the following of the pregnancy for these two groups trying qualities and dificulties in order to facilitate adheson to the treatment and maintenance of stabel condition towards a more normal pregnancy.

Utilização de medicamentos por gestantes de alto risco no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo - HCFMRP-USP / Use of medicines among high-risk pregnant women at the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo - HCFMRP-USP

Nagai, Michelly Martins 24 March 2017 (has links)
A gestação de alto risco apresenta maior probabilidade de evolução desfavorável e está relacionada a fatores socioeconômicos, demográficos e de ordem médica. A crescente necessidade de medicamentos por gestantes de alto risco e o potencial teratogênico destes tornam os estudos epidemiológicos indispensáveis para fornecer dados para subisidiar medidas que garantam o uso racional desses medicamentos, prevenindo efeitos indesejáveis. Este estudo pretende descrever o perfil farmacoepidemiológico das gestantes de alto risco no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP) e correlacionar a utilização dos medicamentos com suas características socioeconômicas, demográficas e clínicas. Uma amostra de 386 gestantes foi entrevistada entre maio de 2014 e outubro de 2015. Dados socioeconômicos e demográficos; de acesso a serviços de saúde; sobre a gravidez; hábitos relacionados à saúde e informações sobre medicamentos e correlatos foram coletados. A idade média foi 28,7 anos (DP 6,2) e a mediana da renda per capita foi R$ 600,00 (IQ 550,00). A maioria das mulheres era branca (47,7%), possuía mais de nove anos de estudo (69,7%), não exercia atividade remunerada (54,7%), era casada ou morava com companheiro (76,9%), não possuía plano de saúde privado (87,6%), não planejou a gestação (61,9%), não era primigesta (68,8%), tinha filhos (55,7%), não teve aborto prévio (70,7%), confirmou a gestação (88,6%) e iniciou o pré-natal (86,8%) no primeiro trimestre, não fazia acompanhamento com outro médico além do ginecologista (75,1%) ou com outro professional de saúde (75,6%), recebeu orientações sobre o risco do uso de medicamentos durante a gestação (58%) e não era aderente à farmacoterapia (63%). Os diagnósticos mais prevalentes entre as entrevistadas foram hipertensão arterial (20,5%), diabetes mellitus (19,7%), obesidade (14,8%) e infecção no trato urinário (9,6%). A minoria consumia álcool (6%), fumava (8,8%), tomava café (39,6%), consumia adoçantes (14,2%), utilizava tinturas/produtos químicos capilares (9,6%), plantas medicinais (26%), praticava exercícios físicos (9,3%) e automedicação (12,7%). O consumo de medicamentos foi relatado por 99,7% das entrevistadas, com uma média de 5,1 (DP 2,1) por mulher. Os medicamentos mais utilizados pelas gestantes foram antianêmicos (88,9%), analgésicos (63,2%), antibacterianos de uso sistêmico (26,7%), medicamentos para distúrbios gastrintestinais (20,2%), anti-histamínicos de uso sistêmico (19,7%), anti-hipertensivos (19,4%), medicamentos para desordens relacionadas à acidez (18,1%), antinfecciosos e antissépticos ginecológicos (17,4%) e vitaminas (16,8%). De acordo com as categorias de risco para uso na gestação da Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 2,5% dos medicamentos utilizados são da categoria A, 25% da B, 35% da C, 11,3% da D e 1,2% da X. Segundo a classificação de risco de Briggs; Freeman e Yaffe (2015), a maioria dos medicamentos são classificados nas categorias \"compatível\" (25,6%) e \"dados humanos sugerem baixo risco\" (10,6%). Na categoria \"contraindicado\", encontram-se 10% dos medicamentos. Não foram encontradas