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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Royalism, religion, and revolution : the gentry of North-East Wales, 1640-1688

Ward, Sarah January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses specifically on the gentry of North-East Wales. It addresses the question of the uniqueness of the region's gentry in relation to societal organisation, authority, identity, religion, and political culture. The thesis examines the impact of the events of 1640 to 1688 on the conservative culture of the region. It assesses the extent to which the seventeenth-century crises changed that culture. Additionally, it discusses the distinctiveness of the Welsh response to those events. This thesis offers new arguments, or breaks new ground, in relation to three principal areas of historiography: the questions of Welsh identity, religion, and political culture. Within Welsh historiography this thesis argues for a continuation of Welsh identity and ideals. It uncovers a royalist, loyalist, and Anglican culture that operated using ancient ideals of territorial power and patronage to achieve its ends. In doing so it overturns a lingering idea that the Welsh gentry were anglicised and alienated from the populace. The thesis also interacts with English debates on the same themes. In exploring the unique aspects of the culture of North-East Wales, the assertion of an anglicised monoculture across England and Wales can be disproven. This allows for a more complex picture of British identity, religion, and politics to emerge. This thesis musters correspondence, material objects, diaries, notebooks, accounts, official documents, and architectural features to aid in its analysis. This breadth of evidence allows for a broad analysis of regional patterns while allowing for depth when required. The first three chapters of the thesis examine the North-East Welsh gentry in relation to the themes of Welsh society and identity; religion; and finally political culture. The final chapter comprises three case studies that explore aspects of the aforementioned themes in further depth.

The reformulation of territorial identity : Cornwall in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

Deacon, Bernard January 2001 (has links)
Territory remains a focus for identification and territorial identity an enduring topic of scholarly research. This dissertation explores the territorial identity of Cornwall in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The study does three things; it defines Cornish identity on the basis of concepts of distinction, integration, process, narrative, context and scale; it applies the model of regional identity formation proposed by Anssi Paasi; and it develops the disciplinary approach of the new Cornish Studies. The subject of the dissertation is the period after the fragmentation of a linguistically based ethnic identity and before the reconstruction of a ‘Celtic’ Cornish identity. A comparative investigation of this phase of the history of identity transformation restores continuity between Cornwall’s industrial and post-industrial periods and provides an account of modern Cornish identity. The first part of the dissertation reviews representations of Cornwall and its people in the early nineteenth century. The focus then shifts to discuss the structures and institutions – economic, social and religious – around which identities cohered. The argument of the thesis is that industrialisation based on deep metal mining gave the Cornish a renewed pride as inhabitants of one of Europe’s first centres of industrialisation. In this sense Cornwall resembled other industrial regions in the early nineteenth century British Isles. However, it also differed from them, most notably in its demography, in the social relations produced by rural industrialisation and in the way its historians had re-fashioned a history of the Cornish as a distinct group. By the later nineteenth century a hybrid identity had emerged, one based on a regional pride induced by industrialisation but one that also looked back to symbols of ethnic distinctiveness. This regional identity nested within identities of Englishness and Britishness that constrained its political potential.

”Ska det vara så jäkla svårt att ha med en ledande kvinna…” : En undersökning om gymnasielevers syn på genus, historiemedvetande och historisk identitet i deras lärobok. / ”Should it be so damn hard to have a leading lady…” : A survey on high school students’ views on gender, historical consciousness, and historical identity in their textbook.

Magnusson, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
The main purpose of this essay was to interview students to get an idea of what their views of images with women in their history textbook is and how the representation, or the lack of, can affect their historical consciousness and historical identity. In order to find out this information, an unstructured interview in form of a focus group, with four students in high school, was used as well as an own review of their textbook to give a picture of the students’ perspective. The main theoretical starting point was based on gender theory with a focus on the distinction between the sexes which was used to help illuminate how the book differentiates between the sexes in terms of representation. Two theories, historical consciousness and historical identity, were also used to highlight how students are actually affected by the potentially unequal gender representation in images in their textbooks. What this essay shows is that there is a very skewed representation with a majority of men in the pictures in the book and when it is a woman she is in a position of less significance of a man. This is something the students are not happy with in general and it shows that they want a better representation in the pictures in their textbook. This has to some extent also affected their view of their historical identity as well as the students’ view of the past, present and future from a historical perspective.