evidências de associação entre o número de medicamentos utilizados pelas gestantes e as demais características estudadas. Os dados obtidos neste estudo podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de estratégias para melhorar o atendimento e o uso racional de medicamentos pelas gestantes de alto risco, aumentando a qualidade de vida desta população / High risk pregnancy is more likely to be unfavorable and is related to socioeconomic, demographic and medical factors. The increasing need for medicines by high-risk pregnant women and its teratogenic potential make epidemiological studies indispensable to provide data to subsidize measures that guarantee the rational use of these drugs, preventing undesirable effects. This study aims to describe the pharmacoepidemiological profile of high-risk pregnant women at the Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo (HCFMRP-USP) and to correlate the use of medicines with their socioeconomic, demographic and clinical characteristics. A sample of 386 high-risk pregnant women was interviewed between May 2014 and October 2015. Socioeconomic and demographic data; access to health services data; pregnancy data; health-related habits data and medicines and correlated data were collected. The mean age was 28.7 years (SD 6.2) and the median per capita income was R$ 600.00 (IQ 550.00). The majority of the women were white (47.7%), had more than nine years of study (69.7%), were not emplyed (54.7%), were married or lived with a partner (76.9%), did not have a private health plan (87.6%), did not plan the pregnancy (61.9%), were not primigravida (68.8%), had children (55.7%), had no previous abortion (70.7%), confirmed gestation (88.6%) and started prenatal care (86.8%) in the first trimester, did not follow up with another physician other than the gynecologist (75.1%) or another health professional (75.6%), received guidance on the risk of using medication during pregnancy (58%) and was not adherent to pharmacotherapy (63%). The most prevalent diagnoses among the interviewees were hypertension (20.5%), diabetes mellitus (19.7%), obesity (14.8%) and urinary tract infection (9.6%). The minority consumed alcohol (6%), smoked (8.8%), drank coffee (39.6%), consumed sweeteners (14.2%), used tinctures/chemical hair products (9.6%), medicinal plants (26%), practiced physical exercises (9.3%) and self-medication (12.7%). Consumption of medicines was reported by 99.7% of the interviewees, with an average of 5.1 (SD 2.1) per woman. The medicines most used by pregnant women were antianemics (88.9%), analgesics (63.2%), systemic antibacterials (26.7%), medications for gastrointestinal disorders (20.2%), antihistamines (19.7%), antihypertensives (19.4%), medications for acidity-related disorders (18.1%), gynecological anti-infectives and antiseptics (17.4%) and vitamins (16.8%). According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) pregnancy risk categories, 2.5% of the drugs used are of category A, 25% of B, 35% of C, 11,3% of D and 1.2% of X. According to Briggs, Freeman and Yaffe\'s risk classification (2015), most medicines are classified in the categories \"compatible\" (25.6%) and \"human data suggest low risk\" (10.6%). In the \"contraindicated\" category, there are 10% of the medicines used. No evidence of association was found between the number of medications used by pregnant women and the other characteristics studied. The data obtained in this study may contribute to the development of strategies to improve care and rational use of medications by high-risk pregnant women, increasing the quality of life of this population

Predictors for adverse maternal and fetal outcomes in high risk pregnancy

Cheong-See, Fi January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to undertake health technology assessments in high risk pregnancies through the following objectives: 1. In women with pre-eclampsia, a) To evaluate the association of maternal genotype and severe pre-eclampsia b) To assess the accuracy of tests in predicting adverse pregnancy outcomes c) To develop composite outcomes for reporting in trials on late onset pre-eclampsia 2. In women with multiple pregnancy, a) To study the association between chorionicity and stillbirth b) To identify the optimal timing of delivery in monochorionic and dichorionic twin pregnancies 3. In the field of prediction research in obstetrics a) To provide an overview of the existing prognostic models and their qualities b) To evaluate the methodological challenges and potential solutions in developing a prognostic model for complications in pre-eclampsia Methods The following research methodologies were used: Delphi survey, systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Results 1. a) Maternal genotype and severe pre-eclampsia: 57 studies evaluated 50 genotypes; increased risk of severe pre-eclampsia with thromobophilic genes. b) Accuracy of tests in predicting pre-eclampsia complications: 37 studies evaluated 13 tests. No single test showed high sensitivity and specificity. c) Delphi survey of 18/20 obstetricians and 18/24 neonatologists identified clinically important maternal and neonatal outcomes and maternal and neonatal composite outcomes were developed. 2. Prospective risk of stillbirth and neonatal deaths in uncomplicated monochorionic and dichorionic twin pregnancies: 32 studies were included. In dichorionic twin pregnancies, the risk of stillbirths was balanced against neonatal death at 37 weeks' gestation. In monochorionic pregnancies, there was a trend towards increase in stillbirths after 36 weeks but this was not significant. 3. a) From 177 studies included, 263 obstetric prediction models were developed for 40 different outcomes, most commonly pre-eclampsia, preterm delivery, mode of delivery and small for gestational age neonates. b) The obstetric prognostic model challenge of dealing with treatment paradox was explored and seven potential solutions proposed by expert consensus. Conclusion I have identified the strength of association for genes associated with complications in pre-eclampsia, components for composite outcomes for reporting in studies on pre-eclampsia, and the optimal timing of delivery for twin pregnancies. My work has highlighted the gaps in prediction research in obstetrics and the limitations of individual tests in pre-eclampsia.