Lokalhistoria i förorten

Falk, Jerry January 2006 (has links)
SammanfattningHuvudsyftet med detta arbete är att få en inblick i hur två skilda förortsskolor med helt olika elevsammansättning i Malmö använder sig av närområdet (lokalhistoria) i historieundervisningen. Vilka olikheter finns mellan dessa två skolor? Vilka är skillnaderna och om det finns skillnader, vad beror detta i så fall på? Jag har även velat få kunskap om hur elevernas intresse för historia/lokalhistoria ser ut. Vilka för- och nackdelar det finns med att använda sig av lokalhistoria? Den ena skolan är belägen i Malmös södra del i stadsdelen Hyllie. Här är majoriteten av eleverna svenska. Den andra skolan är belägen i Malmös östra del i stadsdelen Rosengård, där majoriteten av eleverna har invandrarbakgrund. Själva undersökningen har jag genomfört i form av enkäter som gått ut till tre lärare respektive tre nionde klasselever på de båda skolorna. De skillnader som finns på dessa skolor rör sig främst om sättet att lägga upp undervisningen på. I Hyllie arbetar historielärarna på ett mer traditionellt vis där lärobokens innehåll styr mycket av undervisningen. Där är det upp till varje lärare att använda sig av lokalhistoria. På Rosengård arbetar lärarna med tema i undervisningen som är tematiskt upplagd. Eleverna där arbetar mycket självständigt i en tidrymd på 5-6 veckor, dessutom arbetar de i årskurs sex med Malmö och deras närområde. De olika sätten att lägga upp undervisningen på, tycker jag avspeglar sig i elevernas intresse för ämnet. / AbstractThe main purpose with this essey is to get an insight in how two different suburbpreschools with totaly different pupilcompostion in Malmö is using the immediate surroundings (local history) in their historyeducation. What differences are there between these schools? What are the distiction and if there are any, and in that case, why ? I have also wanted to get some knowledge about how the pupils interest are on history/ localhisory now a days. What advantages and disadvanteges there are of using localhistory? One of the school is located in Malmös south district Hyllie. The majority of the pupils here are Swedish. The other school is located in Malmös east district Rosengård, were the majority of the pupils has a foreign background. The examination in it self I’ve done trough questionnaires wich I gave to three teachers in three 9th grades in both schools. The differences that exist in these schools are mostly the way that they plan their education. In Hyllie the teachers works in a more traditionell way, were the textbok controls a lot of the teaching. I’ts up to each and everyone of the teachers to use localhistory there. In Rosengård the teachers works with themes in their education wich is thematic inclined and the pupils work independent in a period of 5-6 weeks, in addition to that the 6th graders are reading about Malmö and their immediat suroundings. I think that the different ways they plan the education reflects in the pupils interest.

A Nation's History as Part of its History Education : A current comparative study of Scottish and Swedish secondary school teachers' perception of history, and curricula

Nordlund MacDougall, Robin January 2024 (has links)
This master's thesis explores the perceptions of the Short 20th Century history among high school teachers in Sweden and Scotland, focusing on how their perceptions fit within their own country's curricula's view on the same historic period. The study comprises two parts: an analysis of national history curricula and a survey of history teachers in both countries. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons of educational documents reveal nuanced differences, with Sweden emphasising a global perspective and Scotland maintaining a balanced approach between global and national narratives. Survey results underscore these distinctions, highlighting Swedish teachers' strong emphasis on a global outlook and Scottish educators' recognition of both national and global perspectives. The findings illuminate the diverse educational priorities and approaches to national history in Sweden and Scotland, shedding light on the complex interplay between historical narratives and educational contexts in shaping students' understanding of the Short 20th Century.

Komparace národní identity post-sovětské generace Bělorusů žijících v Bělorusku a Bělorusů žijících v České republice / Comparison of the national identity of the post-Soviet generation of Belarusians living in Belarus and Belarusians living in the Czech Republic

Kracíková, Karolína January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the national identity of the post-Soviet generation of Belarusians. It is a group of people that is specific in that they were born after the fall of the Soviet Union and lived almost their entire life under the rule of Alexander Lukashenko. In the presented work I will focus on the comparison of the national identity of two groups of representatives of this generation. The first is a group of Belarusians living in Belarus and the second is a group of Belarusians living in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis will be to find out whether the representatives of the post-Soviet generation of Belarusians living in Belarus and the representatives of Belarusians living in the Czech Republic share a uniform definition of national identity. In order to answer this research question, a qualitative research was conducted with respondents from the ranks of Belarusians living in Belarus and Belarusians living in the Czech Republic. The research is focused on the categories that are traditionally considered to be pillars of national identity. These categories include, for example, the national language, historical identity, relationship to surrounding nations or relationship to national identity presented by President Lukashenko.

Hledání identity v tzv. palánkovském cyklu Ladislava Balleka / Searching for identity in so-called Palank cycle written by Ladislav Ballek

Erdélyiová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is of an analytical/interpretative character, focusing on the search for identity in the so-called "Palánek" cycle by Ladislav Ballek. The source texts are Ballek's novel collection Južná pošta (1974) and novels Pomocník (1977) and Agáty (1981). The comparison focuses mainly on the specific approach to national identity. The analytical part aims to grasp the different forms of human identity and to explain their specific nature (national, historic, cultural) with emphasis on the interpretation of specific texts with regard to their broader validity in the context of Slovak literature.

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