The experience of men whose partners are hospitalized for high-risk pregnancies : a phenomenological study /

Noftall, Alice, January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (M.N.)--Memorial University of Newfoundland, School of Nursing, 2000. / Bibliography: leaves 109-116.

Condição bucal autorreferida e o uso do serviço odontológico por gestantes de alto risco / Self-reported oral condition and the use of dental service by high-risk pregnant women.

Rós, Denise de Toledo [UNESP] 27 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by DENISE DE TOLEDO RÓS (denise_ddi@hotmail.com) on 2018-10-17T23:26:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação final- Denise Rós.pdf: 2181491 bytes, checksum: 2f8c2f248e464243102048dda1e2bac7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Rimoli de Oliveira null (anapaula@foa.unesp.br) on 2018-10-18T12:58:12Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 rós_dt_me_araca_int.pdf: 2181491 bytes, checksum: 2f8c2f248e464243102048dda1e2bac7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-18T12:58:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 rós_dt_me_araca_int.pdf: 2181491 bytes, checksum: 2f8c2f248e464243102048dda1e2bac7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A gestação é um período especial na vida de toda mulher, e visando o bem estar da família e melhoria das condições de saúde o acompanhamento de uma equipe multiprofissional é preconizado. Os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento do Milênio proposto pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), devido a relevância da temática, apresentaram metas e ações específicas para a redução da mortalidade materno-infantil. Dentre as ações destacam-se a ampliação do acompanhamento pré-natal e o incentivo ao aleitamento materno. Os objetivos nesta pesquisa foram: investigar a morbidade bucal referida e o uso de serviços odontológicos por gestantes de alto risco e analisar a intenção de aleitamento materno destas gestantes. Foi realizada pesquisa transversal, com 1200 gestantes de alto risco, que realizaram acompanhamento pré-natal no Ambulatório Médico de Especialidades (AME) do município de Araçatuba. Na coleta de dados foram realizadas entrevistas padronizadas, utilizando-se formulário específico previamente testado em estudo piloto, com entrevistadores calibrados e em local apropriado. As variáveis dependentes foram: o uso do serviço odontológico, a condição bucal autorreferida, intenção de amamentação exclusiva e histórico de amamentação anterior. Para processamento dos dados foram empregados os softwares Epi Info 7.4.1, Bioestat 5.3 e IRAMUTEQ O teste qui-quadrado ao nível de significância de 5% foi empregado para análises quantitativas. Do total de entrevistadas, 40,08% realizaram sua última consulta odontológica com mais de 1 ano, 72,17% relataram de “regular” a “muito ruim” seus dentes e gengivas e 75,58% afirmaram terem tido dor de origem dentária. A condição bucal autorreferida esteve associada com a idade (p=0,0156), escolaridade (p<0,0001), renda (p<0,0001), ocupação (p<0,0001), estado civil (p<0,0001) e com o uso do serviço (p<0,0001), e a consulta odontológica mostrou associação com idade (p=0,0194) e ocupação (p=0,0016). Sobre a amamentação, 8,76% das gestantes apresentavam condições que poderiam afetar o aleitamento. A pretensão de amamentação exclusiva foi afirmada por 93,83%, sendo 69,86% até os 6 meses. O histórico de amamentação anterior mostrou associação com pretensão de amamentação exclusiva (p=0,0165), período de amamentação pretendido (p<0,0001), apoio familiar (p=0,0494) e escolaridade (p=0,0472). A análise qualitativa mostrou, por meio de nuvem de palavra e análise de similitude, que os motivos mais relevantes para a recusa de amamentação exclusiva foram: HIV, uso de medicação, trabalho e falta de informação. Conclui-se que, apesar da condição bucal ser relatada de “regular” a “muito ruim” por parte das pacientes, o uso do serviço odontológico por gestantes de alto risco ainda foi baixo. A maioria das gestantes de alto risco pretendiam amamentar exclusivamente no peito por um período de 6 meses, no entanto, algumas condições poderiam interferir na amamentação. O histórico de amamentação de outros filhos influenciou a intenção de amamentar. / Gestation is a special period in the life of every woman , and aiming at the well - being of the f amily and improvement of health conditions, the follow - up of a multiprofessional team is recommended. Th e Millennium Development Goals proposed by the United Nations (UN), due to the relevance of the theme, presented specific goals and actions to reduce maternal an d child mortality . A mong the actions were the expansion of prenatal care and the encouragement to breastfeeding. The objective s of this research w ere: to investigate the mentioned oral morbidity and the use of dental services by high risk pregnant women an d to analyze the intention of breastfeeding of these pregnant women . A cross - sectional study was carried out with 1200 high - risk pregnant women who underwent prenatal care at the Medical Specialist Ambulatory (MSA) in the city of Araçatuba. In the data col lection, standardized interviews were performed using a specific form previously tested in a pilot study, with interviewers calibrated and in an appropriate place. The dependent variables were: the use of the dental service, the self - reported oral conditio n, exclusive breastfeeding intention and previous breastfeeding history. For data processing, the software Epi Info 7.4.1, Bioestat 5.3 and IRAMUTEQ were used. The chi - square test at the significance level of 5% was used for quantitative analysis. From the total respondents, 40.08% had visited the dental office over 1 year ago, 72.17% reported their teeth and gingiva as "fair" or "very poor", and 75.58% reported having had a toothache. The self - reported oral condition was related to age (p=0.0156), level of education (p<0.0001), income (p<0.0001), occupation (p<0.0001), marital status (p<0.0001), and dental care utilization (p<0.0001) , and dental appointments showed association with age (p=0.0194) and occupation (p=0.0 016). Ab out breastfeeding, 8.76% of pregnant women had conditions that could affect breastfeeding. The intention of exclusive breastfeeding was affirmed by 93.83%, being 69.86% up to 6 months. Breastfeeding history showed association with exclusive breastf eeding (p=0.0165), intended breastfeeding period (p<0.0001), family support (p=0.0494) and schooling (p=0.0472). The qualitative analysis showed, through word cloud and similarity analysis, that the most relevant reasons for refusing exclusive breastfeedin g were: HIV, medication use, work and lack of information . It was concluded that, although the oral condition was reported from "regular" to "very poor" by the patients, the use of dental service by high - risk pregnant women still low. Most high - risk pregna nt women intended to exclusively breastfeed for a period of 6 months, however, some conditions could interfere with breastfeeding. The history of breastfeeding of other children influenced the intention to breastfeed.

Gestantes com excesso de peso: qualidade do pré-natal e efetividade da assistência nutricional sobre a duração do aleitamento materno

ASSUNÇÃO, Monica Lopes de 20 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-04-07T15:27:32Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese_MLA Digital.pdf: 5608380 bytes, checksum: 892ab76196ada4e1f22c7e3c017b5122 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-07T15:27:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Tese_MLA Digital.pdf: 5608380 bytes, checksum: 892ab76196ada4e1f22c7e3c017b5122 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-20 / CNPq / O excesso de peso pré-gestacional e/ou adquirido durante a gestação é reconhecido como um fator de risco obstétrico, predispondo à mãe e o concepto a inúmeras intercorrências clínicas, cujos prejuízos não cessam com o término da gravidez. Entre essas consequências, observa-se menor duração na lactação. Diante disso, seria esperado que intervenções dietéticas e outras ações relacionadas à assistência pré-natal pudessem prevenir o excesso de peso e os desfechos negativos advindos dessa associação. São poucos os estudos que avaliam a qualidade da assistência pré-natal e a relação entre a intervenção dietética para gestantes com excesso de peso e o êxito nos indicadores de aleitamento materno. Esta tese teve como objetivos: verificar a efetividade da assistência nutricional sobre a morbidade materna e a maior duração do aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) e, avaliar a qualidade do pré-natal ofertado por um serviço de referência às gestantes com excesso de peso. Os resultados obtidos estão apresentados sob a forma de dois artigos: um ensaio clínico, com 220 gestantes alocadas com IMC pré-gestacional >25,0 kg/m2 e idade gestacional ≤20 semanas, atendidas em três unidades de saúde de Maceió. Através do aplicativo Epitable, as gestantes foram alocadas no grupo intervenção (GI) ou no grupo controle (GC). Todas as gestantes participaram de atividades de educação em saúde durante o pré-natal, mas somente aquelas do GI receberam assistência nutricional individualizada mensal. A cada mês todas tinham seu peso aferido e os prontuários consultados para verificação de eventuais intercorrências. Por ocasião do 10º, 30º, 60º, 90º, 120º, 150º e 180º dias após o parto, procedeu-se visita domiciliar a todas as mães visando o monitoramento da prática do aleitamento materno. Das 220 gestantes recrutadas, 169 finalizaram o protocolo. Na comparação entre as gestantes do GC e GI não foram observadas diferenças significantes nas seguintes condições: ganho de peso, frequência de gestantes que apresentaram ganho ponderal compatível com o IMC pré-gestacional e intercorrências gestacionais. No conjunto das gestantes, a frequência de aleitamento materno na sala de parto foi inferior a 8,0% e 8,3% das puérperas nunca amamentaram. A prevalência de AME no 6º mês foi zero. O tempo médio de AME no GI foi superior ao verificado no GC (29,5 vs. 22,2 dias; p=0,04), assim como o aleitamento materno total (41,2 vs. 25,7 dias; p=0,03). Para avaliar a qualidade da assistência pré-natal oferecida por um hospital escola de referência no Estado para atendimento de gestantes de alto risco, procedeu-se a análise dos 64 prontuários referentes às pacientes selecionadas nesse serviço para compor o ensaio clínico acima referido. A análise da qualidade do pré-natal foi 100% insatisfatória pelo índice de Silveira et al. e de qualidade intermediária em 93,8% dos prontuários analisados segundo o índice de Silva et al. Conclui-se, que é inadequada a qualidade do pré-natal oferecido pelo serviço de referência às gestantes de alto risco e que a assistência nutricional individualizada não promoveu menor ganho de peso entre aquelas que receberam intervenção, quando comparadas as do grupo controle, porém foi efetiva em aumentar a duração do aleitamento materno exclusivo e total. / The pre-pregnancy excessive weight or the weight acquired during pregnancy is recognized as an obstetric risk factor, predisposing both mother and the fetus to several clinical complications which may not finish with the end of the pregnancy. Among these consequences, shorter lactation is observed, therefore, one could expect that dietary interventions and other actions related to the prenatal care would prevent overweight and negative outcomes arising from this association. There are few studies that assess the quality of prenatal care and the relation between dietary intervention for overweight pregnant women and success in breastfeeding indicators. This thesis aimed to: verify the effectiveness of nutritional assistance on maternal morbidity and duration of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) and; assess the quality of prenatal care offered by a reference service for pregnant women who are overweight. The results are presented in the form of two articles: a clinical trial with 220 pregnant women allocated with pre-pregnancy BMI> 25.0 kg / m2 and gestational age ≤20 weeks, assisted in three health units in Maceió. Through the Epitable application, patients were allocated in the intervention group (IG) or the control group (CG). All pregnant women participated in health education activities during prenatal care, but only those of GI received monthly individualized nutritional assistance. Each month, every woman had her weight measured and her records consulted to check for possible complications. At the 10th, 30th, 60th, 90th, 120th, 150th and 180th days after childbirth, home visit was made to all mothers aiming to track breastfeeding practices. Of the 220 pregnant women enrolled, 169 completed the protocol. Comparing pregnant women from GC and GI there weren’t differences in such points: weight gain, frequency of women who had weight gain consistent with the pre-pregnancy BMI and pregnancy complications. In the group of pregnant women, the frequency of breastfeeding in the delivery room was less than 8.0% and 8.3% of puerperal mothers never breastfed. The prevalence of EBF at 6 months was zero. The average length of EBF in GI was higher than in the CG (29.5 vs. 22.2 days, p = 0.04) and total breastfeeding (41.2 vs. 25.7 days, p = 0.03).To assess the quality of prenatal care offered by a reference school hospital in the State in caring for high-risk pregnancies, the analysis of 64 medical files relating to patients selected in this service was proceeded to make up the clinical trial above. The analysis of prenatal quality care was 100% unsatisfactory by the Silveira et al. index and of intermediate quality in 93.8% of records analyzed according to the Silva et al. index. In conclusion, the prenatal quality offered by the reference service to high-risk pregnant women and, the individualized nutritional assistance did not cause less weight gain among those who received the intervention compared to the control group, but was effective in increasing the duration of both exclusive and full breastfeeding.

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